The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, September 22, 1886, Image 2

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PEICKLT ADO. uio; niBU ui (large size) of 8-8 8 ami 8S» suffering. Iplwtarl'B n THE POST„ WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 1880. J. A. PEACOCK, Editor. Political. For the purpose of carrying on tho machinery of government so as right ly to perform al) its necessary func tions, it wus found cheap *r'for the people to hire one of their number to make laws and vote for us m 1 tiio legislature, than lor all the people in mass to stop their laber and go, oil their own expenses, in person, and p y their own board while ques tions are undergoing deliberation. To vest such hired man with the authority to act for the people, an office was created, The officer who fills this office is nothing more nor less than the peopled hireling; and they have the sole right to choose whom they will hire, or elect; and the candidates huvo no choice or r/ghis in the premises.,;, Ijfffa(d/>m- phasixe, and inculcate, this idea in, the minds of qvery citizen of Luureiis county. For plwy seem to have lost sight of it for a long time; but I am glad to see by those resolutions, passed by the people, in mass meet ing, that the populartnind is reach ingoat to grasp it again. When a company of merchants wish to hire a clerk they know the duties to be performed and they judge of the qualifications of the ap plicants, and make the; selection without respect to the wishoa of tho applicant; so the people know the duties to be performed in tlio iegis laturo, aud they want a man who advocates the railhiaa ^comniissioii, tho agrioultural bureau, and the ro- tention by tho state of her railroad; a man acquainted with tho needs of the pcoplo, brave enough to attend to their wants; und intelligent enough to know how to. servo tlm'ir welfare under all circumstances. Slow the only question with the people is, who is such a manf and what is the best method of ascertaining who he ut riio eon fusion, and tho impass ioned aud the. evonomod sorainble iuto which the entire county has been thrown, forming itself into a gang of arbitrators, to arbitrate persona) rights between two mon, is surely uot the way, as even the results hare shown, Oibsoure and impeoun ,ious men, regarding only the profits in the office, and unmindful of the honors, thrust thorn selves before tho people foi election, forgetting the faot that honors eoaso to bo honors when they eoaso to come unsolicited. Soon the entiro county is influinod with prejudice, and tnuddoned into zealots with predilection. A call is irimary election in ivhich uro assembied to arbi- delegatcs shall assemble in the court house on tho 18th of August, lffito, to nominate a representative. This then, is tho jieople’s own work, and surely they will abide the result of their own action. The man who says ho will not respect the people’s choice, made in a manner prescribed by them, makes himself as ridiculous as the clerk who says to the mer chant you shan’t hire anybody else; I am going to clerk anyhow! When tho peo^/e realize that the office of representative docs in faot belong to them, it goes without sayipg that they want tho best ai:d most competent man to attend to tliejr business. ; They do this any way when left to themselv^. But some little intellectual pauper comes out-Tfitftor having wailed impatient-. s!j>f¥t5 .the people to see his merit,and bring him out, until lie lias (Impaired and brings himsoif out—-aiu! inflames the,,people with , personalism, _ T ___ ______ houndp them off from a culm, sober I n , nd cflT ) r >^ t Tbesdtd in competition with a j t ■ I tho multitude of low test, short weight and wiso choice. And when chosen, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in 8udha man represents nobody; being I _Royai;Baking Powder Co.. 106 too afraid of losing his popularity to 1 t. N. Y. take any defined stand, and udvoca POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never Varies! A mat4el tJf gbod or evil accordingly as it Guardianship. | GEORGIA, Laurens Countv. — • J* .ii THE GREATEST POPPlDil OP THE AOE. CERTIFICATES. t ^rf . B. FARQUHAR. ROBERT *H. 8M1TII A. Bf. FARQUHAR & CO., M-ACSOINV G-jO.. Manufacturers and Jobbers of 8team Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Brown’s Cotton Cins, ; r Miscellaneous Machinely, Hardware, tinware, Cutlery, Gins, Belting, ron Pipe, (Brass ani iroa steim Pittiags, Hancock Inspirators, &c. I Aug. 4,’8G 3in. “ Albany, Ga„ August 1,1885. Dn^ Whitehead: poison, which for two tftflftUtentn* Otie bottle of a peimanent cure. John Gaffney. GOOD jjpffwsi***** and cheap, too. a bad case of blood ft OOTl two years defied all I ^ Y/ U P. Pi B. made and etidapafoe- and cbeah, too. or Nora Crumpton. a will select wise and discreet men hbI KTo^ delegates, who have nothing to make „ Tlie8t3 ftr0 » therefore, to cite and admon- ,W M' T.K men their voto, men who want., noI they have’ why Tetters "of'"guardianship office, have no ax« to grind, and are ” ll0U i < J no , t be granted the applicant on the *i.w o. .heir co„n.a ^.,;ra-si;sysass« thoBd men will forever tnpkcia choice I #5 ,lst 2nd, 1886. _ _ that will serve our public in erest. Even those who oppose this method of nominating bccuuse it wiil not suit tho people, admit thut it must of necessity secure the selection of the bust mao. And this Should be the criterion by, which to judge if it suits tho people; and men should not say the people are npt suited, because they are not finished an opportunity to conserve ull their motives of personulism. Thera are, —„ — so many aspirants! and eyery one of 3 dSh/*- 11l "’ them busts his vote in a manner that 2;«»wlj2 will strengthen tiis popularity when’ 0 ,Jul,di he shall run. The.e is nothing signature, Au John T. Duncan, Ordinary. easy to lions, mis. 25000 Acres imnrovcd farm land In 50 dif< ''’rent places from 1 to 19 miles from ublln. Terms easy 4 Store Houses and Lots on Jackson and Washington Streets. Idfng and Business lots In and Dublin. Bruton orianza, Bruton tilling Business lots at and JPI S6 A W Acre place, Saw MJ Jldft_ Station, mado foV tf pri 1 people i nil tho poop trato tho fit . dates, Whon tlioy iinvo uo trato tlio rights between two otuidi- ub ( rfghtl' ib dates, When they rights in tho preiiiisoB; to make choice between two men, when neither iii illicit*choice' and it being toolutofo* the iii groupea at the preciuets fuV apart, to select tneir ^l ftwnrd the oflioe as p, pieoo cf property— instead pt an honor—to a man who never was their phqicej bpt who wyj elevated to office solely heqpuse lie iiad succeeded in dethroning patri otism from evory breast, ami install ing in its stead personalism; viz: thoy have no oartf for tho public weal, they havo no issue bf public policy between themselves httd -thoir com petitor; but the great ques’iou of statesmanship (?) they put before the pcoplo is, “Put mo ill position to make tho money, aud not my com petitor.” It is industriously circu lated that the '‘so-called executive committee” called this mass meeting of delegates for the puriKMo of* do- fwuding .nd delclin* » certain candidate. Now the truth is, the executive committee was chosen by the largest body of people that have boon assembled in Dublin in many a day, and it is tho legitimate execu tive committee. And the truth u», that veiy body of people called tlue convention of delegates in Dublin, to nominate a representative; and they passed the resolution establish ing the method -by which tho repre sentative is to be chosen. It is their own work, am) the executive com mittee did nothing but fill two blanks as to dates, inserting in one the number “l*th,” and iu the other bVnk. the number “ 18th,” making it read, with the uuoiher* inserted, thus: Each mahtia district shall hold an election for three delegate* on the DRli of August, and those « *■»%»** Company ,,,,, ; t . ’ .i, . . . , most oudubitable evidence as to the t MouiVho will stand before a doniagogue, I of Cancer by tliei: fumouSmfedlcIne, S And damn Ids treacherous dealings with- AmougoU»era,,lplmS. Morrow, an out winking. tt . u . d W J “teemtid citizen of Flore ,uu, iiiu.u in uuuiuig 80 I ~ iimeo. oaw min nonanza, isniton yto uiidprstmid ,w tho« UwffipteA ?:S ewl « „ mite, is, yet they are citllecl “imibigti- vkestof.Dublin. Bargain ' There is ho plan sd easily I Lnu(,s Bought aild Sold a Specialty. carried 1 into cfiect, yet-it• is 'd'ubliti'd' W-ShaiesD. & Vft R, dtou'e. Cheap.' “tmpraoticablo 0 'I ho man ’ who 11 pulr & nage ®° , . , . c,tc ‘ d - ' B «y era anted, the oliuicc made ia the ,2“ I ■ - ^•MSigglWS **• t tier presoribed aud foreshadowed by tho people, had bettor begin his work of oonsoliduting negroes and I General ignorant whites, to drown the voice Business, Hr*6pp Fahmers V/ antkd Julius Ay .ja and Col ofthoibotter clement for tho peoplo l ^ genCy * , • are bent upon teaching oflico-seekers c 4 nt ance on good terms tlmt ill.™ ....... La ....... ?_ on . a ln y®® 1 * ago and get estimate ol that the office must seek the mail. The passage of those resolutions means nothing else. God gl ve ub meu I a tirile like this demands Strong mind s, great hearts, truo faith and ready hands. ’horn the lust of ofllcc does not kill; Men Whom the spoils of office cannot huy; Men who possesses opinions, and a will; imp X>Txt>l±xL - Gra. (’uncera Conquered. The Swl the . cure S S S borrow,;an old Ala., Ja^tlie foliowInt-stiSLi^S^to the fiierits of this remedy. i —- tog. I "I have been suffering with a Cancer in In public duty arid in private (Hlnkthk^rf 1 ^ f* r ‘ ‘ for ' fcbyut ' years. I ” A: 1 v “ “■ le. with th»w llninih. I f r fe (l r V * r, . ona .remedies and was treated out winking. Tall men, suncrowned, who live above «M f< For while the raiible. with their thumb- worn orceds. Tholr largo professions aud their little deeds, lot i . •«^Miwua _ ..... with Iodide of Potash, which produced rheumatism. My feet and legs were great ly swollen, ^ so that: ,L. Could: :uot; walk. sss&asm. wSlci tfboh^re'moved Mingle in selfish strife, lol Freedom I A tyrant totes the land aud Waiting justice «tosdily tnlpnwhig,ffii^Sftte 1 ? Bleeps. now than at tnnyAime* within two years. Yours truly, VotJBW'l l . anyiitime within ;is medicine has done me; nythlng else I havo taken; amour' *ffiCmaContiw dou atri f" tlm road to a Swift's the wo Florence, Ala., Sopt. 22, *84. [eel that . cure; Uu is the best blood John 8. Monnow. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION; I I havo had a cancer on my face for many WEAKNESS, -OHILLS AND FEVERS, I havered A ; gre*at many rem^ MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAUHk>v but — KIDNEY TROUBLES, " I up ho NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. T !• Invlgorat- ing ud D* ll(htfut to take, and of great value at a Madlcin* for waak and Alllnc IT rivet NEW LIFE to the whola SYSTEM by Straafth.nina tna Muaclaa, Too th* NERVES, and ctMnpUtelyDi. Woman and dran. Chll acting ( >j O N TAIN no hurt A Book. • Volina.' by 1 cad £ n* many almost lg cured. Dr. Hai_ man, my son, recommended Swift’s 8pe- sSLTa?«iSsrjsss wt? mu impossible for me to express my thanks in fSr°So 8 f0rW - 1 ^ “cd^toe has. done . Mbs. Ouren Hardman. Monyop, Ga., Sept. 3,18^ Free From^Malaria. I In the fait of 18841 was: taken with Jr iJsa&iSWflL,. and I took one bottle of Dr. Whitehead’s p p F and it cuied me sound and well, and I hesitate not to recommend it to i tajce City, Fla.. Jan. 2, 1886. Mf lS- yo. 4 WaycroM. Ga.- psnarlK^ 1886 »*• GOOD GEO. % LOIWP % 60 P P p Gentlemen:—! years, and last confined to my an I hi- IMDS OF MPAIRINC PROMPTLY DOhE.Kl 1014 to 1020 Fenwick Street, above Passenger DEpot, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. is in a f, iy feet and *1 •were I Potassium) and after seeing what the in- fottle—r f ® rin V? ai8 ?“ tlie Y A R I E T ¥ bmtlti^I'conelud^ to try tt. and after ilk and I must say that I feel likely os any man of 61 years of age can ! expect to lie-... ., j; ^ A U JjANG. 'his is to I, Fla., Jan. 80.1886. ., that I have been of- With scrofula or blood poison for a srofyeors. The best physicians of le Bata nothing could be done forme. .. .. g r \t hjOJSFQ-Sc WILT. Prop’r’s. SANDEItSyiLLE, GEOSGl^.^, .. ““ Sfcfna^eq and 4 ” * 1 Sittings, Inspirators. Machine Oils fou k aJarge quantity of S 8 S but relief in anything that 1 took. jo ibs were it to n . , olicited arid promptly done arid as cheap and well as can be done. All machinery sold by us we guarantce. to haps represented. Write or call on us for.P cesand descrlptoa ol anything wautedin th<> machine line. June 10 '86-Oni, • ri . 1 t , k 83. ■ :—-— - i-vdician at Mobile my tried PP.'P(Prickly A,h. Poke Bootnd H. HICKS & CO., i ' * -HEADQUARTERS FOR mmssiasg* stfully. ... .iFbo.1 ... cure. Euza Todd. Druga Medicines and Books. ALSO- Two years ago I had the worst ulcer on °.H’ Wtobes, starch, marbles, creu ; nD( l my whole leg below mv jny feet were swolori and in- ae, wii Patets (all colore), linseed oil, varnishes, window glass, putty, white lead, sash, too i V i? , l? W i* 8 “ brushes, paint brushes, marking brushes, glue (white and brown), Drop, black, Lamp black, analines, machinists- oil, lamps, lamp fixtures, lanterns, kerosene <»«• wptobes, starch, marbles, cream tartar, trusses, syrmges., eye; goggles, nipple shields, .supporters, slice brushes, blacking, carbolic soap, euatile adapt rubber nipples . sulphur, bi *—•- —•• * - swolori arid tensive mat rosis of ter. My physician*6aW°I t ha the bone, and my leg would have to come this stage I commenced to take P soap-suds^l^oga^te^mproveat^n^ 815 ^ arid Is to day a sound heal Useful leg- ...... .. _ . ... f/bink P P P is all a man could ask as | a blood purifier, as I have known it to; cure some terrible cases of syphillis in a remarkably short timo, » v. Asa Ammons. Jacksonville, Fla, July 1, ’85. esuen „ extrac straps, ilt pet i—oils, • mustard, ginger, cloves.; nutmegs, blue oiuuk, tiuuuviw, uuvurm iace, cOudenscd milk, Liebi^s extract of beet, imperial grunum, plain'and iinnipu —- all sixes, f;om giii oilers up to 5-gallon jack- , « .rJllltaJjlK.^gcpu^r- f ^ Medicines. , Regulator arter’s : irdri, f Tonic Parker’S Gmgef Tt Syrup, HfsIGordial,. Indian Blood. Syrup, Graei u-8uch aa^i'l ? , ft f (} McLean’s Slrepgtnening Cordial, Brudfield’s Female p “"-jd Yellow Dock, Soothing Tonic, Bull's Cough Syrup, ,1 Globe Ke- Waycross, Ga„ Nov. 15. ’85. t. Wi H, Whitehdad: .* I Dr. W kts** xwososa laria in ita rawt violent forth While living at Newark, N., - J. I consul^ various ihy.sictaus and Uxik uumlierless prepara- ions recommended as sure cures?'bitt’R atuok to me.Ulr ~ ’ ** ' ■ inother-in-Iaw. . while here tried T ^„ T „ w ways cure malaria, but it stuck to me, , wad you know the old broken-down condi tion I was’in when l came to you; YOU Pbt me to uking your PP P «nd 1 ,|m* ical newer* Cure, DeWee’e Carminative,;Safe Kidney (Jure, Liuenzine,; Spalding’s Prepared Glue, TutFs Pills, B- W right’s Pills, Harter's Pills, Ayer's PUi», ‘ “ Gilder’s PUls, MaX Apple Pills, Jayne’s u b—■ PilFs Perfected Liver-Pills Indian Root Pills, Dailey’s CliUl & , Fever, PUls. Iron Bitters, Curatfiae, Tyler's Syrup of Gum Arabic, Peruvian Chill. Cure, Cuban |,Arajf o xxiuucv ‘ rail. - — * - <u. u * I.U-1 - 7 Worm Contections, Alcock’s Porous Plasters Streugtheniug Plasters, Benson’s C^pcirie Plasters, KieffePs Peruviau Chill Cure *' "d'■' | \ ; FANCY 1 GOODS. : : O l ■! A l 'A •' fthSnif ^mJ brok ^ a ' down Constitution j ;, ‘ " Yours, etc. TPniwhv- I M.K! T P Cottle. Mineral*, it cem- po**<3 of carefully Mlactrd Vtfelt- bi« Medicineh, combined tVill- full)-, making a Safe and Pliuanl Rarnedy; Fm »*)t v» tl) nnutMt-aeOnwer*. Vw«UU<M.r kw »i36j2ta&izyfr *+ **••* - fnunk ««ir I Yoiifis Drug end Chemical Company,, an. i k ,. prostrated me drugged after iy and other to treat die- eatea it HOME, mailed, together with a set ofhssd- »ome carda by new Hcilotype procea*, os receipt of to e. iDY C0..°Iifc£lftu | * T « Ll Ml MS .! IMU MAiMit PBiaanKot [ >— ul «M. »k- ».On tTr * **.--*.Ik* MI. *e»A i» M*»t< kb p<*ts I case of ms laria 1 tever bntii botiy and mind. the owntUoir tnv HI mineral mixtures, but with m good n suits. My health was shatterd ami lenerey gone. My logs and feet wou... nwli, and I bad vrhnt everybody tiiought was dropsy. TJet'e symptoms alarm.**! me, aud I was ready to grasp at any remedy suggotnd. A friend adviseel iuo to try Swift’s Specific. I procured three bottles aud commenced its use. Tim swelling soon subsided. I have uken the three I tiottles, which have made a iterfect cure, aud I f«*l like a new man today. There j never was a more meritorious nwdiciue offered to >ufferiug hutmuiity. It has wrought wonder* for me. WlLUB Jon ita. lA«sburjr. I-ec County. March 11, 1«G4. for sale by all ilruggisls, 1're»iti»«- oil Hlood aud Skin IMerascs mailed free. The Swift Spe.'lflo Co,, Drawer 3, AtUu I ta, Or. This is to certify that I had the rheuma : tism for three years. 1 had two physi- mt money for , saw advertisen ascertain cures for rheumatism. Whes, I came to Dr. Whi'ehead I was heiplesd could ■ . Je was brother •YAah; p olL Root and. POtassfum^mtd brought the doctor out t6 see me, aikrnt* P«t me to taking P P P.,,iT k lm retrnlu were astootahing. I soon dropped my sticks and crotch ai, arid began to walk about. All the swelling went down and ! WM free of pain after taking one liottle. I coimuued to take it - distil 1 had takeri three boUlea quart size and waa thorough ly cured. I went to work on a farm, and have worked steadily thin year tending a crop and doing other farm work. • In fa«i so complete was my recovery that I mar ried, and am now in possession of health am. happiness, which is a strong contrast to the rifisv rahlq life of paiu and suffering '.Iff before I took the greatest blood purf- fier of tin* ugo, of PPP. I most earnestly recommend it to all the unfortunate sufferers from rbeumatitm. Respectfu’ly, Uxny J Wauikob. H«h bt ?or?3rrf A ft ®tlf 1 ,$%$$$AFD r. \, Legal Cap. Foolscap, Bill Paper, recently adopted by the' Scl Hymn Books, and Psalmists. uot iu stock aud We will order y boo same Ut a abort time at pablishe^piices, prov der tin iaedt feb 18-tf We have lost received a an’a Pyraiuge, rera, of Li from the mauufaotn guarantee will cure c if directions are correctlv Should it fail to onre; aii'i IB&i the money is left with, the orerr H. HICKS & ’ f duBlin; GeDrqIa.^ a ’ ’'mlfmimrejrt to Ladies. ., iv/ nrers wnicn we . The new treatment for ladies’ diseases o„u; S«S2SS £ erectly followed, which has revolutionized the entire tatoave siotl? fresh which we tnd fev 1 he above tm-dk-ini- i» for sale wholesale and retail, at f*t» t *, t y ,, M , a. BIBEB A May N. 1NM), 8m. Dtililiit. ..t u, . . - w htch has revolutionized the entire mode OTHi _ Jire, all you have to of treating these complaints in England do, is to cal I at 41. Hicks A Co’s, sign *“<i I* “«w iahng iutr.xiuced into theU S. W0 w ;|‘ “ stme.™.' o*f“£i, ... refund* you your .MMRIf trial treatment is sent free to every lady pleasure. ^ . _ whose i* Huffering from any disease com mon to the sex who sends her address and • l* 3d stamps for expense, cuarges, etc. IT times sufficient to effect a permanent i. Full directions accompany the which is put up in a plain wrap, price list for future reference. M (Hal txKkng* tHU U tent ertUr Aug. U) .1686. Address, UEMKDY COM PANY. PALMYRA. N. Y. H, Hicks & Co.