The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, February 02, 1887, Image 3

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DUBLIN POST. •DUBLIN. GA.. FEBRUARY 2, 13*L Torit.fl $1.50 a year iu advance. To Ministers $1.00 per year. THE DUBLIN POST AND 3vannub Weekly one ycm. 2 25 Southern Farm. Montiii.y “ '* TKLF.attAFtT & MB98ENQKK “ “ SoimiF.nK Would, ‘ ‘ Atlanta Constitution, “ ' C’hkibtian Advocate, “ '* Chuistian Index, “ •* renewals “ *' Registered at the Post Office in Dublin as Second-Cities Matter. 2 75 2 25 2 05 2 25 8 25 3 85 3 75 Local Affairs. Ega;s still demand 15 cents iu this market. Judge to. II. Mason, of Johnson comity, is in the city. Remember that country produce is taken on subscription at tins office. Mr. J. H. Stanley’s child, eigh teen months old, died on yesterday with pneumonia. Mrs. Mary McLendon, of East mar., is on a visit to relatives and friends in this city. January furnished five Saturdays, five Sundays and five Mondays. That is more than February over did. Somo of the inmates of the poor houso nro said to have the seven year’s itch. This is unfortunate in deed. Racing horses is an exciting fea ture of court week, judging from the number of people thac daily flock to witness it. Those in need of job work will do well to remember that it can be exe cuted at this office on short notice and in first-class style. Mr. G. F. Burney, of the firm of Mayor & Watis, Alentown, is m the city prospecting with a view of mak ing this his future homo. Mr. W. M. Peacock, formely of •TeniiiHe, now representing Gustavo, Eckstein & Co., Savannah, is in the city representing his lionse. From the information tvo are able to gather, newspaper and otherwise, it is evident that the measles prevail in almost every part of the state. The ever truthful semi-annual home jockeys are in upon ns in full force with stock young and full of life, according to their version of it. This office received a most pleasant call from Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jerni- jan, of the Sandoravillc Mercury, during their visit to this place last week. Master Omor Knight, of the coun ty, has, we arc glad to state, recov ered sufficiently from a serious attack of pneumonia to be able to conic to town. Mr. ^utterly, a successful young merchant of Wriglitsvillo, was in attendance upon courts day or two last week and left this office indebted to him for a pleasant call. 10 ARE YOU MADE miserable l*y Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh’s Vi- Istlizer is a positive cure By flicks & Co., Druggists. Duobu Ga. If one complains of feeling badly lie is suspected of having contracted the measles, ff ho reports that he has been sick the first question asked him is : “have you had the meas les r Our merchants arc buying their spring stock of goods. Those who want to roach reliable purchase™ will plant un advertisement in this paper. Don’t postpone the matter Loo long/ - A good many of Wrighlsvilhrs citizens are in attendance upoii onr court this week. Among them wt notice the following: ’Cap.ain Kent, Messrs, it. V. Kent, A. N. Brown, il. A. Outlaw. k There is a lawyer attending court who has just recovered from nu at- tacl of the measles, it must have required n considerable amount of courage on the part of the disease to iimkclhe attack. Prof. \V. E. Arnohl, who taught the Condor school for the past two years, is now principal of the Swains- boro academy. He has the host wishes of his friend.: and acq'ipin la*.i< ct iu till;' 1 *0*1 ijiy. I mil riilicciiutia MIC tiaiu to uisnv is the conclusion universally reach ed. Financial mntlerein this conn try grow more stringent despite the Atlanta Constitution's endeavors to make it appear otherwise. Dr. G. F. Green is recovering from a three weeks’ scige of measles. The doctor had smallpox years ago, and he now declares that tho recent attack of moasles was more severe in its effects than the smallpox. Onr friend, W. G. Woavcr, was made to blush a few days ago by be ing publicly told that he was daily growing more handsome- The “handsome rascal” lias been aware of tlr's fact for some time past. 1C A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. By H Hicks & Co. Vivian Stanley bas been suffer ing a groat deal for sevoral days with a boil under his chin. Dr. Green’s lancet, on Sunday afternoon put a stop to its growth and Vivian has since rested more contented, - A. G. Hester has moved from Bruton station to Brancliville. It has beeh currently reported that lie was killed by Jas. B. Clements, but he says that there was not any dif ficulty between them whatever. Lost.—Between this place and McRae, on the 29th ultimo, by H. H, Smith, one buggy robe. Supposed to be lost between this place and the turpentine stills. The finder will oonfor a favor by leaving it at this office. 12 SHILOH’S CATARRH REMEDY —a positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthcria Canker Mouth. By Hicks & Co., Dublin. The Dublin Post and tho Sav annah News, or Macon Telegraph, or Atlanta Constitution, 1 for the small sum of $2.25 a year. Now is the time to got your county paper and a largo city weekly for a small amount of money. Mr. G. T. Mason, who has boon acting as railroad agent at Bruton station since its establishment, has connected himself with a meicantile firm and now presides with dignity behind tho counters at Dodo, bet tor known ns Taylor’s mill. Dublin needs a large and commo dious hotel. It wus pretty generally reported that oue would be complet ed on or about the first of this month but there are on indication that it has ever been commenced. How long will it bo bofore new life is ia- fusod into the project. 11 WHY WILL YOU COUGH when Shi lull’s Cure will give imnediato relief. Price 10 cl8.. 50 els., and $1. Sold by H. llicks& Co., Dublin, Ga. It is with regret that we chronicle the sickness in tho family of Mr, J. D. Smith, this county. Ho lias several children very sick, somo of them with whooping-cough, measles and pneumonia. It is. hoped that it will not go as hard with them as it is feared that it will. Mr. William P. Hicks lias boen recently appointed postmaster at this place, vice T. M. Hightower resign ed. lie has been ussistaut postmas ter here for a number of years and no ono is moro stiict in, or punctual to, the discharge of his duties, his official acts being iu comploto har mony with the law. I: J. Davis, whose incarceration we mentioned in last week’s paper, was taken Sunday to Macon, where ho will be kept in custody until the convening of Montgomery county superior conrt, which is on the 4th Monday in April next. After some effort on the part of counsel in his behalf, tho court refused him bail. „ How long will the municipal of-in fleers prove derelict in their du ties ? How long' will the tax-payers of tbo town be forced to remain ig dorunt concerning tho finances of the town, full particulars of which they aro justly entitled to ! These arc questions of grave importance and should be answered at the ear liest possible moment, 15 FOR DYSPEPBI A and Liver Com The criminal docket was taken up Monday morning and in the few i cases that have b*en tried the slate seems to have g&ltoh in its work pretty well. Convictions on soiling whisky to minors on Sunday and sheep stealing, etfp, have been se- curred. Owing to the absence of material witnesses, a groat man} cases have been sounded and passed over until tho witnesses can be brought to court. This has consid erably retarded tho progress of the court. Judge Kibbee threatens to punish those who failed to appear without a legal excuse. A few ex amples mado in the manner- pro scribed by law would serve a good purposo and tend to expedite busi ness heretofore delayed by absent, ones. Among the lawyers who have at tended since our last issue are the following: Patterson, Willingham, Lofton, of Macon; W. R. Daley, V. B. Robinson, of Wr'glitsvillo ; .0. U. Rogers, Saudorsvillo. Several important oases that are likely to dome up for trial at an\ time cause a large daily attendance upon the court. Coming Events Cast Tlieir Shad ows Before Them, Dublin demauds moro accommo dation titan she is now receiving. Noxt week will appear an article out lining what tho grievances are, and the methods to be used necessary to remedy them. The oppression u pon our community is siioh that steps must be taken to remove the ob structions to Dublin’s advancement, Opprossjvo transportation is every day darkening Dublin’s future; but with prompt action and undivided energy hor resources may be concen trated in such a manner as to arouse the Central railroad lo a sense of her duty and responsibility. . Behohl the Figures 1 In a supplimental report of the depart meat of agriculture of this staLo for 1886 the following estima tion on the cash and credit pricoB for bacon and corn is furnished, which should be carefully read by all: The average cash price paid for bacon in the State during the year was 8 cents per pound, while the average price on time, payable No vember 1st, was 11.4 cents. The avorage cash price for corn, was 69 cents, and the time price, 93 cents. The fanner purchasing supplies on time pays in this way about 42 per cent, on bacon and 34.8 per cent, on corn for about four months time, whioli is oqnivolent to rates of inter est of 12G and 104 per cent, per an num. In ibis, taken in connection with tho fact that little more than two-thirds of a provision supply is produced in the State, ia shown one important reason for the hard times experience by the farmer. These materials may be profitably produced at home, and the money that is ex pended for such supplies outside of the State, is an unnecessary and damaging drain upon our resources. nil advertisement nT the reliable imn of B. II. Levy & lire., Savannah. This firm lias a widely known repu tation. of doing the srpiuro thing by all who favor them with their pat ronage. Mr. B. K. Jacobson, their popular repnsentative, was in tho city yesterday and ho is a whole team himself. Give them your orders and bo convinced. plaint, you have a printed guarantee on uvrey bottle of Ghiloh’s Vital!? evrey never foils to cure. r'ltalizer. II. Hicks * (Jo. Charley Linder, yonngest son of Rachel Linder, colored, whb almost killed by a fall from a horse on lust Friday afternoon. Ho t/ae riding ono of tho race horses when the bit to the bridle broke, thereby render ing him powerlesr tc gnido the uni- (Dol, and lie was dashed against tree with such force that it almost firoko his skull. budly roam'd t»T Tho Irco was also 0 THE REV. GEO. THAYER, or Bourbon, Ind., says: “Both of myself and wife owe our life to BH 11.011*8 fsON- SUMPTION OURE.” Sold by II. Hicks & Co., Druggists, Dublin, Gn. Sheriff McGregor, of Montgomery county, dropped in to ace us while here last week. He was . indignant at the report that w h being indus triously circulated by somo, that Davis was not under arrest when he came to this place last week, lie said that (lie statement was false and requested us to publish it as inch. Mr. McGregor, so far us we mvo been able to learn, is a relia'do gentleman, and the report doos him an injustice as an officer of the law and upright citizcu. i4 SHI I,OH’S (JURE will immediately a Croup, Whooping-Cough, an * Bronchitis. By Hicks* Co., DublinUa, relievo Croup, Whooping-Cough, anil i. By Hicks* Co., Dub Uol, J. L. Warren, of Savannah, has sold tits interest in the charter and franchise of projected Short Line railroad, thereby absolving himsolf from claims against the said railroad company. Ho adds : “The enterprise (which I regard as one of the beBt in tho boh Mi) has my best wishes for its final success.” It’s a little strange that Colonel Werren should turn loose an enter prise that ho considered “the best in the south.” It is not our purposo to intimate anything derogatory to his motives, but we imagine that ho fceU voiuidoraldo at easii after liar mg imluiided himsolf of such *i heavy bin dcu. iiitli mm oCiicltui Augusta, Gibson & SiiuleuifHii In I'.ITiCl Sunday. November 2sUt. |.*.sil, tit 5 o'clock a in., City Time. Rheumatism mul NonralKia Cur ed in 2 Days. The Indiana Chemical Co, have discovorod a ootnnonnd which nets with truly marvelous rapidly in Ihe cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Wo guarantee it to cure any, every case of acute Inflammatory Rheu matism and Neuralgia in 2 Days, and to give ini mediate relief in chronic cases and effect a speedy cure. On receipt .of 30 cents, in two cent stamps, we wit! send to any address tho prescription for tips wondorfiil compouml, which oati be filled by your homo druggist at. small cost. Wo tako this means of giving onr discovery to tho public instead of putting it out ns a patent medicine, it being much less expen sive. We will gladly refund mono if satisfaction is not given. Tho Indiana Chemical Co., Crawfordsville, Ltd. 12 “HACK META OK.*’ a mating and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cent!) * JURY LISTS. The following are the grand and traverse jurors drawn to servo ati Ihe January term of Laurcna snpoi- ior court: GRAND JURY. Augustus B. Clark, Charles Holmes, Aaron M. Jessup, Matliow T. Graham, Eiish W’ilkes, Bonj. W. Burch, Calvin-Tyro, John Bnroh, Joseph B. Daniel!, Jeremiah M. Lowery, Sr., Harrison Seam, An drew J. Hobbs, J. J, Bowen, John B. Duniol, George W. McDaniel, Wm. li. Cones, Benjamin H. Cal houn, Henry S. Mon I ford, Thomas W. Moore, Allen T. Hobbs, Isaac J. Duggan, Rufus T. Beacham, 1. H. Jackson, Wm. A Joiner, Wm. L. Strickland, James T. Chappoll, Audi Chavous, Henry Hicks, Jnrod T. Oir*Bennctt Koa. TH AVERSE JURY. 2ST WEEK : Wade U. Hudson, Matthow ; Cad- well, Wm. Fountain, John W. Bed- airfield, Leundor A Harden, John N. Sears, James 0. Pope, Mark G. Holmes, James Mincey, Joseph M. English, Joo A. Harden, Andrew G. Hobbs, Cullen Lowery, John F. Taylor, Perry J. Adams, Nathan Gilbert, Richmond McDaniel, Hardy F. Alligood, Arthur T. Duncan, Sampson A. Brace well, John W. Snel Ig roves. William E. Long, James IT. Dominy, Hayden M. Lee, Joseph II. Harden, James M. Rein hart, Jr., Daniel W. Burch, Daniel W. Wyatt, Jr., It. J. Stnbky, Fran cis M.* Bracowdl, DrcweryE. Hobbs Henry E. Moorman, W. J. Scarbor ough, Robert A. Allen, William Y. Woodard, William J. llolliwny, r $T3jre]pjRo. Whclefealo Ciothlora, 161 Congress St. Savannah, Ga. Wo make op the NEATEST am( BK8T Line of CLOTHING— bulb in Fit ami Biyle- DjW (iqmi'6 South, We defy competition in Dm above; aieo in prices. Merchants that handle our goods will never have old stock to carry ever. Send us your orders lo be convinced. Mr. B. F. Jacobson, represents un on this territory, ami wit! be plotf-md- :<> l ike your order. ;> ; • StUN day's Passenger train .number 1 louVcs , deinvlUe 5 00 a. in ; number 3 leaven Ban ders vllle 2 27 p. in. Returning number 8 leaves Augusta s 14 a. in., and nmuhnrd leaves Augusta art 8>03 p. m. PASSENGER ANDFR.E10RT—Except •Sunday. Lv Saudorsvillo Lv Voting Lv W arthen Lv Ilines Lv Mitchel Lv Belle Pjnings lv Gibson Lv Avent Lv Btapleton Lv Wrens Lv Matthews Lv Noah Lv KoyavtUo Lv Blythe • , : LvBitlh Lv Hophzihsli Lv, Richmond I.y Gracowood Lv Adventure Lv Gary Ar Augustii Lv Augusta Lv Gary l.v Adventure Lv Gracowood Lv Richmond Lv Honiv/.ilmU Lv Bath J.v Blythe I.y Kcysvilio Lv Nonh Lv Matthews Lv iVrert Lv Hlapleton LvAvcra Lv Gibson Lv Belle Springs Ly Mitchell Lv Hines Iiv Wnrlheu Lv Young Ar Bimdersvllln Close connoetjons North, East and West, at Augusta. Coimcotion via 8. * T. rail road with Cuntral railroad brandies at Siuiderhvtllo. R. M. MITCHELL, President and O. M. No. 1. No. 3. A, M. r. m. 4 05 2 13 4 15 2 80 4 80 2 50 5 05 8 85 6 15 8 60 5 80 4 10 b 43 4 25 0 01 450 0 17 5 18 0 85 5 40 0 50 0 57 0 13 7 10. 0 30 .7 25, 0 50, 7H8 705 7 51 7 28 \ . < ’ J > ■ 7 45 818 6 57 8 87 8 07 ,8 38 <8 45 853 8 45 No. 2. No. 4. A. M. P. M. 7 12 4 00 7 40 4 20 7 49 4 83 800 4 40 —w 448 8 30 5 05 8 48 5 17 9 05 6 80 988 5 45 JO 40 557 ■9 48 ; —— .10 00 0.20 10 20 9 38 4.0 43 0 54 1100 710 11 23 7 25 11 48 7 45 1168 ■7 58 12 88 6 88 il 00 .848 1 12 8 58 Job 2 ly It. H. LEVY & BRO. CentmlJRailroad. Bavannaii, Qa., Doc. 5,1880. O N and after tliU diite pitBsougdr trains will run ns Dally unless marked f, Which are Dally except Bunday. Tlio Standnrd time by wliicli tlioso trains run is 30 minutes slower than Bavannaii city time. Savannah. .10:00 am 8:20 pm. 6 40 pm Milieu .. . .'12:35 pm 11 08 pm 8-45 pm Ar Augusta... .4:46 pm 0 15 am Ar Macon. ....4-50 pm 8-20nm Ar Atlanta... .0 00 pm 7-27 am Ar Columbus. .4-10 am 8 05 pm Ar Montgomery 7 66 pm Ar Enfaula 4-32pm Ar Albany.. . .10-08pm 10 50ain Passengers for Bylvaria, Bandorsville, Wrlghtsvllle, Milledgovlilo and Eatonton sliould fake 8-40 n m. train. Passengers for Tkomnston, Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbot ton, Buena Vista, Blakely and Clayton should take 8 80 p m train. Lv Millon.... .12-55 pm 11-15 pm 5-10 am Lv Augusta. . .10-20 am 0-80 pm i.v Macon 10-85 aui 10 60 pin Lv Atlanta .i ..0-40 nm fl-50 pm J.v Golutubus.. .0-10 jmi 11-80 nm i.V Montgomery • 7-60 am Lv Enfaula ....... 11-0 am Lv Albany. 5 00 am 3-57pm Ar Diivmmah ... .5.00. pm 6-55 am b-05 urn Bleeping oars on all night passenger trains between Bavannaii ami Augusta, Biivuvnuimh and Macon, Bavannaii and A Danin. Macon and Columbus. Train leaving at 8-20 p in uud arriving at 6-55 a in will not stop to pm off or 1uuc on puaneugers between Bavannaii and Millon. Connections ut Savannah with Bavannaii, Florida and Western Railway for all points in Florldu. . , Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at city oiilee, No. 20 Bull street, and depot ntfiee 8(1 minutes before departure of each train. <1. A. WumciricAi), General Passenger Agent. .1. C. Bitaw. Ticket Agent. J. it b i> Ultiiii ity.u.uui Opeti< 'MoiVd.ty, 17r> im-mnl. Ttiiliou l r ayn|iltJ Mtwiili*' Rales: lVnrnwy Classes $1.00 per rri! Intermediate " $2,40 ;icr m, Advanced “ $3.20 j • m. For further information nddrosn PEYTON L. WADE, A,,. Z' 1 Princt N. B.—-Bourdat reanonulilu mien be bad in tho town. !,< ja»). 12-tf. THT ' mi "' ' Mnnu facaivev nnu Deabn- in • Wtttf-c&es Ebof))*'fr' ' i _ j. .. .t - . AfiSXT HWS Wat,titan. Er.o'iN. BrnrNpi-’M.a.D ANoTiAW- <oAl.tKn" Watch ? WTN GdtiD AND fill,'Vlllt. ALSO AGENT FOR Wm. Smith .& e’« 1m ittod ltulltx) plate vest cliftiiJSj, war rail toil to tvoai* as well as solid pold. •'"I ’ /t.i; rMlmin 1 V, f K> |W . .1111(11' —- W ■ — J 1 “ - - ■ ( ^ ofder ami prqnmttaft rotwwiodr .NosKdoor '• to Hooks’s hold, Dublin, gegrgia., - rnrs IS' for tum::® tj^33x,id OP TH R DUBLIN and WBinilTBVJLLE R, R, To lake effect November 14 1880. J.v, i’cnuille ' Ar Donovan A r. Wriglitsvillo i,v WrigbUvilli Ar -Lovett ArBrubm ’■ Ar Condor At Dubiio itj (ioino soimr. No, 1 " A At » > :’ li- 7'0d' 7 45 filO 8 40 845 916 9 86 9 55 No 8 l* «, 220- 2 60 8 10 * 30 3 81 8 56 4 15 4 10 10 15: 4 45 GOING NORTH. The LIVELY STABLE IS HOW KEPT FOP. THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE PUBLIC. - When wanting, modal ion in tbia line t ail on me. • W 4 Nov, 24, ’W HIGHTOWER, jLiblii. Gi'orelu Lv Dublin Ar Condor Ar Bruton Ar Lovett Ar WrightBville Ly Wriglitsvillo Ar Donovan Ar Hurrison A r Teuniiic W B Tuomab, Nov. 14, 1880 If. 10 80 10 55 11 16 It 85 12 05 12 10 12 80 12.50 1 80 4 60 515 6 80 550 015 016 0 86 (I 60 7 20 Presand Gen'l Bupt Dismission- Georgia J,aureus County — Whereas A. 1. Haines adniliiistrator on tin: estate of H. C- Walker lute of said county d«»a««d ims tiled Ids uppllculmn for lelters of din- mission from said administration. These are liien-forc to die and tulmonLh all imiGoiiB concerned to show cwimi if ouy tlmy lmve wliy Icliers of di'miiwiow uliouid not In* gtanted thu np|ilicaut on Dm fiivt Mouduy in Fcliruary next. Given under my oOldui signature this <I,.H>Ih!I 3«||| 1N.-WJ. J nils T. Dimcan, Ordinary. IN ORDER TO MEET THE GROH ING DEMANDS OF GUR .TRAP 3 WE HAVE BOUGHT IHUEOT FROM THE MANUFAC- - TUBERS, FOR 0ASH, A LARGE S'.’OCK OF TWO OF 1 'TMfEMOST ! 1 ’’ '' j ,, ■■ iO t - Popular Brands —OF— QUININE: (McA-. R. and P. i W.) Now Before the But) And iu cdn.TCfiuoilco ofthq Jbv/1 , ;i ( < obtained by biiyluy In from first luuifi^ Joy Dio caqli. vo '/ J' on and after THURBDAY, JULY Wn: sell tliis very linporinilt and muaLiw/ drug In ONE OUNOIC VIALB ,ii tla unparnllcd low price of 1 DOLLAR IFeX* O-LXXD-OO , i-.i/ SIT. ” ~ b ” ~S. UAlR BRUSHES)., 0QM 03,j ' . • 4-*' :»• ,v* ,T .-'.>:!.;5:.'I .JjiH’ .iii'”* logniit Oologncfl, Exlrael'j, Rrb- jn f - —- Faifoy Gaoda, Kic.,a!>. onLo»sVy' ■ R now Mock ffioin> New York. 1 ■ 11 . .. M.W L ’ *■ - - :/l —A ROMr'LE'J'J5 LINK OF- V Drugs ami nicijL^tr.iX; 3 on iia- in :;;f a a a a-' ' c' 1 ;^L«oJ.Uo. H. Hicks & Co ? i kunr-'vffA ’’♦•) : ,, ;"r ■ML Yoar’» Support, . GEORGIA, LAimtsNB CotA vW Ordinary’s Ofiicy, Deceiilber Wboreae, npjiraUers ai>poiutcd to , apart a year’s support lo Mro• BncntiVi ”’ " ‘ Carr, out of her late him]mini's (frit'Cni i; estate, have tiled their award in tills oURe ; b ■' i*i terms of Dm law, , .iL .«* /■-• o- Tliese aro therefore to cite aiul .- 'JoiQ' , u,'J irii all poisons concerned toaho'w . :iso, L,^, any they have, on or by Dm firift Aldqdn- • in Febroary next,, why siiid livMid tuoY/; ‘ •*’ ' not .he liiiuie Die judgment of '.‘ ; imd recorded. ,,it a>, hnu iw-.- T ID in jfiWmfflStoPW*'’''* I j t, t i- 'WiWiV/V, (■Jj'»»T*i N< )T£CE. The umlci'signod will lw ber< until Dm cotton auusOV closes f< jUi’.c of coiioc'.iitg and rcccl vu from tliOHu again ,t whom I have All js'arties imlcbUid lo me am (iiic rcd to <-ome forward and mi illutc w'llicmniil of Dmir notes or and Dicreby save future Irimblc. wind 1 say. ful'v, W. (I. WK Dublin, (in., Gel. 18, 1m 'Un ig L, am I AY mu