The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, March 09, 1887, Image 2

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■» TIKIim POST. WEDNESDAY MARCHR mi m u < srsr,-arwBr-r;' - J. A. PEACOCK Editor. Jfr, (Communicated.) Editor: la the Advocate of the £8r& alt, I rood with much appreci ation the enclosed lotter from I tor. W. A. Hack abac, and was forcibly impressed with its aptness to some of the people of this (Dublin) oironit, who bare seemingly forgotten the solemn warning in the Bible, "Touch not mine Annointcd,” and also Da vid’s (>ointod question, "For who can stretch forth his hand against the Lord’s Annotated and be gniltlessf’ Is not "their tongue a sharp tutord,” though it be a "little member?”— "whoso keepeth his tongue keepeth his tout from trouble.” Please re publish the letter in yoar estimable paper, and I hop# it may be read and appliad by those members of this cir cuit who may hare aaoonscionsly "batted” some of the Lord’s An notated. Whether a hypocrite or a Christian, I hope he or she may ace the error of his er her way, and in the lotars remember that "Charity auffereth long and is kind.” A Fbiehd to "Bcttid Pkkachkbh. MARSHAL HOUSE, P. P. P. GEO. D. HODGES, Proprietor, for merly of the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, and the Grand Union Saratoga Spring*. LOCATION CENTRAL. All parte of the city and places of latcrest accessible by street cars constantly passing the doors. Special Inducements to those visiting the city on business or pleasure, fob 23-tf. * POWDER Absolutely .Pure. This powder never vanes. A mnrvel of purity, strength and whoteflomenc»fl. More« economical than the ordinnry kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. B'M only in cam. Hovac Bajuuo Powdeb'Co. Wail St. N. Y. BRICK!- i(o)t Hw Vm "Batted" to Death. Mb. Editob : If you ware to com© to thin circa it and go round and lie- ten to the people talk, at first you would oonoludo that they lore broth er Stewart and brother Bryan, and the other preacher* who hare been on thia onrouit plump to death. Why, they talk and talk about thoir good qualities, and then they will say, confidentially: "I tell yon, brother Stewart is a good man, but he was too easy.” "Brother Bryan is * good man, lut he wouldn’t visit tbo members.” "Brother Hines is a good man, but”— aed they just keep on until they "d«f”all the good out of them. Why, they eren "but” brother Branch, enr presiding elder. Yee, and they "but” each other. They are bad to "but.” I am begin ning to fear that they will "but?' me when I leave, and I am afraid seme ef the members of Broad Street Chnroh hare "batted” all the good ant ef me to brother Smith. Do they "hot” me, brother Smith? They hare been buttin’ you down at Camilla. Now I Want to know if they "bat” all the preachers all orsr the South Georgia Conference. l*m not used to it. Yoa know I came from North Georgia. I lived in the country, and the preachers came and went just as they do now, and my mother would say : "Brother Newel is a good man.” "Bro. llamby is a good preacher.” "Undo Tommie Hughes is one of the best men I ever saw.” She didn’t say something good and then "but” it all ohfc. I don't like this buttin’ businee* any way. Don’t think there is much reel char ity in it Old brother Neal Headry •ays the hardeet death a man over died was when he was batted to death bf his so called friends. Let me tell yon, I want a revival down here that will make this people stop buttin’ the preaobers and one anoth- Now if you will print this iu the KINCJIEN & HAKEIS, MACON, GEORGIA, • Aro Manufacture™ of FHtST-OLASB MUCK and their prices compete with any manufacturers’ tu this part of the country. -§(0)§——• Be sure and give them ymir orders and rccoivo satisfaction in both, price and the quality of the Brick furnished. SAVA.SNA II, GA. tt-u-tt I'BICKLV A8II. POKE ROOT. POTAMUVM' THE GREATEST BLOOD PBBIFITB OF THE ACE. B. Y}. LEVY %B^0. t. O. UEK0B1X. o. 1>. WILLI BEKD11X & WILL 11GH MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN jSTO, DOO^S, BLINDS, HJOULD A. 1ST TBLS, | Newels, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, HAIR, LATHS, PAINTS, OHS AND GLASS, 7TV- ? - R V " CERTIFICATES. And Builders’ Hardware. Wholesale Clothiers, 161 Congress St. Savannah, Ga. Albany, Ga., August 1, 1835. Dr. Whitehead- Dkab Sir:—I had a had case of blood poison, -v^kicii for two years defied all treatment. One bottle of P. P. P. made a per rnanent cure. Jouk Gaffset. DIXIE WORKS, Foot of Cherry Street, t eblfi 3m. MACON, GA, ‘■■rt We make up tho NEATEST and BEST Line of CLOTHING—both in Fit and Style—that comes South. Wo defy competition iu the above; also mprices. Merchants that haggle our goods will never have old stock to carry over. ( > c r Waycr038, Oa., July 80, 1885 rheumatism for five months, —- r —. ■ ~.« ir — and I took one bottle of Dr. WhUeheud’e 1 P P and it cuicd me sound and well, and I hesitate not to recommend it to those who desiro a blood purifier. Respectfully, ■ JE Smith. THE GOLDEN BEE HIVE. THVBEST EWEE, FT7T OIsT THE MARKET. A SINGLE TRIAL WILL CONYINCE YOU. V. Send ns your orders to be convinced. Fifteen Years a Sufferer from Rheumatism. Mr. B. F. Jacobson represents us on Ibis territory, ami will bo pleased to take your order. B. H. LEVY & BRO. fob 2 ly For Leave to Sell. GEORGIA, Lauhehb Coomtt.— Four .weeks uftoreda'.e application will bo mode to J ho court of drainer Inory of Lau rens county for leave „o sell all the wild lands belonging to the estate of Seaborn A. Bracewell J. C Feb. 35,1837. of -said county.’ . Bkau^wull/ Admr. What Hon. W. H. Wilder, Mayor of Albany, Ga,, says. I suffered fifteen years with Rheumatism and during that time tried alltbe so-called specifics that I could hear of. One of them I paid $3.00 per bottle for end took nine bottles and received no benefit froln any of ibem. My grandson, who runs on the 15. & W. Railroad, finally go: a bottle of P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) while in Waycross and induced to take it. Tho first bottle showed its won derful effects, and after continuing the use of ii for a short time the Rheumatism disappeared: and I feel like a new man, .1 take great pleasure in recommending ii to sufferers from Rheumatism. V W. IT. WILDER. Albany, Go., June 19, 1886. ’ No Family Should be ^Without It. There is no Bee Hive in use thatis one-half as convenient and perfect. Thousands are in use daily proving the above assertions. For further particulars, apply the proprietors, for this county, ECXC3S:s <fc smith:. nxjBLm. ga. — - ■ ■ ■■■ — 8^M A For further particulars apply to us Or D. 8. BLAOKSUEAR, mar3 tf. Dublin, Ga. Itch, Prnlrio Mange, and ^cratches of every kind cured in 30 mciiTtcs by Wool- ford s Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Sold l>y H. Hicks & Co., Druggist, Dublin, Ga. A WORD TO THE Lakje City. Fla., June 24, '80. C. K. Newman, of Lake City,Fla., says his wife has euHo.-cd for seven years with a complication of diseases, of which A sth- raa was the most prevalent. She has not laid down'inbefl for seven years, Ee has expended ail the money his business lias made aim in that time for medicines, Yvt I XT ulf'KinO - Ol”t 4 A maI «rtS 1. a.. EfGINU JUST ARRIVED! SELL EXTRA CHEAP TO CLOSE TnEM OUT. R. LOMBARD & GO, Augusta, Georgia. physicians, eu-., to obtain relief for her *.«#- without any success whatever. He wan advised by physicians to try' P. P. P. ilo 1’ cIIU’ko, "expecting to "derive no bcuefi?, but after losing less than two bottles eruptions 1 appeared all over her end iiho immediately began to improve’ and no-v her skin is perfectly clear- '' Large stock Engines, Gin and Presses, Belting, Packing, Oil an4 Findings, Injectors, Electors, Inspirators, for immediate delivery. Engine, Mill aud Boiler Repairs Poraptly done. Oast Iron and Brass Every day working 100 hands. She ——§LJB(o)8nS BUY ¥0113 GOODS E^OEQ sleeps soundly every night on an ordinary • iliow, and her general neallh has not “cn better in years. Mr. Newman, who U a merchant of Lake City, is very etfthu elastic over the cure, and thinks it tbo grandest blood purifier and tonic of the age Watckosb, Ga., Not. I, ’8fl. •r. Wesleyan and watch it as it goes its round, yon can put your fingor on tbo guilty all over this oouutry Con- ieronoa. They will blush and re form if they are Christiana If they aro hypocrites (hoy will got angry and call we hard names. May God help us all te love onr neighbor as ourselves. W. A. Huccbsb. Marven, Ga., lUruury 11, 1887. A Grout Battle. Is continually going on in the human sys tem. The demon of impure blood strives to gain victory over tho communion, to ruin health, to drag victims to the grave. ▲ good reliable medicine like Uood's Sar saparilla is Uh> weapon with which to do fend one's self, drive tho desperate enemy from the field, and restore peace and bodi ly health for many years. Try this pecu liar medicine. NOTICE. 1 have this day sold my entire stock of goods to W. F. JL binder, who will contin ne the business at the i«dk store. In our chasing uiy mercitntile inior/wt*. Mr. Lin der assumes no liabUibe. of the old firm- \Yi:^v L<»-'K- AND BE MADE HAPPY. «t(o)t« You May Not Believe It, But I Will Prove It By All Who Buy Goods From Me. —8II(o)H§— MY Grocery Department is always being replenished wish Fresh Stock; my Shoe Department is all Solid Goods and not PAPNR BOT TOMS. I want yoar patronage by merits. My Dry Goods ; Department is well selected and no SHELF-WORN GOODS to offer you. They aro NEW and of tho Latest Styles aud Colors. Honest goods and Low prices my Motto. S§(o)§0 TO LIVE AND LET LIVE IS MY CREED! Remember I expoot you to be pleased wion yon buy. I have no Prices or Jockeying to got your money. I am a stranger to you but yon will soon become acquainted with me aud prices. Mankind always seeks their best interest when thoir pockets aro involved. My friends be wiso and spond your money to advantage, with me. I defy competition. My Priooa will compare with tho lowest. My cost mark is Cash; my selling price is Cheap. Yours very truly, n»ar9 87tf. "ST- Oat In retiring from the buMuees heretofore conducted by uu\ 1 Wg leave to thank ra.i friends and the public for tin* patronage extruded to the old tlnn ami t-olicii a cou tiuut-anoe of the Muue to Mr. Linder. I will remain in the store during the pro-cut year, and ail p:.UH« imU-uU-d to in.>, cltlu-r l»y m-teor acoouni. will pliau-o ronir forwent unci inskc (ull M liUsuoiu at ontv. or ihf waine u i)t t-, plaorvl in llu- hai>d» of an oiLv-cr !>i CKuh-ction Ui-Hvctfully Pvt IS, ’.b$T Wujfcv Lvxk Die. 8TAUKST AMD PALIN 1m lU libarqr to refer (la proof of tlMir OTHWI U l*hy»itUl*) to Ike JottMTiat-uanM-J «dl know* pmoM who k*re trtci ~ ; Hou. William thsii TmtoMot D, latter. Higrixr of PKiU ; Kn. Victor L. Conrad, fUhiOi LotKtf.a Otwnw, VtuU ; K«» Cliaa. W. Cuafelng, tockjwrl. ti. Y,; Mon. WiUiam Penn Nixon, KJ- COMPOUND OXYQKN ** btieg take, into tlic »v»tem, the Brain. Spinal Marrow, and the Ner»e-G-u^lb—•' Ner»o*j» Cetitrea are nourixhed and made Dor. active. Thai n v the Fc.mtatn Head of all actirity, pOtre both mental and ph>-tlcal. u re- ttured to axtaK of integrtty, aad the nern-us *yvitai. . ■ _Greenvillc, Fla.. June , 686. Dr. Whitehead: t Iu the year 18781 was attacked with a severe case of Blood Poieott that defied all treatment. I went to several physi- I went ciana but found no relief. Finally Iwent IwTore a board of physicians at Tallahassee ied, and my case was de and was fflM dared to he a virulent case of Blood Pol- kou, aud .ill tlie medicines they gave me failed to eradicate the dreadful dlseose and toy iife was in danger. L lost me use of my loft arm, aud a physician at. this plucc said my a:m would have to bcr.mpu- late.i. Jhe corruption that came from lhe various wires wid ao offensive that I (iiblikcd to come iacouta-.t with my friends and neighbors. I took thirty-two bottles of au Atlanta Blood Purifier, also a lot made in Baltimore, and in fact everything that » could hear of. but receirec no bene fit. 1 had entirely despaired when vour General Agent, Mr- Clarkson, oame here advertising P, P. P. (Prickly Ash Poke Root and Potassium) and induced me to give it a trial. I got one large bottle, arm a half smallones, and ■took it, and one tho vanoRS.sores have healed eatireiy and sal'liy color* •e,* than it lias .MHi — years.: Jr consider It the grandest Wobd medicine of the age, as such a spv«ll amount shows its wonderful effects. C am agent of 1 ; lie F. P.. &N.''R. S- acdhisplace. .‘-irsoarUle, FK., and take great pleaouve ia .*oomaiendiug a medicine that i i.crfor-i d such wonders for me. S Sep-ctTully yours, J. '.V. HAM MERLY, Wjycross, Ga., Nov. 15, ’85. Dr, W. H, Whitehead: my ■■■ iaria iu its most violent forin while living at Newark, JH. J. I consulted various phyciciAus end took numberless prepara tions recommended as sure cures,” but it stuck to me like a brother—or more like a mother-in-law. I finally came South, and while here tried new remedies said to “al ways curs malaria, but it stuck to me, and you know the old broken-down condi tion I was in when V came to you. You put me to taking your PP P and 1 im proved rapidly, and am to-day in as good health as j ever was—in fact’ better. As a remedy for a broken-down constitution it hns no equal. - T; PF Yours, etc. T P Cottle. % The above medicine is for ealc wholesale and retail, at l aaie&s * e&»** Dublin, Ga. $1 13 -w :E3 :e ik: s. like crgAii*. /.Dtl she fuuukj aU ad wort kmr.r 1*01 J*Mr4V««L». CWtc««v. la , juJi* M. P. Vrooiu*o, <y.j«xtnc,Kxa t a itwawi.Ta i.unt* Mihc “ COMPOUND OXYUKN~!Ta MODE Ol ACTION AND UtSUkTS” U iKe wtf .3/ a lx>ok of two hun4r«d b'tbUihcJ ly I>r». SU’.kwy And PAMSk, which fcivso lo «kit n*y iiUbiiriMl^oQ a» to iht» rraurkaM* cuittirt recant v .( >s cum ia a wiJe si . hr\-n*c caac»-*«\*rr -lthem J- ■. U... { wia b* Uteikt! Irv r (d my 4J. ilYM w 1 Ors! STARKEY & PALEN, 1527-1529 Arch St., Phila., The POLICE GAZETTE will be mail ed. securely wrapped, to any address in the Lniied'Siaie* for throe" months for H. HIOKS&OO., - -HEADQUARTERS FOR andBooks. oil, matches, starch, marbles, cream tartar, trusses, tynuges, eye goggles, nipple shields, supporters, shoe brushes, blackfl§^carbolic soap, caatiie soap, rubber nipples shoulder braces, sal soda, alum, salt petre, Bulphur, bi-edrb soda, bluing, flx«d *11^ sssential oils, mustard, ginger, cloves, nutmegs, blue stone, copperas, flavoring axtracts, madder, indjgo mud, spimislibiown, breast pumps, flailing tackle, razor spr craps, razor hones, Horsford’s Bi j»«|pb^8bliimpy^nailk. Idelf etney candies, fruit jars, corks, oil cans, all sizes' from giU oilers up to 5-gallou. Jack fls, the celebrated funnel-lipped measures, and a fall line of the most popular m Patent Medicines. -Such Ho H o«tetter’s Bitters, McLean’s Blengthening Cordial, Bradfield’s rflii op Bitters Ayer’s Chesry Peetoral. Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock 1 , Regulator. Harter’s iron, Tonic Parker’ Gingef Tonic, Bull’s ~ Syrup, J Syrup, If’s Cordial, Indian Blood yrtip, Green’s.,; Godfrey’s Fryer’s Pile Ointment. Ayer’s Hair Vigor. Flower Kat’ ’ “ ‘ 5 * August Flower, or, Hall’s Hair Be- ■V*-l lower Hathairon Tricophera, Simmons’ Liver Regulator “ '"CpS&fi ■ wer Cure, DeWee’e Carmusttive, Safe Ague m Oil, Galling Oil, Mineng Liniment, Voj ■ Kidney uu fcunic Wor intent, Parker’s Santo Worm Lozenges, Linenzioa Spalding’s Prred Glue, Tutt’s Pills, B. Wfight* Pills, Hayer’s tills, Ayer's Pills, Gilder’s Pill3,aA Apple Pills, Jayne’s H Pill’s Perfected Liver FjUs Li.lua Eool Pill Baiey’s Chill A Fever Plru..*ia, E..'crs. Cuvatlne,'-Tylers Syrup of Gum Archie, Peruvjin CL 1. Jure, Cuban *' Chill Tonic, B'olcar.’s Liver 'Pads,.-Brew er's Lung Kestrel, Marshall’s Prepared Cubeb Cigarettes, Laciopeotiue, S.-8.8., and 8hcenfeld’s Medicated Stock Feed. Hu i’s Vegetable Worm Syrup, Bull’s Bany Syrup, Boy’d’s Battery, Day's Kiting Pad, Worm Confections, Alcock’sPorous Plasters Strengthening Plasters, Benson’s Capcrne Plust, Kicffer’s Peruvian Chill Curs WANCY goods: Bars and elegant Colognes, cheap Colognes, Musks, Extracts, Magnolia Dye, Beautiful Toilet Soaps, Pomade, Plain and Fancy Hair Dye, Bcauiiful Toilet Soaps, Pomade, Plain and Fancy Powders, (Joint styles) Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Brushes, Ladies’ Knives, Match Boxes, Indelible Ink, Pocket Books, Playi Hair brushes. Hair Oil, Bath Sponges, Shaving Cream, Ac. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Legal.Cap, Foolscap, Bill Paper, Note paper, Letter sealing wax, mucilage, fancy box paper, blank books I«ooks pens, pencils, slates, school crayons. Webster’s ink erasers, paper fasteners, rubber bauds rulers, magic inastuuds, protectors, pen holders. Arnold’s Writing Fluid. A full line of the school rcccutlv adopted bv the School Board for the Pub ic school of Laurens < Hymn Books, and Psalmists. I3ET We will order any book not in stock sod 1 arae <u & short time at publisher's prices, provided the money is left with the 1 H. DICES & CO! feb 18-tf DUBLIN. GEORGIA. Best In Tlxo fn%u\4 die by Gram DOLLAR I.Uv*ml discounts allowed to posfmaslcrs wnt- >s■ *i rbibs Sample copies mailed l. . ■ i’.l! '-ivic'-s *1. nil'll Mil* K. FOX. Fhxxkua Sqi-xav. N y For tergser soall gacw—B c*Utre,« vrenai powder; SB <*L ten. MS *»J. A) «r. i 4& cal. TO *na * gf. vt* xh-joUliK ibmA* ratnex •ecsxao' foireutevd anJ tbe onlr rtU* <* *°* — ttaTO pALLAHD Often* t MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., - How Haven, Conn. twv iMteUa cu»<ln with on- ol oar SO f*Ubr<i rlflre. Hrentj oon».oaU*e (bote •t ilxlr lore, alter flltjiboto hart alnadv breto nrr.i *od do eleam&f dnrm* (b* oattre »T0Ot| thote Tire* «nn» «urjr off Quxrly *B lb# jrteo. m tergol iMtebte ..v.v — eorrj— ter mo ac<;«mW *0‘l nllxbl*.