The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, December 15, 1886, Image 4

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A FUMU MACHINE. The Invention of n Clever Frenchman for Aerlnl Navigation. A mechanical engineer at Lyons, France, claims to have Invented a sys tem of aerial navigation based on a principle analogous to that employed by nature in the living mechanism it iis3 given to birds ami insects, and which is known in mechanics as ‘'tiie heavier than the air” principle. 2d. Pompcieu Pivattd’s living machine lias somewhat tiie shape of an enormous bird. It is A. CHAVOUS, Agt (Opposite the Court Hon**?.' X)ti.Td1±xl Cra. Manufacturer nud Dealer in Saddles, Bridles A Harness. -HI! HILL Ar.S»0 KEEP— Lai) Holies, Horse Blt'itkcli', Hallers IJridl,, Hits, .Spurs, Carriage, IACI11NEBY £ciew.d, \VUe*$, AVV &v«,WS«s (mvseh. %covcv supplied with a pair of "great articu lated wings, constructed according to the type presented by the wings of the heaviest birds of long flight known, such as tiie eagle, condor, stork, wild turkey, etc. Like the wings of these birds, I’i mud divides the wings of his machine into three parts, the humerus, the radius and eabitus, and the head or extremity of the wing. They are to be set in motion by a steam engine, and are concave below and convex above. The anterior part of the wing is flex ible, but still sufficiently rigid to give that whip-like blow a bird gives with its wings when descending. The poste rior portion is Uexible along its whole extent. Wings are fastened to the central part of the machine by a car dan, or ball and socket articulation, and conneeted with it by means of the vavious levers necessary to give them the various motions desired. When stationary the wings are folded up against the body of the machine. If the levers are moved they open, spread out, and rise with a motion like that of a seesaw from back to front, showing an inclined plane on the inferior sur face; then they turn on their short axis, with a motion similar to that of the shouldcrblndo of a bird ,in the act of flying, moving downward and back ward; as the wing descends it describes a curve from below, backward, and as it rises it describes another curve from above, forward, tiie line it de scribes in the air having tiie form of the figure 8. A rudder which acts entirely Independently of the wings completes the apparatus, the occupant of which stands or sits on a support inside the machine,'which is so arranged, as to move according as the centre of gravity is displaced by the raising or descend ing motion of the machine. 1 mu mrent for the Centennial Col loti Din, made by O. II. Miller, of Fort Val ley, (In. The feeders and eondenaera can he hi Inched to any oilier make, T also nell the Hook waiter Engirt*, Lef fcl'n Water Winch, Lane * Bod ley I'o.V machinery ami Frick & C'o.’« Engines and saw mills. My territory embraces lumens,,Johnson and Emanuel counties, 1 have lien sell ing the above machinery for Severn! years, and think I can make It to your interest to irmle with me for anything in nty Hue W 0. WEAVER. Dublin, (In- Atiguet-4,1m. Cheap For Cash. Repairing Promptly Done. May 1118(1-1 v. DANIEL PK i.TT THE IT OKI-’SK I'S'J'llii I.OAV PRICK OK COTTON. By clennslug I lie seed perfect, never chokes, run light, gins fust, and makes a good sample 'flic feeder stands on the, floor it will feed any kind of cotton regular every gin is gUHI’HU- teed. as represented and to give satisfaction, Prices lias been reduced. Cali on or ad dress. . My wife, some throe or tonr ycara ago. was tron- bled with an nicer on tlio side of tier tongue near the throat. The pain was Incessant, causing loss of sleep and producing great nervous prostration. Accompanying this troublo was rheumatism. It had nassed from the shoulders and centered in the wrist of one hand, B he almost losing the use of It. Between the suffering of the two, life had grown burdensome. By tho use of a half dozen emall- slzcd bottles of Swift's Specltlc, she was entirely relieved nud restored to lu-alib. This was three years ago, and tuere has been no return of the dla- years ago, uuu u HL . MlDDLKB B00K8. Sparta, Ga., June 5,1686. Treatise on Blond and Skin Diseases maJleKree, Tub Swift Spkcifio Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta, G* I6T W. 23d St., N. V. KKlablfclicri IH5 CLOTH IN( I-UBUSIIEII AT 33 CTBLIIsr, CKA. RV BY IV FUNKS RAY, I TATS. Winsliip & Callaway It* Petond Mtreuft. lUCON* - - - OA. reasoned tlnia:—“If we can in duce the .stomach to do its work, and stimivate the excre tive organs to drive out of the hotly the poktfnioiiB waste mut ters which remain after the life- giving elements of the food have been absorbed, we shall have conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exhaust ion. And they were right. Knowing the infallible power of Shaker Extract (Seigcl’s Syrup) in less complicated though s i rn i 1 a r diseases, they resolved to test it fully in. this. Tb leave no ground for doubt they prescribed the remedy in hundreds of cases which had been pronounced in curable—with perfect success in every instance where then directions as to living and diet were scrupulously followed. Nervous Dyspepsia and Ex haustlon D ape: v ui;arly Ameri can disease, ho a greater o: less extent half tho people c this country suffer from it— both sexes and ail ages. In lie country in the world are ther so many insane asylums filled to overflowing, all resultin' from this alarming disease. It. leading symptoms are these: Frequent or continual head ache; a dull pain at the base of the brain ; bad breath; nau seous eructations; the rising of sour and pungent fluids to the throat; a sense of oppress ion and faintness at the pit of the stomach; flatulence; wake fulness and loss of sleep; dis gust with food even when weak from tke-need of it; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or in the mouth, especially on ris ing in the moisdug; furred and coated tongue; dull eyes; cold hands and feet; constipation; dry or rough skin; inability to tix the mind on any labor call ing for continuous attention; ami oppressive and sad fore bodings and fears. All this terrible group Shaker Extract (Seigel’s Syrup) removes • by its pos itive, powerful, direct yet painless and gentle action upon the functions of digestion and assimilation. Those elements of the food that build up and strengthen the system are sent upon their, mission, while all waste matters (the ashes of life’s fire) which unremoved, poison and kill, are expelled from the body through the bowels, kid neys and sktn. The weak and prostrated nerves are quieted, toned and fed by the purified blood. As the result, heaUh, with its enjoyments, blessings and power, ivtums to the suf ferer who had, perhaps, aband oned all hope of ever seeing another well day. LANG & WILT SSTMunufiutunTH Agent*,; tarviHf. Georgia. For full„fl|l {2P<lencrlplion of priCcfi^ffcl UThu'I terms. A pitu&t] tarwill Ik? kepljfcf EUTiii alockj&j where It (?u» lit; seen hi any linn*. Jo 10-'80 4m. X»ltirn thunk* to their rumernu* cua- »*»*r* in Dublin mid •urrounfllng ronn frThey mu opening dally nn Elegant Stock of Choice O LOTHING Best SHOE House IN (IK0R0IA! NO SHODDY GOODS !! AND HATS. Removals Under Jackson and Hayes. But not only the stories against Mrs. Eaton disturbed the president; the pressure for olliee was a terrible strain upon him. Men were there, women were thereto sustain the applications of their husbands, fathers brothers, cousins and other relatives. The crowd was so turbulent, enormous and per sistent that an order was issued not to admit any person to any of the depar - ments until a late hour in the day. General Jackson lias been made ti e scapegoat for nil removals from otlice under his administration. lie has be? n represented by every partisan scribbler and political historian as the man above ail others who demoralized politics by bestowing public offices on men as a reward for political services. C-reat injustice has been done him. The invectives hulled at him have been wauton and uncalled for. No man ought to be severely censured for not being beyond his ago in virtue and honesty. We have had but few persons in high position in this country who had the moral courage and independence to resist the pressure that has surrounded the While House. More can be said in justification of the removals made by General Jackson than those made by president Ilayes. Jackson’s professions against turning men out of office for opinion sake were not so pronounced as those of Mr. Haves, and yet Mr. Hayes removed more men from office in the first six months of his adminis tration than did President Jackson. Let not tiie Republican reader be shocked at this statement. It will be found correct. For MEN ami BOYB, for the FALL <it>rf WINTER Trad* Or Black Lo|in*y, 19 it ili-ea.-i- wi.u h is rom-Ulorcd liiciirulili-, bin II lmn ya-lil,itl in iiitvrnriilivc proper- lira ot Swm 's Si-ki irir - non l.iiotv.- nil over tha world, a* S. S S Mrs On ?. -. ,.f \v. • t Somerville, Bliss.,near Boston, wan iilla-t . il ?»■■,mil years ago with thin lildi iiiis li'ai li 1 rii|.i <>u, ami tvaa ircnit-d by the bc-si moitii-nl luh ni. wlu cui.c oniy gjy that tho diecotic was a ajwtu-s of J.EPHOSY nud consequently mctir.V'le Tl is imjxissllili- to de- vrrihe In r Mifferliv-s. lt, i- body fic.m I lie crown of her bend to 1 lie snlranf In r fc< i v as a mass of decay, masses of fle-li votliue oil and Irnvmjrj-reat eavltles. Her finger* m-tered i. >1 three e.r four nail* ilmpped off nt one time. I!< r limb* conlrncied by the feaiful ulccrntlon, and for m vend years s!:e d-d not leave tier bed. Her wctcbl was reduced from li* to till lbs. Perhaps some faint idea ol her com! 1 lion can lie R icantd from the fact that three janimU of Cosmo- no or ointment were list it per wei k in dressing tier sores. Finally the itltysiciaim ncknowk'clgtd their defent by tins Illstk Wolf, and commended the suf ferer to her a!l-v.ise Creator. Her buslmiid hearing wonderful reports of the use of Swift's Srzctric (S. S. S.). prevailed on het to try It n» a Inst resort. Hie began its use under pro test, but soon found (Imt her system was be ngro- Loved of tho poison, ns the sores assumed a red mid healthy color, ns though tho blood was becoming pure and actlxc. Mrs. Bailey continued tiie S. is. fc>. until last Febiunry; every tore was beuled; she dis carded chair nml crutches, nud wus for the first time m twelve years a well woman. Her husbnr.d, Mr. P. A. Ilallcy, is In bn .-mess at 17X lllnckstouulStrecr, Boston, ami will lake pleasure hi giving the details of this wonderful cure, bend tons for Treatise on Blood uml Diseases, mailed f:ec. Tub Swire Sparine Co., Drawer a. Atlanta. Ga Men* flu** < ONGUKK* GAITERS, BUTTON HOOTS, mul LACK BAL8 nl a..10. $H, I).50, $4. !{,«. |«.fl 50. #7. suns and SHIHtS iiiiule to measure. Bo,Vh* Si'llool Shoo our ntado For Only 170, An cxce'li'itt MisH's' F*2H RUT TON HOOT nice »ty)o nml vtity <i* cavil hit 1 nl 1,50. Missus’ lino KID BUTTON ROOTS 2.50 *11. Lad Its fine KID nml PKBBI.B BUT TON HOOTS AT 1.50 *2 2.50 *!l ij 50 *-1 *5 0.50. Our 2 50 LADIES KID HUTTON MOOT is tIn* Inst ever for the pile. They til hetiiilll'iiily mul wear n\ It-iitlitlly! Elegnnt geiit'H emluolilcit'.l slippt ra 1.00 2 50 *:i. Semi uh your onion*! Olv* im « t-n. or let tin hear ft out you it ktlvr. Rjfl) i)li' moisuromont sent on nppflctiorj. CatarrH riLY'ST toMBXV.W m .v i coy, <;/:nit<;u fupett or* to Mix A KIii’hjd. In ii of every k'.ml nVied in Hit miptiTe, I tv WotiKoiin’R Sniataiiy Lotion. Em no oilier. This never fails. Sold II. IIick*& to. Bill heads. Letter Heads, Note Heads. Statements, Envelopes, Hand Bills Fro-from Jn juri- ^ r ‘ 1 sum ]>rvg* and gf- PHlru ■ ftntiw ixtert. pgAft "FEVEff ** A particle of tho Haim I* applied Into each nostril, l* agreeable to mm and U quickly absorbed, effect- aally cloHo.irq; the nnaal uf catarrliM vUu», eauaiUK healthy eveiotlmu*. , • It allay * pain and inflammation, prelect* the mem- branal lltdnsa of tho head from additional col Os, completely heat, the sores and restores the trn.s •rtsstoand srioll. BeueflcUl resalta are realised by a few application*. A tAerwopfi hwifmeaf trill curt. Price M rents at dniggtaltt by mall, rcalutored, *» rents Oirviilstssent free. ELT BKOTHKHS, Dnisyls!*, Owego, N. T ftatarrh Is Not a Blood Dlsense. No manor what part* W may finally effect, ea- tarrh always stmts in llto head, and belong* to th* bead. There Is no mystery about the origin «r (Ids dreadful disease. ]t begins In a neglected cold. One of th* kind that It "sur* to b« better lu a few day*.' ’l'houaanda of victim* know how It I* by mi nnatUnM. Kit's Cream Balm wire* c*ld* In m* bwad and cater* !v la all It* stage*. THE SAVANNA:-! FOR TAX CO' LECTOR, l rt'api'ctfullv Hnnoiiiic* myself it cantSl tlntv for TA2C'COl.l.KLTon of i.vurvua county. I tliert furt? a'lirnvatly nolloit (lit autiporl nml iiifliuuct? of every eitlzeii. V. B. MOORE. ©2*00 » Year, in Advanc liti.fR BROS. CTFfl Pgg Sot a Loca* Paper, Imt One Suitable to any Locality. 4 nrxIXKSS, FAMILY, LITERARY AND A0 KICULTUKA L J OU IiN A L. •rin: r.ssx in css. When not frr tale l-v local de.vlera, vra will mad idtcadiivt vies in it boxva t f i down each, ou tvcvtptolOl.iSJ. t: tvle* Pctrool Pent, 1 hear*, 1 do*, each, SO.41 4 « !tu-!nc«* *' 4 " I " *• .<» 4 " llusinee* h t?tnbs, 4 boara, l do*, each, .43 jujmi tub smes cm c rmnY«. The Origin of Our Continent. It is Believed by some scientific men that North America beguu its forma tion with islands of matter rising out of the ocean, which grew until ,they touched each other. Many of these islands were volcanoes that threw up matter that had formed below tiie sur face of tiie water, and were larger below the water than .above it. The- Hawaiian Islands have had many volcanoes, and were much formed by them. The whole area above the sc:i is no more than that of the State of Mas sachusetts, but their combined bases must be equal to the whole of New England nml New York. Thus the original islands of this continent could easily hare been made to enlarge and joiu each other, and the granite rock so abundant was once erupted from volcanoes, like flowing lava. Among the first volcanic islands must have breu Greenland, Canada east of Win nipeg. the Atlantic district, the Rocky Mountains and the Seirra Nevadas; but as the islands rose and euiarged great depressions would naturally com mence and go on. ami in this way tho depressions of Hudson's bay, the Mis sissippi .valley and the Salt Lake and Nevada basins were burned. These depressions would eventually become rocks, and the depressions would have a saucer or plate- -Juine. Ami Job Wni'k Generally. At Macon ami Savannah Prices. Aildri'Si? all C‘omtminicatior.6 ,*o lublin Fost, DUBLIN, GA. This inaiiunoth newspaper contains all ’lie news of the week. Telegraphic Dis patches up to ilia hour of going to press, Agricultural Items, Original Serials, dc. Special dcpHilnieuts devoted to Georgia. Florida and South Carolina news, anti that of other Stales. To Hie farmer, mechanic or urtisau, the liusiutss or professional tuan, who has not the advantages of a daily mail, the Savan nah Wkeki.y Nkw s Is the medium by which he cau lie informed of events Iraus- pirimr in the busy world, whether iu his own State or in tiie most distant parts of the globe. Every yearly subscriber is cutitled to rnc of the Nkwh Liukxky seri als as a premium. THE NEW AND ELEGANT *—• HICH ARM— SEWING MACHINE J* Tlta JSKflr. HUY NO OTHER SEWIN8 MACHINE THE SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS Enlarged January 1. 18S5, to an S-P(tye, 5t : - Column. Papev, The largest Pan^r m ths South lssueu .,uy in the Year, ^lu.uu a Year, Including the real •Sunday Issue of the ’’News.” The Daily Nkwh gives pmnnucuoe to all umttern rehuivo to the AGRH L’LTL’- UAL. MECHANICAL and MANl FAC TL'IUNU iuten-stH of the country, as wel a* the GENERAL. POLITICAL and COMMERCIAL new*. Us TELEGRAPHIC. STATE, gen KR.VL. LOCAL lews and MARKET iitoitK, H «»w* III antk Ko. *. The KLDRSDOE M B *’ is sold with the guarantee of being tbs BEST that can be MARE The TADICS' fa VORITIL be % ■«»•* it is LIGHT RUNNING and does Mich beau ti Ail work. Agents' Favor- ite.lH-i‘uuso ills aqulch and easysolior. ACHKTS P IN i uirftniTIttMMV WWK X> U". > I \ *. . UUC i . ,Yl l . JUNE MANUFACTURING CO. Cor. Uoii!; at i:ae I d 0: trillStltei, CHICAGO, ILL. AGENTS WANTED EL0RED6E MANUFACTURING CO. Sajr* I.oeke; " Intelligible discourses •e spoiled by too utudi aiibuluy iu ice division." ——*•* — '--t A * .SuUcriU* for T»ir Drm.ix Povt A hcitiso iiiihis (Mi|K?r,