The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, April 23, 1879, Image 2

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— TIEEEEI POST. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1870. II. L. HICKS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. GEN E BA L PItESENTM ENTS. April Term, 1870. We, the ft rand Jury, chosen and sworn for the April Torm, 1879, beg leave to make the following general presentments : It is a fotubo of deop regret that wo And tho law in reference to car rying concealed wea|K>ns iias been grossly violated and wo fear this evil practice is on tho increase in our county, and wo hope that all good citizens will use their best efforts in suppressing this crime. Wq have, by our committees, exam ined into the condition of our county —the public buildings, tho books of tho county officials, roads, bridges, oto. Wo find tho Court House needing some repairs uud would recommend that the Ordinary, at the earliest practicable moment, havo tho same attended to. Wo find tho jgil und tho alms house in good condition. The roads are represented as being in 'good condition up to tho present rain and wind. Some of our bridges wo find in bad cond'tion, und cuN s|ie- cial attention of the Road Commis* sioners to look after the bridges in their respective districts. We flud tho books of the Ordinary kept in a correct, noat and orderly- like manner, thereby reflecting grout credit upon the present incumbent. J ho Clerk und Treasurer’s books, also, are very neatly and correctly kept, and reflect great credit upon this ollicor. Tho books of tho Tax Collector wo find in good condition, Bavo the ntuttor of a fow mistakes of minor importance in calculations. This officer, wq find is at present’ in nr- ro&rges with thocunnty to tho amount of $1251.94 cents, und wo rcoom- mond that ho bo requirotl to effect a final settlement within thirty days from the adjournment of this court. Tho books of tlio Justices of Peace and Notaries Public we find corrootly kept as far as reported fco us. ft. P. Stubbs, N. P. of tlio 344th district and I). P. Robinson, N. P. of the 342ml not exhibiting any books to this body. Tlio Ordinary, county school Com missioner mid Treasurer’s reports aro horeinto attached und form u pavt of those Presentments. OUDINAIIY’8 It 131*0UT. fteorgia, Iaiurons County. To the Honorable Grand Jury of mid County, April Tenn, i879. ft knt£kmrn.—1 herewith submit to your consideration the following report of tho financial condition of your county: Gross taxes levied for 1878, . $7280.80 Collected nml paid lu by U. T, Domluy, T. C. .... 5494.01 Insolvent list for ’78 Collector’s control's • 80.115 218.00 1701.89 208.95 balance duo by collector . . In Treasurer's bands, . . , lu Ordinary's hnuds for liquor license Total, Divided us.follows; Jwy’iiml Hailin' fund, . . . Ee/rles and almshouse fund 1403.01 08.80 50.00 1000.27 514.02 510.40 General fund, 572.10 1000.27 There is bet ween five and six hun dred dollars outstanding orders on these different funds.—A largo um’t of this is witnesses’ fees in criminal cases, duo witnesses who livp in othor counties. There is sulllcicnt jury fund due, if mid in, to pay the ju ries and bailiffs six dollars each. John T. Duncan, Ordinary. Sworn mid subscribed before me April 16, .1879. J. St Dukw, N. P, *r offlcio J. P. TREASURER'S KG POUT. TreasVe office, Laurens County, To the I/on. Grand Jury at April Term, 1879 of Lauren's Superior Court, Gk.vti.knkn.—Allow mo, here with, to submit my report as your treasurer from the 26th day of Feb ruary. 1879, up to this date: Rwt’d from M.k Jones, former Treasure* $ 09.00 Rac'd from U. T. Dominy, T. Collector 805.00 $437.00 418.45 $11.01 $11.97 25.00 $30.27 •Sworn to before me this April 12, 1879. Mbrceii Haynes, J. C. C. L. C. Report of W. 8. Ramsay, county school coinm’r, LMtens county, Oa. to the Grand jury, Spring Term, of Laurens Superior court, April 15th, 1879, for the scholastic year ending Dec. 31st, 1878: We have in Laurens county of school age, i. e., between six and eighteen years of age, White male children, . . 834 female “. . . 776 “ Total “ . . . 1610 Col’cl. mule children, . . 641 “ female “ . . 568 “ Total, “ . . 1109 Total white and colored, 2719 Tho Board of Education authoriz ed the following schools to be estab lished and continued, viz., the schools of 11. II. Calhoun, C. C. Harvey, C. K. Wright, Joel K. Doan, P. M. Johnson, J. T. Kmclien, J. T. Eden, Saruli Hilbnn, W. E. Duncan, J. M. Martin, C. A. Walker, P. M. Braccwcll, J. I. D. Miller, Zenobia Smith, Elieneezor MiJA^r, 15? McDonald, N. B. BosRek, R. P. Maddox, B. W. Burch, M. J. Cur- roll, M. Smith, C. C. Richardson, A. E. Swinson, D. Swinson, R. L. Hicks, A. I. Currie, L. D. Davis, W. S. Ramsay, II. 8. Pechnor. Olio of them taught in Wilkin son; und the following col’d schools: Clias. Perry, Henry llutlor, Jacob Moorman, M. Prondford, George Rowland, Alf. Prondford, A. E. Smithormun, Rozinia Lawton, BetAy Adams, John Troup. 10 colored schools. Total white and colored 39. White male pupils . . 480 “ female “ . . 247 Total .... 727 Colored malo pupils, . . 225 “ female “ . . 154 Total .... 379 Total white uml colored . 1106 Total average attendance, white and colored . . 865 The Board has licensed twonty- sovon teachers, renewed tho lioense of nine and rejected two touohors. Reu'od from Stato fund $960.80 “ lt tax on nulls 1126.80 “ “ Bal. of 1877 14.50 Total $2111.10 Ex|Kuises por contra. Sta’ery, post’o blanks oto. $ 12.50 County sehool eoinm'or 180.00 Teachers as por receipts 1905.10 Balance on hand . 13.50 $2111.10 These schools fiiavo accomplished a great doal of good and commend themselves to your sympathy and co operation. Rospeot‘y submitted, \\. S. Ramsay, O. 8. C. Wo recommend that Calvin Wil liams, Nancy Cooper and .Jesse McLendon, col., be placed in the trims bouse at the expense of tlio county. Wo recommend that tho Grand and Petit Jurors ot this county he paid tho sum of two dollars nor day for their services und also tlmt the Bailiffs bo allowed tho sumo. Wo recommend that Dr. Jus. L. Linder be appointed as a Irnstoo on tho Board of Education in tho place of Edward Pony resigned. We recommend that in the event of un adjourned Term of this court that it be held commencing on the 3rd Monday in July. In taking leuvo of* his Honor, .Judge A. O. Pate, wo beg to assure him of our continued appreciation of his faithful und impartial administra tion, ns well ns his uniform friend ship to this body. To Solioitor-Qoneral Eason we tender our congratulations upon his ro-olcctinn to tlio ottteo of Solicitor General of tho Oconee Circuit and for oourtosios extended to us we re .turn to lutn our thanks as well as to Solicitor General pro tern R. A Stanley. We request that theso present incuts be published in the Dublin Post and Dublin Gazette. Daniel II. Coombs, Sr., Foreman. James T. Hudson. A, L. Burch. By sro’t paid on vouchers from 1 to 19 inclusive .... Bal. on hand this date . . Bridge*, ferries and almshouse rec\l of former Treas. . , Rcc’d from lax collector . . Paul on vouchers from to 2 inclusive . . . No. 1 Balance on hand this ditto . Juries, ItailitTs and jury expen- bus rcc’d. from tax collector. Paid ou voucher* from l to 11 Inclusive . . . . . . . j hand this date . . $47.45 Ree d, from Mercer Haynes, J. county Court $105.00 Paid out on vouchers from No. 1 to 8 inclusive 19960 Uulanor on liand this date. . $2JW HospectfitllY submitted, Hardy Smith, Treasurer. S. B. Whipple. Drcwrv liokbs. E. M. Keen, Sr. J. F. Fnllor. Dan. Anderson. \V. S. A. Bmcowell. J. E. Jackson. John S. Drew. W. B. Smith. 1a O. Bcnchnm. J. I. C. Stanley, Ordered that L. H. Hudson. J. B. Holmes. U. J. Hogan. J. L. Montford. A. Ia Morgan. Edward Perry. William Burch. Joseph Porrv. John Burch. J. W. Jackson. H. R. Hogan, the Clerk of this Senator Bruce is studying law. Yellow fever prevailed at Rio Janeiro. March 6. Florida shipped her first water melons to Boston. A very large crop of oats has been sown in northern Texas. Strawberries are selling at 15 cents jier quart in Jacksonville. In Siam the penalty for lying is to have the mouth sewed np. Baltimore Snn; The new altar for the cuthedral at Savannah, re cently completed at Baltimore and forwarded to its destination, cost $1,900. It is estimated by the post-office department that there are no fewer tlmn 4,000 women postmasters in the United States, and that the number is on the increase. Col. James H. Blount. It must be gratifying to the im mediate constituency of this gentle man, and indeed, to the whole Style of Georgia, to see bow highly his c;n- iuent services are appreciated in Con- Court cause the General Presentments of tho Grand Jury to bo published in tho Post and Gazette as request oil bv tho Court. Anthony C. Pate. Judge S. C. O. C. Rollin A. Stanley, Solicitor-fteuend pro inn. Mr. Louis MeMurrv will plant six teen hundred aero* of land in Fred erick county. Maryland, with moun tain sngar corn tor canning purpo- The name of the would-be assassin of the Czar is Alexander Solovieff. Ho is a schoolmaster of Torgpea, m the government Pleskov. He will be tried by she highest criminal tribu nal. Not only docs he retain the second position on the Committee of Appro priations,'but has been named chair man of that of 'Expenditures in the Department of Justice,’ also a very important appointment, Mr. Blount has won his way to tho front rank of statesmen in the house by his superior sagacity, great industry und staunch fidelity to the true interests of the country. Most faithfully has he breasted the tido of public extrava gance, applying the axe here und thcro with remorseless severity to the root of pet schemes und large expen ditures of the jteoplo's money for private aggrandizement and political supremacy. Wo have it direct from those who were present and witness ed his oxertions, tliut no man really wields a greater inlluenco on the lloor of Congress thun he, because of his acknowledged integrity, patriotism and untiriug industry and watchful- noss. Few men in tho present Congress also enjoy the oxporicnco that ho pos sesses. The people of this district aro proud of their immediate lvprfc- sentativo, and tho whole country reaps tho fruit of his repeated re-elec tion, in every instance by majorities woll-nigh approaching unanimity.— Telegraph iC* Messenger. Notes of Hand—A Popular Er ror. [Stndersrille Herald.] The belief obtains almost univer sally. that an entry of credit upon a note prevents its running out of dato, and that eaoh credit gives tho pa|>er a new lease of six years. This how- over is not tho law, but the law de clares the entries of credits do not keep a note in date, but the balanco unpaid at the expiration of six years, is barred by tho statute of limitation. A,ease of this kind recently came up in the magistrate’s conrt for the 03rd district whore W. T. Wood, Ex’r of tho estate of H. II. Wood dee’d brought suit against. Win. Shorling, and Judge R. L. Rodgers counsel tor defendant showed that tho claim was barred and that decis ions of tho Sifprome Court bold that such credits do not keep them in date. Tho dosign of tho law doubt less is to pro von t tho holder of a note entering a credit without theoousent of the maker in order that tt may not he barred. Our Notary Publio win perhaps knows more law than any othor act ing Notary Publio in tnis district, as well versed in mutters of law as on Post Master, says that entries o orodits should bo* signed by tho ma ker of the note wluoh will give the noto tlio date of oredit. We publish this us an item of information to our rcuders. Electrical Phenomenon. 2\'mex ] During a min storm which pre vailed here on Tuesday last, between 8 and 9 o’clock a. in., the telegraph pole nearest the office was struck by lightning, the current entering the oifioo of tho operator breaking the wires and melting tho brass fixtures in several places. Onr olftcieut de- S »t agent and telegraph operator, r. E. E. Wilkins, did not escape unscathed. Having but an instant before the accident removed bis lin ger from the machine, he was severe ly shocked, his knee and foot nearest the battery being most affected, liis escape was most wonderful, and due. certainly, to the removal of his hand from the machine, luckily just in time, Mr. Wilkins is a very popular offi cor of the road, aud it is the wish of this community that henceforth he will stand ideal* wlion the forked lightning begins its pranks. J. W. CLARKE, MILLWRIGHT. STEPHENSVILLE, OA. Parties wanting work in my line in Lattrens and adjoining counties (where I have practiced my trade for forty years) are reminded tlmt I have returned from the North and made my headquarters at Btcphcnsville, where I will uhvaya lie found when not elsewhere engaged. np23-ly Application for Dismission. Laubknb Count of Okdinaby, April Term, 1879. Whereas, B. II. Calhoun, adminis trator on the estate of Eliza Clark, dec’d, has filed his application for letters of Dismission from his administration. These are, therefore, to cite and ad monish ail persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of Dismission should not be granted the applicant on the first Monday in July next. Given under my Official signature. JOHN T. DUNCAN, * npr7-8m Ordinary. ISTOTXOE. Application for New Road. LAURENS COURT of ORDINARY. Port Countv Pumposfs, April Term, 1879. Whereas, certain petitioners have made application to this Court, praying the establishment of a new road, commencing near the residence of David Ware, Sr, and running by the residences of Mrs. J. C. Carroll, William Allen und near the resi dences of U. J. Hogan and E. L. Harvard, to intersect the Cochran Rond between Q. L. Harvard’s and the ohl Harvard place; and commissioners appointed for that purpose have reviewed and marked out said contemplated road and reported to me that snid road will lie one Of much public utility aud convenience. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish ail persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, why said road should not be made a public road on the first Tuesday in May next. JOHN T. DUNCAN, npril 2 4t Ordinary. Sheriff”* Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Dublin. Laurens county, Oa., on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: 201 acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of J. F. Fuller, John Guest and others, to sntisfy one tux fi la in favor of H. T. Dominy, tax collector vs. W. D. Martin. Levied on and returned to me hv B. R. Graham, constable. Also, ut the same time and place, 272 acres of laud, more or less, adjoining lands of M. U. Ricks, Henry Beningfleld, Green Warnock and ot tiers, to satisfy one tax fi fa in favor of R. T. Dominy, T. C. vs. Jacob Clement's estate. Levied on and returned to mo by B U. Graham. Const. Also, at the same time and place, one lot of land No. 00 in tiie 17th district of Ltuiruus county, to satisfy one tax fi fa in favor of It. T. Dominy, T. C., vs. Josiab Gay. Property pointed out by defendant. Levied on and returned to me by B. It. Gruhnm, Const. Also, nt the same lime und place, 1049 acres of land, more or less, adjoining lauds of C. W. Holmes and others, to satisfy one tax fi fn in favor of It. T. Dominy, T. C., vs. lt. II. C. McLendon, Ag’t for mottyjr. Property pointed out by defendant. Lev ied on and returned to me bv Isnuc Gay, Const. Also, at the same time and place, one lot of land No. 205 in tit*. 12th district of Lnurcns count)', to satisfy one tax fi fa in favor of lt„ .T. Dominy. T. C., vs. Wra. W. Livingston. Property pointed out by defendant. Levied on aud returned to me by Isaac Guv, Constable Also, nt the same time and place, two lots of land Nos. 24 aud 27 in thu 1st Dist. of Lnurcns county, containing 521 acres, more or less, ndjoiniug lands of J. H. Yopp A. E. Corbett and others, to satisfy one tax fi fa in favor of 11. T. Dominv, T. C., vs. C. II. Yopp. Property pointed out by pluiutiff. Also, at the. same lime and place, 68 acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of J. Y. Lee, H. C. Lee aud others, to satisfy one tax fi fa in favor of R. T. Dominy, T. C., v's Margaret C. Stokes. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, at the same time and place, four lots of land. Nos. 40, 41, 44 and 45. in the 1st district of Lnurcns county, containing OoO acres, more or less, adjoining lauds of Joiiu Horn, J. 8. Horn aud others, to satisfy two tax fi fas in favor of It. T. Dominy, T. C.. vs. J. II. Yopp&Bro. Property pointed out by defendant. Jah. C. ScAKitonouou, Sheriff. TO SELL OR EXCHANGE I Town Property kor a Farm ! I desire to sell or exchange my town property for a farm. My property consists of an elegant, newly-built cottage with } acre lot, near business portion of town, and one tenement house near the cemetery with four acres of land attached under cultivation. W. J. Scarborough. Dublin. Ga.. Jan. 20. 1879. The Strobing House, TOOV8BORO, OA. fOf O. H. L. STRI DING Proprietor tof . Thanking the Public for their liberal patronage In the past, I respectfully ask a continuance of the same. My House is near the Depot and first-elasa in all its appointments. Good Conveyance Always lu readiness to accommodate the Traveling Public who may wish to go from Toomstoro to Dublin or any oilier point. T. P. SARCHETT. After over twenty years experience in the I flatter myself that I know n little about it, and wish to inform the public that I am AT MY OLD STAND On the corner of the Court House Square, ready to serve nil who want to purchase any thing in my line. I keep always on hand a full stock of ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, ANK Sti- XjOtx±s Been? on draught. Also a fine stock of Family Groceries. All of which I offer to sell Cheap for Cash. Give me a trial and he convinced. I am nlsc Agent for the “OLD VALLEY WHISKEY.’ in 20. tf. T. P. Sarchett. W. F. GEFFCKEN, B-aggy iMIallszex*. Building and liepairing done to Order. A ll work entrusted to me Neatly and Promptly executed at pri ces to suit the times. Shop on south east corner Court House Square. Call and see. June 20, ly- H i % LATEST IMPROVED AND BEST Family Sewing Maeliii. The PHILADELPHIA 1msall the latest improvements, and is made of the very best, materials, using a long, lerge, easily-threaded shuttle. In a word, it is THE Sewing Machine for Family use. Large, Strong and Light running. Fully warranted in every particu lar, and retails for TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS and upwards. Address, Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co. No. 1801 Buttonwood Street. Philadelphia, Pa. •iug 21-ly ARE YOU DRY? If so, go tr see Wash Baker, at his tirst-eluss Saloon on Beech St., where he keeps constantly on hand, and for sale, Wines, Whiskeys, * Brandies Beer, Cider, Champagne, And in fact, everything in the shape of Liquors and Drinks to be found in a first class Saloon. ALSO TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. Give me n call and you shall be convinc cd i , WASH BAKER Sept. 18-tf. CfeiiRAN Ga B. L. Willingham, COTTON FACTOR, SECOND ST. - - MACON, GA. BRING ME YOUR COTTON AND I WILL PLEASE YOU. R. M. ARNAU, Scientific Blacksmith, Southeast Corner Public Square All work done warranted to please or no charge. * BUGGY WORK A SPECIALTY. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND A Fine. Assortment of Plows —ALSO— THE CELEBRATED ARNAU SWEEP. Which is superior to any plow of the k ad made in this country. With thanks for past favors, we solicit the continuance of the same. jo 20, ly- ^“Opposite J. W. Store. Burke & Co.’s Book jan22, ’79, ly New Blacksmith Shop, COCHUAN, GEORGIA. I have just completed and have now ip full operation a new and complete Blacksmith Shop at Cochran, where I cun do ns good work as any shop and nt as rea sonable prices. 1 keep constantly on hand New PLOWS of all descriptions, and of my own manufacture, which 1 will sell at prices to suit the times. I have in connec tion with my Blacksmith Shop a first-class Wood and Cabinet Shop. I manufacture the best CASTS, WAGONS, BUGGIES, &c., Ac. Ropatring of all kinds done on short notice and at reasonable terms. W. T. ROBUCK. Cochran, Mar. 19. 79-tf • THE DUBLIN, POST. Renew, Renew, Renew! Subscribe, Subscribe, • Subscribe! ASK YOUR NEICHBORS TO JOIN YOU IN TAKING TIIK PEOPLE’S PIPES. Subscribers. to avoid missing a singlo number of the Post, should renew prompt ly. sending in subscriptions at least two or throe weeks before their subscriptions ex pire. The time will Ik* promptly extended from date your present subscription ex pires. • HOWARD’S BAR ! B'y GEO. M. HOWARD & CO. Wo invite the attention of oin friends and the Public generally ti our carefull selected stock of Pun Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Candies, Crackers, Tobacco, and Cigars, Sunil, Sardines &o, &e, AURORA BEER on Draught \V e shall be pleased to -serve all who will favor ns with their Patronage. Geo. M. Howard & Co, ID-iiblircL, Gl-au Fell. 5th, 79. ESTABLISHED IN 1850. CARHART & CURD Importers and Jobber of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, CUTLERY AND GUNK. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEM I.N18 IRON, STEEL AND Carriage Makers 1 Materials. —ACtKNTS FOB— FAHiBANICS STANDARD SCALES. OZtL©x‘X‘^r S"b. IMZaooiEL- : : Cfa, . jan22 1979 ly From all' parts of the country reports come of the immense sales and increasing demand for that deservingly popular Sew ing Machine, Tlio Old and Reliable “Stan dard,” the price of which the proprietora wisely reduced to $20, including all the" attachments, and at once secured fo- them n popularity aranug tho people, far beyond that ever yet attained l>y any other machine at any price, the consequence of which is, agents arc leaving the old high priced ma- chines, und seeking territory, for the “Stan, dnrd.” Knowing from experience that with the best goods af the lowest price they can outsell all other machines, where the superior quality and low price ia made known. This splendid machine combines all tbe improvements. Is far ahead of all others in beauty ami durability of its work, ease of management, light running and certainty of operation, is sensibly made upon sound principles, with positive working parts all steel, and can be safely S ut down as the perfection of a Serviceable liuttlo Double Thread Sewing Machine, in every particular, that will outlast any machine, and at a price far down below any other. It is thoroughly warranted for five years. Kept in order free of charge. And sent to any part of the country for examination by the customer before pay ment of the bill. Wc can predict equally as largo a demand for them in this section as in others. Families desiring the best machine manufactured should write direct to the factory. And enterprising persons wishing to seize the chance should apply for so desirable an agency. 8ee advertisc- tisement in another part of this paper. Address, Standard Machine Co., Cor. Broadway and Clinton Place, New Yotk. feh5 79-tf