The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, May 26, 1886, Image 2

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TX-HHU POST. WEDNESDAY MAY 20. 4850 H. HICKS A COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. Carina: lor tUe Flsli. Dr. H. H. Cury, state superintend* vnt of fisheries, arrived in the city yesterday for tho purpose of tak ing the iieccsnary measures to inforce tho laws in regard to fishing in Geor gia waters. >, ; n ) . Dr. Cary has appointed Messra. Thomas H. Laiid and Washington Orocktuan, fish wardens for Chatham ,county. Itis the duty of these officers to see that the law of; the statu la obeyed and to arrest all violators. *,‘plotted time” in all tho riveus of Georgia, in which shad are caught of 48 hours, commences at sunrise on SiitiM'day morning ot each week, and ends at sunrise on Monday morning cf the next week, during which, "closed, ti»na ,, up shad or migratory fish can bo lawfully caught by note, wires, pounds or any other moans, nt}i) nonets, wires, pounds or other apparatus can be left sot in tho rivers (hiring ‘‘closed timo’” The ineshqk of nets or other apparatus for catch ing said fish must not be less than .five incites. . } The law says tliat no shad shall bo .tgjcpn by any; monos, whaiovor, ex cept between Jan. 1st and April 20th of each year, except for spawning purposes. - -'V •<: '> i- 1 1 The penalty for violating the law is a fine-not to exceed $1,000 impris onment not to exceed six months >to work in ohaiti-gang on the public works not to oxoeed twelve months, and any one or more of 'these punishments may bo Ordorod in the discretion of the judge. Dr. Gary visited the market yes- terday and found on one stall eight rob-shud. That many roes, it is es timated, contains about 760,000 oggs. Tho doctor says that it is impossible to, h'fcvo fish in the rivers if they are pot allowed to run up stream to Wn. All fishing of migratory fish must ceaso on April 20th.—Savan . nph News. Xl? ’ Cholera Prospect*. . The appearance of Cholera at Brin disi, a prominent point on tho route . from Western Europe to India by way of i ho Sties; canal, causes a great doal of alarm in Europe. Thore is no doubt that during the whole of tho past wintor oholera 1ms occasion ally appeared in villages of Spain, France and! tttly, and that the an tlionties have done what thev could ;U»t keep tho truth from the public c.with the hope that tho disease would pot asstimo an opidonuo form any? where, and would soon disappear. Tho appearance of tho disease «t Brindisi, however, has started the discussion of the question whether there is a probability of a general European opidemio during tho com ing summer. There is, doubtless, groat danger of such an epidemic. The English and French authorities are already taking precautions against the 'disease. England espooialiy, up pours to be alive to tho necessity establishing at. once 8tt’iotqua'”“^ n(J regulations from all info^’ 0 ^ l )orts ’ it is certain that-health au thorities of F“°P° the ou t- •hmk for" gmibral epidemic during the ptfinihg suminer more otnitions ihiur it was at this time last year, l mid our healtl: authorities are not withouL apprehensions ot the intro duction of the disease into this icouuj .2 } ? For three summers the cholera has had a foothold in Europe, and the tenacity with which it. stays there seems to in dies to a possibility that it will not disapjieur until its horrors have been witnessed iu tho European countries Which have thus far es caped its touch. While there is reason for thinking that at sumo of oar ports there is not much confidence to be placed in the regulations to prevent the introduc tion of infections and oonlageous dis eases. yet the peopio will fed a great er sense of security if they know that the health authorities are aware of the danger with which the conn* try is threatened, ami are pretending to guard against it, i f choleradoesnH fiud a lodgement cuour shores, however, it will not be probably because of the enforcement of uny particulurly effective measures to keep it out. — Savannah A'MM A good laugh i.*» sunshine it) any house. * Gordon** Steers. Oon. Gordon, in his opening speech last Monday in Oglethorpe, exhibited n letter from a Virginia lady for whom ho had purchased a yoke of steers while IT. S. Senator, thanking him for this timely aid rendered. This lotter, tho General snid, ho received that morning befote leaving Atlanta. It so happened that several gentlemen present remembered his using a letter from the same lady, upon the same question, while canvassing the State in 1880 for Colquitt, and are now desirous to know whether it is identi cally the same letter used in 1880 or whether he has got a revised edition. In other words, did ho get his money buck in 1880, or does |to propose to ride into tho gubernatorial office on the same yoke of steers that he used in the Colquitt, campaign? At all events we think Gen. Gordon should resign these steers and get a fresh bull in tho ring. If Gen. Gordon rou!I v gave the lady in question $160 with winch to purchase a yoke of oxen ho paid too much for them, in justice to his constituency, and the statue of limitation surely has run against this tender and very delicate campaign Tims.. dodge, —Marshallville Temperance. I observe when my mother earth is dry, Bhc drinks the droppings of the sky. Not so the tramp, too proud to beg, :Ho sips the droppings of the keg. The contest over, the late prohibi tion elcotion in Baldwin county is now in progress'in Milledgevillc, be fore a commissioner appointed for that purpose. 5 - , it is said that whiskey Will be sold in Atlanta, regardless of the prohi bilion law in that county. Collector Crenshaw, says ho will sell at auction in Atlanta all illicit whiskey seized by revenue men. Prohibition was. successful in Mitoholi county on the 11th inst., by a majority of 30, Tho negroes voted almost solidly for the sale. The. vote was small but tho, contest was warmly waged. .The prohibi tionistsato jubilant, One who has figured it till up says two drinks of whiskey eosi a pound and a half of beefsteak; two boors, dinner of mutton-chops; one cocktail, an egg plant or head of cauliflower. ,'tWbat will you tube, Charlie?* stands for a nice oystorstew for the whole family on Sunday morning. "Set ’em up again!” menus sugar in tho house for a month. A Million Members. Tho nnpiml session of the right worthy grand lodge, I. O. G. T. of tho world, will bo hold in Richmond* Va., this work, Mr. J. G. Throw***, grand worthy secretary the grand lodge of Good Tomplare, leaves this morning to nt tend the session. Spettki ig *0 him josterduy lie said: . "The session promises to ho most, interesting ami important one.’* "What are the main questions to bo considered?” uskod tho report or. (•2itero are several but I do not wnow exactly the naturo of them so us to give them for publication. This convention is composed of roprosen trttivo from, grand lodges iu every civilized country. Its ritual is print ed in thirteen different languages,” "Whut is tho membership?” "Nearly a million,” ' V: * y "Where will the aoxt session hold?” , "I can’t say, but tho southern members will use evory effort to bring it to Atlanta,” iS .. t .,i "Do you think you will succeed?' 11 "Yes, I have very strong hopes. I think Atlanta could entertain the convention handsomely.’— Com tit it* lion. Geti. Gordon and the "Syndicate’s mouth-piece.” the ConvtiliUion, have started a "Gush” factory. Mrs. Buckingham, the richest wo man fruit farmer in California, has an orchard a mile long, with row af ter row of pear, cherry, peach and ispricott trees. READ! =rfto IS FOR: IN ORDER TO MEET. THE GROW 1NG DEMANDS OF OUR TRADE WE HAVE BOUGHT DIRECT FROM THE MANUFAC TURERS, FOR CASH, A LARGE STOCK OF TWO OF THE MOST Popular Brands —OF— QUININE: (McK. <e R, and P. & »’.) Nbw Before the Public. And in consequence of the low prices obtained by buying in large quantities from first bands, for the cash, we will on and after THURSDAY, JULY 80tb, Bell this very important and much U6ed drug in ONE OUNCE VIALS at the unparalled low prico of 1 DOLLAR JtPei? O-u-m-oe- p. p. p. PJJICKLY ASH, FORK HOOT- FOTASfilUM. THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER OF THE ACE. TOOT!) BpSpg, HAIR BRUSHES. COMBS. Elegant Colognes, Extracts, Soaps, Fancy Goods, Etc., an entirely new stock from New York. —A COMPLETE LINK OF— ■PTT'P HCP JCr U _tv»JcLi Drugs and Chemicals ALWAYS 0"N IUNI). ' H. Hicks & Co. Itch of every kind cured, in 80 minutes by WoT.Koqu’B Sntatary Lotion. Use no other. This iiever fnih. Sold by H. Ilicks &Uo,, druggists, Dublin, Georgia. for oarseness, "Rough on Coughs.” Ask for "Rough on '’Coughs," Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, He Troches, 15c. Liquid, 25c. "Rough on Rats.” Clears out rata, mice, roaches, flics, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chiomunks. gophers, 15c. Druggists. ■ ; ' ’ Hear Pains. Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings. Diami nes, Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by *’Well's Health Uenewor. Rough on Corns. Ask for Wells’ Hough on Como, 15 cts. Cuick, complete cure Hard or soft corns, warts and bunions. "Rough on Pain" Toroused Plaster; Strengthening, improved, tho best for backache, pains in chest or side,. rheuma tism, neuralgia. Thin People. "Wells’ Health Ronowor" restores health nud vigor, euros Dyspepsia. Headache, Nervousness, Debility. $1, and the mar Affections of chil- Maj. Bacon was as good, brave nnd gallant, a soldier as Gen. Gordon, if ho was not a Lion tenant General, We hold that tho humblest private in either army t hat was loyal to his flag and did his whole duty during the war is as much entitled to official recognition if otherwise competent, us even Generals Loo, Johnston or Grant aud Sbernmu. But hr we have before slated, the war is over, and we are disgusted with it being eternally boomed as a <tej'ptng stone to ofliee.—Madison Madisonian. Mr. John T. Hatfield had a field of cotton killed by the storm Satur day. Tho sand was driven with such foivu against the tender plants that it was killed as effectually as if frost had blighted it,— Soutbornor ami Appml. dren, p romntly,,pleasantly nud safely ro lieved^bjr "Rough on Coughs " Troches, Mothers. If you are failing, broken, worn out and nervous, use Wells’ Health Ronewev’s $1. Druggists. litfe Preserver. If you are losing your grip on life, try "Wells’ Health Rcnewer, Goes direct to weak spots. ' "Rough on Toothache." Instant relief for Neuralgia, Toothache* Facencha. Ask for “Rough on Toothache. 15 and 25 cents. Pretty Women. Ladies who would retain freshness and vivacity. Don’t fail to tty “Wells’ Health Rencwer." Catarrhal Throat Affections. • Hacking, irritating Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, cured by "Rough on Coughs. Troches, 15c. Liquid. 25c. "Rough on Itch*’’ "Rough ou Itch," cures humors, erup tions. ring-worm, tetter, salt rheum, frost' <*d feet, chillbhuus. The Hopo of the Nation. Children slow in development, puny, scrawny, nud delicate, use Wells' Health Rencwer*’’ Wide Awake three or four hours every night coughing. Get immediate relief and sound roi by using Wells' "Roughou Coughs."Troches. 15c.; Balsam. 25c. '•Rough on Pa ! n" Poroused Plaster; Strengthening, impioved, the last for backache, ;«iins in ehet.( .■! ,ide. rhe mm tUm. neuralgia. CERTIFICATES. Albany, Ga„ August 1,1885, Dr, Whitehead: Dean Sm:—Iliad a bad case of blood poison, which for two years defied all treatment. One bottle of P. P. P. made a peimanent cure. John Gaffney. Waycross. Ga:, July 80, 1885 I had the theumatism for five months, and I took one bottle of Dr. Whitehead’s PPPand itcuied me sound and well, and I hesitate not to recommend it to those who desire a blood purifier. Respectfully, J E Smith, ity, P P P Mf’g. Co., Waycross. Ga— Gentlemen:—I had rheumatism for over 6 years, and last May was taken down and confined to my lied—my feet and legp were badly swblen and tire color of a red apple and 1 was in a fearful condition. I heard of P P P (Prickly Ash, Poik Root and Potassium) and after seeing what tliq in K edients were—as the formula is on the tUe—I concluded to try it, and after taking three small bottles I was able to go down town and attend to my business, and I must say that I feel like: another man.—Am now taking the Targe size and to-day I believe that I will soqf be as likely as any man of 81 years of age can expect to be. A C Lang. Milton, Fla., Jan. 20. 1880. This is to certify that I have been af flicted With scrofula or blood poison for a number of years. The best physicians of Mobile said nothing could be done for me. I also took a large qunnlity of 8 8 S but found no relief in anything that I took. My limbs were a mass of ulcers, and when I wns sent to a physician at Mobile my entire body was a mass of snroB. I had given up all hopes, and ns a last resort tried PPP (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) and after using four bottles (small size), the sores have entirely disap peared, and my general health' was never bettor than at present time. People who know me think it a wonderful cure. Respectfully, Ei.iza Todd. Two years ago I had the worst ulcer on my leg I ever saw. It had eaten down to the lone, and my whole, leg below my knee nnd my feet were swolen and in flamed. The bone was swolen and pain ful nnd discharged a most offensive mat ter. My physician said I had necrosis of the bone, aud my leg would have to come off. At this singe 1 commenced to take F P P also to bathe my leg with hot castil soap-suds. It began to improve at once and henled rapidly, nnd is to day a Bound and useful leg I think P P P is all a man could ask as a blood purifier, ns 1, have : .known it to cure some terrible cases of syphillis in a remarkably short time, Asa Ammons. Jacksonville, Fla , July 1, '85. ■Waycross, Ga,, Nov. 15, *85, Dr. W. H. Whitehead: Deau Sir:—Al your request I will state my cas. Borne years ago 1 contracted ma laria in its most violent form while living at Newark, N. J. I consulted various physicians nnd took numberless prepnra lions recommended as sure cures,” but it stuck to me like a brother—or more like a mother-in-law. I finally came 8outh, and while here tried new remedies said to "al Ways cure malaria, but it stuck to me. and you know the old broken-down condi tion I was in when l enmo to you. You. put me to taking your PPP and I im proved rapidly, and am to-day in as goou health as 1 ever wns—iu fact better. As a remedy for a broken-down constitution it lias no equal. Yours, etc- T P Cottle. £ > I & f W*3 O ft H © tr: 2 n S S | e! S i « B E g on S' £ 2 g 5 ft O to £ 2 THE ted <33 ted popularity oi loo oobbiitiu Amwiiui; •» such that Its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of it3 class combined. Prico, Saal a year. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealer*. MUNN * CO., Publishers, No. 361Broadway, N. Y. Munn A Co. have ; also had Thirty- iTENTS. EmmsEB ithe Patent Office and’have prepared r Caveats," Trade-Marks, Copy-righU, ■— ~Asaignments, and all other papers for |^onring„to. ‘nve^^he^r right, ^th. Iwr“Patont, obtained Amnfean woff understood by all persona who wish todia- P AddJe t « CO. Office Soiarario Ajocbioak, 361 Broadway, Now York. SPUING WITHOUT , BLOS SOMS. Late fn Life to Look for Joy—Yet Never too Late to Mend. Readers of Hawthorne’s -‘House of 8ev en Gables" will recall the pathos with which poor Clifford Pynclicon, who had been unjustly imprisoned since his early manhood, said, after his release: "My lire is gone, and where is happiness? Oh! give ine my happiness.” Biit that could be done only in part, as : gleams of warm sun shine occasionally fall across the gloom of a New England autumn dav. In a letter to Messrs. Hiscox & Co. Mr. L. H. Titus, of Pennigton, N. J , says: "I have suffered untold misery froiii cliildhood from chronic disease of the bow- : els and diarrhoea, accompanied by great pain. I sought relief at the hands of phy sicians of'every school and used every pat ent and domestic remedy under the sun. I have at last found in PARKER’S TON- ica complete specific, preventive aud cure. As your invuluublc medicine, Which did for me what nothing else could do, is en titled to the credit of my getting back my huppy days, I cheerfully and gratef “ acknowledge the fact." Mr. E. S. Wells, who needs no intro duction to the people of Jersey City, adds “The-testimonial of Mr. Titus is genuine and voluntary; only he does not adequate ly, portray the suffering ho has endured for many years. He is my brother-in-law, and I know the case well. He is now perfectly free f rom lits old troubles, and enjoys health and life, ascribing it all to PARKER’S TONIC Unequalled as an iuvigorant; stimulates all the organs; cures ailments of the liver, kidneys and diseases of the blood. Li ppm an *8 Pyrafuge is a sure cure for chills and fever. The manufac Hirers guarantee it, nnd offei to re fund the money in every case of failure when the directions are followed. adv. 6t. 224. 1885. Established 1857 This is to certify that I had tho rheuma tism for three years. 1 had two physi cians to treat me; also took eight bottles (large size) of 8 8 8 and spent money for several other medicines. I saw advertisen ascertain cures for rheumatism. Whes, I came to Dr.. Whi’ehend I was hclplcsd could not walk, and suffered so I coulc not sleep at' night. In fact my life wns one of continued . suffering. My brother heard Of Dr. Whitehead’s remedy, (Prick ly Ash. Polk Root and Potassium) and brought tho doctor out to see me, and lie put me to taking PPP. The results were astonishing. I soon dropped my sticks and crutches, and began to walk about. All the swelling.went down and I was free of pain after taking one bottle. I continued to take it until” I had taken three bottles quart size and was thorough ly cured. I went t,o work on a farm, and have worked steadily this year tending a crop and doing other farm work. In fact so complete was my recovery that I mar ried, and am now in possession of health and happiness, which is a strong contrast to the miserable life of pain and suffering I led before I took the greatest blood puri fier.of the ugo. of P P P. I most earnestly recommend it to all the unfortunate sufferers from r^eumatitm. Respectfully, Hkny J Waldhoo. The above medicine is for rale wholesale and retail, at H. HICKS * 6C>3. Dublin, Ga. CLOTHING -AND- HATS. Winship & Callaway 126 Second Street, MACON, GA. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURB HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has-Trade Mark and crossed Red Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. TT ARLINE & DALEY, WRIGHTSVILLE, - GEORGIA Are prepared to furnish buri21 cases on short notice. Guarantee satisfaction. July 15, 8m. . For Sale. One 30 H. P. Boiler, 25 H. P. Engine, with Saw Mill complete. Located two miles from Dublin, near the railroad now being graded. Timber can be had also if wanted. Terms cash Affiy to T. H. Rowe or J. M. Benton. May 8.8m. HARDY SMITH -WILL NEGOTIATE FOR— ON Improved Farming Sept. 10, 1884-tf Lands. Best SHOE House IN GEORGIA! NO SHODDY GOODS !! NOTHING SOLD WITHOUT OUR GUARANTEE! Men’s fine CONGRESS GAITERS, BUTTONBOOTS, and LACE BALS at $2, 2.50, $3, 3.60, $4, $5, $6,6 60, $7. the debt Boys’ School Shoo ever made For Only 175, excellent Misses’ PEBBLE BU? 1 ON BOOT nice style and very «ervie a * bleat 1.50. - /. Misses’ fine KID BUTTON BOOT’S $2 2.50 $3. Ladies fine KID and PEBBLF BUT TON HOOTS AT 1.50 $2 2.50 $3 3 50 $4 $5 $0 6.50. Our 2.50 LADIES KID BUTTON BOOT is the best ever made for the price They fit beautifully and wear splendidly! Elegant gent’s embroidered slippers 1.50 2 50 $8. Send us your orders t MIX & EVERETT, MACON, GEORGIA. Successors to Mix & Kirtland. TEIN" -A.FE' TY « TOCKINQ UPPOSTEE Return thanks to theirj numerous cus tomers ip Dublin aud surrounding coun try. They are opening daily an Elegant Stock of Choice C LD.-THIN a AND HATS, For MEN and BOYS, for the FALL and WINTER Trade. SUITS and SHIRTS made to measure. Give us a call or let us hoar from you by letter. Rules for self measurement sent on application. Children’s, ! to 8 years, - - . 8c. a pair, ditto, two attachments, - - 10c.. “ Misses - - 13c. “ Ladies’ “ " . . is*. •* Misses’, with a belt," - - #Oc. ■ Ladles’, “ “ ” - - Ita • Stoekine. Abdominal, and Catame nial Bandage Supporter com bined, - ...... - - - SOe. Health Skirt Supporter, - - - 25c. • Brighton Gent's Garter, _■ • • 15c. ** ron sale by AIJ, FIRST-CLASS 8TORE8. Samples sent post-paid to any address upon receipt of price in 2-cont stamps. LEWIS STEIN, Sole Owrnsr and Mannfactnrer, JT8 Centre Street, New York' Send six cents for postage and receive free a costly box oo help nil, of either sex, tf more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the work ers absolutely sure. At once addresr True & Co., Augusta, Maine. Mr