The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, August 28, 1878, Image 2

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M-m im-j POST. V. AUGUSTS, 1H78 WBD •■■ ' •" : ■; " r ; R. L. HICKS, EDITOR AND ^HVlMliKTOH. X - Tf /ifrltii nyalar <iyi ni for the POATiu Johnton county, authorhrd to re- xrlt€jntl*crljition ■>, receipt for the mote, atul do make contract* for adcertUi/ig. AU due* tfim/M be jhiM to him. OUli lUVEIt APPBCiWtiA* XI ON, 'griie Work -to Commence fciymc- Jt lately. Death naused by wmmds inflicted on lift head and nedk.” The mother, Rena dart, has been nwrtted, blit lisw uot been removed frpb» Mr. Iten- frdiiii vet. Montgomery News. Cot. B.. \V. Frobo), of Atlanta, Was in town laid week prospecting with a view of commencing wo?k on the .Oconee river ft* this point immediate ly. Copt. ■—«—■■«.—r»— wilt 1)0 here tliis week ly begin the construction .■of suitable flats &o., for clearing out the obstructions, which will lie in readiness and the work under head way by the 10t.h of September. Col. Frobot says the work, When commenced, will not .bo interrupted t>y high water or other cuiikph till the appropriation of <>10,000 is exhaust- 1 , cd. ITo feels confident that Congress ( will make another appropriation if necessary. Col. F. informs ns that few peoplo appreciate the difficulties undoivwlueh Gpl. Blount labored in carrying through this appropriation. Jfyurer five years ago nninuy-ham- jpering blockhead was sent down by tho Department to examine - the Oco-> Hoc river, who, after a very superfi cial examination, or rather no exam ination id nil, returned to Washington, and made au jjinTavomb.lo report. No\v. ,it was in tlio face of this ad verse import, that Col. Blount had to work. Whenever ho })resented his potition, tlio Department drew their report on him. Bat lie knew the report did his people injustice, and, though it seemed fi hopeless task to try to evorrido an official report, lie pushed his petition (ill success crown ed his efforts. Col. Frobol says t li Dopartment is now thoroughly con- yjaeod that the Oconee can bo made a groat thorough-fare of trade, and that with proper management, we can soouro liberal appropriations in tlio future. Wc have another buggy painter at the mills of McMillan, McRae & Co. Neatly all the bridges on the two Ohoopeo creeks were injured by the high waters last week. , Hon. Daniel 1 McMillan who went to the Indian Springs in May is now at Bartow in very bad health and is improving very slowly. Two negro boys augerCd into Mc- Le more’s store one night last week, took a few articles, and made their way into jail next day. Our town was quiet bwt week owing to the fact that several of our young folks being gone to the District Meeting at Syujusboro. The District Meeting at Hwains- boro irus a success—there being a great deal of interest manifested by The business before the Meet ing was dispatched with i.'atit,faction the whole body. Tito West will Wag tlio East. | Hpraeiue Courier, (J)ein.)\ As the tail cannot wag the dog,'the -east will finally have to acknowledge that it can no* longer wag the West. Can the eastern democracy afford an altitude of antagonism to the democ racy of the west? It begins to look as though the'greenback is national and gold sectional. This may not be a pleasant outlook for those of us who hold to “hard, money” as the true basis of a permanent prosperity, hut it were h« futile for Mrs. Partington to attempt to sweep hack the waves of the ocean as ,for the unaided cast to resist tlic swelling tide of green back ism. . Wo arc a national, not a sectional party, and, in view of 1880, the democracy of the east must take no narrow and contracted, bnt a broad and liberal survey of the situa tion, TiiAxibbU CU., Aug. A Editor Dublin Post;. Please publish the follow!ngprcach ing appointments for Ilovu. Jus. J. Hyman and 11, Turner Smith: Oil Monday, the 7th of October next, 11 o’clock a. m., at Boiling Springs, Baptist church, Emanuel county; Mfimjiiy night, the 71 h, at Pendleton Spdngsj Tuesday, tlio 8th, 11 a. in., utdelhscmcue, Montgoni cry copnty; Tuesday night, and Wednesday, the 8th end 9th, at Ml. Pisgah; Wednesday night, the 9th, ut Crooked ItunjThuvsdtiy, the 10th, 3ln. m,, at Red Bluff, Montgomery county; Thursday night, the 10th, at Blue Springs, Da lire us emfiityj Fri day 31, U it. m., at PlCne^nt.Springs; 'Friday night, Saturday and Sunday, tlio 11th, 12th and liHh.tit Bothlo hem; Sunday night, tho 13th, at Shady Grove. Yours truly, II. T, Smith, (Johnson Items. Mr. Joshua Walker, of Tennillo was in town yesterday. Mr. A. T. Under has- gone to Savannah to buy his fall stock of goods. Miss Clam Williams, of Savannah is ou a visit to her rclat ives in W rights villi*. Rain reported in some seal ions of tlio county, but very dry in und around WrightsyiUo. Mr. F. A. Sumner has two more acres planted iu. sweet potatoes, from whiehdto is digging some ver iluo ones. The colored sehool taught, by Mor gan llicks, obi., ut Cyprus Grove, is reported to lie a largo one. Morgan thinks tho application of the birch cssoutiul in training tho young ideas how to shoot. Tho cotton crop through this see tion has been greatly injured by the hot and dry woaihor, end the rust has now appeared which will cut the crop off considerably. One farmer reports five hundred pounds picked from ono acre, and another, that is getting all ho wilt ever get. Tho child found by dogs in Mr. Enoch Renfroe’s cotton patch, died last Tuesday night. The Coroner held an inquest over tho body, and the following verdict was rendered he The Scourge pt’ The South. It matters comparatively little here the yellow fever originally came from, it docs not lesson its terrors to know whether it first came oil) tlio West Indies or from West Africa. It concerns us y«>re to know that after the germ of the disease is brought to our shores, its develop ment to the epidemic point depends upon a low elevation, high tempera ture and a heated atmosphere), i teat and humidify are alike esseutiid. It is never contagious, but it is terribly infectious under the circumstances named, and ils progress from the point of infection steady and gener- lly sure. In a city its progress is ibrnit forty feet a day, and it is there fore often called the creeping plague. It. is well established Unit the infee-, ted .atmosphere lies close to the ground, a high wall often arresting its progress. In no instance has the disease assumed an epidemic form in tho United States, where heat and humility- woro ,not combine^. It luis rarely prevailed to a clangorous extent .uwny from largo bodies of water. It lgis never become epidemic in this country ut an elevation greater than 400 foot above the sea level. 1t has appeared as far north as' Quebec and Halifax, but in all of the northern imitations it is religiously clung to tho water-side. Fort Smith, in Arkansas, 400 feet above the level of the sea, is the highest point at which the fe,ver has over prevailed as an epidemic i.u tills country. Wc slate thero facts to show what nature has done for Atlanta. She has given us a site J.050 feet above the level of tho sea, an elevation jhat forbids the propagat ion of. t ho dread ful fever if welcomed by the most shocking sanitary abuses. Filth can bring to our doors dreadful dis eases, but the plague of the tropics is not ono of them,. Let us t.hcn out of our gratitude as >vol) as for hu manity’s sake heed tho appeals of those who are not so fortunately located. Lot mt open our hearts, and wjrnt is more to the point, our purses to the cries for help that come up from the poor little city in central Mississippi. Says Mr. E. A. Melton, city marshal and acting mayor, in a dispatch to t he mayor of Wilming ton: “Help us to pay our nurses and bury our dead. Our town is a grave yard. Wo need help. The mayor is dying, and 1 am tho only officer left.” This presents in the fewest possible words the condit ion of stricken Gre nada. Doctors and nurses have lio- r.ucully gone to its relief from Mem phis and New Orleans; and money is now greatly needed in the effort that is being made to help the sick and overcome one of the most malig nant epidemics that this country has over known. Mayor Augior has called a public meeting of the cit iaous of Atlanta, lie asks all to assemble in the ojKTa house next Tuesday evening. In the meantime wo will glad In* receive ami promptly forward to tho relief commute at Granada contributions of the chair* itubly inclined. —Atlanta Coast na tion. It is seldom that a .woman is an infidel, though the last Woman’s Rights gathering at Rochester adopt ed a set of irreligious resolutions for a platform. Christianity .at least finds it s most earnest believers among the sex Jhat it lias done so much to ox;dt from a state of subjection. Men who are themselves sceptics often say that a woman without faith in an unnatural being. For this reason tho appearance of.a London lady who openly acknowledge dintidclity to the court before which she whs called to testify is a thing for special wonder. Had she been a reformer or a popular lecturer, or a poet or a fashouable novelist, her disavowal of religion might be attribited to the eccen tricity of genius; but as she was sim ply a young married woman of good social standing and without a misson, the astonishment of the magistrate was not inexcusable—JSf. Y, World. If you would rise in the world, you must net stop to kick at .every- cur who you. “Conic here, my little dear.” said a young man to a little girl, whose sister lie was visiting; “you are the sweetest thing on earth.” “No, 1 am not,” she replied, “sister says you arc the sweetest.” The question was popped the next. day. An agricultural society offered a premium for t he best mode of irriga tion, which was printed “irritation” by .mistake. A fanper sent Ij to cllaim tlio'prao. The Sultan of Turkey ?s obliged to have 305 sifts of clothes a year;' lie never wears the same gar ments twice. Dennis Kearney,.stand up. Did, it never occur to you, as a naturalized citizen, t hat such presjstont.and de termined opposition as you manifest toward Chinese emigration to Amer ica would come with move grace from former adherent of the old know-nothing party?—P/tiladel- p/t ia Jlevord, The Macon Telegraph says Hon. J. H. Blouut lias awarded the West. Point cadetship to Mr. Howard AY. Smith, and ho will leavo for that place about the 25 inst. One reason why more people did not got into tho ark is that Noah did not advertise in tiro papers. There is a groat moral lesson contained in this fact Hemp is now raised in Texas. Tho crop ought to bo utilized right at home. There is no widow so utterly wid owed in her circumstances ns sho who has a drunken husband; no orphan so destitute as lie who has a drunken father, A woman may. not ho ublo to sharpen a pencil or throw stones at a hen, but sho can pack more articles into .a trunk than a man can in a oncrhorse wagon,. Things to lie Remembered. Ecnu*mbcr,always that pain is the warning cry of a faithful sentinel on the outpost. The words which this sleepless watchman utters arc, “Take" care! Disease is at hand.” The ene my thus announced is the punish ment following a violation of thc : laws of nature, and this enemy can only he evaded by restoring natural, conditions. Remember, also, that nature never slumbers nor fails iu duty-, bnt strives with unerring, active .intelligence to prevent disease, or to .when it cannot be prevented] When the measures and processes of the physician are in harmony with the natural intention, disease may be cured; when they are adverse in ap plication, the patient dies, or if he recovers, it is in spite of intermed dling. A great French philosopher cnee said: Nature fights with disease a battle to the,death; a blind man arm ed with a club—called a physician- conics in to make peace between them. Failing in that, lie lays about him with his club.. If he happens to hit disease he kills disease; if lie hits nature bo kills nature. Let us soo if wo cannot do some thing to assist-und facilitate theoper ations of nature in her constant war fare with the diseases of life. Let, us try to rid ourselves of the blind ness which Hie philosopher attributed o the Doctor. If there be any ray flight to bo found, w.itji which tlio all-important secrets .of human well being can bo illumined, Ictus seek for and find it. Let us be reasonable; by ^vliieh we mean, not merely able to reason; but able to apply the results of .our reaso nip g> —JI'«■ IV.s Jo.u ruai of Med Uh. Quick sales and small profits is our motto. Cull on us before purchasing elsewhere justly celebrated j * * “Of all the pools, darling one, mho’ve rhapsodized of love, Which one evokes your ardent praise, All oilier bards above?” And as lie took'her in Ids arms And kissed her o'er and o’er, She spoke in tones of ecstasy, “O,Tommy, give fi)e Moore!” Moody is going to Baltimore, arid Sat.ijkey to Europe. Richmond, Va., -is quarantining jtgtiinst^yolluw fpver. jj The Congressional fight, in the 7th Dist. waxeth hotter .and hotter. Eads,- (of jetty fanby) has been invitqd by Dom Pedro to visit Brazil The Chicago Tribune says it now Thurman and Hampton all over the South and West* That Gen. Joseph E. Johnston will go to Congress from Virginia is a foregone conclusion. Don’t ride in winter; to walk will give you rich blood; to ride will per haps shorten your days. lloedel, who attempted toassassi mit,o Emperor William, May 11th was beheaded on tho lGtli inst. Tho yellow fever is fearfully do structive in New Orleans and other Southern seaport cities, and growing worse daily. United States troops have again crossed the llio Grande iu .quest of stolen stock. The movement causes great excitement on tho Mexican side. Gen. Toombs thinks that Ben Ilill and Aleck were, less instvumon tal in saving the State than the men who stood at the polls early and late with bribes in their hands. Tho Kcelv Motor Craze is not quite abandoned yet. Burglars are on the rampage in San- dersviUc, Why is it that when the photo grapher tolls the man to assume a pleasant expression, the sitter imme diately puts on the same agonized ex pression he wears when his dentist is pawing nroutul his mouth for an in valid tooth? Dr. Mary Walker is trying to re cuperato with her two maiden aunts at Greenwich, Mass. She has added a brown straw hat and buttonhole bouquet to her wardrobe, also a new pair of trousers and a box of cigars. Senator Thurman of Ohio, who, some think, will be the Democratic candidate for President iu 1SS0, will attend .the State Fair iu Macon this fall. Grant has written* to his friends that on no account will lie bo a can didato for tho Presidency in 1880, Bnt his brother Orvil thinks ho n*ay be induced to accept the nomination and make t he race. W. ZB JONES &c CO., —DEALERS IX- GENEBAL MERCHANDISE. Highest prices allowed fot WOOL, HIDES, ETC., Token in exchange for goods. We are selling'-remarkably low for tlio CASlt. Wc never fall to treat y< We are still agents foi thi on Well. » Farmears’ ZE‘ , -£?ie:rLcL ZFio-w*.. Evcry Farmer should have one. It is the lest Plow in the world* If you will call on your nc'iylabor, who has one, and see hone nicely it works, you will yet one fer yourself. They tire $o cheap. ZD-uDTDlixA. junc.20-Sm CS-a. *W- o. s .-^-Dealer in— DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, Grocries, Family Medicines, Etc,*, BARTOW, NO. I I C. R. R., CA» The Best Wool Market In the State! The place where the greatest portion of ,lhe two last crops of several cohnties have been sold. The place to sell all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. The place where the LARG EST STOCK is kept. Tlio place Where PAIR and SQUARE dealing is guaranteed, - The place ■where the QUALITY of goods is G-TJ-A-^^ZsTTEEZD, The place where you can always get CASH for WOOL AflSP COTTON* The place whcic tlifc people my they got t?i£best prices for ihqh* cotton last sews.-if The place where almost everything .wanted yj.the Way of Xs kept at BOTTOM PRICES. This interesting place is found at C. SMITH’S^ In South Bartow* nua 1 ' No. .11 C. R. R., Ga firing your wool here made happy. A large quantity of good CALICO AT 41-2. A large quantity of &acon Sides from 6 tjp 6 1-2. 100 BARBELS OF FLOUR Just received, which I pffcf at $6 to $7.T5. Have on hand BACON, FLOUR, RICE, COFFER, SUGAR-, TOBACCO and all kinds of FAMILY SUPPLIES at prices which cannot be undersold. Come on all who would save money for themselves, WILLIAM C. SMITH. june 20 3ilt JVCBfeoH A TIIE DUBLIN CHEAP STORE. Isaac T. Keen, Proprietor, Dealer in FAMILY GEOCERIE S, Jim Blaiuo, the Unlucky, has mot with another mishap. This timo lid was caught in a storm, his horses be-' came unmanageable} and running away, smashed his carriage and bruised that stalwart bloody-sbirter considerably. • • There is a greater number of criminals incarcerated in the various prisons in tho United States than ever before in the history of tho country—the incressc since 1871 be ing 95 per cent. Hard times said to be tlio cause. Boast Butler, it is thought, has bargained with tho Democrats of Massachusetts.—Tho Democrats arc to help him in his race for the gov ernorship, and he is to return the favor by aiding tho Democrats in some of the Congressional district BACON, FLOUR, Bucli as SUGAR, COFFEE, RICE, 'ETC* 1 also have .a select stock «f DRY GOODS —and— CLOTHING, Notions, Fancy Articles, Etc., Etc>, Which I offer to the public AS C HE A P AS CAN BE BOUGHT IN THE MARKET- .1 All I ftsk is, g ve me a trial ISAAC T. KEEN, PROPRIETOtt Dublin, Georgia, Farties who are behiud with me I will still furnish with t ipplies Uirbugh tlio summer, if they will come up and make me secure, juue 29 :,, a