The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, July 04, 1878, Image 2

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We were soon invited by the polite urbane* William to accompany him to—not to his patch, but his water melon Held. On our arrival wc felt that we were lost in amazement. We had been accustomed t > seeing watermelon patches all of our life time, but never before bad we soon a field of forty acres; nor ever before had we seen such universally fine fruit. The Captain expects to ship an average of at least one thousand melons per acre, which so far have not netted him less than 1*83- cents apiece aftor .411 expense is paid, ex cept the labor for making and load ing them on the cars. .. ... . FOURTH. Macaulay thonglit it curious that it never occurred to Gibbon to enu merate anion jayt the various causes for thc fiiilurc Of the umacut Jews to make proselytes the.fact that their religion was too abstract. 'The frame of* intellect, peculiar to the Lord’,- people, enabled them to feast and satisfy their religious hungering.* and Ihirslihgs with a mysterious and un defined and undeii liable idea of God. Not so with the masses of other na tionalities. None but the .chosen seed of Abraham;could be held un der the sway of a religion without some tangible symbol. It was only after the advent of our Lord in the shape of man, and after ti e di- Lies begairio preach Christ and hirn cru cified, that, the great Pentecostal flocks were brought into the fold of the living God. This, the most striking land-mark in all history, is but an example of that great cardi nal principle of hitman nature which demands some material, shape and substance on which to base an idea of abstract excellence, whether in reli gion, government, or arty 'other branch of science. No government could stand a dc- citde without recognizing this prin ciple, and incorporating' and foster ing a spirit of hero-worship. To se cure the loyalty and affection of the manses, a new government must bo formulated into a herb, a hero made' of'stuff superior to common clay.— Washington was by accident made our hero, and the fourth of July lms been employed for a century in dei fying him. A thousand Silver-ton gued orators are to-day'telling their enraptured audiences that Mr. W. was ‘‘first in peacth tH'sl in war,' and first in the hearts of bis countrymen;” and demonstrating him to bn, in point of military ability, superior to Ilaiiiba), Seipio and Caesar com bined. This thing has gone on un til Geo. Washington lit? to day as corn- plelcljqu character >of mythology as Romulus or Ajax, But he is the 4*' ] iot of 1 |‘the best government the world ever saw,” arid wo should not scrutinize history too closely, lest wo flgd that beautifully ebaraotov’wlmdi wc' luive bobn I alight from childhood, almost to adore, to hit 'marred by the wcakcesscH of or dinary, ,mortals, The ultimate suc cess of our government depends ypr-n the perpetuation of |liVgdbry (mytlio- 1 O'Neal t hoUgJlit bc$| of Wash:itgtbn and liy, coin patriots^ Let its all then to day throw up-ouf lints and bur- .xah low G. VVushington .and the ’g-l-o-r-i-o-n--J'pi’ij’jh. News. REYNOLuS’ IRON ANO BRASS WORKS, A. REYNODS & SON, Prop’ll IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY fnsDAy. KffiYUtea The first issue of the Post is before us and we are well pleased with it. Tl’.e little town of Mt. Vernon is still climbing. Mr..las. A. Daniel of Laurens county is making arrange ments to erect a steam mill here: and lie pvojKiscs to gin all the cotton, thrash all the oats, wheat etc., card all the wool and grind all the corn. 'Mr. John Winn of Telfair county had three of his horses killed by strychnia on the night of the 20th u H .,a\d one mod, brutally slabbed, they think it will die. They found a match box in the well containing « quantity of the poison. He, Mr. Winn, lost three of his horses the same way Home, months ago; also his crib and smoke-house with their con- 1 cuts. The parties who did this work have not boon arrested yet. The excursion was a big thing, but a little wet and muddy. The young men of Mt. Vernon bare organized a Debating Society, called the Qeonee Debating Society. They have justbe. u and wlioa the get lo work, I’ll, let you know how they perform.. They had a‘very lively time over the Constitution on the evening of thV20tli. Ail the im portant points were discussed .at length by Herrington,• Eason, Cha ney and others. Playing aTCroquet isgetting-to be very i nteresting and exciting to some of the voting “ladies and gentlemen of the town. Adamsville had a big picnic on the 25th ultimo. R. L. HICKS, EDITOR AND PBOPRIR' The Potter investigation. Though Congress has adjourned the Potter Committee arc still at work. The public interest in the ynnttcr rooms to be Hugging just now. Not that the investigation h proving 5 a Contemptible farce,” according to Aleck Elejihens’ prediction; but be cause the ^country liar. watched tlic rovcV ions long enough to become thoroughly sati; fied of the guilt of •J^i^isttiug stptc'smeji and is consc- MACHINE SHOP Manufacturers of The mysterious fernule, dressed in black, who styles herself the Goddess of Liberty, was at the White House again on Monday, and clamorously demanded an audience with the Pres ident, which she did not get. She informed those who were in hearing that she was the woman who put President Hayes into the White House, and that sho will make him bleed for ignoring her as lie docs.— Sav. News. Idnpr ‘ruinous about the rrwuIUof a foregono Conclusion.-*- Further, congress has declared that under no circumstan ces, dm disturbed in his peat, which pute a quietus on the revolution and '• Mexicanization theory, and loa ves the Radicals nothing to howl about. The Cpi axlo now engaging the at-' tentjpn . of the committee is the au- ■’’*' ihorsfiip of it certain letter, alleged lAo httvj3:lit>ea written by John SlicV- man, in which lip promised that tho Ad min is! ration would stand by the -’ri^uhq if they wonl<| do their “dqty” by Iho parly, 'Mill proof that lie did write the lei - ter is no clear, tliiil very feW, oven of the. Eepi'.hliean pajiers protend to iiiulte any defence!. The latest news from Wa^uugtop informs ns that tSndrtiian’s best witness, Mrs. Jen Us. pyis mm CiC s!( md; and that her ~ leatinumy is nearly ns hard on John u« any on tho’other side. Stanley. Mathews,' it will be re membered^, refused Jo, go before the Poi Wr- ; (?'bmm't e q but all o hf? r a Hcnulo (jupupittee t(J investigate him. The request wan grantyd, buj,. sonic ^’11 tod-quibble locked the Wheels of t he Muthewf. Gommiftne, /ami {jt' /ad journed'." But, Matliowfi coiii'sc has been aneli the; proceed ings tlmt lie* stands ns completely convicted ai ,Tt>Nn-sflertbirti. ' ' • imp? her one oft he “SljlriJncw’ luH 'iVlunied -/foni BOILERS, SA IF, GRIST AND SUGAR MILLS, AovKRTisiNa.—The late Mr. A. T. Stewart, the millionaire, once came to the conclusion that, although ad vertising was'a good thing as a lad der, it was of no greatbonefit to him, as his mime sold the goods. As a test, one department only of his establish ment was advertised. Its business overtopped that of the others so im mediately and so largely tlmt Mr. Stewart concluded that to get the full power of his name-it.must appear in printer’s ink. His advertising .managers-say, “from.that time lie advertised more'largely than ever in COTTON STATE NEWS. II is now pstiunited that .Georgia’s dried pcaclies’this year will bo worth $1,500,000. Jap. T. Peso, of Upson county, says lie made, this year, ona iwo- aore putoh, 3.0U- bushels of wheat. • Tho Quitman Ttbpdiicr places the average..yield of the wheat crop of that section, the present season, at fifteen bushels per acre-—nearly dou ble,the average of flic same cereal in Xew York State. The closing; exercises of Talmage Imitifife WrllJake, place on the lOlh and -I lili d’l.ys of July, and the night ^ntiertiiiiimdiits will occur on the evenings of ilielttli and ,L2th.— Sdu fMibkij . Coliliidnis T’.iiiiW: % yoting -gony tlemaii'playfully asked a voiing lady friend, how much her hid did really cost. She told him ilpit il' ho wanted to inspoet her dry goods bills, there was a proper wav to do it. Wo learn from the Hawkiiisviile Dispatch that Judge A. C. 1,’ato and Prof. R. ('. Sanders lidve been ill for sevend days—-the latter seriously. MTio'Gouru'r is in. ecstasies over Iho.SandeVtsvine girls.who have just roiurncd. from ( lie “uiotlicr of female col logos. ” It quotes the pretty things said about their compositions by the Tck{/i\y>h and Messenger wit It great glee. Stviidersyille is having a big mili tary parade to-day, July Till. The Eastman Times talks with more forisp about the Kate Southron ease than any other paper in tin* State; Tho Tim’s thinks the peo ple and the papers have let Ihcmscn- tinumtality get the better of tlicir judgment somewhat. The 0olumb11s Enqairer-Sitn rays: 'I'liis week we received by mail a piece of tanned negro skin from a gentleman in Albany N." Y.,who once lived here and made his departure in i'S$8, Hia inutile \ye will riot gi\ie. -He-fiiates that this is tin evidence of .the love, which, in theory, the North ern people profess to have for the col ored race. A negro convict died. The medical students skinned the body, and tanned his hide for the' purpose of making boots. This piece of shin is certainly a great curiosity and we will proe-ve it. T he sajno can bo seen in ourolliee. This tro phy (:') of ihe scientists is of iho thick ness of fine calf skin and quite porous. The Ibnlieals can liowl over this iu- lninum act of tlieir studemts. Tho q-arty sends vouchers for the truth of the statement. Nothing so abhor rent has ever occurred in the South, and wo want 16 see if the Rcdmals will raise tlieir hands in piotes horror at the atrocious deed of tlieir young men, Tho Quitman Reporter thus speaks ■of jpircCTvt visit to the melon farm of Gaptain (lee. Ik McRae, of brooks Death of the Queen op Spain*.— The.Queen bf Spain died in the arms of the;King and-surrounded by the royal family on tliq .'.Kith ultimo. The nows of her death wtia received tlircugliput Europe With profound sorrow. In Spain the grief amount-' ed almost to ooustoruaMon. Mketiah of Socialists.—About fifteen hundred persons, chietly Frcuiehmeif,' (.Terniaus and Ivisluncn, heldr’a'Socialist meeting at the Ger- jiiama Assembly rooms in Boworv, Nc\f York, Abaydity evening to cohi- niemorale, i ho Erencli Itevohit.ioii of 1818. He'd' Hags were used to deco rate the hall, and amongdhe mottoes 'displayed was I lie inscription “Bread ur Lead.” Speeches wejb made by “citizens” McGregor, Drury, Marie* hit and others, Drury .said, in the course of his sjjceeh:' “The indus trial condition of the United States is exactly similar to the condition of Franco in 3 848, Men are without work, shelter, food or clothing, and Ihe workingmen can see enough to see thattdcu conditions produce like results. The epochs marked by blohd in a country’s history show that tile community was badly governed.”— Savannah News. For Horse, Hand, Water or Steam' FoWer. . i . • • • * ' j ■ - ’ . ■ /K<e4tle-s^ f' ; IRON RAILING, d < ' i comjfRnify in the* great fraud. But k ^ Pkvbig bluff an ShcY- mim did at firut. "W o sliull see., Wh^thov or liot Mil Tiiden is pul- ling tho wj|j»^ $f jbfl ,e,omnutto6;’ nlill remains a secret. Tie is njmui ]Ht C w3N .— Somo think ho is at (lie bottom of Die matter, others aro positive ilirrl rjhoHhairtBtil IIORSE RO WERS Maelri nery and Castings. SUGAR " MILES (JtfJRt COLOItEI) SCHOOLS, A few months ago Col. Ramsay, our comity School conimissioiieiy,jn- vilod us as a brother teaeber (we have since ebanged .our vacation),to join him in sonic of! iiis visits to the oolored uluiols. Ho thought we would bo astonishedjat lbe progress HiuvNutci?!'linking. | Wo gladly ,ao- iA'.pU*!* tlm unvitatioii, but regrej that wo have not yet boon able to find time to' go. Bfit / on the 25th nil. wc had an opportunity of wit- nbssing the examination of some t wcl\ e or fourteen colored touchers, and wo were more than astonished. To bo sure they made, mistakes, sumo of them ludicrous—but on the whole they stood a remarkably fine examination. And vvlmt. most . as tonished us was their abiiiiy to ana lyze. Yvc had always bedieved they could be made export at mcmovitcy rcciUilions; bpi to sod them standing up bravely under tlic crucial tost of ohr commissioner’s sharp, clean out quo. tions in fiactiomtaud eonipbiiiM numbers, was as Jon idling indeed. —• .It sjH^ks. well for t|m race, and it speaks well fofi Butler, in whose sc$(k*1 inr^nblin most of there teach ers were educated. , Butler had a jiablic* exai6iii«.rii>.n on last Friday, followed 1.»y an exhibijtion at jiight,— From what wc can learn, tho whole A GOOD THING Iron Railing* Specialties, This being,a new establishment, all our PATTERNS ARE/" NEW With all tho Modeni Improvements. Two of Mr. Tilden’s managers— Messrs. Hewitt and Wattcrson—have become embroiled about the blun ders which lost us the presidency: but the Democracy is taking very little stock in the quarrel. • Hear how Irreverently the papers talk. “The amiable suggestion made'by our esteemed contemporary, the Sun, that Mr. Wuttorson and Mr. Hewitt should settle their differences by allowing a common friend, to tie them together by the heels and hang them over a clothes-line, does not -seem‘to have, pleased Sir. Wattcrson, and we doubt whether Mr. Hewitt will adopt it. with enthusiasm. Stiil it would liavo some obvious advan tages over the. plan of a joint com mission, which Mr. "Wattcrson this, morning suggests, after filliping a ditip of vitriol neatly on the text of tlmt suppressed address of 1870 which Mr. Hewitt was plainly so glad of an opportunity of getting before tho country. Wo never liked these joint commissions, and we aro surprised to find Mr. Wattcrson inclining to them. Aud if a .commission is to be formed why make it a commission of four members? To decide upon the rela tive truthfulness and political discre tion of .two eminent citizens is no trivial matter. There maybe need otan umpire. Why not, therefore, call in the five justices of tho Su- preme Uourt who sate on the Elec toral Com mission a nd leave the cas ting vote with .Justice Bradiev?”—' Prices Very Reasonable. with impunity. Wiry? Because life ■Bfflflr t^"vht\i' T6 bviitg (Tel ill qucII is to' s4\islieC. > Tins has always lievno hard upon that class of citizQiis who are willing r fo tlo Ihoir duty nithont re gard toeompuhiion, aiui has frequent ly on used the roads to be U;Ct half worked for want, of sitfift.'ic'iiVfoitid. '‘'kis^a^.ayd, eiypig cyil, Jt\dge DuncmiV who ever watches with sleepless eanMW|r tlieJ mo i^'tvyys^ of his folrtfw citizens? jivo|x?hcs to T’o tjiis end he has decided Toplafo a copy of tho above men tioned little hook in tho hands of all A. REYNOLDS & SON eta; (nea^ SouthwcfetomiSail Depot.) : IVSacon Send for Price-list and Circulars. CHEAP g^vsx-h: store. DENNIS KEA, ; Holmes Gr-oss-Roads, Ga. . ■ Dealer in Foi'oign and domestio BBT GOODS J#-’. ?■ most capita^ i(j|a. femi \|c« believh evory citiztiv fiftTurAntiify \v i 11 be*of o\ir ^lyof thinkiimqapd, will,thank thei^iimrirtit and*'finthfiiV DrHiniivy for this luippy strike at the rout of tho evil. If •wo are to interpret .the future by the .signs of the .tunes; Grant will lit the ifcpublieun eamli- dato in 1880, .These socialistic, (roubles which are i now , makitjg many nervous j>eople uneasy, will sti'ongt hen i h c third t e r m idea. A meeting, in Rcnniylvaiiia a few days ago ivceived u fpeeeli advoca ting G.nwit for .the ne.vt caminfign’ The Berlin Cyggvcsi a:v expected tvi finish their lul Groceries, Hardware, Glass-ware, Crqckciy-ware, Tin-ware, 'ilah Boots. Shoes, Scliool Books, SfatiQuerv, . . • NOTIONS AND FANCY ARTICLE, i tml other ^articles too numerous to mention, all of wliicli yvill bo sold . thp Lowest Price for CASH or PRODtfCE,' : These goods have been selected- with great care, hud aFc sure to g utisfaction to all whomay desire to purchase. jui,p 20-3bi, working in the most jHitout rcast{irif6r bringing out Gen. Grant, is tbit the Ropnl?- licaji huu|crs are ho}>etes3 of success hvpajp- inifms, and they know that Grant will come iR.nvr than any Pther man getting into the vUiiie 1 rouse l*v feu! meaCR ijuncTTiafGermany w,i; the interest of Russia; In^t tHo latest news indic^M .Ihat'guvijt tln^wHig’ her inftmptei Vfflu Rn^inmhMhih* leaving Russia withont n>,, uljy, . At mitjnifii H'A I, iiaiL'A Ifv