The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, August 20, 1879, Image 2

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* - »l'8T 20. 187!). VYv tho WliiNtie. v of | he lw«t papers in Georgia :m> laboring under flic idea I hat tltc *"!<’ minion of the democratic party in lliis Suite is lo remain nltuched to the tnif end of the Northern dcmoc* nicy’s liiHim. To accomplish this high and holy pltqmsc no sacrifice is too great for ns to make. In order to lender the best service to our Northern friends, (who get all the loaves and fishes while wo take pay in unlimited quantities of old ling,) we are willing to allow our State government to become us rotten wit h corruption as the republican party itself,, No one will deny that a triumph of the national democracy would Ik* of great benefit to Georgia: but it. seems to us that wo are paying loo dear for the whistle when we sacrifice good government at Atlanta •to secure good government at Wash ingfori. Good government, like charity, should begin at homo. it is true all bur esteemed con lorn * poruries are crying in the ears of the legislutnro, “let no guilty man es cape; at the same time they stand ready, with brush and bucket, lo whitewash every blotch of corrup tion which the legislature shall expose. To expose democratic cor ruption. they fear, will enable the independents to disrupt the demo- erutio party in Georgia, and thus jeopardize our prospeols for scouring a democratic pros!dent next year. Hut we are glad to seo that our legislature is not taking its cue from the press, but from the people. And Iho sooner 'the machine politicians learn that Iho people demand the purification of tho democratic pni'.y the better. The scandal now flooding the metropolitan press of tho country oonoerning Senator Oouklimr.'of Now York, and the wife of ox-Govonmr Sprague, of Rhode Island, creates a profounder sc nsulion throughout the country, we believe, than the famous Hoeeher-Tilion case. It is said that, (’fn king's social and political mil li enee its lost, forever. ; Tho preparations for the impeach ment of Goldsmith are being pushed with as much haste ns is consistent with Iho gravity of the ease. There me thousands of people in the wiregmss section of the State who have for eighteen months stead ily believed that Goldsmith ought to he in the penitentiary. Tho new California constitution provides llmt tin judge ahull receive his salary till able to swear that there is no base on tho docket which has boon (Imre over ninety days. Let our Salons put this sump of wis dom from, the Pacific slope in their pipes and smoke it. It is refreshing to see with what vigor Goldsmith can perjure himself when he undoubtedly knows that everybody is satisfied of his guilt. The legislature has been encour aged by tho “ilo” they linv© struck in tho comptroller genernrs office, and have appointed committees to look into all tho State departments. And it is rumored tlmt we shall hear of some startling disclosures. Goldsmith was not satisfied with his efforts to bribe two meuthers-of the general assembly, -lie employed 11. NY, .1. Hum, editor of the Gaines ville Eagle, to bribo the editor of the At lanta Sunday Phonograph to sup press an article which was damaging to his ease. Ilam was a little more cunning than H. P. Wright, but got caught all tho same. Wo think it high time for our es teemed contemporaries to throwaway their Goldsmith whitewash brushes since that impudent bribo dispenser has endeavored to buy up a Georgia editor with the paltry sum of ten dollars! (’oakling hits got to be a bigger man than old Beecher in the scandal business. Governor Hendricks is confident of General Ewing's election. ing of the law in regard to carrying concealed weapons, says: We arc apt to forget there arc two sides to this question. We loscsight of the thousand instances in which life is saved and property protected from the attack of the rubber or the assassin by the timely use or the ex hibition (it the deadly wca)ton. Only a few days since, soon after the re cent mimlers in Fulton, a person in an adjoining county, saved his life or property, or it may be both, from the assault of a set of tramps, by the use of a pistol. We are constantly hearing of such cases. Yet a person who arms hmi«elf for a defense r inst robbery or assassination uld he imimhcd indiscriminately with the blank leg who is armed for no such motive! Is this reason or justice?—Still it is law. But it is said the law applies to concealed weapons. Without stopping to show the inconvenience and often the im practicability of always having one's means of defense exposed to view, wo will say right here that we never yet saw the sense or shadow of a rea son in concluding that there is more danger in one’s using a concealed weapon than one excised—more danger in drawing a pistol from his pocket, than there would he if he laid it strapped outside. You cun not stop the vicious from violating this law; thon why deprive the hon est of this means of defense? We trust Mien that the legislature, in stead of throwing away time by mak ing the law on this subject more stringent, will either wipe out what is in existence, or so modify it. ns to give honesty mi equal showing with rascality. A Washington dispatch to the New York Tribune says a prominent Democratic politician, who recently held a long eoiiversati m with Hon. Ham’l .1. Tildeu, represents that gen tleman as expressing some doubts as to whether lie will he able to secure tho Democratic nomination for tho next Presidency, because of defection towards him .South and West. Press ed to name a candidate aside from himself who would answer to all tho requirements, Mr, Tildon is said to have remarked that Justice Field, of California, appeared to him to bo the strongest and most uvuilublc man ; that .Judge Field's relatives are very wealthy, and would lie willing to spend a million or two if ho were nominated ; that the Pacific States would undoubtedly bo solid in lijs favor, and that lie would stand a better chance in Now York and the other doubtful Northern States than any of the other candidates whose merits have been discussed. Not an Attack on the Governor. Sparta Islmmelite. The declaration t hat all this inves tigation ut Atlanta is but part and parcel of “the war on Gov. Colquitt” dobs that gout Ionian great injustice. Some of the governor’s friends have injured him more by unnecessary zeal in his defease than his worst enemies have by uncalled-for bitter ness in their attacks. The investi gation of the departments is not an attack on the governor. Tho Torch of Trut h. Tho Dalton Enterprise says “a good deal is being said about injur ing the Demoevatio party by investi gations and agitating the records of public men. If the Democratic par ty can not stand this, the, sooner it fulls tho hotter. Any party that can not. survive an application of the torch of truth to all its parts is un worthy of support.” Governor Sprague went gunning the other day for undo intruders upon his midsummer domestioity uwl there promises to la* a grave historical donln as to how many of the enemy he encountered. Governor Sprague is not a man to be trilled with, how ever it may be with Mrs. Sprague.- ^"'ngfleld Republican. Spri (’tinkling is a cowaiuly brute; cowardly in politics; emvurdly on the stump; cowardly on the Horn* of the senate. Behold your god, stalwarts, with blunolted fuee, trembling lips, quivering legs, sneaking like a*whip ped dog by night out of Providence, with a shotgun iioiuted at his sleek carcass!— Ctm rier-,fou rnal. A Harrisburg soldier lost his hear ing during one of tho engagements of the civil war. A few ovenings ago ho went into tho river to bathe, and while thrusting his head under tho surface of the water he thought he hoard a loud report. Instantly raising his head he was astonished to find that his hearing hud been re stored. Light womllniot Bridge. WiU.inmn Appeal.^ About five years ago ('apt. J. A. Mason entered into a contiaet with the commissioners of Wilkinson county lo build the above named bridge and to keep it in repar for the term of ten - years. A certain sum of money was paid by the coun ty for building the bridge, and to keep it up the proprietorship was vested to Captain Mason, and he em powered to levy toll upon all except citizens of Wilkinson county. The contract has boon faithfullly complied with up to date, bill, nmv the citizens of Toomhsboro and vicinity have approached Captain Mason with a proposition to make the bridge free. Captain Mason whose contract, con tinues in force for five years after the 1st of January, 1880, agrees to make the bridge free and keop it in repair until the expiration of his contract upon either of two condi tions: First that he ho paid the sum of WOO when the bridge is made free, and after the 1st of 'January,' .188). the sum of ♦100 a year for the four remaining years of his contract. Or: He will muko the bridge free upon the payment, of WOO, the county to annul, his contract to keep the bridge in repair for the four years after the 1st of January, 1881. Taking into consideration the first of those propositions, the citizens of Toomhsboro have, by subscription already raised Hie ♦200 to be paid in cash, and have petitioned the county commissioners to pay the ♦lOO asked annually for the remaining four yours after January, 1881. that Captain Mason will have to keep the bridge in repair. We think that. Captain Mason dis plays great generosity in making this proposition, for any thinking man can see that there is no margin for profit, in ♦10 (> a year for keeping in repair such a bridge as Lightwood- knot, and it, is further known as fact that the toll from the bridge does yield a revenue of clear profit under the present, contract. This bridge should, he made free and it is clearly tho duty of the county to render some assistance' in the mutter. The toll imposed upon the citizens of contiguous counties, Laurens especially, rs elcmiiy uiAugor nistie to the interests of onr'County?- This bridge is a connecting link be tween Dublin and Toomhsboro and all of Laurens county. The toll is a stumbling block in the wnv of com mercial transactions between the two places, and as such diverts to other points trade that would otherwise he secured by Toomhsboro. The toll works a hardship upon the citizens of Dublin and Laurens county, and a financial loss upon the citizens of Toomhsboro and Wilkinson county. In thus depreciating the trade of one of her towns, and the property of the citizens of ono section, Wil kinson suffers ti direct loss; a loss for whicc she alone is responsible; a loss which she can stop if she will. This bridge should be made free, and can be, if the county commis sioners will thoughtfully consider the subject. To remove tho toll from this bridge will so appreciate the value of property in Toombsboyo and vicinity that the tax returns will more than repay the 8100 to bo ju»id out. annually for four years to secure the freedom of the bridge. The cit izens of Laurens want to trade with tho citizens of Wilkinson, but we bar them off by a toll-bridge in their path. They desire free intercourse; Toomhsboro desires it; the citizens of Wilkinson desire it, and we hope that the county commissioners of Wilkinson will grant it. We hope that this matter will ho adjusted without delayer all trade that should come across Lightwoodjknot bridge will be forever alien ted from us. The sum of *100 annually for four years is too paltry to he seriously considered when so much good can bo accomplished, and we hope the commissioners will grant it at their next mooting. A boy will fight like fury for his place ut the first table, hut when it comes to turning tho grinding stone after dinner he's harder to find than five aces in a pack of cards.—Elmira Gazette. The yellow fever, it seems, will not do much this year outside of Memphis. And in that city there seems to bo only a limited supply of material. The Body of tin* Late A. i. siew- art. New Yoke, August Id.—It is now asserted positively that the family and friends of the late A. T. Stewart have been apprised of an offer made by parties who claim to ho able to produce the body of the deceased millionaire', and who have established genuineness of their offer by sending the silver plate and handles of the burial casket to this city. It is stat ed that kite parties claim to be in Montreal, and have opened negotia tions through a lawyer in this city, enclosing a fee of ♦dot) for liis servi ces. They offer to produce the remains for ♦250,000. The lawyer has laid the matter before Police Superintendent Walling, and depos ited the plate and other articles for warded to him at the police head quarters. Judge Hilton, however, refuses, it is said, to accede to the demands of the parties. It is alleged the remains are in an excellent state of preservation. A Dead Man ox Horseiiack.— To-day, about one o’clock, while T. Quirk was riding along Iho public road about four miles above Wash ington, on the Bayou Bieuf road, near the Galliger place, he saw a man riding in advance of him. The person in advance continued to ride forward a short distance, and then he fell heavily from his horse, lie- fore lie fell Mr. Quirk arrived within speaking distance of the man, and remarked.* “My friend, you are rid ing very slow.” A negro' close by answered: “Mr. Quirk, that man is dead,” and shortly afterward the man fell. Mr. Quirk after ascer taining that the man was dead, in formed the authorities, and the body was promptly brought to town, where Dr. J. 0. Champbcll and a jury proceeded to make the proper examination, and discovered that he was shot, the twill entering 'near the centre of the forehead. The man’s nufno is Ernest Duval. Four men are under arrest, three negroes and one Indian, who aresnpposed to have committed the murder.—jY. 0. Democrat. The Thomasville Southern Enter prise asserts upon its honor that it; never publishes anything without, either personally knowing it to be true, or having undoubted evidence of its truth. lienee the following story, which would never otherwise be believed, must, under existing circumstances, be accepted as em phatically correct. It says: “A gentleman of this county is the own er of a turkey gobbler that lays eggs, sets, hatches and carries the young brood. All except the first are acts known to have been, and that seems as probable as the others. There were but a pair of turkeys on the place. Thojicn had a young brood following her, when a nest contain ing three turkey eggs was found. Not, supposing the hen to bo laying again so soon, these eggs wore be lieved to have Iveen laid by her at some previous time, but just then she was killed by some means, and after her doatli still another turkey egg was found in the nest and the gobbler bent ou setting on them. His desire was gratified, and after ho had been setting a week, enough chicken eggs were put in to make out a sotting. He proved faithful, and in three weeks time came off with the brood of little chickens— his own eggs having failed to hatch. But ono of the brood still survives, and this he delights in carrying. lie is expected to ‘wean’ soon and com mence laying again.” .Johnson Items. Mr. Daniel Bush and Lucinda Nobles, of this county, were married last Sunday. The store honso of J. M. Wood, of Wrightsville, will soon be finished. At ono of tho night trials of the the Notary Public, this week, the case was brought to an end bv the marriage of tho litigants—a colored couple. Mr. David Rawls killed a rattle snake this week live feet and four inches long. We are to have another wedding in Wrightsville to-night if the parties come lip to their promise. ‘Man wants but little here below,’ where ever he mav roam, and when ho culls for lager beer he wants but little foam. V ... >.■ •;, . • Local Legislation for Laurens. Eastman 'limes. The act ponding before the Legis lature, fixing the compensation of the tax receiver and collector in Lau rens, passed the House on Monday, the 11th inst. A few years ago, it seems, there was a local law passed reducing the commissions of officers of Laurens county, including the two above named, and intended only to apply to the commissions arising from the county tax, but in entering the same on the journal it was so chang ed as to cause it to apply to the btate tax as well, and thereby cutting down the commissions of these officers far below other receivers and collectors in the State. The object of this act, as we understand it, is to place these officers on an equal footing, and en titling them to receive the same commissions as are now allowed to other receivers and collectors for collecting the State tax. A prominent Democratic Congress man in Tennessee took his daughter to task because she permitted her lover to stay awhile after ten o’clock. ‘Ijo, pa,’ said she, we were only hold ing a little extra session.’ Boston has a supply of eighteen gallons of water to each person in that, city, and yet very little of it is used for bat)ling and still less for drinking purposes.—New Haven Register. The three proudest moments of a man’s life, between the cradle and the grave, are, when he gets his Hist pair of red top hoots, when the girls first call him “Mister,” and when the doctor tells him it’s a hoy.—Ex. When a Chinaman makes love to a girl, he doesn’t rave about bis heart panting for her, otc. No—lie sim ply tells her that he loves her better than be does rats, and she believes him.—New York Telegram. Mrs. Langtry, the English beamy, is only 24 years of age. When it begins to thunder the milk knows its sour has come. Saratoga boasts of a lady who wears $100,000 worth of diamonds. Parole is a tempearate horse. He could hot take another cup. The first gun in the. Gohkling campaign burst at the breach. There wero 11 ex-governors at Saratoga last week. To rival Brigham Young is (he greatest effort of my life.—R. Conk- ling. Philadelphia Item: No hoy is afraid of a yellow jacket when it has a girl in it. A railroad forty miles in length is soon to connect Java and Jerusalem. It will be the first work of the kind in Palestine. Industry, brains, and cheek— these throe, but, the greatest is cheek.—Quincy Modern Argo. Blessed is tho bee-hokler for it cells its own honey and saves the commission.—Erratic Enrique. There is in London a “society for preventing street accidents and dan gerous driving.” The Strobing House. TOOMHBORO, GA. fOf 0. H. L. STRUM NG Proprietor t ot Thanking the Public for their liberal patronage in the past, I respectfully ask a continuance of the same. My House is near the Depot and first-class iu all its appointments. Good Conveyance Always in readiness to accommodate the Traveling Public who may wish to go from Toomsboro to Dublin or .any other point The Corbett House. TWENTY ROOMS. Just opened on .Second Street, sec’ ond door from Poplar, next to W W. Collins’ Carriage Repository. MACON, GA. Having been compelled to give up the Nationaniotel, I have located as above and am prepared to furnish first-class board by the »laj*. week or mouth at reasonable rates. Shall be glad to see anv of my old friends and patrons. Respectfully, e. a cmuiETT. For Kent, A room suitable for a slieomaker’s bur,mess iu the Southeast corner of the Post building can lie rented very low.—Apply at this office. tf. Undersold by Nobody! <3-0 TO J f W. PEACOCK & CoJjj[ -FOR— Pure, Fresh Drugs AND EXAMINE TOEni STOCK OF Flavoring Extracts. Gelatine, Cream Tartar, Machine Oil, Stove Polish, Jamaica Ginger, Hops, . Stock Feed. Castile Soap, Nutmegs, Glass Cutters, Pepper. Spice, Ginger. Mustard, Magnolia Balm, Tint's Hair Dye, Hair Oil. J MitcluTs Eye Salve, Thompson’s Eye Water, Carla “ liolic Salve, Oxalic Acid, „ . ■ _ Pain Killer. Pam Kill It., Opodeldoc, Mustang Liniment, Gurgling Oil Liniment, McLane’s McLane’s Volcanic Linim't, Rankin’s N. & B. Liniment, C. C. Arnica Liniment, Brow n’s Bronchial Troches, .Pierce’s Golden Discovery, Syrup of Tar, Cherry Pectoral, Tutt's Expectorant, Jayne’s Expectorant, R ' Rndway’s Resolvent, „ , German Syrup, Malt, Globe Flower, Cod Liver Oil and Lime, Ayer’s Hair Vigor, ~ ir Re newer, Hall's Hair Simmons’ Liver Regulator b ever Ague Tonic, Wright’s Pills, MeLane’s Pills, Harter’s Pills, Ayer’s Pills, , Rudwuy’s Pills, Strongs Pills, Jayne's Pills, Brand ret h’s Pills. Tuft’s Pills Cook's Pills, May Apple" Pills, Harter's Iron Tonic, Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid, August I'lower, Kathairon for Hair, Seltzer Aperient, Injection Broti, Pond’s extract, Bradtield’s Female Regulator, Female’s Friend, Vermifuge, Worm Candy, Starch, Rat Poison, Tricophrros, klfrey’s C< Godfrey's Cordial, T . . ... Soothing Syrup, Jackson s Magic Balsam, British Oil, Bateman’s Drops, Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, IlciskcH’s Ointnicnt, Pignut ns Asthma Remedy, And so on to the end of the chapter. WE HAVE A 1.80 A l.AftCE X.OT OF Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Candies, Crackers, &c., &c. Also a good stock of the finest quality of Letter paper, Legal Cap, Fool’s Cap, Note paper, Fancy Box paper. Envelopes (all' sjz- ’’ens, inks, es). Pens, Inks, Blank Books Pencils (Dixon’s American Graphite), Erasers, Pencil Protectors, (with calendar), Magic: Inkstands, Perfumery’with Ocean Spray apparatus, Black ing, Blacking Brushes, Indelible Ink, Syringes, Ginas Cutters, Ac., Ac, Which we will sell loir (hnrn for the O A 8II PARTIAL PRICE-LIST. We will sell you Slate pencils, per dozen,... ..... 5 cents Lead pencils, “ “ so “ Good ink, per bottle 5 •• Best envelopes', per package It) “ Note paper, (best) a quire, 1/5 “ Candy, per 11> go «« Crackers, per pound, 10 “ Sulphur, *• “ io “ Salts, •< . “ 74 .< Camphor gum, per ounce o “ Castor oil, per qt 75 “ Compound eathart. pills, perdoz., 10 “ Tutt's and all other patent pills,., .20 “ Simmons’ liver regulator (large).. ,00 “ £3?“A1I other goods sold at correspond ing figures. 333*“ Please do not ask for credit, HV» never do that lei ml of business, not even hardly ever. J. W. PEACOCK & CO. July 2. 2t Notice to Debtors and Creditors. AH persons indebted to Win. Adams, late of Laurens county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment ; and all persons having claims against said estate will hand them in in the time pre scribed by law, W. C. Adams ) [- Admini’rs, 31. A Adams ) July 7.1879-0t BRICK, BRICK! We lmyc 100,000 bricks now read) m ay for deliver)* at $8 per thousand. Liberal reduction where large num ber is taken. Smith & Wigoi.eswohth. Dublin, July 30, tf ...... . SiLs.