The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, December 08, 1886, Image 4

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C<9 r *C^0}JV ,1 i I II 0 .» .1» MACIIINKIIY. FEEDERS AND CONDENSERS. •A Jk- I stn agent for the C>nt< nnial Dolton fgWtfJu H. Hiller, of Fort' Vat- 'I in- /tuh rn hihi (-ondritHirs can “ to any oilier make. tabb mJI tin- llM>k*alt<r Mkm fol s*N*kfrWvriiw, LmiC & Pud icy Co.'s niiicllihery si.o Jfrfok .&C0.4*ff Engine* ami BWfW"*' ... Mod a^iinkx l ttaftffr txmJ j- fiiiiyn limu-'wlilrmelor sn^thitte innivilue v *' | ilu ** y-; ytf o, vyeavb'C; Ai^'Unl-4 Htn. MjqmA%?ifr*rrr"-*--:-fe *- CLUTU'IKt? » 'and in leftrsax* | led, rev*! ijidsiuju *»<■) bias •nuttl** •■ t.'iiA ■ »li i <*r *i‘ It tank ■ najtaMf je*B; aiil v j 7 4«uMlb to mnii '(li* ' ' zkmmpi tanm. l. -tWIIsJ mcsT ft UHi niHtt f'itittn hrvM Ni .tlUU'i Return thank* to tlieir rumerous cun. ifT7i M'UO' try. Tfef)' Me opkaing ’dally l****’ t-T Kl.g.n« Stock of Choice G LOTHING *T v HATfifcdh For HOYS, for the FALL and WJKTSItTtsda. •r> **# sifts and.. SJIlRtS m a ti&ht maao to mcasuie.! t&i }.•'•>v ••••■ gjf Q JSP.ff Givens a c*. or let us hear, from you'by lot ter. { t* i: s *'" ; i It •!>/>.* i,ijV moat uromon t M<lt on. CREi eou 4« H(Aft CATARR HAYFKV JFM a Frujy*m Injuri- ««m Dntgt *n4 <tf- a «-*<*» HAY-FEV£ff sxawbat %tess. *» e'lkospsta^aOtaAsansiMksi. proWrts »s« mem- Sweul lfnt«M <rt Me few* from sdSKksiH colds, wayawrlwll Ui wm sad rrotoros tbs»fnro •fusts sad *m»0. ncadUtsl mmK* in rWdud py a frs siipiloAilons- r ■ ■ J IWwjt traiNwal wGIsmcs. •* •» arontsts j'liy ataU, rogWurod, UT , Ow«fo, f8r •«Mrt w Km a BM DUmm. Wa mim wfcat parts It aiay taaliy affect, ca- njrrb aU»/• Marts la Ms Bead, aad bsMsrs to U<« arsaaOil HARNESS SHOP A. CHAVOUS. Agft * (Opposite the Court Housed X)ix“bX±xL «-a. MauufactUrer and Denier in Saddles, Bridles A Harness. —HR WILT. ALSO KEEP— Imi» BhIm!*, Uorw Bl:'iikuii>, Unit* ra 6niH # , Bits. SpUV«. (’urriage,. Hti gv. Ui<lii'o iiihI Tfiiiu lli|M, IjmIicH. (,'iMlillrt , ; U1) ii Hciwhih. ('uMlira, Uuitiva, Evc. ■ »■ r-.'.. ,1’p s » ' ! Cheap For Cash. ."igggL BL1. A‘JSL*ll!g!iag May W% Repairing Promptly Bona ly ltfiO-ly. DANIEL PR TT COTTON OIK, iijt, FiEEBRii FIDOS. «z. Q ITU E LU W PltH *K liv olftanaliigtliB seed ie'tet t cflMStS. run lijitlit. jglltf* fn*t, and maki'K a good t-nniph* The »'f ;*.•• fttBlWaWWa on tili-’flii# , ,J) ■r.U to iv U will feed 'aiiy kind “ otton regular rery gin la t V'tiur.iu- trril. ;ae££M?S: as 1 dt#i LANG A WILT. fSPManufscturcra Ageiltn, Handers, mt tarvllloi Gaorgiu. For fill I “ J “ PF*(lm:rlptlon of prices. KSTlutid tei ms. A inn AW timt si.’<dS*Still bwkept^Sn i V> m-. i* 'jg'ili PlOch r tf3 .J*9 where It can ho seen at any time. jiepdas/" * ‘ ' •m idm, rvm Beat SHOE House IN DKOtttilA ! Hiiwwi' NOTH INd SOM) WITHOUT % U win ea?mi^rwp. a flue CONGItEl ON BOOTH, toil I iO. $», ‘AM, #4, $5. THE BEST i Men’s _ BUTTON $2, 2.00, 88 GAITERS. JACK BALS at $U.flS0.#T. Hoyn* SflttHtl Slltio eter nude i ] * For Only I7B, ;4ah WWBlloiil Mlsscir PBDltLB BUT TON BOOT pice, Ktylt and very meuvir blcatl.NO. ‘ ; Miaoes’ Hue KID BUTTON BOOTS $2 *60 *“ ' ■ Ro |:i. I.ndka fine KID and PEBBLE BUT- J?&S8? T *' AT ^ P ***** a 50 " ift price hdidlj! Our 2.60 LADIES KID BOOT T hey till nr mud (mV mm nt gent’s cnilnoldered slippers 1 mTB MIX & WYEttliTT, M.K'O.V. (,'KOKUiA. It* n "f every kind cured in ;tt) mlniite, by; Woi.Ronu’a.SMATAHY Lotion. Use un *dlior. Thisjtever fails, "linld 11. Ulvks-A Ctt.i*%n »lU do SesMIA’S 3-i j »*ilFOR TAX OOsiLECTOttv ’ I rcspectlully snnouuee mywlf a csndl ilefurTAX GOCIiEOTOU of Lauren, wninty. 1 tlieicfurc enrnestly .sullen ih sunport and iuthn nee of evert ciltscn, i .17^4 K iuxr mm. sim m t U»L. 'ViSfB nsVf«r uni, by Joe*I dealer*, vro will m.v. . . t4'i*W'«r ft' Ic in IS bosM (.f l doara oneb, (m ■ •rohw«tet.«J. -si* "• *••’ aefi'.'S'K* ; u- .i Ntvtw aebstf rrot,« boaro, 1 dos. «Mk t S».4* 4 RxidnaM" 4 >.* 1 « »■ *:t-4taMi i •' Vulam h Etnba, 4 bosci, 1 dot. nek, .43 AMm ni mm m GRUII«. laite. Cm. ■DREDGE WKWIMQ MAOMIN■ J9 7KB MM. BUT SO M a Hr” Th. LADfinj- FAVORITU, bwMUM It is LIGHT JkUNNlHO and do*» au»h bMuUnil work. Ag«nU’ Favor- Its.booauM it la a ^uick and easy aaller am wimDiR fiimtihtmimi JUNE MAN^miNG IO. Car. USj!!( inn 11 oitm* strtil %"**V.'*hL =»--—fea. *JLfeA.A. Scvo^\(\,\tA, THE DUBLIN POST ■ i «t »- kI'L'.’iT' - PUBLISHED aT- / /. I io ’I'd «am ‘‘I X>UBLI2ST. BVBV WBBNKSBAV. ^AoVaY'vo*, W\te,TS, a«vA AW fivttsttt diastA tf ova Canear of tho Teoftio. Mv vrtfs, some Hires or fonr years ago, wM (NO.! Mcd with an ulcer on the aide of ber toegne seer , Se throat. The pamwae ieoMeant, muster tow ; , ef sleep and producing areas aervoae prostnttoa. i ; ! AeoeMpsnyiug test trouble wee rUeauaaiiron lt ’ jSSwaMd froottM OSeuidero and centered in the wrtatofone heed, eke »i»*«t jpaseg Me ms of it. Batwei-n the suffering ef the two, life had grown burdauanma. By the n*e of a half dosen amll- Sk4 txxueaof Swift's Bpcelgc, she was entirely ^^'^rTroSsrrisia.'a -n- ONLY Mil Or IVack. l.. |ir«my,» a diwar- w: •« hdii rnsddered ntet>r!i)<:->, Nu i. Iriaywleu! !•• :•« • ::*.ven ties lit !■.••• :. ; v Sereirte i«n ' •••:•• • all ovi 1 >omf . thI years sue •' •is treated by wiiriil :is - r pruper-. a'l over the SomcrTllle, If..- M‘l‘ K .'i n ■ n or.';- - i iul |li«hei>t ll’eiUi',il;(,il.;iin ulu !.;! „J,|» say that the «lir«a.c was a fjsxies of Jlnrfl..j»ear i»eui>», was 1,1' With tilis tit*!*- t.i* tiler LZPROSY- -*•■• ■‘"v a ir.« --S t trxt ■ "JT* V*■'■ I JO ALL ITS.BBABttBRS. end cmwrq'nentfy isoife'-le ft is nr..e„«IWe to dc-* »> rilie her MiUeri-.n*. li.. 4xmI>* fr. l i t tie crown of herhead uviUeaof.M'f lif t le i ••.«•* ;t ma-s of decay, Cna*aes of lli'.li - of. nut ti».i[vt; 'tilt cavities. Her f.ngcr* Itstcreil .( ::-ree er four nails drntircd off rt one t!r..c. It r luttlm t onlfiieffd l>v tho teat fill ulceration, mid for **vr t p) vrttrs lit* il d not lenre her boil. Her *vr.:;! i was r.ilUutt fri m li*. to f.J lit*, -rhupa acme fr.ini. j«k a oi then eoi.iMrton cnn'tie t?© 1 . SUOU AS- Oaids, o • y3 a , t -1 . Bill Heads, ^ ' Letter Heads. 4 •' ’ii* • U *'!• • , 1 ‘ :. " ’ 1 Note heads "taieirents, Envelopes. '*■ v ■ 0*ti P.: '£9* * ^ Odfcg 1 .Svl.gS LgJU-' ■ Ml#* *«as4 *\ Hpd liills Ami J**l* Work (Irm r.iiiy. At A! arun aivi Sututiiuit Ptim. . Vi id (v*a aU Commnnieatipyi ty 1 Dublin Post liBBL1N.ll A. glean.d (let threeisnmlsof Coanm- Ilno nr olniiiirnt wi to used per w«»ic ih dressing her sore*, finally th- iiiiy.itian* ml;no\*;l.ilped their defeat by ihw IB i. lc Wolf, uud casiLiuided theauf. ferer t«» n.-r a l \. no Criaior. Her liu. hii.til o omlcrful rcpnrta of the uae of h.nrr’a brcnnciS. M. s.), prevni'ed os.her te try it a< a Inst resort, she began it, use under pro- K»t, bat aiMin found that her ayalem was being »• l.»*ed i r the poison, as I lie aorta acvniied a nd and htniiiijr color, aa though tl.c blooil uus becoming pmon.tdactive. J.r*. Iiailey cominued the S. a. a. ii> •! I,ft bibruary; every « waa healed; she ilia* runii 4 elialr And crutehra, and waa for the Si it time tu twelve years .a well woman. Her hu-bai.d, Mr. C, A. Hailey, its In hn mesa at 17# Blnrkatonebtreet, keston, si.d will fslte plraMira Is giving' the details •f t.:W W'lulerfnl cere. Send tom forTreelUeoat Wood nrd akin liiA'itscs, mailed Lee. Tea bwurr Sracinc Co., HiawerS, Atlaeta. Oft THE l|S| PIPER IH THE SCKIfH ’, THE SAVANNAH 92*00 * Year, In Advance* Not ii Lorul Paper, but One Suitable to any Locality. I liUSINKSS, family, LITBttARJ AND 4 ; ’*' / ’;’v ! ’ AG RICULTUllAi; JOURNAL. Ihtsmsmiuoth newspaper coutunt all iMiwsof the week. Tdegrepliic Dig- dies up tu the hounnf going to press, Th UtO B(_ Agricullunil ltcuu, Origiukl Serials; etc’. StNrcisl ilcpaitmenlB devoted to Georgia, Florida and South CTuclima newe, anul that of other States. ,, ti.l' b. . To tile farmer, mechanic nr artisan, the business or professional man, Whb has ’not the advantage* of a daily taail, the Satan nah WBKK1.V Nkwb lathe medium by which he can lie informed of events trans- piriuir in the latay world, whethar ia hi* owe State or ia U»e anat distant parts of the globe. Krery yearly subsnrilier ie entitled to (4td of the .Mojouno Nbwb Likkaat eeri- aU as a premium. J AGENTS WANTED. I WASASS AVa, THE SAVANNAH MORNING NLW3 >uiHigL'4 Jwottitry 1. 168.). to au b-iViye, ;»-Co ttwiw Pmyttr. The largest Pa,i;i in t..e kurh isbUeu r.uiy tiny iu tLe ) oat. ♦ 10.00 i. Year, ludniliitg tho reai Sunday lscue of the The Daily Nlws gives mmimhi to all ataUera reladve tu the aGUICULTU* UAL. .'itt liANiCAL «nd F.AM FA4 11 KiNt* int.n-su ul tin nHiMrv. a« wrl as the GENERAL, i’uUTll'AL and UOMNKKCIAL news. lu iELEGRAFitiC, STATE. GEN KWAL. i.OC.VI. icwa and MARKET d< (4ti tuuul* art-aekuuwbnigi^t to tie the kin. it:..*! n n p*u i»*nr n| swy j«# I'vit it) I tic South, , , SutwiMin u.r..ugh your • wa i)caie 1 o*| Ata*trf »*• *<-ik1 d.nviiv tu J. U, KSTILL, tjUvajiga*. (it A THEATEIIEX PEH i £N CE. THt REFINING INFLUENCES dF THE T IMPROVED DRAMA, | mtt Mye OeU Down to the H.rffc.m ffaeta mi Stage Horrors aad Ms Klun-Shw. Liia w ,Jiaeiij#t)wi! t*iojf ’J Those were trouble^.) n - tim >•*. indeed, when lire weite th s?HV*‘dp the new world and 1 a few otfler mutters at the same time.. !» uniHad-nuu • Little do the soft-eyed sows if pros perity understand tb-divy i ,'a^ tliby Walk, the paved ; streets df the Vv'dAt tinder th«' coldvglitter of the elnctric light,: surrounded by. all that c ui go L> make life sweet and desira/ile, .that not many yeart ago oh ! tlial same arouhd 1 their fitthere thught the 5 U'lbtitoifed'sfiv- age by night and chased, the bounding buffalo by day. m** ^ All, all is changed. Time in his rest less aiid resistless flight hasblled away those early years ini the county clerk-a oilice, and these times are not the old times. With the majircii ©fycliyiliy.^ioii,! I notice that it is safer fora man to at-; .tend a theater than in the oarly days of the, wild, wooly w^st. Tinva Uaa pipde it easier for one to go to the opera and bring his daylight’homo with him than it used to be. : r»>* 1 It seems but a few short yearii'sinfea J nay room-mate came! home one night | with a long, red . furrow plowed, £loi»g ^%X£%,izzrr% mistake. ‘^rrdbittiibHlie sniii tMt'atJt’fi <matt had'-Objected to the pianoist litti suggested that he was playing pianla* simo when he should, have played .for tissimo, and trouble grew out of this i&’mewws interested Ufa the i speeta 1 SiA the tor£j outb irftl 1 SWli instead of scaring meu away It .rather < ()f course it pre- ladies who; g-a?- fesneclully 1 ' in? induced patr'uuage, vented-theiattendance of were at all timid, but it di any failing iilf ! ih tlfe : re. thought it.aided a good di where the show itself didn’t have mite! * blood in it. The IIWU ITnion was a pretty fktr' sample of the theater in those days. It w;«.t a low woodetl structure, witlra per petual band on the outside,' that .played gay and festive circus times early and: often. Inside you could poison your soul nt the bur and seethe show at one! and the same price of admission. , In au adjoining room Silent ! inetv JiiinoJl the hosts Qf fart) THE PRESIDENT'S WIFa. New a Utt’e KngllAh <>lrl Who Asked la in**TlM. VfAlt'Wor WjMihwfreil, 11! An accident occurml at the White Hoftrfe ref'imtly which shows the manner in which Mrs. Cleveland extends hospi tality, and the matronly kindness which Inspires her ‘nction’.wlicn little children Visit her. •• .i-oi rn-t i<y«i ) ^nn.ii/ Mr’.*Milfoil Stnnrt. in Company with his brother and little. daifglitef.TSttie, arrived in tails’ city from his home in LiVeri)dWl,T2Vigl;mcl; imn 'stoftpCil at^hc Riggs house. The girl, though havin ' seen but ten summers. Is a very int -hi- gent jny»i)i5e-\Avi'hn i .«iJl took gr -A interest ip^^ aM.U^o^the c. - ital. Rut site had a great desire to .sc the wife of th6 AttnfeWcnri presfa • it., and, not knowing how lier object co-i <1 be accomplished, determined to make a pftr&bnai ’itjiplftandn f6r s; tW8' favor. Slie kept her peace and composed a lie* ,4? r U^S- 1 ( ;!S5S!i , !!«'’ she was a little English girl, and Unit, as her mother hu t beeif^rt^fteB^fti? y .quee^a^e tyia|i^d ; tpfli,i ? pt ? t| tf d^stda lv of this country, an^hoped^he * be given the privilege before shecros>..d the ocean again.* This she mailed with spmc miEgiviusa as tp, the-swwer,she would receive, but was destined to tie » greatly surprised and dtiliglited. The answer came, and when the envelono, marke' l"*hatp pleased to have her.come to see her thkt afternoon. Little Miss Ettie bustled SWfte 1 with’ remcm- : bram'es -OT'desc ri p tldhtfof A thC ^YorfrlXl receptions wtiicli ttie^itusemgayeitinvfira quite an elaborate preparation fou tno ■ TlbiTsk* Sfie* told tlRPMftvAftMftig W Hilda card benrhijF 'la-ittiv.mlnwos tdltt>h to toUer surnrr^bn jjem.g sfnvv.n iu. to b.v re- .,1 iMifAho would ’« ’.•• been welcomed •6y : , hm: bug and a kiss, ami t-ol.i, s‘;i» vas verv )n| " l visited thfc evening in thl for llie paper. ■ even atithis late^ay, only,that it hin been overlooked by Mr. Tannage since; and if lie g <esthroughau6H | Htt < brd#«iiS to. write up style of quadrille calleti the khaiv-kliau, if my sluggish memory,.be not at fault, formed tnc principal attractions of, tue evening. ■ ''' • ’ ’ ■ ' At about 10:30 or 11 o’clock theikhah- khan was produced pp'jit the stage. In the midst ol’ it a tall unit rose up ‘ hack-of the hall. an.Rc.tuij iirinfy the aisle with a large, earnest w in his right hand, lie was a powerfully built man, with a dyed mustache mm , Jowii avdlviW ’I could distinctly heaf a in go, for it *vas a * The orchestra paused in the middle of a snort,.and the, man,\Yho3e .dutv-it of a was to swauow the seven or eight iuchestofthe out of his face and looki around. The geutlnmaa wlio tatt'arWA ... behind) it. and spread. ; a sheet dfithuaic' the footligiits aiul min'.medwost J waa wanted. The tall mmi ^th t^e, aglf-. cocking credent '• By Dasherty l ^fo^aro“hraVlv‘toJ?la®s%fi^ { P»y hi» debts and to givehWiatei 5 l iustruuittut. such as Mr. Kemingion blafliafl SPOtpL lerty Blank to Blank Blank }*> and back again, 1 want i*y wife!” The manager stepped back into the' * Writer' “ cal ipstrupikuti Mr. Remington used to make before he, went into the typewriter business. I can still re member >how large the hole i in the v barrel looked to me that I had gohe’to ! tl Idterary club tiiat evening, aa i had at first intended to ifo.’n>ttBr Mne I rose, and went out quietly so as not to disturb any’ one, anil al l went down ; the aisle rhe tail man -and stage! menagfrexciu r' id regrets. i looked back in time to sea the tall mail fall iu the aiste, with his face iu tne sawdust and his nand over his b :easL Then l went out of Ut* tlieaier in au aimless sort of way,,i taking a northe.uteiy direction as tne covered that 4 wae gning. duedtiy away ItiTrJS'**' 1 VCMU * t*™*.*#****■ On tlie street I m-t the* stage mana ger and the tall, dark mail just as thea W: re coming out uf the M-ss Aram l* ion. They sail they ware Tew sorry to notice that T ♦<>: up ami came away at a puitit in the Where they had Introduced what they her inch Utlfe 'UIU *» IVl-TAt liliu V’ 'I. , i .N lij 'Tt|5 V 1 at this, but it w-u oiriT*1i .•Siu* f ^frcpT^. .log all about the (•fiWW?h 1 *l W tim mn^wy" privilege |S|^ *0 private apartments of Mrs.ClevehRTd, 1 when s ^lie,was ^i^iimgl wffth eyery . ient that could amuse, her., Bhe 1 pliclfiii'es. Wowerajantl *told , about rVeWtlilHU: “IhWliis W# W6 T j glWhhSSf Mrs.«Rln:rti«4! t; - I Wwkt - | tiib' lii^bn^^r- rapturously, and her f . . • -TPdM’h* ; Rle^ by,the_ v'jtwiVIfV that she would hemstsfortli' ocirfunv a»* large: place in their 11 ,,it ^Hvoiiia al^ya'’thmk*bPlier w T 'h bofe‘thftl^86V(<rB.»m In the middle 1 * the aamo loVb'lhdy bofedhftl^ sbVdr?'. Tbit .tel^fam Mr..8tn;»rt bmhodilo^. a : 1 a letter whieji. lie, mailed to Mj's. : Gl«y<*‘Ki land, and which also expressed his owp grafilicattdhatFtlfe'lid^aiillt^mVld »l) hisRfctbbgirLr-Nationaliihijiiiblicatt 12* lies vnifciiiisT, 'o.nrin 4iiri!>nB W. »3 ft™ tot***, toward a2A£‘ 1 ot'bi^iUfer was iulirm and poor Sntit t! h e ft88M'.AP $ le . Legislature,.gfV V)ft 4.d • si f - «Ht'« rmg many proven g*»btfW«fta% and iiprofitte^ospiWiIltyliad'bk- ugad his means, o Mr. «/dff4rson-wag >. the most popular of .Americmi citijeiia, and people came from far and near to . see Ml* - ptototted tiJ'^Airiosifar J W afTe«tioa. i gniiieir lintom atio iq «m*» Life at Moaticcllo resera'ilsd, for • yoars, that in a hotel at a fashionable; watering place. Members of Cougrca^ , officeholders, clergyliiliiiil' Yilvyem, dw:-' ” t<FA.. foreigners ami people of I »y guests were eiiyeriaruoa in one night; aUd Wiihfc fhftijfiss cknft inTtMir •*“ t Rablag«« One family of six persons came from, , AA *Eqtofcftfliii8 m.-faeavfsftbf'teii moftthJ Uod 5 Thai tltey mate A sliOrt tonl- 'tftrbu^h ’ * 4he States, returned to MontieMld, at* i . rem aiMOtl , s ix months longer. ; ^A- : g«ftrern.Tn : Hskei ‘^Yormley, Mr. Jeffsoau’s if4vor|W ) %fiWai^* pomtinW ’ h:ui regarded aa tlie best feature of Ui# ] | *° u®* ^ ire ® carriaee houses, each of® 1 -* Blrijr. I bis incident had a great deal to do w> n tuamig my atteuu.w) in the di ll. -ctiau of literature instead of th« diu-UOL .Ul uM 7 !, ot f am glad to notice that mane •f UiThorr .ro .f 11,« dru uu are "?r> gnuiuaily «iiiut:ut«.l m toe count.? g*te inert Uuckiy s^uie*l, and the k y ti-Vir ly ef .1 few yi*.ir*1* gr rt .;u , y giving pliMiy to ll|r reUin ig Iimuh-o. mi *V 1 ll, »* v; ‘ Krti " r ‘’ * >4 “A lUg Baby. —• 11*11 \ 1 , rni* tl j > V wa, Adtttlrw ioty* paper. I licit would Mini & four-ho'se •each. “How often were Uies-) fillo-.l it) Mr; Jefferson’s U.ilu?” “ Every night in summer, sir," an swered the aervantt “and we olu*n had two or thr*H) carri ge* hesidss auder tree." "It mast have Liken nil h^nds to take care of your visitors*' "Yes, air, gad the whole farm to lead them," a.ud tlu, slave. * % a Suhinibe for Tmi Drang fwrr