The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, November 03, 1886, Image 2

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4, It. Wolfe, D. A. ,Smith, I,. It. Iferry, 4. W. Julies. U. O. Bush, • I II, Jill,I'M, Ii. II- Hudson, Jono It. Daniel J L. Keen, Silas M. Jones, I h til. cl A hili iv(ju, 4. I. 0, Stanley, Lamar Miller, ’ BumuH Charters, 4. Tj l'oiH?, W. II. Green, L. C. Benehaijt, T. J. Hlncksluur. norALi-'i Tilt! Hiatt* Hoatt. ,1* is pei-Imp* certain Hint some tiiniviiv will Io it:inoineed in ita legislature looking to llie ilcK|H>silinn of 11*iiwvtilmiltlf roml after i lit* pros* ■e«it.lea#i» expires. There seems to Iw limit* in some quarters tn get m ihe !u»i session in this direction. • |i Hrrtfuf.y «' tiiu’icr with which «ha* -legislature should have noihiug to do, uqd tiny meddling with it, will lu, lo sny i*:o hart of it, pre.itiullire nnd unwise. I guy t 1m# for this m*h son; i>-has bean the gvucrnl impres jrm, that, (hejueient lease will expire a iiiistake Manufacturer THE HKATEST Steam- Engines, Boilers, Saw Milli Grist IViiiis, Brown’s Cotton Gins, and Miscellaneous Madimeiy, H ardware, tinware, Cutler} , Gins, Beitin ron Pi|)3, b?i$s .ia i iron steam Sittings, Hancock inspirators, &c. •Jury foe First Mat ol Tniveno Hint Kecouri Week. .To n H I r.'W, Joint .'leCrai-klo Allred Hhcll, * Brumal llarrAisou, By min L. biwery, M. D. Hudson, w, I*. HiidUi, Henry it. vVyalL Kilby W. Hlcwart, W. vv. Bailey, JoM-pli Sumner, Andrew if. Tnuma*. 4. I). Horn, «lo*. Ji T'. btun!«y JC (» Turner G. li, Herrington umpon Lewis, JoliuW. IJcddn.glielil, Newton T. Goroitld. Harrell W. Given. Thomas 4. Lewis. HyJan. Jst 1800 Tim: is A careful inwaligulidu of the recor*!* of die Stale house, made to day. shews iJiat, lilt* leinc act was approved <*t i. 2«:11 1870, and the lease il-elf was signed Deo. 27tli 1870, the property turned over to the lesme. Tho lenso will, ihereforn, note.tpiie under (lie lorms of die ac> mrl i|,c oontraol, till 20 years thereuf.ei: jiamely Doc. 27th 1890. This will flivo the iogislalmo sncncediug this one, ample timo io look alter life future u£ the property. In looking [Jip theforecords, I found the follow, ing: in tl»e acts of 1870, ii appears that the Ltaio ant was approved Oui. 24th 1870. In tin original lease, on flla :u tho executive department, it is set out that the nut was approved Oct. 12th 1870, which“mhuiis to he a i iiiexcuaablo(h«orepui<f:y. In the Copy of t lie nets of 1870, i lie proper’ v of tho cxcicuiivo depir?ment. Iho fol. lowing appeur* in pencil on the mar gin of iho printed not, purport log to give the e.vucl tlmo of the signing of •Hie )ensc:.:> Lease beguu Die. 27th 1870 ubtmt 7 o'clock p. m. the subject of Hi aid road, 1 nndorfltood tn-day that the lessees 4utygliCftirpnying taxda' to tho | State .of L'otmcgsec, on the property of die ioad lying in . that State. Th(V0 Exdsut.fc’ Salot. By virtue ol an order from the court of ordfaary of Laurens comity, will l«i sold hclorc. the courthouse iloirir in the town ol Dublin. Lnitreas county, .‘it the first Tiles-' day In December next, within the legal hours of wile, lot* of laud .Vos. 170. IHO, 183 and 208, continuing 302J nerds each; half of lot No. SK y continuing 101 j aeies. and 1601 acres of lot No. 182. till lying nnd being in (he I Will land district of Lifer* n- '« unty. Hold ns Hie property of (Ini estate of Bieanor Clark, uoco.i-ed, for dis.iibu- lion. Term* cash. V. J. Cl,AI K, 4t A. JJ. Ci,a* k. November 1. 1880. * Executors. Aback;-oSy Pure. Ttits powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength nnd wHolesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot by sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight mum or phosphate powders: Hold only in ran*. Hoy a i, PoWiikk Co. 10'. Wall Hi. N. Y. xiU&T ARRIVED* i- WILL HELL EX t It A CEE AC 10 ULUbE THEM OUT. , , ; Way crow, Ga., Juh 30, 1886 I liad the rheuinatiMn for five months, , ‘ l, « {.took one bottle ul Hr. YVhitclfendT , , ""d it cmed me sound and well, nnd J hesitate not to rccomineud it ti; those wlio desire a blood purifier. Itespeettully, J f; Smith. L irge stuck v.f Engines, Gin uml Presses, Beltu Findings, injectors, Electors, Inspiinlnrs, for tinn Etiyine, Mill 1 ulid Boiler Kepalrs Pompiiy elono. Every day working 1UU (lands. Hespeettul|y F fteeii Years Lauretts county known us the josetih Blue 1 ' .hear place, for the year 1887 Will rent (lie entire place,,,containing about one hundred And fifty aercs of open laiid, and two framed hoiiKesiuid two good wells of water. Will rent the snipe at one viollar per acre Address me at Wrlghtsville, Ga. This October till 1«80. tf. JOHN I>. PACK. O KENT. On Monday Lilli of November nest, at the residence y t (he date J. P, Maddox, w.ll bo rentml to the hlyliest hhhler ih< old hoimelead. beUer kno.vmn tlie place: wheieon Klizaheth Maddox now; lives, consisting of a three-hoi»n farm, for the next fl\iyears, liegloniti? •huitinrv 1st, W Imt Hon. W, II. Wilder, Mavor <>t Albany, Go., says. ImitFered fifteen years with Itheunmtism and during that time tried all the so-called specifics that 1 cinlld hear of. One of them i paid i|0.0() per bottle for and look nine bottle* and received no benefit from any m „My graiabon, win, ruus on th. B. A :W. ifidlroiid. finally got a "bottle ol 1 . P. P. <Prieklv Ash, P.,ke Hoot mid l otus'snim) while in Waycross and induce., lo hike it. The first ’bottle liowedats won- ik'iiui L'lFcetH, uml atu*r conlfnulox Hit* use of it ior a short tune |hc Khcuniulisir. disappeared, and I feel like a new man. j lake great pleasure in recomnieuding it t<< it right now. If you want it everyday, send for the Duily, which costs $10 00 a year, or $5.00 for six mouths or $2.50 for three mouths. If you want it every week, send for the Great Weekly, which costs $1,25 a year or $5,00 for Clubs of Five. m WORKS WEEKLY CON STITUTION is the Cheapest! Biggastant! Best Paper Printed in America! It tom i3 pages chock lull of news, go* Ip and sketches every week. It prints mure runuuee than the story papers, more farm-new. limn the agricultural papers, more fun tlmu the humorous papers— be side* all the news, and il. 11HJK.S & CO severe case of Blood Poison that defied all tientincut. 1 went to several physi cians but found no relief, Finallyjl wen before a board of physicians at Tallahn-sei •and was examined, and my case was de clared to he a virulent case ot Blood p 0 i son, and .ill the medicines they gave me failed to eniiJiuilc the drendlul and niy life'was iu daugei .i f my IcM-arm, i:::.I .. , l'lace shiil my arm would luted. The .corruption-ifint the various sim-.. wat so olfecsiv disliked to ciimo iji coniact with my friend mid iieighliprs, 1 look ihirtv-two follies oi an Atlanta Bloiid Pun tier, aiso a lot marie ip Bullimoie, and in fact. very thing that I could hear of, hpt reci ivec ml liene- ni. i had ent,rely despaired vvln-n vour Gemini Agent. Air. t laikson, came here ml vert i. In- P.P. j>. (Prickly Ash Poke iioot anU I otussuihi) and immeed me to give it a trial. 1 got one huge bottle, took it, and ope ami a liaif small ones, ami ilia various sores hnvs lit tiled entirciy ami the new skill haa a clear, hearthy color, nml my geiieml health is better than it has been before in ten years. 1 consuh r ii the grandest bliiod im-dicine of the age, as such a small amount sh nvs ns WotiUcrful eilccis. I am agent of the F. It Oc N. li 1{. at tin* place, Greenville, Fla , ami take great pleasure in rccotmncmlingii Medicine •bat Inc performed such wonders for me. Itespeettully yours, J. W.'u'AAi.tlKHLY. Term lt-'Sfi. c . V.'hercin* K, .11, Wnll or admlnoini:o'. ou the estate of H. 11. Ivvlhml fiiis filed hi- «(>plleullon for leliCM of iil*mlB»!ou lTom mid administration. These the iherci'ore to die and n<lmon IhIi all norsous to Hiipvy ca'isc If any tin-, havii wliy It'ffofs of d|*inUsiqn frnni saii inliniiiistratioa »Uoiild not lie gr'anUid tie tJPpUe/Wt on the ills! Aloiiduy in Janu.ii < next. Given'under my ofilclal Klenntnrc thi c October 4lh 1880. Jons T, I) u.sov.v, Ordinary. LIKADvgUA‘<TElite FOii- son, and all the medicines th ,... disease . :r. 1 lost the use Mi l a physician at this • imvo to beampn- eamc; from that 1 --.v\o — T^ljALvgivS SERMONS, C 8« 3 Cents u AYeekl t come*.ottce week*-takes a whole week o read it i Ton can't well farm or keep house with- out it: Write yom name on a postal card, ml uesfi it to us, and vve will scud you Spcci ilreli Copy- Fiikm! Address Tilfi CONSTITI’TOIN. ALSO faints (a.i colors), linseed oil, vainisncs, vviudow, putty, wh.te lead, such loan •UmcvUuU oi usiievj, pson, muiKiog oi USnes, i,iuv; y.w,.ie uiiu bloWll), Lrop o.iiCK, Jj.oup oiaCtv, ..luwuics, UIuUkiiou o.:, luolps, iiiai^ ijauIUb, laotun.i, aelO^etie oiij iuiucuco, su.icn, umiiiics, ciCain laiUii, uiisuus, e>j i'.ii 0 cs, eye go^gies, nippie. smeiuo, sUpueulcis, mu: tiiUoites, uiiic.-io^, Ciiiuol.e oou A i, i:us.uie soup, i souU nippie* SIU.Uliter "i.iCi-s, fio soon, mum. Mill pe,ie, suijln.l, Ui Uie souii, oiu'i. 0 , n.,eu oils. y.i... e igCi, liuiu iilitii.egs, Ollte slum, C-ppelUS, UaVOl'iUg .......eo, .i.i»; c o O.-.., e i noisi. InoMu, me.isi pumps, U mug ueuiO, insoi otiup., miiui i.oms, i.i'u.eiUo „iu,e i o»ueis. i .a.., ..... pollU'eYs, ptkttSii, BuipiiUl soap, loa-.e, eoiwictiscu liiuiv, uicoigs e.l.iaei ui oee., ll.ipeiiui gililiUUi, piU.u uuU. luiiey Cuiioies, il'uil jut's, coin-, i.,i cans, uii, uoin giii ooeiS Up lu o-gai,oli jae.a- eis, me ee.eoiiuiu luuuci-t.'ppcei l..estmes, u’liu a iUii iiiioot me most pupuiar * C f K fiU i DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND fevers, MALAIBA, LIVER COMPLAINT. KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. tT U Invlfc-orcit. _ ]T c^vc* NEW lag ai»vl Da r .Lira to th* Unlit ui to tnVr, G whole SYSTEM and of omt v*:ac ReVeS toy Strengthening •» « Mod cin* tor theMuieTea. Ton, wenk «nJ Ailing \| n«. la* Nfc.UVf.8, Woman «aJ Chip KtdF I u.Jl ccmrLtelyDl. «lr , !n, * 9 Ctsimg tha food. i WYY^^YYVYTittT!h' T'f'Y ft ffYYffY tli<‘ l>luiul uml tlioucc, Hliorcmml, .All i|ui in- t|mt day niltl next, it nils itucvil itpwiu’tl tmvimuho const or 1' joriilu mul Aliilnuiin; ntni |u(nnis<'ri iu uxpanil its Oiibi^ien *uim* iiiiote ,9S0t’ tiot thoni Alubnitiu uml Ttqi(ti*H> fta', »N', innkiii/r jtg »v t ty ncmas Fieri ‘i'N It tvoati rly, tilt iumti-ly Hi Vet Vl»- I'ifell; wimls mIoii# tlm At laid it- coagi; bpt iu this pui'jinsc, if for rim- ,Vcjik*n^o i ho cleinciit* may no to Imvc* tLjiiir|H)»i>, it w»s ilyt'iJiUyd; hil Oe. tvtui’o it j-lmitiit-i] (lie III) ex ensito fidtl of hi^h Imro met or nml dry air Ve-Vyrinij; i.lic A limit i - cuas: win Hi! it wiK nituhlo to plutMiuu* ov mini.miiit. H.v t his it wua (iofictued ; fostih^ iisii|I m dumforons winds mid It it* If tide,*' at I'.-tis'acoln on tiio Ntli its dnt Mkiits lutitliing Kyw Oilcans on the J Jiii uml iu full energy s riking dm eua.'t bet we eh Nov Orleans nml (iajyestnn on life uftcnmoit «»f tlic J’Jtli, It wan mil :i icmni lenblo-htoVti), «* llie gulf «toinih gn, mul ita oh(v. ajipmcuilv e-vccpiiuiial: fruturo tv.»s the ion!.. K traveled, piling up wa ter*. mid pmunig tUem'i jhm dielmy of rexasd.’The jmsu on th(' gulf of Mexico sent pveii abdoi I foiiy.|m,tumiiutjiv, die coining of CmH'nrs ( oiiqiicnMl. The Swift ffpeuStlc Company have the ■ii"st endubdid'li' evidence as to the cure of fiuicer hy tlu-i lamotisincdicim., S S 8. Among others. John 8. Morrow, uu old uud highly w-techird cilizec of Flo.ancc, .Mu , ni.ikes tlie following statement us to the merit , of (his remedy. "l have been suiti ring with a Cancer in .my ligm car, for ulioiit three years. I sned various remedies ami witj treated with Iodide of Potash, which produced rltvummi! in. My feet and.legs were great ly swollen, so ihut 1 ooulii not walk. About one year ago 1 was induced to try t'vvift « tepeyific, which, smin ivmm ed the* iroublein iny liml.s, and my iheumatism >s now entirety gone and tnv Cancer is ■tensity impmving. teing better now than at any time within two years, ihis nudic EU lUi>liuiie mi nioicirood.tlmn anyihing else I have.tuUm. *i**.* Uu-et *’ •>! I am on the road to u spec ly euro. Un- doubtediy tewifi's Spec,tic is ti.t .eat blood purifier m the yvorhl. .Toil!* 8. Mouuow. Floreuce, Ala.. Sept. 22, ’{G. . I have had a cancer on my fact* formally years. 1 have tried a great many reme- fouV WltliOUt Ii uillto.'l ||yu Ml> hope uf ever being* cured. DrfHiard- miui, my sot), ( reemnuiemled Swift’s Spe- eitle; whichT have tukeu with givat m*, Milts. .My face L nlidost woP, end it is j 1 came lo Iir. Whi'cheiul 1 impossible forme toexpress,my tbuuks in epuht not walk, and auffere wonts for what tliw uudicim-has done U<1 sleep at jnght., In lac for »«»• ' i one of cuiitiniitsl 'suffering. , f ., Mlts, O., i V E 11 Alton an. | reupl pt Dr* Whlleiietid’s n ( " .< * <V t W f If jgT* A' bvwilr, *Vottn* ^ «“>. !• q r 11 u i b -X **? hv usd; n Mineral*, I* coin- f, gx IS ’i^ySflKr'iifi'.'bttlih posed or carelUlly* IV e*. ., • to tn it tty *ct*et<rd V*:g9ta |\ "A * * i,t liOMi bH ModiCios*. P 7 -jAt, iur«th( comuiood skill. -K v *.h a set e. h*i.i felly, lv.0Mn» « “W e»c*r^*byn«r ■aCo ond Clcueftnt 'J H«y)at , *c*»i Remedy. . ou i ef ibi r>r »il. tj »*l 0*n«,*.i» K)‘,.iHtli><tttiar k», mu w* cn(. u) . m no ...... (i.V.'i ua * luil.. Mill. VII) M Mui, - 1, Mtf.u • «WM.V .T Volina Druq and Chenduai Company, .* *.ero.o*t; kM.«. *. - 7-.IA GT UUJJU>>. .'iurc and elcguui Gologucs, cheap Colognes, Musks, Extracts, Magnolia Balm air Dye, Jrcauuiui J )iicl boups, i oiouuc, i iuiti 'aUii Fancy irowuers; couibs (ulk yics) wjotu musiics, xxau i>rusacs, Cooiucs Grusiics, bnuving Finishes, Couiuci 1 Hones, x.tiuits’i»nAcs, tueicii I.oxes, inciclibie auk, ruusn cooks, f-iy mg Cu.d. »»i oi usnus, Uaii uii, emu bpou^cs, ciinvui^ cruiii), u:c. L Legal Ciip, Foolscap, Bill I’apqr, Note scaling wax. mucilage, lnhcy box paper,' ’n)w;r, Letter paper, Envelopes (all size- blank books, ledgers, day -bonks, aecoun AVchster’s spellers, inks, pencils, slutw magic inkstand^, galcudar pencj — A full line oi the school bcok6 the Ptil. ic school ol Laureus coni.ty*. ; nook not in stock and furnob it* inonby is left yvith the trtw H. HICKS & CO., DCiiLlN. GEOltGiA. i.tooKs pens, pencils slates, school crayons. ‘V* ‘ ink erasers, paper fasteners, ro iber.bund* rulers, protectors, |«m liidders. Arnold’s W* ti- g l luat. i-ecently adopted by the School Eoaid f-.r Hynui Books, and B-idmist*. 83y~ WoKvill order an; tame ! u a short time ul publisher's pi ices, provided tj Mon me- Ga., Sept, 2. itetgl' Free From Malaria Aiitjaiti:, Rl\ Cyliadsf * auiiii 8-'. S. Tho ELDBEDGE " B " i.-) cold with th® guarantoo of being tho BEST that can he MADE iM'phuais midtM’gtim* ,h.v :t(n*r ivimrta Uld'^mted. , 1 In the fall of 18 4 l was taken with a i idnud- All case of malarial fever winch I'ntstnittoi tab j >>i | iMith Iwdy mul miml. 7 was UruggcOaftcr j vontmued t« ' .T mercury and other }h«vti hot Met bid vyuh no gu.»«t iv ! J. v cytml. I wus siiittterd iiud' inv { hftVv.wbrk®. it*;.* and M would j e< «P ami do ytsnly limbgtu i s,® cmnpleie die old t;isbiu») *viUt Uiioeiiil mixtures, Halts. My ncafi'h energy gone* -My swell. and! I had w|iui wits ilropsy. Thesesympittuus alarmed me, , and l was ready lo grasp at any rcun dy ! suggystejl. ,v mend udvuual me iv try ! tewift's tetH-elf.c. I procured ihrtv bottles iild tMimocaivil its u>t*. The swelling soon mt'M.hsI, 1 have ittken tfto ti»iax.* i .*»ttles, wmeu have made a |M*rLt,*l cure, ! uni I 1« 1 a new man tuslay. There never Wits a nmre iiuritoriouh medicine -Ifered to suiter in” humanity'. It lias vtoughl w- udi r» tor me. Wiu.isJoxks, la'cMturg. I<\* County. March U. 1881. ! For sale by all drug.i w, Trea! is*- ou Uhoxi ami tekin Di-eases i aiaik-tl floe. j Thotewdi tep'dilct'o., Drawers, Allan ! 1, Ga. rm J»« 0<Snc Pt-m to ts. Saw. Tlufl TluK!Ta»r« HoirTD.BuU Oik*. A Bulllu*' Slouc (i.tbtn *2 in.*. ttiiW. Tii-*». tt urrhir Bull. Ulus AImiIu, M»u9>*lu.. Salilfif; «r VV I., a J*c< CuwM Uua« A,«In. Aunl* Luurir. OtuudUMikcr . Cfcalf. A V.sudrriuj Slu-irtl I. ia tka Uluiuiiaf. T*»c Buck U v Hull TUmUkol OuuSUjc. Sj-Huc- Jth i" " r ‘«? —. , uglr -** rf ' m wan**. CirUkTurn efib'3 liir. ffkn O X\T SO CXS- W £•«;.“ Sk IjnnS* IW S aWt M H«*c T«lc..«k.» rw». Riivair. il .. ifaTu ®wS5!!X.| B b!''• Txoi! 5tr* T - jy« TW» U 1 !*>., .l Tt.i | Own I, Viruio lla'.i*. I..I Ut Dru \Vfc*a Us* Metals Su4«. *r*>«Mtf Sucl.ia. K'*V'S.-tf Ip. * )r.«r, ^ no Own. TO COt altk tka (;*!-,Uro ?•** liJs.Y 1- 1"* *? m Wu. 4 luj. nuii Si.»f, I’M LuW tfatkr Vui. AwaSuag. TkaMlU.r-. Jolly Sy** „* .-1>.‘« A>H'» IW ■•l." Tjf I> »l, r* I •- I..U4 Kata KlrVr. EIu*u 0...1 .vluit. R,). IV >j Wan q»»MI* Oo D.Mm. \v : .. b aou IS,. *«in ,-fjw. VV*. u Oar lOrlla a Ku al la, "Sk. »Ja.i J'WO sl»w*Y»*f« O I. T*)0 *>kl Vaowr* *,‘l. Tkc hi;.- au4th« Orar. Vft Cu.ViaiB.iu, O .• r.lio. p.ncy To. n?o!^L j* Ooal-kv*. Tn ) |V- *«) lSfc...# M <1* ta ** Stj-kutur." lion Kao* Away rr»M L.M Si r, ‘1^/*.* raaar Tklar V rv®rfw*i OsH VOWiOnt., I Uftlr*Uol tod )4)-t.'r V. . .*« «lr***l«.a..ilHWI.*A*.-kao-. \M *«M* l*a. \V. «*,« u W* r... rtv V *« ViW low Oil Ihwr #1.. xluy af is. Will J|w. ruW.ISi. RtuBr k'r, Ont Ik. Sir!- > .11, ‘yy-‘ntrn****i2}: tr^«,<* at*! rwi,i Vi Uw r<.uk«a xt* n.w. km. a*r. t Bwiua.- pau*Nkn>, •jlr a rwy Klaaw*. W«» Tu t, On Rat t.nx Coat*. I.raf of l>r r.v> fir Aaial SMkor'a TkU tfliil'iISla ** XSWW’WO M»Mipa)»»>w Ulna •!«* a Ox aeutV, M*..rriM*n URt" PA Uii A \I> AGENTS WANTED The x' ove medicit.- U for »o.’e wholesale and retail, at 303 and 300 WABASH AVE„ fllK'UiO, ILI> FILBiiaT STREET,