The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, December 21, 1923, Image 1

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Pelham Journal VOL. r 21 N> cV! k- 37 - HIGH SCHOOL NEWS ITEMS Just thiuk Christmas is nearly here and we are afraid that the little fellows iu grammer school have almost forgotten to study but are being good iu school anyway thinking only of ole’ Sauta. We all wish each other a merry Christ¬ mas and hope that Ole’ Sauta will be liberal with each aud every one of us. We sincerely hope the teachers have a happy and Merry Xmas. Toasts Here’s to Mr. Meetze, mav the sun never stop shining for him on Curry St. Here’s to Elizabeth Hilliard, hop ing her the best of luck with her new hair cut. Here’s to Mary fane, mav she gain day by day iu every way. Here’s to Marion, Rogers may others profit aud behave as she does. Pelham High Wins From Baeonton High Pelham tromped on Bacon to a last Friday night 43 6. Beware of the high score, the game was featured by some fast passiug on both sides- But the visitors found it impossible to penetrate through Pelham’s five men defense causing* the visitors to take long shots. McDowell brothers were the stars the entire team played well together We hope that the next time the boys have a game on the home court, a large crowd will come and root for them. COME! they need your support. Classified Want Ads Wanted a house party where the Senior cla^s can get its fill of so¬ cial activites- A. C. Meetze, For Sale — A complete set of school books, slightly used. Oliff Park Flynt, Wanted—A place where we can powder our noses without Mr. Meetze seeing us. Senior girls, Wanted — A Senior class to“act civilized” some times. Miss Turner. For Sale—Beauty hints, Sanford Mallard. Wanted— Something to laugh about, Burdeene Hurst. Wanted—Someone to answer all my questions, Mary McDonald For Sale — A complete set of rags, guaranteed to cur! hair in one night used only nine months apply to John Zennia Akridge. For Sale—A revised edition of my famous book,'* How to vamp the ladies”, Everett Campbell. Why be ugly? Have beautiful blonde hair! write for paticulars to Elizabeth Harris. Discovered—New scientific fact that bobbed hair is a weather fore castor, by Elnora Marshall. Wanted — Some new songs to sing in chapel. High School. Wanted—A private secretary to do all my work. By any one of us, Seuiors JOKES Ashmore Wilder “Did you hear about the accident iu chapel this A M.?” Robert Smith “No” Ashmore “Well,Clifton had his eve on a seat and Roy Lee sat on it. Miss Wilkerson “When was the revival of learning?” Beth James The day before PELHAM, .........___________: .GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1923. SUPREME COURT RULES AGAINST PEACH COUNTY Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 19'—The Georgia Supreme Court handed down a decision today upholding the decision of the Huston Super ior Court in the case of Houser, or¬ dinary, vs Harley. The court held that the vote on the new Peach county had uot been conducted legally aud that there was uo such county as Peach. FORD NOT TO BE A CANDIDATE Henry Ford issued a statement that he will not run for president, either as a nominee of the Demo¬ cratic Party or as a condidate of a third party. He has cotne out strong for the candidacy of President Coolidge, endorsing his administration, and stating that he favors his re-elect ion. That puts at an end the Ford boom, which has for several mouths been a source of uneasiness to the party leaders of the two old parties. Christmas. Miss Turner “Bill you don’t seem to be putting enough time on your French. How many subjects do you carry any wav? Bill West I’m carrying two aud dragging three. l seem to know.” Mr. Meetz “I take it you have been studying quite intensively.” Myrtle “What beautiful flowers, why isn’t there a little dew ou them? Alex Hood Holman (blushing) “Yes, but I'll pay it before long.” Mr. Wilkerson “David of what use is soap?” David Barrow “idontknow sir” Mr. Wilkerson ‘‘You ought to try to f ind out.” Things We Have Heard of lint Never Seen Tlth grade room? without Ollif Park’s laughter and chatter. Mattie Lizzie with anything less than “A” in deportment. Elnora keeping still from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Elizabeth Harris not having the last word. Ruth and Naomi acting like sisters. Everett Campbell on time every day. / Elizabeth Hilliard mad all day. Mary Jane uot talking to the boys. Rudolph worried over anything. Mary Lou talking while the teacher is out of the room. Vertie facing the front all day. John Zenuia over working her¬ self. Burdeene flirting with the boys Harrell West without candy to supply the room Bonnie Hill discourteous to the teachers. Sadie Smith without blooming cheeks. Ilene NeS mith going a whole day without talking. Sanford in a big hurry. Mary not chewing gum Rosalind being kept in for talk¬ ing Toy Crawford wearing straight hair. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The Guiding Star The approaching holiday is set apart to commemorate the birth of the Saviour. That event has changed the des¬ tinies of mankind more than any other happening since the Hegin ing of Time. The Star that hovered over the . Manger was placed there to guide X the wise men of that day. and J since that time It has guided the ♦ wisest men of each generation. The lives and secret thoughts of man, believer and unbeliever, have been changed and tempered and softened by the teachings of Him, who was horn beneath that Star. Our wish for your Holiday is that you may see more dearly the Star that shone over the Manger, and follow it moYe closely in the years to come. A happy Christ- $ mas to all of you. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PRESBYTERIANS TO WORSHIP CHRISTMAS DAY The local Presbyterian Church will hold a service of worship and praise on Christmas (Tuesday) at noott iu the Club room in the Lib¬ rary. As we understand that our business houses will close down at this hour, we very cordially in¬ vite them to come as they are, Hymn— Joy to the World”— —Congregation. Invocation. Duet—“Holy Night”— ,.rnon Harris and Frances Barrow. Scripture—The Birth of Jesus Hymn—“Hark the Herald An¬ gels Sing”—Congregation.* Prayer. Christmas offering. Christmas Carol—“Lo! He Comes”—Choir. Recitation—“Christmas Every¬ where”—Frances Barrow. Solo with violin obligato—Mrs. Deans. Hymn—“it came upon a mid night Clear”—Congregation. Christmas Carol—“Little of Bethlehem”—Choir. Sermon—“Love’s Mystery Manifest”. Benediction. Anxiety For Safety Of Pelham Latest despatches from Mexico state that the heaviest fighting of the revolution took place Tuesday and Wednesday at Villa Hermosa, the Capital of the State of Tobasco, as a result of determined attacks up¬ on thatfcity by revolutionary troops. Mr. and Mr. John Monahan of Pelham are now living in the City of Frontera, which is less than fifty miles from Villa Hermosa, and their Pelham friends are waiting with much anxiety to learn whet¬ her or not they were caught in the battle zone. FOR SALE—Cabbage Plants growu from Long Island Seed. White Bermuda Onion Sets. Prices, by mail post-paid; 100 25e, 500 73c, 1,000, at $1.2.3. By Express, collect, 1,000 to .3.000, at $1.00 per thousand; 5,000 lo 20,000, at 75c per thousand. Leary Plant Co., Leary, G*, ELECTRIC WIRE KILLS WALTER B. SCOTT Walter B. Scott, night watch mau at the plant of the Pelham Oil aud Fertilizer Company, was in¬ stantly killed Saturday morning by a live wire of the Georgia Alabama Power Company, of Albany. It is reported that the wire had grounded against an oak tree dur¬ ing the night aud had burned in two. Scott was on his way home work aud finding the wire on the street took a stick and began pushing it into the gutter as he walked along the sidewalk. When he came to the end of the wire it is said he picked it up in his hand and was knocked down. Mr. X. C. Meloy, who was near, seized an ax from a nearby yard and cut the wire, but Scott was already dead, appearing to have been killed almost the instance he grasped the wire. The deceased leaves a wife and small children, He was a of the First Baptist Church of this city. He was a native of South Caroliua, and all his other relatives are said to reside there. He married Miss Leila McCormick of Pelham, and was a popular man and a good citizen, and his death was a sad shock to the community. His body was carried to his old home in South Carolina where the funeral and interment took place. FOR SALE — All household r-rtwceiti, po.'dh ifttuituri* tennis net, chickens, etc, Cheap. 12 21 It C. C- Parker. Pay Your Subscription Consolidated Drug Co. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS ALL SIZES SYRUP CORKS Phones 32 and 66. Let Your Qift be Useful! Give your wife, daughter, that sister or sweetheart a gift is both beautiful and useful. Give her a Bulova Watch—internationally 4 famous for its exquisite grace of | designandnever-varyingaccuTacy 18 Kt. 25-year case, handsomely en¬ 18 Kt. solid white gold case, hand¬ graved ; fine Bulova Move- $35 somely engraved; fine 17 Jewel q)3v/ C Bulova Movement . . . . of small deposit will hold any gift you select until wanted <* W. W. Burnett. $1.00 PER YEAR. LOCAL MASONS ELECT OFFICERS The Local Masonic Lodge X r o. 312 held their annual election of officers Tuesday night, Dec. 18th The officers elected for the ensur¬ ing year are as follows: A- R. Dasher, W. M. L. A. Shepherd, S. W. T. |. Daniels, T. W. B. TJ. Curry, Treasurer A- R. Baggs, Sec. E X- Wilson, Chaplain J. H. Maxwell, Tyler. Chas. J, Wadsworth S. D. C. O. Daniels, J- D. C. H Haves, S. S. R. F. Whidden, J- S Several ^ interesting speeches were made during the evening. SPECIAL SERVICE SUNDAY NIGHT Next Sunday night,. December 23rd, there will be a special service at the First Baptist Church. The Choir will render a fine program of Christmas music, and following this part of the service, The Luther Rice Intermediate Union under the leadership of Mr. D. C. Alli good, will give a Pageant: “The Southern Baptist Convention” par¬ ticipated iu by some, thirty five young people in costume. There will uo doubt be a record breaking attendance of the members and friends of the congregation to en¬ joy this beautiful service. The HOUR fa 7:30, and strangers and visitors in the city are cordially invited to attend the service and worship with us. Guests at the hotel near by will receive an especial welcome at both the mor¬ ning and evening service.