The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, July 25, 1878, Image 2

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REYNOLDS’ IRON AND BRASS WORKS, A> REYNOBS & SON, Frop’rs IRON AN1) BRASS FOUNDRY —AND— MACHINE SHOP. sits with clouded brow, perhaps or pmuiincucc of family. Here is a^great field for reflection; enough to fill a volume—so prolix that it would be too much trespass upon your columns to enter it. These thoughts have been elicited upon hearing of the death of our es teemed friend and fellew-citizcn, 1 ton. .James F. Robinson. It was our good fortune to be his intimate friend. Long und closely have wo not iced-lijs admirable char acter. Never did we see aught in him to condemn. That ho made mistakes is natural, but not sinful. In him we had the illustrious char acter of a true gentleman. He was Kind and benevolent. Once while Johnson Items. ’twould be the pitiful story and out stretched hand of a poor widow to whom yesterday, but yesterday he Thus wo see it is us When Weather very warm. No rain since Monday Homing. From the remarkable long faces worn by our doctors, the place must be distressingly healthy. » Miss Mollie Smith is visiting friends in Wrightsville and vicinity this week. Mr. Frank Daley is also here on a visit to his relatives. Frank hue been living In Savannah for the last six mouths. Wrightsville is going to have a Methodist Church pretty soon, from the progress made towards it this week. • * There has been considerable excite ment ill a certain part of the town since last Tuesday morning, caused by the advent of a stranger, a boy weighing eleven pounds. And I am afraid Grand-pa Buies’ farm will suf fer, ns he has a great deal more busi ness with John and Mollio than he has in his fields. Billie Thompkins says ho is afraid if he ploughs his cotton again, that it will make it shed. Now, I believe Bijlic is afruid of a shedding, not so THURSDAY, JULY 2fi, 1878. R. L. HICKS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, turned a deaf ear. not wealth or fame that makes wise; but poverty and want, wc require more than the flattery of a smile or the unction of words of praise, then we probe to the core the heart’s deceit-. Few arc they' who will remain steadfast and true to their professions of friendship alike in sunshine and* shadow. Franklin hath wisely said: “Experience keeps a dear school; but fools will learn in THE EX A MIN AT ION AND EX HIBITION. Manufacturers of The examination of the pupils of Iho Dublin Academy came off on last Thursday followed by an exhibi tion at night. We dropped in about 10 a. m.. and found Col, Ramsay, the Principal of the school, conduct ing the examination of a class in Lat in. His method of procedure made it clear to all who arc in the least ac quainted with tlio modern require ments of this ancient tongno, that the examination was perfectly fair: and the manner in which the pupils sustained the crucial test was highly creditable to their capacity, and to their teacher’s fuilhfulncss und efli- eioncy. Writing Lati n is now every where, in ull the best schools, regard ed as the truest test of tho learner’s knowledge. It is well known by all men of learning, that, if a boy can turn English’ sentences selected pro miscuously into correct Latin, and properly parse each word, kin uiider- standing Mb certainly been reached —ho ban been well laugh t. Such was tho test, and such wore tho results of that test on last Thursday. There could have boon no cramming for the occasion, wo regretted not be ing alilo to remain and witness ull the cxcreisosof tho day, but dropped in from timo to time, and always . found that tho classes showed tho eamo remarkublo ovidenco of thor ough tmining. But at this wo wore not surprised, knowing ns wo do tho cultured aud scholarly gentleman, who presides over tho Dublin Acad emy. • Tho sohomo for tho concert and exhibition at night-was gotten up most happily; but tho extrema beat arid denseness of tho crowd packed in tho academy, rendered it impossi ble for one to enjoy and appreciate it as it deserved. Moreover, several characters had boon with-dmwn on account of the sad death of Mr. llob- inson. As wo wove unafeToTp get into tho house, and had to tako chan- cos with a great many others, looking on through the windows, WO saw hut litt-lo of the exhibition. But what wo did see, considering the advorse circumstances, did great cred it' to both teacher and pupils. It would not bo fair porh|ps to part ic ularise, ns there * wero doubt lessly many of the best, ports we did not see; but wo emiuot refrain from men tioning the declamation of Master Tillman Wolfe. It was Murk Anto ny’s oration at Caesar’s fuuorul—one of tho mb|t difficult pieces in our litoraturo to render, oven passably. The truth is, although we have heard it perhaps n hundred times, that was tho first time but, that tho declama tion disgusted us. It certainly shows Tillman to bo a boy of no ordinary talent to rightly deliver what many regard as the most intricate, subtle and powerful oration in any language. Tho music—Miss Zoa Bluokshour on the piano, with Messrs. W. IL Tillery, B. F. Blueksheur and E? .1. Bluokshenv on tho violin—was very fine The exorcises of this school will be Tosumed the Itith of Sept, next, and wo hope to see a larger number of BOILERS, SA IF, GRIST AND SUGAR MILLS\ STATE NEWS Tho editor of tho Southerner and Appeal has been serenaded. Swainsboro hud a big railroad mooting on tho fourth. The work of rebuilding the Brown House in Macon lms been com menced. Tlio editor of tiro Swnincsboro Herald has just attended a grand wedding—Mr. Solomon Williams, of Emunucl, to Miss Claracy Calhoun, of Montgomery. of Morcov, was his morning drink. Whisky has played out hero sincc'the table was overturned in a certain quarter of the town. I lmvo boon told, the Marshal has routed tlio Ileus from Wrightsville. Any way, they are getting pretty scarce. W. Dr. A. J. Battle, announced by the Times to preach in Eastman last Saturday and Sunday. Couldn’t wo manage to got that emi nent Divino to preach for us in Dub lin at sometime? I * Somo one went into the office of tho Sundersville Courier last week, and said Unit he wished to ho set down as a life subscriber to, tl.nt pa per, emphasizing tho remark by pay ing two years’ subscription in ad vance. The Sundersville Herald continues to publish letters from tlio editor’s brother, Mr. L. M. Park, who is making tlio tour of Europe. Those letters are most excel lout, and to this othenviso first-class paper, add a now and at tract,ivo feature, which few journals in the Stato can equal. Letter from Bailey’s District. So far as the writer has heard an expression, the Post lias boon kindly received, and is giveng entire satis faction to, its readers.., It ia only ueCL- essnrv, we think, 'to jhave its merits For Horse, *Kand, Water or Steam Power. Kettles, IRON RAILING. GIN GEARING and .< * horse p.mms, A * oh <1 all kinds bf . ' Machinery and Castings. SUGAR MILLS —AND— * Itoib. Meiliiig 1 Specialties. This being a new establishment, all our PATTERNS ARE NEW, " ■ W ith all tho Modern Improvements. First Class Work Guaranteed and - Prices Yery Reasonable. Call on or address A. REYNOLDS & SON, Corner Fifth and Hawthorn streets; (near Southwestern Rail Road Freight Depot.) Rflacon, .* • : : : : : JEl. Xj- HICKS DUBLIN, ftagr 0 Send for Price-list anil Circulars. For, tWUuUUu Post. * ltlelics versus Poverty. IIy NO 110UY BUT 31K. Strange what a depressing influ- eneo poverty has upon (ho human love. It chills to ieo tho affections of the, heart, even in tho nearest tics of kindred blood. A philosopher laughs at this, and despises tho meanness of tho human soul—wli i 1st h is feelings acknowledge lib shares it with ull mankind. Wo pluck the rose that delights us with its fragrance and beauty, but spurn mid despise the thorn, the off-shoot from the same stock. How often does heart deceive us when wo our own construe its selfishness into t ho noble fooling of love. Poverty is the alem bic winch resolves it into its true ele ments— unconsciously wo hope a ben efit from tho prosperous, if it is only to bo their moon and elvino in the light t hoy lend. But rags and dirt— t he natural concomit ants of povert y— and wo slum them There sire' very few who can resist tho influence, and turn with tho same warmth to the stricken' and poor, with which they GEORGIA. (TFTBlAiP STOEE DENNIS REA, Holmes Ooss-Hoafis, 6a. mniso nothing, pestilential. 1 Dealer in Foreign and domestic speculation. Tho case rqbability oimo up soon or Court, at which timo Groceries, Hardware, Glass-ware, Crockery-waro, Tin-ware, Hats, Boots. Shoes, School Books, Stationery, N0T80KS AMD FANCY ARTICLE, Ana other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold at the Lowest Price for CASH or PRODUCE, These goods have been selected with great care, and are sure to give satisfaction to nil who may desire to purchase. Why not advertise and let your neighbor know what you lmvo to sell? A visitor on Tuesday inform ed us that it happened in his lino to make inquiries of a denier hero in our town as to the sale of a certain lino of goods, when he was inform ed that there was no salo hero now for said goods. Being at another, store a few minutes Inter, he heard the merchant say ho would lmvo to send to Macon for some of tliese very articles ns they were not kept in town. Tho Felton organs in the seventh district are getting frightened. They are milking ull sorts of charges against Lestor, a fact that will aid him greatly in defeating tho cham pion of disorganization. Tho only fear is that tho organs will suddenly flop over and begiu to praiso him. Atlanta Constitution. W. C. BALES, Gun and Blacksmith Shop, Earl Beaoonsfield is not having ev erything his own way after all. Since the adjournment of tho Berlin Con gress, the newspapers, tho world over, have as a rule, been vying with |S"All kinds GUN anil PISTOL REPAIRING done promptly Nmd scientifically, All kinds of This is only one instance, and yet merchants won’t advert be and let people kuow what they have to sell.—Eastman Tims. BLACKSMITH WORK Also executed at latest news from England shows that the leaders of the opposition regard tho Berlin treaty with suspicion, and denounce tho Anglo-Turkish alli ance as an insane covenant. BALE’S SHOP “Another Republican funeral” is that of North Carolina. The Central Commit too could not raiso $4,500 and so disbanded tho party r | 1 Bli g§j