The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, February 16, 1887, Image 3

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1)115!.IN POST. DUBLIN. GA., FEBRUARY 10, 1887. TeribJ Si 1.50 a year iu advance To Ministers $1.00 i»or year. THE DUBLIN POST AND Bvannuli Weekly News quo ycai. 2 25 -%SoutliomFMur. Monthly *• “ 2 75 TELEGRAPH tfcMKSSKNGEH “ “ 2 25 Southern Woki.d, ‘ ‘ 2 05 Atlanta Constitution, “ ‘ S 25 CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, “ “ 5 25 Christian Index, “ “ 3 85 “ •* renewals “ “ 3 75 Bagittofed at the Post Office in Dublin as Second-Class Matter. Local Affairs. Eggs have dropped to 12£ cents a •dozen. A fine lot of canuod goods at Z. H. Houghton’s. The Boss well-Luokct at Bough- ton’s for 40 cents. The best Georgia syrup at Bough- ton’s for 50 cents per gallon. Did you evor before see Sugar so cheap? At RoUghtou’s. Some of the vegetable seed^now in the ground aredoubtlesB injured. Buy at Houghton’s and the goods will bti delivered at your house free charge. Ono dollar will buv more goodB at Boughton’s than any other place iu the town. For a fine and lasting hat caII on J. T. Smithy who keeps the best iu the market. Z. II . Rough ton keeps nothing but the very best groceiics. Miss Evie Cooey died at the resi dence of Mr. Daniel Anderson, jr., on Monday last. When you want tho best flour on earth call at Roughton’s.and buy the Wade Hampton. Augusta hud a fire on Saturday night last, the destruction of which is estimated - at $200,000. When you want anything in tho grocery line call at Rough ton’s and get his prices. "*■ Misses Winnie Thomas and Laura .Jackson are on a visit to friends at Eastman. Mr. John Or’McRafris having a commodious residence erected on the lot in front of Jjidgo Rowe’s. Gcnuino Scotch honey-bee snuff, .with the bee on every package, for sale by II. Hicks & Co. No imita tion. Mr. W. F. Linder has purchased the mercantile.interest of Mr. Wiley Look. SnoJcard of the latter in ab hor column. + Mr. W. E. Carnes has purchased some land from Col. T. L. Griner and will soon begin the erection of four dwellings thereon. ■ v-T Dr. T. F. Williams will erect a dwelling on tho vacanct lot. beyond Lussitci’s store within a short whilo. Col/T. L. Griner, of our town, and Mr. Wesley Kea, of Condor, are on a. visit to SaVannah this week. ,. ir All partksIraiTears with the Du liu Post up to June 1880, will find, their accounts in the hands of 11.- Hicks & Co., only. Dr. Charles Hioks has been to Montgomery county to perform a painful and delicate surg cal opera tion. ****?“> Anybody who buys the Wude Hampton flour and says it is not ttye best in Dublin will get inouoy re funded. For sale by Z. H. Bough- ton, solo agent. Mr. Sigmund Harris, a prominent merchant of McVille, isolosing out his business at that place and will lo cate in Dublin. He will doubtless draw a good patronage from the low er part of the county. : : It is understood that Poplar Springs church will be dedicated about the first oPnext May, Rev. J. B. .Haw thorne, of Atlanta, preaching the dedication sermon. ; ti ' Call in and give us the news when you come lo town. It will mater ially aid us in getting up a readable paper. Paste this in your hat. Large quantities of turpentine Mill being brought from the distil leries along the banks of tho Ocouco l iver belov. this place and shipped to Savannah via the new rail load and the Central. For clothing, for msn and boys, cull on J, T. Smith and select from iiis largo spring stock. You caunot do hotter, oven in the h rge oili-s. On the night of the 10th instant, at tho lesidcnco of the bride’s par ents, Miss Emma Swails was married to Mr. Nathan Burch; both of this county. 12 ••HACKMETACK.” a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 00 cents If you arc in need of good shoos, and want to get them at living prices, cull on J. T. Smith. Ho sells tho finest and most durable shoes at greatly reduced prices. 0 THE REV. GEO. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both of myself and wife owe our life to SHILOH'S CON SUMPTION CURE.” Sold by H. Hicks & Co., Druggists, Dublin, Ga. Mr. Gregory Hightowor, of Ala bntna, has been on a v ; sit to his grand-children in this town for. sev eral days. He paid this office a short but pleasant call while here. Hurrah for Dublin ! Sho is on a 8teadly building boom. Six or eight new residences to bo erected in the near futuro will give the town a con siderable lift. Let ’er rolL 14 SHILOH’S CURE will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping-Cough, and Bronchitis. By Hicks & Co., Dublin Ga. We are in receipt of the first num her of the Middlo Georgia Progress, of Sandersville. - It is an eight page six column paper, and makes a good showing for our neighbor town. Success to you, gentlemen. Tho warehouse that tho railroad company is having built ou tho op posito bank of tho river will soon bo completed, tlioreby rendering con venience to the agent and the pub lic generally. 16 A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. By H IIicks & Co. Miss Lulu Hurst, widely known for peculiar electrical powers, was mar ried a few days ago to Paul Atkinson, who was her manager whilo she was exhibiting her powers through tho country. Elsewhere iu this paper appears the advertismont of J. T. Smith to which your attention is invited. He isdotermino not to bo left iu the snlu of good goods at low prices, and if you want your money’s worth be sure to call on hint. Guano is being hauled away from the depot at a lively rate, How many of these men that are now hauling it to tlicir farms swore off, a few months ago, from using as much this season ? It scorns that oaths are like promises and pie crust. Considerable timber is being haul ed to tho river at this place prepar atory to rafting and floating to Da rien. Owing to tho decline in the price of timber at that market, some of the timber that is now ready cut will not be shipped right away. 1J WHY WILL YOU COUGH when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts.. 50 cts., and $1. Sold by H. Hicks & Co., Dublin, Ga. Our readers will And an article ou tho following page on “Sohools and Sohool Teachers,’’ which should be carefully read and reread by every ono who sees it. It is an able docu ment and gives the reader au idea of public schools and thoir detects. Tho attention of our readers is called to tho advertisement in anoth er column of Hendrix & Willingham, Macon. Although porhaps unknown to many of our citizcnt, this is a staunch and roliable Arm and worthy of every confidence. If in need of, anything iu r their lino, -give them yonr older. There is no need of sending job work to the larger cities, or having it sent there, when the same can be executed at borne in a satisfactory manner. The town' authorities, though igDordnce or prejudice, sent work off when tho same could nave been satisfactory done at this ofiico. Does this look like they have tho in terest of the town and its citizens athcart? - The steamer Laurens came near sinking lust Friday night by water running into her through an entrance made by a hugo snag. The hull at tho place snagged was five or six inches iu thickness and the adjacent iron prorentod them from catting out snag. A board was tucked over the placo and it stopped tho Irak sufficiently for the stvuiner to make this point. She weut out ou time Monday morning. SR" Forty Days Utulcr Water. Elias Brunch, who left Montgom ery county in December last < raft of timber, and who foil there from with a cpeteptic fit about the 20th of that month and was drown ed, mention of which has been made in those columns, was found a few days ago, after having remained un der water something ovor forty days. His houd and part of his shoulders were out of the wator when found, and his eyes had been eaten and his face was somowliat disfigured by tho buzzards; otherwise ho was in almost a porfcct state of preservation. A continuous search had boon kept up by tho relatives of tho deceased, and this, coupled with the fact that per sons wore passing along down tho rivor almost daily, makes it strange that ho was uot discovered earlier. Mr. Qoraco Knight, a tfuccossfnl young farmor and merchant living about eight miloB north of this place, sold in this market last Thursday over two hundred utiil fifty pounds of frosh cured country hums. And he did’nt disfnrnish himself, eitlior for he loft forty : five hams at homo for his own consumption. This is tho way to live—raise your hog and hominy ! Dr. 1\ M. Johnson, a prominent physician, Mr. Willie Bales, a young merchant, and Mr. J. M. Hutchin sou, warehouse agent, all of -the thriving young town of Lovett, were iu the city on Monday last. Tho came iu obedience to aummouscs to appoar at tho adjourned term of the county court as witnesses. Court was adjourned until tho regular term, however, and their lido over here was for naught. 13 SniLOH’S CATARRU REMEDY —a positive curu for Catarrh, Diptlieria Canker Mouth. By Hicks & Co., Dublin. editor visit t Where the Money does. Expenses of Laurens superior court, Jan uuryterm, 1887. Paid grand jury $484.00 " traverse !ury 1st week 807.00 •' traverse jury 2ud week 405.00 bailiffs 228.00 “ witnesses from other counties 80.58 “ stenographer 120.00 “ grand jury committee 5-1.00 " sheriff 150.00 *• clerk 45.00 •* feeding jury "SITOIT for wood and sawdust 21.00 " for publishing presentments 25.00 Total amount $2080-48 Average cost per day • $174.12 Haudy Smith, Treasurer. John T. Duncan, Ordinary. Mr. (Communicated.) Editor: Judging from the time you usually issue your pupor, you were about ready to go to press when the sad intelligence of the doulhs of Miss Emma and Jimmie Donaldson reached you, which accounts for tho mere announcement of ono of the sad dost occurrences within my recol lection. Will you insert tho follow ing: On tho Deaths of Miss Em mn and Jimmie Donaldson? A voice called and tho spirit of these dear children returned to the God that guvo them. They were stricken with pneumonia, the result of measles, which proved fatal. Emma was a tender, thoughtful and dutiful daughter; an udorument to the social circle; gentle, though retired; admired for hor Christian and womanly gruces. She hud but entered into hor bless ed rest when heaven’s pearly gates again opened wide and little Jimmie, whose breast lmd not beeu scared by sin, was ushered in and and ulso folded in His loving arms. To their mother, submissive though she is to the hand of tho Master, the blow has left her poor heart crushed and bleeding. To her we would give this crumb of comfort: that though sho is bereft of their earthly love, angel children call her “mother,” Memory recalls to their parents’ minds the rainbow hopes they had indulged in, and before the consum- ation, ere thoir lovely buds had blos somed in all thoir beauty, they had gone to a home beyond the stars. Father, mother, sisters and brothers, though plunged in a labyrinth of gloom, nay, almost despair, cry out for help and touch God’s fiinger in the darkness; for "There is no death! An angel form Walks o’er the earth in silent tread; . He bears our best loved things away; And tuen we call them "dead.*' He leaves our hearts all desolate, He plucks our fairest, sweetest flowers; Transplanted into Wins, they now Adorn immortal bowers.” A Motiieh. Tl» flying last, and w of meet in; this paper made a to Wiighisvtilo Sunday wic there had the p:Ct.auiv a good many of his boy hood associates and friends, who ap peared in the best of spirits, Culling on Brother Huff, of tho Recorder, the evening passed off vory pleasant ly. Ho seemed to be in his usual vi vacious mood, with the exception of some weariness of body and mind caused by anxiety over th* sickness of his better half, which wo learned with regret. That town has built up considerably within tho past year or two and has an air of business. The stations along the road leading to that place havo been growing also, filling up fast with immigrants of various avocations of life. Ono thing was vory uotiooablo, and ttyt was the ordor that was maintained on tho train, tho prompt and determined' disohargo of duty ono week beforo bearing its fruit. Our town was alt astir this 'thorp,-? ung ovor tho escape last uight from onr jail, of .Joseph M. Weaver, sentenced at tho lust term of our superior court to 15 years imprison ment, and a negro also esoaped, named Jim Reynolds, under u lino of twenty five dollars. They bioko jail, according tc tho best information about ono o’clock this morning, and at this writing thoir whereabouts are unknown. 15 FORI) YSPEPSIAami Liver Com- paint, you have a prlutod guarantee onl evroy imttlo of Shiloh's vitalizor. It. never foils to oure. H. Hicks & Co. lu Moinorlam. My dour mother, Mary Ann Hill iard, was boru in Washington coun ty, Qu , September 13th, 1820, and died at hor homo iu this county Jan. 1st, 1887. At the birth of tho now year the angola welcomed mother to heaven. Kullioi and two children wont before her to the spirit world Four of us aro left to mourn lier nurture. We are poorer, but, wo be lieve, heaven is richer. Mother was sweet spirited, quiet and cosy in all her ways. Stic loved home and hor children, mid cared nothing for the fashions and follies of this fast age. She was kind to every one, hence hud no enemies. LlerVickness was protracted but she suffered without complaint. She seemed Ao Bimnd thcrhist hours of her life iu profound meditation, and when asked about tier hopes, she ex pressed no fears, but believed she would rest in peace with God. Her death was easy and peaceful—slowly she sank, as dio tho waves along the shoro or sinks the sun behind the trees. Rest, gentle mother, iu thy narrow grave, Jesus died our souls to save; Hope fondly points to tho golden shore, Where we,11 meet again to part no more. Missouri E. Hilliard. Wylly, Gu. 10 AitiS YOU lit VDjTmrsdmblc by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Lost of Appetite, Yellow BkinY Shiloh’s Vi- lullzer is a positive cure By Hicks & Co., Druggists. Dublin Ga. Kliou»i; nml Neuralgia Cur- od iu 2 Days. Tho Indiana Chernioal Co, have discovered u compound which acts with truly marvelous rapidly in the cure of Rheumatism and Neurulgiu. Wo guarautce it to cure any, every ease of acute Inflammatory Rheu matism and Nouralgin in 2 Days, and to give immediate relief in eh i onic cuscs and effect a speed v euro. On receipt of 30 cents, in tivo cent stamps, we will send to any address tho prescription for tlrs wonderful compound, which can be filled by your homo druggist at small cost. Wo take this means of giving our discovery to tho publio instead of putting it out ns a patent medicino, it being much less expen sive. Wo will gludly refund monev if satisfaction is uot given. Tho Indiana Chemical Go., : V Orawfordsville, Ind. Pail Road Schedules. Augusta, Gibson & Sandersvilie. In effect Sunday, November 28th. at •5 o'clock n. tn., City Time. Sunday's Passenger train numltrr t leaven Han dcrevillc 6 00 n. tn.; number 3 leaves Han dersvlllc 2 27 p. tn. Returning number 2 loaves AuguMa 8 14 a. m., and number 4 leaves Augusta at 8 03 p. m. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT—Except Sunday. Lv Sandersville Lv Young Lv Wartlien Lv Hines Lv Milchel Lv Belle Springs lv Gibson Lv Avoru Lv Stapleton Lv Wrens Lv Mnttliows Lv Nonli Lv Kuysvillo Lv Rlytho Lv Untb LV Hephstlbuh Lv Hichinoud LV Gmcowood LV Adventure Lv Gury Ar Augusta . Lv Augusta Lv Gary Lv Adventure Lv Gracewood Lv Richmoud Lv Iluphzllmh Lv Bath Lv Blytho Lv Key'Bville Lv Noiih Lv Matthews Lv Wren Lv Ntapleton Lv Avcra Lv Gibson Lv Bello Springs Lv Mitchell Lv iliues Lv Wartlien Lv Young Ar Suuderavillo at Augostu. Connection via S. & T. rail road with Central railroad branches at Baudcrsvlllo. R- M. MITCIIELL, President and G. M. No. 1. No. 8. A. M. V. M. •105 2 18 4 15 2 80 4 30 2 50 5 05 8 85 fi 15 8 50 680 4 10 5 -hi 4 25 0 01 4 50 0 17 5 18 0 85 640 0 50 0 57 1113 7 10 0 30 7 25 6 50 788 7 05 7 51 7 28 — 7 45 818 5 57 8 27 6 07 888 815 8 58 8 45 Nc.2. No. 4. A. M. I*. M. 712 400 7 40 4 20 7 40 482 600 •1 40 .1— 448 8 80 5 05 8 48 517 0 05 5 80 0 23 6 45 0 40 5 57 .0 48 : i *T> \ 10 00 0 30 10 20 « 518 10 40 0 64 11 00 710 It 28 7 25* 11 13 .7 46 11 58 7 68 12 38 8 88 1 00 8 48 1 12 8 08 B.&LEYYW0. Wholesale Clothiers, 161 Congress St. Savannah, Ga. We make up the NEATEST and BEST Line of CLOTHING—both in Fit and Style—that comes South. We defy competition in the above;, also In prices. Merchants that handle our goods will never Lave old stock to carry over. Send us your orders to be convinced. Mr. B. F. Jacobson represents . us on i his territory, and wl)l !*> .plou*ed to take your order. H H LEVY A liflO. lebSJy Savannah, Ga,, Doc. 5,1880. O N nud after this date passenger trains will run os Dully unlcBu marked j, which aro Dally except Sunday. The Btuudaru time by which tlioao truiua run is 36 minutes alowcr than Buvannnh city time. Lv Savannah. .10:00 am 8:20 pm. 5 40 pm Ar Milieu .... 12:85 pm 11 Oil pm 8'45pm Ar Augusta... .4:45 pm 0 15 am Ar Macon.... ,4-50 pm 8-20 am Ar Atlanta... .»00 pm 7-27 urn Ar Columbus. .4-10 nm 8-05 pm Ar Montgomery 7 55 pm Ar Eafuula 4-32 piu • Ar Albany... 10-08 pm 10 50 am Passengors for Bylvarla, Bainlersvlllc, Wrigblsville, Millcugevillo und Eutouton •Jiould take b -10 a in. train. PusBougers for Tliomaslon, Carrollton, Perry, Fort Guinea, Tulboltoii, Buena Vistil, Blakely und Clayton should lake 8 20 p in train. Lv SUllen 12-55 pm 11-15 pm 510 am Lv Augusta.. .10-20 am 0-80 pm Lv Macon 10-85 urn 10 50 pm Lv Atlanta ....0-40 am 0-50 pin Lv Columbus.. .010 pm 11-80 ain Lv Montgomery 7 50 am Lv Eufuula 11-0‘am- Lv Albany. 5-00 am 0-57 pin Ai Savannah... 6-00 pin 5-55 am 8-05 am Bleeping cars on all night passenger trains between Savannah and Augusta, Bttvavaunah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta, Mucou and Columbus. Train leaving nt 8-20 p m and arriving at 0-05 a in will uot slop to put off or take on passengers between Savannuli und Millen. Connections at Savannah with Bnvuniinh, Florida and Western Railway for all points iu Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths ou sale at city office, No. 20 Bull street, and depot olfico 00 minutes before departure of each train. G. A. Whitehead, „ „ „ General Passenger Ageut J. O. Shaw, Ticket Agent. TIME ABLE OF THIS DUBLIN and WRIGHTBVILLE R. R. To tuke effect Novembor 14 1880. GOING Lv Tcnuille Ar Harrison Ar Donovan Ar Wrightsvllle Lv Wrigblsville Ar Lovett Ar Bruton Ar Condor Ar Dublin GOINO Lv Dublin Ar Condor Ar Bruton Ar Lovett Ar Wrightsvillo Lv Wrigblsville Ar Donovan Ar Uurrison Ar Tennlllc W B Thomas, Nov. 14, 1880 tf. SOUTH. ■No. 1 A M 7.00 7 45 810 H 40 WiM 8 46 0 15 D 35 0 55 10 15 NORTH.* 10 80 10 55 11 15 11 85 12 05 12 10 12 80 12 50 1 30 No 8 P M 2 20 2 60 310 8 80 8 81 i) or, 415 4 30 445 450 515 580 550 6 15 010 085 0 50 720 Pres and Geu’l Supt Dismission. Georgia Laurens County —Whereas A. I. Haines administrator on tbo estate of II- C. Walker late of said couuty deceased lias died bis application for letters ot din- mission from said administration. These are theieforo to cite nud admonish all persons concerned to show causa if any they have why Jotter, of dlsmbsdou should not- be granted the applicant on tho first Monday ill February next. Given under my official signature this October 20th 1880. John T. Dtincnu, • .:*! Ordinary. LARGE SALES \ SMALL PROFITS HAS KV1IR I1E15N :mt m;ottoi . :(o)i Remember that I give you tho UEST, F11E8UEST AND OttBAPESJ. CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Etc. That wore ovor brought to this market I (o) A LARGE AND, WELL HRLECTED STOCK OF SPRING CLOTHING, (For Mon and . Boys) Aro being sold at astonishingly low prices! A full line of Groceries Always On Hand, If you want sutisfucilion in Goods * and PricoB call on mo. . J. T. SMITH, ( fot»10-tf DUBLIN, GA. READ! mis IS FOR IN ORDER TO MEET THE GROW 1NG DEMANDS OF OUR TRADE WE HAVE BOUGHT DIRECT FROM THE MANUFAC TURERS, FOR OABII, A LARGE STOCK OF TWO OF THE MOST Popular Brands —OF— quinine: {McK.ilB.tmdP.dW.) Now Before the Public. And in consequence ot the low prices obtained by buying in largo quantities from first hands, for the cash, wo will on and after THURSDA Y, JULY 80m, sell this vory Important and much used drug in ONE OUNCE VIALS at tho unpurnllcd low price of 1. DOLLAR ZPex* O-clxlo© A’Av^?/ ■<■'■■■>■'• ft ■i.ethisi' - UVl TOOTIj llAllt BRUSHES, COMBS, locnnt Oolognos, Extracts, Soap, Funoy Goods, Etc.,an onliroly now stock from New York. -—A COMPLETE LINE OP— DPTJIEUE Drugs and Chemicals ALWAYS ON HAND. H. Hicks A Co’s. The LIVERY STABLE 18 NOW KEPT FOR TfTK ACCOMMODATION Tns PUBLIC. .When wanting accommodation in this linn call on mo. W. J. IIIGIITOW Kit, Nov. 24, 80. Dublin, Georgia. Job J'riiiting doiip at the Poht,