The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, February 19, 1879, Image 4

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A RASH FIJI BItmKGKOOM T.P.SARCHETT. 3iot Able to stand the PreuHtire, He Fails to Ownc 1« Time. B»ruc«ville (0.) Enterprise. From Goshen township comes the story of the most hashful man of modern limes. The young man re sides near the village of Hu liter, and it appear# he struck up a court ship with a very respectable lady of Chest- mu Level. hut just how he managed 10 woo his hash fulness is a mystery which “no follow can find nut,” List Thursday at one o’clock was the l inn- set for the wedding, and the parents of the lady had prepared a joiniptuous dinner, a large Assembly ♦of friends had ^gathered to witness (he nuptials, aTtl the bride, pro«jK*e- tive, perhaps, looked her sweetest in her bridal trousseau, One o’clock *ciune, and no bridegroom put in an appearance; two o’clock, still lie came not : three, four o'clock and still he tari ied, By this time the preacher could stand the smell of the edibles am longer, and true to his instinct and ' dimat/on, suggested the propri ety of eating dinner, lest the victuals Hboul.l spoil. Tho suggestion was JUMESJ. CONNER, Attorney at Law, DUBLIN, GEORGIA. je 20, ly. After over twenty years experience in tie not easy to arrive at, London and New York papers, however, head the list, and the Loudon Times and the New York Herald enjoy the largest putromige of any newspapers in the World. What these papers receive is unknown; but it is said that the pro prietor of the London Times gave the receipts of one department of his paper to his wife for pocket mon ey, and it amounted to §400,000 per year. This is no doubt un exagger ation of probably forty diumeters. Several Parisian papers are reported as receiving §100,000 per pear on advertising, and a number of Amer ican papers can equal and excel this amount. Whatever the amounts, the question is decided by more than 2()0 years of fair trial that advert is- ing pays, and the thorough-going business man of the nineteenth cen tury considers a knowledge of the best means of advertising almost as necessary in business us a knowledge of the goods he 1ms to sell. The Next Senate. Philadelphia Times. In the forty-sixth congress the re publican side of the senate will bo mentally and mormlly, as well ns nu merically weaker than it 1ms been for a score of years, while the demo cratic side will be stronger in the sumo proportion than it has boon since the day when tho democracy fell into the arms of secession. Thurman, Bayard, Wallace, Kerman Pendleton, Voorheos, McDonald. Hampton, Hill, Gordon, Vuneo will find only an Edmunds as tho peer of any of thorn in the heavy artillery of debate, and’’ Blaine about the only fooman fit to cope with them in the use of the lighter and keonor woapons of parliamentary warfare. Outdone by a Hoy. I flatter myself that I know a little alsiut Come and see the finest assortment of Crockery, French China, American China, JAMES E. HIGHTOWER, Attorney at Law, DU Is UK, GEORGIA. Office next door to Di; Post. je 20, ly. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS Stamped and Tin Ware, Toilet Sets, Agate Iron Ware,'&c. lory of all kinds. Agent for the celebrated ' ^ “? / Excelsior Hot Blast Cook Stove, MFJtCKK HAYNES, Attorney at Law, Dublin, aponaiA. Colled Ions made n specialty, Office in Also, Charter Oak, Sunny South. Cotton Plant, and other desirable pat terns. febl-12m Family Groceries, REYNOLD’S IKON and BRASS WORKS A. REYNOLDS CSON, Proprietors. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE fSHOP. Court House, nnvinced, I am aim >r the WHISKEY.’ T. P. SaIICIIKTT. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boi lers, Saw. Grist ai d- Sugar Mills, and Cotton Presses, for Horse. Hand, Water or Steam Power.' Kettles, Iron Rail ings, Gin Gearing, and Horse Powers , and all kinds of Ma ' chincry Castings. Sugar Mills a d Iron Railing Speci alties. This being a new establishment all our Patterns are New, with all the Modern Improve- inents. First Class work Jurtriiriteed and pri ces very Reasonable. Call on or adclres, REAL ESTATE AG’T. Ilmldiny anil Re/x/iriuy done to Order. All work en/ntn/ed to me Keatlyand Prnmjdh/ executed it! pri- ce.s /<> suit theHtiui SI, up on soul], mount Vernon, Georgia, jo 20. 1878, ly. E. 0. BOSTICK ttorney at Law, WRIGIITSVILLE, GA jo 20. 1878, ly. Corner Fifth and Hawthorn streets; (near Southwestern • Depot.) Rail Road Freight - GEORGIA. A. F. DALEY, Attorney at Law, WRIGIITSVILLE, GA., jo 20, ly. GEORGIA Att’y and Counsellor at Law, DUBLIN, GA. jo 20. ly. S-A-sih: sXiiisrzDS jdoojr& ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIAL. A lad in Boston lather small for his age, works in an office ns errand hoy for four gentlemen who do busi ness there. One day the gentlemen wore chaffing him n little abou t being so small, and said to him : “Yog will never amount to much —you can never do muoh business: you are too small.” “Well, said he “as small as T am I can do something which none of you four men can do.” “And wluit is that?” said they. “I don’t know as I ought to tell yon,” ho replied. But they were anxious to ki ow. and urged him to tell wlmt he could do that, none of them were able to do. , . “I can keep from swearing,” said tho little follow. There wore some blushes on four manly faces, and there seemed to he very little anxiety for further infor mation on that point. Brick, Paints, Lime, Oil--, . Plaster, Putty. Cement, Glass, Hair, Laths, Locks, Hinges, PRICES REDUCED TO THE VERY •LO WEST PRINT. ESI IMA TEH AND PLANS I U RAISE ED FOR IS 17LDINES. -A_ge-riti £o:r* IBTJ^ITA.X.O -Wagon WAR BROOM OPPOSITE J. X\. BURKE & CO., SECOND ST. O. BOWER, -A/b'b’y at) Xjarw. IRW1NTON, OA. je 27-l.v. "Which is superior to any plow of the k id made in this country.* Wifli thunks for past favors, we solicit the continuance of the same. V 2(), i v - Dr. R. II. Hightower. PRACTITIONER OF MEDICINE AND SURGE It Y, Dublin, Georgia. Calls promptly attended day or night Office next to Hotel. Room at. residence, je 20, ly, If so. go I- see Wash Baker, at his lirst-elass Saloon on IJeceli St., where lie keeps constantly on liuiul, arid for sale, Wines, Whiskeys, Brandies Beer, Cider, Champagne, And in -fact, everything in the shape of Liquors and Drinks to be found in ii flrst- elass Saloon, A .'.SO , TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. Give me a call and you shall he eouvine “<l- f 1B „ WASH BAKER Sept. 18-tf. CoflntAN CiA. Ino Merryman’s Anunouiated Disolved Bones. Up. T. H. Hall WII.I. tttCSC.MK TIIK XHE WHITE ■ Sewing Machine THE BEST OE AW,. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim or BtINO THE VERY BEST OPERATING . QUICKEST SEI.EING, '/ HANDSOMEST, AND Host Perfeot Sewing Machine IN THE WORLD. Practice of Medicine From this date. juiu'20 ( PATAPSCO GUAM© AT ©LB PRICE. FOE S-A.XjE! 33"2" r. II. ROWE. A contemporary says that tho oth er dav a visitor to Dublin hired a cab for nn hour to drive around tho Phapnix-Purk. ‘JS’o sooner wan he seated than the driver proceeded to warm his nag’s rilw, and started off at about ten miles an hour. As ho did not slacken Iris pace, tho passen ger asked tho reason for snob quick traveling. “Faith,” replied Paddy, “d’ye think I’d he all day driving ve an hour!” The only fault a Montreal critic finds with Wilhouilj as an artist is that his “objectivity of artistic in stinct suffers from the predominance of iris subjectivity.” Wo thought tho same wheat we heart! him play here, hut didn’t like to discourage tho young mum—Boston Pon\ Dublin, Feb* A PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Son of the lute Dr. ,(antes V. Carroll has located on his father's place twelve miles west of Dublin, and offers his professional services to the citizens of that section, oot aa-tf An Agent Wanted instills locality to Supply the Rapid Demand §125.00 PEIt WEEK MADE EASY. HOUSE AND WAGON FUJtKISIlKD FltEE TWEITTy DOLLABS. Tlioronghty warranted and sent to you for . . .Examination Before You Pay For It. And no obligation to keep one it not better than any machine you ever had. EVERT FAMILY CAN NOW OWN A FIRiFOEASS SEWING MACHINE. The Old Favorite and Reliable STANDARD ' b First Small boy-—Hollo dim J Iv’o got a two-bladed knife and a hook full o’ pictures.” Second S. B.— “Po.dil That’s nothing. I’ve got a four-hlader and two hooks and a bul ly sled and a pair o’ skates ami—” First 8. B.—Look a-hote, you Jim Suitkms, my pa cun lick your pa, .and, durn ye, I can lick you. Yor’d ibetter don’t he hlotvin’ round me, ole -.feller. ”—Ronton Transcript. C. HICKS, M. D. PKACTITIONEH. Mount Vernon, (la. je 20. ly. Teacher—“You will tttke for a theme this week: ‘(’te.sar’s pause on the brink of the Rubicon.’ Write in short, clear sentences, and when yon Imvosaid till you know stop.” This was the shortest thesis that came in that week: “Cmsar paws on the chinks of the root again. Quasar is a good log. lie paws for a hone he buried there last week. This is ail 1 know. Edward Stilus. J. W. FLANDERS, M. D.y Physician and Accoucheur. WRIGHTSViLLE, GA. Calls nttviided day or night. Office at ills residence. je 20, 1878. ly. ACKNOWLEDGES NjO SUPERIOR ! ! ^ We Cannot Make a Ref ter Machine at Any Price. THE HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED THE STITCH AT CENTENNIAL. A Strictly First-Class Shuttle Double Thread Lock Stitch Machine, more complete in equipments Rum any other, and combining all the late improvements, with the old and well tried qualities for which the STANDARD IS SO POPULAR. A Faithful Family Sewing Machine in every sense of the word—that runs smooth and does every description of plain or fancy sewing with ease and certainty—so strong and well made, and so thoroughly tested while in use for years in Thousands of Families that each Machine that leaves bur Factory is wamnted for five years and kept in Order free of churgc. Money Refunded at once if not perfectly Satisfactory Reduced in Piuce F.yu Down Bki.ow ai.l Other Machines. No extras to pay for. Each Machine is accompanied by a more Complete Outfit of numerous and useful attachments for all kinds of work (free of any extra charge) than is iriven with anv other Machine at any price. Light and easy running a cliild can use It. Strong and Durable, never out of order. Rapid and Certain in execution. No useless Cogs or Cams to wear out or make a noise. Will Inst for years. Is ready in a moment and "Never kiss a young girl il site -doesn't want you toy’ says an article .on the “Art of Kissing.” But pret ty often when tt girl -*ys she doesn’t •want you to kiss her is the very time she does want you t«,yon hud better Hake tin* benefit of the doubt,—A«r- .rmtoicn Herald. Kate Cobb wishes she could just have oue chance at making tea for Bishop, tho man who sent her to tho state prison.—Free Proas. A young man recently saw the fal lowing advertisement In a newspa- per : “How to get rich. A rare secret Send tweuty-tive cent* to Gen. Ful lerton, box 413, Poitlaud, Me.” Being desirous of “making a rise,” he forward**# the money and feceiv- ed the following reply: “Work like tlft- devil and never spend a eeut” * ■ DUBLIN BAR BOOM facing tribute to its exccPinca and superiority over other machines, and In submitting ft to tha trade we put It upon Us merits, and in no Instanca has it ever yet failed to satisfy any recommendation In Its favor. The demand fortho Whlto has increased to such an extent that we are now compelled to turn out •A. Complot© CCi-W-Ica^f ;JnrVi«.w« miy tiiroo m'.aiMtoa laa. B. NANCE (0): Wines, Whiskies and Brandies OK THE,CHOICEST URANUS. * —ALSO Caudles. Qnrkam, SarUiues. Oysters, • Tolvaeco and Cigars, lu fact Everything kept In a ^^Jlrat-QIassBar. A henjtecked husband sAid in «c- tonuiitioii of his.wife’s mids U|Mm his •scalp. “Yon m o, she takes her own hair off so easily she d&e-n’t know iuov it huris to have mine pulled •nut,” , ‘ sold tor c-sh at liberal discounts, of upon easy payments, to suit the convenience ot customers. *»-A3m3 WASTE} IN CTtOCCUTXO TIBHOXT. 'WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. * 358 Euclid Av*. Cleveland, OMa. BorjMiu Governor Roberts, of Texas, wears Lome-spun clothes made ut home.