The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, February 23, 1887, Image 3

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JN POST. ——— -...—— — — — —■— —■ , G\ . FEBRUARY Z3. 1SF ” a a yens- »» a<lv;uui' Mlnfsfer* $1.00 per year ; ni’iu is rosTAX^ VLeiu.t .W.vaoae yeat. 3 35 ... Jaksi. Moktui.y “ 3 75 rami Mi?.. “ 3 35 !RN WqIUiD, ‘ 2 05 latila Constitution, * “ * 3 25 1I8TLVN Advocate, “ “ 3 25 ostia.n Index, " 3 85 “ y renewals “ “ 3 75 i <il the Post Office itt Dublin os -Scwnd-Class Matter. Local Amir©# Eggs plentiful at oeota Another drove 6f hOifiea and mules in town. ’. » -_•* - The puhho roads are in ;v sloppy -ouditicn. A fine lot If oaimoil goods at Z Rough tonS ickucss has comowhat abated, we to state. .The Bof>s veil bucket atf Hough ton's for 40 cents,: Considerable ruin has fallen and the moria on a rapid rise The best Georgia syrup at Eongb- ton’s for 50 cbnts per gairbnV ail on id, L. Joposi and get the fit. Sugar so well known b’redaricit tobacco. Did you ever before see Stq ? At Ronghton’s edge. J. B. Wolfe paid Macon a t last week,. returning on Mon- tot 1 at M. L. Jones’s for the well i Fredarica fftbaeco. feb 33 fit. loy at Houghton's and the goods l bo delivered at your house free of charge., ii „ One dollar will buv more goods at Brighton's than any other place in wn. • ' Mr. Carnes is erecting a building near Scarborough’s shop. ■ 4 Call on M. L. Jones and get the ft* cGlcbiiib^d (xruu'tl Itepublic ciguiTOSs adv.fcb’siXit; These heavy jains will doubtless .puck the ground that has been pre pared Cor pluming purposes^ • Z. II. Roughtou keeps nothing but the yory best groceries. ■ For a fine and lasting hat call ob J. T. Smith, who keeps the best in the market, v'- | Mr. II. P. Howard left for Flori da last week with a drove of horses ' and males. " ’ . When you want the heat flour on earth call at Roughtcm’s and buy the Wauo Hampton. . Forciothiug, for oton and boys, call on J. T. Smith and select from • . "his large spring stock. You canuoi do beucr, Jvea in the largo cities. ■ ; ' 3 srilLOn’H COUQII aad Consumpt I ■: ioa tkirwis .sold ; by"afl on a guttraBteo. It V-*. cures OonstioipUun. Sold by- Hicks &Co- * WLen you want anything in the grocery liuo call at Rough tun’s and . get bis prices. Genuine Scotch honey-bee snuli, with the bee on every package, for lo by IP. Hicks & Co, Notimita- tion. 'C. i ■ ' H Anybody who buys the Wade ’aroptun flour and says it is not the tin Dublin will got money ro- tided. For sale by Z. H. Rough- , sole agent 2 W! LL YO tlBDFFER with Dym>„ ia'ami Liver Complaint* Shiloh's-Viudi' rv L« lurarameed lo cure you. By Hicks f Go., Oubil i Ge. • * • you arc in need of good, shoes, warn to gefc them at living rices, call ou J. T. Smith. He the finest and most durable s at greatly /reduced prices.' 7 SHILOH'S VITALIZE J* wiiat u n?w for Constipation,- Lofts o'' Appe- Diz/.iru-ss and nil symptom of Dys* rain. I’rice 10 and 73 cents. per bot- by iL Ulcus & Co., Dublin G*^ lunger and Hardship creek is on sidcnible swell. It is frequently : that this creek forbids pass age tor days at the lime by high wa ter, ami the fact that the county has cr seen lit to span it with a bridge ea some a in'pi;.)/. > For lame back, m*- <>r diest, use loh's Hon), i i’ll.tor. I’rice 25 cents. J bv Hicks & Co., Dublin Da. (. M. Orr ciOicd out Ids bnn- n Oconee sumo time since nod luted m Dublin, tubing .oil bridge ;.ci0as the ‘ 1’rrpMO tor » Iftigo crop of c.iir, os; coi.Uly if you have failed to get a good s'litid of subiU g'xih. ■- Mr. i.L’piiw ! Coikcr, of Uno, is,on a visit to his constn,bCjfflw % 13. Felder. Jr., titia uity. Capt. 0. W. Peacock and Mr. W. M. i.\ toraon, steam mill mfm of Washington eotvrtty, were ju the,city ; this lubroing.''ij "}yyp y[ ;■- Mr. Clarence L. Stnbhe. th® lively representative of Van Byckcl & Co., Mueon, was taking ovdere from ottr merolumls yesterday. Col. Thsraae B, Feld or,. Sr., of SutUuibrtowhf Eutannol county, was itt tho city a day or two last wcrk ou a .visit to hia 6bu. *. ! 1 ;.Miss.SackU» P. Wrigh t-left » feV days ago for WnghtsviljC, she hav ing teen engaged to take charge of a private school there. Call at M. L. Junes’ for the cele brated Grand Republic cigavros. ,0t. It secrnB that suTpnfie pfirtics have rhu thoir course in onr town aud tire, aUttibersd among the things of the pufitj but they were Treqoeut onco upon a time. 8 CROUP, WHO OPT NO GOUGH nDcl -BrouCbitis immediately relieved bv' Shiloh's Cuie. ^ Sold by liltks &, Co. Judging from the amount of goods that are being brought to this town, the niorchatits are doing a good bus iness ; those that advertise iu the Post, at any rate, . Thu pitiful sum of fifty dcllavs has been offered for the arrest and deliv ery pf the two priKcnera wlto tuiid« tHoir esOfipc from our cotudy jail' on the night uf the l5lb inst. Sheriff sale day next Tuesday; when the Burney: lands, consisting of upwards of nine hundred acres, are lo be sold to tho highest bid der for the heueflfc of the heirs and creditors, • > . ' A city with the -population that tl is has should have preaching every Sunday instead of only two. Could Trtdh^ \V>-.j|Ck«iT. . ;F ; A wreck on the i ilrofid )ead»i»g io this place, latt Pridwy evening, wu- Ciiuse o. eiuv,iu');uMe tliunai . to t uo Ip env im meii tatoiy' fit front of the poMi|tiigei' cofiehed u'ihi some - io the hfossties aud.fails for onw hpn < r dred and tifty roar of wh.ete the train,'Was sUippbd,' A pou t a half ruile' this aide of : \Vt igntaA'iUeJ w heti! the p:wat;i;gey ^aheh-Witci.going, af tjie futu rale pf sixieen or, eighteen mife aij .hour, the engineer (m.Ib'akcmmr.iK mostsifitpitanGoustydisbovetiid'lliat something wus wroiig: and began to j shu| off steam,- apply bralfcs, htc. I t . was-aOon discUver^d' tJut. a brbkiio axlo was tljjj cabae of : tho nfcidtbt * u ich, i f tho train hrid. go no ton feet furthar, i ,woit',Fhavedpubtiesii4u ! <' v oii i'atai to tfco pittsb'^bt'd brt bbai'd, -alh vffltioh Cdbhped hijttr^Tho trucks in front 6f’the box car Wcrcivuobkcd, from. their pOsition and, turned liaif uirounp-j and tinyaxle, Whichyrn3 ev- tdeatly part!? hruktn bofofo, vvas af tho ,oar of the tram. The flour of,} pto) Uie freight box was almost totally turn thcrirfroipj ... ^ : ; I’lirtt aight the freight train, rw»ti withstfbulitig that, the tmginter was adviaed of the acetdi'.fit j had plao- which to take off the crippled hex, j,to J)r. Hi was ran headlong iuto- the treeck, ilueathg, the whole bnainuss, thereby fuyni.slung suiijeicut cause for . the. ciisohgrge of the ong$ioj|’, wltibS v?«iV ptomptiy dotit*. * By the follpwjag morning the ob scructioh was cleaccd awHy ahd oyory thing is ampotlVouco more. liiiil liond Scfedules. mm m iJuUil DUWltt'u ifttittro, . l)ub!in a lutuiv is a topic of ciis Ufti$aluii i ycitizens cl many parts t tec- stave. Wo cite one instance yVt *>Hdvui^, cm tim CbBlnvl jjph’oad,.. — •iiduy,.A‘.'. • K. t’. Shubriek ti> cfTvot fcuuday, Nov’omU-i boarded tiK! Cats, unJ u it ring a con-1 5 o’clock avni., C>iy veraatton with .ue, 0»ft<;f wr^ina],. * Af«Jr sense of our. citizci ktute.1 ihAt Ho tiaUi.’ht thdi jOubih mi v. as as ortght: ;is auy. tpa h «f I'iSBCipiaiiUHPcu yiu fact, lie did apt know of a kuwst .ijp -t),o . slate that promised to build up ws rapidly its pars. , Ay.d (>.)!, yliehnuk, being it.i'.f':v: 111 tho uoa..vtot; lOrtse ivs-- c>: i»s |Jt?i8iiCU bOtiCVf ii|4T-, .ill I r fett of t.hs, state, >0.1 ir. ! g:from such, a s worth aigood <lu i TJTAT.UAOd ik pi’i?>iat*ti0(t, CUJii’r lauren- is ourUiuiy -mlNpAY A ! y •; * ■ yj mifubc)' 1 ■ jciSjvfu 1*.\iv vli'rsVjjlC 5 00 ; iluoiiicf 3 lcttVy;i‘Byii JCisvilic S p. th; RotUtidhg utitiilicir i 1 Icaytin A® d Fa, Wt£ ituil 4 lcitk\>h A‘OpBik At «i,.0iS p* iii. ,,, ' a % .. WWW !:a.N< Su-ulay. fjgK .l?X‘«tig., .; •Waitima ' ' Uia,-« AHUibof.. ,. ' PtiK'MiMs. am Id’. •1 Of- Mm' t i ibb- i> ymo".fa(U , oa%;.ye o,rov,the.fact, that tho. .furmt-r wbrl hot ftllOva', or the lai 'c; dwohfegb any freight then in tin huiyds of the ■‘•■gent,. An- injuit itj.gj J had been gm'JLed by Judge ICtbbsF yi . . vu . J UV y. H « U1U money oa a thvcc'ycara’ ihshvlin’ient uot some of the local divines give the allows the interest to go unpaid for ' V . . ■ ■ 0(\tdn (iiu.i .iftnu m #1 >«.... I J.. .1 . church-goers here a monthly ap pointment ? - Miss Nora Chambers, of Irwin ton, te' teaching the young 1 ideas at the Petty school house, fiye milea above this placo. This will bo nows to some, although she has'11000 teach- ing tor several weeks. 8 SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, maclo mis ..•ably by that torriblo cougii. Shiloh's Guru is tho rnmody for you. ' Sold by H. Hicks & Co., Dublin Georgia. ■ The taxpayers of the town a,re waiting patiently for a report from the oflicors, showing clearly tho fi- .uaneial siandjng of tho town.' They' are entitled to the information and should have it. Contractors are frequently coming te'Dtibltn with a view to aecuriug work. Otsb dame doiva on last Ft i 'day afternoon’s trait*, from Augusta. Truly our town ia attrnctiug the atr temiou of the bnilders.'"' -, . Wlmt has become of ;the aew lro~ tel project ? it is » question often asked without any’definite, or satis factory auswbr. A largo. aud com modious hotel is otto of- Dublin's greatest needs at present. . Elsewhere in tliis paper may be found a cayd^of the Marstmll House, Savannah, Ga. This botdl la far superior to any to Savannah," and if contemplating a Gait to that city-be sure and stop there, and you will be treated right. Our farmers, not discouraged by the failure of the fall eowu crop of oats, have planted a -good acreage of this almost itt valuable, crop of grain sinco the January freeze. One man yf the writer’a ucquaiotKiico, and - He is a successful pno, too, -Was sowing aa lute a3 the middlo of this month. The lumber on tho grounds Tor tho erection of the Methodist chut eh is; fust: decaying, and what is ; being done by the committee? A laige amount ofmoney has been eubscrib oil and tho church is no tiearor com pletion than it wa* ; a year ago. The cause of tlio delay should be ferreted out an ' remedied at once. /■ Tlw ju actii c of the choir that was recently urge.:;1ms been retard ed h;.’ tho corch orgati bting mit _ of tuuo. It liixo.j tho strongth of tin- O ••afiiA to wo. iw tin; j*c<!.il.., tlu.f. retulcriug 1 ! part of tho rnut c a hardship oil the oi.o who uiubwla!.. • furnish it. ti.m't tho -'i.iili ‘ ucodioary t„ have it tuned bo A good many of our peonlo a tv (ryieg lite' loan asEOciations. M'liov give deeds to .thoir iof an amount of money,; alto .it ode tim>3 of their value, for from three to fi ve ypars.- WiLhotvt any disparagement to Lite represtuitativea here of loan Ttfisooiatious,' tho policy wo believe to be an unwiee one. One of many in- stancca : A man who-had .borrowed some time after it is dtto and finds it hard to raise. Now hovv much harder will-it bo fof hitn, «<Lcr the expiration of tho three years, to puy tho amount borrowed and the inter est for-the previous yeaiv and per haps lor the two years, "previous-? Instances oi this kind frequently come tinder oitr observation, and we think the Blower a matt goes in deed ing off .his lauds to these assol-iationS the bottorj lust he, on some sale flay when money is .sea roe, bo forced to stand by and see lus laud go off . at oven less than one-third its real yah ue, as jah.frequently the d^se whoa land . w.eolU at pqbtlordutery. 'To dl- Tort this.resiilta strict economy tiTost be t he aim; • : : " A m^p yvho tit petsds alone.HA.oil- cuiari knowe.hotlaifig about, the bbs- inoas, and bia irude ia api tu ieiuwin mp. v A judieputs wdyertieetie cae tyho/plgces hia buiedess in . n, ;ne*o- ji«p©i where it is ooiMtuht ly be foie the eyes of* the reading public. ; The proceedings t f the eightcciith abitual meeting yf the, Gcordut Ihcee Association/ which was hold at Ma- coju jn May last, bus boon "rcoclVed at this office, it v.a.? go: ten up in neat pgmpialofc ; form by Mr. J. ,\V. C'hapmac, ^recf.i’diiig iscu',Ctary of tiio usspeiatton; to ’ivltoin W6, retain. ocL then^ri fui. a eopy. . TUc ivoii rods tliqf Air. Gai tie 1 went to AUavita Jaet week to pur- chaeo for the pnrpoVu of U'Cng. -In manipnitvtmg the draw it/the bridge j »d|rfyit^^/Fpjde3’;nftC:^bjip}’ 1 train. '1‘boee that Wcrij Hist put in use brokfj; P'p« atoti.a wbea the weight •f ;lio draw came in corttnc’ with them and the coutroctar now tbiiitar tbut be has found some that will stand thy wuighl. . 11hem r- foidildd t h'g smd j ' foath to Iwuib- th^/aud; CcMipled iAh j H'ansfaf pui:ti,l>r to unties uny far ther improvement'. ivliJiimn/as said j .laud belonged to the ‘ooutpiaiuarit. Wii'ie it is. jgenerully believe*! that- the owner is entitled to pay for the river fi-oiit on-whiplr.the- station is Jocatcd, it is dearly ct idou.t that the bill con to iced noOung that;; would Warrant the hefioa tdicen/ vi;;; To jCophiffi^c the' interest of tlio ipnd u;td : ccu3e the cit;,;di>j an nciuuiu. 0! IvotiUo uiul hjfiiji/ After the bill was. received apfi examined, the.fact tha. 1 it did.not uulUorino tho step's tbgt had; boon tukon was appavcnf., add- t lio a gout wu.s a-h tsed by counsel ifiS go ahead and disohurge the duties bf tire office as if nothing-b'ad"6mtoa-' 1 -pired. ' A Stfiitfc ’iP’nteAt Desiccd. One of the strange jiutimts applied fWi «.occrrafpgTo a,|ires9 dispatch, is that of .the word *'Rats,,” The- in- ■ycattir of the chestnut bell wmv bb*- fo»o tbo patent uiflee a few days ago endcilvotiin% to patchk nu- imp/cVc- anipt on hjg pyqvhmg atrocious ttb voatiim. r J’hc, imptovomoefc com gists of an attachmoni; which will probable giro u now"lease of lifo to tlio now obgokHu chfeknuj bell. The, device ocnsiats of ’ un .elastic band connected with the b«U and fastened to the other*idq of tlio vest. When tho boll ts struck a miniaturo raf i nut, across-.the-breast- of tlio wearer and.stops id fall view of tho victim; To make U more effective • the yvord “Rais” ia iiiKOi'ibed on tin? iht. The fiftt offiCitil.r -rbftijeed. to; grant s • parflnt on tho word ’“Rat,”' but fujiCci favorable on.the ctirer fcntnrte ol the*'device. Hock cut for -thc new invciRio.'i. ' A • ■; , -J (tATARRl.r-RWorhcallli anil x'SilTt'fid, t>y sbiliili’n GjUfutli Ilctueiiy. 1’vJtK; o.'/ciiiita, NunuIIjiJcCtcr i. i cc, ~ JPor jj&H% by II. Inc™ ic Co. idll TGJTiC LxoCpf si-,Vy■■ v ' iNUrT, , Nu. : a*. M Y TW., 4 tfi. 5 05 ‘ 2 W ■' it ; 5 Jfi . • B 30 mgsm ■ "sw ■ #$»-■<; idid.ij'; 1 ’ m laf : dii.v efiO cao. ■d-ALoa?/ wm. ' itM3” ■ ..vifid -6h0> • . i ; 7fij, Gi^ ■ ;7 51 ;■ 818:'-: ; ■' 8 fir S ft 5111 86? 8I5i4 3 43. Nc.a.; Jfim .‘Y A. Mr’ ■t.. «J# .703. -ico. 7*40 t iplfid - 7 49 : Wk mk ,8 00 v i'tlf 880 4 ’tv* 8 4>i i D‘16r. 9 2d M 5 m\ i'-Wfe \wm . 5.57;, ■ . ti -id 16 Oil U SO;. 10 20 t:|P to ad t»54*. It Oil. . 710 It 25 :7fi3 11 58 ■ , 7' 3d'. iH 88 . 8 SO ’ 1 00 8 JH , 1 12 ti Wi "Barffthtr-tmt; tuid'; ; NC<M'jilgiA Clif- C(1 III 1> Lt O..X.. , ■. The Indian a Cheftiical Co, hiiyc discovci't..,] a cmif jiouftU u.luclt acta vv11h tri)iy •;tut./ is!0ua t^pidi y 111 the eiyrcmf i|ftco jiiatiler . aud TSfjjjpigia. V/b'j^tisiriuvtcc it iq.> cafe any,, every Civs'd..; of 4cdXa I ndlivf'au.ui o; y’lti> u O/. ijiatisin vcni Routnigia i.» ;j.. .J/.vrk, <tud jo ga,» 1 in mediate relief h> chi tnifcc add effect-. -A speedy O'Jj'C. receipt Cfv JO, ctihis, 111 vji/ty cunt. damps, w« will send Vo kity j ndiipesa the prc«qiiplioii In/ Ib’i. j v/oiuimidl .cproj,>cmid, ; whiun c"air ; hr {(Hied by. yctn', hocio .drugg^it SniiUl cost. \V« th'ko; tiils (iic^iis of ■gijfjii'g cur difCotcty to ti.y nublit 1 UisUrtd.qf potting in but 11s a patenl uicdicin'c, it being ihucli less ex pen- si u 1 . We will gladly refund money if 3titiaf;mlion isqfot, given, Tltc 1 tidiarta Clmioieal Co., : ; ' CiaivtordeviHc, Itifi. There are lew men who lave Lccu -addicted to Imbituid drinking after reaching tho years iff maturity that are uyt wore or lg«g toni}»te«j Jiy^tlltf, picociice of barrooim*; yet aomo will, knowing tin* troth of the above us- Hcrlion, insist by their vole or signa ture, and frequently both, in 'having them placed before (lie itnforluuutofe to lure iheih into wfckediie. y ,t:tid ticn that 'they ought o» henvisnco. frain Horn. And iob frequeutiv # it tile case thitl the teoipt ui.m t iu- - !(i -o thus almUiug serve ; as a imaiu that d.... a dc.1 rein i\- ... t,u 1. i ..... n to <!<',41*-i 1 at ...ii .iiiil >.«:o... Ami !, ,\y , ofivti. l*» !hey km..\ the ie.mll m * ' J it. xmm m 8A VAAA.1I/, OA. i\-n~ ft ' f) geg. I1011GJB8, Proprietor, for- t* .'dtUOiVolitiui .Hotel, tiSrCvr the Givyid'^'Uioa-.bttratp^f. OCATI^H 0^»TRAL. ipts of tlto'cltji .in 1 ula.'su* of intervut u by stn . t < ,1 • ally paitirg thiveri *Ur V|0^ «UmMS W<Mii 4trmJtii.'' Lv AugHc,i,a l-V (Jiuy . , •L'^, A Jyehbvw . UV > (i vjicc vy.qbi l ‘ l.v'RiMiinbhd Lv. i h'UUCib.iii LV'Btiifi •b'i f: Lv. BlyUm , :LV .Ke;,;fj\;U’!g - , Lv Nirnh Lv MauUcv.s Lv Wrei Lv iNiiip,etoa LV A vera ,'. Lv Gibson ( ‘ 1 Lv Belle Spi'irL Lv tliars Lv, Wiu Ujcji J;V Xonng •Ar fcSauih r Cleot eoitneolious N jjtAiJ^nsta.’ Cvauacdoit .Li L. A T. i<ol- read with Genti'ul lailro.til hi'uuehe.s nt StUKlctfevlflo. ■ ..•••" .1 , ' *, i > AfiTcnm.L, UiuudeiH unit Gr-jM . BidVAMtAU/QA,, Dec. 5, / \N W«1 rlfor tliH date piWMjngur.' trains rhtf.m t>nHy unless ,ntarkeit which artrDJfiTy oxcept.Buddky, ' L •—The blimdnrd Uutehy ivlifelrthOae trnluM run is 85 luinutcs slower ihua SaVatmuh city tituu. LV, fclnviiimah.. 10.00 am .ftiSO prn. 0.40 Ar Milleii; ... .IhitW Jim j l.QD Phi Av AutiUetn.ppr (115 am * , At AiuemV.... .4 60 pht 8 ; ilUam, 'f .Vr At iuiii.u. . . .O Oy piti 7-2l‘um^ ; Ar (Joliiibhuii.,/itiO am 5 05 pin j • Ar Montgomery - 1 7 55 pm ' Ac EufaulUi * CC piii Ar A Ibany'.'.. 10 0 jpm 10.50 tinii •"/ !■ . l,’ttS*.Rlt)ffCbi for' .telvanhii, Sulidorgyillor ,’.Vris’iUt.viile, MiliepgV.villji atid; Eutooibh should take b-iO u lit. i rahlh ■ 'I’lteseilKCis foe |’binuiuil'iOV, ■ ■ OliVt^tlldri I'cj'iy, imi GahjeS; Ta!biittx/u, ijuetm Vista, fflukoly aiKl Gliiyt'oh ■ should’' lake' (r^O p m infiii. - . r- l Lv Milieu—.12-55 pm 1115 pin 5-10 am l>v AuKunta. ..10-20 am 11-80,ptu IiVJUaiam, ....1C-U5 mil 10 50 pm Ly Atliirrta . .v.OrdO am OOO pia V Go)ii'tubti4. .iMOpm'lLaOam r'. j.v Momaorawy 7-50 inu • l' : - Lv Eiifulito ...- ji.<>' am LV .MlMiiy...,5 00 um 8*07 prit Ar baVtiuniih; >,.. . 0-00 pip mOO-run, 8-05 : ijiji Liiiopiug; ear/i on: ail id^ht lawisen/hr timoH L)ijriVeeji ::fjavnniJi(ii : /iiid;”A\ltjuiit*v, (iuvaviatoah ■hrot havaanate uiwi At I'hita. *Vi.Atp:u ,atnl Columbus, V, TpdlvlCa’t i'8t;St-8^:p’. ; ttt..«ad- aiTiviite ,at 0 53 n fn will Jiot j,mp ui pitt ijiror take on p;hi;ieiigerij, betWeea tiavitHniili and; Milieu. i._ ’A.. ; A.--.v/; CMimeelioa s; at 8ay»in riali wi tft Bavtnnuih, • tBrorwirand VVeH/,*rh'J{hllway tor lilMobifs' ip. l‘');,riilH. T’lclviits Air nil pbhjpi and tieuplng ear biwtfni ,ih| ul'etj.y off|/:ii, Nb. 20 Mreui, uinl depot ob mliitiW^i befen!; dipurtuie te each train. - - A t.’, A. WlHTKItKAP, . General Pass'Cngcr A goat J. C. Bii.vrv. Ticket A goal. r riicx3 DUBLIN akC WtUGIITbyiLLK,It.. It. Tp Lake effect November: tl lcfj i. (torxo aoL'Tir. . - ' N0.1 No 8 0.;;.|W» SMALL ’ —UAH E\Kit ’ 1U5KN— xvC're" Ucawnjiltcr that J’givr ycutlf.o 'l ■best, mtmmfcr aad pwAiwc/ boots, such;.; •, i , ■ that vytwo ever Inonght to ihia market 1 t tO FOE AWD 'd’LLL SELECTED mmr ^ t t .j-.- . ^ j f V ’T -fa R ^TGpff oTBPItHsTG CLf) ’ r i II . ’ .*• i) (Rjr Jlcn and liov/);. | . Are. bcIhguolU. at ti8tojjl8Jii»g>y h*w pricl A full ' Mmt • Always On Hand: If yhu want siviisfacyon iu ? Coed a ami i’liccg call on ntc,. . :■ fcbid'if 4V.ilLfN.GA V) wwlsEk ■ "-'’4bSSL im4 Immt . VJholosalo CHothiors/ • i|i Congress S^. Sateah, G& *• ;■! ' *•<« . 7 00 :i ©1 ! ; i'jth. 2 50 ’ fi Ih 8 J|0 ^ 8 40 »80 8 .'45 ii 01 *0.Ur 8 55 , / li ‘ d 15 ■ 0 65 4 30 10 13 4 43 Lv TunhiHo,, Ar J.ljiirlsw*,u Ar*l>u>i(A'2ij ' 5 r .Wti^/P-vl'] •Ly ; 'vV.ngb>xvff: S-f LuviffV Ac Br.uiim- Ar G/miior Ar i'niblia • GOlND A0)1X11.' • . Ly Dublin 10 80 1 00 ArL'cmlor - 10 53 510' /.rB.ruiJou , >' • u 15 coo- 'Af LoveJt. -4 11 83 8 00 Ar Vf’ctelit-yillo 12 05 0 15 Lv WSlglmiylHe *2 ip 0 in Ar DoimVhn 12 :j/) it i|.j Ai 12 ifi) 0 80 Ar T.'(»uH!e ' ... t w 7 20 W ti Thowau, Prcaiml Geir'l I'upt N»v. H, 16S« tf, ' ; 4 Itch. Drairie Mungo, nad tlitmU iiQB Vff vr.y Itjnd cured in JM> iahtm< N 1*v wool- every ftjjiid- cureiltin^80 laiiu fort! a .tJtmi^ry Lolion. , „ ’}'$> WP$S% Hold b/ IL hlhA's & V yUtti M £ ■ r: 'n Dlil.'.m, Ga, ^SKSf«....«I h hereby given that my wife, Satin K. Bvaiy, hag my cement iu bvcnuic - • a IV! . j- 1. * .... . ’ lv. ; ,, , “Wp make up U10 tsEATErVi' i 5 ’ 1 i J.ine of- CLO’i’HIblG“- ,bqth ig.'W auil Htylo—that pomes Houtli. * Wo defy emiipotiilon In Uio above; uino, * in piii'iiH. ' ■ • Merchants tlmt h/mdlo our goods will never have old stuck to cany over. ■' lid usyimr orders to fee convinced. . ' . • v " . Mr. )l P. Jacobson represents t»’ 0»i,!i|l iltig*territory) aitdWvSU bcylea t 1 * tv your order. . • . r E. it LEVY & BRO, tieb 2ly , . —r. * «»*i ■»<■»»' «/'»1 jn order to Meet Jfa l : \j;j: * • r UsO, DEMANDS OF OUR TJtA! iB WE HAVE ,B(>,UUUT.DTUELT * ■ -; ' PROM, Wfo TUREity, TOR OMSlf,' ■ A (.AitG'W S'.'OrjK ' ■ OP TWO Oi:’ TriEi?,0&l' ' PopulQ**. Brahd.i (JUcK. £ It, and t l . J- IT.) . Now ijefore iff And ln.7cb.iiinitpi(iitce. 0/ the l.ow ;■ obUiued hy ,buying, iu , l.Hr;/e qua from first liuhilti, fur, the /T. , .h,. w uu and Mb 1 T'HVR^^;VV, iV1<$/$fr* ',*^igSB H'.il" 11ds vet v ipi'portiuil :oal mnen • d.ur Iu O.VB VIA Li uc.iht; uop..irtli',d ><vw pi he of ‘ f ’^P^hqhAB ' ■ 00 ,... ■ ti.'.fdj ipHpa O'l. ■ ' .5” id ; /• ’ II.VIIt BLUSH!A. COMBS, [‘.'glint ( olugi . 11; . .n't . .Soap-, Futtcy Good.--, Ktc.,ati cutit.dy now stuck from .' A w Yurt:. • - ■ a now ;viceI; from . u Yuri;, cifltju’i.frrfi. usk os- 1:.’ U i. , .vs imii < ki'fiiit; ti AV A YL ON HAND. - s :'