The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, October 06, 1886, Image 2

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THE POST. WEDNESDAY (H TCIIKIi fl, into. law 1-' U." . . . .. J. A. PEACOCK, Editor. Hint* to SpprtNincn. The shootinn season in turn at hand and a few hints to amateurs will nut be out of place. Kiret, get your gun nod load it. Put the powder in first and the shot on lop. Of course, when you liuve emptied your gun and are in a hurry to get iu another shot, load it vice versa. Take three or four fellows along with you, so that if one of you is abut there will be enough left to car ry him home. This will also render the accident less difficult. In climbing 6tor u fence hunters •hould be very careful. When you como (o a fence, sot your gun down •nd get over yourself. Then reach through, get the gun by the muzzle and pull it through u crack. If your dog should refuse fo set grouse, und persist in chasing rab bits, shoot him. Hy a continuation of this process old dogs may become so full of shot that they couldn’t chase u rabbit if they wished. Should you full down and jum about two inches of mud into the atusslo of your gun, fire it off nume diately. It would bo safer to do this by moults of a forty-foot string, but on such ait occasion you must bain a hurry. ” Should something get wrong and your gun refuse to lire, push the hummers buck with your foot and blow in the. muzzle. Tills will bring a lecreant gun to its sense of duty quicker titan anything. : Follow carefully these directions — any intelligent man can do it—und you will have no need for further instructions next season.—Detroit Free l\e«*. B>7T7tT At her rotfidoiieo in tho wostern portion of this (Laurens) county, on Tuesday September 2stli JHHti, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Ann, the widow of tlu- iato W’lllium 0 Neal, who departed this life only six weeks prior to lint death of Ins . wife. The good Lord saw lit to take her from this world of si now to a land whore there is no more parting, pain or death. Tills good I nly fell that u!l WH8 well with hoi; aho was resigned to (he Master's will, She was u good wile, a kind uireotionute and indulgent »-other, a true and faithful neighbor and friend. Thou weary hands tlmt to often ministered to the family wants will perform this kind oilluu no wore, Sho loaves three sous a daughter and u host of reluttycs and friends to mourn her Ions. Tho children have our heartfelt sympathies in this said bereavement. And umy the Lord so direct their footsteps in this life that they mav meet tlioir dear parents in tho happy borne of the bio wed. Dublin, Oa, Del. 4nd 1880. Wc tho colorod people of Laurens county, having soon the need of bet tor facilities for higher instruction for our children, than they heretofore havo liutl, have conceived tho idea within ourselves, Jfqr tho sumo clie erection of an itistiiuto to bo known as “Tho Dickson institute.” We know as a ruco wo cannot bo a people highly rt spooled, until wo erect more institutions of learning, wherein we may loan to be belter citizens. Wo havo bean aided in tho past few years by tho governmont funds, and we now wish to aid ourselves, and also desire the continuation of mat fond. Wo havo proposed to build the above named institute in or near the town of Dublin, (la. Wo ask one and all to aid us. Wo desire all of our fellow-citizens and country men to meet us at Picciola, Da., on October 10th inst. You will then learn our plans and platform. You shall hear from us again, we remain you is respco* fully. A. 8. Diokson, Pres ) Pinkney. Hughes vee > Managers. A. W. Walker Soct’v. \ Kditok Post:—1 notice in your paper of ln«t week, under heading of “Political Tala,” that you ivj>ort me SS saying tho jackass viewed the picMsaiu Oiicn, wncu when i reuiiv said “viewed the planet Orion." Hut you made no motto mistake (Into 1 did; for 1 had the jackass to p-omi netitlv in new ilmi 1. m\>< If. ha»ked through his ►jtei , !.ic!i , i* when i r.d'e Orion a plain I Ui, i «d of a , u» < .la lien. Hurilval of the P.ftewt. For Some time past the question o. , .irny in baking powders has formed quite a feat me of newspaper diriciiNsious, und emim nt d ic.ors of philosophy have given opinions as to tin* ingredients which compose many of the articles sold under that name. Thu investigations have narrowed down to tile limit which awards the Royal linking Powder the palm of parity, utnF.evcrul of (he most dis- li.iguished seiontisls have testified to their conviction that no extraneous or deleterious mutter cnicrs into ns composition. Thu Royal Raking Company have achieved a world-wide rt jmtutioii for the succctt which has marked their preparation of cream of tartar for baking purposes. It is indisputably shown that they have eliminated all elements of tartrate of lime, alum or oilier iutpim.ics, and present to the public a heahlifiil and chemically pure article. Such wide ly known chemists ns Henry .Morton, E. («. Love, IJ. A. Molt, Win. Mc.M urtiio and others havo verified; its superior over other manufactures, and testified, through practical ex poiieiiee, to its excellence. Ji is well for families to observe the fuel that it costs more to manufacture the Royal Raking Powder than any other, but it is, as shown by chemi cal analysis, the one “absolutely puro” baking powder inaiJe. DiHllliNSiOII. Laurens Court of Ordinary, October Term 1880. Whereas K. H. Walker ndministrntor on tho estate of R. H. Kellam lias tiled his Application for letters of dismission from sufrl iMlminlNlralion. These are ihen-fore to cite and admen- 1st. all persons to show cause if any they have why letters of dismission from said administration should not be granted the applicant on the tlrst Monday in dunuary tamm '( Given under my ofliclal signature this October 4tli IHM(|. Jqun T, OoNfcvy, Ordinary. 'PdlinaCordial C U li a: ;♦ DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FfIVERS, MALARIA, LIVR COMPLAINT, KIDNEY -\ ROUBLES, NEURALC! \ AND RHEUMATISM. j'T KlvJs NEW IT U tuvi-orut- 1 Ing ».-.J D»- IIrIiHuI to>, and ct jm-uI value at a Medicine fur weak and AUlng Women ami Chil dren. LIFE to tha whe'e SYSTEM hy Strengthening the Muscle*, Ton ing the NIKVEB, or I completelyD|. gcstlng the food. . O A r A I N 3 no hurtful Mineral., ta com posed of carefully ■elect-it ble M -t d I c I n c «, com hi it r d «kill- full V. making a Sn e nnd Plaaaant Remedy, for ..1. L* eh ftrnintl.U «nt (lrrcn nun. a om r» Volins Druy and Chemical Company, a.i.TikOMr, ai>.. r. a. a. AYER’S Cherry Pectoral No other complAluts are aoinsUllou* li Uitli KtiaekKaUioMatrectlhg the throat nml pig*: none an trifle.! with l>y the mnioniv of mlHr- era. The ordlimrr cough or cold, rtsu ui p perhapa from a willing or uncom-emo* «x poauro, la often Imt the beginning of u Into! alekuraa. AYKil'a ClllUtltV Pkctohai. hut- well proven ita ellli .-toy In u forty years' light with throat and lung ulpuu, niid should W lakatt in all case* without delay. A Terrible Cough Cored. " In IAAI I took .* AeWrveolit, mli.cVt ntTrcted Hiy lung*. I had n tenit-lr couglt, nut imtictl uUht alter main without sleep, ’i’lie itceloi> gave me up. 1 tnol AVKR'ft VllRltUV l‘Kt •, which relieved luv lung*, liidtirrd alrep. and nlfonli-tl me tl'e ir.t i.tx-ewarx for the recovery of my eli. t-gth, Itv the coutmucl u»e of the PiTTARAl. n permit. unit cure mm etfocteil. I am now Cj yean old, hale and hearty, and am talitfW tour CllKMHV i'KvruKAt. anted hie. . llOK.VUK K.HItltKtitUmt." Il-tekiugham, Vl.,«loly in, nsg. Croup. — A'a Tribute. “While In the country In.t wlitrrm. little l-oy, three year*old, wni taken III with Vivup; it eeeint-d a* If lie would Uio Irotu atrilhgu- lalion. Hue of the- family Miggetietl tlo- uso «>X’* Ciikiiuv I’K.'Ttilui- a hotite «-l r ldrlt mm itlwnyn k< |-t iu the hous.-. 'I Id* '..n» tried In email nod ffr<|iient d--*«e, and to our delight iu It-na iliau hall nu to ur the little patient was brrathdij: r.-allv. Tho doc tor Ml.I Hint the t til ItltV 1-h'iokai. Imd aav.s) my darling's hie. Can vou wonder nt our gmiitu.tet*'y o.iira, Mua. I'kMA ttCl'KItV.” !W Weal IJAlh St., New York, May If., !>fS. “I Hare used At eR'a ClICRRV 1‘KtToitAt. In my lamily Tor b*v-': -I veatw, aud do ttol hwkitale to pt.wiotiu.'e it the n osl t Itectual r.* for eougha atnl etd.lswe have ever A. d. t.'SAMS." !j»Vo CryMal, Minn., J!ai-ch 13, tftc. “ I »utl.-re.l for eight year* fi-ev. lilwilcUlIl, and alter tr.iug man\ m.iw.l. a w no me- e.-.., I was eared hy the nu- <-f AV t «’a (IIKB- M. I'n.touu.. .I.ol'i n \Vau>M!." livhalta, MIm., April A, t: *• I o n-t aay enough .11 of AM M’S Cn.tu t l-i.toiivt., Ik dung b> I do that . u* ■ I .hould long Mi.a*- iift.v del ttoid.'en I . I.KAiitKU.'." I'ttu, A|>rllSS, iMeJ. ml for ...Ml ill Pair. No ea»e of an ntTeellot THE GREATEST JILOOD PURIFIER OF THE ACE. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thin powder never varies 1 . A marvel of purity, strength nnd wbolesomeness. More ceonomicn) than the ordlnnry kinds, nnd cannot be sold in competition with the tiitillUude of low test, short weight nliint or phosphate powders. Sold only in entiH. Hoyai, IJaking Powdku Co.. 100 Wall rtt. N. Y. Administration. Georgia Lutirens County.—Whereas W L Heidi has tiled his application for letters of adminislr nion on the estate of .Ionian W Lyon lute of snid county deceased. These are therefore io cite and admonish all persons to show cause if any they have why’ letters of administration on jwtiil es tate should not lie granted the applicant on the first Monday in No vein lie next. Given under my otllcinl signature this September ftUtii 1H80. JOHN T. DUNCAN, Ordinary. Notice EIG'i’S^LE LrlStS! 250(W Acres immoved farm land in 50 dif- ferent places from I to 12 miles from Dtddin. Terms easy 4 Store Houses and Lots on Jackson and Washington Streets. 15 Building ami Business lots in and a- • und Duldin. 2 Dwelling Houses well located in Dublin. 2 mall 2 room Dwelling Houses. 0 Building und Business lots at Bruton Station, 1). & . It. U. » »Q Acre pluco, Saw Mill Bonanza, Bruton Station. D.& . K. 1{. «00 Aeru place in 3 settlements 11 miles west of Dublin. Bargain Lands Bought and Sold a Specialty. 28 Shares D, & . 'I t. ■Jrn'tv Cheap. Patronage Solicited. Buyers anted. Prompt attention given to all Business C3T500 Fahmmis Wanted. mM Julius A. Burney, General Real 1*state and Tel lectins? Agency. vldSSP 1 Life iiitniiaitco on ghod terms Send in your age und gut uatimato of cost. -LJ lx Id 1 in. - Ga. to treat dia- roiea at HOME, malted, together with a set of hand- tome card* by new Hellctypcproccaa, on receipt of loc. (Uator near Cancers Conquered. Tail Swift Spocllle Company havo the most cuduhitahlo evidence ns to the cure of Cancer hy thei famous medicine, S S S. Among others, John S. Morrow, an old ami highly esteemed citizen of Floreuce, Ala , makes the following statement as to tlie ineriis of this remedy. "I have been suffering with a Cancer in mv right ear, for about three years. I tried various remedies and was treated with Iodide of Potash, which produced rheumatism. My feet and legs >y,ere great ly swollen, so that l could .no*, walk. About one year ago i was mditccd to try Swift’s Spccitlo. which soon removed the trouble in my limbs, and my rheumatism is now entirely gone aud mv Cancer is steadily Improving. being better now than at any time withiu two years. This ntedieme lias done me more good thnn anything else I have taken, and 1 feel that i urn on the road to a speedy euro. Un doubtedl v Swift’s Specific is the best blood purifier in the world. JonN 8. Moiirow. Floreuce, Ala., Sept. 22, ’84. of the throat or «■van bIii.-Ii i-amiot If (n-ttlt tvlivti-a *" Ihr u»j of Atrn'v ( llllitv I'ri ToftAL, u»l li Bill ti'.mi ,-tinr »!irn tha* If . -I air*, tj tx-\.iu.l tha COtitml of ui*Uictua. rari-*Map str D*. VC AverACo.,Lowell,Ma**. Sol-I S> a.) Itr-ig^iBtft. m have had a cancer face for many years. 1 have tried a great many reme dies, liut without relief. 1 almost gave up hope t»f ever being cured. l>r. Uard-1 man, my son, recommended Swift’s Spe- citie. wiiieli 1 have taken with great re-1 suits. My face is almoA well, and it is | impossible for me to express my thanks in , woids for what this niediciue has done i for me. Mns. Ot.rvR Hardman. I ’ Monroe, Ga,, SepL 2, 1884. 1 Free From Malaria. ! In the fall of 18* 4 I was taken with a case of mslariul fever which prostrated me Itoth IxMly ami mind. 1 was drugged after the old fashion with mercury aud oilier iniueial mixtures, Imt with no good re suits. My hcatlh was shalterd ami my energy gone. Al\ legs and feet would swell aud 1 had what everybody thought was dropsy. These symptoms alarmed me, and 1 was ready to grasp at any remedy suggested. A friend advised me to try Svv i(Cs Spocifie. 1 procured three In titles ahd conmu-tieed its use. The swelling soon subsided. I have taken the three bottles, which have made a pcrftcl cure. Mint 1 t<-«-| like ji new man to-day. t hire never was n more meritorious medicine offerrai to sulleiing huiuanity. It has wrought wonders for Uie. Wn.l.ia Jones. Leesburg. 1 sv County, March U, JN84. For sate by all druggists. 'I ivaitv on MIoimI and Skin Diseases mailed fits the Sw ift Spe-irtet’o.. Drawer 3, Allan tw, (>a. P. P. P. ICVKL A«n. POKE ROOT POTAflMUM. CKRriFIOATES. Albany, Ga.. August 1, 1885. Dr. Whifehcnd: Dear Sir:—Iliad a had case of blood poison, which for two years defied all treatment. One bottle of P. P. P. made a pernmnent cure. John Gakfnky. Wayeross. Ga., Julv 30, 1883 I had the rheumatism for five months, nnd 1 took one bottle of Dr. Whitehead’s I F P “'“I it cuicd me sound and well, nnd I hesitate, not to recommend it to those wlio desire a blood purifier. Respectfully, J K Smith. F ftp; n Years a Sufferer from Rheuinatisiii. What Hon. W. II. Wilder, Mayor of Albany. Ga.. says. I suffered fifteen years with Rheumatism nnd during Unit time tried nil the so-called specifics that I could hear of. One of them 1 piiid ♦d.OO pi*r bottic for find took nine lmttles and received no benefit from any of MY grandson, wlio runs on the B. & W. Railroad, flually got a bottle of P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) while in Wayeross und induced to take it. The first bottle showed jts won derful effects, und after continuing the use of i» for a short time the Rheumatism disappeared, and I feel like a new man. I take great plcnsurc in recommending it to sufferers from Rheumatism. AI1 „ W. H. WILDER. Albany. On.. Junel*, 188<>. Milton, Fla., Jail. 20. 1880. This is to certify that I have been af flicted with scrofula or blood poison for a number of years. The best physicians of Mobile said nothing could he done forme. I also took a large quantity of S S S but found uo relief in anything that 1 took. My limbs were a mass of ulcers, and when 1 was sent lt> a physician at Mobile my entile body was a mass of sores. I had g'veu up all hopes, and ns a Inst resort tried P P P (Prickly Ash. Poke Root aud Potassium) and alter using four bottles (small size), the sores have entirely disap peared. and my general health was never better than at present time. People wlio know me think it a wonderful c ure. Respectfully, Eliza Todd I wo years ago I had the worst ulcer on my leg 1 ever saw. It hud eaten down to the hone, and my whole leg la low mv knee and my feet were svvolen mid iu- named. The hone was s wolen and pain ful and discharged a most offensive mat- tcr. My physiciau snid I had necrosis of the bone, and my leg would have to come 0“-At ibis stage L commenced to tuke P P I’ also to Imthe my leg with hot rastile soap-suds. It began to improve at once and healed rapidly, and is to day a fiound and useful leg I think P P P is all a man could nsk as a blood purifier, as I have known it to cure some terrible coses of sypliillis in a remarkably short time. , . • " Asa Amuonb. Jacksonville, Fla , July 1. ’83. „ , Wayeross, Gn„ Nov. 15. ’85. Dr. W. II. Whitehead: Dkau Sm:—At your request I will state my eas, Some years ago 1 contracted ma- Iuria iu its most violent form while living at Newark, N. J. I consulted various physiciaus and look numberless prepara tions recommended us sure cures,” lift it stuck to me iike a brother—or more like r molher in-law. I finally came South! and while here tried new remedies said to "ul- wuys cure malaria, but it stuck lo me, and you know the old broken-down condi tion 1 was in when l came to you. You put me to taking your P P P and 1 im proved rapidly, aud mil to-day in as good health as i ever was—in fact belter. As a remedy tor a broken-down constitution it has no equal. rr;'’ Yours, etc. T P (.'ottlk. . This is to certify that I had the rheuma tism for three years. 1 hnd two physi cians to treat me; also took eight hotttes (larg»> size) of S 8 S aud spent money for several other medicines. 1 saw advertisen as certain cures for rheumatism. Whes, 1 came to Dr. Whi'ehead 1 was helplcsd could uot walk, and suffered so I could not sleep nt. night. - In fact my life was oue of continued suffering. My brother heard or Dr. Whitehead's remedy, (Prick- lv Ash. Polk Hoot und Potassium) and brought tho doctor out to see me, and he put me to taking P P P. The results were astonishing. I soon dropped mv sticks and crutches, and begun to walk aUiut. Alt the swelling went down and 1 was free ot pain after taking oue bottle. I continued to take it uutii I had taken three Itottles quart size and was thorough ly cured. I went to work on a farm, and have worked steadily this year tending a crop und doing other faun work. Iu fact so complete was uiy recovery that I mar ried, Hint am now in possession of health am happiness, which is a strong contrast to the miserable life of |tain and suffering I led la-fore 1 took the grvutcsl blood puri fier of the «ge. of P ]» P. 1 most earnestly recommend it to all the uufortunate sufferers front r^eumatitm. KespectfuMy, Hkny J WALD.:on. A. B FAKQUHAR. ROBERT H. SMITH A. 13. FARQUIIAll & CO., MACOW: Q--A— Manufacturers and Jobbers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Brown’s Cotton Gins, and Miscellaneous M iclunc-iy, Hardware, tinware, Cutlery, Gins, Belting, ro:i Pip3, B.'tD in l irn stem Fittings, Hancock inspirators, &c. Aug 4, ’86 3m. Cjt O () L) and cheap, too. G ()()D and cheap# too- !;.SV (i OO I) ‘and cheah, too. ’ • ■■ .. GEO. % LOipffiD § 60., C3TALL KINDS OF REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE-C3 1014 lo 1026 Feswick Stheet, above I’assj/noek Depot, 4th, 1886 ly. * AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Y A~!t l i: T Y IRON WORKS, LgV-XT Gr &: ^frlLT. Prop’r’s. SANDEUSVIU.n, C.ISOIiGIA. , 3 Manufacturers and Dealers in Steam Engines ol all styles. Shw Mills, Grist Mills Cotton Gins, Passes and Machinery of all kinds, A full line of lmb’-er and leather Belling kept in stock. Steam and Water Valves, Steam Pipes and Fittings, Inspirators. Machine Oils and Mill Supplies. Repair work solicited and promptly done and as cheap and well us can be done. All machinery sold by us we guarantee to be ns represented. Write or call on us for Prices and dcseripto ot anything wautediu th" machine line. June 10 *80’8ni, ' ’ II. HICKS & CO., HEADQUARTERS FOR Drugs, Medicines and Books. ALSU Paints (all colors), linseed oil, varnishes, window glass, putty, white lead, sash too whitewash brushes, paint brushes, umrkiug brushes, glue (white aud brown). Drop Cluck,-Lump black, uuaaues, machinists oil, lamps, lump fixtures, lanterns, kerosene oil', muleues, slureli, marbles, cream tartar, trusses, syringes, eye goggles, nipple .'Indus, supporters, slice urusfics, blue King,carbolic soap, casule soap, rubber nipples siioutuur firaces, sm soila, uium, suli peire, sulphur, hr curb tocm, biuuig, fixeU oils, esseutmi oils, musturu, ginger, cloves, uutuiegs, blue stoue, copperas, flavoring extracts, uiutiUtr, .nuigo muu, spauisu brown, ureast pumps, fishing luekle, razor strap j, razor hones, Uoi bloru’s Dread Powders, Patupseo powders, potash, sulphur soap, mace, eoiideused milk, Liefiig’s extract ol beei, iiuperiui grauum, plain and fauey eauuies, iruil jars, corks, ou cans, air sizes, trout gilt oilers up lo d-gailou jack ets, the ceieuraicd luuuet-Upped measures, aud a full ime of Uie most popular Patent Medicines. —bucii as— •* Ilostetter’s Bitters, McLean’s biueugiiicmng Cordial, Brsdiield’s Female Hop Bitten Ayer’s cherry Pectoral, barsaparulu and Yellow Dock, boothing ueguiator U1 lei’s irou, 1'ouic Purkers Guigef ionic, Bull’s Cough byrup, Syrup, ii’sCordiul, iudiuu Blood Syrup, Graeu’s ' August Flowgr, uiobe Codliey’s Pryor’s Cue vfinuucui. A Ayer’s flair \ igor, liall’s Hair fie- if lower Authuirou Tncopuerous, bimiuofis’ Liver ucguluior newer, Cure, De W ee e e-ailuiuutive, bafe Kidney Cure, Ague iu Oil, Curling UU, .uuauing Liuuiieui, V oieamc iVonmetu, Paiiver’s bantoiue it uriu i.uzeuges, Liueu/.me, spaidiuJs Prepared Blue, i'uus Pills, B. tv right s Pills, ilurter's Fills, Ayer's Pids, Udder's nils, .Uua Pitia, Jayne’s ■ Pill's Perfeeieu Liver Pills iudiuu p.ooi PHIS, Ba-ley’s Ciull A Fever mis. irou Bitters, « Curat me, Tylers byrup ol Gum Arabic, Pcruviau Chill Cure,' Cuban Ciuil ionic, liuimau s Liver Pads, Prow ers Lung ncsiorcr, uiaisuali’s Prcpurcu Cubeb Cigarelles, Luciopepime, b. o . b., and blieeuleld's iMeuicaieu oioek fieeu. Hull’s Vegetaoie Worm byrup. Bull’s Limy byrup, Loy’u's Laiiery, Lay’s ivumey tad, Worm Couructions, tUeock’s i'orous Piusiurs alrengihcuiug Plasters, Beusoit s Caucuiu Piasters, KieUer’s Peruvian Chill Cur ■ ' 5 ‘ Curt .fi’AiMG i GOO OH. .'tare and elegaui l/’ologues, cheap Colognes, Musks, Extracts, Magnolia B»bu lluir Dye, Beaunul 1 Allot boaps, loinaue, t iam anu fancy Powders, Combs (all styles) t ooln Liuaues, xvail Liusucs, Ciouies L«u:»nes, bnavmg Brushes, Count. ■ Brushes, Ladies'Auives, niulen Luxes, iuueliblU ink, Pocket Books, Pity ing Ca*4 Hair brushes, flair Oil, Bath bponges, bhavtug Cream, «kc. m'M-i ■ -:VP •■ .- - uv',v-** -p LOOKS J AD SlAJ10KLlil\ Legal Cap, Foolscap, Bill Paper, Note paper. Lei lei paper, Envelope, (all sizes sealing wax, mucilage, tuucy box paper, bfuuk boons, ledgers, day-books, accoua books peus, pencils, slates, school cray ons, \> custc.-r’s spoilers, inks, pencil., slatct ink erasers, puper lustcuers, ru iber uuuus, rulers, magic inkstands, calendar penci proieciors, pen iioiuers. Ainoiu's G filing r mm. -v mil laic ol the school hooka recently adopted oy Uie benool Bouru for the Public school ol Laurens county, iiy mn Books, and Psalmists, iST U c wiu order any book not iu slock and lurituh same >u n snort Lime ut publishers puces. pioviueU me money n> left vuth the orerv feb 18-tf U. HICKS & CO., DUBLIN. GEORGIA. The above medicine is for sole wholesale and retail, at H. DISKS * eS’6. I>ul.Iin, Ga. We have just received u gross lot] •f Lippmun’a Pyraluge, right fresh from Lite inamifucturcrs, which we guunintcu will cure chills mid fever if directions are correctly followed. Should it fail to care, all you have to do, is to cull at li. Hicks A Go’s, sign a cei'tincuto to that fact and we will refund you your money with pleasure. II. Hicks & Co. 5 TON WAGON SCALES, and itcfcl—Gm free Of interest to Ladies. The new treatment for ladies' disease* discovered by Dr. Mary A. Gregg the din liuguished English Physician and nurss which bits revolutionized the entire mods of treating these complaints in England aud is now In-mg introduced into the IJ. It. under u fair aud novel plan. Sufficient of this remedy f° r month’* trial Ire itiiwiit is sent fret to every |ady whose is suffering from any disease coin- uiou to the sex who vends her address and lh 2ct stamps for expense, (marges, etc- It is u care lor any form of fa male disease mid the free trial jtaekaff* is many times sufficient meffect npermaneat cure. Full directions accoiu|>«ny tbs IMckage (which s put up in a plain wrap- , i r) uso price ii»t lor future reference. o ikteLn-je will be tent after Aug. 14 MEDY COM' IHtto. Address, GBE(>G RE. PANY. PALMYRA. N Y- sss wm