The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, January 05, 1887, Image 3

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•fWl ASNAKESTOUY. SOME VERY EXTRAORDfNARY FY*- T i i * ~« “*"* 4T 3r j RepHlM TVnt Cm Swallow CV*-RtHI*> »a«k— That Caa Look UInvuwWs, ; <m DUBLIN POST. DUBLIN. GA.. JANUARY 8, IH87- *«I;U * r: MfJ *f/II not J M " Yes, toothache is a common failing among euakea,’’ said Keeper^ John AY. Thompson, ttie snake-liouso man at the Zoo, recently. “ You would be sur prised. One-half of them die from cancer in the jaw, or some- place iu the head, the result of toothache. The only vray to save their lives when* they get cancers is to cut theta,out,. I have per formed-quite-a number of surgical op erations on snakes of this kind.” The visitor gave a shudder at the very thought, of handling anything like a venomous serpent. “Now, here is a spake," said, Keeper Thompson, coolly ' lifting the top of a case in which a number of ugly, vicious-looking black snakes were squirming about. “ This fellow I took the eye out of once. I’ll show him to you," continued the keeper, putting his hand down in the case and grabbing a long black reptile by the neck. The snake’s black eyes ghSuned, and his forked tongue darted in and out with anger. ■ Keeper Thompson opened a few more cases and took out one snake after another, with a view of inquiring after the state of their health, with as much - unconcern as a man would handle so •many ten-pins.' An ordinary person would be bitten badly, perhaps fatally, in nine cases out of tex “Now that animal in the case over ’ in the corner—that diamond rattle snake—I can’t do anything with. lie’s as quick as lightning. You would hardly believe it, but you might write a column about that snake. He has ' not eaten a mouthful of anything for two years in consequence of an ulcer- - ated tooth;” The rattlesnake did look a little dis consolate. But his bright eyea shone wickedly; and he looked like a bad cus tomer. Rattlesnakes are very heavy • ■In the spring. They don’t often jump fbr anything, but they are as stealthy and wise as the successful politician, and when they do moke a jump they get there. In a careful state of preservation, Keeper Thompson has among his col lection of curiosities the skeleton of a rattlesnake, showing the bones of the head and body, the long fangs in the upper jaw, the myriads of small, sharp teeth in the lower jaw, and the cavities • 'through which the venom escapes when the snake biles, and the bony "cavities where the venom is secreted in the sides of the head. This skeleton is really an Interesting curiosity. The keeper also has several small vials of iryatalized snake poison. This sub stance looks like small, granulated par ticles of rosiri, and is deadly poison. The snake-house man is thoroughly fearless of ,qll the dangerous reptiles about the placo. . IIo opened a door in the side of a ten-foot heavy glass caso and walked into where two ferocious pythons were colled up iu a corner. These pythons arrived only a few days ago, arid have been fed only once since their arrival on fresh killed rab bits. The pythons are ailiod to the boa family, and have beautifully striped,! l/idios. One of them ip 14 feet long, •‘weighs 90 pounds, and is 35 years old, and the other is 13. feet long, weighs <10 pounds, and is 23 years, old. When ♦hey arrived in a box, the keeper picked them up in his hands and placed them in t’,:c case. This task involved some pcriL ' ' \ r»-. The python, when armised. ls wonder fully ■ swift in its movements, and can wind a coil around a man’s bcjdy and crush him to death in a twinkling. Their jaws, when open, measure nearly a foot apart, and are filled with more sharp, ugly teeth than a shark’s. They can swallow a good-sized domestic cat whole without any great effort and en- j >y the feast. They live to a great acre, and only feed at long intervals.—Phila- delphia Telegraph. -j — <*nnin:ikt:r» Exc.icd. Something of a flutter of excitement " pervades the leading machinists of ’ New-ltnglan J because it is known that agents of the Trench Government are .. hereabout bilyliig up machinery with a liberal, not lavish, hand. And this machinery is to be used in the manu facture of arms and ammunition. Thus far lour of the New-EngLaud States have been invaded, ami the most • famous producers of iron-working jti machinery in - the Eastern States se renely contemplate the prospect of selling out, in short order, everything which cau be made- subservient to the manufacture of a weapon pf wate The. French Government proposes to establish another armory, capable of turning out. at Hist, at least 3a) perfect ... j-ifle* a-day..T» accflmpUxh this, it Is utated that these envoys are ordering Mil of the available machinery now on hand in the shops above named. It is understood that the negotiations are for -ixmiiediatc purchases, and not for t machinery td be made. T6 make 300 ■ A rifles a day wi*l require 83 )0;600 worth of' machinery, and it will cost more than 8i,<xxi,0iw iu all to set this motion for the production of the llrst 500 guns. For an rjnuip.e of pure and unal loyed coi/teixipt,. taUe a barber’s opin ion of, the man who is growing a toil bcanl.—Lp'rcH Citizen..,. i, »<;<< ■• Termu 111.50 a year in advance, To Ministers $1.00 per year. THE DUBLIN POST AND Svannnh Weeklt Nkwb one yeai. Southern Farm. Monthly 44 •' r KI.EOUAl*U& MeSBENOKK <• ’ll Southern Would, * 4 Atlanta Constitution, “ * Christian Advocate, “ •' Christian Index, 44 *• 44 •* renewals 44 44 2 25 2 75 2 25 2 05 2 25 8 25 8 85 8 75 three Boys Arrested und'Trled and Others Suspected. Joseph Weaver and Charley Jack- son, two beys between tho ages of sixteen and twenty years, lmvo Upon arrested; tried und found guilty by a commitment court of tho during bur glary and theft reported in theso col uuMia weeks ago, and arc uow lodged iu jail. The third, Fed Hightower, was tried arid Registered at the Fast Oflkx, in Dublin as Second-Class Matter. ubbin-the same age, jound over to the 'January term of . makried. ai mo rasmonco or Laurens Superior Court. ' * ’thb bride’s father, Mr; Matt. Jones, Local Affairs. i Head new legal advertisements in this issue. Young ladies call on J. T. Smith for Zephyr, Silk Floss, Fine Stamped Mat8, Tidies, etb. A good many of Laurens county’s citizens were in attendance upon sheriff’8 sales yesterday. We go to press a day later thh week on account of getting the elec tion returns for county officers. < J. T, Smith has the nicest as8or- ment of fancy goods, and material for fancy work, ever brought to this place. . tf. This office is prepared to dispatch job tfork iu the neatest and most approved styles. Call and leave your orders, or send by mail. Our efficient and faithful marshal. Mr. W. D. Martin, is the happy father of a bouncing boy—a Christ mas present that he would not ex change for the world. Mr. C. A. Guyton, of Marietta, hus been spending several days with relatives and friends ih and uround Dublin, and lookiug after his landed interests in this county. We are having some very cold and disagreeable weather at present If this local docs not contain Very much information we are not to blame for it; ev'orybody is talking ^bout it. Elias Branch, of Montgomery connty, while going to Durien on a raft of timber, just before Christmas, took a fit, fell in the river and wtn> drew ued before ho..could bn rescued. 4‘4*<|BSi j» this paper. On tbo opposite page we repro duce a letter from C. F Copper, colored, wiiirji wo would like every colored man iu this county to study and be benefit ted, thereby. There is lots of good sound sense contained in it Mr. D. S. Blackshear, formerly of this county, but recently of Wrights ilk*, has been appointed agent of the Wrightsville and Teimille Hail oad Company at this place, lie will etnove Ins family here shortly, who will.prove quite an acquisition to the town. A new arrival at the Hooks house piijd, ah hough lie: ha* but>> little or nothing to say, the proprietor appro ciutes- hiswisit none tiian any he has received' within the past/ two yep ftp He is tho youngest of six tine hoys, his arrival boing announced on the 2d instant. Captain H. A. Stanley, superin tendent, assisted by the teachers ami others, succeeded iii getting up a Christmas tree.for the enjoyment of the children on Tuesday night of Christmas week and it ptored to bo the soorco of much pleasure and will he king remembered by the little land ay school. fpl ks. ‘ Mr. J. M. Kessler. who has boon engaged in the mbicantile business artioyett since tho railroad reached .ijijit place, h«K n'tnrniBd’ with Ins family to Tusculutu.ij Effingham evunty, whore he will remain put ab/iut September! next. He has ip: bis business in this:county in other hands. The tropic of Lovett re gretted to sec him leave. The brtdgo. uejogs; the river, w completed about the'20th of Decem ber, and for several days’ to sliov: till 11 cohyenieiipb qlj it, tlio bn fillets allowed free passage pvpr it. They;, however began to.icharge toll oqr.ihc* 30tb ult., and have found that while a good riiatiy pi vfor'cdnsuiniiig rime ih Grossing at ilioTM'Vy to jtKy'ittlij it has proven the source of a irood revenue so far on thr money expend ed'iu the* building of it. The c<?m- pithy who constructed it propose .fp oontitmo to rut. i f ujt a toll bridge even after il.g street lino .is com- jdeted. ( THAT- BOLD KOBtHHtY.- “" r 111 Ofllvsen Elected. * Tho election,Xqr county'officers to day passed off quietly und the follow ing were elected: OPkand 'Proasurer—Hardy Smith. Sheriff—J. C. Scarborough. Tax- CollcptOr—J. B. Joucs. Tax ltbceivcr—F.' D> Beall. buFveyorrr-B. 41; Bitickshear. Qoroiier—Seaborn Jones. The coi)solidatod vote will appoar in our next. - j Makbied.—At tho. rasidonco of Mr. J. T. Smith, whose liouso was entered and whose goo^fl tWorp stolen, has been vigilant and hus left no visible stone unturned; that wop Id lead to the arrest and punishment of '-•lie guilty parties. Several days ago Charley Jackspn was at rested by tho officers and tried before Judge Haynes as being an ac complice in the above mentioned ubbory, . found guilty and giveh a (berth in tlio county jail, there to await future disclosures in the case.. About n week ago Fed Hightower received u letter from Warm Springs, Merriwother county, written by Joe. Weaver, who had secured a position as night guard of a convict gang at work oti the Georgia Midland mil road, now under construction. -Fed let the matter leak out, und Mr, W. C. Thompson left hero one weak ago this morning empowered with the authority to arrest and bring him to j ostled, Thompson reached theuump at which Joe was guarding about 2 clock Friday afternoon and g.ivt the captain the description and name of the young man Wanted, whereon on the officer informed him thu> there was a young man in camp that answered the description, hut ihm his hiftno was tJudei'woud- Joe was immediately found and arrested, hu not without denying tlmt his mum was Weaver. Thompson ami Ills prisoner left immediately by private conveyance for the nearest rail was suilion, a distance of torty livi^juiles. which took hours of li.resoniedr.iung- Phey reached Dublin on Monday afternoon’s train, and Joe was ar raigned before the judge of tlx County Court, found gniliy and re manded io jail, The boys who luive been coiivieteii of the theft allege linn there are others, whose names we will not gin he public at present; in.plicated iii the robbery, and whose cases, doubt less, will undergo the same investi gation. If others are connected iet none of them escape if possible, Tlio hhow. V G. W. Dollaveh’s bIiow has emm and gone, taking with. it hundreds ol hard-earned dollars, but thf peo ple, generally I t,hq.ight themselVes fitily repaid for what t hey speui, and that of itself is sufficient. While n few claimed to think it poor, a large' najority of the great'ViVowd that was lireseiit thought it. vvqrtli ttie moiiev It might be considered a good sliovv for the admission fee—fifty epnfs— when tr is remembered that tlie ex iifehse incurred in getting down here was so very great,. And while it is true-that-u ^>od deal of money ond the night of tho, BOtnTiltimo, by Rov. W. S. llamsay, Mr. 0. M. Hammond and. Miss Mt E. Jones wei’e united iti, llie holy (jonds of matrimony. ..Happiness ,abd pros perity in abundance th them. on. Joseph Gardner,.after a stay of several wtoks nj Dublin, returned last wo.ek tqjhis homo in Salyersville, Kontucky. He is a cultured and affable gentleman, and our people always regret tWtimV'whop his vii- its coma to nn.end, He is a formid able candidate for IjioqYcimnt Gov ernor of his State ami will doubtless devote the time intorvening this and the election, whiob oomeaoff in Au gust, in furthering his political in- terosis. ' . . '» , JL Early this morning th'esloot began to full thick uud fast, and, continued until near ten o’o'ook-when it ceasod and the suow took us place, falling in larger Hakes than ever peon iu his part of the country. Everything now covered from 2 to 4 inches iu snow. is extracted fl’CKii^h# qoiptti y a 1 g&id part of it is left in tho towns visited und the pleasant memories stamped on* tho ininds of tho young more than balances tbo money? expended, ufl a gyheral tiling. Tlie ', wo may say, Was excellent and hard to c^cOf Report of President Thomas. TENNiLLti, Ga., Dec. ‘^7, 1880.. PeaVjSii—Below' | submit extract from apimal report,, showing results from tlio operation of itho Wrigiits- ville and Teunilio Riiiikoad for yciii' |, r ending November 30. Earniugfinoltt 1 all sources.'1 -. 985.55 Total expenditures lor all put- ’ r ‘ 1: josetf. uv^y..«trU .WlY/ , . ! / f 5f,87i,4j| »4* poses. •Net earnint 4 0,007.10 • JNqt earnines v ,... ,u>... ,■.. 4 0, In these expenditures is included ‘ cash paid, engine $1,^00; coach, 1,000; flat car |250.‘4 5,750.00 Change of gauge.. 1,008.08 Total,net earnings aud.Lot’ _ termentn.. • • • * ld»3v5.9T ^o.cpiisoiida^ftu.,thd cftrii-' ings nextiycar.:/shooIff *noarly doubly itije iibovo.i. 1 Yotirs truly; -itu" tub rrr»t. ’VIV^W/tV/ThOMAS? ;r.4>d <T.i in ^'T’resideni. ni !.-u.a:aa.,tSH - Administratrix’s Sale. GEORGIA, I1AUMKN8 County. Will Ini m>1<1 before tho Cpurt House door in the town of Dublin, mild county, on the flrrt Tnmlay in February. 1887, within the legal hours of Bale, the follow-’ Ing described really, to-wlt: 80 acres of lot No. 185; that part of lot Nd. 180 lying below the publio rortd, containing 20a«res; also lot No. 150, containing 2021 acres: lot No. 155, containing 202J acres; lot No _ 105, containing 202j acres; hit No. 100, containing 808} acres, including gin house and screw, and mljoinlng land* of Ellis Ogborne, Joel Pierce, Joel T. Conoy, P. NV. Dou-liiss, J. T. Chappell 4tul Ira U. dtanloy. Tho public road, bel lir tho line from tlio gin house to tho ford bf the mill creek, containing in the aggregate 010 acres moro or less, and also alt tlmt tract oflaud kuown as tho Ira Stanley place, containing 17 acres, more or less; all in the 17th district of originallyWilkinson uow Lnurcns county. Bind sale will ho made for tho purpose of-paying the debts of the estate of John F. Burney, deceased, and of making dis tribution of said estate among the heirs ot the said John F. Burney, duceased. Said sale made subject to the widow’s year’s support and an annuity in said lands. JANE E. BURNEY, Administratrix Cum-tls Annex. Year’s Support. GEORGIA, Lacwkns County— Ordinury’s Oillco, December 2C, 1880. Whereas appraisers appointed to set apart a year’s support to tho minor clill-. (Iron of C. C. tStokes, late of suid county, deceased, out of tlio said C. C. Stokes’ es tate, have tiled their award in this oilioe in terms of tlie law. ’ These arc therefore to cite and udinon- ish all persons to show cause if any llie.v have, on or by tlie llrst Monday in Febru ary next, why suid nwuril should not ,tiu made the judgment of this court and re corded. John T. Duncan, Ordinary Year’s Support. GEORGIA. Laurens O unty - Ordinary's Oilioe. December 81 1880 Whereas, appraisers appointed to sii] apart a year’s support to Mrs Eugenlu Carr, out of her late husImnd’sHru Carr) estate, have iiled lheir awurd lij tbktpitiiv m terms of the law. These arc therefore-to cite and minion ish all persona concerned to-show cause, if any they have, on o'r % the fire} Mom lay iu February next, why suid award should not be made tlie judgment of this eonri uud recorded, '. JOHN T. DUNCAN. Urinary ’he LIVERY STABLE IS NOW KEPT FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE PUBLIC. When wanting'accommodation in tills line call on me. . W. J. HIGHTOWER, Nov. 24. ’80. . i> amiss.tin. y<> Geonria Laurens County —Whereas ;A. 1. Haines administrator on the joslutc ol H. C, Walker late of said eoiiiify deeensed has'filed bis applieutiou for lettijr# of dis- mission from said administiation- Thesi arc tHeiefbrg lo cite and admonish nil .persons concerned to show cabsu if any they have why letters ol dixinMoji should not be’granted Ihe applicant on the lirsl Monday In February next . Given uniler my olhciul signature lint- Octolier 20th 1880- • ' V / John T- Duncan, * t ;;‘ % 3 ’ 1 ; s Dismigsion. Laurens Court of Ordinary, October Term 1880. Whereas K. H.r Walker! administiatoi on the estate of It. H. Kellum lias Hied his application for letters of litsinisslou from said administration. Tl’i’fe i^q-iliorefore to cite und ndmon ish airpcr.snhs to show cause if uny they haye wliy,lett«te"oLdJsmis8}o» from said administrat ion should not lie granted the Given under my oflicinl signature tills Octolier 4lh 1880. - . ’ ■ in*. John'T. Duncan, Ordinary. id, f . Laurens Court of Ordinary. Term, 4886; Lire ■ !•<» Whereas M D .UWatsoiij' cxeeiitortptt the efilnlo of. Alexander OlitlAw, linJk died hie application for letters of sdismissiou fn>ro said.executorshipjouvlm o'- (c«.These are tlierfcfore io rite and admonish »lj .persons concerned to show cause If any they-Juive why letters of dismission from said executorship should not 1>e irruntei the applicant on tlie first Monday in Feb ruary next; this Nov’cmte-r lrt : 1880. i-ion.l sw t /. D/.tRriolIbRkl 7F ’OdbcaN, 8m -iu . i'i r. Ordinary I. M. SMITH, Mnnufnc.urer and Dealer in HVrfcAcs and Jewelry of Every Vo- 1 ' <' '' ' icripiton. AGENT FOIl WaLTEAN 1 , Euiim HPIUNOflKLU andLa** caIticr Wxiun Movkmunts Kncas . El) IN UOI.D AND till.VICK. JESO AGENT FOll Win. Smith & o’s celebrated Rolled plate vent chains, wa ranted to wear an well as solid gold. 0 IkwMng.of flue and complicated watch es a specialty. Watches sent mo by ex press or ni|tfi to, bo repaired will lie put in order and promptly returned. * Next door to Hooks’s hotel, bUBUN, GEORGIA. $100 A WELK Ladies or geutlemeu desiring ploasaut profltahlc employment write, at once. W« waut you to bundle an article of domestie use that n-commends itself to every one at sight- Staple As Flour Soils like hot hot cukes. Protlls 800’per eon 11 .. Faml lies wishing a practice economy should for 'their own benefit wrlta for particular), Used evory day the year round in every house. Price within reach of all. Circu- FREF, Ad'llress D^OMiStI?* M’F’S cot, siaIiion. ohio. TIM^TABLi OP THE DUBLIN Aim WIUGHTBVILLE R. R. Dublit, Georgia. -J. T. SMITII HEAD QUARTERS FOR DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, TIATS * AND (-LOTlllNU. BE.A. K3DW-A.^E3 ^nd Wooden ware. To take effect November 14 1886. oontet SOUTH. No. 1 Lv Tenniila Ar llairison Ar Donovan Ar Wrightsville Lv Wrightsville Ar Lovett Ar Bruton Ar Comlof Ar Dublin Lv Dublin Ar Condor Ar Bruton' Ar Lovett Ar Wrightsville Lv Wrightsville Ar Donovan Ar Harrison Ar Tenuillo 9 55 1015 QOINa NOBTII. •i . -.,;T 1080 No 8 AM I* M 7 00 2 20 7 45 2 50 8 10 8 10 8 40 H 30 8 45 8 21 9 15 2 35 9 85 4 15 10 55 11 15 11 85 12 05 12 10 12 80 12 50 1 80 4 80 445 4 50 515 5 80 5 50 010 0 16 (I 85 0 50 7 20 W B Thomas, Pres and Gen’l Supt Nov. 14, 1880 tf. PHIS IS FOR: CentralJSaflroad. Bavannaii, Ga., Dee. 5,1880. O N and after till* date passenger^ mins will ruu as Dally ualess marked f, wblbh a«i Daily except Buttduy. The Ntunduru time by which these, p ain'* an is 80 minutes slower than Savannah city time. I.vSavannah.. 10:00um 8:20 pm. 5-40 pm Yr Millen ... .12:85 pin 11 08 pm 8;45 pm Ar Augusta... .4:45 pm 0 16 uin Ar Macon 4-60 pm 8-20 am Ar Atlanta... .0 00 pin 7-27 uni Ar Columbus .4-10 am 8-05 pm (' Ar Montgomery 7 55 pm ' ■„ Ar Eufimla 4*82 pm — A r Albany .. 10-08 pm 10 50 am Passengei’s for Sylvarla. Hamlersvllle, WriglilHville, Milledgeviile and Eutonton .hIioiiUI take b-40 n in. train Passengers for ThonniHton, Carroll'on,, Perry, Fort Gaines, Tnlbottdn, Bueiiu Vista, Blrdtely nod Clayton shpu|d r '(uko 8 20 p m train. Lv Millen.. . .12-55 pm 11-15 pm 5-10 am Lv Augusta.-.10-20 am 9-80 pm •” Lv Macon 10-85 am 10 50 pin Lv Atlanta ....6-40 am 0-50pm iiV Cohimlms.. .940 pm 11-80 um Lv Montgomery 7-50 nm LvEuliiulu ....... 11-0 am Lv Albany 5-00 nm 8-57 pm Ar-Bitviinunite.. .5-00 pm 5,-55 am 8-05, am Bleeping eui'H on all night pussenger 1 ruins between. Bavannaii and Augustil, Biivavihinab' and Mifcon. Bavanmili and Atlanta..Macon and Columbus. i Train icnfmjnit 8-20 p m and ari-jvlh) ut 0-55 a m will not slop tojmt off or lttk 11 passengers • between Buvunnali und iS^ ' ( ■ it mm cet joint ot Bavunnuii w itli 8u m n n :i h, nd VVesteru Railway for all points Ticket# for all points and slcopipg car bertiis oli sale at felly office, No. 20 Bull street, uud depot office 80 minutes ! before departure ol eacii train. General Pas*: J. C. 8maw. Ttckst Agent- ARE YOU M \DE mlseifuble by Constipation, DI/.zIiichh, Lom IN ORDER TO MEET THE GROW ING DEMANDS OF OUR TRADE WE HAVE BOUGHT DIRECT FROM THE MANUFAC- TURKRH, 1’OR.gASII. A LARGE B J'OLIK J OF TWO ’OF THE MOST Popular Brands QUININE: it ft/itudF. <6JY.) 10 tm ,11$!Jump Mwl 1 f' I* hereby given that my w»fi>, Ej^A beMt Ke«, ha* lo bccoiuo n publjp* and freq. Trader after imblication of this ridtrceV for yonv month. V't; e; t< • <> ^ ^ ui,..n YVKSLiiY K i:A. Decenihcr 18, 18H0. Blc'iwlpriiiiig f* being Indtilgcfl In by sDirui. Ml.'/. /./.Dismission. • 3 Laureu < C-ouii of Ordinary, Bfptemb 8it«ya896F iM. i J 1 Whgi casfntomiwDixofltexeeulor of KaUiS Motts 1ms filed nis application for, letter* of dis mission from haul cseeutorsldp. j Thc.-e are tlmrCfoiv. to cite anil adino*- jsb all noi'B'ons coiK^rned lo show* cause if iarty tiicv lUve ouVn'Ity tlie first Monday ■ jjj’Dficcmbcr Dc'xt,iwli^ ietfcrs'-Wf ilisiaM*- ion/diould not he gnu|M:d . tflo applicant from salil cxt'ciitor'ship. t j ' j-t: ; . . Given under 1113' blflcial xignature, Rep- 3m. JOHN T, DUNCAN, .iMOlinary. of Appetite, Yellow, 8kilff ! ’’BIiiloH’s Vi tmizer is a positive cure 12 BHILoH’S CATARRH hemEDY —apoalnvc.cure ior Caluirhi -Diptiicriu Cuaker Moqtlt. JE£8«lw-!ll i : -fit •'JTaC^METACIv," a ^astitig undl irimrunt perfuftic. Priijc 25 ajid 50 Cents | 14 8HII,OIU»UUREwilnnimefllately relieve ^ Croup, Wliooij^-Cfeijgb^ anil siiiiyh’rpiwaJttili FrieedO ct«H-50 its., and relief Public. And in consr<|iiene« ol' tin- fowprn.'f:* obtained by .buying ia huge qunntitie* from first lioinls, for the cash,iwe will on and nflcr THURSDAY,’JRLY 80ru, sell this vei'y important and- much used drug in ONK OUNCE VIALS at th* wrap low price of Ml! ty 1 y lEPerr OoxDq!.0}0 TOMttepS, HAIR ISHUSJIJM, COMBS, logant Colognes, J..t;iKii. Hoaj.i, Futic} Goods,cntiicly now stock from New Y'oik. —A UOlHMillTU LINK OU Drugs and ChemicaJs A WV A VS OX HAND. H. Hicks CoJs. mum itiue and diakv fob iEST AI.MANaO, Mid * COM PI, lli* r»»r. To Th* . . for ryerr Aty I dMpn la ......... „ b* ».«<t f; u«illtln», or iujJImI on ,<K*i|S of s ugt s’. ii i' Ad lfirt* ■ _,A VOLINA DNUQ AND CHEMICAL OO. BALTIMOftC, MO., U. 0. A, XiftfepoR M’jMTgffaift Lives Coup I plaint, you have n pildted giiaran&'h oil every lH*tH«j„.xiX Blilloh’a Vltalixiy , .~]|f[£ never fails to cun (J.ItlRSt ii.MAN -1(1 HCl> ilOttl A'NASAuna Ef/Vofl -IS NOW AVITH- >f HhUoh's Catarrh tree with , Prteq ftf *LIT 11 1 B8&B8&J3 111 ill ll 1 MFI 0 v jin 9 9 THE REV. OEOT T1IAYK R. i Jiiiixlcin & Lehman, Ilnur U >u, 1 ml-, and wife owe our ifle BUM 1*110N CURE. ’'Both of mysoil RiTtLOiraVoN- ■i vAnnHw' CEO 1101,1,