The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, December 01, 1886, Image 8

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* \ THE NEW AND ELEGANT —HICH ARM— i At A worm OF ART. IiIIm Hivlliitnif'l l>nprf««lniu mt 111# IWMiltoltll M«tlU. WHAT IS NEEDED TO MAKE THIS WORLD A PARADISE. Dr. Talma** Klrwi Hot Shirt lulo (ho (limb* Icra, Canada Fugitives, Mil OtUor Sinner*. “Look nndseowhntuloathsomelotof men III! positions in tho municipal gov ernment of some cities,’’ »aicl Dr. Tul- map? in tho Brooklyn tabernacle. It is text bud been taken from Zacariah 8:15. “There are others waiting for some crumbs of emolument to fall at their foot, lie continued. “ What do they do with the gambler who took that young man’s S3Wf Nothing! What about his ruiucd homey Wlmt is done with the men who induced this young man to steal from his employers for their benefit? The man who steals 810 is sent to jalL I f ho steals .910,(XX) they let him go to Canada. The trouble is they don't steal enough! What do they do with tlie gamblers? Where is the court that cannot arrest and try such scound rels? The trial is over," soliloquized the prenoher, “ and nobody is convicted. How is it? Is it because one of the jurors, who was presented with a pair of gold sjiertncles, saw the caso differ ently through them than the others? Oh, what damnable schemes some men and oven tho ministry, engage in sometimes! Oh, my friends, these wrongs are going to he righted! I don’t know how soon, hut much will depend on the Christiuu people.' Three hundred and sixty bells chimed in Moscow when a prince was married; lO.ixxi heavenly bolls will ring when the church of God is triumphant. How are yon engnged, my brother, my sister-disheartened ? Take good heart. There are I’tXX) promises for good soul*. Some ono has said your work has been of no avail. I suppose wlien Moses stretched forth his hand ever the Itod sea the people said it was a foolish thing, but Moses kept right on till the wind blew from tho east, the water rose in glittering pali sades on either side. Wheel Into lino, 0 Israel! March! March' There is a shout of tlie troops on the bench when the last line crosses, tlie cymbals clash, tlie swift, Hying wind plays the grand mnrch nml murmurs au awful oath as the sea oloscs In on the enemy. Napo leon’s army got Htuok in the Alps. They couldn’t get the ammunition wagons over the rocks. Naimluon ordered the baud to pluy a grand march. Music inspired the men ami over the rocks went tho ammunition wagons. Oh, Hint the people of God would march on to the glad Imllolcujilis. Dexter in his book set forth the idea that the only force* needed to create a pnrudise on earth In ten years were water, wind and sunshine, lly taking stock in u company ho proposed forming, n man might live, lie said, in a moHt magnifi cent palace, surrounded by beautiful gardens, and accomplish more in ten years than before in l,ix». He speaks of travelling 1.1KXJ miles in twenty-four hours by canal. From the galleries, roofs and turrets of hln palace, ponds, amphitheatres, fountains, beautiful sculpture and gondolas might be seen. Wlilie I take no stock iu such a com pany, I know that much good can be done when the right forces arc brought to boar in the church. Archimedes lifted a sun-glass and brought it to bear on asldp. Tlie sails took lire, the umsts fell, she was a wreck. My friends, the gospel ship can'in* saved by a sun-glass by showing up tho sins and follies of the world. First a blaze, then It expires. 1 think on that day you won’t see any inebriates, any lager beer saloons, no bloodshot eyes. There will be n clap ping of the heavenly cymbals, white those who devided will lie like the splin tered wheel of a broken chariot.’’ ■. * » Comparative Longevity of the Sexes. The Hebrew women are the longest lived, and the colored men the short est, It appears from the gathered statistic* of the world, that women have a greater touncity of lire than men. Nature worships tho female In ail its varieties. Among inserts the male perishes nt a relatively earlier period, in plants tho seminntc blossoms die earliest, mul are produced in tho weaker limits. Female quadrupeds have more endurance than males. In the human race, despite the intclIiHstunl ami physi cal strength of the man, the woman en dure* longest, and will bear pain to which the strong man succumbs. Zymotic diseases are moro fatal to males, andiu tre male children die than female. Devevgn asserts that the pro* motion dying suddenly is about 100 women to TOO men. 1080 men in tho I'ttHxd States, iu I8T0, committed sui cide, to M women. Intemperance, apoplexy, gout, hydrocephalus, affec tion* of the hem or liver, scrofula, psudvris, are far mors fatal to males then ttfundea. Ihdmooary consumption, on (he other hand, is more deadly to the latter. Female* In cities are more prom* to consumption than in the oontry, AU old countries not ilia* turtted by emigration have a majority of femaW in the population, In royal 'amiHe* the st.u iste-s *, >\v more duugli- *rs tiniu sons. Tin* Hebrew woman is •xis'ptlonuUy loti.'-llv.'.I; the colored nan exceptionally sh-wt-lived. The tarried it ate is favorable to prolougu- .ion of life among wonv'ti. Dr. Hough remarks that then* art* trout two to six p**t cent motvmales Kirn than females, yet ttierr U an exce a *f m *re than MX iMir *vul of fompe. 1 * iu th* living popti» 1st Ions.• iS«i ll >r **'»■!**m*t* NuWB. Solid bronze never looked more othe- rial than when, on the afternoon of Oct, W, tha great rtoliila ol steamships draw near, through the Inay raiu, to 1)m statue on Liberty Inland. A dusky him reared itself against tlie pallid sky, Mke a shadow cast upon a transparency. Jt seamed as uusubstantisd a* a vision, though its outlines were full of gran- dear and re pose. Approached more closely, the great form slowly solidified aud towered lfigher and higher aloft, as if it were drifting toward* us through the soa-fog, a mysterious daugbUr of the ocean, becoming incar nate while we gazed upon her. And when, at length, wo lay within tho sweep, as it were, of her uplifted arm, and could distinguish the folds And fall of her garments, and apprehend tha pose of her majestic figure, tho spall of wonder and silence descended upon us, children of Liberty as we wens, standing for the first time ia the presence of our mighty mother. This statue 1* certainly the outcome of a sublime imagination, workiug for nobis ends. There is, it is true, a brutal sort of impressiveness iu gigan tic site alone; but in this work tho design is of such quality that even the miniature models, which have become so familiar to New Yorkers, arrest the attention by their dignity. There ia nothing smalt in tlie treatment; tho lines and composition are vast in their quality, as well as in their dimensions —vast and simple. The conooption is as great as the accomplished reality. It is a thing which takes its place quietly and naturally in the midst of the bread scene of which It la the cul- miaaStea; It la at ones at home there; thaugli It awes, It does not astonish; ones In its place, it seems to have stood there sines the dawn of time. The rain and mists were its friends and fain liars; A*d the sunshine win rest upon lias fittingly as upon the peak of a moun tain, and the clouds, at uoou and sun set, will form a part of ito grandeur, or glorify It with their crimson and gold. When the thunder rolls across the bay, tltoss lofty Ups will seem to have spokan.and the snow of winter will drift around it like a drifting veil. Though the bronxc goddess nlanda motionless and Arm, she eeems but a moment ago to have aMuuu*d the at titude which she will retain through centuries to corns, She has stepped forward, and halted, and raised her torch Into the sky. There is energy without effort, and movement com bined with repose. Her aspect is grave almost to sternness; yet her faultless IcAturss wear the serenity of power and confidence. ller luraaMge in t Ho suldlaMst ever brought to raau, but she is adequate to its delivery. In her left hand the bolds a tablet inscribed with the most glorious of our memories, the birthday of the Iteptiblio, No words are needed to interpret her meaning for her gesture and her, countenance n>«ult the universal language, and their utterance reaches to the purest depths of the human soul, The erowd thronged around her pedes tal and looked upas against tlie front of a mountain cliff. Tho steaming vapors (Lifted around her orowued hood; she npiunred a part of the heavens, divine, und yet human, founded upon a rook. £lie filled the eyes and satisfied tho imagination. Antiquity never ga*i birth to anything so great, either in spirit or In substance. She Is tho p ’Mlus of America, because America is l.molf the symbol of whatever is noblest and of greatest hope in the world.-Julian Hawthorne iu tho Netr York World (Opposite tho Court House.' D-u_‘blirL flE-a Manufacturer and Dealer in FEEDERS AM) Saddles, Bridles & Harness. — IIE w 1 Lb ALSO KEEP— Lai* ILthc*. Horst* Blankets, Hallers Broil Bile. Spurs, Carriage, Bii'gy. Riding and Team liipn. Lubes, Combe Brushes, Collars, 11 ames, Etc. I urn agent for Mu* Ceitltnnisl Cotton iu, made by U. II. Miller, of 1 ort \ ni cy. (>’«, The feidi rr and eondenser. ran v attached to any other make. T hIkomII the UoiAvwiJiir ] ugliii, I el el’s TN liter Win els, Lime Alitiiej Co.': 'machinery aud Frick A Co.'*Engines am saw mills. My territory embraces Laurens, Johnson and Emanuel counties. 1 have been sell ing Ilia above machinery for several years, and think 1 cm make it to your interest to trade with me for anything In my Hue W G. WEAVER. Dublin, Ua. Cheap For Cash Repairing Promptly Done. May 19-80-ly. Tho LADIES’ FAVOHITE, because it is LIGHT HUMING and does such beautiftil work. Agents’ Favor- ite.becauso itis a quick and casysallor. AGENTS W.VTO INIjNOCCUPIEP TBEWTORY. ■sum ron ozrottxiAxi. THE Aagust-4-lim. CHICAGO, ILL, By cleansing rlie seed perfect, never chokes, run light, gins fast, and makes a good sample Tin* feeder ‘lands ou tin floor it wilt 'ml an; kind of cotton n o PUBLISHED AT teed. as represented and to give satisfaction. Prices has lieen reduced. Cull on or ail- dress. Winsliip & Callaway OWLY LANC & WSI»T 126 Second Street ! ktautiei l Uf-Mag Return thanks to their nmieroin ■ i ; •onier* in Dublin nnd surrounding «*•?•.' try. They are opening rlnily uu Elegant Stock of Che ic O rro Mil. wMtes— Vo. *. ,r 4 A The BLDS1DOX W B” is sold withthq fftuurantse of being the lEfT -i - that can bs HADE. LOANS ACENTS WANTED,!* EL0RE06E MANUFACTURIN8 CO. )V ft: -.■ ■-I ,-r M3 and 3W WABASH AVK H , CWCAOf, XU» H E BEST PAPER m i ni: iOlHH GOODS!! as AiLB. 3T3 BKAB8X1RS THE SAVANNAH - . i *>'J-<«k1 O J /ear, in Advance..* OJi I jr M Locality. BITTERS Mill Heads, letter Heads, Note Heads, ’tenements, Envelopes, Hand Bills Cowklaiag IRON with FURS VEGETABLE TONICS. «*lddr «ad completely CLEANSES •ad ENRICHES TUB BLOOD, quicken tha actioa of the Liver ud lUdotj*. Clean the rosipUxIss, make* the ikia uaooth. It Jew* not lajnre the teeth, canee headache, er predate eon- atlpaUoa—ALL OTI1EB IRON XEDICINES DO. Rijriaiaaa end DrouiaU sfaqrwbtra reoouuaand It. Da. H. B. Ruonum, of Marion, Mam., taysi *T rKunuwnil Brown’s Iron Bitlom a* «tulimblo tonio I -l}Ut'JXJS&, FAMILY, LtTKRitttT AND f (Uii!) A O R ICU LT.l IR A L J 0 R R N ^ An evcoll ot iis s’ -Li JBL ! iji.JT '1U-* iiiM.i iijci l}*Je iiint vel’\ AtCC..VU Ide al l.oO. line iviu tiUTTON ROOTS &'£ 3.00 )fo. Ladies line Kll) anil PFBHI.E BUT TON BOOTS AT 1.50 $2 2 .50 $8 8 50 *4 t«0.50. um- 2.50 LADIES Kll) BUTTON BOOT is the last ever made for the price 1 bey tit lufiiiuitiilly and wear spleuiutlly! Elegant gent’s embroidered slippers 1..A) 2 50 #8. fend us your orders! newspaper contain? all •lie hews of tlie week. Telegraphic) Dis- QtHIfflflR SpOeiul depiMtiueiits devoted to Georgia, Florida anil South. Carolina news,, and Unit iff other States. ' - ! ” To tlm farmer, meebapjc fir artisan,. gie Ths KaUta Reoandy. P. N. Richard son, while in ths city of l*»rta, inquired iuto the great medi- cal seeret by witich M. Pasteur cure* hydrophobia. He says the doctor takes a healthy rabbit, and injects into it som* of the virus of a dog which ha* the real hydrophobia. The rabbit takea Um dlasaat and dies iu all tha agony of rabtea, Tha doctor Uk.m out tin* marrow tu tha spina of tha dead rabbit, in connection with the brain. Mr. Richardson then states: Now taka a pound or two of boef and boil it wall iu water! Don’t laugh; bnt follow me in what t write, atten tively. Roll welt the liecf. Skim off the grease. What D left is bouillon. ThebomUon iarMtened w«t«- , st. riH-«/ —Seen boiled; no goria left! Non’ cut np Um rabbit’s spinal ooltunu - iuipn*g- uatad, thay aay, with mbitw; rut it np MdmMemataU; mix it now with the sterUfsad boiUUmi. Wlmt forv to mnkn a poiaotted tneaa! Already iala«*d • ~tha paiaoai ateff aud ths bouillon, you tem a tsnOah* broth, an anthkite for rahfcaa, fas mad dug poison. Take n HUte agriogec taka the hoil-hrotli that I hWtttsM fgn how to make and mix, and squirt it into the human blood with hypodermic push. The lieU.broth potesn you send home Into the human Llood meats the hetliah |*oiaou that (1m* hydrophobic dog implanted in your veins—Um one the other meets and f'ghte It UUV. like the Kilkenny Citi, till nothing mete U left the patient live*. I’otamt from ttie rabbit’s back-Ume coed has met IUp poison of the dog’s meal rated kxrib -met it in equal fight, as vaostM vire* meets tha smali-pox swssa, and emujner* it! business or professioiml iiuin, wliqjms not tho advantages of a daily hi)ul,the»SA , vAH naii Weekly Nkwb is the medium by wiricli l.e cull iHi informed of events Inins- piriinr iis-tive busy, world,- whether ^nlliib own bmieor in the most distant purls > of the 1 globe. sSsfijsSTJE als its a premium. J ■ ■ t! trrH 1 ? r‘» 1 -wii %m -SAVANNAH « MORKIMG NEWS . ... . :.h”V...V.V n--‘ iU'O* Eiiini^cil Jummi y 1, 1885, to nu H'JtyUtMrtjoliWP ‘Paper* nt Tb* Gmnim tu* Trad* Maik and VNMMd Md Ums on wnppar. Take u Mbor. M»d« only by BBOWM CHEMICAL Ok, BALTUtSKE, Ml*. oetaa to., atria awoy by «M daidre to modtoln*. ar ■IHNlOM|MuVIIM MNiplwllilllftiPb J/.IL’DA, UKOltUl.l Successors to Mix «& lCirtlaud. And Joi* Work Genera lly.. At .Macon and Bavautiah Prices Address all Communications to Dublin Post, i l)UKLIN. «.\. It* it of every kind cured iu 80 minute, ity Wol.KOKU'8 8K1ATAIIY LOTION. UhC UO other- This never fails. Sold 11. Uicks & Co. Elys Catarrh CREAM BAL »§K^fl| COLO IN HEAD HAY FEVERy J Snuf or Poto&er. *r<* from Jnjuri- out Drufft «nd qf. nwrwK fiAik* odor*. HAx * FEVER ** A parttcU of th« B>tai M «fyll»d Into —eh r aatrit, *■ agrMabl* to u* aad la aulcklr absorbed, «Cect- »al!y riMnatag tfaa aaaal fUina ol catankal virus, aasaiag ksaltkj sucrsUoss. Issued Even Day hi tlie Year. ■:ji r,i. .-o'* '.•urro*: dT^w.fcTioia ♦lU.OO u Yeari'lnclticitiig' tl:c reiit Sunday Isfue of the tNMnfiun of ths kssd frost addtUasal colds, coiplstsly Malt tka sorsa and rsttnns Us sssss of lasts and amsQ. Bmsailat raaoha ais tsaHasl ky a tow appllosUoM. A Itsvsjl (rsnhwswf will curs. Pries M osnts at drnntsta; kr mail, rsgtsteesd, Moeuu. Circulars mu rr««. ELY BKOTULliS, X)n>(glcta, Orrsf«, X. T Tlie Daily News gives protuuM-nce -to till mutterarqjmdvoU) tlie AGlilUULTU- UAL, MKCHANIC AL HP mam:FAD T URING iutenri.-, of iLi- t. ui.uv, an wrl as the GENERAL, FOLmC'AL *1)4 COMMERCIAL news. ' ‘ its TELEURAl ItfC,, 8TATE. GEN ERAL. LOCAL sow’s aud MARKET departme nts Aft* tiukuowhnlgi'd to'"lK5 tile sntt Bu stfi-Biprehensile at uny P* pt-it iu the South. t, . .1 { , u SUbseiilw lltrougb your News Deale Fort .Muster o* send directly to • ' iu " r J II. iWiTLL, Savannah. Ga Cslarrk la Nsl it Blsod Dlassar. O Ns sisllsr whsi parts it may finally effect, ea- W tank sJwsts starts in Ills hssd, aiut bsliw.-s lo the Children's, 1 to S roars, . head. Tbsn- Is no my*iu*i <r aboot the origin of this ditto, two attachment*, dreadful dlixnsa. It Nik;)"* in a i>«v-i<K-t.-d cold. Mfssra* •* out «>f tkskiuu ioai i* i; »urr to l>« Ik « tn a few tj-dlfa* “ dar» " Tboussuds of ilctiina kiK>w hov It isby Hlaac*’, with a belt, “ sr.J #xp*,-W-irv, (Qyb Omui Baliu curva co.4a W *• ** ** Usksad aud cMasrols alllia stajaa. St.vkitan AMnminat. ami ( blued. ...... 5(V. * Hoalih Bklrt fiup|w«ti*r, ... ifS«. * Briaktoii Uctit'a Uartcr, . • lk. * FOB aauc Sf ALL riltST CLASS STORKS. Samples mat pual-pald to *MJ aJitrsss epos PWNdjM of (HUM u *a aot stampa. LEWIS STEIN, Sols Owner Misutsclsnr, Jtl Oalrtli* Raw terk, MILLER BROS. STEEL ttlE BEST IN IKE, FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I respectfully announce iwjH-lf * auuli* duie for TAX COLLECTOR of l-aurena county 1 therefore earwatly aoHcii tha iiioi i»ri and Inflqrnei* of every eitiuii. * 1 C M WOORK. WKcn not f>'r ►.»!«? Vv l-vsl we Uftf III 1* WlVl bf | ddUiV <v. i|sid \ i\lc. SrKtwsJ tv n#, I | riot.ffqifh,