The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, January 12, 1887, Image 3

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DUBLIN POST. DUBLIN. GA.. JANUARY 12, 1887. Teritkj It 1.50 a rear in advance. To Minister* $1.00 per year. THE DUBLIN POST AND ■Svauuuh Weekly News one ycai. 2 25 Southern Farm. Monthly '* “ 2 75 Telkoraph & Mkssengeu “ “ 2 25 Southern Would, * ' 2 05 Atlanta Constitution, “ * 2 25 CUBISTIAN ADVOCATE, “ “ 8 25 Christian Index, " “ 8 85 “ “ renewals " " 3 75 llegistcred at the Poet Office in Dublin as Second-Clast Matter. Local Affairs. Locgl matter on opposite pngo. .Eggs 15 cents per dozen in this market, ,, County court has been in session this-week. Dr. T. P. Williams has been very sick for several days. Thu fines inupoeed on evil-doers by the city authorities amount to a very neat sum. Plant more corn and less eoti-an, should be tho song of every d<4ver of the wil. The regular term of Laurens su perior court convenes on Mouduy ^ week, 24th inst. Dublin wants miotte residences and people to occupy them It seems •easier to'get the latter than the for mer. Job work is made a speciality at this office. Lcavo your orders which will receive prompt attention, with 4i guarantee of sutisfacti on. A good muny birds have been killed within the past week. Vivian .Stanley killed sixteeu black birds at -one shot, one day last week. Mrs. J. U. Stanley, mother of iCaptain R. A. Stanley, cbm tom plates a visit to the family of the latter witlun a very short while. Tho frameof Captain J. M. Smith residence nas bow* erected and as soon ns the weather moderates work will again he vigorously resumed. t Mr. Win. R. Keeu’slwrso became frightened on the. pablic square a day or two ago and ran away, throw ing out the-owner who narrowly es caped * serious accident. James Vick, the seedman, of Rochester, If. V., has sent out his seed caluloguo of 1887. 1IU seeds are fresh a ad pure, having been sat isfactorily tried in this county last year. Mr. J. I). Smith has the lumber on tiie ground fur erection of dwelling In the northern part of the city, and which he will complete and move into sometime during -next month. According to tho old saying, good crop year follows a severe win ter,” the farmers need wear a happy ouiiteiiunco, Rat the adage failed lust year, far us the cotton crop was oncunted:-'' *- ■' ' &s soon ns tho ground dries off otne the gardeners will put in some good licks towards the preparation f their gardens for eaily sowing of vegetables. Let all strive for a good arden this year. Mayor aiid Mrs, Thos. B. Felder, r. have returned from a six weeks' isit to the old ho.»e of the latter in Ireonwoid, Indiana. C->1. Felder ms recently made an important bus ness trip to Biruiiiigha-u, Alabama It is with regret that we chronicle tie death of Judge Ephraim ll'gh- nver, father of John&o.i county's oriliy Ordinary, Judge John M. iglitower, which sail dent occurr- at hie home in Johnson county st Wednesday from pneumonia, Messn. Landroath & Laidler will e the building that is now being cctcil by Mr. W. Tw Smith fora luiKe iiiul handle factory, and will I'gin operations as soon u6 their use is completed. They will put ji .fcpd operate a saw mill near tow* 80. Rev. fieo. C. Thompson filled his tpointmonl here last. Sunday and |l| were well jilehsed with Lis rmon. Although never in the ace lie fore two and a I ulf weeks o, Mr. Thompson has made a fin able impression on our people, ay his labors tins year b« blessed th goad results The postoffico has been removed to the office of the secretary of the old Dublin and Wrightsville rail road, better known ns Captain Stanley's law office. It will be re membered that this building was used as a postoffico years gone by. A most singular occurrence was that of a wildcat boing simultaneous ly shot lit by Messrs. Wm. Lee and Lou Clark, both of this county, who were each ignorant of the other's presence. They met over the temuins of tho cat each believing that he had killed him. Several of Johnson county’s offi-i oers w^re re-elected. Among them are the following named gentlemen and the offices to which they were elected : Clerk, J. M. Mason; sher iff, J. W Rowland; tax collector, Jvhn F. Norris, and tux receiver, L. S. Powell. The Domestic Manufacturing Com pany, of Marion, Ohio, are jK*ofes- sionul djudbeats, and we hope that none of our readers have been duped as badly in their offer of a *'1100 a week” iiB we were deceived into ad vertising for them. Rut it will bo so occasionally. Mr. C. E. Lanier has boon in con trol of the engine to tho passenger coach ou the road leading to this place for several weeks and the care ful and faithful mantior displayed in tho discluuge of that important du ty brings forth much respect as well as praise from tho people at large. Although the youngest, he is second to no engineer in point of careful and successful management. And still they come ! Every day brings to our town parties looking for a desirable location, and who will settle and engage in the differ ent avocations of life provided that proper inducements are offered. Thoso having building lots for sale should place the figures as low down us possible and thus encourage im migration to our towu. It takes people to make a town and Dublin will soon be thickly populated if the present inhabitants only will it. Prof. Peyton L. Wado, aftei spending the holidays with dear friends in Athens, returned to Dub lin last Friday evening, and will re sume his duties as principal of the Dublin academy on Monday morn ing next. There is; no yood reason why Dublin should not have a very flourishing school. Certainly a lib erally ]>atrouized literary school would reflect no IiLtle credit on tho town, and would prove to be a strong inducement to those seeking homes. Build up your school! The citizens of Macon havo re cently organized a society for the prevention of cruily to animals It is a good thing and should ho adop ted in every town and community. Let Dublin get up something of the kind mid sco if it does not have tendency to lesson the ill treatment of poor, dumb brutes. It is a la mentable fact that some people, es peciallv when under the* influence of whisky, abuse their stock most unmercifully, and something should be done to prevent it, The following changes have been recently made: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Daniel! have stopped boarding and are »*w keeping house in the Simms building, occupied last year by Dr. Williams; Dr. Williams has moved into the house formoriy occupied bv Mrs. C. J. Perry, who is occupying a portion of Mr. W. II. Tillery’s lesidcuoe. It. R. N >rman, E<q now with Mr. Win. Jackson, and iho house made vacant by his mov ing is occupied by Mr. D. S. Black- shear. T. D Thrash, a professional prill ter who has been in this office for nine days, left unceremoniously lust Sunday morning.- He seems to be the possessor of a roving disposition not being contented to remain in any one place any great length of time. As a proof of the assertion we will state that he rented a paper in this stutc and remained only long enough to dts'iihiite the funding matter, leaving the proprietor to get out a half sheet on account thereof. Tho press will kindly pass him a round ; if not, lie will puss himself around. Col. J. K. 11 : ghtower contem plates the erection of a new dwelling in the western portion of town be fore a gica- while. A Change ol Untie Nceosmiry. Now that tho seuson of year has arrived whoa every farmer is puz zling his bruin over the advisability of planting certain crops in this and that Held, triug to decide in his own mind tho crop tliut will grow best here and tho other that will yield best there, perhaps a fow words re garding acreage from even us will not be oat of place. It is true that every planter should bo thoroughly acquainted with tho naturo of tho soil in which he intends to plant, and overy one should plant in accordance with said knowledge, yet they should not scleot, as tho majority of them Inure heretofore, the largest field of tho mo3t produc tive soil to plant in cotton, hut vice versa. Try a larger acreage in corn for once and if this result is uot satisfactory it will ho an easy matter, at the begining of another twelve month, to retrace tho old iind trodden paths, for they will not he so badly dimmed by a year's neglect that tncy cannot be easily found. But, you may say, and as hundreds do say, “the cotton crop is tho only ready money crop made.” Now this has beeu the cry for years aud yet the people seem to be as badly depressed financially, and perhaps more so, as they were when the cry was first heard. Put yonr minds to active work and east your eyes a- round and try aud see or think of a farmer prospering who has . relied solely on the cotton crop for pros perity ! On the other bund, behold the inun, independent, us fat as this world's goods are concerned, who devotes his time to growing, corn, with his spare uoreage in cotton, and who with his corn keeps a large number of fine stock about his place 1 Contrast tho two and decide in whose shoes yon had rather stand. To which of the two would you first g > if you wanted to find a man with plenty in his burn and smoke houso and a few dollars of tho “ready cash” on hand ? It does not take a Solomon to unswor this question, yet nearly everyone, while admitting the force cf tho truth—that there is less ntonoy in planting cotton, than almost any .other crop—will persist in doing that that his better judgement teaches him not to do. It is hard to -understand why some men will continuo to follow in (lie old paths becauso their neighbor or the world at large insists ou doing so. There must he a turning place somewhere and we do not think the day very far distant wheu the force of necessity will so plaiuly point the index finger thereto that the veriest simpleton will not ho mistuked con ccrning it. l'ho sooner this is uni versally felt the better it will be for all concerned. Mark tho hcudlmes A cha ige of base is necessary; A Fatal Accident. James Flanders, a thirteen or fourteen year old son of Mr. Wil liamson T. Flanders, of this county, was killed by the overturning of n cartbody last night. His father had sent him off with the curt un.l upon his not returning at night, search was instituted this morning, which resulted in finding tho unfortunate hoy by the roadside with his head horribly mangled. Mr. Flan dci'6 moved to this county from Johnson four or five years ago, and within that short umo but few have had the sad experience that he has. Two years ago lie was almost fatally cut by a circular saw, from the ef fects of which ho suffered for months. Not long thereafter one of his children was drowned in a hole of water. Now a promising son suddenly and unnaturally taken from him. The family have the warm sympathy of numerous friends and acquaintances in their sad be reavement. A Serious Accident. A very serious, almost fatal, acci dent befell little Joo Guyton, second son of Mrs, Currie E, Guyton, hist Sunday morning. Ono of the lot gates had been taken from its hinges for the purpose of putting in sound posts, when tho little unfortunate fellow, in his endeavors to open it. received a terrible blow on tho head as it fell to tho ground. A gush fully six inches in lenght, tho shape of of half crescent, was out on his head, parting tho skin ail inch or more. Ills right elbow, was wicnch- od too, though not seriously. Med ical aid wus summoned, tho'wound dressed, and at last accounts the lit tle follow was resting as well as the case would admit. There are four or five cases of whooping-cough in this place, and had the.same number of individuals with smullpox lauded here from some foroign country the flutter and oxoiteinCnt in some quarters could not have been greater. The older people—above all, the ones most likely to know—say that unless a person is thrown with tho patient when the fever is on, which is wheu he is contracting it, lie iB not in any danger whatever of catching it. Then, why nil this hurrah P Interesting '’communications are pubijshed in these columns this weok from Buckoye and Condor. Lot us hear from you ofton; it will materi ally aid us in gettingjout an inter esting paper. - Hood’s Household Oaloudar-Alma nac for 1887 has been receivod at this office, and, ns a beauty and con venience,/it is unsurpassed. A hap pier combination .of calendar and almanac, of beauty and utility, of art and advertising, is seldom pro duccd, even on cards much larger in size. The lovely child’s bond, lith ographed in five delicate colors, will be welcome in any household, while iho pad *s a womlor of coudonsod and useful information; Copies niay be obtained from druggist, or by seud mg six cents in stamps for one copy or ten cents for two, to 0, I. Hood, Lowell, Mass. Condor ItciQM. Dr. S. D. Bland, of Arthur, Oa., is removing into the Burwiek 'house in the custom suburbs, Mr. C. W. Brack, of Nickleville. adds ono more name to tho celebri ties of Condor; nr.d will while away his ieisuro hours farming. Mr. Ed. Outlaw, of Harrison, lost a fine horse, Simduy, while on a vis it to relatives at Mr. W. R. Hush’s. Dr. J. P. Holmes is removing to McRae. Quito a romantic marriage took place at Mr. F. C. Adams’,,Sunday evening, 9th inst. Rev. W. A. Har rison performed the double ceromonv for Mr. M.„E. Graham and Miss Mollio J. Tnploy. and Mr. Clias. H. Adams and Miss Sydney A. Tiipley The old folks had repeatedly out the strings of Cupid's bow, but at above lime, under pretext of bringing bucket of water, our fair lassies jumped in tho buggies with waiting accomplices and “hit the grit” while the old folks mude things lively in the rear. It is not too late to chronicle the fact that Mr. W. 8. Wells Wus elect ed justicoof the peace for Smith's district on January 1st. Tom Hieks failed to appear with his “magnificen” show Saturday night. Mr. W. E. Arnold has resigned the professorship of Condor academy and will shoot tiie blackgum to the young ideas at Lovett. fl HHILOIt'8 COUGH and Consumpt ion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. ■/. - The Dublin Academy Opens Monday, 17tb lustnnl. Tuition Payable Monthly. Rates: Primary Classes .....$1,00 periu. Intermediate " |2,40 per m. Advanced *• . $8,20 psr m. For further information address PEYTON L. WADE, A. B.. Principal. N. B.— Board at reasonable rates may be had in the town, jau- 12-tf. The annual meeting of I he stock holders of ihe Wrightsville ami Ten iiilie Railroad Company was held at. the former place last Monday, 10th inst., ul which time the following officers were elected to manipulate the affairs of the road for the next twelve months: W. B. Thomas, president and superintendent; W. C. Mattliows, secretary and treasurer; W. F. Ed wurdy, auditor and book keeper. Board of directors for 1887: 0. U. Pringle, E- L. Worthea, San- deraville; W. 1L, Thomai, W. 1), MhUIvcwb, Tciiniilu; W. S. Ramsay, Dublin; Wm. Rogers, Savannah; L. 0. Beacham, Condor; 0. II. Harri son, liurrison, and A. K. Daley, Wrightsville. 8 CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. » SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made min erabty by that tdrribie cough. Shiloh's Cure t» the remedy for you. 4 CATARRH/CUBED, health and jweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Notice. Is hereby given that my wife, Eliza both Ken, has my consent to become a public and fruo trader after publication of this notioo for one month. WK31.UY Kra. December 18, 1886, Year's Support. GEORGIA, Laurens County— Ordinary’s Office, December 81, 1830. Whereas, appraisers appointed to set mrt a year’s support to Airs Eugenia Carr, 'out of her late husband’s (Ira Carr) estate, have (tied their award in this.oflleu in terms of the law. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all pursons concerned to show cause, if any they have, on or by tho first Alonday in February next, why said award should uot be made the judgment of this court and recorded. JOHN T. DUNCAN, Ordinary- J. H. SMITH, Manufacturer and Dealer In W'alcht* and Jewelry of Every Dt* a■ct'ijrtton. AO ENT FO t Waltham, Elgin, Si'iunoniklo anuLan- t'.viTKit Watch MovkmkhtaKncah- Jill IN UoLU AND SlI.VKA. A r.SO A a EXT IV It W m. S in itli & o’s colebi'ittttd IfolIml plate vest chains, iwu ranted to wear a* well as solid gold. Repairing of line and complicated watch es a specialty. Watches -sent me by ex press or mail to be repaired .will lie put in order and promptly returned. Next door to Hooks’s hotel, Dublin, geokuia, TIZMCZElI a?j^J3BXSa OF TH E DUBLIN and WRIGHTSVILLE R. It. To take effect November 14 1880. Administratrix's Salo. GEORGIA, Laurens County. Will he sold before tho Court House door in the town of Dublin, said county, on tho first Tuesday in February. 1887, within the legal hours of sale, the follow- described realty, to-wlt: 80 acres of No. 185; Unit part of lot No. 130 lying below the public road, containing 20acres; also lot No. 150, containing 202j acres; lot No. 155. containing 2021 acres; lot No i05, containing 2021 Acres; lot N«. 100, containing 202} acres, including gin house and soruw, and adjoining lands of Ellis r orne, Joel Pierce, Joel T. Coney, P. Doudsss, J. T. Chappell and lrnE. Stanley. The public road being (lie line from the gin house to the ford of the mill creek, containing In. the nggregute 010 acres more or less, and also nil Unit tract of land known ns tho Ira Stanley place, containing 17 acres, more or Icsh; all in the 17th district of originally Wilkinson now Laurens county. Said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the debts of the estate of John F. Burney, deceased, and of mnking dis tribution of suid estate among the heirs ot tiie said John F. Burney, deceased. Hnld sale made subject to the widow’s year’s support aud an annuity in said lands. JANE E. BURNEY. Administratrix Cum-tis Annex. GOING aooir. No. 1 No « AM P M Lv Tennlllc 7 00 2 20 Ar Hntrison 7 45 2 50 Ar Donovan 8 10 8 10 Ar Wrightsville 8 40 8 80 Lv WrlgbtsvIUo 8 45 8 81 Ar liovetl 0 15 8 55- Ar Bruton * 0 80 4 15 Ar Condor 0 55 4 80 Ar Dubliu 1015 4 45. GOING NOItTlI. Lv Dublin 1030 4 50i Ar Condor 110 56- B.ljh liKiur. B.wv Ar Bruton Ar Lovell lilt 85> 5.50’ Ar Wrightsville 12105. 015' Lv Wrightsville J2;10. 0.1ft* Ar Dohoviui rd:80(» 0 85 Ar liurrison 18 50- <i 50< Ar Tennlllo 1 80 7 20* W u Thomas, Nov. 14, 1880 tf. Pbsa-iuuLt Geu'i.- Sup. =i'HISli HiR: The LIVERY STABLE IS HOW KBPT For. THE ACCOMMODATION .OF THE PUBLIC. When wanting accommodation in this line call on me. W. J. HIGHTOWER, Nov. 24, '80. DubliL, Georgia. 5 For lame back, side or chest, - use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. 1 THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shilph's Cure. We guarantee it. • / • ■ 4 ' - ■' '' 2 WILL YOU SUFFER with Dvsbcp- ,-iu and Liver t’oiiqiia lntr sidi< jit’s Vital!- zvr Is guaranteed to cure you, 7 SHILOH’S VITAL1EER is what you nerd for Constipation, Low* of App..*- die, Dizziness and ail symptom of (»>>• pcpxiu, Price 10 and 75 canto, per but- lie. CentralJRailroad. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 5,1880, AN and after this date passenger trains V_/will run as Dally unless marked which arc Dally except Sunday. The Standard time hy which these (rains run is 80 minutes slower than Savannuh city time. Lv Savannah. .10:00 um 8:20 pm. 5 40 pm Ar Milieu ... .12:85 pm 11 03 pm 8-45 pm Ar AuL-usta 4:45 pm 0 15 am Ar Afneon 4-50 pm 8-20 am Ar Atlanta.. ..0 00 pih 7-27 nin Ar Columbus. .410 am 3-05 pm Ar Montgomery 7 55 pm Ar Eufauia 4-82 pm A r Albany... 10-08pm 1050 am Passengers for SylvarU, Sandersville, Wrightsville, Mllkqgevilki and Eatontoh j ’ should take 8-40 am. train. Passengers for Tbomastou, Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Huciut Vista, Hkikciy and Clayton should take 8 20 p m train. > f-\ Lv Millcn., . .12-56 pm 11 16 pm 5-10ani Lv Augusta... 10-60 am «-6o pat Lv Macon:... .10416 am 10 50 pm Lv Atlanta ....6.4(1 am 0-50 pm Lv Columbus. , .0-10 pm 11-80 am Lv Montgomery 7-50 am Lv Eufauia 11-0 am Lv Albany......5-00am 8 57pm Ar Buvaniudi... 5-00 pm 5'85 am 8-05 nin Sleeping cam on all night poMeuger trains between Savannah mu I Augusta. Suvuvnnimh and Macon, Havunuah and Atlanta. Macon ujut Columbus. Train leaving at 8-20 p in and arrivfn at 5-55 a in will uot stop to put off or ink ou passengers between Savannah aud Millcn. CoiiueefioiisntHiivuunuli with Havnuiml Florida and Western Railway for all pulpl* in Florida. .U 3 I VYr, vv - Tickets for nil points nnd slaepiuir car Is-rths ou sale ut city office, no. JA ]Ju|l street, und du|S>l o'flot 30 iidnulv, before departure of each train, G, A. ,VfmmiMD, . General I’imeinfer Agent J. C. Shaw. Tiekci Aj<f iit. IN ORDER TO» MEETS THE GROW" ING DEMANOiSOF’GiUR TRADE WE IIAVE.nCUGirrtMUEOT FROM THE MANUFAC TURERS, FOR CA81I, A LAttGE B.’OCK OF TWO OF TUB-MOST PogufytZB rm nds -—OFtt— QUI N IN E: (VcK. <6 Ji. and /'. & II.) Now Bei'oHvtlie Public. And in consequence of the low prices obtained by buying 10 • large quantities from first hands, for, lh«- essh,. we will on aud after THURSDAY; J.CL.T UOm, sell ibis Very important oiult ranch used drug In ONE OUNCE VIALS, at lira unpuralt/.-d;Ibw-.piiCe jmM IPex*' 0-ulxx-o©> hair brushes, combs, legnnt CobrgnciH,. Extracts, Sonpi, Fancy Hood's, Etc.,an cii.lyely now sleek from New York. —A ('€>(I’l.KTK HUNK OF— JPTJJEIIIj Drugs and Chemical.3 ALWAYS ON HAND. HI Hicks A Co’s. d“.fl IRSCHMAN —18 NOW WITH Einstein Si Lehuun, MAY A NX A If, j- KEOUQiA. Dfiml^oST Georgia Laurens County —Whereas A. I. Haines udmiqFinitor on the estate of H. (,. A lilket 'me of said county dceeased has filed bis application for letters of dis mission from suid administration. These srivtliutefore to < lie und admoulsli all perjj-.jur concern ed to allow cuuse if liny tiF'y iiuvQ why letters of dlsinlsxion should hot In-miauled Hie upplic.a«l ou tho first i Mouduy in Februari next. | UIvid under mv 'official signature this OcIoIrt 2011i INHfi bail StMC John'J Drnenn, I Owlinan