The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, September 29, 1886, Image 6

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TZECE POST. WftDNBADAY 8F.PTKMBKK 20. 1880 4. A. PEACOCK, Editor. Political Talk. Mu. Kditou:—The dumocruls of I.uiirciia county took a notion tliut iiiey were tired of purclmsable nogroo Mid the most ignornnt whiles making for tu u choice for representative; nml weary of bigoted ignorance cmutitnt ing itself the champion of tliodouio cratio party, and claiming tliut, the »htnt*or tyciirgis /if haply l hoy ever lieuril of him) liitd transmigrated into ilioir bodies. Now, us they thought, the light' nfttUt ho very hard. they* wished to devise some plan that would select a good iipm no»T itwd always; with pluck as trite ns mMl, and nnubutingzeal. So wheii this question was anoouhedd. the Gordon and Bacon mm hoisted flag of truce,.listened alien;ivtdy to ibo a&f$ u ty n ' iuM l mml IfiPtyj.fWti ft riiaaiMilinrr ir/ti/i/t 't’lu ..t o«o dissettMtig voice. import of 3Sol(ltiOJ those rcsoltit.tons wys earned into effect, to tljc extqtjfcvf selecting the iittki hawk bill* blue gamo .cock of Bai^y'B distriot to do tho fi'ghting.: He was pitohod down into the demo- cnUtKilowhywd. Now there was a great big old broaihtail heavy ci'uw •'dwtitekoF cock standing tifar iuIT watching the inancuyoring. lie mis- took tho littlo,blue game's strength fro.i- their comparative sizes. So lie cackled away to tho ropnhltoaii liens, tlmtjtfffit was a ootmhonse.oliquo af fair.'gotton up to qjigat then) o^of their righji to vqtq m that noiuiiiutidn; that it was their privilege and right to caw their veto in that nomination for /fob^'chbloff; it’u'd since the'demo* <,rMk *JW! ® ut of it,,that he took their slight so deeply to heart that AslWould not go into it either; thuif Hilt li ttlo’game was brought, out to llgiit theiii, 1 of edurse, as proved by iti ! being a democratic nomination purl imputed in byVivbrj duinocrat on Iho gloithd cscopt ity non, who 1 U High—low—Jack—and as in unit of tho game as littlo imwkblfl l>ltW! And that thoy must sofitot them q champion to moot him; and that lie. from his sympathy with ihcm^nml t*M his indignation toward the domoomtp, forlt lm olftrrtgo (?) of ex - eluding thbnt from tilio> iioinillation. and from his snjierior size, must aim ply bo their ohumpion to light the gamo; tliut bia.sueooss. iu itho light, and hia aqtiwns,afterward in i'ho log isiaturo would demonstrate the wis dom of their choice of/mw. Then the republican hens sorter gnng hack at "doiniatekcr’ tlmt ho Imd alWavs boon, tq thatl,party; just' what gutno was now trying tu be, and he had ample opportunity to IniflP after fheir rights boforo but 1lail never considered them before; that ho had dono nothing anyway, but diuw l>ay, with a “regularity worthy -of *U commendation,” but that they would sqo about; and tho 'dohiinbck- er" took this as *jt\hai consent, and challenged the game. To fighting they want, "The game worried him, and ho spurred him, and gaffed hiin in Iho signal chord; peeked him and badgered him, until St, •hoboeitme Woody that all theyoung frWhg ! size oooksof fowl yard Imvo smelled is; and assumed liihaiatUliitifa; and are flying upon tho st.umpto orow, ui.d 1 sometime* foci likoithu old slmnghey of Buckeye could orow tho; .but ho cannotspuro tho Aime. - j . 1 met* noisy old mud thu other day from.Iho backwoods mar the “domineoker,” whosaid Ik* had ^)Iv- ud all this business and was trying to mnko tho people seoYhiiV tins Uuly Dublin ring was trying iq rfi’O overy tiling its own wjijMjj piotiy big piig, was engagod in milking ono or her cows on the evening of iho 10th •Sept, when for sumo cause she was thrown down and the cow ran our her, bruising her body in seven, places, am! inflicting scrims injurs to tho spinal column. No one was with her and iL is not known just hosv tile accidoiiL occurred. Her husband was near and ran to hoi iMfistauee, hut zlto was so fatally in juled that she could not sland suffer herself to be moved for some time. On the next day she rallied am some Impo was entertained for her recovery, but sliu was seized with chngcsiioii and no skill could avail to restore her. Him remained ini conscious to iho Inst ami OMiht not odmmnnioatO with her family o frioildl. Hfie died- muiTb’iiudid by tlfeiiniiid in proseocii l>riIfdsi) Idving hearts folded’-her hands and fell isieoj*, like a child in its Tiibtjici’ aiins, mi Monday morning. ■Him leaves a dovoteu fiiisbuml with WhOm sho lived happily for forty thi oo j’oni's and hoi wee. ivhi»m as hushaud aiid wife there existed tlie most beautiful life Of peace ainl bar many. Hho leaves nlso sHt- eliildrcn l o inourh Ihe ldsk of a devoted, fond mother} ainl by whom klu) will in sadly iniskeir. Hhb' lnid Umdo that imbross of eharadtfsr up/.n her chi Urdu that’ only tho true 'mother can make, luid hits given to h’ih* Comity four nohlb 1 youiig tVieif anil two daughters of unusual pro hike, ltd son IfcoboVf, a promising young man ^(1 yea's old, proceed -1 !itid six years ago to the spirit wdrl I, 'and she nobly S'ibp(itt6d to tho kal hol‘ea\eti|(>ni and said'-Tho ford’s will l.e done Hhuliiad lost twidcliHdi eh tu f. re, one agor) three, iiml the other ipite iiu infant, hut sliu ree.ignizl.'d her clii dron ns belonging uV ilVe I,'id, and •nu-mto! qviqy heard ht‘i" u ilbeuso fnbli.shlyj” for liis ileniings with her in pybV'ideiioe. Hho was ah oxtram din'ary, woman, and in this ago of sham and show and jdinJinxyncss it Ks truly refreshing o meet witli tho true ideal woman. Vho word of Clod pictiires'-the tint woman and tells us \\ hat is expected of hqr. Hhe wilts created us ludpmeei for limn; or as r rhe Wise umn has wiiltou iii Frnv. hist ehaj), 2(1, 2? and U8 Va'fses. •“Hire iipeueth lie! mouth with wisdtiin. itiiijOn her doi'guo is the law of kindness. Sh. looketh -Well to tlid \VfiVs of liei hpufjehtdd; Wld ! eatii*th nof (.'lid.bread of idLmoMi ITer children rise' up aird c ill lvot< blessed.” Shu 'preserved qdiMIHCfetivW euii(UMii degree a,.d '• iis iiceotints for tho large place sue hint in ihu dfWtYtf dll fil'd ,'i:o*.u uni - nity where she Jived; for rlie ras univoisnlfy beloved. She never united vyitb thechiirch lint she pm- fossed a hope in ObVi>t when .‘lie was only 17 vein's old, ami rived buoyed up by that hope. Sim was kept hack by a sense of nitwdrthitiess, hut no one vvlpi kiiuiv her doubts her fu turoi ;The testimony of her lien re • sfriokeii hiivibtind at her grave: -fr ?.ho hasn't gone to heaven theie is no eUrniue for'Mity of the r;\‘f ..f m.” nnd Who oiiiihl judge like a constant oompui ion nf ntmrly half a coiVturv; Hliu Wn^ hud away in ihe old Stun- ,0 .v bur 'ing gmtiiuj. A tn ; , ,\V>luusd.iy 22nd iii the presence of one of the hifgyst loqqpip^es thut vwy gut hei'ed , tboiv.i in wife, mot In r. friemU Wo sorrow % yon, not «s .' huso a ho: have ini hope, for wo ex 1 iheel ybb again'in iho morn- ingot the resurrection and join hands in etorujii friendship mi vhedmuks of sweet deliverance. with COO ofifviturens bonut v's v s ties; Uuy te-VK dW irnntrrr .void democrats in ft^on tlib resolution jiassed! But of course the old man hqd solved it; t wits knowing to circumtj|Uueea. Ono morning just before day # thut old nmn wits lyhtg oleeplmw, ^ a current xifriaublitne tliought running tluough his brain, lino electricity down telegraph wires, and the wliolo subject became luinu- uous under the light of his brain. Juar.ut that moment precisely, Ueti nett Keas old jackass stepped out, of his stable at the brea^bf day and viewed the pliant Gijcn ihro«i|d» bis spectacles, and calculated his dis laod^Y Wft r »fS iaSl9 PEPSIA, INDtGESTJON, !l W SS, CHlkb? AND fevers, IA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. ( ] T c’vea NEW TT ... tpvtfforat. ,ntr Rni t2:; lltBtMt'to svusffi&s; weak anJ AlUng by Strengthening oe and magnitude. % IV »bo suered nientoi v t . 0. Sinillt, who died a cw«s To ral. 0. aniiru, wno uie«i at her ItqltU' in Utircnt eonut'y, Ga.,‘on M.mduv Hepl. mb iu I he flplh tv.vr of her age. «fp Iboso few lines mitten. She C os ■mi no hurtful Ht, lit com- at* tied, tojethtr wttha »rt of'har.i. V* Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesoineness. Nlore economical Ilian the ordinary kinds, and cannot tie sold in cornpetitjon willi Hie multitude of low lest, short weight nlum rr pliosphate powders. Sold nuly in Mm. ItovAj, Bakino PowokhUo.. 10(1 Wall fit. N. V. Cuardlanship. GiSORGlA, Lmiiiuns CoCnty. — Whereas,.]. )S. 'riiomus 1ms filed Iub ap- pliciition for letters of guardianship for the person and property of Norn Crumpton, a ini nor orphan of Surah Crumpton. are, therefore, to citp uml adinon nil peisons concerfied to show cause, if any they have, why letters of guardianship should pot be granted lliy nppliciuil on the (list Monday hi September next. Given under my official signature, Au- giist 2nd, ISSti. " John T. Duncan, 41 Ordinary. LISS! 2fiO|0 Acres imuiovftl fnrin lifnd in SO tiff- forenj, pJaeea from 1 to 12 miles from Dublin. Terms easy 4 Store Houses and Lots on Jackson and Wudiinglon Streets. lfi Huildni'r nml Jlusiiiess lots in and n- } 'mid Dulillii. Dwelling Houses well located in Dublin. 2 mall 2 room Dwelling Houses. Building'mid Business lots at Bruton Station, D. & . II. It. '• 10 Acre place, Saw Mill Bonanza, Bruton Slntion. D.Ar .H it. MOO Acre place i'i J seUlctnents 11 miles west of Dublin. Bari/irln •• - I.nnds Hought and Sold Specially. 28 Shares I). & . I C'l-up. Patronage Solicited. Buyers anted. Prompt allenlion given to ail Business. ' OrriOO f 'AUMKUH V< ,\NTKI»,^g3 Julius A- Burrsey 9 («(literal ItqiiL . state and Col lecting Agency. , f* 1111\) ! inkiiri11ico'• on'go.111' ( 'terms' Scut) iii Voiir nge.n'iid get u:;liinato of cost. > P. P. I J 1. I’KICKLV ASH. l'OKF. HOOT POTASSIUM. THK GRKATKST BLOOD OF THE AGE. 'JHK'I'IFICATBS. Albany, Gn , August 1, 1885. Dr. Whitehead: Dbau 8ih:—I had a had case of blood poison, which for two years dolled ail treatment, One bottle of P.. P. P. made a pci nuincht cure. John Gaffney. Waycross, G«., July 30, 1885 I had the. rhcMimatism for five motiths, and 1 took one bottle of Dr. Whitehead’s P P P nnd it emed me sound and well, and 1 hesitate not lo recommend it to those who desire a blood purifier. Respectfully, JE Smith. ’ ■ „ bake City, Fla,, Jan. 2, 1880. IIP Mf’g. Co., Waycross. Ga.f4- Gentlemeu:-^Ih'’ ' * Imd rheumatism for over 0 ( nnd last May was taken down and- confined to my ticcf—my feet aiul lpgp were badly swolen and the color of a red apple »qid 1 was in u fearful condition. 1 heard ofPPP (Prickly Ash, Polk Root and Potassium) and after seeing what the In gredtents were—as tho formula is on the bottle—I concluded to try it, and after taking three small bottles 1 was able to go down town and attend to my business mid 1 must say that I feel like another man.—Am now taking the lnnre size and to day I.believe that 1 will soon - he as likely ns any mau of 61 years of age can expect lo be. ACLaniC Milton, Fla., Jnu. 20. 1880, fills-is to certify that I have been iif- tliclcd with scrofula or blood poison for a number of years. The best physicians of Mobile said nothing could lie done forme. I also look n large quantity of 8 S S hut banal no relief in anything that 1 took. My limbs were a mass of ulcers, and when I was sent to a physician at Mobile my entire body was a mass of sores. I hail given up all hopes, and as a last resort ned P P P (Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potassium) and after using four hollies (email size), tin 1 sores have cdirely disap peared, and iny general health was never better than at present time. People who know mu think it a wonderful cure. * Respt titful ly, Ei.iza Todd. H)*UL“bi±XL - CtutccfN Conquered. I he Bwift Specific Company have the most ciiduliitahle evidencejiS to the cure of Cancer by thoi famous medicine, S S 8. Among others, John S. Morrow, an old and highly estCenu*l citizen of Florence, Ala , nukes the following statement as to the merit's of this remedy. •*1 have been suffering with a Cancer in niy right ear. fot; about three ‘years. I tried various remedies mid xvaJ treated with Iodide of Potash, which produced rheumatism. My feet and legs were great- swollen, so that. I could not walk, bout one year ago 1 was induced to try Swift’s Specific, which soon removed the trouble In my limbs, ami-my rheumatism Is now entirely gone and n\y Cancer is steadily improving. being better now than at any. time within two years, iliif. medicine lias dune pie mo|c good tliau uiything el«3 I have taken, and j feel that 1 am on the,mad to a spee Iv cine. Un doubted ly bwijft’s Specific is the best blood purifier fn tltii AvOim. _ John 8. Monitow. Horcuce, Ala,, Sep;. 22, ’84. I wo years ago I hail the worst ulcer on . niy leg l ever saw. h had eaten down to the bom- whole leg below my knee and my feet were swolcu and. in- named. 1 he bone was swolen and pnhi- lul and discharged it most offensive mtit- ter. My physician said I had necrosis of the bone, mid my leg would have to pome . ,h,s 8ll, S e!l commenced tir take 1 P 1 l also to bathe my lee with hot castile soiui-suds. ft began lo improve at ouee and healed rapidly,- apd is to day a sound aud useful, leg I think PP Pis all a man could ask as a blood purifier, us I have known it td cure some terrible cases of syphillis iu a remarkably short time. , , ... Ar a Ammons. Jacksonville, Flu , July 1, ’85. 15, ’85. • ; Waycross, Gn„ Nov. Dr. W. H, Whitehead: Deak Silt:—At your request I will state my ctts, Some years ago 1 contracted ma laria in its most violent form whllo living at Newark. N. J. I consulted various physicians and took numberless prepara tions recommended us sure cures,’Mmt It stuck to me like a brother—or more like a mother-in-law. 1 finally came South, and while here tried new remedies said to "al- wavs cure malaria, hut it stuck to me and you kuow the old broken-dOWn Condi tion 1 was in when L came to you. You put me to taking your PP P and 1 im- pioved rapidly, and am to-day iu as good health as 1 ever was—in fact better. As it remedy tor a broken-down constitution it has no equal. r Yours. etc. T. P Com.E. [ A. B. FARQUHAR. A. 15. F BOBEHT II. SMITH UHAR & CO., 3ST= Gr-A.- Manu/actimM’s and Jobbers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Brown’s Cottdli Gins, _ and Miscellaneous Macltfhery, Hardware, tinware, Cutlery, Gins, Belting, ron Pipe, Brass and Jrp i steam Fittings, •&c.' A tig 4, ’86 3m. GOOD and cheah, too, GEO. ft EQIROTD & GO, m-ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING .PROMPTLY DONE.^3 1014 to l.OSG.KiiX-wfC’K Sthbkt, above P,\gs,ENGEit Depot, An trust 4 th, 1S80 ly. . . AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. V A RI 'EM Y IRON WORKS, Xi^.asra- &'"WILT. Prop’r’s. SANpERSVILLE, GEORGIA. Manufacturers aiul Dealers in Stcain Engines ol. ali.atylt^- 8hw Mills, Grist Mills Cotton Gins, Presses mid Machinery of all kinds, A full line of luib’-er aud licather Beltimr kent instock. r.: i.-ii.iu. • Machine Oils and well aS can bo done. 3d. anything wanted in tlu* machine line. Belting kept instock. Steam and Water Valves, Steam Pipes and Fittings, Inspirators, and Mill Supplies. Repair work solicited and: pi’oinptly done and ns cheap am All machinery sold by us we guarantee to bo ns represented. Write or call oh' us for P ces and descriptor ol ar.\ thing wa June 10 '80-(ini', ri , r- y : ’- II. HICKS & CO., HEADQUARTERS FOR- Drugs, Medicine© and^Bipli^ - ; ...... V ,... ,t-'\ it. ! > .1 3J ■ *•' ’*» '/■ it I*r ; { y f : fhucy candies, lruit juiv, corks Qilcuns.ullsizos, from giu oilers'up to 5-ga*lionjttgkt els, the celebrated tunhel-llpped measures, uud a fu 11 ' J full line of the most popular Patent Medicines. Such ns— rncopherous, oimmous’ inver Ueuulatur uower, (Jure, i)e Wee’e uimuuativc, &ufe Kidney Cure Ague m Oil, Galling Oil, lYlusiuug Liniment, Voicauu- vVoriment, j'arker’s buhtbme Yvorm J.ozougc-s, Linenziue, Spalding’s Prepared Glue, Tutfs Pills, B- W rignt's Pills, Ilatlcr’s Pij.'s, Ayer’s Pm*, _ 1 his is to certify that I had the rheuma tism for three years. 1 had two phvsi- cmns to treat me; also took eight bottlhs (large size-) of S 8 S and spent rnonev for laal other medicines. I saw ndvortisen I have had a eaiicer on my face for many years. L have tried u great nnuiv ruiue- die.Sj but without iclief. 1 almost gayu '"** FuiFvn i»P hope ef over.bblngcuK-d.' 'Dr. fliiil* , . . - v - ^ r. j man. niy sou, recommended Swift’s Spo* 1 V s «u«w for rheunintism. Whes, clfld. which thave btgcu wiUi great re-1 1 p**? e Dr. Wlii’ehead .1 .was -beiplead: suits. .Yly faw Is olmfist well, atid* it is |' oou ' f J u °ti walk, and suffered ,^o I. could impossible tor me to u,\ thanks in , 1,01 s *dep at night. In fact my ‘ life with words for what this medicine lias doue PW?continued , suffering^ My brother for me. < Keanl of Dr. Whitehead’s remedy, (Prick- I Jv Ash, Polk Root and Potassium) iuitl | brought the doctor out to see me, and he rut me to taking P P p. The results “ u *~ I Soon "dropped my Mits. O^ Hahdman. Mouroo, Ga„ Sept. 2, 1884. From Malaria. lit the fill of L3L'4iI was taken with n c«s6 Mtnalariai fowr which prostrated me both body and mind. I was drugged after __ fffid. the old fnsliiou with mercury and other ndavtal mixtures, but with ito good ru suits. My health \viis slialterd aud my energy gone. My log* and fw*t would swell, and ! had what uvciyUnly Wii I IF, *»l»r «m* •M, «M4 *u* v “""* D ;lf:;S7l Comp "»' . ■ ±p thought S dropsy. Titesesymptoms niariiiwj ute. 1 was ready to grasp at auy remedy suggested. A friend uuvised lito to try Swift's Specific. I priH-uml three bottles tttid commenced its nwi. The swelling warn subsided. 1 have taken ibe three bolllos. wliich have made u iierfect cure, and l feel like a new man to-day. There hern was a umfw meritorious’ medkine olfrroti to suflering humanity. It lots wrought wooden Tor me; , * . WlJ.UH JoKW. IweslMirgi Uv Countv M««vh 11, 18S4L For sale Uv alt drundsts. fTriyis- ua Uiood sm| Skin Ditrasw Thu Swift 8pe’.'lrte Co.. Drawer 8, Allan to, Un. sticks aud crutches, and liegiftt to walk ulmut. AH the ^welling went ck»yvd and I was free ot pain after taking obe Iwttle. I continued to take it until: I had taken three bottles quart size and was thorough ly cured. I went to work on a farm, and have worked stt adlly this year" tending'‘a crop and doing other farm work. In fa act so eompjete was my recovery that l inar- session of health rie«l, nml am now iu puss am’ happiness, which is a strong coutnst to the miseruhic life of pain «ud~ suffering Iwl Iwfore 1 took the greatest blood puri fier of the age, of P P I most earnestly recommend it to all the unfortunate sufferers from r’-eutratitni. ResiwcifuM.v, IIkny J Wai.dhuh. Tin? almve modk'iucitformic wholesale and retail, at a. MtejB A 66»3. Dublin, Ha. May a, )8Sd, Curaline, Tyler's Hyrap of Arabic, Peruyium Ghid . Cure?' 'Oiilitih ; Chill Tonic, Holmuu’s LiverpJftals, J;rew- er s Lung KestOrer, Marshall’sTreparoU Cubeh : Cigaieites, Laetopeptiuc, b. 8'. aua SliceufelU’s Medicated 8tock heed. Hull’s, Y egetaule YVorrn by run Bull’s Buliy Syrup, Boyd’s But lory, D.ay.’s Kidney gad, - -- - Worm Confections, Alcock’s Porous Plaatci's Btrengthemnc Plasters, Benson’s Caycine Plasters, Kieffer’s Peruvian Cnill Cure 4’AjXVV UO0DX. . idiit'L'j /V l* II Rare and' etegahi Colognes, cheap Colognes, Mi »*M I \«l*> II.miiiVi t It 1 Iii..... ..>1 Hair Dye, Beuutdul ’J'ollet Soups, Pomade, Plum Musks, Extracts, Mhgnolia Balm and Fancy Powders, Combs (all reupi, ohfimA n? BOOKS A ^D BTATIOSBU V. Lcgul Cap, Foolscap, Sliding wax, mucilage books pend, pencils', ink erasers, paper protectory, pen holders. Arnold’s YY ntiug p luiu. rel-eutly adopted by-the School Board for the P A%wh»qgi’8.' Hymn Books, and Psalmists. £2?" YY e will order auy “hook hot i’i stoo£ and furhibh same ‘u a short time tit publisher s pt ices, provided the money is left with the orerr j'! jr.'r/V’i.'Vnn m H. HICKS ^ 00., , .feb 18*tf : bias DUBLIN. GEORGIA. - — —rr We have just received a gross lot of Liputnati’s Pyraiuge fc right fresh froiii the hianafucturers, which we guarantee will cure chills and fetor if directions are correctly followed. w»rrr *•*' .. ■ i ' j T< r:. TVi'i ■ Ot! Interest to Ladies. The new treatment for ladies’ diseases discovered by Dr. JjLyy A. Gregg the dis tiugitished Luglibh Physician und nurse wind, has revolutionized the entire mode Should to cure, all yon have t(i!of treating these cninplninib in England do, is to call at U. Hicks & Co s. cign a cert ideate lo that facl and wo will refund you’ your money .Will. |deasure. II. IIlGKS&Co. imd is now being introduced into the U. 8. tiuder u fair uuct noyct piup. I auifloisot trvfl lie Htss/Ais sent fete to every lady 11 whose is suffwkif Cram any. gdHM»Mi«&uw mou to the sex who icuds her address and fji'«-’x pjhst*. iii,; toclVett itt AhtMM •tiUMoralq/Rr UM8. Addrusa, UHEUG REMEDY i»ASY, PALMYRA. N. V