The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, February 05, 1879, Image 4

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m T. P. SARCHETT, “I am Dying, Kgypt, I’iiNinirp Leader. A gentleman u iili < ’•*]. Ruulf, ami mi indent lu’mircr of hi* ix>et,ry. relates a story told by him when the ( wo spent a night in con* v rsution, criticisms and recollect* i ms, so dear to men of his kind, over a eosv tire and warm decoctions. He spoke of the night before the battle at which General \V. S. Lytle fell. The two (Hcalf and Lytle) lay together in the general’s tent. Thoy Wore both given to writing jMietry at finch times, and each had an unfin ished poora on hand, and thoy read and criticised each other’s efforts humorously for some time, when Lytle said: » “Hcalf, 1 shall never live to finish that poem.” “Nonsense,” said I, “you’ll live to write volumes of such st uff.” “A feeling has suddenly come over me,” continued the general, solemnly “which is more startling than a prophecy,that I shall ho killed in to morrow’* fight. As I spoke to you I saw the given hills of the Ohio as it I stood among them. They begun to recede from mo in a weird way, and us they disappeared the After over twenty years experience in (])< GEO. S. OBEAR COURIER-J OUBN AI Largest, Best and Chen nest Pnm. ily Paper In the United Stales. I Hatter myself that I know a little about it, and wish to inform the public that I am AT MY OLD STAND On the comer of the Court House Square, ready to serve all who want tp purchuso an\ l - tlilng ih'itiy line. I keep always o.n hand a full stock of ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, ani: S“b- XjOixxs Beer on draught. Also a tine stoek of Family Groceries. All of which I offer to sell Cheap for Cash. Give me a trial and he convinced. . J am nl* Agent for the “OLD VALLEY WHISKEY.’ 1« 20. tf. T. P. 8a ncilKTT. * Come and see the finest assortment of Crockery, French China, American China, ,. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, Stamped and Tin Ware, Toilet Sets, Agate Iron Ware, &c. Cut lery of all kinds. Agent for the celebrated Excelsior Hot Blast Cook Stove, Also, Charter Oak, Sunny Sonth. Cotton Plant, and other desirable pat. terns. Oct 30-3m a mere hasty hotch-potch thrown together from the daily edition, hut acomplete, aide, spicy family newspaper, carefully and intelligently edited in every column and paragraph. TO AGENTS AND CLUBS. Extraordinary inducements in the way of cash commissions and valuable preml- nms are offered to Agents mid Clubs. Choice from standard hooks of the times, ami a choice seleellon (it the h ading magazines or lllustialed periodicals of the day furnished in combination with the Weekly for a mere pltlaneo in addition to the price of the OotmiKit-JourtNAr, alone. . “ nuw edition of Prentice’s Poems, beaut If ully printed and hound aud the wkkkmt C'otmiKit-.louiiNAi, one year for A Ml'LRNDfb MAP Of THE SOUTH, Size 28J x 82 inches, handsomely colored, varnished and hung on rollers, retail price $2; mailed free of postage, and the Weekly Courier-Journal one year, for $2, ' A. REYNQLDS&& SON, Proprietors. RON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. W. F. CEFFCKEM, Bxl ggy ZMIa, 3szex». Building and Repairing done, to Order: -All work entrunted fo me Neatly and Promptly executed at. pri ce* to unit the time*. Shop on south east coined f'ourt House Sr/uare. Call and sec. June 20. ly . ijr Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boi lers, Saw, Grist and Sugar Mills, -a n d Cotton Presses, for Horse, Haud, Water or Steam Power. Kettles, Iron Rail ings, Gin Gearing, and Horse Powers., and all kinds of Ma ] ebinery Castings. ' Sugar Mills and Iron Railing Speci alties. This beingi a new establishment all our Patterns are New, with all the convic tion flashed through me like the lightnings shock that I would tiovor sco thorn again.” I mlliod him f^r. Ill’s superstition, but the belief had become storngly impressed upon his mind, and ho succeeded in so far thrilling me with ltis own unnatural fear, that I beg ged him, to finish his poem before he slopt, that such fine work might not be lost to the wdrld. In the small hours t)io genorni «iwakened me from a slumber into whiOli I had fallen, to road to me that, beautiful poom, which must live as long us our litoraiture survives, : ‘ l am dying, Egypt, dying. Kblw the erlmwht life-tide font My eyes filled with tears us he read. Ho said not a word as ho concluded, but placed the manuscript, in his pockot and lay down to sleep. Bo- fore dawn came the cull to arms. Whort I next saw poor Lytlo lie was cold in death among heaps of the slain. 1 thought of the poem, and, searching the pockot whore I had mm him put it, d c\v it forth, uudit WU* forwarded, among other things, 1 merits! =. First Class work I Guaranteed and pri- \ cos very Reasonable. Call on or addres, Dally Courier-Journal, a year #12.00 Hniiday Courier Journal, a year . . 2.00 Weekly (Jmirier-Jmirual, with Map, a year goo A lllteml discount allowed to OlubH raised for the Weekly (’on rics-Journal. •*' J™*# in afi prepaid by the Pub- Agent’s outfit. Specimen copies, list of Books and Magazines and Descriptive Circulars sent free on application. Bend for outfit giving full particulars to Agents, butters should he addressed to, W. A r . UAIiDKMAN, Prexident UuuHer-Journal Go. fjonixetile, Ky. A. REYNOLDS & .SON Corner Fifth and Hawthorn streets; (near Southwestern Rail Road Freight; - * Depot.) MACON R. M. ARNAU Scientific Blacksmith, (iKOKOIA. Southeast Corner Public Square All work done warranted to {dense or m. charge. GEORGIA BUGGY WORK A SPECIALTY Sml for Price List and Circulars. ..OPS 20-1 v. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND A Fink Assortment ok Plows IMPORTANT TO TEACH Hits A Teacher's Library for Sale, 50 TONS GUANO ON. HAND Consist'ng in part of (ho following works: ' je-.j, ‘f yie'ifP v1> SYPIIKll'S AltTOP TfCAQMINO SCHOOL. WIOKICUHItAM'H MKT1IODH OK INSTRUCTION. " SClIOtlli ECONOMY. TIIK IIIHTOUV AND I'UOOUKSH OK EDUCATION iiv nin.omin.iu8. calkins’ object j.kskdns. wathon’s hand-hook or cai.ihtiiknics & OYMNASTtCS. Sl'KNCKUIAN KliY TO IMIACTICAI, PENMAN - SKIP. joiionnot’h sciioor. mvtrn. hoot's school amuhkmunth. UATKS' TKACItKU’s INSTITUTKS. tiik tkacukuh’ mimic to ii.liikthation. PT.AHKK'S SKX IN EDUCATION. HAHN Aim’s KDUCATION IN KUU0P15. Which is superior to any plow of the k ud made In this country. With thanks for past favors, we solicit the continuance of the same. jo. 20, ly THE FARMERS OF THIS COUNTY I OFFER TIIE DEATH SWEEP. luo. Merryman’s Ammoniated Disolved Bones ABE YOU DRY? tiik sootrwuuy kastuiw Kl’IIOPK, London; •limitary 25.—^According to the British Medical Journal, great alarm prevails in eastern Europe «vor the nipid spread up the Volga river, in southeastern Russia, of an extremely fatal disease beliovcd to be (he plague. 11 is thought to have boot) brought to Russia by two regiments <*f Cossacks returning from the war in Turkey. The disease was regarded at first ns a variety -of typhus lever amt m-gleetedy but Its terrible mortality soon compelled the local authorities to tnko steps for its restriction. Rigid quarantine w a « enforced against Astrakoti, If so. go tr see Wush Baker, at his first-class Saloon on Beech St., where lie keeps constantly on hand, and -for sale, Wines, Whiskeys, * Brandies Beer, Older, Cluunpngnc, And in fuet, everything in the shape of Liquors and Drinks |B be found in a first- class Saloon. ALSO TOBACCO. CIGARS ETC. Give me a cull and you shall he convinc J^Cotton delivered at Dublin. Freight payable oil Gtiano only, Every one who enters the profession of (encldug should liegin by mastorlug some of the lies! workH on the subject. 11c will thus within a year acquire greater skill in THE white I SEWING MACHINE THK BEST OF AWU Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in tho Broad Claim or BUNO TMC VERY REST OPERATING , QUICKEST SEELING, HANDSOMEST, AND teaching than would crane try experience in a life-time. ’ TIIK AtlOVK HOOKS, THOUGH AM. AS OOOD AS NHW, Wll.l, UK SOLD L 1«1 AT 8KCOND-HAKU PUt- • OK Al’PI.Y AT THIS OFFICE, jnn Mf whoi'e it originated, hut tho panic stricken inhabitants of that city tied in all directions, ami scattered Jhe genus of the infliction over the prov inces of Samaria and Saratap, lying along the river Volga, higher up. In spite of all efforts at restriction it soon reached 'iVaritzin, an impor tant trikliugtown on theA'qlga, eon-* m*cri‘d by rail with the whole of Russia and eastern Kui'ojw, and final ly Hppeurod in Nishni, and Novgorod only a few hours distant from 'Moss cow. Honn Russian newspapers consider the disouso »s only a species of malignant typhus foyer, but the St Petersburger Medecinisoho Wocli- enschrift of .lannary 11th says that it cannot be doubted from the tenor of communications to tho official pu llers that it, is plague. Dr. Zolckuur aud Professor. Bodkin oouulnde fix>m its rapid sproiul and extraordinary mortality, tliore Ix'ing few if any ro- eoveries, that, it is a plague in its worst form. Tlio most rigid quaran tine is ouforeed against tho infected towns ami villages, which are divided into districts ami not. allowed to communicate with one another. The Vienna Medical Reviow states that about one-third of the physicians in Russia died during the late war, and insist* u|Km the importance, in the interest of the whole of Europe, of scttdiug medical assistance to Russia and helping her to keep down her (K»lU For the last twenty years the leading Clothing,house in all the Stab @-W. P. BALDWIN is with this House. Maocnuiih artoif- . - - G-eorg OCtiJ0-3m , *■>; !>vl,i *■/<} LATEST IMPROVED AND BEST Family Sewing Mach’n VISITORS TO MACON The PHILADELPHIA has all tho latest improvements, and is made of the very best materials, using a long, huge, easily-threaded shuttle. In a word, it is TIIE *Sewing Machine for Family use. Luge, Strong and Light running. Fully warranted in every particu lar, and retails for «, TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS and upwards. Addivss, i k liilade9i»hiu Sewing Machine Co. No. 144 N Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. While in tho city, should not fail to call and exjmiiiie the exteusiye stock o^ STOVES, TIN-WARE, CUTLERY, ,, ; . ' „ r - • LAMPS, CROCKERY, ; . , ‘ ’ ‘ ! ' GLASS-WARE, WOQDENWARE ■" ' - - AND . -i-;r ^.„V, t .‘, General House-Furnishing Goods, ,". - r ‘ y* /* " at ■ GEO.Wv BURR'S •"p-,' Wo. 87 Cherty DUBLIN BAR ROOM B. NANCE. t . —m-— Wines, Whiskies and Brandies OK TIIE CHOICEST IUIANDS. * —ALSO— Candies. Crackers, 1 Sardines, Oysters, Tolvacco and Cigars. In fact E\ erythinjr kept in a ^ First-Class Bar. in in law. Th« Srmsnd forth* White has IncrMMite each M anient that we are now compelled to turn out •A. Ccr,-.-c'.ot« S<ywVjrvcr ^rwrti’.rv every xaai33.vxtoa Asa. tiam day- to wvivviy tiao Awsn.fc.yacL I Every mchine It werreatedl for 3 yeart, end •oldtor e-sh at liheral discounts,or upon easy psjwMts. to (tilt the convenience ot customert. •S-A3XKTS WAMTP' Rt gHOOCTHtP SXS2IT0XT. WHITE SEWtNGMACUINE CO., Mi 358 Euclid Ave., CleveUad, Ohio. tor.Mu PRICES DOWN TO LOWESt NOTCH. SOLE AGENTS FOR The Grand Charter Oak and Farmer Girl Cook Stove. Repairs for tlie above always on baud. oct 308m Professional! Cards. JAMES J. CONNER, Attorney at Law, DUBLIN, DEORtilA. jc 20, iy. JAMES E. HIGHTOWER, Attorney at Law, DUb/ix, OEOHUIA. Office next door to Dublin Post. je 20. ly. IfAfNES, Attorney at Law, DUBLIN, GEORGIA. Coilcctions made a specialty. Office in C'our ( t , House. . c? r jo 20, ly. J. E. HICKS, -A/bti’ar art Xja"w> —AND— REAL ESTATK AG’T, Mount Vernon, Georgia. Je 20, 1878, ly. E. 0. DOSTICK, Attorney at Law, WRIGHTSVILLE, GA., je 20,1878; >.I [j ** <, f A. F. DALEY, Attorney at Law, WltmiirsrjLI.E, GA., je 20, ly.'WmY, Att’y and Counsellor at Law, DUBLIN, GA. je20. ly. O. BOWER, -A- ‘L'b’xT" 3)1: Xia'N7o r ;> IRWINTON, GA. je 27-ly. “ Dr. R. II, Hightower. PRACTITIONER OF MEIHQINE ANl> SUItGEltY,' Dublin, Georgia. Calls promptly utftjftdcd day or night- Office next to Hotel. Room at rcsidunci*. Ml 'n ^ J Dp. T, H. Hall < AVII.I. HESUMH TIIK Practice of Medicine From this date. juuc20 om COLGAN C. CARROLL, M. D., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Son of the late Dr. Janies C. Carroll has located on his father’ll pldce twelve miles west of Dublin, and offers his professional services to the citizous of tlmt section, oct 28-tf * rnrvTn? i i ■ C. HICKS, M. D., j,,,,,ppA P T ff i W m Mount Vernon, Ga. ! .. rf n ft.« W. 4. W. FLANDERS, M. D., Physician and Accbuoheuir. WRIGHTSVILLE, GA. Calls attended day or night. Office at his residence. . je 20. 1878, ly. KITOil Heft J UwsflM