The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, September 04, 1878, Image 2

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./ C&tik&iiL-.i.*.„ ■ T.. . ; •r-.V-CriL-iL' * . ‘ If the hist Executive Committe elected hy tlie people will coll a meet ing for organization, and with a view to nominate candidates for comity offices to be held some time during October Court, I am sure much good cun be done. Let us begin to fix up for the great campaign soon to he entered. Critic. Amavintlm Crawford, daughter of John Crawford Jr., aged nineteen months died last Saturday night. Mrs. A. T. Linder, Mrs McConnell and Miss Georgia Outlaw spent last week with friends at No, 14 C. It. R. in Washington county. Mrs Tanner and Miss Adame of Washington county passed through Wrightsvillc last Tuesday going home; they have been visiting friends and relatives in Johuson and Laurens counties. At the commissioners court held in Wrightsvillc lust Wednesday for the purpose of fining road defaulters, three persons were fined for failing to work. David’ Bush and Daniel Neil, who committed an outrage upon a colored- girl, and left for Tenneseo did not go there, but went to Telfair county where Bush left Neil, and returned and is gathering his crop. I Mr. William Sumner lias the finest | crop of corn and cotton in the coun ty. It is pronounced by competent judges to bo as fine a crop as was ever mado in middle Georgia. Mr. S. is a most excellent farmer, and what is fully as much to the point, his crop has not lacked.a day for rain. Mr. Hayes’s southern policy—the appointment of thieves to office'. John Randolph’s famous estate of Roanoke is to be sold on tlie 2d prox. '“Take away women, and what would follow,” iisks a writer. Stag nation, of course.. “Let me kick him for his motor” is wliatthc disappointed stockholders now say about Kcclcy. The City Council of Dennison, Tex., has reduced the salary of the Mayor to 81 a month. Thurman, of Ohio, seems at pres ent to be the coming man for the Democratic candidate in 1880. Cuba i3 recovering from tlie woun ls of her late war, ancl rapidly returning to her former prosperity. “Is Gail Hamilton a man or a wo man?” is the question about to be discussed by an Alabama debating society. Aleck Stephens, CJen. Cook, and Col. Blount seem to be the fortunate parties able to “tote their own -D BALERS IF R. L. HICKS EDITOR AND PROPItf] W. l\ JBebt it the regular agent far the POUT in John nan eoiinly, authorised to re- cel re tiUbteripUaw, rceeiplfofthe tame, and to vuike oatfwttfor adccrtMng. AU. duet Highest prices allowed for Tin; SOLDIERS’ MEETING I/AfJT SATURDAY, Taken in exchange for goods/ We arc selling remarkably low for the CASH". Dliu,in', Aug. 31st, 1878. | Ed. Pod: ; There appears to be some inquiry 09 the part of the jtcoplc concerning Capt. R. A, Stanley’s authority to j call a mass-meeting which convened in the court room on tho 19th day of tho present month, to select dele gates to tho Congressional convon- tionfSvhich will convene at Milledgc- villo oii the 4th of September next. The answer to the inquiry, in the humble judgment of the writer, is, that this authority was obtained from Democratic usage, which is so time- honored, that it lias ripened into a custom, and is, therefore, tho law of the Democratic party. Since the people became possessed of the ability to assort their rights after the panic, the result of subju gation, tho Democrats of tho various Congressional Districts in Georgia, have, prior to each election, held conventions for the purpose of put ting boforo the pcoplo the standard- bearer of the party. This, perhaps, was done for several reasons; the greatest of which was to settle the party on one man. Tho good results The association met ns per adjourn ment, tho President, C, S. Guyton, taking the Chair. Remarks were made by Capt. Smith and others, when the follow ing resolutions were unanimously adopted: That the President of this associ ation bo requested to issue instruct ions to cadi Hub-Corn niittecinan to sec every fumily iu their respective districts, and learn as nearly as pos sible what amount they arc willing to contribute for the Festival to be held on tho 3d prox., make a list of fbo same, and report to this associ ation every Saturday. That tho President open commu nication ns early as convenient, with Gen. Jno. B. Gordon, inviting, him to address onr people on the 3d of Octobor next, and also with the 'Handorsville Brass Band, to ascer tain at what prico they cun ho secur ed hy this association for the occasion. Mr. Hicks of tho Dublin Post volunteered to print tho circular of instructions to ho issued hy tho President, when on motion of Capt. Bmfth, tho thanks of the association wore unanimously tendered to Mr. Hicks for lijs kind offer. Tho mooting thou adjourned till next Saturday.* R, A. Stanloy, C. S. Guyton, Secretary. President. Quick sales and small profit'! is our motto. We never fail to treat Call on us before purchasing elsewhere, We are still ngents fox justly celebrated Every Farmer should have onf. It is the best Plow in the world. If you will call on your neighbor, who has one, and see how nicely it works, you will yet one fer yourself. They arc so cheap. At Bath, Me., recently a young couple were introduced, engaged, married and divorced—all within a week, A‘Texan mustang, seven 3'cars old, with horns like those of an ox, which he sheds every year, is on exhibition at Vicksburg. The worst thing about a mosquito is its long-soliloquy as to where it had better settle down and bite.—New Haven Register. The Southern Pacific railroad is shaded from a continuous line of cot tonwood trees planted for telegraph poles. They all sprouted and live. Lord Beaconsfield’s private secre tary, Mr. Montagu Cony, has had his"little share of flic honor, having •Dealer in- Somcthing Uflcc Hot Weather. [Prescott {Ari.) Miner, August 2.] Mr. M. L. Fewell, the mail-carrier between Prescott and Wiekenburg, on bis trip during tho early part of tho week, left the latter place about tho middle of tho day when the ther mometer stood at 120 in tlie shade, and in the sun at a heat beyond tho capacity of a thermometer to indi cate, his course being over the Wal nut Grovo trail, which follows a san dy wash several miles. Before pas sing from the wash, with its scorch ing sand, ho noticed that his horse became restive and apparently in much pain. Upon making his exit from the sandy Wash and finding a large troo that offered a pleasant shade Mr. L. concluded to rest his panting steed and examine, if possi ble into tho tho cause of tho noble animal’s distress. The horse would j first raise one foot and then the Grocries, Family Medicines, Etc., NO. 11 C.R.R The place where the greatest portion of the two last crops of several counties have been sold. . The place where the LARG- been made a companion of the Bath. I will accept of no office whatever. If you have a quarter about you, that is a different t hing; but my political ambition is fully satisfied.—H. Wat-' terson. No newspaper man should speak slightingly of the man who, seated on a dry goods box with nothing on earth to do, stops every pedrostriau The place to sell all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. EST STOCK is kept. Tlie place .where FAIR and SQUARE dealing is guaranteed The place where the QUALITY of goods is Lauuijns Hill, Aug. 20, ’78. % Ed. Post: Tho oditorial article in your last tamo on Independents lias tho ring of tho true metal. Considering' its brevity, it contains moro solid truth and sound, udvico than anything wo hnvo scon. Tito domoernts of tho last Con gress in consideration of tho pres idential question, stood the most trying ordeal that bus ovor boon expe rienced in tho lmlls ot Congress. Tito party had won a long coveted victory, yet, they saw it could not ho enjoyed. A question of free govern ment or anarchy presented its ghastly form to their view. It was a rock ttpon which hung, as upon n pivot, tho ship of Constitutional liberty. The place where you can always get CASH for WOOL AND COTTON to ask the time of day. A woman may not be far-sighted in business matters, but she can seen fly speck wit hout glasses us far again as a mail can smell fried onions.— .CImhumtLJlroakf<nd- Tulxlo.. Jle'fcnid lie rather guessed he know Tlie place where the people say they got the best prices for their cotton last sens'-n The place where almost everything wanted iu the way of MBECH AND IS I —— • • . V ' . '• y ■&* ". ’ Is kept atilOTTOM PRICES. r . This interesting place is found at W. C- SMITH’S, In South Bartow, near No. 11 C. R. R., Ga Bring your wool here and he made happy. A large quantity of good o^her, giving~€firc rider to understand that something was wrong with his feet; when lie mado an examination, and found tho flesh around the up per part of tho hoof thoroughly roast ed and tho same ready to drop off. Tho animal in a few minutes was unable to Stand, and tho mail carrier was compelled to shoulder tho mail and abandon his noble chargor. “lie lulfeil not wisely.”—Puck. Tho brave man of ill-fated Grenada is Bill Redding, the telegraph ope rator. He is at his pq^t almost day and night working like a hero, with a rug tilled with carbolic acid tied around his neck. Miss Rosanna Crow, of Mottnds- ville, W. Va., for some unexplained reason went out into tho woods, climbed up a huge oak-tree, tied one Tho wliolo country stood aghast, 1 with bated breath, watching every movomont, and listening to oycry 1 click of tho telegraph. A mooting t wns now on hoard with all tho all- j vantages on the sido of tho rebellious 1 mutineers. Grant had already sound* < t*d the buglo call, and tho heavy t tramp of soldiers were hoard upon j tho tfeck. 1 What-.'did that mean? It said we will luvvo Haves for president, or wo will have wav! The democrats looked wistfully at the fruit of a hard fought, campnigu. But they know they must take tho country through another iutoruoeino atrugglo if they would enjoy .it. But by tho wisdom of sitph conserv ative patriots as Stephens and Gor don they did neither. By tlie Elec toral Commission thoy saved the ship. Could such a spirit, have' pre vailed in I860, wo would have had no war. "While this was a policy move, and a bargain with Hayes, it did not aban don principle. It was only .a kind of stay law, that will bo repealed in due time. We must have a democratic pres ident in 1880, and wo will have Grant for our opponent. Our victory must bo bo complete that ho will not dare raise Ids Ungear, IIoav is this to bo done? It must he. done by every democrat in tho whole country fooling his part of thq great responsibility and doing his part of the great work. Let every county reorganise tho party, and build it on a fair, legit imate foundation. I would bo glad to MH' tbe party in onr county throw down 1 lie crutches and quit limping along, trying to bo democratic and nt 1 ho same time supporting inde pendent candidate*. Such a course by sonic of onr best citineas lias brought democratic practice with ua iuto ridicule and coutempt by our young and uninformed voters. A large quantity of Bacon Sides from G to 6 1-2. Just received, which I offer at $0 to $7.75. Have on hand BACON, FLOUR, RICE, COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO and all kinds of FAMILY SUPPLIES at prices which cannot he undersell!. Come on all who would save money for themselves. WILLIAM C. SMITH canvass for rooleetiou. For instance in a speech at Columbus, Ga., lust week the Hon. Henry R. Harris, who is working to be returned to Congress 'As for seed, felt construed to sav I sent them, Thoy were yours, your money bought all tho books and all tho seed I Bent you. They were small tilings, hut I have learnt to despise small things. I scut tho soed all over the district, and I ex pect a full Imvrost in November.” THE DUBLIN CHEAP STORE. county, to appoint an Excbittive Committee for tho county, consist ing of one man front each Militia l)ist. Unfortunately, this was over looked at tho mass-mooting ou the 19th day of the. present month in this county. This important mat ter should Dot bo uogloctod, and it is the opinion of tho writer that another meeting should bo called for the pur pose of appointing this commit'teo. • J a conus. Isaac T. Keen; Proprietor. Denlerin * , ILY GROCERIES BACON, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE; RICE, ETC. Johuson Items. Jolm W. Snell killed four turkeys one day hist week. . j WYightsvillq’is going to print a paper, so says tho Sheri If. There is to be quartoly ‘mooting at! Maple Springs next Saturday and Sunday. j Mrs. A. T. Linder received a lot of fine pears by tho Dublin mail last Wednesday. Little Rosie Smith, daughter of David Smith, is very sick of Typhoid pneumonia. It is reported around hero that there is another store going to bo opened in town this full. .. ' -AND- OLOTHISTG, Notions, Fancy Articles, Etc., Etc., Which I offer to the puhlio. AS C II E A P AS CAN BE BOUGHT IN THE MARKET. noted little coin, having been worn by and belonging 'to a little child o ! Mr. Fossdt. It was all done in this county, and the perpetrator a white bey, whose name we will not The PHILADELPHIA has all the latest improvements, and is made of tho very best materials, using a long, large, casity-threaded shuttle. Iu a word, it is THE Sewing Machine for Family use. Large, Strong and Light running. Fully warranted in every particu lar, and retails for TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS Address, , Jgmen tion, with the hope that ho may not again engage in so mean a crime.— Eastman Times. One of the loudest talking green- backers in the state of Maine lends money at twelve per cent, interest, pays his help the very lowest wages, and left a church because a working man Wits seated iu it by the usher one Sunday. All I ask is, give me a trial. ISAAC T. KEEN, ’ PROPRIETOR Dublin, Georgia. - . Parties who are behind with me I wilj still furnish with s tpplios through the summer, if they will come up and make me secure, juuc 20-U«a and upwards, Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co, No. 144 N. Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa*