The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, January 26, 1887, Image 4

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~ -v. A SCOUNDREL UNMASKED. AS A WORK Or ART. AntiM Jtswlhnrn*'* I in ttarlHoldi WaIuk of lit* Solid fir.'sue never looked more ethev rial than When, on the afternoon of Oct. 28, the great flotilla of steamships drew near, through the h:i?.y rain, to tlir* statue on Liberty Island. A dusky l tin reared itself ngaiust the pallid sky, !i!;o a shadow cast upon a transparency, it seemed aa unsubstantial us a vision, t hough its outlines were full of gran* dear and repose. Approached more closely, the groat form slowly Holidilied and towered higher nml higher aloft, ns if It wore drifting towards us through the sea-fog, a mysterious daughter of the ocean, becoming lunar* nato while we gazed upon her. And whou, at length, we lay within tho sweep, as it were, of her uplifted arm, and could distinguish tho folds and fall of her garments, and apprehend tho pose of her mnjestlc figure, the spell of wonder and silence descended upou us, children of Liberty as wo were, standing for the first time iB the .presence of our mighty mother. This Htatuu is certainly the outcome •of a sublime Imagination, working for noblo onds. There is, it is true, a brutal sort of impressiveness in gigan tic size alone; but in tills work Iho •design 1b of such quality that oven tiio Miniature models, which linve become ho familiar to New Yorkers, arrest the attention by their dignity. Them is nothing small in tiio treatment: the lines and composition nro vast in tlioir •quality, as well as in their dimensions —vast and simple. Tho conception is .as great as tiio accomplished reality. It is a thing which takes its plnce ■quietly and naturally in the midst of t he brood scene of which it Is tho cul mination; it is ntoncoat home there; though It awes, it does not nstouish; once in its place, it seems to hnvo stood thore sinco tiio dawn of time. Thu rain *mi iimu were Its friends and f am liars; and tho sunshine will rast upon it ns fittingly an upon the peak of a moun tain, nml tiio clouds, at noon nml sun set, will form n part of its grandeur, or glorify It with their crimson and gold. When the thunder rolls across the bay, thoso lofty lips will seem to hnvo spoken, and the snow of winter will .drift around It Hko a drifting veil. Though tho bronze goddess stands motionless and firm, she seems but a moment ago to have assumed tho at titude which she will retain through centuries to come. She has stepped l or ward, nnd halted, and raised her torch into tiio sky. Thoro is energy without effort, and movement cotn- iilued with repose. Her aspect is gravo almost Uj Btornness; yet her faultiest Statures wear tho serenity of power und confidence. Her message is tho sublimost over brought to man, hut she is adequate to its delivery, lu her left Itnnd she holdB a tablet Inscribed with the most glorious of our momarioH, tho birthday of tiio Republic. No words lire needed to Interpret hor meaning for hor gesture and hor countwunco l P«ak tho universal language, nnd tlielr uttornneo readies to the purest depths of tho human soul. Tiio crowd thronged around her pedes tal and looked up as against the front of it mountain cliff. Tho steaming vapors •drifted around hor qrowned bond; alio uppenred a part of tho heavens, dlvlno, nnd yet human, founded upon n rock. WiB filled tiio oyes and Hut hilled the imagination. Antiquity novor gave birth to anything no groat, oltlior In spirit or In substance. Hlio is tho genius of America, because Amoricn is herself tho symbol of whatever is mdiliist ami of greatest hope in tho wHaiti —Julian Hawthorne in the Now York World. The Rubio* Remedy. O. N. Richardson, while in the oity of Paris, inquired into tho great raedl- otd secret by which M. I'usleur cures l.\ divpliobia. lie Hays the doctor <»iku» a healthy rabbit, and injects into it. seme of the virus of a dog whicli 1ms t ho real hydrophobia. Thu rabbit takes the disease and dies in all the agony of rabies. Tho dootor takes out the marrow In the spine of the dead rabbit, in connection with tho brain, Mr. Richardson then states: Now lake a pound or two of beef and boil it well in water! Don’t laugh; but follow mo iu what t write, niton* lively. Boil well tiio beef. Skim off rile grease. What is left is /•,>>.il/m. ■The bouillon is riohened water, st< riltml —boon boiled; no gorm left! Now cut up Uie rabbit’s spinal column-impreg nated, they sav, with mbiea; cut it up and marinate it; mix it now with tiio titrrilizcd bouillon. What forV To make n poisoned mess! Already mixed - the poison stuff nnd the bouillon, you have a fiendish broth,' an antidote for rabies, for innd-dog poison. ’ Take a tittle syringe: take the hell-broth that 1 have told yon how to make and mix, nnd squirt it into the human blood with hypoderalo push. Tho hell-broth poiMn you send homo into the human Mood meets the hellish poison that the hydrophobic dog implanted in your xclua-the ono Iho other meets and fights it out. like the Kilkenny oats, till tmihitvg more is left •th<' patient live*. i’eiKoit from the rabbit’s back-bono caird luxa met the poison of tiio dog’s most rabid tooth—met it iu equal light, us vaccine vims meet* the small-pox jrurse, and oonquer* it I A Man ut 1(41114 Ftvttid to Vo ft Thtir minI mi fit 'fmllitrf. The (own of 1/iuMinue, in the can ton of Vaud. wwifi-rl.Hid, is in a state tf great tKHtwiowit over the discovery of the villainous character of one of its hitherto most proudur-nt nnd most rrspoeted citizens. For several months pic.t M'riniu lire* have frequently oo* cumwi in Y verdun nud other places in the vicinity of Lsmamie, on xtliich Oette*iona M,Meh«llter,a high nnd popu lar officer of tlir Lausanne Fire Jlrig- nfic, lias invariably rushed to the scetio with wonderful alacrity, in most eases reaching the lire in advance of his fellmv members. All efforts to ascer tain the origin of these fires failing, suspicion xvns at lust directed to the uniform celerity displayed by M. Hcliafftei- in arriving upon the ground, nnd tills witii other suspicious circum stances, caused him to bo closely watebed. Tho efforts of Hie watcher* were re* worded l*y tliudiscovery of M. Hohnffter in. tiio net of pi icing combo-tti ilos saturated with petroleum ben jitth the staircase of his own liotiite. an I he was promptly nrrosted. Y/ iile being taken to tiio jail lot loudly protested It is in nocence, Haying that he xvhn merely experimenting with eoinbiuliuie ma terial with a view of rxiiiigdis'iiiiT the lighted inns* by n process known only to himself, and that tiio experiment hud for its sole object the perfection of tiio fire brigade. Tills story was credited by n few of bis most intimate friend;, but when shortly after being pluml in a cell M. Mehaffter attempted to commit suicide, even these deserted him mill joined in a thorough search of ids house. The result of the search increased the astonishment of everybody. Rchafftor’s residence was, from cellar to garret, found lo be a perfect arsenal and a Well-stored depository of stolen good* Weapons of nil kinds were in profusion, ammunition in lurgo quantities whs packed away in different part* of tho house, while combustible mnierinls, fnlsn keys, nnd property which had been Htolen from burning houses in Lausanne, Yverdun, aiul other plncej were everywhere to be seen. Besides these articles the searchers discovered a suck filled with notes and documents belonging to the Central Hank of tho Canton of Vqud, which disappeared from that institution several months before. Mntrimony Among (no Turcoman*. Tiio Turcoman wmnon do a vast amount of work. They fabricate car- pots, screens for doors, work bags, iiorsc clothing, blankets, and when a young woman Is engaged it In thought lo ho the rigid, tiling for hor to work nil the kibitka or tent domestic carpets nud other household reqtilslUi before she is married. When, however, oho does marry without having com pleted lids task, it is expected Uo.ii hor that in soon n* possible by her own labor hIio will rotund in cash or kind to her husband the do wry paid to par ents on marriage. Hitch dowry gener ally consists of one hundred sheep and a certain amount of money, whb’t the bridegroom cither pays down in lump to tiio parents of tiio brido or by s'.ipu luted installments. Before Iho wadding it is customary for the bridegroom, after having ar ranged for the dowry to be paid .o the pnrentri of tiio bride, to his friends for a succession of honm racos nnd other sports, ns also to secure and decorate a camel with tho handsomest trappings, which is sent to tho bride's kibitka, and on whicli she mounts and goes forth to receivo the congratula tions of her own relatives. On the ap pointed day of tha wedding the bride scats herself on a cavpot outside her tent, surrouudo.1 by hor poople, and tho female relatives of the bridegroom go down to rocolvo and tako her away. This is immediately oppised by tho young lady’s party, who offer resistance by tho discharge of raw eggs, etc., .at the now comers, on which a general egg fight is entered into by the young women present, while the elder dames carry on tiio engagement with nlinonds nnd raisins. In the meantime the bridegroom rushes into ths tncto,' walks off his beloved, and puts her upon the camel saddle, when the mat ter is concluded. A Parrot in Cnurck. A talking bird tlint always says the right riling iu tiio right place would be a wonder, indeed. This is, of course, loo much to expect, for it would be doing better tiiau many human beings do. The Schenectady, N. Y., Star gives tho following amusing instance of a parrot’s impwriueuoe: ” Children’s Day was celebrated laths Methodist church, Whicli was hand* ttomely decorated with flowers, while numerous canaries iu cages, suspended about the edifice, added their sweet music to the singing of the children. One lady, not havin'* a cnuitry, brought iiu accomplished parrot The parrot behaved quite wall for a time; but* when a little boy of his acquaintance stood on Uie platform ami began a recitation, the bird commenced to mock him. Finally it tcreeeiied out " Hoy, you lUthvdeviir which, hail Uie eff-ot of completely breaking up the youth ful declalmer. and dvnioraluluf the emigre gatinn. The bird xva« M out of the church iu duqfracr,’* , —•>»,*>».(' i— r.t“ ATsrritilB SarocalODfiratica I A FATAL MISTAKE. .‘JlSUSfS? Tire Cleveland (Ohio) Press, of February 2&1, 1883, pub lished an account of a fatal surgical operation wliicb caused a great commotion among med ical men throughout the whole country, Dr. Thayer, the most eminent surgeon in Cleveland, pronouncing-it scandalous. It appears that n Mro. King had been suffering for many years from some disease of the stom ach, which had resisted the treatment of all the physicians in attendance. The disease commenced with a slight de rangement of the digestion, with a poor appetite, followed by a peculiar indescribable dis tress iu the stomach, a feeling that has been described os a faint “all gone*’ sensation, a sticky slime collecting about the teeth, causing a disagroe- i' "e taste. This sensation was not removed by food, but, on the contrary, it was increased. After a while the hands and feet became cold and sticky— a cold perspiration. There was a constant tired and lun- f uid feeling. Then followed a readful nervousness, with gloomy forebodings. Finally Sic patient was unable to re tain any food whatever, and there was constant pain iu the abdomen. All prescribed rem edies failing to give relief, a consultation was held, when it was decided that the patient had a cancer in the stomach, nud in order tosave the patient’s life an operation was justifi able. Accordingly, on the 22d of February, 1883, the opera tion was performed by Dr. Vance in the presence of Dr. Tuckerman, Dr. Perrier, Dr. Anns, Dr. Gordon, Dr. Capner, and Dr. Halliwell of the Police Board. The operation consist ed in laying open the cavity of the abdomen and exposing the stomach and bowels. When this had been done an examin ation of the organs was made, but to the horror and dismay of the doctors there was no cancer to be found. The pa tient did not have a cancer. When too late the medical men discovered that they had made a terrible mistake; but they sewed the parts together and dressed the wound that they had made, but the poor woman sank from exhaustion and died in a few hours. How sad it must be for the husband of this poor woman to know that his wife died from the effects of a surgical operation that ought never to have been performed. If this woman had taken the proper remedy for Dyspepsia nnd Nervous Prostration (for this was what the disease really was), she would have beeu liv ing to-day. Sh akku Extract of Roots, or Skic.kl’s Curative Syrup, a remedy made . ex pressly for Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, lias restored many such cases to perfect health after all other kinds of treatment have failed. The evidence of its efficacy in curing this class of castes is too voluminous to lo published hero; but those who read the published < favor of tuis dyspeptic ramgdy do not question its convincing nature, and tho article has an extensive sale. ’•'nai* F'ira Curo Mouth Wash AND 0~NTiFRiCE. w;4rt» oJ xMaiiitki for x.Uw . t.v«U. k\x.|4iw the Riuxx ,u)r*al|>ui' r; f • ;»*• * ix*r iku»*U-4.v ***** ijrirw^ kxc^K i. teivu.(* M it.4^v v ififttl If JnttfrxS (uhi s.r- U** t .» »W;4rkv cv. t an I 1 av train* the rum X W **!*• ttiiut *4 hr h. Iu- ivx) |naa and iigl icaa W*t i-eiii KMMv 1 by IMIlifefirf it ent Kix rv»no\et t>iu: ;.«<9 timlthj F* 1, S i* cufvfw xW«iktA l4-« m «*•' tht j ».'i « «n-vittu itv-v Hr I.a4>i xi« l'«t.‘. WtllUM w««|n kf* I t*» \\ MtiMtr.4* Phmui*. |s *1 mo at o 1* ‘ST. i Fine fivcccirii oigtrs at ll.cki . J. 1» a XV. i|t*r.M»-<. I'fMi!.:-. I..I -k u ” r v » WVetys, a,v\A AVX. (^\vsejt ova Cancor of the Tongue. ’ Wy wife, Romo threo or four years ngo. was troa. ble<l with an ulcer outlie biJo of her lotiRuonocr the throat. Thu pain waa incessant, caiwnftla,* of sleep anil piotlmusg (treat nervous prostration. SSa&«asaaRgSftg lrarilcnnomc. By the uao of a half dozen Pi.'aU- 8lzcd C bottles of Swift’s Specific, Bhe relic veil anil restored to nca.ih. ThWwastbres years ago, and there has ^^^SSSSmom 1 ' sputa, Ga., Jane 5,1886. ItT W. 23U St., N. Y. HARNESS SHOP A. CHAVOUS. Agt (Oppo*ito ilic* Court House.' JDixTdHjo. Gra»- Manufacluror nud Dealer in Saddles* Bridles & Harness. —HE tv ILL ALSO KEEP— Lap Robes, llorsc ijliuikols, llultcis Uniile Hits, Spurs. Carriage, Hu gy. Hiding and Team hips. Lashes, Combs Hrushcs, Collars, (lames, Eve. «?<*« MACHINERY. BUCK VOLF! Or Btnck Leprosy, ti a tlloriw with h m con.ldcred Incnrahlu, but It ims yichlcil l.» Uie ruralivc proper- ties of b\virT'» SiT.oino— tiO'.x knmtr all over tho work) *« S. S. S Mr* Ualh-v. of XVert Somerville, nenr llonlon. wn* »;t» <■ I nrveral years ago with this hhlcmis hlnr k et upi o ami w nn treated by tho ben mcdlciil tuleiit. who cuuiJ only any that tho diacaao was a species of -LEPROSY- onseqnrmlT meurntilc It in impoMfbto to do- i her sufferings. Iler body from the crown of nnd coi iwpl-.. ■■■■■■■■ I I her head to i he sole* of her feci v is n mass of decay, moHson of flesh rotlio" off nml Irnvingrrcat rnvftics. Iler flnKcrn (cstcrcd nml llirce or four nail* dropi ed off nt ono ilmo. Her limb* contracted by tho fearful nlccratlon, and for several year* she did not liaro her bed. Her weight wn* reduced from 145 to CO Ih*. Perhaps some faint iden of her condition enn bo clemud from the fact tlint three |K>unds of Cosmo* lino or ointment were u.-cd jier week in dreg* ng her sores. Finally the nhyrlcian* acknowledged their defeat by this Black XVolf, and commended tne eaf. Xerer to her nil-wine Creator. Iler husband bearing wonderful reports of the nse of bwirr’* Sreetric (S. S. H.), prevailed on acr to try it a* n last resort. ■ She began it* ngo tinder pro- toe t, but Foon found that her -yetein was being re- I oved of the poison, ns the *oitm asxntncd arid and healthy color, ns though the blood wn* bceoming pure nud sciivc. Mrs. Bulley coutinurd (he S. S. S. until liixt February; every euro wus healed; she dis carded chair nnd crutches, and wan for the first time to twelve years n well woninn. Her husband, Mr. C. A. Bailey, Is In bm-lnp»8 at ITxtf BlackstouoStreet, Boston, and will tako pleasure in giving the e ntails sr this wonderful cure. Send tons for Treatise on Wood and Skin Diseases, mulled free. Ths Svm r Srscmc Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta. G» THE itmttiS IN THS &AVANMAH WEEKLY IEWE $2'CO a Year, In Advance-. Not a Local Payor, but One Suitable to any Locality. ;r I}CMXKSS,~A .1/7' ~Y, LITERARY AG RICU LTUM? L JOURNAL. This nuunmoili new.; < per contains-- all ’lie nexvs of the week, Teli-grtipiiic Dis- I'tilclies up to the hour of going to press, Agricultural Items, Original Serials, etc. Sm-cinl depfltlmcuts devoted to tieorgin, Florida and Bnfitb I'Hrolinn nexx-ti, ant t.i nt of oilier Stales. To the fnvnier, mechanic or artisan, tin business or professional man, xvlio lias not rite advantages of a daily mail, the Savak nah W-WKKLY Nkws is the medium liy which lie can l»c ii.fot mmi of events trails piring in the busy world, whether in hit own State or iu the most distant parts of Ike globe. Even - yearly subscriber is entitled to one of the MonNtNG Jxkxxs I.imt.utv scri hIs ns a premium. Adxcitisc in this .•~ T THE SAVANNA 1I| MORNING NEWS Enlarged January 1, IK,’-5, to an 8-rage, 5G'Column Pryor. The largest Paw in the South lsKiuMl Every l)ny in the Year. $10.00 a Year, Including tho rtai Sunday Issue of (lie ‘*Nexv«.” Tiio Daily Nuwb gives prominence to all matters relative to the AUDI CULTU RAL. MECHANICAL and MANUFAC TURING interests of the country, as wet as the GENERAL. POLITICAL aim COMMERCIAL news. Its TELEGRAPHIC. STATE. GEN EltAL. LOCAL sews and MARKET depart mints an- acknowledged to be the best nnd most comprchcueixc of any pa pelt in the Kouth. Sul+rribs through Tour N*«ws Tcalr Post Martir « find directlv to J H. Fat'll L. Sayan:ah. G» Cheap For Cash. Repairing Promptly Done. May 11)-80-ty. DANIEL PHiTT COTTON GIN, THE FARMER’S FRIEND. IT OFF-SETS THE LOW PRICK OF COTTON. By cleansing the seed perfect, never chokes, run light, gins fust, and makes a good sample The feeder stands on tiio floor it will feed any kind of cotton regular every gin is guaran teed. ns represented and to give satisfaction Prices has been reduced. Call on or nil dress. LANG & WILT* UsfManufacturcrs Agents, Banders-, ffSg-ville. Georgia. For fuil„&3 SSydescrlption of prices„4fr3 B5*nnd lenns. A gin n £J .- CSTivill he kept_flfl yarin 8tofek,^py where it can be seen ut any- time. Je 10-’8<) 4m, HA\ ; E~YOU TAKEN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION FOR 1886? If not. lay this paper down and send for it right now. If you want it every day, send for the Daily, which costs $10.00 a year, or $5.00 for six mouths or $2.50 for three months. If you want it every xx-cek, send for the Great \Vet’.tly, which costs $1,25 a yenr or $5,00 for Clubs of Five. THE WEEKLY CON STITUTION is thoChsapastl Biggest and Best Paper Printed in America! It. fins 12 pages chock full of nexvs, gos •tip anil 'sketches every week. It prints uere romance than the story papers, move arm-news than the agricultural papers,- .tore fun than the humorous papers—he- ides all the nexvs. nnd ' iiill Arp’s and Betsy Hamilton’s Letters Unoie Remus’s Sketch es! —AND— TALMAGE'S SERMONS. C ss i! Ceil ts a AY ecli!. t comes once xveek- -takes a whole week o read it! You can’t xvell farm c? keep house with out it! ■ Write your name on a postal card, nd- ness it to us. and wc will send you Sped- dren Copy Fueki Address THE CONSTITUTOR. FEEDERS AND CONDENSE!!. I am agent for the Centennial CoU&n Gin, made by O. H. Miller, of Fort Yni- ley, Ga. The feeders and condensers can be attached to any other make. T also sell the Bookxvnltcr Engine, Lef fcl’8 Water Wheel:, Lane & Bodiey Co.’s machinery and Frick & Co.’s Engines and saw mills. My territory embraces Laurens, Johnson and Emanuel counties. 1 have been sell ing the above machinery for fievernl years, and think 1 e*m make it to your iutercst to trade with mo for anything'in my line W. G. WEAVER. D’iblin, Gn. August-4.3m. Itch of every kind cured in 80 minute, »y Woi.konu’s Sniataky Lotion. Use no ithi-r. This never fails. Sold 11. Iiick6 «fc ’0. VISILEB BROS. STEEL PENS “heTkest"ix USE. Wurn not for sale by local dealers, v?e will mail a UV.lin^ Ftvles in la boxes of l docen each, on ccelftofSl.-i*}- I»tyl 3 School Pens, 1 boxes, 1 dox. esch, ®0.4ff l •• Business •• 4 •• 1 •• •• .45 l " Biisinesi & Etubs, 4 boxes, 1 dot. each, .4S A<&iw TOE ISlCtt BSOS. CSTLECY CO, Icrita. Cam. THE ELDfiEDGE « SEWIN6 HACHIIE WITH Automtie. Self-threidi&s Cjli&k Shitk No. a. 1883. Establish o:l 1857 CLOTHING AND— JIATtv Winship & Callaway, . 126 Second Street, MACON, - - - GA., Return thanks to their rumerous cus tomers in Dublin and surrounding coun try. They are opening duiiy an Elegant Stock of Choice O LOTHIU.G- AND HATS. For MEN and BOYS, for the FALL-and WINTER Trade. suits ami SIIIRtS made to m- asitre. Give U3 a ca.. or h-t ua i.t ar from you liy let ter. ? yi tremont 3©nt on np^ic\ion. ELY’S CatarrH CREAM Owm relief at once WmTREMA B and Cures GOLD IN HE*D|)^«af CATARRH PWfEVERj HAYFEVER 1 Not a Liquid, i Snuff or Powder. I Free from Jnjuri-1 ousJDrugsandqf-1 ^ — fenem odors. HAY-FEVER A particle of tho Balm Is applied Into each nostril. Is agreeable to uso and is quickly absorbed, effeot- nally cleansing the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing Ucaltby secretions. r UU. completely . oftastoand smoll. Beneficial xesalts ara realized by a fow appllcstlons. A thorough treatment trill cure. Price CO cents at druggists; by mall, registered, CO cents. Circulars sent freo. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Otrcgo, X. Y The RLDREDGE “B" is sold with the guarantee of being the BE8T that can be HADE. AGENTS WANTED. ELDRED6E MANUFACTURING CO. S63 and SOS WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL Gatavrh is Not a Blood Disease. No matter vrfawt parts it may finally* effect, ca tarrh always starts in tho head, and belongs to tha head. There is no mystery about the origin of this dreadful disease. It begins in a neglected cold. Or.o of the kind that is “snre to be better in a few days." Thousands of victims know bow it Is by ml experience. Ely’s Cream Balm caves colds in the head sndcatanrh in all Its stages, THE NEW AND ELEG-ANT —HIGH ARM— “JENNIE JUNE” SEWING MACHINE :z 57IIS BEST. BUY 170 OTHER. Tiio LADIES’ FAVORITE, be' ause it is LIGHT RUNNING and does each beautiful work. Agents’ Favor ite,because it is a quick and easy seller. ACHTS WA\TKDlN]WCrir.SI fttUTORT. ■1BZVZ3 row. cxn.auxja.Ji. JUNE MANUFACTURING CO. Cor. Oit*r!oStreet, CHICAGO, ILL.