The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, April 09, 1879, Image 2

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.r r'-- i-.L' „ .v-v'• THIiE POST. WEDNESDAY, APHIL 9, 1879. R. L. HICKS, EDITOR AM) PROPRIETOR. The editor of the Kastman Times isfoa-ding on strawberries. The QuitmanReportertvuut^Ion. A. T. McIntyre for Governor next year. ■ }' Cunt. Isaac Hardeman, of Mncuii. recent I v killed 17 partridges in 17 shots. All true Georgians will bo ghu1*to know that- Gclientj Gordon is conva lescing. I The Georgia milrond is now being fenced in with potent steel barb fencing. ,, \ The Cut holies have secured a lot in Louisville, (la., ujwm which to build a church. The recent municipal elections in Si. Louis and Chicago show largo dcmocrat-ic majorities in both cities. The trial of Captain Ed. Cox, for tin* runnier of Colonel Alston, will come of? in a few weeks. The Confederate .'monument tit .Savannah is to be cnibcllishetl by tho addit ion of a fine bronze statue. Young Dob Alston has been ap pointed Messenger of (Gen. Gordon’s committee; at a salary of *1,200 per anmun. -aaW. A negro was killed by fulling from a loaded wagon, and being run ovor by the same, near Macon, on last Thursday. LoniM ilie, wo hope, will soon have a railroad to connect with tho Cen tral. There has already been $115,000 subscribed. : ' lieports from all sootious of tho Btato indicate that a much larger ttrou lias been devoted .to grain this season than last. The I lawkinsvillo Dispatch takes a good deal of the romaneo out of the “south mix piTTitAOK” story published on our'first- page. We learn from the Cochran Enter* j>risr ihai Dr. Morgan's now lniild- uig in that town was injured' to tho .Mimi of *;)3o by wind on the 80th lilt. C-ikW'*:\ L /; . ■ It is estimated That Georgia has received this your, at her dilforont ports and railroad stations, 00,000 tons of guano, against 71,000 lust year. . < . ■,.. 'M ■: ; J Judge 1(. D. P. Twiggs has boon retained as one of tho prosecuting -counsel in the case of. tlio State against Edward Cox, oltarged with lhe murder of Col. Alston. Jerry O’Connoi*, the policoniaii tried for heating a negro to death with his club, in A}ttcou, lias boon found guilty of involuntary man slaughter, and aontoneed to the pen- iteutiary for two yea 1*8. Warren county luw produced a genuine second to Blind Tom—Mr. Raul Messengalo—who can play on any musical instrument without a knowledge of music. Ho expects to travel and will give an exhibition in WsuTouton at an early day. An Atlanta* policeman has been t ried by the Police Commissioners of that city, ami discharged from (he force for not arresting Cox, and thereby parenting tho killing of Col. R. A. Alston. It is staled that a lion belonging to Mr. 0. W. Randal), of Palmyra, Lee county, Has built her nest, in tho top of a 11 ee sixty-five feet from the ground. We presume that tho hen, in climbing this trye, is compelled t<> u-e her spurs.y Atlanta Constitution.* “The pea ches will have to lie low nntil April lias had time to got over hot* confu sion ami set her seal ni>on the season. She has allowed wiutot* to hung around the house at unseemly horn's, ami he has even been seen sitting in her lap." A* ^ r ‘ The repoul of tho Louisiana state lottery charter removed, wo*believe, the lust institution of that nature which had any legal warrant for e,\- h iene 1 m this country. The Lou isiana cumvrn. like all others of its, Glass, died hard, and a considerable scandal has sprang from it. It is dea l, nevertheless, and those who oxjR*et to win a fortune from lhe wheel " ill h;ive to look to Havanan or some !ut furoigtt town fpif f yfif-'tio)). IIidw* and Brutal Act. [fin*/in mi Tin im.] Wo learn that a few nights ago some depraved creature in human shape visited the otables of Mr. .loliu W. Coffee, and attempted to ent out the tongue of one of his favorite horses. The mischief was not discovered un til next morning when Mr. Coffee’s son noticed the bleeding at the mouth so profusely that Mr. Coffee, after bis attention had . been called to it, Ihought an artery had becu severed in some way, and as a consequence the uuimul inusC*necessarily bleed to death. Hut in a short time after the horse was turned out to die, ho returned to tho.lot and a further ex amination showed a most frightful gash several inches from the tip of tlio tongue, and nearly cutting it off. Why I Ik; liiiiiian demon should have thus resorted to inflict a private in jury, or.what diabolical reasoning could have snggestcHted such, a base and brutal act staggers tlio credulity of all good pooplc. Such a coinci dent would lmve been better suited to the times of a century ago when tho red man with all his low cunning and barharimis nature roamed theso forests and committed his depreda tions. Eight wood Iinot Bridge. [tneinion Appeal.] In tlio estimation of tho Dublin Post, and “Critic,” a contributor to the columhk of said pa(ier, Light wood knot bridgo, in this cotinly, is u stumbling block to the travel and trado between Dublin and Toombs- boro. Said bridge is owned by a gentleman in this county, mid toll is 01111* ged all who cross thereover. Tho pooplo of Laurens county, as per abovo, think the bridgo should be made froo, and for toll to bo charged is for Wilkinson county, and especial ly Toombsboro, to stand in* hoi; own light. Through tho Pont, Dublin threatens to removo her patronage whatever that, may be, from Toombs boro, unlew toll, is removed from Lightwood knot, bridge. . The ques tion arises is tho patronage worth tho toll H As a vale wo are opposed to toll bridges, but are sufficiently acquaint ed Mj’.tli the facts to venture an opin ion in this particular ease. If the oaso 1b one so grievous os tlio Pont represents it to be. common humuni- ity domands that eonnthing bo done to alloviato tho pain that said toll caasos the pgoplo of Laurens county. Let us,hoar from Toombsboro on tlio subject. Courier Journal: “A scoundrel named D. O. Show, who, for sovoral mouths hits boon swindling tlio peo ple of Alubania and Georgia by rop- rosonting himself us agent for tlio Courier journal and ot her papers, has transferred his soeno of opera tions to Florida, having recently been plying his work at King’s Ferry, in that State. Tho Courier-Journal knows nothing of Show, and has no traveling agents. It is to bo hoped tho rascal will bo arrested and pun ished. Our Southern exchanges should caution tho people ngniust tho bold and persistent scamp. Wasuixotox April 1.—Mr. Gor don appeared for tho first tinio this session.'and took tho oath of otfieo. Various bills were introduced. Tho senate passed tho hill appro priating two hundred thousand dol lars for tho construction of a steel vessol to bo used for tho disinfection of vosscls and and oargoes coining from tho ports snpposod to bo infec ted with yellow fever or othor conta gious discuses. ‘ Tho length of a pig's tail led to a murder in Madison county, N. C., last. Thursday. Two farmers, named Norton and Gaither, disputed con cerning the length of tho tail of a pig which they wore examining. Norton gave Gaither the lie, where upon Gaither told Norton to get ready for a deadly fight, Roth men drew their revolvers almost simulta neously. Gaither woe fatally wound ed ami Norton lost a thumb. The point as to which of the two men was right in regard to the length of the pig's tail remains undecided. CHEAP AND RAPED TEL EGRAPHY Proposed New Lines—The Balti more ami Ohio Company’s Line to Washington—'Wonderful Re sults Expected. flw l^ytiiwbfiwi Expositor 8*ys; "It is truly encouraging to learn that the planters are not buying so much on time thi< year. Thousands of pounds of meat have been sold for cosh this year that were charged on account at time prices last year.” [Baltimore llulleiin.\m Telegraph companies arc being or ganized by. several of the leading railroad companies under the power granted them to do so by the tele graph bill recently passed by Con gress. A line has already boeu char tered in New. York, which threatens to bo a serious rival to the Western Union Company. The new compa ny is known us the American Rapid Telegraph Company, and has a capi tal of $(3,000,000. It is proposed to build lines connecting New York with Button, Baltimore, and other cities of the West and Southwest. It if probable that a general system of connecting lines w ll be built by all tho railri ads in the country, to be used not only to their own. conven ience, but to do a general commer cial and press business. The Baltimore and Ohio Company has already constructed a line of its own between this city and Wiishing- ton but 1ms not yet established an office in the centre of the city for the accommodation of the lmsinqps public, but this is expected to be done. Tho subject of constructing linos over tlio entire length of the main stem, brunches and connecting roads of the company is under con sideration, and will no doubt be deter mined upon shortly. When this is all done a main ofiico will be estab lished convenient to tho ‘business Centre of the' city, and local offices elsewhere, for tho convenience of customers. Tho establish moot of those now competing linos is'oxpccted to mate rially affect, and may probably revol utionize, the tolegrppli business. It, •is claimed that a new and mon rapid system of transmitting and receiving mossagos will bo used, and tho cost of messages greatly cheapened. The rates mentioned are 25 cents to nil stations oust of tho Rocky Mountains and 16 cents for fifty words for night messages. Special messages for the press will bo charged os low as 10 cents for ono lmudrod Words., Tho plan includes not only the most hipid delivery, and contemplates tho use of tho telegraph in connection with tho post otfioo, so ns to bring it with in tho reach of all. Tho Best Cure for Emotional Insanity. Philadelphia Chronicle. Colonel Buford, who killed the Kentucky Judge, talks too frooly about his crime. Buford behaves liko a man who is getting ready to prove himself guilty of “emotional insanity,” • There is no bettor or more radical ouro for that kind of insanity tlmn “pendulous suffoca tion.” ‘ Important Changes Mooted. IndiunnpoHs News. Senator Pond lo ton’s bill to allow cabinet officers seats in congress, and tho rights to purticiputoin debates, is an old measure revamped which he first introduced when ho was In tho house of representatives. It. has boon urged by various doctrinaires, and while it may have some advan tages ovor tho present methods in shaping legislation, it will necessitate almost a complete change in our form of government. Its logical sequence is tho responsibility of cubinut of ficers, making them “ministers ;” tlio dwarfing of tho president to a figure head so far as legislation goes, and elections made at any timo of adverse majorities instead of once in two veal's. Giviug too Much Play to his Humor. A telegram front Pittsburg, Pa., Morph 27, says: “Yesterday after noon an old man, named John W. ltummcll, was painting the front of a storo on Ponti avenue, lie stood on a high stool so as to roach as far as possible. John Wilkinson, a member of the tiro department, camo along with a couple of his friends, and said to them, with a laugh: ‘Wouldn’t it bo a joke to knock the stool from under tho old man* ?’ The others urged him to do so, and ho gavo the stool a kick that knock ed it out into the street llanimell fell on his head and side, and was fatally injured. Ills skull is fract ured. and four of his ribs are broken. He is over sixty years old. Wilkin son was arrested and is now iu jail.” Condor Items. Miss Zcnobiu Smith has opened a school near Rev. Wm. A. Harrison’s. Mr. Dennis Ken lias all his lumber sawed for a two-story store house. Despite the feeble opposition of fered our new school house is com pleted and speaks volumes of praise for Messrs. Bcachnm, Bush, Fuller, and Dennis Kea. The storm of Sunday March 30th, was very severe blowing down fenc ing, uprooting trees, etc. Mr. K. H. Linder’s ncW lionse was blown down. Mr. Richard Warnock had two hundred pnnncls of fence blown down. Stutisticd’for the last mouth show two dwellings, one gin house and screw burned and two narrow escapes for Beachuin’s mammoth saw-mill. All in Condor. Corn, vegetation and fruit are bad ly injured by the lute frosts. Mr. George Carter’s little babe died on the 4th iiist. A young rnun on Buck Horn went to hunt the yearlings in a buggy a few days ago. He got lost and had- to leave horse ni.d buggy in the woods and follow a little ox which took him to a neighbor’s house. Our efficient J. P. had to marry a couple of “darkeys” on the 23rd nit., that lmd been joined by “one without authority.” There 1ms been an unusual amount of sickness around Condor this year. Holmes’ mule has been traded so often lie drops bis under lip every tinni yon go to him for you to see how old he is. A one-horse farmer of Emanuel near the Laurens line has planted five acres in sugar cane It is generally conceded at Wash ington that the next census reports will show the Northwest to have outstriped all othor sections of the country iii growth and * population, and that Kansas, Nebraska, Minne sota un’d Colorado will rather take tho lead. Kerosene oil;’ is very, good for lamps, but it is a‘bad remedy for earache. An Alabama paper says: Simon Sintou7 living a few miles from Rntlego about three weeks since was troubled with earache, and upon the advice of somebody, caused a spoonful of kerosene oil to bo poured into bis ear. He lived nearly two days a raving maniac, and then there was a funeral. There is a sad man in Monroe county. The Advertiser says that Mr. G. W. Goodwyne, missing one of his hogs last woek, concluded to feed'the others on strychnine, having hoard that it would not injure the hog, but if stolen and baton it would kill the thief.’ He gavo the hogs a small quantity in water and in ten minutes uftor drinking tho last one was dead. Early county Nows : In talking with tho planters of the county we learned that most of them were up with tho season in their farming op erations. Fertilizers aye being used in groatcr abundance than" ever. Some of the agents have not been ablo to supply tho demand made up on them. Wo hopo that tho farmers may have no cause to complain at the result of their investment. Albany Advertiser : Some far mers are planting this week where the, lands wore elevated. In this community there is not much hurry about early planting. In regard to guano, some bed on itsome strew it along the furrow of old cotton land and list, without center furrow, while the majority prefer to strew it when the planting is done, claiming that fifty pounds put out with the seed produces as good results as one hundred pounds when bedded on. Liberty ami Shot-Guns. Nashville Banner. Wlmt is our country coining to ? Hero the other day Colonel Bob Al ston was shot down because he would not trade to suit the slayer, and now Colonel Thomas Buford, of Henry county, Ky., shoots with a double- barreled shot-gun John M. Elliott, of Boyd county, judge of the court of appeals, because this judge ren dered a decision ud verse to the claims of Bt\ford. It does seem as if the eonntry is running wild. Coercion is the order of the day. Murder stalks red-hauded through the coun try. When *our judieary becomes the subject of attack we 'may truly say liberty.i$ at uti end. .Johnson Items. Big fires are reported from the Sooth side of Cedar oh last Thursday, but no particulars yet. Mr. Ephraim Hightower is very sick with pneumonia. Mrs. S. E. J. Smith has returned from Atlanta. Mr. John A. McAfee had seventy- five pannels of feucc burned yester day. We lmd a fine ram in Wrightsvillc lost night. There is a great deal of sickness yot-in the county. Wrightsvillc seems almost deserted since court. Mr. A. T, Linder left for Savannah yesterday to buy more goods. Senator Jones, of Nevada, pays Ben Butler $17,000 rent for his res idence in Washington. * Gen. Fitz Hugh Lee, of-.Virginia, wjll deliver the memorial address in Atlanta, on the 27th of April. The jury in the Oliver-Cumeron breach of promise case have brought in a verdict for Simon Cameron. There ure intimations of a motion for a new trial or an appeal. Peru and Bolivia have concluded an alliance offensive and defensive, and have declared war against Chili. New Cash Grocery Store IB ~¥T J. R Battle, Wholesale and Retail dealer in fancy, and Family Groceries will sell you goods low'down for cash. Call and see. (Store on Second St., next to the Post Office.) Cochran, Ga. March, lfi-tf TO PHYSICIANS and FAMILIES: M. Y. II. MORGAN DRUGGIST & PHYSICIAN, COCmtAS, GA., Has in store at all times a large and care fully selected stock of the* purest Drugs and Medicines In the market, at prices ^hat must com mand the trade of Physicians and Families A general decline all round in Toilet Goods of nil kinds, and my stock is com plete.. Give rue u call, or send your orders to Y. II. MORGAN, . Mar. 10, 70-tf Cochran, Go. ESTABLISHED IN 1850. CARHART& CORD Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, CUTLERY AND GUNS, AGRIOULTURA AL IMPLEM ENTS IRON, STEEL AN^ Carriage takers’ Materials. —AGEKTS FOR— FAIIWANN'S STANDARD SCALES. CItLeZ?3^^" StL ZMZaooix- jan22 1870 ty Oa- IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS A Tsasher’s Library for Sale. Consist'ng in part of the following works: BYPlUill’S ART OF TEACHING SCIIOOI,. WICKERSlIASl’S METHODS OF INSTRUCTION. “ SCnopLECONOMY. THE HISTORY AND PROGRESS OF EDUCATION my run.OBiBhiUB. CAI.KIN8* OBJECT LESSONS. watson’s hand-hook of calisthenics & GYMNASTICS.- SPENCERIAN KEY TO PRACTICAL PENMAN SHIP. JOHONNOT’S SCHOOL HOUSES. ROOT'S SCHOOL AMUSEMENTS. HATES* teacheii’s INSTITUTES. THE TEACHERS’ GUIDE TO ILLUSTRATION. CLARKE'S SEX IN EDUCATION. BARNARD’S EDUCATION IN EVROPE. &C. &C. &C. &C. ' THE DUBLIN POST. —o- Renew, Renew, Renew! Subscribe, Subscribe, Subscribe! ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS TO JOIN YOU IN TAKING THE PEOPLE’S PAPER. Subscribers, to avoid missing a single number of the Post, should renew prompt ly. sending in subscriptlqns at least two or three weeks before their subscriptions ex pire. The time will be promptty extended from date your present subscription ex pires. Every one who enters the profession of' teaching should begin by mastering some of I ho tost works On the subject He will thus within, a year acquire .greater skill in teaching than would come by experience in a life-lime. TUE AltOYE BOOKS, THOUGH ALL AS GOOD AS NEW, WILL BE SOLD AT SUCOXD-UAXD PRI CES, APTLY AT jaa 1-tf THIS OFFICE. . Money! Parties indebted to the undersigned for medical services are requested to come for ward promptly and settle. I jiave served you to the best of my ability, and expect similar treatment. Verbum not. oct J)-tf I. H. Harrison. c HEBE.—1 'on can make money sell- ing bur Sterling Chemical _ Wicks—Never needs trimming—No smoke or smell—10 cents each, 8 for 25 cents. Send stamp for catalogue of Wonder ful Inventions, staple and fancy goods. Parsons,'Foster & Co., 125 Clark St., Chicago. Mar, iD-Gin. 10,000 NAMES of residents wanted. For 25 names r and 25 cents we will send * you a line silk handker chief, every thread silk, regular price, 1.00, G. W Foster & Co., 125 Chirk St,, Chicago, 111, • Mar, 19-flm LATEST IMPROVED ASH BEST Family* SeiviugMaci] "u The PI FIT.A I )K 1,‘Pl 11A lias all the latest improvements, and is made of the very best materials, using a long, large, easily-threaded shuttle.' In a word, it is THE Sewing Machine for Fatnily riso.' Large, Strong and Light running. Fully warranted in every particu lar, and retails for TWENTY FITE DOLLARS and upwards. Address; ;,i Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co. No. 144.N; Seventh Street, mig 21-ly Philadelphia, Pa. H0WAEi?S BAK ! zb^st GEO. M. HO WA RD d ; CO. Wo invite the attention of our friends and the Public generally to onr onrefull selected stock of Pure Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, 'Cun d ios,'Crackers, Tobacco; a h d Cigars, Snuff, Sardines &c, &c, AURORA BSER on Draught Wo shall bo pleased to serve all who will favor ns with their Patronage. Geo, M. Howard & Co. ID-CLtaiin <3-a. Feb, 5th, 79. New Blacksmili Shop. COCHRAN, GEORGIA. -:o:- I have just completed and have now in full operation a new and complete Blacksmith Shop at Cochran, where I can do as good vyork as any shop and at as rea sonable prices. 1 keep constantly on baud New PLOWS of all descriptions, and of niy own manufacture, which 1 will sell at prices to suit the times. I have in connec tion with ray Blacksmith Shop a first-class v\ ood and Cabinet Shop. I manufacture the best CANTS, WAGONS, BUGGIES, &e., &c. Impairing of all kinds done on short notice and at reasonable terras. „ , W.T. ROBUCK. Coclirau, Mar. 19, ?9-tf