The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, November 17, 1886, Image 2

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1 ' ROBERT li. SMITH we have *2741,05. DiMlton-cmcu!* os p r vouch w from 337 lo 1,077 are f 1,811,12. Trannwrto balance *423,33. Bridge ferry ami shin house receipt *328,241- DLhurscmcntn from vauebef* 773 to tint *270.8?:). To Bolando *32,87 I. General fund —receipts *2721.71. i)i«hurmncnt.<t from vauelier OH* to 700 *1003,83, To hiditncc #1111.88. July Ulfi 1881) total balance on hand to 0*t« *2535,52. «ve notice that the unio int with which the ex-collector (A. I. Ililbuti) watt credited on tin; hooka ol the treasurer wna *1)302, Ui that In, the nnioitm clmrgi d to tteaurcr) Amount of teceipta in ililimn’a hands *0734,45* The difference was 72,20. Tills amount wua arbitrarily credited to t e ex collector jitM to make them corres pond Iml tile ex-collceloiK reeeipia really rooted up *t)8;4.1,.0 which would inaUo still a difference of #10. Among these receipts wna otic for #4ti wliieh was not credited, this being crod lied, left #00 to he arbitrarily indited, making the.aggregate of receipts balance with the aggreimic of credits, witli the' individual items do not agree. For each, limit, for which the collector holds a re ceipt, there ahould Iks, a corresponding credit cm the tioiaurer’a hooks. The IrpaMitrur Ims a receipt book now with uiuhs, which will aerve this end. Giving Air. Ililiiim a eredii lor nit his receipts Ihe amount JdP is still due up to Inly 17th I8fcttsa *222.41. A greater part of this has been due since J884. no forceful steps have lieen taken to collect Ihe same, imu no juiciest charged on later settlements* This in cheap fair- rowing iitonay, But while we, perhaps, cannot loo clearly exculpate Air. llilbiin from impure moilvcs, yet we cannot too strongly condeniu the practice of using the county funds lor private purposes, even under the dost positive prospects of leplaciug it; and this very IrnUsaciion il lust rales (lie uiieeViafnly of human uffuirs. There was one mislaku of *100,20 m the treasurer's honks, which we corrected; uud according to the corrected records the above balance is reported. ,vu, *2535.52. Wit lin n counted me money and found every dollar uud evciy cent of the money in me ircusiiry. The sheiiit■» and county judge's hooka wen correctly kept, lcgmiy written auu pfjperly indexed, mm. u. cost m the inl- ler i,emg legal rales. The seuoiil eoininissiouer's looks arc, psnnips, tiuetjuitled oy any id'tue oillceiV o.»oks its lo nearness, order and system; ev ery disbursement properly voucued tor, and every voucher, order, or irui.sier from tcitciiuis. showing the proper relation they hear to one another. \\ e iviviv d me cum" inisshihers nooks from is/1 to mthoi an ly IMHO, sVc hud thu senool commission er's account for idsn as toiiow.>; statu soiioui fund *207M,tJs. Kstimated poll lux *1338,hi. Bulunei) from '84. *;W3;>. Total (Mol,bl. Disbursements as per vattcho.-s 1mui to ti t *3312.Hi), Hnluncc on hand *8,ti2 Tills rcporl Is made up to ,1 **ly 17th 'M3 The poll ItiX is larger lli.'.n the estimate *1538,57 Iml the remainder will go tut the honks lifter our entry ntitl la nee should mu l*e compounded with bur report, to perplex Cite next commit tee. The ex-lax collector showed us during Ihe present coil'll. receipts which will re duce his Indcb'rduuKs, to *33,711. This amount is due from the late sliciifT.1. K. Perry, deceased, who was not aide to pay all he had collected hv that nm ipip; ami gave Hillam u duc hill; it is tfow insolvent and it would Is; hard to make Mr. Hilimit lose |t A. B. FARQUHAll & CO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER .17 18*0. J. A. PEACOCK, Editor, 1CKI.V AKII. fOKF. BOOT POTA8FIC M (T ROYAL 91 Mi? CKNER\L IMIKBISNTM13NTS Manufacturers and Jobber? of Of flio July Adjourned Term ol ulterior Court. THE GREATEST Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill* Crist Skills, Brown’s Cotton Gins, and Miscellaneous Much met y, Hardware, tinware, Cutlery, Gins, Beitin, ron Pipe, Brass and iron steam Fittings, Hancock inspirators, &c. htinreiiH November 10th, 1880. We Ihe grand Jury set ring for the pres cut term beg leave to make tile following funeral prcwiiintcnix:. Throng » diligent and careful inrpilry of ' Mimmilhcs into the tiunneia nlfairs ol tlie county, we Ibid dial our fondest hopes have been realized lit the w II kepi nr.d collect condition of every oftlccr'i* trust, and to this wc tender Ihe rc/nirf of the committee nppoiMlcd ut the -I an miry term, mid milmdiied herewith im exhibit “A.” While we recognize the fact dial it hits been a very nnfrOitful year, mid every one’s burden it wiems has been somewhat increased, yet wc feel that there is an ef fort on the part o (tic people ill large lo begin u n formation generally although there have been some cases of misdemean or, that crime is Iasi becoming lint work of llie past and we hope soon lo sec tin: lime when there will only lie pence and hnimotiy throughout the laud. Although there nrc numerous cases of complaint ami seeming differences between parties in Ihe county they wilfimt Itear tLv lull force of investigation, hut from tit/ 1 outset appear trashy and frivolous and in some can's they hear the semblance of induce, Imired and spite. We have through propercommdteiscx iimined the ol the public build lugs of the county and submit the report a* exhibit -il.' Also we have carefully mid diligently examined the condllioii of the boons of the officers of tlie dilt'erent militia dlstrictsainl herewith submit their report us exhibit 0. Wu recommend tImt the ferry ill Black- shears' on the bo placed in the keep ing of the ordinary, under the seme Yule- and regulations ns the ferry ill Dublin, mid that thu sum ol ll'ty dollars he appropri ated lor the ferry ul Dublin and tout the sum of twenty-live dollars ho appropriated for the ferry at illuckshears', each of Hie above slims per month to he used by tint ordinary lo unploy ferrymen for said fer ries,. Wc most cordially tender our lliuuks to tile court mill Its ofllctlis for Ihu courtesies extended lo us during the lime of our sil ling. 'I hut the above presentments lie publish ed in both ihe newspapers of ihe county uud f Imt each he pnid the sum of ten dol lars for the sumo. .1. II. Wolfe, foreman. T. J. Mlaekshcnr John W. Hark well, Daniel Anderson, .Mm, W. Jones. IT.nrles 0. Hush, Daniel A. Smith, James I). Jones, Latnur Miller, l.e- toy 11, Hudson, Hiunuul Chartera, Jorni II. Daniel, James L. lveuii, .lames T. 1'ope, Biliu M. Jones, .losinm Walker, .1. 1. O. Burnley, J. A. Harney, .James M Howard Br., J. II. Yopp, Dennett Ken. Latuicnh Sui'kkioh Copier. July Ailj.d. Term, 1880. Upon recoinmemlutlon ol the grand Jury It Is imlcml by l lie court Unit the nltovu uud foregoing general preKentments he published in the Dublin Post mol Dublin Gn/citc. C. C. Buitii, 0. ICflUPOt, Bol. Gen, , J. B. 0. o. C nxllllllT (A.) Georgia Laurens county Nov. fttli 1880. —We the committee appointed by the j mini Jury of Laurens superior court at tlie last January term 1880. fully realizes importance of the high trust;" mid we recognize tlmt we have beer selected from the jwoplu to inspect the records of the Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical limn the ordinary kinds, and cannot lie sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight ilium or phosphate powders. RoUl only in oiim. Hovai. Baking Powdbb Go.. 103 Wall rft. N. Y. . Albany, Ga., August 1, 1885. Dr. Whitchcnd- Dk.mi Bin:—I Imd u bad case- of bio poison, which for two veurs defied treatment. One bottle of 1*. P. P. mu a peiimment cure. John Gafknky. JUST ARRIVED! WILL SELL KXI UA C1U!.U- 10 CLOSE TUTSM OUT. WavcrosH, Ga., July 30, 1885 I had the rheumatism for ‘five months, and i took one bottle of Dr. Whitehead's P P P and it cuicd me wftind and well, and I licsitate not to recommend it to I hose who desire a blood purifier. Iiespcetfully,, j Smith. Large stock of Engines. Gin nml Pivssoh, Belting, Packing, Oil and Findings, Injectors, Electors, luspimtors, for i mined into delivery. Engine, Mill and Boiler Repairs Bumpily done. Cast Iron and Brass Every day working 1G0 bands. it right now. . <• . If yon want it every day, send for the Daily, which costs *13.00 a year, or *5.00 for six months or *2,50 for three months. If you want it every week, send for tlie Great Weekly, which costs *1,25 u year of *5,00 for Gluhs of Five. Till! W'MilUY CON- IRON WORKS is the Cheapest! Oiggestand Best Paper Printed in America! It bus 12 pages chock lull of news, gos dp and sketches Jvery week, it prints mere romance than riiu story papers, more farm-new* than the agricultural papers, more fun Hum tlie humorous papers—tie- sides all Hie news, ami Xj-A-JDSTGr <5c "W XXj r X , _ - . SANDERSVILLK, GEORGIA. Manufacturers and Deale rs in Steam Engines ol nil styles. Saw Mills, Grist Mills (lotion Gins, Presses and Machinery of ali kinds, A full line of bnb' er and Leather itching kept in stock. Steam and Water Valves, Steam Pipes and Fittings, Inspirator5. Machine Oils and Mill Supplies. Kepair work solicited and promptly done and as cheap and well as can be done. All machinery sold by us we guarantee to lie as represented; Write or call on usfor Prices und dcscripto of anything wnutedia tic* machine line Jun e 10 T3-( in II. HICKS & CO —AND— . TALM AGE’S 8ERMONS. <’ nm 2 Cents a Week! i comes onee week- -takes a whole week oread it! You can't well farm er keep house with out it! . Write your aa'me on a postal card, ad nes-i it to 11s, and we will send you Speci men Copy PltKK! Address THE CON8T1TUTOIN. faded lo eradicate the dreadlul disease and my life was in danger. I lost the use of my left arm. and a 'physician at this place said my arm would have* lo be ampu tated. The corruption that eaaie from the various sore* wat so offensive that 1 disliked to come in contact with mv friends and neighbors. I took Ihirtv two bottles <d an Atlanta Blond Purifier, also n lot made in Baltimore, and 111 fact everything that I could hear of, but receiver no hene- fU- Iliad entirely despmml when your General Agent, Mr. Clarkson, came here mlvi rtising P. P. P. (Prickly Ash Poke Hoot and Potassium) ami induced me to give it a trial. 1- got one large bottle, took it. and one and a halt' small ones, and lha various sores liavs healed entirely and the new skin has a clear, healthy color, ami my general luailh is belter than il has been before in ten years. 1 consider it tin* grandest blood medicine of tlie age, as sueh a small amount sluws its wonderful effects. 1 am agent of the F. U. AN. li K. at this place, Greenville, Fla , and take great pleasure in recoinniendiiiga nu(Heine lliul ims* performed such wonders for me. Respectfully y ALSO— Paints (all colors), linseed oil, varnishes, window glass, putty, white lead, sash too whitewash brushes, paint brusncaj •marking mushes, glue (waitc and brown), Drop black, Lamp black, anuimes, iimehmists o,!, lamps, lamp fixtures, iunterns, kcrosen* on, mulches, March, marbles, cream tartar, trusses, syringes,* eye goggles, nipple shields, supporters, slice brushes, bJ.mkiag, eurbohe soup, eastile soup, rubber nipples Mummer maces, .*ai surni, alum, salt peue, suljiiiur, hi curb fcbUa, btuuig, fixed oils. rsM-iii.. u.w. *, g,i ger, eioves. nulniegs, blue stone, copperas, llavoring exiraets, mauuu, .ndigo uiud, Spanish bruwa, breast pumps, fi lling 'uckle, razor (trap*, razor hums, lioiMom's iircatl Powders. Patapsco powders, potush, sulphur soitp,.mace, cotaieiiseU milk, Lit ag’s extract of heel, imperial gruuum, plain and limey candies, fruit jars, corks, oil cans, all sizes, from gill oilers up lo5-gullon jack els, the celebrated tUnnel-lippcd measures, and a full line of the most popular Tim prcM'id grand Jury will per Imps take action on il and give ihe matter definite shape. I>, J. (h-AUK J. IL Yon*. B. IL Black sm- - a tt, Committee. To the I Tot, <>r<t He OntntlJurj/ /.mins,1* .‘*«- jH'riot C «.*/. .lulu A fjoum^l T< nn: Omtlrmrni I hereby suhmil the follow Inn sport lo to yoiir’'biiily in otunpliance will. law. I have collected and oahl to tlieeiiunty treasury the folio vinr amouats of county funds. Since my ’a I report front'll. I’* Howard for Ills insolvent lax *81 • *10.00 Lunatic Asylum *10.10 *20,40 No oilier public fnpda 1 lootf fodnju* into my Imuds since mv in l report. John T. Duncan, Ordimry. Sworn to an l subierih.'d befora m • Nov. 51 li 1883. Happy Smciii. 01 erk. CamTH's ( oiHiuerod. The Swift Specific Company have Hie most cudululnhlc evidence as lo the cure of t inn er by Htei famniis mwliclue, S S S. Among others, John S. Morrow, au old and highly esteemed citizen of Florence, Ala . makes Hie following statement as to tlie merits of this remedy. "1 have been .*tillering with a Cancer in my right ear, lor about three years* 1 tried various remedies and was treated with Iodide of Botiish, which produced rln uniat inn. My feet and legs were great ly swollen, so that i could uo» walk. ALiHt one yem ago 1 was induced to try Swill’s Specific, which soon removed the trouble in iny limbs, und my rheumatism is now entirely gone und my Cancer is Mcndily improving. being better now than at any time within two years. This medicine liasdotu* me more good than anything t-b-e 1 have taken, uud 1 lecl that I Hilton the road to u speedv euro. I’n (I mhtcdly Swift s Specific* is the best blood purifier In ike world. John S. Mointow. Florence, Ala., Sept. 22. ’84. —Such ns— llostctter’s Bitters, McLean’s birenglncning Cordial, Brudlleld’H Female op Billers Ayer’s Cnuny iVuloi'al. Sarsaparilla and \ tliow Dock, Soothing iiegulator anor’s irou," iome Parker’s umgef Tonic, Bull’s Cough Syrup- Syrup, It’s Cordial, Indian Blood Syrup, Groan's Augu-t Flower, Glob* GoiJirey’s Fryer’s File Ointment. A Ayer’s flair Vigor, Hall’s Bair Re- Flower luithuuou Trieoplierous, Simmons’ Liver Kegulait-r veer Cure, De U eu eRminiiialtve, Sale Kidney Cuie, Ague m Oil, Carling Oil, Mustang Liunuoui, Voicaute . yours, J. W. ItAMMERLY. mil the following as our ivporl. TUU OtlDINAhY. W'e have examined the numerous books of the Ordinary viz: Bridge* ami ferry bonds, minute.* of the court of ordinary, minutes of thu court of nrdiunry for county purposes, book of immiul returns, book of wills, marriage license, short lipmestead, appraisers, book of Miles, ai.d book of years support; iiIsj bridge dockets, justice of tlie peace docket*—an Invent ion of Ids own—consta ble bonds. mtmV bonds, and guardian boiwL We enumerate the books to show what a mountain of Complex duties devolves upon thvordlnarv. Vet ihalofilccr stepptd forward Hku a ripe seholai anxious to re cite ids lesson, nud presented us for exami nation almost a cart load of hooka each o*w of w\ i.*h is a marvel of no,ln„'83, cor* r< ctly kept, legibly writteu ami properly Ittlexed. The tax (ofiector anil tax receiver pro *« d«l h sri of boohs which arc a parted t aragou of ue.Uue s. unoxc lied—and we may say utictptalcd—by any pixcmhng I ix collector ami ivetdver's books of this county, for correctness, with no mistake in them huger than two cents; aid this whs t o mistake, liaving liappeued from liding the in 11 from tlie different a nottut of laws. W e glean from the receiver's boolts, that tlie tolslainotiul ot taxutiieprop my in Hie county tor '85 was *4,333,440. Grea*s tax * *11,340,13. Amount not digest 4288. , ’ *11.082,87. Insolvent list and errors in digest jfdv.'.bU Jtalamv due lliecouuty *11,320,08. Aggregate union ut of receipts ^from the troosuivr In hands of collector iinmu Oct. MUt 83 to April Milt '83 is *11.323.08. llm> having made a complete settlement with the comity. W'e examined the treasurer's bOAka buck II white It. T. D uniny was tax diRector uinl We fouud that that ofiieer had made a mud setUemeiu with .he county lor what he was uttre la luml. Having .-ecu tut on- try upon tlie trvasunu’s books made in 1K42 JuL 2.iid by a eoiumiiU'Cuf whicti •ouooi uur vouuuiiu* was a member wv Waunra the balance these reported as s bush* of our caleulultons aud starting point. drid. o furry and sluts house fuud *361.51. i Gone ml fund *102.43 ! Uahuu'r due tomsurtr ItoiJ.oy. 1 Jury tMdiii ..•■u v ourt rxjKUse fund *11*3,55. 2an I8HI on haud to date *10X1,53.: in* Imi.ugtbts oukhtuI with Ihe teeviptsj from jury'it .Jifl and court rtitnrr luud j .. ... .. Way cross, Ga,, Nov. 15, '85. Dr. \\ . II. Wtnu-hcud: Dkaii Siii;—A1 your request I will state my cus. Some years ago 1 contracted mu h:ria in its most violent form while living at Newark, N. J. J consulted various physicians und took numberless prepara tions recommended as sure cures,” Imt it stuck to me like a brother-or more like a mother-in-law. I finally came South, ami while hero tried new remedies said to "al ways cure malaria, hut it slack to me, and you know, tlie old broken-down condi tion 1 was in when 1 came to you. You put me to taking your F F F and 1 im proved rapidly, and am to-day iu as good health us 1 ever was—in fact better. As a remedy tor a broken-down constitution it has no equal. Yours, etc. T P Cottle. Arabic, Peruvian Chili Cure, Cutmii Cuill 'J otic, Holman's Liver Fads, Brew ers Lung Restorer, Mursuuil’s Prepared cubeb Cigarettes, Luetopcpuue, S. S . S., ami blicenlekl's Meuieuleu block t ecu. Hull'a Yegetaoie Worm by cup, Bull’s Buby Syrup, Boy u’s Buttery, Hay's Kidney Pun, Worm Conteetions, Aleoek’s Porous Plasters bUvuglliemng Plasters, Henson’s Luucuie Plasters, Kietier’s Peruvian Liull Curt I desire to rent'out my plum nt'cti hi Laurens county kn uvn m Hie Jqsepli Bluet* .iieitr place, for Ihe year IS87. Will rent the entiro pliye, containing aluml one hundred mid fifty acres of open land, and two framed houses-and two good wells of water. Will rent the same at one dollar per acre Add less me at Wrlgh'svllle, Ga.. Tills October 4th J88tt. tf. JOHN D. I* AGE. I have imd a cancer on iny face for many years. I have tried a great many reme dies, but without relief. 1 almost gave «U hope i f ever Ling cured. Dr. Hard man, my son, recommended Swift’s Spe cific. which 1 have taken with great re sults. My face is almost welt, and it is impossible for me to express my tiiauks in words for what tills medicine lias done for me. Mils. Oj.ivk Monroe, Ga., Sept. 2, 1884. .'fare aud eieguni Colognes, cheap Colognes, Musks, Extracts, Magnolia Bslm llair Dye, Beauutul Toilet boups, Pomade, 1 lain und Fuucy Powders, Combs (all styles) lootli Brushes, i\ ml Brushes, dollies li rushes, bliavmg Lruslics, Countei Btuslies, Ladies’Knives, Mutch Boxes, indelible ink, Pocket Looks, playing Card flair bruslies, tian Gil, BaUi bponges, bhavtug Cream, Mo. M1LLRR BROS. STEEL PENS THE MUST IX VSK. Wh»*n nut for»ato by local <Jmlcr», vr# wilt mm! U trailing ,lvlo» in 11 bovcv cf t doxen cacti, on KCciptol 1 ityte* School lVn», 4 boxo*, 1 doa cacti, 00.4 X 4 •• ItuMnccx •• 4 •< 1 •« •« .4.1 4 " Busluci-* As Stubs,4 boxes, 1 itn*. each, .45 Atom m iiuir m amt co,smh».ro4g T ids is to certify flint 1 liud the rlieunui' tbm for three years. * , ,. . 1 Imd two plivsi- emus to treat nie; also took eight hoitles (huge si7.e) of b S S and spent ruouov for several other miHiiciues. t: aw adverliseu ascertain cures for rheumatism. \\ lies, 1 came to Dr* Whi’chcnd 1 was helples*i could uot walk, ami suffered so 1 eould laiUf.HM.8ii | “«t Geep at night. In fuel my life was In the fail of 18 4 l was taken with a | out* of continued suffering. My brother ease of mala rial fever which prostrated me , heard of Dr. Whiteheads remedy. (1‘riek- bolh body and mind. 1 was drugged after ly Ash, Polk Root and Potassium) and the old rushiou with mercury and other. brought the doctor out to see im*. and he mineral mixtures, but With no good re j put me to hiking P P P. *i | lC results suits. My health was shaltcrd And my I were uslonlshiug. 1 soou dropped nn* enerav gone. Mj legs and feet would, and began to walk swelh and l had what everybody thought about. All the swelling went down uud 1 whs dropsy. 1 kesesymptoms alarmed me. was rr-e ol pain alter taking oue bottle. 1 nml 1 was ready to grasp at any tvmedy Coutluucd to take it until I bud taken suggested. A triemi advised me to try throe bottles quart size and was thorough- owlft s Specific. I prmmred lbree Ihv-'.-s mxd. 1 went to work on a farm, ami commenced it* use. Thu sxullm: r d steadily ibis year tending a soon subsided. 1 have Inkeii ihe lu.iv uud doin^ oiiuV i,..». u..rb i,. ft.,., Li l) OKU J XD br ATMS Mil Legal Cap, Foolscap, Bill Paper, Note paper, Letter paper, Envelopes (all siz* scaling wax, mucilage, fancy box paper, blauk books, ledgers, day-books, accoun books pens, pencils, slates, school crayons. Webster’s spellers, inks, pencils, slate* ink erasers, paper fasteners, ru >ber bauds rulers, magic inkstands, calendur penci protectors, peu holders. Arnold's Wiling Fluid. A lull line of the schoolbooks reccutly adopted bv the School .Board for the Pub ic school of Laurens county, Hyiun Books, aud Psalmists. £2^“ Wc will order uuy book not in slock aud furnish «ame *u (.short time ut publisher's prices, provided Ihe money is left with the orerr II. HICKS A CO., feb 18-tf DUBLIN. GEORGIA. *ficCma€ordial DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHIUS AND FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. JT tx tnvtcorat. _ ]T c’.ve* NEW l!>C t:\i D»- A\_ * LIFE to th« lifhtAit la ( Ae, L*. j \ whole SXSTF.M •nd of r.reet value W l (V1 by Stroncthcning *• • M. ,h«(ne for the Mueclea, Ton. BALLADS rl iAL‘.‘.MAAWv* f>Ori i AUtl w no hurtful Mineral*, la own* font of care hilly eel tel i V«c*t« bit Mrdlctnre. comblnrd aXitt- fully, i.a.'u • Safe aril I'lu.aal A book, •Votlna,* ' * kyltitflni >l.viivlane, telling *-W U treat dia* *»«* at LOME, I'tiW, together vAhaartaOvaad. ome cardahy pew iellot VjM yreccat, at receipt of toe. The above mcdlciuc Is for vale whole *: ,l and retail, at Ft HR TAX COLLECTOR. 4 respectfully aunmiuee mvarlf a earn'd tliite for TAX 4OLLl.t TOIt of loiurena cuuiily. I Ihemfoiv earta^tly ailinl UtO support and influence of t very citizen. c. b: moo rp„