The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, January 22, 1879, Image 4

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HILL ARP'S SUNDAY CHAT# Nugget ions Produced by Uwkh- *M« Gio Cine, school, uml it took the doctors three days lo tliuw him. and they got him thawed all but his heart, and they couldn’t reach that, and it’s frozen yet, and ho couldn't refrain from callin his name, which is that same Jim Blaine, from tho cold State of Maine, who is said to contain narry blood in his vein, and this serves to explain why ho goto so insane at a little blond-stain on a robol shirt. Well, I don’t hlamo Melville for departing from those inclement coasts, and seeking u clime more congenial to his feelings. If lie left uny more of his sort behind him, they too will find a cordial welcome in tho sunny south, for he’B made a good citizen in ]>cuco and a good sol dier in war. and if there’s anything higher I don’t know it. May he and his family—when he gets one— live long and prosper. Yours, T. P. SARCHETT. JAMES J. CONNER, Attorney at Law, DUBLIN, UEO&UIA. je 20, ly. After over twenty yearn experience in the [Atlanta Constitution,] We still live. For the past week we have had to move round lively and dance to the time of “wood up (piiokst-ep.” Wo run throe fires, and it has taken baok-logs and front-logs pud top logs and chips and chunks and pine knots, to koop the bairn comfortable. A good big load a day about does it, amj 1 was th’inkin how thankful we ought to be that we had tho wood handy. I suppose a load GEO. S. OBEAR 92 Sij- I flatter myself that I know n little about It, and wish to inform the public thnt I ani AT MY OLD ST A XD On the corner of the Court House Bqunre, ready to serve all who want to purchase any thing in my line. I keep always on linncl a Come and see the finest assortment of Crockery, French China,. American China, JAMES E. HIGHTOWER, Attorney at Law, DUlsLJX, GEORGIA. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS full stock of ■ 1 J " ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, am: S“b- XjO"cl±s 33©©:r? on draught. Also a fine stock of Family Groceries. All of which I offer to Bell Cheap for Cash. Give me a trial and lie convinced. I am n!s< „ ^ „ Agent for the Stamjied and Tin Ware, Toilet Sets, Agate Iron Ware, Ac. lery of all kinds. Agent for the celebrated MERCKR HAYNES, Attorney at Law, nrm.ix, ammiA. Collections made a specialty. Offlce in Court House. je 20, ly. Also, Charter Oak, Sunny South. Cotton Plant, and other desirable pat terns. oct 30-3m i mucks lug onongli to (ling a cat through- May the good bird have inorey on cm. What would you poor folks have done if tho Georgia rail road hadn’t thought about tho cross- ties ? When tho treasury is empty, /Hid the weather so cold, your good jiooplo can’t get out to Imy or beg a little fuel for tho ]Kior, it's a blessed thing to have old cross-ties so conve nient. While read In vour account of their desolation and distress, I couldn't help rumiuutin over the lib erality of your people to Memphis and Now Orleans and Vicksburg, and how I had known folks to strain their guns shootin at long range and overlook tho game close to em. I’ve kuowod good jKJOplo to send clothes to the heathen at Unumipootm when tlioro was plenty of children goin nbont barefooted and ragged and cold In tho suburbs of their own town. Bflhool-girls, and their mot hors too, Wop tears of sympat hy over a thrill ing novel which seems to prove that wlujt wo read of makes more impres sion on ns than wlmt wo see. Just so with a touching picture upon the canvass or a tender seeno well acted jn tho play, and Tom Hood’s song of (the shirt is said to Imu* awakcuod more charity in Ismdon than the press und the pulpit, and all tho be nevolent sociol ies put together. Well, fit courso them poor folks who are lazy and trilling ought to suffer a lit tle, and I reckon that’s excuse suf ficient for most everybody who wants ♦one, but ono thing is certain, holplcss REYNOLD’S IRON and BRASS WORKS A. REYNOLDS & SON, Proprietors. llOX ANI) BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. The Champion lint Killer. A tall man, with a nose like a muffin, went into a Maine street hoarding hoitso one day hist week, and asked for a dinner. “Owing to tho general depression of business, uml consequent scarcity of the rhino,” said the proprietor, looking the tall mail over, “a dinner Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boi lers, Saw, Grist and Sugar Mills, a n d Cotton Presses, for Horse, Hand, Water or Steam Power. Kettles, Iron Rail- iugs, Gin Gearing, und Horse Powers , and all kinds of Ma chinery Castings. Sugar Mills and Iron Railing Speci alties. This being a new establishment all our Patterii8 ar;e New, with all fne Modern I m prof d- incnts. First Class work Guaranteed and pri ces very Reasonable. Call on or uddroa, (Nciirly opposite Passenger Depot.) Macon, Georgia TERMS PER DAY a. REAL ESTATE AGT Mount Vernon, Georgia. je 20, 1878. ly. E. 0. BOSTICK, Attorney at Law, WKIGIITSVILLE, GA. je 20, 1878, ly. in in perfect order in nil it* nrrnnge- ‘neats, and the most convenient of uny in the city, being only 100yards from the Pus- worth a copper,” remarked the land lord ; “I guess you’ll have to dine more sumjffuously elsewhere.” “Can’t I do something for my dinner ?” asked the tall man, as a hungry pang griped him. “You can pay,” said tho proprie tor, impressively. “You give me my dinner,” said tho tall man ; “I’ll agree to clean your house of every rat in it. I have performed the feat iu many hotels throughout the country, with most satisfactory rosulte.” The proprietor aoooptod the bar gain, ns a most advantageous one to himself, and tho tall man seated himself at tho tublo whore ho did fearful execution among tho victuals. He finished his dinner in half uu hour, picked his tooth with a fork, called for a cigar, and procecocd to enjoy it. “Now then,” said tho proprietor, when the tall man bait finished his smoke, “let’s got to business. Go for tho rats.” “Ah yos,” roturned tho tall man, “with pleasure. Proouvo mo a light iron bur, ahout four foot in longth, and I will proeoed to business.” Tho iron bar wus produced, and the loafers gatliored around to wit ness the interesting proceedings. “Now begin,” said the proprietor. A. REYNOLDS & SON senger Depot ollicu, where are ulwiivs Corner Fifth and Hawthorn streets; (near Southwestern Rail Road Freight Depot.) MACON A. F. DALEY, Attorney at Law, WRIG1ITSVILIE, GA., je 20, ly. GEORGIA. E. C. CORBETT. Proprietor. DUBLIN GEORGIA WM. H. WYLLY, Att’y and Counsellor at Law, DUBLIN, GA. liutiding and Repairing done to Order. All work eat ranted to me Xeaflg and Promptlg executed at pri ces to naif the times. Shop on souht east corner Court House Square. Call and see. • june 20, ly 50 TONS GUANO ON -A/b 3/ti Xj3TW . IRWINTON, GA. je 27-1 y. O T1TE FARMERS OF THIS COUNTY’ I OFFER I no. Merry man’s Ammoniated Disolved Bones W.J. SCARBROUGH & CO, RAR ROOM, ZDtxTdIxxl., G-eo, Keep always well^supplied with Aurora Beer, WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Also a good assortment of Family Groceries, Which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Give them a call, Je 20, tf. Dr. R. H. Hightower. PRACTITIONER OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY, Dublin, Georgia. Calls promptly attended day or night, Oflice next to Hotel. Room ut residence, je 20, ly. Freight payable on Guano only, WILL UBSt’ME T1IB Practice of Medicine Fmm this date. june20 ^ ■THE WHITE ■ SEWING MACHINE THE BEST OP A1A. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim V* «EIN« THE VERY BEST OPERAT1MO . QUICKEST SELLING, *-* HANDSOMEST, AMD Host Perfeot Sewing Haohine IN TUB WORLD. . PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 8on of the late Dr. James C. Carroll lias located on his father’s place twelve miles west of Duhliu, and offers his professional servioos to the citizeus of that section, oct 28-tf C. HICKS, M.D PRACTITIONER. Mount Vernon, Ga. jo 20, ly. For,the last twenty years the leading Clothing house in all the State. $-sT*W. P. BALDWIN is with this House.^I Georgia. ZMZaoom. oct 80-3m National Issues. St. Louis Pust-Dlspateh. The two political tendencies— cen tralization nu tho rop'iblioun ; true self-government on the democratic side. Or, shall the minority rule or tho majority. Wo are in favor of the latter “by a largo majority.” J. W. FLANDERS, M. D., Physician and Accoucheur. WBIGHTSVIUE, GA. Calls attended day or night. Oflice at his residence. je 20. 1878, ly. VISITORS TO MACON While in the city, should not fail to call and examine the extensive stock of STOVES, TIN-WARE, CUTLERY, LAMPS, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, WOODEN WARE AND General House-Furnishing Goods, AT GEO. W, BURR’S No. 87 Cherry St. TRICES DOWN TO LOWEST NOTCH. SOLE AGENTS FOR The Grand Charter Oak and Fanner Girl Cook Stove. Repairs for the above always on baud. octSO-flm DUBLIN BAR ROOM Ono or Mr. Toombs’ Virtues. Now York Star. It is one of the virtues of Robert Toombs that he dtuvni’t chew toliuc- co. A great deal has been a asmmIcm- ehtctofl tribute t» Its excclUnce and sanerleHty ever other machines, and In submittingTt lo tbs we pul II aeon Its m^lts, and In ae Instance Hm it ever yet tailed to satisfy any rccommewdsMss In Its favor. The d-rnand for the White has increased to such an extent that we are now compelled to turn out •A. Gocn.p3.oto Sonrlaxc M^-Mno every threo sxiswa.taa isa. • to «i fP ly B. NANCE —m-— Wines, Whiskies and Brandies OK TUK CIIOK'KST UUAXDi*. ALSO Cwulkv, Crackers, Sardine*. Oj>tctv, Tolmcco and Cigars. In fact E\ ’Jrylhing kcpl in a First-Class Bar. ict 16 tf aoootn- plishod by the average soutliorn statesman when he can utter a great thought without looking around for a spittoon. Every machine I* warranted for S years, and sold for *r*h nt liberal discount*, or upon easy payments, to suit tha convenience of customers. as-Aams vxKtsa nt toocctho smnoxr. WHITE SEWINQ MACHINE CO., Ml 368 Euclid Arc., Cleveland, OWs. Blaine does t he bulk of his gestur ing with his left arm, and Gail Ham ilton dues hoi's with her right brogan.