The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, April 02, 1879, Image 2

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TSr a: post. WEDNESDAY'. APRIL 2, l«7». R. L. HICKS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. 1Y. /'. I fir km it (hr regular <ujrni fur th ROST in fitfmton <v»innfhorizrd to re. t'itt uti*rrtnfi»nt, rtcript for (hr mine, find to make contract* fur mtrrrtmng. All ilur* •Aould to fKfitl fa hint. At •VolitiMkti Hii|M>rior Court. W« Monday, Tuesday and the forenoon (if Wednesday in WrighlnviUe in attendance upon Johnson flttperior Court, it wits pleasant to Iw among I lie friends of »nir youth and childhood, and we regretted not being nb)o to remain the entire week. Wo readied town too lute to get into the court house to hear Judge Johnson's *• sermon,’' as the citizens down there arc noons- totned to call bin charge to Hie grand jury. Kvery inch of availhhlo space Jh the court hotfsc and on the stair ways was crowded with people eager to hear every won! of this great and gm»d man who bus done ko much for tho county of which he is the patron saint. The lawyers in attendance wore General It W. Carswell, J. H. Pol- hill, Edward Hunter, of Louisville; Josephus Camp, jf Swainslmro; It. li. Evans, It I,. Wart Ik W. Robin nun. It L. Rodgors, W. II. Parsons, Sol. Ucn’l. J. K. Hines, of handersvillo; J, J5. Hightowor, of Dublin; .J. It L. Allen, of Bartow. The press was ably reprosen tod in tlw .SandersviHe jiajiers, the Herald and the Courier: Bartow sont up an able corps of mcrlmuK Sinith, Outlaw, McMillan and Har man. Mr. Outlaw, though his sub scription for tho Post lucked nearly three months of expiring, renewed, and got ns up tho biggest *1.60 that we have ovor soon. Our Johnson subscribers refreshed ns with a gtxxl many shekels, now Su)M*oriptionN and other ovidonoes of the |M>puhu ity of t he Post. Storm-Stricken. We lorn from the (Alton it• litem - tier the following particulars in ref cronco to the* storm that passed ovor Millcdgcville on last .Sutnrday after noon : The wind came from the North west, anil created a perfect panic as it swept furiously across the centre of the city. Several houses were un roofed, many chimneys prostrated, large trees uprooted, fences blown down and.signs scattered around pro miscuoiisty. The fine bridge across tho Oconee river was totally destroy ed, and in its full ono negro was kill ed. two wagons and teams, with l heir drivers, were precipitated into the river, and two other negroes bare ly escaped by running out of the bridge. Tho negroes had driven their teams into the bridge for pro tection from the storm. This is the third tune tho bridge lias been destroyed sim-e I SIM. and was built Inst in 1807, at a cost of about *0,600. The damage to the city was rather sovoro, blit has not been estimated. Tho negro killed in the bridge, Sol Ware was the only person killed. Sev eral others wore hurt. Congress is doing but little. !'■’ h . -nil . ' Hon. Jefferson Davis is a grand father-lit rlo gir|. « .Seine of tho South American states aw) on tho (mint of war with eaeli other. Tho Dispatch tells m that Pulaski county 1ms h thirty-two year old pon- cock. The people of Pulaski are now moving for a bridge across the Oenmlgce at llawkiiisvillo. Tliot'o is to ho a branch railroad from Wpdley to i.ouisvillo in Jetfor son turnnty. The work is to l» cum- liMMiecd at mur. According to tho Atlanta Consti iution, Georgia pays ovor;*3,500,00 f ' for guano annually, and almost oven dollar of the money goes beyond the borders of tho State. CYm the com monwealth stand the drain ? The Cochran lSutcrprlac. We have received the first issue of tlie atmve named paper, a neat, newsy, and handsome sheet, of tvven ljr*fouroolnmns, owned by Mr. Sam Mayor und edited by Dr, T; F. Wal ker, 1 he Antcrprise bus bought, out the property and good will of tho late Ooohran fMsmvr,- and is simp])' Urn latter |>aper revived, though in •very respect it« su|>orior and with puny indication of a more sueccoss- ful career. Success and long life U the Enterprise. The \\ ashinglon W'ft/chvntn says a man in Nelson county gave his children tho following names; ll,> brow fashion, Marriage Bell, South ern Soil, Loudon Judge, Ghhm Fig ure, Dirt Rot and Ueil-in-tho-kiteh- en. The Methodist church owns more property ttem nhy othor denomina tion in the Union, that sect having **>'.*.k,>4.121 invested in churches. The Catholic Church comes next with *•>0,985,563; then the Presby terian (’hnrolt, *47,738,781 • the LptSiMpaU *.‘1(5,514.640; Congrega tional *25.0ti!i.6«i$; ihe HaptN-t. 1-0.221. Then follows a long li>t w hich bring- up the total amount of money invested in churchc* in i!ie V oiled Stales to *351,229,221, Drop after drop wears tho rock away, inch by inch the tide creeps in. If the women continue to oncroach upon tho low remaining rights of tho men*wo ahull all soon find it necessary to fold our tents and silently steal away to some far summer lupd whore thoro are no women nor rumors of women; where the climate is so.ha]my that wo shall need no buttons nor other tronblesomo raiment; whore tho fictions of “lodge nights” and “business engagements” Hindi take to themselves wings and lly away; whoro wo can list its at peace to tho notes of tho hull-bull as they gore each othor in the umphitheutoi; or hot on t ho rod cock or tho Shuwlnock to our pocket’s content; or Hush that noblest of game birds; poker, without looking tho hall door and stopping the keyholo—a land, in short, where men have all their rights; where mint and honey flow ; whore the women shall cease from troubling and the weary he at rest; whoro never again shall one of our uuhibor bo subjected to such an indignity as was pructieed upon ono of our brothers in England tho othor day, who was sent to jail— yes, me lords, absolutely sont to jail •—beeauiio forsooth, ho saw fit to exeroiso his right of beating his wife and forcing her to sloop on the floor, in order that, his racing dog might occupy her place in bed. Mr. Stephens lias the Greenback Disease. AV<f York Tribune contraction rep. Alex. II. Stephens is tho latest victim of tho greenback disease? He may have had it lurking in his sys tem for years, hut it did not develop a virulent phase until Thursday night. At the homio canons he in sisted that tho congress should “re- liove tho country” by issuing *500, 000,000 more legal tenders. Mr. Stephens is to be pitied. His friends have nearly recovered from tho pa por-monoy epidemic, and will have little sympathy for eleventh hour victims. Thus earoleth tho Now Orleans Times: It becomes our duty—and from duty we never shrink—to chronicle tho fact that spring has ar rived. .Spring, with linon duster and smiling countenance; spring, mm a tlower iu bit button hole und a grin on his face, has stepped down from the Pullman ear of time, and, as tho Pic. raptuonsly remarks, is in our midst once more. Sweet, sweet, poctio spring ! The Oglethorpe Echo says that a compromise has been effected with with the trustees of tho Mercer uni versity by which thoynro to turn ovor to the Georgia Baptist association- one of the wealthiest in the stato— the college buildings at Penticld and *10,000 worth of notes, half of which sum eun lie collected. It is the in tention to resurrect tho college under the title of tho Meteor high-school, thoroughly repair and overhaul the buildinp and bring it up to the en- vtable standard of yore. An Alabama darkey, for a wager, recently exposed bis head to the furi ous a-Mults of a (rained goat. Iljs confidence w:w rewarded by Ids win ning the money, for, after u half an hour'.- hard butting the goat drew off. utterly discouraged. Johnson Items. The Ohoopoe is alive with raft- timber on if*way to Darien. Corn is worth 50 cents per bushel in trade in Wrightsville. 1 he .Senatorial canvass is coming to the surface in this county. A& is well known, Johnson is entitled to the senator from the 10th this time, and sereral of onr citizens arc not unwilling to obey the will of the dear people and serve them in the capaci ty of Senator, Quite a handsome sum has been raised by subscription for the relief of Mrs. Hutchinson, the mother of the unfortunate lad who wag acci dentally killed a week ago. Mr. Frank Sumner has some fine wheat—waist high and no tendency to boot. Mr. J. W, Rowland is quite sick. Mr. J. T. tSndll lias a tamo deer-- u fall fawn, which is something un heard of by the oldoit Nimrods. ilr. AVilclicr, of Hancock, was in town last week. Mrs. Nancy Sn^is very sick. The horse drover, Mr. Hunter in jured the business of the “Bone Yard” last week. A gin agent was in town last week. Mr. J. M. Hightower and perhaps others invested iu his new and im proved gin. The Sheriff of Washington county, Mr. Thigpen, was in town last week. Hon. Neil McLoed, of Emanuol county, our worthy and popular Sen ator from the Kith wits in attendance upon Court last week. Thoro is much sickness in the comity. Dr. J. W. Flanders, one of onr leading physicians had oighty- two calls in throe wooks, afeer which they becalho so numerous that ho could not keep an account of them. Johnson county can boast a band of archers who. spend tho Lord’s day in bird hunting. They average about three birds each Sunday? Mrs. Joiikens and daughter, living throe miles from Wrightsvillo^ were struck bv lightning last Saturday and severely shocked. The daugh ter’s hair was slightly singed. /No other damage. Mr. Wm. Johnson, who had been indited for carrying concealed weap ons plead guilty to the charge last week ami was sentenced by Judge Jolipson to a fine of §50 ami six months in jail. Johnson county has a common band-box that has been in constant use forty years land a basket made of wire grass which has done serv.ico sixty-four yearn. Our host scholars tell us that the languago of ancient Greece' was un surpassed for its richness and variety of expression. Well, then, when an ancient Greek wanted to borrow five .dollars of his classic neighbor ho either hud to ask him, fohnngo? * spuds ? jlongh ? rhino? sliin plasters ? shiners? ducats ? soap ? rocks ? Have you any^ spondnlix ? brass ? scrip ? legal tondor ? lucre ? tin ? chips ? pewtor ? wherewithal ? I ready come down John ? or olso doff his abashed hat to the superior flexibility and greater varie ty and verbal wealth of the United States languago. —ffatrleye. An Alabama baby has twenty-six fingers and toes. . Tomutoos are selling at 25 cents a bushel in Key West. Coal to Ire had -in Bu'imngham, Ala., at *1.50 per ton. Forty-two rattle snakes were fonnd under a big rock iu C’omauehe, Tex. The negroes who left Mississippi for Kansas are engaged in starving and hogging. The Sparta Times and Planter says that Dr. Lovick Pierce, the venera ble patriarch of Georgia Methodism, is able to get out again, though oc casionally thrown back by sud den and severe attacks, llis ninety- fourth birth-day is near at hand, and wo hope he may have sufficiently re covered to enjoy the nsnul family re union. A bashful young mau could defer I ho momentous question no longer, so lie stammered: “Martha, 1 I- 1—do—you—yon must have—-are vnii aware that the good book says— er, says that it is not g-g-good that m liiuti should be alone?” “Then hadn’t von better run home to your mot In r; Martha coolly suggested. It is estimated that on an average of throe chickcn-coops are robbed in Charlotte every night. One hundred and forty students are ut present on the rolls of the State University in Athens. Mrs. A. T. Stewart and her party passed through Augusta the other day in a gilded special car. Within ten miles, of Gainsville, Florida, there are six hundred acres of land upon which tomatoes arc be ing raised. A splendid pair of rosewood silver mounted crutches have been present ed to Senator Hamilton from a friend in New York. By the accidental discharge of a pistol, Miss Pochcrt, of Savannah, .was seriously wounded in the leg the othor day. The Kansas fever has struck the colored people of middle and west Tennessee and they arc immigrating in large numbers. The Texas legislature has 51 far mers, 23 lawyers, 5 doctors, 5 mer chants, 2 mechanics, and 7 profes sional demagogues. Dr. Carver is iu ' London, giving exhiljitions. The Sportsman says such consummate skill was never bo furo dirfjilayed in England. Tho farmers of Madisonvillc, Ken tuck v, have burned and sown more bods for tobacco this season 'than usual. An immense crop will '»5set We call the attention of Anthony Comstock to the fact that wintei lingering in the lap of spring. Such immodesty must be stopped.— Tribune. The Oglethorpe Echo says that a mulatto woman taught school in that county last year, whose hair was snow white on ono side and coal black on tho other. A World’s Fair wilbbe hold in New \ ork, at Central Park, probably in 1883. Tho-date heretofore fixed for it was 1885, but that will probably be reconsidered. A colored preacher of Florida has presented at t he office of the Gains- viile Sun five hundred copies of a let ter which lie claims to have received direct from the Savior. Carlysle is beginningtofeel his age, ami has boon compelled to give up *'.is midnight wanderings. Ho has an income of *9,000 a year from his hooks und refuses a title. 4 “Marriage,” says a cynic, “is like putting yoip- hand in a bag contain twining ninety-nine snakes and one eel. Yon may get the eel, but the chunccs are ngnin-t you.” 1 lie halanco-shcot of the Paris ex position foots up some *6,000;000 on the wrong sine of the ledger. The oxpensos are said to have been 55, 000,000 francs, and the receipts only 30,000,000 francs. Bismarck recoivos twelve letters threatening his life overy day, It seems to be everybody’s business to assasiimte him, and what is every body s business is nobody's business, and the chancellor, therefore, still lives The Rev. I)r. Jasper, of Rich mond, Va.,. having successfully preached his famous sermon on “The sun do MoVc” to the legislature, now says he is going to preach it before congress, us soon us that body orgitn- izes. THE DUBLIN POST. Renew, Renew, Renew! Subscribe, Subscribe, Subscribe! ASK -YOUR NEIGHBORS TO .JOIN YOD IN TAKING THE PEOPLE’S PAPER. Subscribers, to avoid missing a single number of Ihe Post, should renew prompt ly. sending in subscriptions ut least two or three weeks before their subscriptions ex- pire. The time will be promptly extended from date your present subscription ex pires. HOWARD’S BAR t :b GEO. M. HOWARD if- CO. Wo invite the attention of onr friends and the .Public "generally to* our earefull selected stock of Puro Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Candies, Crackers, Tobacco, a n d Cigars, Snuff, Sardines &c, &c, AURORA BEER on Draught We shall be pleased to serve all who will favor ns with their Patronage. |6eo.,M. Howard & Co. XJ-UL-blixL^a,. ■ Feb, 6th, 79. IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS' ISrOTIOZE. Application for New Road. LAURENS COURT op ORDINARY. Fon County Pukposfh, April Term, 1879. Whereas, certain petitioners have made application to this Court, praying the establishment of a new road, commencing nenr the.residcnee of David Ware, Sr., and running bp the residences of Mrs. J. C. Carroll, William Allen and near the resi dences of U. J. Hogan and E. L. Harvard, to intersect the Coclirun Road between Q. L. Harvard’s and the old Harvard place; and commissioners appointed for that purpose have reviewed and marked out snid contemplated road nud reported to me that said road will be one of much public utility and convenience. These are, therefore, to eite and admon ish all pci-sons concerned to show cause, if any they have, why said road should not be made a public road on the first Tuesday in May next. JOHN T. DUNCAN, april 2 4t Ordinary. k Teacher’s Library for Sale. works°- nSiSt!,lff «a part of the following sypuek’s art of teaching 8CHOOI,. wickeusham’s methods OF INSTKLTTION. School, ECONOMY. THE HISTORY AND PnOGUKSS OF EDUCATION BT PHIJ.OBiniJUS. CALKINS’ OBJECT LESSONS. Watson’s hand-book of calisthenics »& GYMNASTICB, SPENCERIAN KEY TO PRACTICAL PENMAN SHIP. joiionnot’s SCHOOL HOUSES. ROOT’S SCHOOL AMUSEMENTS’. BATES’ TEACHER’S INSTITUTES. THE TEACHERS’ GUIDE TO ILLUSTRATION. CLARKE’S REX IN EDUCATION. Barnard’s education in Europe. &c. &e. & e . . &e„ Every one who eaters the profession of teaching should begin by mastering some of the Ix-st works on the subject. 1 le will thus within a year acquire greater skill In teaching than would come by experience in a life-time. The Corbett House. TWENTY ROOMS. Just opened on Second Street, son- froni . J’opliU-, next to \\ iv. Collins’ Carriage Rcjiositorv. MACON, GA. THE ABOVE BOOKS, THOUGH ALT. AS GOOD AS NEW, WILL BE SOLD AT SECOND-HAND PRI CES. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. jnu 1-tf' ESI’ABLISHED in 185oT~ Having bwn compelled to give up the National Hotel, l have located as above and am prepared to furnish first-chiss board bv he day, week or month at reasonable lutes Shall lx; glad to see any of my old mends and patrons. Respectfully K a COR 1JETT, Jmjiarfern-itmf ./nlhetv of ! Foreign and Domestic Hardware, i!UTLERY AN D GU}?S, AGRICULTURAL 1MPLEM 3 Vis IRON. S'CEKi. AND ! Carriage Makers’ Materials. Money! Parties indebted to the undersigned for I medical services are requested to come for- ward promptly and settle. I have served you to the best of mv ability, and expect similar treatment. Verbum mf. 001 I- H. Harrison. -AGENTS FOR— Tho Mississippi stato auditor ex empts printing offices tram taxation because, says lie, “ A printer is a mechanic, and the typos, presses, etc., necessary to curry on his busi ness are exempt as tools of a me chanic.” * Little Jack Greenback Thought he would lean back Aiul wait for the speakers pie ; When he put in his thumb. He looked very glum, And (finding that all the plums had been taken out by t he democrats) he said; “What a big fool am I r 'I HERE.—-Yon can make mouey sell ITirTi 77 in o ou, ‘ Sterling Chemical / V) inks—Never needs trimming—No smoke or smell—10 cents each, 8 for 26 cents. Send stamp for catalogue of Wonder fnl Inventions, staple and fancy goods Paraous, Foster* Co., 126 Clark St., Chicago. 'Mar, l9-6m. NAMES of residents wanted. . For 25 names and 25 cents wo will send you a fine silk handker chief, every thread silk, regular price, 1.00, G, W Foster & Co., 125 Clark St., Chicago, 111. Mar, 19-fln» 10,000 LATEST IMPROVED UND BEST Family Sewing Mach’n. The PHILADELPHIA has all the latest improvements, and is nude of t he very best materials, using a long, large, easily-threaded shuttle. In a word, it is THE Sewing Machine for Family nse. Luge, Strong and Light running. Fully warranted in even* particu pur, and retails for TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS and upwards. Address, Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co. No, l-H N- Seveuth Street, mtg 31-ly Philadelphia, Pa. FAIIWANKS STANDAllB SCALES. 02X01*3^ StL j;; XQ PHYSICIANS an7 FAMILIES s DR. Y. H. MORGAN, DRUGGIST & PHYSICIAN, COCIIRAN, GA., Has in store at all times a largo and care fully selected stock of thc^nrest Drugs ami Medicines In the market, at prices that must com mand the trade of Physicians and Families A general decline all round in Totwrc Good**of nil kinds, and my stock is. com plete. Give me « call, or send your orders 40 r. If. MORGAN. .Afar. 19, 79-tf COehmn. Gar ' New Blacksmib Shop. COCHRAN, GEORGIA, have just completeil and have now In A full operation a new and complete Blacksmith Shop at Cochran, where 1 can do as good work as any shop and at as-mi- sonable prices. 1 keep constantly on hand New PLOWS of all descriptions, and of my own manufacture, which 1 will sell at prices to suit the times. I have in connec tion with my Blacksmith Shop a first-class Wood and Cabinet Shop. I manufacture the best CARTS, WAGONSi BUGGIES. Ac., Ao, Repairing of all kinds done on short notice and at reasonable terms. . W. T. ROBUCK. Cochran, Mar, 19, 79-tf TO SELL OR EXCHANGEl Town Property for a Farm * I desire to sell or exchange my town property for a farm. My property consists of an elegunt, newly-bnilt cottage with $ acre lot, near business portion of town, and one tenement house near the cemetery with four acres of land attached under cultivation. r. ... _ _ W. J. SCARBORQUliH, Dnbhu. Ga.. Jag, 29, 1879,