Newspaper Page Text
TIEEIEl] post.
WEDNESDAY, SEPT 18. , 1878.
W. P. Hicks it the regular agent for the
POST in Johnton county, authorised to re
ceive subscription*, receipt for the tame, and
to make contract* for adterUting. All duet
thould be paid to him..
Last Saturday’* Hireling of the
at the request bf Col. B. Gen. Cook
has done more hard work in Congress
for the rights of Southern planters |
Ilian any man in it. Then, how un
generous to charge him with oppos-
Eetter from Johnson.
Near Hutchinson’s Bridge,
Sept, 7th, 1878.
Ed. Post:
Not haying seen any commnnica-
ing jib own bill, because it favored a tion to yonr valuable paper from this
small Section out of his district. section, I have concluded it would
‘ Let hortor bo given to whom honor not be amiss to write, giving you a
is due. Tako none from Col. B., he f ew dots as regards to health, crops, s
Meds none other’s laurels, but give I & c>
to Gen. Cook a worthy measure of i have no hesitancy in saying that
approbation JJpf the Oconee river ap-1 this is one of the healthiest sections
What has Oen. Cook.done for the j
.Southern farmers? Nothing better I
in Georgia. 'Chore rarely occurs a
death in our neighborhood, oxccpt
from some chronic discuse. Fevers
Dublin Ga.,
Sept. 14, 1878.
The Central and Sub-committees
pursuant to adjournment met in the
Court House at 11 A. M. Col. C. S.
Guyton, the President and Clapt. II.
A. Stanley, the Soctratary being ab
sent, the meeting was called to order
by Capt. Hardy Smith, one of the
Vico Presidents, and It. L. Hicks re
quested to act as Secretary.
The object of tbo meeting being
to receive roportsand loam the prog
ress mude in getting up raw moats
basket? and money for the festival
on the 3d day of October noxt, the
chair called for such reports as were
ready to bo submitted.
The reports banded in were of the
most cncouragiug character—the one
from Bailoy’s District nlono—to give
a single exam plo—though very incom
plete)—Bhowing subscriptions suffi
cient to food six or eight hundred
people with a goodly amount of mon
ey. Some fourod that the fearful
typo of bilious fover now raging in
some sections of tho county would
somewhat interfere with tho enjoy
ment of tho occasion; but on close
inquiry of parties frbm all sections of
tho county, it was ascertained that
tho sickness except in a few localities
was of a very mild type, and of very
little consoquonco.
Tho following resolution was of
lorod by Mr. Dennis McLendon and
That; all tbo old Soldiers and cit,
izons of Laurens county bo requested
to assomblo in mass-meeting in the
Court House at 11 o’clock A. M. on
Saturday before the Bib Sunday in
rids month for tho pnrpoeo of taking
into consideration tho mattor of del
egating to tho Central Committee
the power to appoint a special mar
shal with a suitable nmnbor of assis
tants &o for tho festival occasion, to
gether with other matters proper to
ho brought before such n body.
And at this mass-mooting that each
and every one of tho Central and
Sub-eommitteoman be particularly
requested to bo present and to bring
a full report of nil meats baskets, and
monoys contributed to the festival.
No further busiuoss being boforo
tho mooting, tho body adjourned to
moot again next Saturday at 11 a.
m. Hardy Smith
It. L. Hicks * Ch’m
than try, try again for the refunding arc a i niogt unknown. In fact, the
of the odious and piratical Cotton yp ])’ gi ga y that if nothing but prae-
Tax. He has introduced more ticc makes perfect, it is certain they
measures in Congress for this purpose cannot attain that degree of pcrfec-
fchnn any other member. And I am tion they wish. It is so distressing-
glad to see lie will likely be returned, | y healthy that pills have become a
although I am somewhat an advocate (i ea( j capital.
of rotation. | Crops, owing to the recent drouths,
But the most important error of h iave been severely damaged; there
Jacobus is that about Executive | w ill be corn enough made, however^
is unit about
Committees. He will doubtless agree | to answer every purposo for the en
with me that no one has any author- gujngycar. ' Cotton'Is cut off nearly
ity to cull a political meeting except | ono ] lu lf and farmers are busily enga-
the Chairman of the Executive Com
mStteo. And that if a meeting is
hold without this authority, it is a
fraud, and its acts a nullity.
lie. will also agree with me that
Abram Hewitt is Chairman of the
National Dein. Ex. Committee, and
that HuftiB E. Lester is Chairman of
our Stale Ex. Committee, that Tlios.
G. Lawson is Chairman of our Con
gressional district Ex. Committee,
and that Daniol It. Coombs is chair
man of our county Ex. Committee.
These are all to whom we hold any
allegiance, either direct or remote,
and nono of them has any authority
to call a mooting in thin county cither
himself or by agent except Mr.
And ns the lute meeting in this
county cannot claim paternity of any
of these Political Fathers, it must
have been an illegitimate. It is the
duty of a member of a Congressional
Ex. Committee to attend the meet
ings called by his chairman, (which
a quorum has failed lo do in the last
call in our district,) and to look after
the interest of the party in his coun
ty, and to see that meetings are
called by tho proper authority when
necessary in tho interest of ..district
ged in gathering, as the major part is
now opened. The recent rains with
which we have been visited have beat
en a great deal ottfc upon the ground
which is a final loss. As fast as
gathered it is being ginned and hur
ried off to market to meet Guano
notes, I suppose—what a sacrifice
many farmers are making by pur
chasing Guano with sneh facilities as
they have for making their own fer
tilizers. One hears a good deal of com
plaining of bard limes. Let us ask the cause of it? The ques
tion can readily bo answered. It is
extravagance. We do not deponti
upon homo industry enough. We
do not try to raise our own supplies,
but depend upon the western market
too much for them. The misfort
unes of war did not deteriorate tho
value of our lands if it swept from
us our other property, and you will
find a majority of tho farmers of the
present day trvingto live in more ease
and luxury than they did.when able
to do so. Whero is tho farmer who
raises his own supplies that is pecuni
arily embarrassed? lie cannot be
found. He floats nlong quietly and
smoothly, and many envy his stand
True and brave Women.
[Memphis Avalanche."]
There arc woman of pluck and un
surpassable devotion in Memphis
who are daring everything for those
they love. The faithless are of the
other sex, of those whom the world
in one of) its greatest misnomershave
dubbed “the stronger sex.” While
John Donovan forsakes his wife,
and leases his children to die in
strangers’ hands; while a son hies to
Arkansas springs and leaves his
mother and two brothers to bo borne
by otlier hands to the grave, in con
trast shines out the faithfulness of
woman, as a devoted mother, as pa
tient, attentive wife, as life-risking
daughter, sister, friend. By the
bed-side of the burning body, inha
ling the poison of the sick room, foul
with that odor which tells tho na
ture of the dreadful disease, perform
ing service which none other will do,
wearing a smile while the -heart is
breaking and lifting up the head
when in the last agony, her person is
befouled by that most repulsive and
horrible of all substance—black vom
it—she sits ahd watches, and 1 Cares
for‘her loved one till he lives again
or passes beyond her Aid. The pen-
privilcgo of a representative number
of citzcns to call a meeting and elect
an Executive Committee.
Bill Arp’s boys pulling fodder on
st ilts did not make a worso jumble of
I ho produce than nro tho ideas of
our pcoplo on these subjects.
1Meuso give us tho code.
Laurens Hill, Sept. 0, ’78."
Ed. Post:
“Jacobus” will understand tlmt 1
intend no pique by a criticism upon
Borne of his articles, but for tho pub-
lio good, to correct some errors ac
cording to my understanding.
I noed hardly mention the harsh
language ho used about that grout
man, Mr. Stephens, for he 1ms cer
tainly repented of that. Will ho
hear tlmt Mr. Stephens is the Grand
"Worthy Patriarch of tho Georgia
members of Congress? Tlmt they
meet iu his room for consultation
and advice? And that doubtless
much of tho fame won by some, of
our representatives is owing to their
heeding tho udvico of this erudite
ptatosmnn. However, they sohiq-
times part with him, as on tho Pot
ter measure, and ns Smith ulono did
on the Electoral bill. Jacobus him
boK would make a good Congressman
under tho advice of such a wise coun
Jacobus said that Col. Blount car
ried the bill for the Oconee river
appropriation against tho opjmsition
of Gen. Cook, who fought it severely,
and did so, because it was out of his
district, Tho facts are, that when
Col. B. had carried the measure as
far as he could, after tho adverse
report of tho surveyor, (which was
always thrust in his face,) Gen. Cook
introduced a bill for an appropria
tion for Flint and perhaps" other
livers in his part of tho State, and
included in that hill the Oconee
which, it is fair to suppose, was done
About tho loudest entertainment
around town now, is half a dozen
houud puppies.
Yesterday was a day of rejoicing
in the hearts of tho pcoplo of Mont
gomery, when Hon. D. J. MoRuc
returned from the Convention and
announced tlmt Hon. Phil Cook was
re-nominated for Congress for tho 3d
district, uud Hon. Jas. Blount for
tho Gth.
ing ,\vhen they £nnld occupy the
When a paSty orgnni-I game positioilfwt&lhey -to emulate
zation becomes defunct, it is the 11,; 3 CX umplo.
of her scrviceTs generally death,
come to the writer’s
icived from New York and the Eastern
The largest and Best Selected Stock
* >., .fifes ' s
Ever Brought to this Section, and which will be sold at price
Astonishing to Everybody.
We invite the Public to Gall and See ns, as it is no trouble to Sho\
Planters will do well to price at our-House, before buying elsg
Our Motto: To Please and Suit Everybody.
We Guarantee all Goods as Represented.
Sept. 18-3m.
Montgomery News.
Politics tiro tit a" low ebb—never
hear a candidate’s name mentioned
The man tlmt “totos his own skillet'
will be sent to congress from this
district, but I do not think lie is the
choice of a great many. IIo will
receive their support only through
puro democratic principals, as his
political career for some timo past
Ims boon particularly noticed, and
lms met with tho approval of but few.
Prospects bid fair that the noble
Blount will represent your district
again, and justly does ho merit tho
honor. Semper Idem.
Mr. .T. W. Morrison has returned
from Macon wlicro ho bought an
extensive fall stock of goods.
Sad Casualty.
[Cochran Observer.]
Tho little hoy Duncan, son of Mrs.
George W. Brown of this place, on
Monday morning lost while his
mother was preparing breakfast
found a bottle of bitters on the side
board, made of ebony tree and dog
wood bark put up in new brandy,
and drunk about three gills of the
posse, charged with | mixture. By the time ho drank it,
Thos. White? lmd a his mother ’being notified, was by
second committal trial before three him being speechless; ami iu a miu-
.1 ustices oil tho 4th inst., and the J^e was so perfectly paralyzed that
State opened her big blado through ho never moved a muscle in Ins body
her attorney, A. II. Wooten, and as afterwards. Dr. Walker saw him in
tho counsel for tho defense, D. M. 111 less tlmu teu minutes after lie
Roberts and J. E. Kicks,'thought flawed *ho brandy, and although
the Stt to had failed to make out a h° ««$ »U physicians m the place
case, they introduced no evidence. 1° kamb, Dr.
The Court entered up a judgement Jm'dan and Dr. J?. D. Walker of
a % »t i i I I .mifrcfrnnr niil mtomlimcr Tnnr
The officer mid posse, charged with
the murder of Thos.
of Justifiable homicide.
H, Wooten is now trotting out |
with a ton thousuml dollar damage
case for the widow of White.
Longstreot # did everything that
science could suggest, he died at
7 o’clock P. M. A post mortem ex
amination was hold two hour# after
death, when the stomach was found
hstances come to
mind faster than he can record them,
instances which ai‘o but a few of the
-many which have become like a part
of heaven in so much of earth’s hell.
A citizens’ relief committeeman
walked into an humble cottoge in
the southern portion of the city
There ho found three children ill,
ono weak and listless, hut evidently
convalescing, tho other tossing in
burning fever. : A-little woman in
black sat betwen the two and was in
the act of kissing the brow of the
little fevered one.
“Can’t I send yon a nurse, mad
am?” asked the visitor. > v
“No, sir,” (the pale little woman
smiled.) I liavo brought ono child
through and I shall bring the other.”
‘•But you are worn out.”
“Oh, no, sir. A kind Italian wo
man, near by, comes in and helps me
some times.” She would not yield;
no other baud but licr’s could minis
ter to her little ones.
Ail old grandmother told Rev. Mr.
EtOflon#, itbt only of having nursed
tier grandson to his death, but- in
want of some one else to do it, had,
with her old bands prepared him for
the grave.
A child was stricken with fover on
Alabama street. “Go,” said the
mother to the father, “I shall never
leave the boy, but you must not bo
endangered.” The coward complied,
and saw from over the way a short
coffin borne out of his home. The
mother is paying tho price of her de
votion, and by to morrow will pass
to her last home in the city.
A sick man’s lady friond wrote.
“Please let mo come.” And when
his friends thought tlio die was cast,
they consented to his summoning her.
Boldly she laid aside her hat, pushed
back her hair, and forcing a smile to
her lips, entered the room. Some of
his malo friends stood outsido on the
door steps to “inquire how the boy
is getting along.”
These are a few of hundreds.
Mothers have made their sons leave
town, and they relieved apparentely
of all alarm, havo sunk down to die.
Wives absent have returned against
tho positive orders and wishes of
tlieir husbands, prefering to die with
those they love rather than suffer the
suspense away. God in his mercy
lias sent these ministering angels to
make us forget for a time the horrors
of wholesale death, and contemplate
in them tho glory and beauty of a
Jiafter world.
The Yellow Fever.
[Satapnah News.]
Our yellow fever reports show that
in New Orleans yesterday there were
two hundred and thirty new casesp
and eighty deaths, and in Canton
thirty-one now cases and one death.
In the labter city the disease is rap
idly spreading. In Memphis one
hundred and fifteen deaths, number-
mg many prommet citizens, are re<
ported in the twenty-four hours en
ding at noon yesterday, while ir
Vicksburg the mortality is fearful,
The disease has broken out at Sena-
tobia Miss., and created great alarm
there. One fatal case, an imported
one, has occured in Mobile. Liberal
Family Sewing Mach’i
The PHILADELPHIA has all 1
contributions to the sufferers are still latest improvements, and is made
LittleTVey, son of Mr Harris Har
vill, had a narrow escape on last
Thursday. While playing in the
gully in front of his father’s house,
he was poisoned by eating “cowitch”
bcrne3, and when found was having
spiisins. A physician was immedia-
atcly summoned, the proper vemdies
applied and the next day ho was well
as ever.—Southerner & Appeal.
the very best materials, using a Ion
large, easily-threaded shuttle. In
word, it is THE Sewing Machine f
Family use.
Large, Strong and Light runnin
Fully warranted in every partiq
lar, and retails for
empty, and very palo in appearance,
which tho Doctors say was evidence
Montgomery cm ity is now aceus
ing some of her boys of loving mut
ton. Two havo been arrested, but 1 of fiual paralysis produced by prussic
l ... . j*., * d y . -
no trial yet.
Mr. G. W. Davis and two others
went out driving last Saturday in ono
direction, and Air. Beaeham uud a
crowd weiit another, and both parties
returned with throe tine deer apiece
about night.
neid contained in the brandy^ Tlio
lungs were greatly congested, aud a
portion of the heart- presented abnor
mal symptoms. Tho bitters were
prepared for a vounger brother by
Dr. Carrol, and clirected to bo
Carrol, ami directed to be given
in teaspoonful doses. No blatno
can be attached to any ono. Tlio
Our candidates are rather slow in I little bov was about four years and
making their appearance beforo the ‘ ax months old.
parole—wo havo only ono for Clerk,
one for Treasurer, two for Receiver,!
three for Sheriff, and nine for Col-1
The Rev. Mr. Griffith, of the Fond
du Lad (\Y is.) Methodist Episcopal,
has prayed that eliicken-
Rotiims from the Maine elections
thus far show that tho House stands:
Republicans 40, Democrats 21, Green
backers 64, with seven counties to
hear from.
Church has prayed
thieves all over the land maybe turn
ed from tho error of their wavs.
Tho Eastman
fifty pupils.
Wm. E. Smith has been renomi
nated in tho Second District.
1 lenry Waid Beecher t liinks that
\cademy numbers J if St, Paul were now living ho would
be an out-and-out Darwinian.
Terrible Accident.
[Sicainsboro Herald.]
On Friday afternoon last, as a
daughter of Mr. White R. Smith,
aged about torelv^ai^ wagrorimi-
ing'ftjjnr sSlH)of,'e&e slopped ST.a
house On her father’s place where a
quantity of seed cotton was stowed
and commenced to play in the cotton.
It seems that the children hud been
playing on the cotton before and had
dug a hole about four feet deep in it
It is supposed that while playing
on the pile of cotton, she fell head
foremost into this hole, and being
unablo to extricate herself, she wus
suffocated, as life avus extinct when
she was found. The bereaved fami-
ha\e our deepest condolence in
is, their time of trouble.
and upwards. Address,
Philadelphia Sewing Machine C
No. 144 N. Seventh Street,
Philadelphia, Pa
Fatal Accident.
[Eastman Timet.]
We learn from Allen Evers that a
boy of Johu Horn, of Pnlaski coun
ty, had Ins head crushed and was
instantly killed on Friday last,
by tho falling of a cart body upon
him. Tho cart body was standing
upon one end and resting against the
fence, when tlio weight of the child,
who was about six years of age, in
attemnting to climb tho body, over-
ca it, a
turned it, and it fell, striking the lit
tle fellow on ----- -
Gen. Cook will address the people
of Cochran Aud vicinity on tho 19th
inst., of Mt Veri.on on 31st inst.
Rev. E. M. Whiting has so far re
covered from his lute illness as to be
able to return to Eastman.
Call anil have your Boots ami Shoes mi
to order, and thus secure a better b
anil a better fit than you can possibly get
buying Northern stock..
As my rates are exceedingly low, nc
need apply without the cash.
Constan tly on hand a fine lot of la
and shoe pegs for sale.
Henry P. Smith.
Dublin Ga,
Killed by the Cars.
Two negro boys, Gus and Lee Wal-
ker, brothers—one aged about thir
teen and the other eleven, were found
on the railroad near Oconee on yes
terday morning that had been ran
over by the cars on Tuesday night
and killed. It is supposed that they
were out hunting and had gone to
sleep on the track. The Coroner,
Mr. G. W. Hammock, was sent for
to hold an inquest over their bodies.
—Sandersville Herald.
Scientific Blacksmith,
Southeast Corner Public Square
All work done warranted to please or
Johnson Items.
Superior Court convenes in
Wrightsvillc next Monday.
Dr. J. W. Flanders is so far re
covered as to be on the streets again.
Mr. Thomas Brantley’s little sou
about eighteen months old died last
A Fine Assortment of Plows
Which is superior to any plow of
kind made in this country. With tha
for past favors, we solicit the continua
jo 20, ly
of the same.
Dr. A. I; Haynes and Wm. B.
Snell have opened a store in Wrights-
ville, and are selling goods very low,
Mrs. Whitehead who has been
spending some time in Wrightsville,
Inf I- fn,. Siar-anAoW locf UVIdav
left for Savannah last Friday.
The post office lias been moved
from A. M. Outlaw’s to Mr. W. A.
Thompkiu’s store.
Last Tuesday, Joe Tfromas, col.,
about si* years old, was playing with
a pistol and shot himself. The
ball entering the thigh on the inner
sido nud passing downward and out
ward lodged over quarter of an inch
beneath tho surface. Tho hall was
extracted by. Dr. J. W. Brinson,
On last Thnrsday night, Phillis
Boles, a colored woman in tho em-
ploy of Mr. Wm. B. Bales, secretly
put away a new born infant. Her
actions were such as to cause Mr.
If so, go to see Wash Baker, at
first-class Saloon on Beech St., when
keeps constantly on band, and for sale
Wines, Whiskeys,
Brandies Beer,
Cider, Champa
And in fact, everything in the shaj
Liquors and Drinks to be found in a:
class Saloon. , —
AtSO <*■
Give me a call and you shall be com
Sept. 18-tf. Cochran
Bales to suspect her of something to be back home again, when il
wrong. He ordored her to bring up
brongi . ,
it, and it is thought from what the
mother said, that it was bnned. alive.
No move has been made to investi
gate the matter yet.
Mr. Sol Mass of Cochran, nov
New York writes to the Obsen
I propose now to inform yon
publication, of my firm resoln
soou to start for my home. I ’
not recovered so much from
unfortunate catastrophe as to be
sidered well, but I am very am
ve mo immeasurable pleasur
take hands once more with
friends, and former associates,
ging you to accept, sir, the a^ 11
of my sinccrest regards, I am,
Yours etc,
Sol Maas.
New York, Sept’r 7th 1878