The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, July 11, 1878, Image 1

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■-1MI.I DUBLIN, GEORGIA, TlilTRSRAY, JULYll, 1878, TO MEMORY THOU ART DEAR. sleeves of snowy muslin, ami a wealth of "soft, full* curls, had really mefctr- morphosed her; while the blush her husband’s admiring glance called up to her clieok, did not detract from her beauty. At first William thought there must bo a guest, but glancing lie found they wero alone.» '‘Come, William, your coffee will be stone cold,” si|jl Lizzie in a cheery, pleasant voice. "It must cool, till you sweeten, my breakfast with a"kiss,” said her lius- A VEGETAHLE 1>1ET. ~W\ CU SMIT JEL m ■ ' —Dealer in— DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, Crociies, Family Medicines, Etc., BARTOW, . NO. I |c. R. R., CA. The Best Wool Market in the State) Thu’placo where the greatest, portion of the two last cropa of several counties have been sold. The place to sell nil kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. ftBjp ^ ^9:^° L AftGlft&TftTttCiK hi .kmt. The place Where PAIR mid SQUARE dealing' in* guaranteed. Tito place where the QUALITY of goodb nwr oxj^E.^viTT'ictErj- Tho placo whiire you can always get CAISBI for WOOL AND COTTON. Tho place .whore the pnoplo say they got tho host prices for their cotton last Henson. Tho plncc where almost everything wanted iu tho way of mbeohandisb Is kopt ot BOTTOM PRICES. This interesting .placo .is .found at ■W. O. SIMUT-jEai’S, In'Sonth Bwl«rw, nonr. No. 11 C. lb It., Gn, Hriugycar .wool here.and ho itfndo happy. Tho’ lost to sight, to inem’ry dear Thou ever wilt remain; 1 •One only hope my heart can cheer, The hope to meet again. •Oh ! fondly on the pn3t I dwell, And oft recall those hours When wnnd’ring down the shady dell, We gathered the wild flowers. Yes, life then seemed one pure delight, i Tho’how'each spot looks drear; Yet, tho’ thy smile be lost to sight, To inem’ry thou art dear, To racm’ry thou art dear. ■Oft in the tranquil hour of njght, Whert staiVillfrHT'o ilfS sliy, I gaze upon each,Orb of Light, And wish that thou wert by; I think upon that happy time, That time so fondly lov’d, When last we heard tho sweet hells chime, As thro’ the fields we rov’d. Yes, life then seem’d one pjire delight, . Tho’ now each spot looks drear; Yet tlio’ thy smile be lost to sight, To mem’iy thou art dear, To mem’ry thou art dear. THE WAY TO ItEEP HIM. "Whether wo tiro disposed io accept tho doctrine that a st rictly vegetable diet is conducive ’to long life and the perfect physical condition which i attends longevity, or not, wo can not 1 fail interested in all tho specu lations and arguments? upon tho sub- ems, and many of them dro Jfeiry hard to answer. It. is known that the diseases from which I ho wealth iest ' clussos suffer, are gouty uM - rheumatic diseases,—diseases which are known.os boing of a “strumous” and "lifhiciicid’’ character; and it. is well nigh'impossible to attribute them to anything'except an imperfect as-, similation of food; in dthcr words,io 'an excess rtf .meat-diet. Tho most important, adjunct in the cure of this class of very painful ailments is found in a diet,-of fruits and vege tables; to the total exclusion of flesh.I It is foundy<nlso, that tlioso who ent least of moat," recover tho most spco-i dily from wOunds and severe acci dents. Tho shock of losing a 1iinb f by being run ovov by a railroad-train, _ will bo recovered from toii times by vogotablc-oators whoro only ono meat- eator will recover. Tho vegetable-' eating China-men will recover from, alidost any injury which is not in-! staidly mortal. lie ddw his’Iiftlii wife hear the Afe^tireO,' her hands clasped, her head bent;, and) largo tears falling from her oyes. Hi? was beside her in an instant. "Lizzie, darling, are yen ill? What is tho matter?” , . "Oh! William, I have boon sitcli a bad wife! I heard you tell Mr. Moore,, last evening, how I laid disappointed you; but I will try to mike your home,, pleasant, indeed I will, if you will only, forgive and love me.” "Lovo you! Oh! Lizzie, you pannotr guess liow dearly I lovo you!” As the little wife lay down that night, sho thought, "I have Avon him back again! Hot ter than fliat, I have learned the \vay to: keep 'himI’, Don’t Thy to no too Many Things, —In doing a thing there aro several points to bo considered, as tho resis tance to. bo overborne, the strongtli we bare, aud whether, if wo aro able to do' it, the necessary exertion is not bettor; reserved for something else. his gratified interest and cordial mau- nor. "You will bo home to dinner?”, she jsaid, as lie went out. . "Can’t to-day, Lizzie, I have busi-i ness out of -town, but I’ll be homo ear ly to tea. Have something substantial, i for I don’t expect to dine. Good-by,” and the smiling look, warm kiss, and lively whistle, wore a marked contrast/ to his lounging, careloss gait, the pre vious evening, "I am in the right path,” said Lizzie,' in a low .whisper. "Oh! wlmt a fool I have boon for two years? A ‘fretful dowdy!’ William, you shall never say 1 that again.” Lizzie loved her hiMnmd with real i wifely devotion, and her lip would cpiivof as slie thought of his confidence to liis friend Moore; but like a brave little woman she stifled back the bitter feeling, and tripped off to perfect her plans. Tho grand piano, silent for months, was opened, and tho linen copers taken fi&m the fimuturb, Lizzie thinking, "He shan’t find any parlors more attractive than his own, I am de termined.” Tea time came, and William came with it. A little figure, in a tasty, bright, silk, dress, smooth curls, and oh! such a lovely blush and smile, stood ready to welcome William, as ho came in; and tea time passed as the morning’s meal had done. After tea, there was no movement, ns usual, toward tho liat-rack. William stood up besido the table, lingering,, chatting, till Lizzie also rose, She led him to tiro light, Warm parlors, in their pretty glow of tasteful arrangement, i and drew him down beside her on the sofa. He felt as if bo was courting over again, as ho watehed her fingers bfisy! with some fancy needlework, and ’ lis tened to tho cheerful voice be bad loved so dearly two years before. "Wlmt are you making, Lizzie?” "A pair of slippers. Don’t you re member how much you admired the pair I worked for you, oh! ever so long ago?” "I remember: black velvet with flow ers on them. I used to put my feet on the fender, and dream of blue eyes aud bright curls, and wish time would move faster to tho day Avhon I could bring my bonnio wee wife home, to make music'in my house.” * . Lizzie’s face saddened for a moment, as sho thought of tho last two years, and liow little music sho lmd mado for this loving heart, gradually weaning it from its allegiance; then she said: "I wonder if you love music as much as yon did then ?” "Of course I do. I often drop in at Miss Smith’s for nothing else than'to hear the music.” "I can play and sing hotter than Miss Smith,” said Lizzie, half pouting. "Hut you always say you are out of practice when I ask you.” "I bad the piano tuned this morn ing; Now, open it, and we will see liow it sounds.” William oboyed joyfully, and, tossing; laside her sewing, Lizzie took the piano-; stool. She lmd a very sweet voice, not' powerful, but most musical, and wasm; very fair performer on the piuno. "Ballads, Lizzie?” '"Oh! yes, I know you dislike opera, music in a parlor.” BY MARY E. CLARKE. A large quantity- iffgood It is claimed, too, that vcgolariuinl lutvo more exemption from tho at tacks of epidemic disease than flosli- oiitors A lavgo qimulUy iff Bacon Sides from 6 to 6/HR, in particular, it is denied that any ease of cholera bus boon found anion A man may be able to got a barrel of flour up stairs, or pull oft a pair of boots con siderably too small, and keep a bottle of liniment by him for a week after in consequence. A woman with an arm full of bundles or a heavy baby, may It is ulso ad*| milted by physiologists in general) that the cases of extreme longevity are almost solely found, among voge- 1 many things nlcijtvdd, • wiitcli I oiWntljtO to $7,7/1, tariuns. Of course; must conspire that un individual may' attain the greatest ago possible to %?«• .mustJjuvo lyid .np JuHt received, to sell at 80-cIh. A lnvgo lot of PEAB ’Just reel to soil iit.QUots. to-*1.00, nnil oVlmr tliiiYRs In proporUou. Como ou.all wl!io woiiid^iivc' inoney1for.thcm»0i.VBB. ^l|p WILLIAM. C. SMITH. juno20-8m. ' fm ; y wealth oss j’ no •violent, shock from accident, or acute discoso, lio perma nent excess of toil or distressing euro, ■no long exposure io bad atmosphere in cities; and, if vegetarian food is of critical importance, ho must have been a vogetariun from childhood; then possibly ho will live to.the age a hundred. Ibis ridiculous to ex-, poet that by adopting this practice' late in life an individual can become signal in' longevity; yet it is main tained ho may somowhat lengthen! into the family. Years ago wo knew it family that for three generat ions had drawn all the water for household use by a well-sweep nine and one-half rods distant, when there wps nothing to pre vent tho digging of • a well at tho house and tho drawing of tho wator-by a pump. About the Samo timo wo also hull knowledge of a skillful wall-layer, wjiosc labor was in constant demand, who worked by tho week at cutting up old stnmps for his winter fuel when lioi could have bought three times the amount of,good cut firc-wook with the money readily acquired in his apjbropri-- ate calling. Out mind also goes back to the period when there lived a man of rare mechanical genius, wlirt could i have achieved marked success by steady aims and well-directed, industry, but. wlio yet so misapplied liis acknowledged capacity as to provo a signal failure in life, becoming fortune and Indeed, it is easy to see DEALERS IE- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. liis years, especially becauso tlio diet itself suffices to euro many maladies, probably by the greater purity which Tho case of Highest prices allowed far it gives to the blood. Prof. Aduin Ferguson is signal and notorious. Whon past fifty ho was seized with very alnrtning paralysis,, His friend Dr. Black, tho celebrated discoverer ©f latent heat, who was no Avas called in to treat Taken; in exchange for goods. Wo are-Bolling ronmi'kiihly low for tho CASH. Quick sales and smajl profits is our motto, Wo never fail to treat you well. Call on ns before purchasing elsewhere, We aro still agents fqy tho justly celebrated Farmers 5 lEUic’iexLd- UPlcrw^ Every Farmer should have ono. It is the lest Pfaw ilh the world. It yon will cull on your nciyj^f^ who has one, and see how nieyty it works', yon will yet ono for yourself^ ffaty fW M vegetarian; him, and prescribed a strict vogotu- riunand milk diet. Under this lie!, entirely recovered; ate no meat aud| drank only water or Avoak tea for the -rest of his life; hud no soeond attack; and, after tho ago of soventy, Avas remarkably hearty, continuing in much vigor until almost ninety. Ho lived to ninety-three. Tho effect of a more vegetarian diet to renew shattered life appears here undeniu- eA r cn m name, that many people uro Avnsting much time and frequently doing much dam- age, by misdirecting their physical poAv- crs. bTc. Fruit; which is presumed to lityvo been the food of original man— of nmiv avIip is bom "u tropical pro duct,” Avith hairless body—fruit is to him peculiarly mcdicino as avoII as food. Tho Germans havo their "grupc-curc,” and, among fruits, let grapes by all means have a most hon orable mention; yet happily they do not stand alone. "Whon a child Avas covered Avith ulcers from head to foot, and blinded by them—when physi cians despaired and confessed drugs to bo useless—Mr. S. RoAvbotham, a Surgeon of Stockport, guiltless of A'ogctarian theory, cured tlio patient perfectly in'a Tcav- months, by a diet of stoAvcd English fyuit and honey. All amusements and recreations are laAvful and innocent, Avliich tet$ to promote health of body, vigor qjjf mind, purity of soul, and thus c^iydi- fy for a better discliargo of higher and morC important duties. Young women should bo tangbt Iioav to Avork, and ho brought . up with a Avillingncss to Avork, avIicuca'ci* or Avlicr- evor circumstances demand it. They should bo made to regard it as a solemn duty to assist their husbands in thobat- tle of life; and to think it no hardship to accept of “love in a cottage,” Avhere love and Avork must go hand in hand. It begins to he seen that the poor arc only they avIio feel poor-, and poverty consists in feeling poor. The rich, as we reckon them—and among them the very rich—in -a true scale, Avould ho found very indigent and ragged. Tho really great make us feel, first of all, the indifference of circumstances.— They call, into activity the higher per ceptions, and subdue the Ioav lmhits of comfort and luxury; but, the higher per ceptions find their objects CAorywhere; only the Ioav habits need palaces and banquets. W, 0, HALES, Gun pd Blacksmith Shop, C2jf Altk.iiJcls GUN- and PISTOL REPAIRING (Urn pp scientifically, Afl kinds of HL'AGKSMITH work Also executed at BALE’S SHOP, ( Way’s new Stand),, careless manner, bnt a bright srarle' .came on his lip as ho sbav Lizzie. A pretty chintz, with neat collar and, Junc2Q