The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, January 19, 1887, Image 4

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nwr»nu' IN THEIR BROTHERS' CLOTHES. Tin AJiruldrr. of Two Tarry town Girl. . t in Nj »<:k. o*o evening Folicemnn Harris, of •>: cod two supposed boy* on n it - ci>:-a«r acting In a suspicion? or. Lit kept )tis eyes carefully •v‘ ) ihwin for some time, ami when t ?u<y moved ■ off toward the railroad uajtipH he followed them. The officer tooii lacaiiio convinced that they were Kirk, m:u Muerndhig iu male attire, and it W is, evident from tlieJr actions they novices in the business. Finally o ver <«>k tliem and galled them to Informing them he was an olfl- ^ i ;i>* Niild not allow such a thing to >$.'•1,;,.,.' The glris burst Into tears and ■m< ,:«vyV their sex. They said they „ , - i.1 mitytown. directly across the v, «!mi for the first time in iiieir " ' '. ■ fit nrtrd on an adventure, not that they would be detected. ; < ■>»< >ugad, it was ascertained, to u ii and respectable families in * t .; .v,:k and had donned their broth- ,'.•V,.id..iis ior the purpose of having ’**i" wero ver y much ,rrer the thought of being ur- v vC vi .u mi'their-mischief being, made aid it was evident that they v'peiitwl tlielr . actions. The .si i-i ,o:n the girls their course was a c i ; i '.iih one, and that they must re- lelr homes with him, which vlaoru tliaii avllling to do. The - ; a: had stopped running before )> * vim', :.t|d Harris procured a small : ,mi rowed thorn over tins river, them to their homes and deliv- them to their patents. The lathers of the girls wero so T f i> i'ii With the coiuluct of the olllcer ni t they secured a large boat, took the >qij. if f Harris in tow, and brought him Tho girls were each about 10 .u.j|s.4a. and In a letter which the olll- V"i; iiicyived lrorn them they explained -,nrir original plan. They said they wanted to have some sport, not tearing itnyu npteasiint consequences, andnanie 0> ifr'expecting to take an evening train i ni here to New York, and then to i >ti urn thorns. They my they now real* ^I'nuoir foyllalmciS, nud will never at- teuiid the sumo thing again. ■ . -A Klch imiiol4 Woman. } Tpxc 'ift that Crujsus in /cortets, tho t.itMau'.donna wo veal about, Airs. > ivdith, of Cambridge City, is tho .iltl? )ia|en of tlio world. She is now u This' city and I lifted my hat to her i:.HterdWKi>' Mil). M. is the'widow of u. Meredith. Ueu, Meredith, when • was alive, was one of the ploncor i lie oiitUo breudeVs In this Country. He amine rich ns the craze for high* ■ iced, imported shorthorns grew, until the ‘qua and tho early '70s ho was Ui. probably $500,(XX). Ho had tho tliiim and paid out 810,000 as readily V nidi that happened to bo after ; >,. -\vn hyuvt as more conservative ■aid out money for good lands onscs on them. Hut tho tlouer'al broke whon the craze subsided, •n failed alter him, but the widow, ail style anti grace, had a bet* ead for business than either the - -nd or' son. She took tho herds v, ere loft and managed thorn, and, ootli uen liu.t ioiled, she attc- ' Meredith used to own $10,000 mid ran to 85,000 calves. Ills Miflw widow has got over that y. She breeds cattle for money, for glory. 'L’ho Goners.! wnsqnix- ash’n the standpoint of cattle men. • widow Is practical. The modern t, cftMlo-vaising is to raison herd . at! J; br» v« tt tip until it lms oevUiiu •>•««.: ivo ehnrnoteriatlcB—of fine beef, ., r.t A.uice. or of line, rich nulU, or of i. vdvosiiuty. j , ’ , ■■■j » JUL'HB! ONWntlon by Electricity, uwiornt has hci'ti m-1 on root in fowuuLs orocting in one of the . ; pal (towns an electrical erema- ii, In this ediflc| tho corpses will .nstnntly consumoil "by rneaus of an itso heat caused by elootrioity. r,ous European cremation societies reported to have despatched repre- Uives to Italy to make inquiries to the feasibility of tho scheme, v> fitch it is oxpeetikl will, If successful, stKui rt'piaee the more elaborate . ods now g. iiorally adopted. Par- lsans of cremation are sanguino that ;ho introduction of electricity would •i-.antly remove the objections held n.v many Kmopean States ogaiust the .aonigof bodies. Dogs—wo presume mad dogs—have already been sub jected to tho process by its inventor with a considerable degree of aucoess. Their bodies forthwith evaporated into nothingness, and there was per ceptible nonu of that disagreeable odor oing flesh which with'tho method la said to exist. Hid fSngar ia California. During last year there were nearly I C"X),00(),000 worth of sugar raised In this State. Neighboring farmc-rs raise j the beets for the factory, the company making contracts with growers to tak* the beets, usually at from $1 to .81.5 per ton. The factory lias paid ou; about $90,000 per year for l*eots. At one time about 7,WX> tons of beets had been bought by the establishment; but not- withstumihi^ the deductions made nt tbc time of buying, there remained only 7,150 tons of washed beet to. be manufactured into sugar. The yield of beets is cald to average from tlfteeti to twenty or thirty tons per ucre, the beets needing no irrigation. This re sult is better than the product in tier- many, where the yield, even with tho use of fertilizers, averages only twelve tons to tho acre. The yield of sugar per ton here Is between 100 and 150 pounds, making from 3,000 to 4,000 pounds of sugar per acre. Quite a number of cattle are usually kept in long sheds and incloeurea at a distance from the factory and fed partially on the refuse pulp of tho sugar beets. They seem to-enjoy this diet, and to thrive on it. In 1885 there were about too head of slock kept in the cattle pens.' The beets are stored undercover in sheds ready to be manufactured into sugar. They arc sometimes piled up six or seven feet high. Tho beets are thrown from the sheds into a sort of canal, and are carried by the water to the place where they are washed. After being conveyed to the slicer they arc cut Into small pieces by u set of revolving kuives, and then tho regular process of manufacture begins. The molasses left by the process is not lit for tublo use, aud has been gonerully made into vinegar. The cost of manu facture lias averaged from 5 to 7 cents per pound, and the factory has a capa city of over eighty tons per day. It was originally intended to use only thirty tons daily, but the demand was so great that the capacity of the factory WUS increased. * —y—■»-*«»•-». ■...... ruuxrJcr-Utuma lucroiuing. From certain meteorological statis tics recently published In Germany wo learn that thunder-storms in that country ha\;o during the last thirty years been steuiiily increasing both in frequency and severity Tho number of deaths per annum from lightning lias increased in a far greater ratio than that of the increase of population. In the present state of our knowledge of Jio whole Subject of utmosplicric elcc- .riclty, tho cause of the pheuomena of ilihndor-storms is confessedly obscure. 11 Is, however, very possible that some tight would bo thrown upon the ques tion by a comparative study of the frequency and sovorlty of storms dur ing a lengthened period and over a wide geographical urea. Tho German savants Incline to the opinion that the increase Is to bo attributed to tho enor mously increased production of smoke uni steam which has taken pluce dur ing tho last three decades. Hutalthough wo may admit this to ho to some extent a probable «era wu'm; yet whon wo consider tho very local character of thunder-storms, we should naturally expect to Slid that jit vvouM.foliow tl UiO neighborhood of largo cities, and especially of manufacturing districts, would suitor tho most severely. Hut tho statistics referred to show dis tinctly thut tho reverse is tho case. Tho number of storms attended by fatal results from lightning Is far larger tn the agricultural districts limn in the towns. Upon tho other lmud, we ought to take into consideration tho protec tive aofion of lightning conductors, with which tho promlnout buildings in the towns of Germany are well pro vided. >U ' POISON IN i ill ASHES Wlmt tlip lit. Lebanon Shakers Found— incident in tke His tory of a Quiet Community. HARNESS SHOP The Mount ijebanon (New York) Shaken* are a quiet <*om- ruunity,.-.secluded from the fret and worry of the outside world. They are widely known, how ever, for their strict honor and probity in business. Tlie Shaken* 'believe that na ture lms a remedy for every dis ease. A few have been found— tile rest are as yet uuknovvn. Many were discovered by acei-, dent. Others came to light as the result of patient experiment and research. Nerv ous Dyspepsia is a com paratively new disease, growing out of the conditions of modern life. It is a joint affection of the digestive organs and of the nervous system. These two 1 were formerly treated as Sepa rate. ailments, and it was left for the clear-sighted Shakers to prove tluit the basis of this temble and often fatal compli- cation lies chiefly in the disord ered ami depraved functions of digestion’hnd nutrition. They reasoned thus:—“If we can in duce the stomach to do its work, nml stimulate the excre tive organs to drive out of the body til ia poisonous waste mat ters which remain after the life- giving elements • of the food have been absorbed, wo shall have conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exlmust- iou. And they were right. K nowing the infallible power Ti’.vt.vnnf. /Rm'imVa dczevAvti* WVtttrs, A. CHAVOUS. Ag-t j (Opposite the Court House.' D-ULlDliXL Ga. MACHINERY. ManufaettiUT and Dealer iu > Saddles, Bridles & Harness. —1IE WILL ALSO KEEP-- L:ip Robes, Ilorse Blankets, Halters Bndly Bits, Spurs, Carriage, Bu gv. Uilliug and Team hips, Lwhjs, 0 mill* i Bin shea, Collars, 1 n ;>> iiuiHet, Etc. Cheap For Cash. FEEDERS A1ND CONDENSERS. Repairing Promptly Done. > May*' 104)6*1 y.'' 1 DANIEL B-R 4TT cifi 01 in THE FARMER'S FRIEND. Cancer of the Tongue. ^^^W5ts«w«sas n- (ji-y.sKr.s vhk urn «uok 8t&BMasaa«SpWP .A . cotton. I am agent for the CimU-imiul Cotton Giu, O. II. Miller, of Fort Val ley, Gu. The feeders and condensers can be attached to uny other make. ' ITTilso sell the’ildokwnlter Engine, Lef lei's Water Wheels, Lane & Bodlcy Co.'s machinery and Frick & Co.‘s Engines und 'saw mills. 'My'territbrS - eHiljnietsstiuiienjs, Johnson mid Euiunuci counties. 1 have been sell in : U16 aboVe tiiiiehinery for several years, Hu.; think 1 can make it to your interest to trade with, tue for anything line W G. WEAVER. ' Dublin, Ga. L.:;-ist-4 3 m. Welt Aetututct. Jh'-vrdW tJu*t entered)—Why. hello 1 Os .if, thought 1 heard you talking to sv; 1.>•' ono %s 1 came in? Oscar—So I was talking, joat saying “good moniing*' to these tisibboUai bad the saute eues every moruiug ter a Tuu Uere. Do yon ask mo what a boro Is? 1 will tali you who is such; Tis tho OHO Who know;; |IW* ).«,ye, bo kti'i'i > i'>» much ‘^riteoni i».i’;tci ▲ Ilridc’a Whim. On the banks of tho Murray, N. S. W„ which separates Victoria from Now South Wales, a Presbyterian minister had his charge, his church and test- donee being ou tho Victoria side, and a portion of his congregation residing on thatof New South Wales. In the aourso of events a young lady of his people was to be married; but with the fancies that young ladies so often indulge iu, sho would bo married in her father’s home, which was on tho Now 6outh Wales shore, and by her pastor, who, as It appeared at the last moment, was registered only to tic a nuptial knot in Victoria, Here was a pretty lix; tho hour had come—and tho man. Moved by tears of the lovely suppliant, lha minister was equal to the occasion. It appears that the whole of tho waters of tho Murray pertain to Victoria, so, obtaining a boat, and putting therein all his paraphernalia aud books and other instruments requisite for the per formance of tho ceremony, he put otT from the shore. The young lady and her friends came to tho foot of her father’s grounds, and tho party stand ing on the shore tn battle array, tho marriage service was duly performed by the minister in the boat. The mar riage was enrolled in tho records at Melbourne; but the question arises,or may arise, or in the event of certain contingencies very certainly will arise, is the marriage leeal^ The Chinese language is a little ob scure to the ordinary white listener, ami it Is rather bawl to ascertain just I what the I'nittapirii uiv tnlkiHg about— : whether a po-->itiu* assanxinatton ora I propo.wd tUrutiuii with n lady, ■ * • ■»!»•» >>- >■■■» of Shaker Extract (Seigcl’s Syrup) in less complicated though similar diseases, they resolved to test it fully in tills. To leave no ground for doubt they prescribed the remedy* in hundreds of cases which hndbcen pronounced in-, curable—with perfect success in every instance where their directions as to living and diet were scrupulously followed. Nervous Dyspepsia and Ex haustion is a peculiarly Ameri can disease. To a greater or less extent half the people of tills country suffer from it— both sexes and all ages. In no country in the world are there eo many insano asvluins filled to overflowing, all resulting frem this-alaraing disease. It: ■ leading symptoms are these: Frequent or continual head ache ; a dull pain at the base of tho brain; bad breath; nau seous eructations; the rising of sour and pungent fluids to the throat; a sense of oppress ion aud faintness at the pit of the stomach; flatulence; wake fulness and loss of sleep; dis gust with food even when weak from the need of it; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or in the inoutli, especially on ris ing in tho morning; furred and coated tongue; dull eyes; cold hands and* feet; constipation; dry or rough skin; inability to fix the mind on any labor call ing for continuous attention; and oppressive and sad fore bodings and fears. All this temble grroup Shaker Extract (SelgePs Syrup) removes by its pos itive, ' powerful, direct yet painless and gentle action upon # the functions of digestion and assimilation. Those elements of the food that build up and strengthen the system are sent upon their mission, while all waste matters (the ashes of life’s fire) which unremoved, poison and kill, are expelled from tile body through the bowels, kid neys and skin. The weak and prostrated nerves are quieted, toned and fed bv the purified Mood. As the result, lieaivh, , with its enjoyments, blessings ami pow«er, returns to the suf ferer who luul, perhaps, aband oned nil hope of ever seeing another well day. ®wdc^Homc? 8 By e tho a two of a half dozen Imall- relleveVu'j'l rest Sffess /rttfwns Uiree apiita, G#., Juno 6, lea#. Treatise on Blond and Skia Olseaacsmated frw. Tn* swift spkcihic Co., Draw er s, Atlanta, Ufc lttW.23dSt.,H.X. ■' . ;! , i It Or Binds Leprnny. In n dl'cn.c \ylm li \<j considered tncurabliv, but it iius yurnicU I o' m<>Vi. J r:i!ao proper- tlesof SWiIVs Si’ltriFic--non lainvr nil over tlie world 03 S. S. S Mrs Unlit v. ,.r W.t Somerville, Mos9..nenr lloHion, was nlll.ik. il n v. inl years o;ro with tnis liiitenns lilnck ernplion. nml v.aa trealed liy tho best medical talent, who could uuly say that tlio discaso was a species of -LEPROSY- and conneqncmlv ineurnhlo Tl m impossible to do- scriho her sutrerlntis. Her body from t ho crown of her head to t lie soles of lu-.r fit ! w ns n mass of decay, masses of flesh roll ms oil ami lenv in,sprat cavil io*. llcr llnf-crs fcntcml tied three or four Units drop-cd off nt ono time. Her limbs contrariwl by tho feni Tul ulceration, and for several years she did nbttlcnro iior bed* lldr woivht wn« rnhi^M frnm i$r» t/i ih« I’erhups some faint idea of her coiidiltoiv, can ho « leaned from the fact .that three pounds of (‘osrim- ne or ointinont wci-o used per week m dressing her .. - nckiiowledgedihelr commended the suf- eorcs. Finally lliu physicians 1 \Vo defeat by this Black \Volf, aud ferorto her all-wise Creator. > tier husband hearing wonderful rqmrts of tho two of SwttT’s Specific tS. 8. S.), prevailed on her to try it ns a Inst resort. She began its use under pro test. hut soon found that tier system was be ng re- 1 overt of tbo poison, ns the sores assumed a red and licalthy color, us though the blood wins becoming Mrs. UuUcy continued tho S. S. S, nuittand active.,.- PIL, until lust February; every tore was healed; sho ills, carded clmir mid crutches, and was for the flist tuns in twelve years a well wnnmn. Her husband, Mr. C. A. lluUoy,ialn bnnuess at 17}f Blnckstono btrect, Boston, and will take pleasure iu giving tho details of this wonderful cure. Send to us for Treatise ou Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed tree. U’uc SWU’I Srtcu'W Co., Dtawcr 3. Atlanta. G* By oloanaing the ftel’d peifect, never eluikes^ niu lij^lit, gins fust, aud ’ makes u good sail)pie TUe > feeder jta iiflk on ilie floor it will Ieetl any kind of cotton regular , ;cvery gin is Y« , guaran teed. as represented and to givo Satisfuction. Pi-ices kits been reduced. jGall on or ad dress.' i : ‘ u ' LAFIQ & WsLT, tSTMaonfocturprs Agents, Sanders-.^ . Ryvillfl.-GbdWria. For f'g^dcsprlDtlon of pi’iqc^t£) pg^trnd ter ‘ eriiis. A gin^3 2^~will bekept„&3 C^”.iu,stQepj®| where it can bo seen many time. Ju lU-’iiU 4m, Best SHOE House IN GEORGIA! NO SHODDY GOODS!! NOTHING SOLD WITHOUT OUR GUARANTEE! Mens line CONGRESS GAITERS. nUT'I’ON BOOTS, and LACE BALS at $-i. 2.50, ,P, 3.50, $4, §5, $0.6 50, $7. THE BEST E m P/PER IN THE SCIHI THE SAVAMWAM WEEKLY EM ®2‘C0 d Year, In Advance* Not a Local Paper, but <)m Suitable to any Locality. f A BVUXEfS, FAMILY, LITER All Y AGRICt LTURAL JOURNAL. Tins mammoili uewspaner con turn.' all 'lie news or the'week. Telegraphic Dis- utciies up to the hour of going to press, Agriculluiul,Items, Original Serials, etc. vneeiid deputt ments devoted to Georgiu. Florida and Soutu I'moliuit news, am! d'ftt of otlier Slates. To the farmer, mechanic or artisan, the businesa or professional man, who lias not site advantages Of a v dai!v mail, the Savaj> s.mi Weekly News is the medium by Which lie can bo of events traus pirinv in the busy world, whether iu his own State or iu Urn must uislaul parts oi tLi* nlobe. * ' t’*o globe. ■ . Everv yearly sttl)scrilieV Is entitled to am* of till Mowkino News Lidkaky seri als us a iiremium. TIE SAVANNAH MOHKING NEWS Kathugol Jatiunry 1, lS5>d, to ut> H-]*ay‘e t !(G- Colutuu Pyyer. , The taigfst Paler in the Souti Issued Kvci j Buy 111 the i car.' $10.1)1) a Year, Including 11>9 uut Sundnv Who of tW ••NcWvS.”. Advert i.) tu this paj»or, | Ktue Ci^u* a iltvlvi- Boys’ Sc tool Shoo over made For Only 176, An oxcelleal Mias>3’ PriBBLG BUT TON BOOT Dice style and very scecayit blent, 1.50. Misses’ tine KID BUTTON BOOTS $2 2.50 $3. Ladies fine KID and PEBBLE BUT TON BOOTS AT 1.50 §2 2.50 §3 3 50 $4 .$5 $0 0.50. Our 2.50 LADIES KID BUTTON BOOT is the best e.ver made for the pries t'hey tit beautifully und wear splendidly Elegant gent’s embroidered slippers 1.50 2.50 $3. Send us your orders! MIX & EVERETT, MA COX, GEOROIA. Successors to Mix & Kirtlui d. Iti ii of every kind cured iu 30 minute iv Wolford’s Sniataky Lotion. Use uo Jtber. This never fails. Sold H. Ilicks & v'o. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I respectfully announce myself u candi ■ .:« " - date for TAX'COLLECTOR of Laurens county. 1 therefore earnestly solicit the ■iuupdrt and tufiueuce of every citizen. C. B. MOORE,- SILLER BROS. STEEL PENS THE BEST nr USE ’ local dealers, wo wilt mat VThcn not for sale bv local dealers, wc will ir ti Icuillng styles In ia boxes of j dozen euch, ecciptot Sligj. >tl» tries School Pens, 4 boxes, 1 doz. each, SO.45 t Biisincss" 4 •' 1 “ , .45 1‘ •* Dusinejg fc Flubs, 4 boxes, 1 doz. oach, .-.J THE KILILS |50i CDTILCY CO. McriJcn, Cm 186 Established 1H57 Gl£XX AXl)- Wiii .^/Callaway, u oiid Street, MACikr. f.i Return tb* their numerous cus- tomerft-ii-. iriiii’iii' and' 'surrounding try. TL. km ui.;,cC'.caing daily nn.'-^fe^. At Sic-ck of Choice p Jill p T IBl I35TGt' HATS, For MEN and BOYS, for the FALL and WINTER Trade., suits and SHIMS to measure. Give us a cu. or let us hear Loin you !>y letter. , f i ?! J no-isurem^n t 33 nt oi? ^p,i>Uctlon. Ely’s CatarrH CREAM BALM] Oivc3 relief at once and Cures COLD IN HEAD CATARRH HAYFEVER Not a Liquid, Snuff or Powder. Free from Injuri ous Drugs and of fensive odors. " A particle of tho Balm Is applied into each nostril, If agn - quickly absorbed, cffect. la agreeable to use and is quit . nally cleansing tho nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy Accretions. f ' - w -- .. ... - w _ r ... of taste and smell. Bc&ciicial res nits aro realized by a few applications. A thorough treatment tcUl eure. Price 60 cents atdrngglsts; by mail, registered, CO cents. Circulars sent free. LLT BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, X. T Catarrh is Not a Ulasd DImuc. mystery about the origin of thls It begins in a neglected'cold.. istis “sure to be better in a few drcadfnl disease. _ T Ono of tho kind thatis 1 — days.” 'Thousands of victim* know bow it Is by . sad experience. Ely’s Cream Balts anna cald* is tbo bead and catarrh 1* ollit* stages. THE !» THE NEW AND ELEGANT HIGH ARM-— ‘JENNIE JUNE" 3EWINC MACHIPSE rrs the r.Esr. bust ho otheb.; SEWING MACHINE 2fi- wrist Automatic. _ p _ ^ all malit-rH ruhuivo tu th«- AGltHT'f.TlT- ltAL. MECHANICAL and MANI FAC TI DING mivn-sts of tin- rttunlrv ns wt*l an Die GENERAL. I’OUTICAL and ( OMMKRCIAI. mwn. Its TEI KGRAPH1C. STA?’K. GEN J ERAl.. LOCAL ww* sod MARKET i th-parttnt itt> an; ut-kmot hGittnl in ht tht I l ot uuii iu( »t t-t iu|>rtiit nei\v uf shy pa ! prit iu tho South. Sut+vrilK- tlirniigh vuqr News I'eale I’oei Mutlt r ut M-litl (llntilt tn / J |i. ESi tl.L, M'.iVVOI 1 n ■ . WO. X " Z’- '. The ELDREDGE “ B ” is sold with the I guarantee of being the BEST that can be MADE AGENTS WANTED. Tho LADIES'FAVORITE, became it is LIGHT FUNKING and does euch beautiful work, .'.touts' Favor ite, because it is a quick u ud easyselloi’. icFsts wnn) n tmmmj i aernm ELDREDGE manufacturing Co. SKtCIO S-OTt CmCUIiAIX. 303 and 36S WABASH AVE., rUH AGO, ILL JUNE MANUFACTURING CO. - Csr. LiSalls itoie i.l flitirlo sir:-:!, CHICAGO, ILL.