The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, April 11, 1924, Image 1

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The Pelham Journal VOL. 21 NO. BUSINESS MEN’S CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS The Business Men’s Club of Pelham began their third year in the community life of Pelham Tuesday evening with the installa¬ tion officers. J. J. Hill is President,. L, D. Hand, Vice-President, and R. L. King, Secretary and Treasurer. The new Executive Committee is composed of J. J. Hill, L. D Haud, R. L* King, D. L. Turner, Tom Smith, J. R. Payne, J. R. Williams, H. M. Mitchell, J. R. O’Neal and D. A. Spence. Guests of the evening iucluded Rev. I. D. Deans, Col. M. A, Warren, and Dr. C. O. Rainey of Camilla, Mr. Wikle of Providence, R. I., and Rev. C. M. Ledbetter and Mr. H. K. Rickeubaker of Pelham. The club was entertained by the Business and Professional Women’s Club of Pelham. President Hill requested all the ladies to assemble in the dining room aud hear the speech of Col. M. A. Warren, who would tell of some of his difficulties and explain why he had never been able to marry. Col-Warren responded iu his usual witty aud gallant man¬ ner, throwing the entire audience into a hilarious moqd and making a decided hit with all present. Interesting reports were made by County Commissioner Wilkes re¬ detoils of paviug the Dixie High¬ way from Camilla to Pelham; by County Agent Young upon the progress of the various crops with especial encouraging reports upon the status of the tobacco aud to¬ mato crops of the comity; Dr, Rainey outlined the health pro¬ gram being inaugurated by the County and urged the co-operation of the Business Men’s Club and the people of Pelham iu making “Belter Babies Week” in Camilla a success, aud he was assured of the club’s support. METHODIST W. M. S. CIRCLE MEETINGS The circles of the Methodist Women’s Missionary Society will meet at the following homes Mon¬ day afternoon at four o’clock. Circle No. I with Mrs. L. M. Murrah; No. 2 with Mrs. Tosie Palmer; No. 3 with Mrs. L. H, Cannon; No. 4 with Mrs. Ralph Turner. All members are urged to attend these circle meetings. CARD OF THANKS. Wc wish to take this method of expressing our sincere thanks and appreciation for the many favors and deeds of kindness shown us by the people in and around Meigs during the illness and death of our beloved companion and father. Mrs. I. L. Stephens and children. PELHAM CAMP NO. 1087 W. O. W Meets every second aud fourth Tuesday nights. All brethren in vited to meet with us. E. L. Durden, C. C. G. W. Crosby, Clerk. PELHAM, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL II, 1924 DENTAL SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING The Second District Dental So ciety held its regular annual meet¬ ing in Pelham Wednesday as the guests of Dr. aud Mrs. J. R. O’Neal. Nearly every dentist in the district was iu attendance, and the meeting was a very euthusias tic one. Doctors Simpson and Linder of Atlanta were here, invited to ad¬ dress the society, and both gave very instructive talks as to recent discoveries aud progress in the profession. After the clinic, the association chose as its officers for the follow¬ ing year: President, Dr, Patillo, Moultrie. Vice Prest,, Dr. Tisou, Moultrie Vice Prest , Dr. Brannon, Pavo. Sec. & Treas, Dr. O’Quinu, Thomasville. The society and its guests were entertained at a delightful dinner by Dr. and Mrs. O’Neal, and the meeting ranks as one of the pleas¬ antest ever held in the history of the organization. T. J. WILLIS IS RECOVERING RAPIDLY Mr. T. J. Willis is rapidly re¬ covering from serious injuries sus Highway between Pelham and Camilla. Mr. Willis’ hat blew off, and in attempting to alight before the driver had stopped the truck, he •missed his footing and was thrown to the ground, receiving severe bruises on his head. He was unconscious for an en¬ tire day aud alarm was felt as to his condition, but he has now re¬ covered sufficiently to again be at his office, and it is thought that his recovery wU1 SOOQ be comp iete. OVER TEN THOUSAND FORDS PER DAY Retail deliveries of Ford cars and trucks in the United States during the month of March reach¬ ed the record breaking total of 205,735, it was announced by the Ford Motor Company here today. Nothing in the history of the au¬ tomobile industry compares with this remarkable record. A significant feature developed during the last ten days of the month, when sales averaged 10,- 804 cars and trucks a day, indicat¬ ing that the spring buying rush begun, and that under the enor¬ mous demand, production of the company will be taxed to the limit in an endeavor to meet the heavy flood of orders. Mr. Joe Kahn was stricken with a severe attack of appendicitis Sunday, and was operated upon that afternoon at the Thomasville Hospital. He is resting well, and is thought to be on the road to speedy recovery. Miss Mary Adams left Sunday for Atlanta where she will take a training course to become a train¬ ed nurse. THE PELHAM MUSIC CLUB A very interesting nleeting of the Pelham Music Club was held at the Club Rooms Tuesday after noon, April 8th, at four o’clock. Baskets of spring blossoms were used in profusion to decorate the rooms. The President, Mrs. C. E. Glau sier, was in the chair. The min¬ utes of the last meeting were read and approved. The members re¬ sponded to roll call with the name of an American composer and some of his composition. Treasurer’s report was read and approved. The Club voted meet every Tuesday afternoon four o’clock, for chorus practice. The President gave a very in¬ teresting and inspiring report the 5th Annual Convention the Music Club, which coveued Saudersville. At the conclusion of the meeting, the following was rendered under the of Mrs. Sam Sutton. America the Beautiful, by Club. Piano Solo-Wedding Day, Grieg, Miss Beth James* Life Neidleuger, Mrs. C. E. Glausier. Vocal Solo: A. The Star and Flower. B. Tell me Daisy, J. J. Hill. Reading: The Old, Old, Story, Miss Ivey. During the social hour a deli¬ cious sweet course.-was served - - - ■ , son and Blanche Lewis. Mesdames W. S. Hill, H. H. Hill, Williams, Wilson, and Miss Beth James were the guest of the Club. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (W. B. Feagins Pastor) Order of services next Sunday, April 13th: 10:15 A. M, Sunday school will assemble for opening exercises. 10:00 A. M. Pbilatbea class meets in the Hotel parlor, This is a large aud ever-growing class. 10:10 A. M. Baraca Class meets in K. of P. Hall. This class growing fast, and going forward. 10.15 A. M. Men’s Bible in the City council room. of song and prayer and testimony. You are a stranger but once in this class. We sing the old, old songs of our fathers aud mothers 10:30 A. M. Public worship and sermon iu the church, sermon sub¬ ject: “Things that form the Spirit¬ ual Basis to our Forward looking Program”. Special music and interesting congregational singing. 3:00 P. M. Junior B.Y.P.U. will meet in the SS auditorium. 4:00 P. M. Ordination of Dea¬ cons in the church. See announce¬ ment elsewhere. 6:30 P. M. Intermediate Union meets in main auditorium. 7:00 P. M. Fidelity Senior Union in SS auditorium. 7:45 P. M. Public worship (short pastor will go to Meigs at to begin meeting. Let our people be at this service. NOTE Those 50 candidates who were last Sunday and Sunday will be given hand of church Sunday morning, and will be followed by the Lord’s MRS. D. W. FAIRCLOTH DIES IN CAMILLA Friends were shocked by the sudden aud unexpected death last Monday of Mrs. D. W. Faircloth, one of Camilla’s mcst beloved women. She was up and at work about the home as usual, but com¬ plained ouce or twice during the early part of the day. About 9 o’clock she called for help, and when frieuds in the house came they found that she way struggling for breath. She was dead iu a few minutes. Mrs. Faircloth made an enviable record in that she gave to Georgia a large family of Christian men and women who are carrying more than their part of the load humanity. Children svrviving her are two sons, Mr. S. J. Faircloth, of Quitman, presidenl^f the South Georgia Grocery Company and at one time mayor of Quitman, and Davis Faircloth, of Perry, Fla., six daughters, Mrs. William Childs, Mrs. Alva Payne and Mrs Fletcher Groom, of Savannah; Miss Montine Eaircloth, of Shorter College, and Miss Marion, the only child with her at the time of death. Mrs. Faitcloth was 65 years old, and active until the end, and died as she wished—“carrying on.” Interment was at the old in Camilla, Tuesday at 3 She was a life long member of Mrs Faircloth was the daughter of Mr. J. F. Mansfield Pelham. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bentley an¬ nounce the birth of a nine-pound son last Monday morning. Mrs. J. H. Maxwell, who was taken ill while on a visit to her daughter in Jacksonville, is recovering rapidly, and it is hoped that she will be able to her home within a few days. $1.00 Mah Jongg Sets At 79 Cents While they last. Consolidated Drug Co. TWO PHONES - 32 and 66. NORRIS CANDIES NYAL REMEDIES For Beauty’s Sake jewels have been worn from re¬ mote times to the present day. Each succeeding generation can enjoy something better, finer, and more artistic than what has gone before. For the latest styles of the most advanced artistic ele¬ gance, the selection of jewelry offered by us is without a parallel. Our prices are within your reach. W. W. BURNETT $1.00 PER YEAR. I. L. STEVENS PASSES AWAY Mr. I. L. Stevens died at his home iu the Pleasant View settle ment last Friday afternoon and was buried at the Pilcher Cemetery Saturday. . Mr. Steveus had been an iuvalid far many yesrs, and his death was not unexpected. He was nearly ninety years of age, and was held in the highest respect by tbbsewho knew him. He was for many years a member of the Pleasant View Baptist Church. His widow and six children survive him. Mr, and Mrs. L. T. Toiteviut attended the Austin-Rosenberg wedding at the Jewish synagogue in Thomasville Wednesday even¬ ing After the ceremony they at¬ tended the Elks’ dance at the Elk’s Club. Among the children who have suffered severe attacks of the measles during the past week are Julius Smith, Ruth|Blautou, Walter Scott and T. T. Roland, jr. All are now reported to be recovering. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All bills not paid by the 15th of the month will be cut off without further notice. Please remember this and save connecting charges. GEORGIA - ALABAMA POWER COMPANY PELHAM, GA.