The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, February 12, 1879, Image 4

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ewcitanc* and « and in tulunlttlnj is meri*i,and In m tun It ever yeti in it* tow; The demand forth# White has Increased fo such Mutant that we are now compelled to turn out «A» CosAp3jsto ^ ^ fvaxy tliroo nnift»toa irt Cvm wachlna jt wanantad tor 3 years, and »5fSSwftss&sxx •rwms tjxtv> m tamam mum. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. M 358 Euclid Ays., Cleveland, DM* UovQJHn •TIic Stork Lflkiv in South Carol I mi. A" Act to Protect I ho Lunds tuid Crops of the Citizens of Abbeville, Union, Newberry and Laurens .Counties from Tivspass by Stock. Section 1. Tlmt ii. Uic counties ,of Abbeville, Union, Xewberrv nml Laurens it shall not be lawful for the * owner or manager of any horse, mule, jiiss. genet. swine, sheep. goit| or neat /entile of any description to permit 4iio said animals, or any of them, to <rnn at. largo beyond the limits of their own land. Sk«\ % That in said counties, whenever nnv of the said stock shall 4»e found ujKin the lands of any other porson than the owner, the owner of siieli stock shall bo liable* for all damages sustained, to be recovered by action of debt in any Court of competent jurisdiction, and the stock pausing the damage shall be bold ■Ruble for the anno in preference to Jill other liens, claims or incunibrun- /ces against the same. Si;c. 3, Any person who hIwII .maliciously, unlawfully or nogligonl- 4y permft any of said stock to go upon the lands of other parties shall ibo deemed guilty of n misdemeanor, ^md, upon conviction thereof in a .competent Court, shall be lined in a ,«nm not exceeding thirty dollars or omprisoned for not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Com;/. Nkc. 4. That the county j^oni- missioners of said counties, respect ively, are directed to erect a lawful fence on the limits of said counties to protect the lauds of said counties front all incursions of stock or cattle from adjacent counties, and for that purpose enter the lands of any person in said counties and erect, fences thereon without being guilty of any trespass whatever: and the said Com missioners shall have power to con struct fences across any public or private road and erect gates on all roads; and tlio county commissioners are hereby authorised and empower ed to make such iiminge’nents with /.ho owners of property contiguous either side of said comity lines as ,ma\ accomplish the object, of pro tecting the comities from the incur* ( si«ns of entile and stock. Sue, 8, That nay person who shall wilfully and unlawfully leave open any of the aforesaid gates or do any willful damage to the gates or ./cnees oreoted for the purpose afore said sliull be deemed guilty of a /nisdemennor, and, on conviction in .any Court of competent jurisdiction. ^IiiiH be fined in if sum not exceeding ,twenty dollars or imprisoned not .jinoro tbAu twenty days. Skc. 0. Any person other Mum the owner or their agents moving or ,dof»x»yiijg any portion of any fence intended to oneiose animals of any ,kind shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction (thoreof, shall bo punished by a line or imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the Court. Sue. 7. That, the county commis sioners of said oounliis, rospoetivoly, shall lie authorized ami inst moled to )°'J ,n,l l coll cot a tax upon the prop erty of said comity to defray the expenses of erecting and muiutniiiiiig said fences, said taxes to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as tlio State and county taxes nixi levied and collected. Approved December 14. 1878. An Ohio mini went out mid hang ed himself the other day. because u Uolmnbus dentist told him his tooth was a (Tee tei] with a -nodular cnJcUi. cation & tlio pulp.” He left u note to his wife, saying ho didn’t want to five on and give it to her and tlio children.—-Hawkeye. If you were to offer ten tiionsnnd dollars for a sewing machine tlmt didn't take the first premium ut the jParis expusitioij, v w<j dffir’t supposy vou could got oiie. Nothing can exceed tlio intense atfgetjjpn wtiieli a girl deals out tq tier father for a day or two before <he time when she’s going to ask for a new di'cssl /‘(i l/inl.'’ if Kentpoky niinisu,r prayed, “i'liou iinst seen by the Uio morning jNij*ers how tiie Sablmtb was desecrated yesterday. ” Tho j.iiifp pirn pulled a lie to the counter, lias been measuring thirty inches for a yard ever since. A jitudel bay*weed—cusli. WM. H. WYLLY, Att*y and Counsellor at Law, DUBLIN, GA. J« 30. ly. O. BOWER, £bt> Xjaw 3 ntWINTON, GA. jo 27-1y. Dr. It. It. Hightower. PHACTlTlONKIt OP MI2§ICINE AND SUttiKHY, Dublin, (Georgia. Chills promptly attended day or night' Other next to Hotel. Hooui at residence. Jo 80, ly. C. HICKS, M. D., PIUCTITioKRK. Mount Vernon, (ill. jo 80. ly. J. IV. FLANDERS, M. D„ Physician and Accoucheur. WRiGHTSVILlE, GA. C«Us attended day nr night. Office hi pis residence. je 90, 1878. ly. DUBLIN BAR ROOM —UY— B. NANCE. —r Wines, Whiskies and Brandies or Tint choicest huands. —AI ,80— ('undies, t'rmkejrs. Sardines. Oysters, Tolwipco «n<l Cigars. In fact K\ *rything kept in it x. w ,f ,rst - c,a8s Bor : T he white SEWING MACHINE TBS BEST OP Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim OP OCINQ THC VERY BEST OPERATING . QUICKEST SELUNG, ^ HANDSOMEST, AND Host Perfsot Sewing Maohine IN THE WORLD. REYNOLD’S IRON and BRASS WORKS A. REYNOLDS & SON, Proprietors. R oa n d brass foundry and machine shop. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boi lers, Saw, Crist and Sugar Mills, a n tl Cotton Presses, for Horse, Hand, Water or Steuni Power. Kettles, Iron Rail ings, (lilt (tearing, mid Horse Powers mid all kinds of Mu cliincry Castings. Sugar Mills an^ Iron Railing Speci alties. This being a new establishment all our Patterns are New, with all the Modern Im prove- inents. First Class work • Jnariinteed and pri ces very Reasonable. Call on or addre,-... A. REYNOLDS & SON, Corner Fifth und Hawthorn streets; (near Southwestern Rail Road Freight Depot.) MACON, - - - GEORGIA. OR DC BUN, j u p.e Tl. L. HICKS, tWSi’nd fur Price List and Cireularx. -/SFH 30-1 v. GEORGIA LATEST IMPROVED AND BEST Family Sewing Mach’n. The PHILADELPHIA 1ms all the latest improvement*, and is made of the very best materials, using a long, large, easily-threaded shuttle. In a word, it is THE Sewing Machine for Family use. Large, Strong and Light winning. Fully warranted in even* particu lar, mul retails for * TWENTY FITE DOLLARS and upwards. Address, Philadelphia Sewing Maehine Co. No. 144 N Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 'uicSl-lv MMCEIUIAYNIiS, Attorney at Law, rumun, (iHOHaia. Collections made a specialty. Office in •Court House. jc20, ly. J. E. HICKS, -A/trb’^r arb Xiarvs7-_ -AND- REAL ESTATE ACT Mount Vernon, Georgia. Je 20, 1878. ly. E. 0. BOSTICK, Attorney at Law, WRIGHTSVILLE, CIA., Je 20. 1878, ly. A. F. DALEY, Attorney at Law, nnif/jfTsv/u/E, a a., Jo 20. ly. Dr. T. H. HaB WII.I. HKSCMK TDK Practice of Medicine From thin date. jtmeSO « m A Tier over twenty yearn experience’ in (he LIQUOR BUSINESS, I flatter myself tlinj I know a little alwmt it, and wink to inform the public that I am AT MY OLD STAND On the corner of the Court House Square, ready to Nerve all who want to purt’liusc any thing in my line, I keep always on hand*a full stock of ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, ani: SIj. Xjotx±s Been? on draught. Also a line stock of Family Groceries. All of wliicli I offer to sell Cheap fox° Cash. 'Jive me a trial and he convinced. I am alw Agent for the ‘‘OLD VALLEY WHISKEY.* ie 8(1. If. T. P. 8alicitKTT. W. F. CEFFCKEM, Buggy XXa,3s:ex*. liuildtii;! nml, Uc/>uir!ny done In Order. All work cut runted to me 1Sea Hit and Promptly executed at pci- rex to .wit the times. Shop on south east corner Court House Si/uare. Call and see. June 20, ly It - so, go |r see Wash Baker, at Ids llrsl-elass Saloon on Beech Si., where lie keeps constantly on hand, and for sale, Wines, Whiskeys, Brandies Beer, Cider, Champagne, And in fact,.everything in the shape of Liquors and Brinks to lie found in a tlrst- elass Saloon. .1 /.NO TOBACCO. CIOAHS ETC. (live me a cull and you shall lie convinc <<L WASH BAKER Sepl. 18-tf. CociriiAN Ga. . OBEAR, : : IMIr con <3-a_ Come and see the finest assortment of Crockery, French China, American China, IIOITS E-FU RNI SHIN G GOODS, •Stumbled and Tin Ware, Toilet Sets, Agate Iron Ware/^&c. Cut lery of all kinds. Agent for (he celebrated Excelsior Hot Blast Cook Stove. Also, Charter Oak, Sunny South. Colton Plant, mid other desirable pat. terns. oct 30-3m For the last t wenty yours the leading Clothing house in all the State P. BALDWIN is with this House.^J Macon - G-eorgia. oct 80:tm VISITORS TO MACON While in the city, should not fail to call mid examine the extensive stock oi STOVES, TIN-WARE. CUTLERY, LAMPS, CROCKERY, U LASS-WARE, WOODEN WARE AND General House-Furnishing Goods, AT GEO. W. BURRS No. 87 Cherry St. PRICES DOWN TO LOWEST NOTCH. SOLE AGENTS FOR . . ♦ The Grand Charter Oak and Farmer Girl Cook Stove. Repairs for the above always on band. pcteu-oin A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TIIE LOUISVILLE COURIER-JOURNAL. Largest, Best ami Cheapost Fam ily Paper in the United States. EDITED UY Henry Watterson JAMES E. HIGHTOWER, Attorney at Law, nrhus. (iKomuA. Office next door lo Dcm.ix P«*kt. Je 20, ly. COLGAN C. CARROLL, M. D, PHYSICIAN and SURCEOK Son of the late Dr. James (\ Carroll hie located on Ids father’s place twelve mile.- west of Dublin, and offers his profewdonu! services to the citizens of that section, oct 2JMf T. G U i-: IIN S E Y, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER SASH BXiXISroS ^_3STX5 DOORS. ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIAL. Brick, Lime, Piaster, Cement, Hair, • Laths, Paints, Oil DRIVEN REDUCED TO THE VERY LO WENT 1*0/NT. ENT IMA TEN AND PLANS FURNISHED FOR Ml LI) I NUN. Gin Locks, Putty, Clothing, Hats, Umbrellas, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boys Clothing and Shirts <3-0 TO WISUIP & CALLAWAY’S. The Courier-Journal is a comhina-. lion (made in 1808) of three old Louisville" pa|K-rs, viz: the Journal, established in 1830 ; the Courier, in 1843 ; und the Democrat in 1844. Its reputation is national, as well as its circulation, nud it is pronounced one of the ablest and best' arranged papers in the world ; its matter being especially adapted to the Merchant, the Farmer and the Family Circle. The Weekly Couioku-Jouiinal is not a mere lmsty hotch-potch thrown together from the daily edition, but a complete, able, spicy family newspaper, carefully anil intelligently edited in every column nnd paragraph. TO AGENTS AND CLUBS. Extraordinary inducements in the way of cash commissions and valuable premi ums are offered to Agents and Clubs. Choice from standard hooks of the times, and a choice selection of the leatlirtg magazines or illustrated periodicals of the day furnished in eombiuatiou with the Weekly for a mere pittance in addition to the price of the Couhieh-Jochnal alone. A new edition of Prentice’s Poems, iH'imiifuily •printed and hound and the Weekly Coruncu-Joi uxAL one year for *3.00. A Si'Ll XDID MAP ()F Til E SOt’TIf, Size 281 x 32 inches, handsomely colored, varnished end hung on rollers, retail price .$2; m.idi’d I roc of posluge, iihfl file Weekly Courier-Journal one yya’i-, for , , TERMS OF SUBSCRiPTiON. Daily Couricr-.lournnl, a year... . .$12.00 Sunday Courier Jounnil, a year.. . 2. , o0 Weekly Courier-Journal, with Map, n year 2.0ff A liberal discount, allowed lo Clubs raised for the Weekly Cowries-Journal! [ Pnyfiir/c i/r nil aouts pmjiuul by Rif Puls- Ushers.] Agent’s outfit, Specimen copies, list of Books and Magazines and Descriptive Circulars sent free on application. Send for outfit giving full particulars to Agents. Letters should he addressed lb, IK. N. HAL/) EM AN, . Presiden! Courier-Journal Co. Diuisrilfr, Ay. IMPORTANT TO TEAGUEUS A Teacher’s Library for Sale. Consist ng in part of llie following works: Which Is superior lo any plow of the k nil made in this country.* With thanks for past favors, we solicit the continuance of the same. jn 30, ly**fc for ZBTTZETIEr.A.XjO Wagon WARERGOM OPPOSITE J. W. BURKE & CO., SECOND ST. MACON, GA. jn»92-ly POR SYI’ltElt’8 AliT OK TKACHIXn SCHOOL. WICKKUSHAM'S METHODS OK I.NSTHICTION. ’’ SCHOOL EC’OXOMY. I'll!- HISTOUY AND I'ltOUltKSH ()K KDl’CATtoN nv i*i!ii.oini:Lius. calkins' oimect lessons. Watson’s - hand-hook ok calisthenics & (1Y M N AST ICS, Sl’ENCKIilAN KEY TO PJlACTfCAI. PENMAN’ SHIP. .lOllONNOT’S SCHOOL HOtTSES, Itoor’s SCHOOL AMUSEMENTS. DATES' TKACHKH’h INSTITUTES. THE TEACIIEliS' OL'IDE TO II.LCSTIIATION. CI.AUKE’s SEX IN EDCCATION. IIAILN yUd's EDUCATION IN KUKOPK. Ac. etc. Ac. &c. Every one who enters the profession of teaching should liegin by mastering some of the liest works on tiie subject. He will thus within a year acquire greater skill in teaching than would come by experience in a lift-time. THE AHOVE HOOKS. TltOCOH ALL AS (loot) AS NEW, WILL liK SOLD AT SECOND-HAND PHI- CES. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. jan 1-tf R. M. ARNAU, Scientific Blacksmith, Southeast Corner Public Si/uare .VII work done warranted lo please or in, charge. BUGGY WORK A SPECIALTY. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND A Fine Assohtmknt ok Plows .--ALSO— THE CELEBRATED ARNAU SWEEP.