The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, December 01, 1886, Image 7

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ih r.iJN dost. DU 3LIN GV. DK EMBER l. U f oruJk «1.56in year iu itlvlvnce To .Ministers $1.00 m»i\yeur. TUB DUBLIN D<JS$,A.ND drum*!* IY*j£kly iViiwsonc ycai. 3 7ft SouthernFahm. Mokthia* ** " 2 73 r*iJtuiiAPii<fc Messkngeh “ “ 2 73 ShimricRK Woui.D, * * 2 03 Atlanta Constitution, “ * 2 50 ClUUSTIAN ADVOCATK, ** ** 3 50 c^Christi.vk Iniikx, “ *• .3(30 “ renewals " 3 75 Registered at the Post Office in Dublin as Second-Class Matter. — Local Affairs, December' Is'. 1 Bjfedo r. ' Ordinary'!* * emir ii«nSc.t Monday c ..,»«!*«,> mnviv^i t..: . ; . I$UI -ii;»•£ J»*t s «*ra M rlJI;IVJJ*m i ii: ■i'samfeiimhmnwafWAe, L . njDiiHi tlt.Vu.lUW'Ml. ill thi 3 .U3 orlliiu i or-, o . ,u -f.r.ut. . .Head no;tee of liii^vu to sell Intul in t ils isatlU- "pdf rjwri ‘Hr. A. H. Small, of Macon, wju in the* city Mj. »’ 8 MPJflHnion^iifadl of Lovett, waain city yesterday. Pe»er FrautHTni! the barker, and many* commeLCi^J-men ■witePnr mcnwimtlwnmmg p ijy$iir re li ve ke ti*e A good-intihy of our farmers are nfmsttktmwscs. t*iffb*a:sft*3i3: o«»>n- cr^^Sgfrtt^^ititogjnber, - 8 The sft9Alta4 Leiiigput in first C-ass coudiiiorrtrr’ihc town amohri: tied STMA AfrWi&T WaAlA Messrs. W. T. Dnnie *, of Nickle rille, were in the cilv yesterday. * ,.3VA M8AI3AW aftS bno S8€ Lock u now sidring Shoes, bo'll 4ff**RfK&>KRif»meu's wear, as ehoa|t r,()4jt&0 bft boiighiiifiirfte acity.: *j if. j The tax collector is ill the city and will be here until Saturday nexi, iykkh tune’^is - (£>oks J wflD be ll hUSM™: Tricot Flannels for a mere song at Lock’s. Cull at once if you want a bargain in these goods. if. TR* new conductor on the iiassan- ’ger of'tl'ie tjubliu and Wrighisvilk* railroad will doubtless give general Satisfaction Cashmeres so cheap that it will make your lu»tt«l‘sWiiiR at Lock's. Tiy him and tie convinced. if. iuOail on M. L. Jones for Coffins aiitl Casketk when in need of t|U*iu. ■. udv. tf.- , | ,1'iJk • '' ■ " ' ■ ■ ' ' ' • • Miss Minnie Castollaw. of Sau d(M«%rllis is visiting : the family of : ,Pt. k. a. ttigiu ower, this place. S' ^o one can sell'the same q<uilhv of goods any cheaper than >f. L* Jones. : lh ■ :il " ' tf. | l steamer Laurens made hef first trip for several weeks, down tbe river InstTveek. returning with a cargo of §|drWditfd rosin. large ■oon he floated down tho river from * Clio Dtiblin ferrvi they having beep in course of -constradtion' for a day or two. -"] -%tH>l&'-merchants' are • prepaViilg (or Cl,ri«,n«, S' •tores with holiday goods, and the aTcrage juvenile )b < happy yviih the tbo ‘^i<-" *4lJll> OM-usI >■.:< ! Mias Mattie -Bi Ramsay, of this titjff' w oil’ll visit Ib ' ^elatitW' Hnd friends in and around feistman.. ,lt is hoped Unit she will'havea pleasant, visit whileaway. Wiley Lock, having succeeded the firm of Perry A Lock, is now nndi i- •elliug the average merchant. * Call on him if yon waut your money's worth. tf. Mrs. A. F. Wayne, formerly of this county, but now of Brunswick, spent last the city. She is in Uio county looking after the rental of ngi;,plant at jun.*. :! j 1 M rr S.' B:~W trtpjMtVTrr t oPni'.TIvr was in the cit) one dnv till** week. He. is looking alter ins inlelvs's m tliiK county. President Tliomas. of tin* Hubfni and Wright suite railroad, is to tile city iu attendance upon a meeting of i he directory. Owiiu to ill • add 'went tier at tin time ilie omside of ii»is paper was priniml, toe pres ii i i win* unabii' iu nuke a fe*v"of uiem ,, Siio*v up. * Engineer Ora g, after lulu ting •lucks several days d**wn the Oconee ru*r, hasjivlunied. He-:took It but III litliilllig. for heRU\> illlli I)** ditfu’l ^•:t a single shot. You can ci i llunfvvaiv aim tj ioeer lea lioui lioe.k a- elieap as at any place ilus fside tile huge markets, lo lie eiiiiVi<*'<:ei| la but lo call and ask tor pric s. if. C. 11 ^<ip|*■aiiiitiuncea his eiioMi • tact f**r mx .receive i ul ibis county, tie is fully capable of tin t.barging the diities of die ofticeutiHl if eleete*! will I ilouhiless ju^t^jsaiSttlieieiu otlicer. . The Augustaibsoa and Sandehs- illliiartomi m ib»Ji|l'Otifif ' ; ; ent uito il’l tyi n<t Fuiif schodfife^ivMt^fnitf llfeilci last Sunday An exeuisiuu will he given over the road nexi Friday. Call ini M. L. Jones for fine 1 > res - Goods, Jerseys, and in fact almost anything you may wuiH you will find at his store. if. The bajjjff j ^*j(ld, some personal, property be*foro the courthouse Iasi .Monday. One horse Sold for the small «ni|itll.QS.v ’ |t cannot be longe| sal'^ilint r|e «poor can’t ride. M. L. Jones lias a fine assortment of Millinery (totals just from New York. Call on him, at once, if you want a good stock to select from. tf. The schedule of the Central rail road changes next Sunday again. In stead of the Savannah bound train pussing Tennille at 8:1(3 a. in., it will pass that point about 1 p. in., or after. A surprise .pat I,v was enjoyed at the residence of Dr. H. II. High tower last Thursday night. A good crowd was in attendance ami music and innocent games were t he ordi r of i lie evening. Central railroad s-ock lias reached 133, caused hy a fight now being waged for t Ii•• pi ed lency of said road. Thpifight is bang made b Col. Al exander mil hit Is agpm t Picsidciit Raoul. M. L Jones keeps in his dry goods i!epa!;tn*e|i : t a I .ply assistant' of line taste to"asstsi ladies in making pur chases. Call on her ami give her a trial. She will ho pleased to serve you. udv. if. Mr. T. M. HVhtower killed n turkey and an oposoim a few morn* mgs ago. lie 'deel;lred vengeance aga'tist the Lit: key o.i the juev i<*uj, evyiriptg; 1 ;i|fjerjthe;fo,vi|l had shown himself and defied all danger. i J T.iSuliUi’ vvill buy your chick ens, eggs and butter, seed cott <ii and bale cotton. > ! < |* ■;; t { ; AKD S dl you goods . as cheap as any body in D,a1)liii. : : 1 ; j «.he atrubl railroad i.riilge is near Mgaoiifpltltibir, and when completed it will lake but a f«*^v days 19 fini-'li up the road. Dublin will then bo in possession of an enterpriso thai no other town of her sjze can boast of. Coi^idoriihje sqtytjf ,tjq*b«r is being4»»tfila®oM ,w ll>«^%tT§iin and Wrightsvilje railroad to r the river, whero it is being arranged into rafts preparatory to .floating down tho river to Darien. Mr. L. C. Beacham bus, we understand, a groat deal tlmt ho will get to tho market in this way. . r J. B. Jopes and F. D. Beall a 10 candidates lor re-election to the offices of tax collector and tax receiv er. They have proven themselves to be both efficient aitd faithful to the trust reposed in them, and w II, if elected again, prove true to the county and their constimeuts. tf. Messrs. Isaac Martin. Edward Isaacs and George Dure, throo act ive kiiiglus of the mud, were in the city yesterday. Miss Julia Ilerudou, who has been visiting relatives and friends in >a • lersvile for the past several week*, retiirni'd to her home on Sunday last. Til® ppfrrpinm w Her. It will I*, tvineuilnje'l Iff thn»e who 101(9 thv' lii'i gi4n«l jury present imuMS that 1 Ik bmiy of jmors framing and s ha pi eg ;ln ihreComiheiiiU'd (hat (tbj ordinary be aiiTnhitaed t*r«eCiiie the services of iwogood and laithfol nieiwlo at tend uo the ferries for the e»-uing year, ami nanud the price to •a- paid 1 hem. ' i/.: •50.00 per month: for rbKkvicp 1 nj&hf Dublin ferry and V25.00 per, month for Blaekshetii'V IvUjl'V- lliu it seems that the plan hit upon Was calculated to bring about strife among neigh Inns and cittaiin*.- as was evidenced by, tlie cxeiied en thusmsie in Buckeye district over ‘■v*n putyti *s seeMMg ihe appiiipimeiii. ;('\i'o men in BuckeyoMistf lid In orllei *■ delyat I he prgseui feirymun. Mr. Skipperi who'hn* proven to he dill gent ami faituful 10 the discharge of ins dru ms imtiksl riomily eiieulaleit ,a’5pi ' 111*1.11 f* r rig u a mites liLtlualile . 0 .lie ajipointmeut of a Mr. Howell, plri'ieupou liu* filrmla ot Skipper tie6nnie equally as euilnisiastie in the eirchlation of one tti his he|mlf. Judge Diiiiciui, being ad vised of the stale of affairs existing in that neighborhood, a id not feeling it in cuinbeiit upon him to settle the dif ferences, knowing t hat he could not do 11 to liu* satisfaction of both par lies, wisely decided to put a stop to it, and accordingly issued a notice that the ferries would ho let to the lowest bidder oti t he 18t.h ' day of tiiis month. This was, owi tg to existing circumstances*; the be'ter plan, and one at. which no one can rightly object. Dr. (Jhappell, of t his county spent, last Sunday with I)is family in Ma con. The clevei- end enterprisiuj ci;i- zens of Poplar Springs iieighborlioo * have in course erection a magnilleem church Imildmg,evincing a pride, wor thv if emulation. Ii is being erect ed near the old church, and is under the supervision of that skilled me dian ie, E G. Leach. Married.—At. the residence of th • bride's father, in Johnson conn tv. Mis.%-Nancy Smith was married to Mr. .J. 8. Drew, Jr., of (hiscoun ty, M. Thigpen, J. P., performing the ceremony A Is* on '.lie same day. at the liom* of the tii'i'l*-’- riudlier, on Buekev*. this cooirv. Mr. S J. VLi'hi. vs >v.;*. married to Mrs U die Move; Be.v It. B L'*stel* 0fHei.1i ing. Tfljs Post offers conic.oil!.I mil hap hu I Rest wishes to tli COll|i|* si Jacob .Maas, a mndiaui f O.oe i- ran. Jus fai 1. His IiaIti111h-m amoun to §40.0(10. 18,000 10 $10.0U0 of which fulls ini Mui'oii merchatiis. .Maas was a. dealer iu gimeial inei' chamlisc, and was considered one of 1 lie* iiiohi inunt. merchants ot that section, supplying farmers and in,hi 11 faciarers wi:h dry goods, gro curies, etc. The building iu which lie ■ does tmvinos* is worth six or seven thousand *1 I'urs. The cause of tint failui0 is assigned to the siiingency of the Limes. Captain T. A [jingo, who )n» h uniil quite recently held the position • >f conductor of the freight train on thv Eiitouion and Gordon roil road, has lieidi appointed conductor on the Dublin and Wriglitsv i|l<* pasbougei und freight train. The promotion is a deserved one, us Captain Ling** is till affable, efficient and accommo 'dating geiitleinuti. l]is many friends throughout the State will be grata He* I len1m.9f his.good luck. The Cm- l lailroaiKs.- interests will be ad hcotl by^sncli vvik** soleciious; - ■Bo^Tt-legraphr" ^“ &Jjf ' " To the Farmer*. ^planted live acres of tin* Pety'i k n co||on!seed this*y<*ar, from which * gaftltiicd 0,000 pbu nils of sued c^ton, yielding 2*100 j ! KHiiids of lint, jf pin on^sack <4 Jb<hH £.\lgri^iafi & to tin; Hcro.£j£; can sagtgsHy that M the hedq fiitt*.- ; I h«\J2j over k«cii. Jt vvas&i^Jure- 8*imqC6y rain in iho spring mod tin drmJtJ? in 1 lie fall. 1 huvgj \% l)itj|j/<ffi of .t.ilij-, - p-tl for sale uittl 0 per; bushel. ^^844 J- -M- IwMx#) 1 TiiAT HACKING COUGH cap 1> so quickly cured by Hhiloh v fare. W* guarantee it. : tj| , 2 \\'UjL Y<)tJ 8UPPEIt^vil}yDriqfep. ms and.Uv«r CoinpluiulT KhilobV Vuuu- zir is giur.uiiml to cttru<*yo«ua^<' 7 blHUWP.S VlTAteUt i- what pepsia. P|i|.- IV iH*;i rfr -aa. ,»er bia ,<n«t»<•!; *U U< *»»*0 »(•• if ,»*» •« *•»«•> •:< tie. T.oiip tonlgtq tlus county, is on- delgoing repair, R**gi>,tel* and S fici btlld. contractors, superintending, 0 sim.oirs COUGH mul Consul apt* Ion Cur** Is sold by a. on a gutti-tuilcc, ii cures Constiittpllmi. 8 CROUP, WHOOPING COUGll Slid Hroneliitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. 3 SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made mis erably by that' 1 terrible cough. Hshiloh’s Care is the r*.;nedy for you. 4 CATARRH CURED, health and nweet breath secured, by •'hilob’s Catarrh' Remedy. Price SO eeiUs Nasal Injector free. 5 For lame brick, side or dust, use. Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Debtors’ Not ce. All persivns ind*;bteii to the firm of Perry. •Ss Lock, novy diss dyed ate requested to make iinmodiaie settlciaent or tb. ii ac- count wiU'be placed In’au otllcur’a bauds for collect iou. ' WILEY LOCK. Dec. 1st 18d«, 4t. For Tax Sffccoivsr. I heereby amiou’vce myself a candidate for TAX RECEIVER ot'.Laurent* couuly at the ensuing January election, ami res- spectfully ask the suffrage of my fellow citizens, 13. F. DOMIN' Y. For Went* The Thomas X Roads place contttinivg from teu to twenty horse farms, a g^od dwelling, seven tuna'M. houses, ginlunise 1 , barn, lluvu'tmdcs. one t,\vo-iiorsu wti-ma, 193 bushels of coin. 1084 .biVmil*.^ of rai der. 200 bushels of cotton seed. T116 l uds aie higulj fertile ami iu a liealtby and desirable loeality. Alion place known as tl.c Specer place embniqtng a six h*nw farm. For pariicunrlurs apply Vo Wli.Lt M UnaiKur Laurens Hill- BiHUiission. Lauronft 'Court of OrdiAarv,' Octobe,- Term 1383- Whereas K. II. Walker administrator on the. estaie of R. 11. KelWin has tiled lus application for letters of dismission from said administration. These aie therefore to cite and admon ish all persons lo show cause if any they have why letters <;f dismission said administration’should not hi* granted tin upplicanl on the iiisl Monday in Jitnuitiy next. Given,.under my. oflicbil signature, this October -lib 1 HbG. • Jitin T. I)ono\n, Ordinary. Adminisitfatliui. Georgia Lameus-Counlys*^WInu.eas Win Giltierl has liledihls applihliljou for letter*, of admiuistntion on the esluie of Lydia J Stokes, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per.’.ons to show cause if any they have why letters or IMmimsir-itiou on .uiid os tale should not lie gntnte I liu; applicant 011 die Ural Monday iu l)ee< mher next. Given Under my oillcial -igtmlurc this November 1st 1X8(3. JOHN ’1’. DUNCAN, Ordinary* A dm I n istrator’s 8 d lo. By virtue of an order from tin: court (if ordinary of Wilkiua.m counly, will be solo before the court hoti.-c daor iu tne townot Ouiiliii. i.aureus county, with.11 the leant liouiv* of sale, on the first Tuesday it* De cember next, 188(1, the 'uliowiudeseril)- * (i really to-wit : -Cpa|fuoreH of laud hi the Till lamTaeTi'ict oNjuW'.iis comity aim itlfOwn as the Pou\i fw»ei>it—iOAIso 100 tVr#d.dj9.iUngdli<i nil?™' part o etlttil' F Win it! 1 liajoinlug ilio alrrveyautl'.Ruown as of, tUe WaReivliucf'^u.rdMoiJRlu: ben- f lhd;h(lj|s antvereddors of Ur lulu 13 niUi deceased -Terms ciCsh ’l ids Oc- i.>l)et'20ui:l88(l MMiri) Wmith, Adtnr. ;; Admthlsiratoro’ Salt^y -By virtne of an order from' Die court of ordinary of LaureiR coufity, will lie, sold belom tlieiVom tlioUse d(g|r hut ho town of Du^liq, .LiiuienhyouuJy, on the lirst.'iVies- dtty,-.iu ? December next within the •■legal hourts of sate,. Jot of land No 303, fraction a! lot No 3134 containing;iH uei'e»,i20'.ftr rt*ri ol -lot No.302 on northwijit Hidu'of aaid'lqi. nil in the Hih district; and tnicthmal I*>1 No 143 ill thi! 1st dist' kH e-btitidmng "140 acres, all in lititu'ens countyv , '''’ft(ftd ii« i ilie property, mf. Jap.e viie^mion deceased for distrlliutld.n i'erms m|ulu known (iu day of saje. thw LdVeinburUat 1888',... ... - .. .. J. W. HftiML*, ■ T W;AT*i,Ae«"Rdw8, .;;, r A'dTialii,lstr;itor.-i' ti a iaitWtflv-V virv’Ml t hilt t*. • >Qopii,o/; Ordluary.; November ferin, 1.88(3- , • W'Vlnireus Ml) J Waii-dn, exceutdr on Ins application for fetters of dismission all poisbi^coni'crned to B!jow:en|pic;ir;ipy liey'liijAe^by !( 1 u*' 1 < of dismission frqm aid (‘jofcutiifshlp-Hliotlld noi. lie gbiritcd oti till-'(ti’ai. Mmtfluv m Wnli fe aj}pii.cwut, dti t-lie'Him Monday in * Feb -am ens WjiCmis-lFrin M! RoWiison fiiui filed letters 0/ -uarmmi mp Mirn k UU4(..*,. frnnor riirH^hf t^Cj ,rttoUert lttte;ot' Huid comity tUtOoasetlT “ * .UUtfJtfmr ;<&guavdi'u^ih); foicRje person and pioperty ot i»i«i child •thould not iKt.granwd'ifw"applicant on the te«f8^x r t, T '.' , ^7g vejulierji lw iVJoili* UMOAKlrS Gi’diuury JUST ARRIVED The Largest and Rest AssortedJRtpck of .Ladies, Misses, , • AND UHlLDRE^’i GEEATS: . M.’ iL J0N.ES, Dub'in- . ^ !S'; ! r4Q.W KEPT F0h TIJt-B.- AVufeMpjLVTIQN'* OF THE PUBLIC. : • When wanthig aecomtuodntion in tliiV, liue eaUpu mo, W^J.lIIGHTajvEU,' Nov. 2-1, '8-i. Du'oiii., Georgia. sales , GEORGIA, L,u iiii.Ns County — Will bo sdld befiVrit ttie'Oo'dhhmUt* ijoor in tho town orDuhlin svid conrity' iViWilio tltst. Tue-dji.v' in Degembur m«t»i ?whhhr the legal iiours of ,sa' 1 '. lilf I'u’dowing.prnp. *‘i‘(y' to-yi’lt: piio.ihouse-cidored.nitue nain- u(l' Beck ten y.-ars *»ld; said mule was sci/,- ed itud-will hi; soldhts file*jU|n>Ui’fy > ol oue Apdy ukev to sti'IM v .rt:>«Hwtga.un' -witli- pqwey of sale execmed^by.fRe.-saiil -rUakVr on Ute'dtih day of Jmn:' 1885. By the, ''(drifts of sai(i nun'tgtVgiVauih'ii'lty fa iilvwti. do'dlie-mortgagee, upon (leMtft of pay njiCiLobsalil dehl>aittuiuinrU.yiUOXsell *lhe Htud tmtperu.fypm UVftf to• -tittHWe.or-, lot much llnreuLiw will be ju-euMau'y It) phy ■suio debl, 'litl'i'est and id! expensua .or ^ale s at; pUiilid outcry for cash at lUiy’linVrbf sale (lay.ifor sheriff sales,- at t..e p n’ce and- lime* ot sheriff sales under m<»rlgii<j.o- exeoutious from .superior eourlipapd to ayoj|ijnt.. lo uiorluiigor for surpliif,, if any. 8iml sale -will 10 made untit.'r said u iilioritlei/ . Also at l Im.same I line ihid-place- will be sold <me. sorrel inule 13.,yearn old- ualmid’ J. J. »I f ii, Jqquirg.c,m'cf l Dealer in II (itchy and' Jewelry of, Aggjy Do* . 'Ii ry>’ ■- ,''t M‘ *ott 111. *,b’^KWdFi«a MsAr.T«.i.v,. Er,o;K, »i>dtw»i*'iMr. < <> AxiiLas- C.VfTKJt, tyATCIfjrMI ryttVftlWI'* Kso’a*. ,, - t. »?iil ■ .n *; 4- iWimif.B Ht-Htb' (fc 'b’H ci'lDBritled "I BoHftr'if3fate * vM . ,*«. . /M| ,Wy11 ,t^#tUMl. ( gu\<lAi 0* m "*6 jftjtwvndl tbipallti-og. oftsijnr -and cLl;Ip] remvd "Whl ch- >; s u -HW < ijlt3i'it h-Wlljfbm sallt' Buo Uy» ex- qew i-Hoi- will hRsoo iwa*-— l."ta * 'off,' Ual 'wrj0t.yi()i»90-»tini;tW*Hii ft'HtM*rf (iftWsric use. ti»«md4*4n ; hi'ud9;it'i( , l:'- RloeJf^jldone ! ^ o AttsKkmrJvHwiiko MW V (,t) t,V\ v*t P v*) \V i i vi\lM t ! ^ \VY H tV* Tor' ^tlb v» t nina l . Used.every. dnj<-tlnrsyati' •nl(n(Vt"1n : cVery house, ijtfieu wUliui tbaelslbif ulltdi.Gircu- . ;ndV -(.td’xpp *ida jv '** _ • - wrttf ! Liumw Grmrfoli»€#i©HAtPfr JfiSpIdWH'er T.utiufil88(ki,: •<!). tent vrf noa*n*1i<t If li'lle . r letters . , . ■''Iiuse «m rltl'ivfnTiv t.U‘t-Re^iuiTi : -mH8on- >fihftW"Cftiqwlrtohdiew««use If ioh slIb'uld 'Mr Wi ,f /Vi^fnletl’am)l!cant fWh. alil(ld<x.titduW/*nitiid fan* , Uivuu lunMvtftty 'oillchtl' elqaawft t^tte.p- tgRjviNa .h>« .id-**: Jl,nn*iq &ft. WU'MB?}*3 ■ ii-dihuil i t£*r-l!(4 f I’kl-Br-nr *41 La« Jiii'ge; said jn'operJy win lie nnlij . aa ll|u. property of Ahd'efm'iT'fuul - Loll A'qitwhy under and by Vfrthii of a : ’ iu67'Uiiigo' < wfflr jWml ’’<!? nov'er ol sale exetfulcd by the ways on tlie Mil <||iy of June. 1885; mid by lie lei tils ol' :,ai(l : .iuorl)tuv,e auihoril.V is gtVl’iV id the mnrlgnjreo, ujiop .dulipjfi oi payment ill wild *le(it at niaiiiriiy, to sell auii'Siud 'properly: from'limit to l-.iml.- or a.-., much thereof as will be netamiry. to pay debt lawful Interest and all expeusus of sale at public otiiefy lor cash, on any lawful '.‘■'.ale day (Or Vili.JHff saVjs, id the place atid time ol slturiff Saleh Cfmler iH8ri giute execulimiH from superior coutds. and to account,ifh thv .mortgagor . for tbe syr plus, ll'uiiy. ' ' John W. TiaKii-i.,' Nov 1st-'8(3.' 1 -RR/rt^aa'ce.. ’ -"■r-r-'T-rriTT-T*—r*-r'r»rrr—- —ft*—K*r*J+rt-" U bti o o of 'j> I sac 2 ii 'do o,.,,,. : .pi;...... ........... 1. i... ..I .,! t tier .day by nyutuiil eoiWeiH. 1 TliC bit w'rll' / he eairied on by lire junior. member of the fi. 111.. ., ... L. 13. I’krhy, 4t. • Wii.icy L’di'k. ItHi 'till ,ar rninovau . . uV , '-^ i ‘‘.«We v ;^ 9**4 m w'i- stiov mlifuiUi mit OMi’ff ■ ,430(1!i^nrfifrtoi wah i: i ,-*)fdVJ k- V.'f lie H«U Lv'Tohiifilo' 11 **'1 tAr*Harrison' '-* »«; fit) , Ai'.poiiovau . H b«e < 810 'H-IO »» OtyMQ'rifmQ wtg dot* Auroo. 09 _ ;-«ViV (IWnihir to**' $g)tt(|)n«: ■ ij r - U vdi MAB r,<it-•.,-.-'«0-tiV0i*oJttrtRr» Lv)pir,blin’,*M mH .rnnkfoi :«icur*r 13« 1W51*'5' , 1'5 SMfcf '-..-'‘"filHffi' A V W .(ipM ^ Ev BWiight fville! fivxnar, (J, -qp Ar Domtvau »-,vi(**fi s.t, (it MUtllll'i (YOft nine,, u ebi* MM MM ... *»m PUBLIC FbKUIKS. WILL BE LET TO THE LOW EVP bidder before tile Court HmiVoidooi' in the of.Ilqbl.iJi, Laui'cnacoutdy,. y 11,da lit r- day. thi: lSUi day of Dl-ecnUmi; 1 in-.x,t, ul lS'd’rilock in,','the k( ; cpiiig‘of tlie public ferries for the year 1837. Tift cAiitntc;''.)!’ will be required to,give bond, with two good and solyuit soc.uritlea.-ih iho>.*mu of one thousand liollars for the faithful, per- fonhiiLce ot tlioirduty, and for all dnmages Butt in*‘-y occur ihrougli ttiidr 'tic^rligeiitc or carelessness at said ferries, Haiti bond lo be the hiimo,.duy, or the i/jd >vlil be void. . ' . JOHN T. DU^.’AN. Nov.- 2tfil i«9(i. . . 0 * ( ((ibiYry, Irtor-S- T~ -U. T. SMITH HEADOUAR-fieS .. : ill:ill -.tii . j;-.* ii'»! t-»!ti'«";?i *. Vi’tf -tfdt,-'/ «*>DvD»' v h U\ a-ntt-i f •, ojt .'JiH'.ft ni !U1Y GOODS J AN a r iDoftE' bill' -it It <v 'v if '*'■ ,}f ,r, Rk> ■M V^OfXilen w-iire. »r->m«(t I . •/Ge’oriBri WfSwnk' Cotihtv —\V!?ci eSs A*. L Ilaistcn" adithftiWr.ttdr oil tire edtile : rt{ I.L* ^qffihlkev Juft, olftidd'iodtity decease 1 , GiiGKGlA', iljhfttwkWMjvxw'-'l'!'’ j ;y!i WjlWWi j icr.u-oi tiupLw'j Sjftfttf 7? | ' iff- •Ttnac ore to <•;}-. ftifatdMrtfhai ,i( p* iMoo t!oiu: *f*c , a*vi'J.iu t» Cause *f any limy have, mt or l»y tlie 1lr.l Monday in lurinary next, why- rAvard should dpt be made (lie Jmlgeun ut of thi* court nod rworil&l. ’, . ; , - lw Johx Ti Duih an, Ordinary 1 peMoufcfcanWit'Aied’AAhWiOW' i'ilu*^ ir ;f mly tin;)', Jiavc win', ieliuts i.i'lb mirvu.n shout*! m Wit'WiWbWV MWwliflrt .'iloiiday in Februaryiiext,,, . '■'ORwimdcrmt ollltigl't IgntHum fliu OdtOlK'V !Wth 7688. G'GJ.i- •Jhiix/R-DjuiuHav ; - - . xftyiiftitrv./- M i!ao«*ii it! icVtn.v* -.or old 1,»v'0<»j inyHflfpa x'utidiilitie, _ .w*tJ l«4»* Ri It f-Mo • tv I It^u hj 'rttliuiiiy lU'if. 1 r(Mb(,Tuupy ii'lt iuy ! (aAf 11/<In filMidrf imi pdllli hhd'urWe ijilPrii{ty l vi u lIU, .... Jl supfnh t; und 1 aim) ask tlmOc fritp i* whowi i exprewied favor has ui I g..d thi* 10 ifila inducement, to c0*.- wiili un in caiuimlgn, TJIOMAH B- 1IUD80N if ^vTjr-n.'fy’rrTr mm DUBEl N .vkw -W'ftlGirwyttitipffln. unt km. .mou (4- -id# fgM ,r*i4-’ *tWf&lRV ffXWtll Hid AI 4! Shift ,.n lm tin tin* ini« wit trsli't s,.;, wvirii (iiufiitnJ~ itniifnfivr a -,-mi m r«*rto c»v vaWVfrih fit <W*(-d I ( N, QRlMt TAnME ’Mto two W ,; s TJLViDE , .VYE-II AV E. BOUGHT DlHEtOT wim mt»niiiANi;«A«h*u A LARGE STO(PK77r i\u'f ... OE, X^..CJE W’> '. ! 4:Popfti1ap r -"ei-ani!3 ,# * (t -if*-,■><■!: ir.'.iji ait (ijtf'tmwptf-ttfht*’! ,->ir.t V- OMwlit ton** rift oifbofc-Doft" *v*s- 11\J 15$ W mjJ,-. 4I A- tNi -L;JL' N A~jje,i v • -ifc »df 11* .»? ^il) hil# (jUjx,,:# ■•.dr.jiHU^-1* Li -L'mG >o-oniq*SiH at.WDtMm Now Before t!i.: Public. i ,Aud in (jousci-pniucfi, Tff. t|M ,Jo tn/wld Ail tlitiil tali' l^.ltl.Ttf'ilUtgriP^^vxIrurtV,- S&ffiS Film/R (iKfWh,'?;Bic.Wt 'V<U «M#' t<n< the *' ALiVAi'>“(5^ ilANI). H. Hiqkajfc Gobi.