The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, January 25, 1924, Image 1

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The Pelham Journal VOL. 21 NO. 41 PREMIER LENINE OF RUSSIA DIES Nicolai Lenine, premier of Soviet Russia, is d£ad. The end came at 5:30 o’clock .Monday afternoon but the death was not announced [for some time • afterward. Leniue’s death occurred at his country villa near Moscow, where he had been living in retirement. It came after a sudden turn for the worse, culminating iu a stroke which paralyzed his respiratoary organism. Announcement of his d:-ath was made by the all-Russian Soviet this morning. News of his death, while not unexpected to those who had been closest to him in the Soviet coun cils, came unexpectedly at this time to a great majority, as the most recent reports have been that he was considerably improved in health. While there has been con tinous anxiety for his condition since ho was striken in June, 1922 public attention has lately been more directed to the difficulties among the Communist party lead er’s, and particulaily to the status of f.eou Trot/.ky, who,, it was re cently announced, was in poor health and has gone away for a rest. The] death of Premier Lenine leaves domestic pditical aftairs and foreign relations of Russia ir - - of the Communist party and Sec¬ retary Hughes’ recent rejection of Foreign Minister Tcbitcherin’s pro posals for resumption of trade re¬ lations with the United States, it appears probable that removal of his influence will futher the chaotic state of affairs. —because, when they used to wear armor, they thought it safe to remove the helmet when talking with a friend This action, a compliment, passed in¬ to our custom of raising the hat. Customers compliments us on <p mem r ASPIRIX TABLETS because they gain irom them safe re¬ lief from colds, grippe and headache. Absolutely true aspirin, tablets so skillfully made that their beneficial actions begins in fifteen seconds. Highest purity, never irritate or burn. One of 200 Puretest preparations Every item the best that skill and conscience can produce, druo department The Hand Trading Co. The JJJe*a£L Drug Store PELHAM, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY m SCHOOL NEWS Pelham Defeats Coolidge One of the most interesting games of the season was played Friday afternoon when the P. Ii. S, girls played with the Coolidge girls on the home court. It was a very close game, the score being in favor of Coolidge uutil the end of the third q larter when the Pel¬ ham girls took the lead and ended the game with a scote of 22 18. Leuuie Cook, played the star game for Pelham. Liue Up: Lennie Cook — R I'. Verna White — L. F, Marie Piland — J. C. Hilda Speuce— R. C, Mary Scott — R. G. Lucile Castleberry— L. G. Substitutions — Toy Crawfotd for Verna White; Mattie Lizzie Daniels for Lucile Castlebrry. Re feree, Mr. Hyers. Umpire—Miss Davis. Pelham Defeats Baconton Pelham boys played their third basket ball game of the season Friday night. Pelham’s opponent was Haconton and she put up a very stiff light, but the home boys won out in the end. The home boys showed that they had Bacon ton beat at the very first of the game, but there was not a single dull moment during the whole game. The P, I!. S. Boys arc looking P e o P' e of Pelham to give i V them to disband, and this would hurt the school activities a great deal because both boys and girls are showing up extremely well The boys are looking for a large crowd Saturday night. At this time there will be a double header. The boys will play Albauy Hi aud the girls will play Camilla Hi | Every body come! j Friday night the Pelham hoys ; will meet with the Sale City boys on the Sale City co urt. ________ The many friends of Miss Ruth Henderson regret that she is no longer a member of their class, we all wish her success in her new work in Americus High School. Friday night the Pelham basket ball girls were delightfully etiter ] tamed by Miss Mable Goodson at the home of her parents, After proms a delicious hot course was served. (Continued on last page) WE DELIVER r Taylor’s Little Liver Pills, for that Sluggish Liver. They act while you rest. And do not leave you with that Sick Lazy Feeling. For Bili¬ o ousness, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headaches, > z Dizziness and Liver Troubles, they have Equal z no E •< > H Z SOLD AND GUARANTEED ONLY i BY m TAYLOR DRUG CO. PELHAM, GA. Phone 14 V------------------- ANYWHERE Royal ArGh Masons Elect Officers The annual election of officers the Royal Arch Masons was Tuesday uight, and the fol¬ officers were elected for the 1924 Tims. Smith H. P. B U. Curry King L D. Hand Scribe A. R. Dasher, C. II. A. S. Elliott, P. S. A- R Baggs, Secretary W. C- Twitty, Jr- Treasurer T. J. Daniel, R. A. C. Grover Thigpen, M. 1st V. J. L Singletary, ” 2nd ” R. L. King, ” 3rd ” Rev. S- O. Thomas, Chaplain J. H. Maxwell, Sentinel These officers will he installed at the next regular meeting which will be held February 26th. A. special program has been arranged J for that ceremony, and at its close refreshments will be served to those who are in attendance. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SCHOOL You will find us holding Church School in the Library Club Room. We number iu th$ neighborhood of m.'i'Lv"; nb.' aft FarisBtP capable and efficient- We do »<*t lack in brotherly fellowship. We stand ready with a big WELCOME Classes for boys and girls, men and women. Sunday at 10:15. There will be no Church service on Sunday as our Pastor preaches then at Faceville, Climax and Cairo. --Pelham Preshyterians. SIGN YOUR LETTERS TO US Some of our correspondents have recently sent us news and social items and neglected to sign their names. We must in all cases have the name of the party sending in an item. We can put any name that you wish in the paper, but in addition ro that name you should sign your own name to the letter enclosing the items. $1.00 PER YEAR. Y. W. A. MEETING The Y. W. A. held their meeting afternoon, at Miss Mrytie Manry’s. The meeting was called order by the President song: “Stepping iu Light.” Lord's Prayer Concert. A Committee was appointed to see all the mem bers of the V. W. A. This Commit¬ tee is: Misses Louise Ra wls, Mar¬ ion Rogers and Leu nie Cook. Alsoa program Committee was appointed. Those on the program Committee are: Misses Allie Belle Redmond, Thelma Wilder, and Lennie Cook. The meeting was changed from Friday to Tuesday. After the business, Mrs- Brooks read the Scripture, and Miss Louise Rawls read from the Christian In¬ dex. Our next meeting will be at Miss Marie Piland’s, Tuesday Feb. 5th, at 4:00 o'clock. All mem¬ bers are urged to be present BIBLE CLASS BIRD SUPPER The Men’s (Scrap Iron) Bible class of the First Baptist church, will give their autiual Bird supper, Thursday night, January 31st. At this supper Mr. W. L. Robnck Cordele, Charlie Butler, the fa mous Southern Baptist JjjhKT UJ• J'red P.den, Jr., and Gov YY.B-. • «kei will be vited and urged to attend. If sible, Louie D. Newton, Editor the GREATEST Baptist paper iu the Southern Baptist convention, will also atteud. Let all members of the old Scrap-Iron Class keep this very important function iu mind. W- B. Feagius,' Pastor & Teach er. L. J. Powell, President. PRESCRIPTIONS This drug store has long specialized on pre¬ scription work. Accuracy and promptness in compounding and reasonableness in charges are the reasons for our large and growing pre¬ scription business. Consolidated Drug Co. PHONES 32 and 66. NORRIS CANDIES NYAL REMEDIES IF YOU DO WANT * A WATCH You want a good one, as a per¬ manent and priceless keepsake of a lifetime. Our watches tell the absolute truth when you seek the correct time. Our watches are held out by us to be better than others, and we offer our discrimi¬ nating patrons their choice of the most complete line of watches and jewelry in this section. W. W. BURNETT G. W. WHITE • IS VERY SICK Mr. G. W. White was stricken early this week with a severe at¬ tack of lumbago, and grew rapid¬ ly worse until his illness was re¬ garded as critical on Tuesday and Wednesday. Reports from his bedside oil Thursday bring the good news that he is better, and that his condition is not now regarded as dangerous. ft is hoped that he may continue to improve rapidly, and again lie out among his friends at an early date. MINSTRELS OF 1924 TO BE GOOD SHOW We have the program of the Minstrels of 1924, which will be produced at the Opera HousejFri day night. It is filled with splen¬ did numbers, and we tegret that it reached us too late for us to pub¬ lish it iu full. Home talent performances are always the most enjoyable shows that can be produced, and those who attend will be sure to have a pleasant evening’s entertainment, with two hours of fun and jokes. ELIZABETH WILLIAMS SERIOUSLY ILL Friends of Dr. and Mrs. B. Wil¬ liams tegret very much to learn that their Tittle daughter Elizabeth is seriously 'ill. Several days ago the family went to florida for a short visit, and while iu St. Petersburg, Eliza¬ beth became very sick, her condi¬ tion being so serious that her par¬ ents have been unable to bring her back to Pelham. No news was received as to her condition before going to press Thursday, aud this is hoped to in¬ dicate that she is doing well.