The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, March 12, 1879, Image 2

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THE POST. Wednesday. march is. mo. R. 1.. HICKS, EDITOR .yxi» PROPRIETOR. W. R If/rk* m the regular agent for th pQXTit, ■/»//„v)ii taunty, uufbniied, to re f ■<■«•»; v»/W, inti'on*, reeeipt for the name, and h tuahr 'Qolnieh jfjfr ndrertininy. All dues rhoutit be )iald to him. Aij^ExQ'ii Bc’xhIoii of CotifffrcttH* I Savannah Nows Mar. 0J At nootj ycitcrduy tlio Forty fifth n gross expired by limitation, and, Inin been foreshadowed in our dis- .»iitdies for some days past, it ad journed sin/ 1 die wit hout pacing two of the most important of iho appro • priat/on bill*—the army, and the legislative, executive and judicial. These bill« failed because the Detno- rnfx of the House had incorporated them three provisions, which, I>efng based iijion the time-honored principles of our ropublic, and being necessary to tho maintenance of the iPiviJ and political liberty of American citizens, were obstinately refused to be agreed to by a Radical Senate. These were provisions in tho urmv to prevent tho use of United States soldiers at the polls to tyran- #ii«e over freemen and control, popu lar elections, and in tho legislative, pxeeutivo and judicial bill to repeal f|»o jurprs tost oiitli, and supervisors pf election laws—the one framed by fl>c Radicals to give over tho United •States Courts of the South to igno rance and rascality, and the other to (Ohnblc United States Marshals and Deputy .Marshals, armed with blud geons and icvolvers, to collect around fho precincts during Congressional elections and, by wholesale arrests of (voters on trumped up charges, forci bly .carry elections in opposition to flji iwpdhtr will and in the interest Iti the iwrty.iii power, Those hills having fqijo<L an extra session of {hpjgwss liecjpno inevitable, in order, jtha.t tho menus supporting the finny ami ruunhig tijo government, plight tic furnished, ami for this rca- fioi) Mr, Ugygs tins issued his proclii- /naliou taugfpnjfig the Forty-sixth f’ongresH on Tuesday, tho 18th inst. 'l l"' fi*jwn«o Attendant upon an pxtrn session is necessarily heavy, and jn ciflpfjdorafion of this fact the Dem- fipruts in the House foi a long time jmitjifostod great reluctance to forc ing such a slop. It was understood t hat tho Senate was ready to com pro mise on a repeal of the jurors test path, provided tho House would re cede from its position on the other bw.o points. This the Democrats were nearly ready atone time to agree fa, those who favored tho concession bul ling that the ptisse nmiitutus law ♦viis already a sufficient cheek’upon flio use of the army as a promotor of llndioalism, and that when tho new Congress was regularly assembled, both Houses being Democratic, the two remaining obnoxious laws might be repealed before they could work pay damage, especially sinuo there would be held no Congressional elec tion in the interim. The Radicals, )iowevcr, grown madly hold over the {success of. their past conspiracies, too ■spoil displayed their hand. It was as- fieriaiucd that a desperate conspiracy *yus on foul, fo control the orgauizn- t.ioi) qf tjju npxl House Seven Dom- pomtjc iqoiubora worn openly marked for arrest on manufactured olmrges fit having jntprfprpd with mipmwiaaea pf elections. TltP«o wpre tp ho tried before test oath jnrius in United States Courts, convicted pf t|jo char ges, nqd thus nroyented from taking iheiy w-afs. (l) t)|is way the will of the poqplp wp to be again f pimpled 1U M ‘»<M1|) t|)P popular branch of Con gress seizpd on by a Radical minority r jutd then still other Democrat'o pi embers \y©yp to bo unsoated, until !))P tiadjpids had «» clear working wbinb would onublp thorn to perpetualp, jf possible, eyejf moiv jpfmnous intrigues jn 188}). When this vile conspirupy hppmno Ifuown, no o,l|pr proper conrso was juft j.lfp Democrats of the House to par^ap but to prevent by every means )u their power jfs consuinmutjon. This they roulixod that they uwod to fbejr fejjpw-cuizens throughout the |aml as y patriotic duty, tun} thure- foro iboy determined inflexibly to gin iimvont Hadjeal plots against Amcrjcim fivodom hv insisting upon a repeal of the obnoxious.measures. They adhered to tlieir most laudable fvspjye, and as a Radical Senate was unwilling, by consenting thereto, to destroy all hopes of maintaining its party in power, the bills failed, and now in two weeks’ tmje the Forty- sixth Congress will meet, the needed funds will bo voted, and the rights of American citizens will bo vindica ted. Truly a good “scud off” for the first Democratic Congress since 1800. When the people of the vari ous States of the country realize that the Democratic House of the Forty- fifth Congress only consented to an extra session as a means of preserving tlieir sovereign rights, and of saving them fiofu the toils of a party which by fraud, forgery and perjury had already seized upon the Chief Magis tracy of the nation in 187G, and was planning to consummate through the same means u still more infamous conspiracy in 1880, they will most cheerfully submit to the extra ex pense entailed thereby. Tho value of liberty and freedom cannot be computed in dollars and cents. Tho Hawkinsville Dispatch wants the press of the country during this off your in politics to employ its mighty energies in demolishing hum bugs. Mrs. Felton is out in a second letter in which slio denounces General Gordon as a “Senatorial blather-' skilc.” Hall 1 A. T. Stewart's Body. Concerning the mighty mystery of Stowcrt’s stolen remains tho Savan nah Xewsot tho 7t h instant contains, tho following: A dispatch from Now York says that A. T. Stewart’s body was placed in tho crypt of his memorial cathedral ut Garden City some days ugo and is now under guard night and day. This does not mean that tho body lias just, been found ; for it law beeh for weeks perfectly well known in Now York that It. was recovered within a few days after its robbery, and bus been hi possession of Mrs. Stowart all the whtlo that the police and the paporswero keeping up such a howl about “traces,” etc. The robbers succeeded in tlieir object, roooiving a small fortuno for Iho return of their extraordinary plun der. A Dreadful Dentil. Wo lire told that Mr. Goo. R? Evans, of Selma, killed in the recent bridge smush up, was actually drown ed to death by slow degrees. One of his feet was caught hot ween u pier and one of the timbers on the wreck, which held him fast.. A rope was lied*under his arms, by which means ho was held up out of tho fast rising water, which was gat.bored by the drift caused from the wreck. It was impossible to loosen his foot, there being but few persons able to help themselves on the ground ami he was compelled to await his impend ing doom, begging mean while pite ously that some one would out off his foot and rolievo him. No one could do this, and tho water gradual ly came up higher and higher, till it passed over his mouth and nose and strangled him to death.—Independ ent Headlight. It is stated that Hayes’ message to tho Forty-sixth Congress will bo bripf and mainly confined to the objects for which the extra session is called. Ho will, however, ask lor an appro priation to supply a deficiency of twenty-eight million dollars lost by reduction of the tobacco tax. In re gard to the probability of tho Demo crats insisting on a repeal of tho tost oath and supervisor of elontim* laws us n condition of granting supplies, Mr. llayos says helms not yet. seen tho programme, and therefor© could not pass an opinion upon it, but he could not believe ir. the absence of information that any revolutionary movements were contemplated. The total number of bills and joint resolutions introduced in the House of Representatives during the Forty- fifth Congress was 0,826 and the total for the Senate was 1,838. The prin- cipal measures which have become laws during the session, in addition to ten of the regular annual appro priation bills, are the bill reducing the tax on tot mono nud otherwise amending the internal reveuue lawn- the census bill*, the lull ro aid in re funding the national debt, by author- ixjug the issue of small Treasury ccrtifioatos; ihe bill to prevent the introduction of infectious’ or conta gious diseases, and the bill providing for the payment of arrears of pensious for service during the bite war, A Colored Woman in Irwin County Murder# her Child. Wo get this item from the Darien Timber Gazette: The Steamer Fox, Oapt. J. M. Holmes, returned from Hawkinsville, on Tuesday, with a lot of cotton on board. The Fox departed again on Wednesday. Capfc. Holmes, while in the city, Mi formed ns that a color ed woman killed her three yeur oid child at Mobjey’s Bluff, Irwin county recently, by breaking in its little skull, and breaking its neck and one nt its arms. This act was done for the purpose of getting the child out of the way. The law ought to put her out of the way now. If Como View the Ground. , New York Sun. According to this programo the republican nominee will bo Grant, and the republican platform will be a revival of the whisky ring, the treasury ring, the navy ring, the post-oflico ring, the military ring, the lund ring, the custom-house ring, the post trader ring, and of ull the other rings that tho single word Gmutisrn symbolizes Unlimited expenditures, reckless taxation. Imposed jobbery, an unbarred treas ury, freo stealing, pardon for con victs, social shoddy, Parson Ncwnuin to shrive sinners, and congressional comiijtion, will bo planks in their platform. This is what the restora tion mean. Honest, conscientious and fair dealing republicans, look at it! The Tobacco Tax. Riolipiond Whig. Th© reduction of the tobacco tax from 24 cents to 16 cents per pound has been approved by the president. The good that may ensue from this reduction will be paid for at a ruin ous price, if it lull our planters into peaceful submission to the lax as long as any of it remain. As this congress Ims reduced it, the next will remove it entirely, if tho tobacco planters of the country demand that removal, as they should do. Americas Republican: Miss Mainio Byrd, a bountiful young lady residing With Mr. J. B. Hcott, intlio eastern portiou af the county, made two successful shots, tho first she ever made, a few days age, and killed forty-two birds. 'This beats all our old hunters around town. It takes most of them forty-two shots to kill two birds. However, wo learn that Mr. Albert Reese killed 'thirty with a parlor rifle in one hour, in town Wednesday, morning. Johnson Items. Tobo mid Julia are rejoicing over a lino girl. Frank and Mollio’s is a boy. ; The citizens of Johnson must have a great deal of business in Washing ton Superior court as everybody in Wrightsville is trying to go. Mr. James M, Tapley frbin the lower part of the county was in town to-day. Ho reports no sickuoss except colds. Mr. A. A. Pago from the upper part of tho county was in town to day and reports Miss June Williams very sick if not dead, lie also tells of a curious dog story. He says Chut Mis. Chostor has a dog that follows her children daily and insists on see ing them to bed at night. If lie is shut out before ho is satisfied ho keeps snob a noise that the family cannot, sloop until the door is opened and be is allowed to go to the bed and see for himself that they arc all housed. About two months ugo Mre. Joiner, a sister of Mrs. Chester passed and took one of the children in u wagon and carried it home with her, the dog not noticing it at the time. When lie missed the child he became very restless ami in about two weeks was missed from the place for throe days; after which time lie eamo back and in eight or ten days loft again and was guno a day or two when ho again returned. Mrs. ('hea ter thought his notions rather stmtigo as he had never been missed from the plaoe before. When ill's. Joiner brought the child home, which she did in a few days after the last visit of the dog, she told Mrs. Chester that the dog had been 'to soo the child twice, which accounts for his absence. The distance from Mrs. Chester’s to Mrs. Joiner's is eighteen Mr. Ilayes has vetoed the anti- Chiuese hill. There arc pending in the courts of Memphis 120 divorce suits. Queen Victoria will begin her trip to Germany at the end of March. Juda P. Benjamin has a law prac tice in Dondon worth $150,000 a year. A marked increase of business and revival in the building, interests of the city is shown jn New York. Beu. F. Butler's annual income from money invested in stocks and bonds at Lowell, Mass., is rated in the tax-list at •$75,000. The Paris correspondent of the London Daily News writes: “Accord ing to ull I hear the whole Cabinet thoroughly remodeled before long.” The Democratic Mayor of Troy, N. Y., has been re-elected by a plu rality of 2,954 over his Rnpubliean opponent, and a majority of 1,000 over both Radical and Greenback candidates. The Greenback Club Convention of Chicago is a failure and bus ad journed. Only one hiindreud dele gates to represent six hundred and twenty clubs alleged to in exist ence, were present. Intense indignation against Mr. Ilayes for the veto of the anti-Chi nese hill is manifested in California and on the Pacific coast. At Ballis ter, San Benito county, Ilayes was burned in effigy, and at Fairfield, Sonoma county, flags were at half mast. At Dutch Flat the last Chi nese shanty was burned bn receipt of the news. The tea shrub grows quite abun dantly in many places throughout the State of Florida. This shrub Ims delicate limbs and leaves and is quite ornamental. The leaves when properly cured make good tea, not unlike the strongest black teas of China in taste, and are often gathered by the “Crackers,” and used by them at tlieir tables.—[Bos. Bui. The census bill, us finally passed, provides for ono hundred and fifty .supervisors, to be appointed by, Mr. Hayes, by and with tho advice and consent of the Senate. The cmime- nitors arc to the number of one for about, every four thousand, of the population, and experts are to be employed on all the great industries and resources of the country. The machinery of-Mie bill is regarded as simple and efficient. Augusta Sentinel: On flic 15th of November last Henry McSecd, colored, alias Henry Cartilon, wan tonly waylaid and shot his own son, in Columbia county, full particulars of which crime were ut that, time pub lished. Since then Me.Sued has been at large until Wednesday morning, when he was arrested by Lieutenant Prather and lodged in Columbia county jail, at Appling, where lie now awaits his dealings by the grand jury at. tho next term of court. Oglethorpe Echo: A few days since two. little children of Air. W. F. Jackson, at the glade, word play ing in the yard with a chop axe that their father hud loft on a block. A little boy, about four years old, laid down his hand and dared his sister, a child of two or three 81111111101*8,10 chop off his fingers. Quick as thought tho. keen blade descended, soveriiq* two of tho members und the end from a third. When tho fathor arrived lie fonud the little fellow try ing to tear off one of the fingers that hung by the skin, but he bore his sufferings like a littlo hero. The severed fingers were bound back to the hand, and the wound is healing rapidly. Augusta Evening Sentinel: v Last week mention was made in this pa- l»er that Airs. Eliza White, a respect ed lady who lived near Hearing, had been missing for some weeks, und that no knowledge of her where abouts was possessed by her relatives. Search was instituted for a long time, but in vain, us some time had elapsed siuce she was last soon, which was about the first of February, some where near Dearing. Yesterday her body was discovered in tho woods near Hearing, und it was discovered that her threat was out. She was a lady, middle-aged aud married her husband having gone to North Carolina recently to see about some property there. Tho» is us yet no clue to the horrible killiug. Mils. M. E. MCVAY. A. E, CHOATE, MACVAY & CHOATE, (Successors to AY. T, McVay.) GOCHRAW, ! ; : ! GEORGIA. A. B. .CHOATE. -\Ye ask a eontinunnee of tlic pntronnge so liberally given the House from your County for the past live years, and use every effort to make the Hewl Firm Worthy of Your Support. AVc lniy COTTON and all other FARM PRODUCE, ajid sell all classes of goods ev _*cpt whiskey ** WE ARE A 1.80 AGENTS FOlt A HIGH C3-E.-A.DE FEETXLIZEB IS"AT A LOW PIUCK.^m McVAY & CHOATE, Cochran, Febr’y 1!), 1879-1 f IMPORTANT TO TEA CMOS A Teacher’s library for Sale. Consist Tig in part of lliu following works: SYPIIEIt’s ART OF TEACH I NO SCUOOl,. WICKEUSIIAM’S METHODS OF INSTRUCTION. ‘ ‘ SCHOOL ECONOMY. THE HISTORY AND PROGRESS OF EDUCATION MY PHU.OBIULTUS. CALKINS’ OBJECT LESSONS. WATSON’S HAND-BOOK OF CALISTHENICS & GYMNASTICS. SPENCERIAN KEY TO PRACTICAL PENMAN SHIP. JOIIONNOT’s SCHOOL HOUSES. ROOT’S SCHOOL AMUSEMENTS. BATES’ TEACHER’S INSTITUTES. THE TEACHERS’ GUIDE TO ILLUSTRATION. clarkk’s sex in education. BARNARD’S EDUCATION IN EUROPE. &C. - &C. &C. &C. Every one who enters the profession of leaching should begin by mastering some of the best works on the subject, l ie will thus within a year ncquire greater skill in teaching than would come by experience in u life-time. THE ABOVE BOOKS, THOUGH ALL AS • GOOD AS NEW, WILL BE SOLD AT SECOND-HAND PRI CES. APPLY AT 1'HIS OFFICE. jau 1-tf B. L. Willingham, COTTON FACTOR, SECOND ST. - - MACON, GA. BRING ME YOUR COTTON AND I WILL PLEASE YOU. ^Opposite J. W. Burke* Co.’s Book bt0,u - jan22, ’79, ly ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Importers and Jobbers, of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, CUTLERY AND GUNS’, ' AGRK’ULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IRON, STEEL AND * Carriage Makers’ Materials. —AGENTS FOR—. FAIllBAXICH ST A A'BAUD SCALES. OiLerry Sij. A IMZaiOOiCL- : ? : C rQ, ja»22 1879 ly LATm IMPROVED AND BEST Family Sewing Macli’n. The PHILADELPHIA has all the latest improvements, and is made of the very best, materials, using u long, large, easily-threaded shuttle. I11 a word, it is THE Sewing Machine for Family use. Large, Strong and Light running. Fully warranted in every particu lar, and retails for TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS and upwards. Address, Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co. No. 144 N Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. nug 21-ly From all parts of the country report come of the immense sales and incrensim demand for that dcservingly popular Sew mg Machine, The Old and Reliable “Stan dard the price of which the proprietor wisely reduced to $20, including all th attachments, and at once secureufo* then a popularity among the people, far beyom that ever .yet attained by any other machini at any price, the consequence of which is agents are leaving the old high priced ma (•luucs, ami seeking territory for the “Stan darjl. Knowing from experience tha with the best goods at the lowest prici they can outsell all other machines, when the superior quality and low price is mad. known. Tins splendid machine combine; all the improvements. Is far ahead of al others in beauty and durability/ of it; work, ease of management, light’ ruuuim and certainty of operation, “is sensible made upon sound principles, with positiv’ \s 01 king parts all steel, and cau he safeh put down as the perfection of n Servlceahf. Shuttle Double Thread Sewing Machine in every particular, that will outlast am machine, and at a price far down below any other. It is thoroughly warranted fo; five years, Kept in order free of charge And sent to any part of the country ?oi examination bv the customer liefore pav ment of the bill. We can predict equally as large a demand for them in this sectioi as in others. Families desiring the lies machine manufactured should write direr to the factory. 1 ' wishing to seize ... for so desirable an i, B . tisoment in another part of this pane Address, Standard Machine Co., Co Broadway and Clinton Place, New Toil Lumber! Lumber HOWARD’S BAR ! JET5T GEO. M. HOWARD tfi CO. We- invite the attention of onr friends and the Public generally to our curcfull selected stock of Pure Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Candies, Crackers, Tobacco, and Cigars, Snuff, Sardines Ac, &c, AURORA BEER on Draught We shall he pleased to serve all who will fqvor «s with tlieir Patronage. Geo. M. Howard & Co. 3D-o.~b1.±XL.,Grai- Feb, 5th, TO. AT L. C. Beacliam’s Mills, HOLMES’ CROSS ROADS, Of any dimensions and in tuiy quantities can be obtained on the shortest notice., Good supply of ordinnry-dimensions al ways on «he yard. Sills, Plates &e. can lie sawed forty, tiro feet bay. PRICE: $1,00 per hundred. Lilteral reduction made in pripe on large bills. l» c, beacham.