The American union. (Macon, Ga.) 186?-1873, May 11, 1871, Image 3

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THE AMERICAN UNION IS rum.ISIIKD EVENT TIIC US DAY MOUSING TEKM' * v. < In.- (:.,p¥ ; « >;.*[ Y. iir, . 1. $2 00 AM f‘<«mh!imcsiVioiis siiould be addressed to . THE AMERICAN I NION No. lb Cotton Avenue, Macon, Gal X Subscribers wbo find a crjoss-mark opposite their names on the margin of their paper, \viU ktio.v t halt heir subscript jon lias expired,, and I heir paper will be stopped if it renewed. Coral and (Other (bossip. Tin* celebration of t.hc* Sabbath Schools of the A. M. E. Church, and the Bap tist Church was largely attended, and a number of gaily dressed and flower bedeck ed children were in the lints. The music was rendered by the Macon drum corps, and the Drum Major walked as if lie was seven feet high. The whol: proceeded to .Rose Hill and passed a very pleasant time indeed. JUaF“ Republicanism is ce •taiiily speread-. ing in the “jfar West.” Ws have reeeivea the first number of u new | aper —The Sher man Patriot - published at Sheriman, Gray son county, Texas, which indicates that there real are live Republicans, even iu Texas. The paper is a large and handsome one, and is edited with ability by George. A. Cutler.— One remarkable feature is observable in it: it is well patronized by the merchants and business men of the place, which shows that the narrow prejudices prevailing in Georgia have been overcome in Texas. Wo are in receipt of the first num ber of the Jefferson News and Planter, a weekly paper published at Louisville, Ga. It is. the size of the Union aud presents a very fair appearance, but we regret to know that its editorial columns are to be presided over by a madman. In his salu tatory occurs this paragraph: “Believing the reeoutructiou act uncon stitutional and usurpatory measures, wo shall do all in our power to secure their re peal, never acooptiug them as unquestion able facts.” Not only will ho he forced to yield at last, hut with shame and disgrace for being a traitor to his government. Connubial Felicity. —Nothing tends to. more connubial happiness than cheerful and healthy infants and children; Mrs. Whitcomb’s Syrup is the great children’s.soothing remedy. Bigamy.—One day last week, the eminent law firm of Weems & Cowles of Macon, re ceived u dispatch from the firm of Ormsby & Cos., lawyers of New York City, stating that a Miss Anna B. Robbins of Va., was a client of theirs, aud claimed to be the law ful wife of Jno. R. Snead, having been mar ried to him in Virginia, in 1861, and that authenticated copies Ac., of the marriage certificates, Ac.; were duly forwarded by mail. On receipt of the telegram, Gen. S. B. Myrick of Milledgeville, the uncle of a sweet, charming lady, who Snead had lately married there, was notified to come to Ma oon, where he investigated the subject, and being convinced that the charge was correct, he had Snead arrested, and confined in the jajil, whence he was taken to Baldwin coun ty, for trial. We learn that he waived a preliminary trial, and was held to bail in the sum of $5,000. . i Col. Snead is -agent in this city, of the Armory Manufacturing Company, New York, which Company has caused consider able discussion, as to its It is due to Gel. Snead to state that he strongly asserts bis innocence of the heinous charge made against him, Ac. We earn estly hope for the sake of the lady, if for nothing else, that he may clear his skirts. jK®- Macon is certainly coming out, these dull times, in rascality, if nothing else. We have had suicides, infanticides, robberies and attempts at robberies, bigamies, &c. In the last week a John T. Snead, of New York, and who pretended to be a capitalist, but who really did not own the clothes he had on, was arrested for bigamy, having re cently married a niece of Gen. S. P. My rick, of Milledgeville, while he had a wife and phildren in New York. His duped and deceived last wife had been led by him to believe that he was a millionaire, and that he waaon theevq of purchasing one of three of the finest arid most cbstly residen ces, in Macon, choice among which was Mr. Johnson’s residence. He is in a fair way now, however, to see what comes of build ing such castles in the air. Then comes the conspiracy to rob the Express Company, by A. J. Conway and his companions. It will be remembered that he is the same man who was bound over to the District Court for buying votes at the late election. . Last Saturday was enlivened by a set too between Alderman Clay and some other par ties for some imaginary grievance, in which George Napier took a hand, and from all accounts cursed oat the whole city govern ment and defied its power to arrest him. Such fellows should be taught the virtue of law, and we hope, for the sake of the good name ofj our city government, and the cour age of our policemen, that such backing down from duty will never occur again. We bave alao a ramor to the effect that there is a dispute between two gentiteinen MQf the first respectability of our city, as to which is the father of anew colored baby. We are waiting for developments in this imr Anew garter is heraled. It is a |. heavy, round, elastic chain, much the style of t]ie heavy gold chains upon which lock ets are worn, and has a hook and eye upon it The hook is pardonable, but the eye is very reprehensible.— Ex. Why reprehensible ? We can see 4 notbing wrong with that eye: A Chicago minister, is repeating the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, has hazarded the opinion that not many boys of 20 would have “taken the bold stand lie took.” This would depend a good deal up on the looks of Potiphar’s wife and the shooting propensities of her brother or husband.— Exchange. We think the facts of the case do not warrant the conclusion drawn, for we learn that Joseph not only did not “take a bold stand,” bnt that he made no stand at all, it was a clean back down, on his part. PRETTY STRONG. The Democracy of lowa appears to be red-hot. The Ottummway Democrat, has the following: “Grant has not been stran gled arid his worthless carcass thrown into the Potomac! The Butlers still strut around the capital with their bowels yet in their abdomens ! The negro Congressmen still ogle the wenches in the galleries aud no daring white man lias taken a whip in his hand and scourged them back to the plantations! But the revolution is coming! Let us have peace. ... See advertisement of I)r. Butts Dispensary headed Book for “Hits Milliorf— MARRIAGE ! GUIDE—in another column. It should be read by all. ' 45-ly ANOTHER LIE NAILED. The little, side-whiskered, middle-parted hair, broad shouldered; wide-hipped, bow legged, long footed, whiskey countenanced misrepresentation, called Henry W. Ray fnoml, in a late letter from Augusta to the New York Times, says: “In but three coun ties, (Warren, Columbia and Jefferson) do we hear of any Ku-Kliix outrages.” We brand the assertion so far as it concerns this and the adjoining county—Columbia— as a lie, and dare him or any of his Klan to point to even a “disturbance of the peace” in either of these counties. Democracy rules in each, and where it rules, peace and good order prevails. WaWenton Clipper. Yes, it is the peace and good order of death. The Ring Doves —-Under the escort of the Devoted Brothers, turned out in full strength yesterday afternoon with banners and music to celebrate the fifth anniversary of their organization. At night they gave a banquet at the colored Presbyterian church which was largely attended and enjoyed by all present. The Ring Doves, like the De voted Brothers, is exclusively a charitable association, free from political or sectarian influences, and organized for the purpose of assisting such of its members as may re quire aid, in case of sickness or death. It will always afford us pleasure to chronicle the growth and advancement of such as sociations in our midst.— Telegraph. How about that “asthmatic fife”? We are glad to see an improvement in the Tel egraph. TWyears it has not been able to speak of the negrpes without indulging t in a slur at them. A SUPREME COURT DECISION WHICH MAY EMPTY THE U. 8. TREASURY. The decision of the Supreme Court that the salary of a State Judge is not taxable is producing some anxiety in the Internal Revenue Bureau. Tlyß probability is that the opinion of the Attomery General will be asked on the following points of the sub ject. First — Whether the construction of law by the Cflfhrt applies to other State officers as well as to the Judiciary. , Second— Does it apply to officers receiving their salaries as fees directly from th* people ? And Third— Whether the construction is retroactive so as to require the refunding of all income taxa tion collected in such cases. Y ’ The magnitude of the question is snch as will produce very serious results if the ( Revenue Bureau is forced to refund the large amounts so collected. It will cover the cases of State banks, railroad and ca nals, and their employees. jlpwial fjtotiwiS. How to Make Money,— Send to the Amer ican Publishing Conffcany, Rutland, Vt., for there Specimen Book, and make leu dollars the first day you show the hook. Read their advertisement in column, concerning the Parlor Album, and you will get full particulars. The Parlor Album con tains more beautiful em bellishments than any other work extant. -The Specimen Book is sent free on receipt of postage. 56-6ui—eow Beauty,— The largest collection of beauty ever published in the United States ii afforded in the Parlor Album, advertised in another column. This Album embraces the finest epecimsus pf ghrth engravings ever afforded to the public. The Amer ican Publishing Company of Rutland, Vt., desire an active agent in every town and.village, to whom they offer liberal|erms. Read the advertisement of PARLOR ALBUM. X 55-6 in eow THE SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN, V • a WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, published at Fort j\_ Valley, Houston County, Georgia, and issued every Saturday. Is one of the three Republican Newspapers of this State, which has endorsed the State and National Administrations, through good and bad report. It daims the continued support of all ° \ GOOD UISTOIV MEN, No matter of what section of our common coun try. Subscription $2,00 a year, SI,OO for six months. Do not delay ..subscriptions. If it is not convenient to subscribe for a year, send tI,M FOR SIX HOOTERS; If it costs a personal sacrifice, the investment will •%, prevent loss, send all moneys in Post-Office Orders, Registered Letters, or Drafts. Address, JOEL R. GRIFFIN & CO. Fort Valley, Ga. The Magic M S" saw'vtsliS black or brown. It Contains no poison. Any one can use it. One sent by mail for sl. Dealers supplied at reduced rates. Address Wm. Patton, Trees. Springfield, Mass, 60-4 w Sint? Admtiscracnts. . 'w ■ FINE GOLD *j AND ; SILVER WATCHES, AT HALF PRICE. Geuuipe 18 Carat Gold Hunting Cased Watches (Gents and Ladles’ Sizes), regulated and warranted for time and wear (at half the usual price,) only EACH. - TnE Extra Fine Quality, 18 Carat Gold, Engine Turned, Hunting Cased, Full Jewelled Lever Movements, perfectly adjusted to all climates ( regulated ,) and each warranted by special certifi cate, AT ONLY S3O EACH. The Same, of Finer and higher grade, with Chronometer Balance, at $35 each. The Same as Last, with Fine Nickel Works, and Stem-winding and Setting Attachment , requir ing no key, wound and set by the Stem, only S4O EACH. All the above Watches are put at half price, and each warranted for time and wear. SIIiVJEIfI WATCHES. Exta Fine. Pure Silver, Hunting Cased (Gents and Ladies’), at only sl3 each. Best Quality Coin Silver, Hunting Cased, Full Jewelled Lever, at sls EAcn. Extra Fine Quality, Patent Levers and Chro nometer Movements, Ruby Jewelled, at only S2O EACH. ZHU Our Watches are all warranted, and if not perfect will be taken back anil money returned. We require no money in advance, but send all goods by Express, payable on deliv ery WITH PRIVILEGE TO OPEN AND EXAMINE BE-, fore paid for, by paying‘Express charges, and if| not satisfactorjy returned. Places where no Ex press runs, goods will be sent by Mail, in regis tered package, by sending cash in advance. PERSONS ordering Six Watches at a time, will receive an Extra Watche of same value free. { Also GOLD CHAINS (Gents), at $6, $8 to sl2; Ladies’at $lO, sl2 to sls each. The finest Gold Plated and Oroide Chains at $2, 4, 0 to $8 each. State description and price of Watch required, and order by mail direct lrora. THE UNION WATCH CO., G4-3m 148 Fulton street, New York. Scriptufe and Science have met together. Genius and Geology hare hissed each other. SCIENCE 4BS BIBLE A book of thrilling interest and greatestmipOr tance to every human being. The rapersYPulpits and People are all discussing the subject and book, every man, woman and child wants to read it The Jong fierce war has ended, and'lionbrable secured, Science is true, the Bible literal, puie and beautiful, both now satisfied, and firm friends. God’s work days, six actual days, not long periods. This book gives the very cream of science, making its thrilling realities, beauties, won ders and sparkling gems a hundred fold more in teresting than fiction. AGENTS WANTED. Experienced Agents will drop other bocks and se cure territory immediately. Address for circular ZIEGLER & McCURDt, 10 S. Sixth St., Phila. Pa. 62-4 w REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES. GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS BV getting; up clubs. &T Send for bur New Price List and a Club form will accompany it, containing full directions— making a large saving to consumers and remune rative to club organizers. THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO, 31 <6 33 VESET STREET, P. O. Box 5643. New York. 62-4 t JDRDBEBA. WHAT IS IT? It is a sure cure and perfect remedy for all diseases OF THE LIVER AND SPLEEN, ENLARGE MENT OR OBSTRUCTION OF INTES TINES, URINARY, UTERINE, OR ABDO MINAL ORGANS, POVERTY OR A WANT OF BLOOD, INTERMITTENT OR REMITTENT FEVERS, INFLI MATION OF THE LIVER, DROP SY, SLUGGISH CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD, ABSCESSES, TUMORS, JAUNDICE, SCROFULA, DYSPEPSIA, AGUE & FEVER OR > THEIR CONQOMI / TANTS. X ' Dr. Wells having become aware of the extra ordinary medicinal properties of the South Ameri can Plant, called \ ! ' JURUBEBA, Sent a special commission to that country to pro cure it in its native purity,and having found its won derful curative properties to even exceed the an ticipations formed by its great reputation, has concluded to offer it to the public, and is happy to state that he has perfected arrangements for a reg ular monthly supply of this wonderful Plant. He has spent much time experimenting and investiga ting as to the most efficient preparation from*it,for popular use, and has for some time used in his owp practice with most happy results the effectual medicine now presented to the public as DR. WELL’S EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA And he confidently recommeuds it to every family as a household remedy which should be freely taken as a Blood Purifier in all derange ments of the system and to animate and fortify all weak and Lymphatic temperaments. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, Platt St, New York. Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for circular. * X ; 62-4 w AGENTS WANTED FOR Us UTTT pjg , • rritfe ' > of n? 5 Over One Thousand Illustrations. The largest, best selling, and most attractive subscription book ever published. One agent in Denver, Colorado, sold 100 copies in 4 days. One agent in Milwau kie sold 30 copies in \ day, and a large number from 20 to 30 copies per day. Send for Circulars with terms at once. Address U. S. PUBLISHING CO., New Yoik, Cincinnati, Ohio, and St Louis, Mo. _ 62-4 w TYEAFNESS, CATARRH. SCROFULA A mJ I lady who had suffered for years from Deaf ness, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured by a simple remedy. Her sympathy and gratitude prompts her to send the receipts free of charge to any one similarly afflicted. Address Mrs. M. C. Leggett, Jersey City, N. J. 62-4 w FREE TO BOOK AO ENTS. . We will send a handsome Prospectus of our Ntw lUustmkd Family Bible containing over 200 fin* Scripture Illustrations to any Book Agent, free of charge. Address, National Publishing Cos., Philadelphia, Pa., Atlanta, Ga., or St. Louis, Mo. , 62-4 w FREE TO BOOK AGENTS, Apocket Prospectus of the best Hlustrated Fam, ily Bible, published in both English and German, contacting Bible History. Dictionary, Analysis Harmony, and History of Religions. Bent fired on W. FLINT & CO., 26 Souih 7th St, Pa. 62-4 w CO. BOSTON, MASS, or ST. LOUIS, MO. 6s-4w This is no humbugt or By sendingC/CS’Cents with age, height, color of eyes and hair, you will re ceive, by return mail, a correct picture of your fu ture husband or wife, with name and date of mar riage. Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 24, Fultonville, N Y. 62-4 w A ft P \{ rpo ( For fast selliHg popu xlVT I i :i lu, -• lar subscription books. MALE AND FEMALE. ( Extra inducements to Agents. Information free. Address Am. Book Cos., 62 William Street, N. Y. 63^-4 w if THEA-NECTAR lUc Black Tea. with the Green Tea Flavor. War £ ranted to suit all tastes. For sale gg . IUIjcW: everywhere. And for sale whole -Baje on ]y j,y the Great Atlan ~ tic cO Picific Tea Cos., S Church Street, New York. P. O. Box 5506. Send for Thea-Nectar Circular. 62-4 w F. s. JUarstiaVs Sales. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. TTNDER and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias, U issued out of the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, Joseph S. Smith, in the following case, to wit: JOSEPH H. SMITH vs. FULTON R. LEWIS, Adm’r., estate Alex. Herrington, deceased. I have levied upon, as the property of the of Alex..llerrington, deceased, all those lots or par cels of land, situate lying and being in the first (1) District of Dougherty county, each containing 250 acres, more or less, and kuown in the plan of sakl District as lots numbers forty-nine, (49) seven (7s) and eighty-seven, (87) together with all tufe improvements thereon, and will sell the same at Sublic auetiou, at the Court House, in the City of [aeon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, between the lawful hours of sale. Property p6in ted out by Plaintiffs Attorney. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, May 2d, 1871. WILLIAM IL SMYTH, 63-5 t United States Marshal. POSTPONED U. St MARSHAL’S SALE. UNDER and by virtue of a Writ jof Fieri Fa cias, issued out of the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the South ern District of Georgia, in favor of the Plain tiffs 11. E. Dibblee in the following case, to-wit: H. E. DIBBLEE & CO., vs. ALEXANDER k Y PERHAM. I have levied upon, as the property of Alexan der P. Perham, one Store House and two lots, number seven and eight;, Block five, North-east section ; Town of Quitman, Brooks county, Geor gia. Said store house now occupied by Perham «nd McNeil, Merchants; and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House, in the City of Macon, County of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on (he . . A . FIRST TUESDAY JUNE &EXT, between the lawful hours ol sale. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, May. 2d, 1871. WILLIAM H. SMYTH, 63-5 1 United States Marshal. POSTPONED U. S. MARSHAL'S SALE. UNDER and by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, in favor of the Plaintiffs, Basker ville, Sherman,& Cos., in the following case, to wit: BASKERVILLE, SHERMAN cfr.CO., vs. RICH ARD COGDELL, Jt I have levied upon, as the property of Richard Cqgdell, Jr., the following lot of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Darien, county of Mclntosh, and State of Geoagia, and known in the plan of said city, as lot No. four (4,) ana bounded on the North by Broad Street, East by lot No. three (3,) the property of John Burrell, South by Darien creek, a branch of the Altamaha River, and West by lot No. five (5,) the property of Samuel M. Street, said lot being better known as the store lot of the late Mitchell & Smith, together with all the improvements thereon, and wjff sell the same at public auction, at the Court House in the City of Savannah, County of Chatham, aud State of Geor gia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, between the lawful hours of sale. Property point ed out by Plaintiffs Attorney. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, May 2d, 1871. I WILLIAM H. SMYTH, 6S-5t United States Marshal. POSTPONED U. S. MARSHAL’S SALE. UNDER and by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, Carhart & Brother, in tne following case, to Wit: CARHART & BRO., vs. B. W. SMITH & CO. I have levied upon, as the property of John C. Hall, one of the partners in the firm of B. W. Smith & Cos., all that lot of land situate and lying in the city of Americus, and State of Georgia, and upon the South-West corner of Cotton Avenue Lamar Streets, and known in the plan of said city as lot B, and fronting on said Lamar Street about sixty-one feet, and upon said Cotton Avenue about one hundred and twenty-four feet, together with all the improvements thereon, consisting of a Brick Store House, now occupied by Tool & Shumfert; and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House, in the City of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, between the lawful hours of sale. Property poin ted out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, May 2d, 1871. WILLIAM H. SMYTH, 63-5 t U. S. Marshal. Legal Advertisements. Bibb County Sheriff’s Sale. WJ ILL be sold before the Court House door, in Yiv the City of Macon, between the legal hours of rale, on the first Tuesday in June next, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: One lot of laud, containing one more or less, lying in R&ti&ad District, Bibb Coun ty, No. 208, and adjotnmg the lands oT john J. Brown, deceased, on the South side by the land of Elias Davis, and on the East side by the land of Widow Deans, to satisfy one tax fi. fa. in favor of Kate and County; vs. Samuel Johnson. Princi pal, Nine Dollars and Thirty-Four cents, levied and returned by Constable. Also, on the same day, and between the same hours, will be sold the following described proper tv, to-wit: One lot of land, containing one hundred acres, more or less, Iving in Rutland District, in Bibb County, and adjoining the lands of WestoleS Thomas Shinholster, to satisfy one fi. la. in favor of State and County vs. Wilis G. Stephens. Prin cipal thirty-eight dollars and sixty cents. Levied and returned by Constable. Also, on the same day, and between the same hours, will be sold tire following described proper ty, to-wit: One-half of lot No. one. (1) block 61, situated on the South-west corner ofTatnall Square, in the city of Macon, to satisfy one fi. fa. in favor of State and county vs. T. J. Flint, Agent for Mrs. Flint Principal, one hundred and ten dollars and twelve cents. P. W. DOYLE, Sheriff. 63-td ■ ]*. ■ •— l — I —*—i —~ r Bibb Cointy Postponed Sheriff's Sale. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the City ol Mac6n, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: The iron front store building, now occupied by Job H. Cherry, situated upon the’northern side of Cotton Avenue, In said City, fronting 33 feet on said Avenue, and bounded by W. A. Huff and W. &E. P. Taylor. I will sell so much of said prop erty as will satisfy two tax fi. fa's, for State and County tax, va. Dr. J. Dickson Smith, and W. A. Cherry, Agent, for Dr. A L. Hamilton. PATRICK W. DOYLE, fig-fit Sheriff Bibb Couty Postponed Sheriff’s Sale. WILL beJold before the Court House 'door in the City of Macon, between the legal hours Is, on the first Tuesday in June next, the fol ; described property, to-wit: the Material ot the Journal Printing Estab nt, consisting of the Type and fixtures used lisbing the Daily and weekly Journal ; the aterial ot said Establishment, together with esses, (two in number,) and all other office ire appertaining thereto, to satisfy two mort . fa’s, returnable to Bibb Superior Court, Term, 1871, one in favor of John T. Harri d Rabun R. Ricks, vs. H. J. Neville, and one >r of Henry J. Lamar, vs. H. J. Neville, J. -rison and R. R. Ricks, t PATRICK W. DOYLE, Sheriff. County Postponed Sheriff’s Sale. LL be sold before the Court House door, in the City of Macon, between the legal hours , on the first Tuesday in June next, the fob lowing described property, to-wit: All that lot or parcel of land known as the Lab oratory grounds, about three miles from Macon, situated on the Macon and Western Railroad, and known as the place where the Siate Fair was held in 1869, will be sold to satisfy one tax fi. la. for State and County Tax, vs. J. C. Mcßurney, Agent for Laboratory. «* PATRICK W. DOYLE, 63-5 t Sheriff BIBB COUNTY,-J. F. Cain has V_T applied for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon-the same at 10 o’clock, A. M., on the 11th, day of May 1871, at my office. Given under my hand officially. ' i VC. T. WARD, 63-2 Ordinary. 0 Official •advertisements. A Proclamation. (GEORGIA:) BY RUFUS B. BULLOCK, * ' Goi'ernor of said State. WHEREAS, At the October Term, A. D., 1869, of the Superior Court, held in and for the County of Whitfield, the Grand Jury of said County of Whitfield found a Bill of Indictment against Judge Smith, a citizen of said County, for the crime of murder, alleged to have been committed upon the body of Lewis Minness, iu said County of “Whitfield, sometime during the year 1869; and whereas, the Sheriff of said County certifies that he exercised reasonable diligence in trying to apprehend the said Smith, but without avail. Now, therefore, I have thought proper to issue this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the apprehen sion and delivery of the said Judge Smith, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said County and State, ih order that he may be brought to trial for the offense with which he stands charged. Given under my the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this sth day of May, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hun dred and Seventy-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, a Bjy the Governor : * 64-4 t David G. Cotting, Secretary of State. A Proclamation. (GEORGIA.) BY RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State * j WHEREAS, Official information has been re ceived at this Department that John Catband, a desperate character, who stands charged with a felony in the 35th Senatorial District Court, and having given bond for hi 9 appearance at a trial therefor, has forfeited the said bond and made his escape into another State. Now, therefore, I have thought proper to issue this, my proclamation, Offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said John Capband, to the Sheriff of said county of .Fulton, in order that he may be brought to trial for the offense with which he stands charged.' Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this second day of May, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hun dred and Seventy-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: 64-4 t David G. Cotting, Secretary of State. STATE OF GEORGIA. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, ) Atlanta, May 9,1871. f ORDERED: f By his Excellency, the Governor, that the re ward of Five Hundred Dollars offered in liis Pro clamation of the 2d August, 1869, for the ar rest and conviction of Wesley Redman, is hereby increased to One Thousand Dollars, subject to the same conditions as are set forth in the said Procla mation of August 2,1869. Given under my hand and seal of office. | DAVID G. COTTING, 64-41 Secretary of State. STATE OF UEOBGIA. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, ) Atlanta, April 12, 1871. f mation of the 20th Angust, 1869, offering a reward of One Thousand Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of one John Putnam, charged with the murder of Noah Bell, with evidence to convict, to the Sheriff of Cherokee county, be, and the same is hereby revoked. Given under my hand and seal of office. DAVID G. COTTING, 61-4 t Secretary of State. STATE OF GEORGIA. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, > Atlanta, March 27, 1871. ) ORDERED: By his Excellency, the Governor, that his Pro clamation of December 13,1870, offering a reward of One Hundred Dollars for the arrest and convic tion of any person who may violate the laws in re lation to the sale of intoxicating liquors, and the carrying of deadly weapons on election days, is hereby revoked. * Given under my hand and seal of office. DAVID G. COTTING, 60-4 t Secretary of State. FOR SALE. A; GOOD three room dwelling, with out-kitchen containing two rooms, situated on the coma of New and Wharf Streets, can be bought for $2,000. For farther particulars apply to the American Union office, 19 Cotton Avenue. 56-ts A Proclamation. \ , \ (GEORGIA.) ♦ » BY RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said Stale. WHEREAS, Official information has been re ceived at this Department, that * THOMAS FLETCHER, a notorious desperado, stands charged with the of fense of horse-stealing in the county of Cherokee, in this State: and Whereas, The said Flktcheb, whilst a member of a gang of lawless, persons, is alleged to have been engaged the murderous assault on Mr. Freeman Ray, a worthy citizen of said county of Cherokee: and Whereat!, The said Fletcher, since the com mission by him of the crimes aforesaid, escaped from jail and has fled from justice, and it being es sential to the peace and good order of the country that he be brought to justice for the crimes he has already committed, and in order to prevent the perpetration by him of further outrages and de predations upon the good citizens of said county of Cherokee: I have'* thought proper, therefore, to issue this my Proclamation hereby ofteriug a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the apprehen sion and delivery of the said Thomas Fletcher to the Sheriff of Cherokee county. Given \unler my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this 27th day of April, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hun dred and Seventy-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety , Fifth. 4 S RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: 68-4 t David Q.- Cotting,, Secretary ot State. A Proclamation. (GEORGIA:) BY RUFUS BULLOCK, Governor of said State. WHEREAS, Official information has been re ceived at this Department that a murder was com mitted in the county of Cherokee on or about the 22d of December, 1865, upon the body of NoAn Bell, a person of color, by one '. JOHN PUTMAN, As is alleged, and that said Putman has fled from justice: I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward ot ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said Putman to the Sheriff of said county and State, in order that he may be broyglit to trial for the offense with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this 12th day ot April, in the year ot our Lord Eighteen hun dred and Seventy-one, and, of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-fifth, RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Cotting, Secretary of State. 61-4 t A Proclamation. (GEORGIA:) BY RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. Official information has been re ceived at this Department that on or about the night of the 28th day of March last, in the county of Bibb, one Jack Horton, a persou of color, did commit the offense of assault with intent to com mit a rape upon the person of Prudence Eliza beth Heron, white, and that said Jack Horton has fled from justice: I have thought* proper, ii issue this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said Jack Horton, with evi dence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State, in order that he may be brought .to trial for the offense with which he standß charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this 15th day of April, in the year of our Lord, Eighteen Hundred and Beventy‘One, and of the Indepen dence of the United States of America the Nine ty-fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: 61-4 t David G. Cotting, Secretary of State. A Proclamation. (GEORGIA.) BY RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. WHEREAS, The President and Secretary of the Agricultural Society of the county of Cobb, no tify me that a notorious horse-thief calling hfthSelf James R. Hill, alias Jokes, alias Simmons, has, during the last three yean, been committing depre dations upon the stock of the farmers and planters Whereas, The civil authorities of the county have exercised, and are still exercising extraordi nary diligence to ferret out and. bring to punish ment this nolorions character; and Whereas, It is certified to me as aforesaid that the ends of justice demand the assistance of the Executive Department of the State: Now, therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Gover nor of said State, do hereby issue this, my procla mation, offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the arrest and delivery to the Sher iff of Cobb county of the aforesaid James R. Hill, alias Jones, aliae Simmons. % RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David 3. Cotting, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION: A small, slender man, dark complexion, dark hair, dark hazel eyes, small foot, about No. 6 shoes, quick spoken, weighs about 125 pounds. Was last seen near Uchee, Russell county Alabama. 59-41 Wf ANTED—AGENTS,' (S2O per da w) to vs sell the 'celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Has the under-feed, makes the “lock stitch” (alike on both sido,) and to /«% licensed. The best and cheapest Familv Sowing Machine in the market Address, JOHNSON, CLARKE & CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburg, Pa., Chicago, 111, or St Louis, Ma, 63-4 w