The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, March 09, 1887, Image 3

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DUBLIN POST. ft DUBLm. GA.. MARCH 8, 1887. Tnw 81.80 « rear ta kdraaee. ViMiaMm |L00 »cr ****• fHl DUBLIN POST AMD toataWh Wnou.T N«ws one year. 8 floadMufaK. Mohthlt “ tSnulnAMa»BUi«u “ " Boot—Mt Woblp, * * Atlanta OttWWPWMt. M ' C—unriAX Advocate, ‘ CmRux boiz, « “ renewal* “ Jhfitkni at the R*l OfieeinDzMn 8eeend~0lau Matter, LocalAffairs. Fine wwther for gordaning. i A fine lot of canned goods at Z H. Rough ton’s. Tha forty-ninth congress adjourn ed last Friday, 4th inst; The Boss well-backet at Bongh- ton’s for 40 oeats. Who will be'the first to report vegetables of this year’s growth ? The beat Georgia eyrnp at Rongh- ton’s for 60 cents per gallon. Gall on M. L. Jones and^get the well known Fredariea tobacco, fit. Did yon ever before see Sugar so 7) cheap f At Bonghton’s. Gall at M. L. Jones’s for the well known Frederica tabacco. feb 23 fit. .Judge John B. Wolfe has recently embarked in the life insurance busi ness. Gall at M. L. Jones’for thecele brated Grand Bepablic cigarros. fit, An early spring is predicted. The spider has spun his webb across the well. Z. H. Boughton keeps nothing but the very best groceries. Ool. J. A. Thomas, of Macon spent Thursday night last in our town. For a fine and lasting hat call on fV J.T. Smith, who keeps the best in the market. g A few catfish are being canght in j&s river. It will soon be time for •had to ran. Mr. B. A. Moore has been kept at home a day er two by sickness, we regret to leant. Gall on M. L. Jones end get the olihretr 1 Grand Republic cigarros. adv. feb 8® 6L Captain B. A. Stanley paid onr neighbor, Wrighteville, a business call last Monday. Beep the lookout for the sdvsrtis neat of Mr. G. W. Maddox which will appear in onr next. When you want the beet flour on •Orth call at Bonghton’e aid bay the Wade Hampton. Several members of the Dublin bur are in attendance upon Dodge county superior oourt this week. One dollar will buv more goods at Bough tophi than any other place in HhMown. flood 1 * BaaraaporUla is peculiar to Itself aad superior to all other preparation# in abengtb, economy, end medicinal merit. The mayor's oourt has reoentiyas tuned considerable proportions, it having been held from day to day. Mrs. Eveiutt Blackshear has been a fWt te the family of her son, D. 8. Blackshear, this week. ||ijpry at Bough ton’s and the goods H hi delivered at yonr house free T. Boifeuillet went to _ ? Saturday to sco his wife and ekildren, the former being quite Aok with measles. Wken yoa went anything in the Jioe cell at Bonghton’s and hiepnoee. Mies Ad. Kellnm, after a few days - * family of Mr. D. 6. r, returned to Wrighteville Monday momiag. Far clothing, for men and boys, ill on J. T. Smith and select from large spring stock. You cannot do bsttor, svsnrin the large cities. GoL J. L. Warren, a oottoa factor of Savannah, "was in town Thursday and Friday of last week in the in tersot of his business. , If you are in need of good shoes, and want to get them at living prices, call on J. T. Smith, lie •ells the finest ami most durable \ shoes at greatly reduosd prices* Misses Winnie Thomas and Laura Jackson, after a pleasant visit to friends et Eastman, have .retnraed to the city. Judging from the abeeaee of onr oonntry friends from the town, farm* ing operations are now under toll headway. The patient fishermen are anxi ously looking forward to the time when the finny tribe will long for the small worm. Oaptaia W. B. Thomas, president and superintendent of the Wrights* ville and Tennille railroad, was ia the city Saturday last. J. B. Sanders, Esq., ia having his beautiful residence in West End painted, whioh will render it more attractive in appearance. 8 For lame back, ride or chest, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 85 cents- Sold by Hicks A Co-, Dublin Go- Anybody who buys the Wade Hampton flour and says is is not the best in Dublin will get money re funded. For sale by Z. H. Bough- ton, sole agent. A better attendance upon the Sunday schools ia desired, and we know of no reason why the desire should not be granted. The yoong folks rejoioeth to know that only a few short weeks will elapse before they can get in thoir work at the picnics. The redbng rejoicath also, 8 SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumpt ion Cura is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Sold by Hicks &Co Bev. T. 0. Boykin, Sunday School Evangelist, of Atlanta, will preach in Dublin on the let Sunday and Saturday before in next month, good crowd isexpeoted to be present on that oooasion. Rev. W. S. Ramsay preached an able and impressive sermon at tho church here last Sunday, a tribute of respect to the memory of Miss Emma and Jimmie Donaldson, to large and appreciative congregation, T. B. Folder, Jr., Esq., mayor of the growing town of Dublin, so oompanied by hie wife, paid his friends here a flying visit on Toes* day. Mr. Felder is one of the rising lawyers of the state.—Waynesboro True Citizen. 4 CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh He Bemainsth Awhile Longer. A good many negroes are brought from the Cardinal to this oonnty to work on the turpentine farms. Mr. F. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by H. Hicks A Co. All persons should taka the nsoss- sary precaution to see that no stag water is allowed to remain about Tr premises, thus avoiding, as far as possible, an early swarm of mos quitoes to keep them awake dnnng nights. Johnnie, Gapt. T. H. Rowe’s baby boy, died lest Thursday morning at three o’clock, after suffering for sev oral weeks with whooping-oengh and pneumonia. Friends of the family extend heart-felt sympathy in their bereavement. % WILL YOU BUFFER with D, sia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s Vital zer is guaranteed to cure yon. By Hides A Co., Dublin Ga. Mrs. J. H. Stanley, after a visit of a few weeks to tho family of her son, Gapt B. A Stanley, this place, left one day last week to visit the family of another eon, Dr. B. F. Stanley, in the upper part of the oonnty. Another of Mr. J. D. Smith’s children died last Friday, death this time plucking one about three years old. The friends of Mr. Smith sympathise with him in bis troubles be having lost two bright ohildren since the 1st of January. Mrs. Domiay, mother of Mr. J. Fred Dominy, died on the night of the 1st inst, at her home near Wylly, this oonnty. She was a very old lady and was attacked with case of measles, whioh proved fatal The bereaved family have the sym pathy of the community, 1 THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We * " Id by H. Hick* Co. Dub guarantee it. Sol un Ga. The arrangameits underneath the bridge aoroM the river on whioh the draw is intended to operato proved unequal to the task last week, when they tried to tarn it for the boat to go through. However, Mr. Games thinks he will have the defect reme died and the draw ia operation aomo time this week. t SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made mis erably by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by II Hick* A C’o , Dublin Georgia. M. Taylor, eavea miles east of this place, brought some over a few weeks ego to work for him. Thoy had a preaoher for a loader. It had been notioed for several days that the leader wae endeavoring to neour* bis escape and skip for hie old home. Last Thursday morning he deoided he saw his oh&noe and boarded the train at Brnton station with a ticket to Tennille. Mr. G. T. Mason, ae oompanied by another man, and armed with a warrant, jumped in a boggy and drove through to Wrights* ville, where they were in waiting for tne train bearing away the chief. As goon as the train stepped the men rushed in and demanded the surrender of the would-be runnaway who began to fight for his release. He was finally tied and Mr. Mason, his assistant and the negro started oat on their journey to Bruton, tho latter keeping up the rear on foot. He protested against his forced mode of travel, but to no purpose. Per haps by the time he reaohed his des tination he was a wiser if not better man. It will doubtless prove a lesson to those who try te effect their escape after having their ex ponses from Oarolina paid before they compensate their employers therefor. This negro’s prospecting tour must have terminated some what differently from his anticipa tions, if such he intended it for, for he remaineth awhile longer. Now that tho town is really on a boom, one of the best proofs of tho foot to the outside world will be largo and numberous advertisements of our home merchants in the paper. The mere montion of the truth throught- out these columns that Dublin is on a solid building and bneiness boom falls comparatively flat in other parts when by reference to the advertis ing columns the readers see that they are mostly filled np with adver tisement of parties not doing busi ness here. Those of onr merchants who want immigration turned to thu place—who want the town to build up as it should—should adver tise iu their home.paper liberally and thus stow to the outside world the truth of tho declaration that we have been for some time trying to impress upon it Let onr merchants try this plan for a few months end if it fails to benefit them, ae well aa the town, we will agree never to men tion the matter to them again. One of the aeotion bands, a white man, on the Dublin division of the Wrighteville and Tennille railroad happened to a possible fatal aeoident near Lovett one day last week. The section hands, under Mr, 0. B. Kess ler, were running a poll car along when they, in rounding a ourve, suddenly discovered a tree top across the track, whereupon each one leap ed from the oar to sate himself an injury. One of the men, pretty badly excited, leaped in front of the running oar and was run over, re ceiving injuries that is feared will prove fatal. The railroad company have seoured the services of skilled physicians and, although his condi tion is considered quite critical, he may possibly recover. 8 CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Hicks A Co. Elsewhere in this paper appears the aotice of an intention to apply for a charter for the Augusta, Thomasrille and Golf railroad. This road, if success is met with, will run through a good many counties that abound in abnndanl pine forests, and 6f very fertile lands. It would also afford a near route to northerners visiting Florida, and would therefore command a good share of the pas senger travel. Enterprising men are backing it and nothing* will be loft undone that will tend to the ad vancement of the enterprise. As the company proposes to run it through this county, onr citizens are interested, and it is hoped that it will be built. two last Mi. John Swnison, a young man > of about eighteen summers, who \ lives about thruo and a half miles above this place, came very near losing his life on the night of the tnd inst, by taking through mis take a qoanity of strychnine for a dose of oslomel. A physician wae sent for in groat haste, but before ho oonld got up there, SwiueoQ had taken some salt in water whioh prov ed an emetic. Tho doctor says that if he had not taken the salt and wa ter he wonld have died before he ooold possibly have reached him. Ho is doing well. Home Evidence Ho other imeanrion has won moons at boron nuI to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ia Unroll, Mas*, ulnra It la made. It la mo, MUtwabmn lor yaws,leadinginadtolm .'I..' P.UM .■JSL'UJ- Ji'B30!9KSSfSSSSam^ T T2&J51 ABL1S —OF THE—— DUBLIN ajtd WRIGHTEVILLE R. It The attention of onr readers is oallod to the advertisement of Y. H. Wynn, which appears in another column. Mr. Wynn, although a comparative strangor to our people, proposes to merit a shuro of the pub lie patronage, and ho proposes to do so on square and honest dealings with his customers. Ho asks yon to buy hie goodB, which ho offorB vory low, and guarantees satisfaction in every instance. Give him a trial and be convinced. Dublin will bo in telegraphic com munication with tho outside world within a very short while. The wire has been stretched about twenty miles and fho posts have been put in position to Bruton Btatiou. Dave Paul was arrestod here yes terday morning by Mr. Dennis Mar tin, tho marshal, and placed in jail, on a charge of having stolon a gold watch from Mr. Geo. II. White, of HawkinsviUe, Tho watch was found on his person mid tfkon charge of. It is an old heirloom and is highly prized. It boars tho initials of Mr. White’s filth or, *‘J. G. W.” Paul has been teachiug school in PulaBki county, and has a brother living a low miles below this place. Information reaches us that Isauo Collins died Monday from a wound reoeived from a piece of timber in the hands of James Oybnrn last Sat urday night, near Stephensvillo, From Lius rnoagro report that w© re ceived, it appears that the two young men, both white, had been to Stopk ensville and inbibed pretty freely of the blind tiger whiskey, and on their way homo a difficulty was raised with the obove results. Jfurch April May. Are the months in which to purify the blood, as the system ia now moat •nioeptibie to benefit from medicine. Henoe now is the time to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, a medicine peculiarly adapted for the purpose, possessing peculiar curative powers. It expels every impurity from the blood, and also gives it vitality and richness. It creatos an appetite, tones the diges tion; invigorates the liver, and gives new life and energy to every fano- tion of the body. The testimony of thoasands, as to the great benefit de rived from Hood’s Sarsapnlia, should convince everybody that it is pecu liarly the best blood purifier and spring medicine. tkk ■a law et «Un|U aferraA.” • warns reqali* a retea* People to pita an LomS people _ hare wUS In favor ot HooWa OT Banaparilla. Mr. Albeit 1 Auinl I Betoo, Wing a *8 Eat Fine • wwu " Street, Lowell, for is year* employes ai boss carpenter by <1. W. Dennett, president «t the Erie Telephone Company, had a (.tree running sore eotno on bis tog, which troubled him ft year, when be bo Ran to take Hood's SanspariUo. Tho sore soon grow lass In also, and In a short time disappeared. Jos. Dnnphy.SU Cen tral Street, Lowell, had swelling* and lumps on his taoo and neek, whioh Hood’s BanspA- rills completely cured. Mrs. C. W. Marriott, wife of the First Aa- slstant Flro Engineer of Lowell, says that for 10 yoare she wm troubled with stomach disorder and Blok hoadacho, which nothing relieved. Tho attacks earno ou every fort night, when aho was obliged to taka her bed, and was unable to enduro any noise. She took Hood’s SanaparftU, and after a time tho attacks Caused entirely. Many more might be given had wo room. On tho recommendation of peoples! Lowell, who know ns, wo ask you to try Hood's Sarsaparilla Bolltyoildrafiistt. ilirixford*. Frupomdanly by a L HOOD A 00., Apothowwlos, LowolLMsss. too Dofleo On© Dollar Lv Tennltto Ar llairlson Ar Donovan Ar Wrighteville Lv Wrighteville Ar Lovett At Bruton Ar Condor Ar Dublin Praise Hood's •srsspsrllls Lv Dublin Ar Condor Ar Uruton Ar Lovett Ar WrightsvlHo Lv Wrlghtsvllto Ar Donovan Ar Harrison Ar Tounille Fail Road Schedules. Augusta, Gibson i Sandersville In offect Sunday, November 28th, 1886, at 5 o’clock a. in., City Time. The Augusts, Thomssvllle A Gulf Railroad Company. Mias B. Combe Wood gave entertainments in reading here week which were highly enjoyed by oar citizens. Especially did they enjoy the reading on tho first night, .lie having then displayed more fully her elocutionary powers in more choice pieces, it ia raid. 7 BIIILOH’S VITALIZE!! is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appo- tite, Dizrinew) and all symptom of Dys pepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents, per bot- ,l. cbold by II Hivim & Co-, Dublin Qt. ipany at intention to apply for a Charter for the name for the puipose of constructing, building, maintaining and operating a rail road for public use in the conveyance of persona and property, by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, entitled 'An Act to provide a general Law for ihe Incorporation of Rail roads and to regulate the same,’ approved September 27th, 1881, and incorporated ana Codified in the Code of Georgia of 1882, under Section 1689 (a) and the Sec tions thereafter, aud tho amendments thereto. (I) Tho name of Mid Company shall be the Atjoubta, and Golf Railroad Comfany, with its principal ofllcc and residence in the City or Augus ta, County of Richmond, and State of Georgia. (II) ’Said Railroad is to he constructed, built and operated from the City of Au gusta, in satd County of Richmond, to Thomasrille, in the County of Thomas, in said State of Geoigia, and thence to the State line and through the State of Florida. (III) The length of said Railroad will be about two hundred and fifty miles in the State of Georgia, and will pass through the folllowing Counties, to wit: Richmond Burke, Jefferson, Emanuel, Johnson, Lau rens, Dodge, Wilcox, Irwin, Berrien, Worth, Coiguity and Thomas, aad thence to the State line, and through the State of Florida to the Gulf of Mexico (IV) The amount of the Capital Stock of eaid Company ahull )m three millions and five hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, egatiog thirty-five thousand shares. The number, - —* - The number of Directors who shall manage the affairs of said Company for the iirsl year, aud until others ore chosen, .bull be four and the following pontons nludtOOlifclitOte lllo itouni of Directors: Robert M. Mitchell, Augusta, Ga, Wlli iam T. Gary. Augusta, (ia , Thomas War then, Warthen, Washington County, Ga., George W. Stetson, New York City, New York. (VI) Thai the Hoard of Director of said Company «li»il l*e competed of no'. l«i” iba., hrec at.o no. more man ii..rlten i a.'.. Sunday's Passenger train number 1 leaves Ban dorsvlUo 5 00 a. m. j 'number 3 loaves Ban- dersville 2 37 p. in. Returning number 2 loaves Augusta 8 14 a. in., and number 4 leaves Augusta at 9 03 p. m PASSENGER AND FREIGHT—Except , Sunday Lv Sandorfcvillo Lv Young LvJWavthon Lv Hines ' .- v. : v ,-v.' Lv Mitcliel V Lv Belle Spriuga LvGibuon Lv Avc ra Ly BUipiotoa 'M Lv Wrens Lv Matthews' Lv Noah LvKeysvlllo .tv Lv Bly the Lv Built .. Lv Heplizlbnh Lv Richmond Lv Qweewood Lv A tlveniurO 'LvGary ' Ar Augusts Lv Augusta Lv Guy . . Lv Adventure Lv Gracewood Lv Richmond Lv Huphzibali Lv Bath Lv Blythe Lv Keysville Lv Nonh Lv Matthews Lv Wren ' -m Lv Rtupleton Lv Avers Lv Gibson Lv Belle Springs Lv Mitcholl Lv Hines • 'iW Lv Warthen Lv Young Ar Sanders villa Closeeoooeetions North, East and West at Augusta. Connection via B. & T. rail road with Central railroad brunches at Bandersvillo. It M. MITCHELL, President and G. M. To take (Meet November 14 1888. «KMUt« SOUTH. Nat No I AM PM 700 280 745 2to 810 SIS 8 40 kto 845 811 815 8 65 • 85 415 8 66 4 88 1015 445 «01N« MOBTH. 10 80 4 50 10 55 515 11 15 5 to 1185 5 50 1205 015 1210 614 12 80 6 85 12 50 6 50 130 7 20 W B Thomas, Pica and Gen') Sup* Nov. 14, 1880 tf. No. 1. No, 8. A. M. . 4 06 * r. m. 2 18 415 230 430 850 505 885 515 850 680 410 548 425 6 01 4 50 617 518 685 6 40 660 ' i—i 6 57 618 719 680 795 650 788 705 7 51 728 745 818 6 67 827 807 8 83 8 16 808 845 No. 8. Nai Ai-'J*. P. M. • 718 400 740 426 748 488 800 440 ~— 448 880 605 8 48 517 805 680 828 545 840 5 57 848 1000 020 1026 688 10 46 654 1106 710 1128 795 1143 745 1158 768 12 88 8 to 100 848 112 856 Central Railroad* Savannah, Ga., Dee. 5,1886. O N and -fter this date passenger trains will run as Daily unless marked f, which are Dally except Sunday. The Standard time by which tbes* trains run is 86 minutes slower than Savannah city time. Lv Savannah. .1080 am 880 pm. 6:40 pm Ar Milieu ....12:85 pm 11:08 pm 8:45 pm Ar Augusta 4:45 pm 615 am Ar Mucon 4-50 pm 8-20 am Ar Atlanta... .8 00 pm 7-37 am Ar Columbus. .410 am 8-05 pm Ar Montgomery 7 55 pm Ar Eu’fauia 4-33 pin A r Albany... .10-08 pm 10 50 aui Passengers for Bylvaria, Sandersville, Wrights ville, Miileogevilio and Eaton ton should take 8-40 a m. truing Passengers for Thomaston, Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, TalboUoii, Buena Vista, Blakely and Clayton should lake 8 20 p in truiu. Lv Allllcn 12 55 pm 11-15 pm 6-10 am Lv Augusta.. .10-20 am 0-30 pun Lv Macon 10-35 am 10 50 pm Lv Atlanta ... .6-40 am 6-50 pm Lv Columbus.. .9-10 pm 11-30 am Lv Montgomery 7-60 am Lv Kiitaula........ 11-02 am Lv Albany 6-00 am 8-57 pm Ar Bavoonab... .5-00 pm 5-55 am 84)5 am Bleeping care on all night passenger trains between Savuuuah and Augusta, Bavavonnah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta, Macon and Columbus- Train leaving at 8-20 p m and arriving at 5 55 a m will not stop to put off or take on passengers between Savannah and .Milieu. Connections at Savunnah with Savannah, Florida und Western Kallwuy for all points in Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at city office, No. 30 Hull street, and depot office 80 minutes before departure of cuch train. O. A. Whitkhkad, General Passenger Agent. J. C. Buaw. Ticket Agent- LARGE SALES \ 8WIAtllf»ROFlT«:| HAS EVER BEEN tvt"V" Mn'T’Tni ‘ aJL* mMhJL* oaflre oJk* re—ito to Remember that 1 give yon the BEST, FRESHEST AND CHEAPEST CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Etc. That were over brought to this market f (o) A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED- STOCK OF SPRING CLOTHING, (For Men and Boys) Are being sold at astonishingly low prioesf A Ml line of Groceries Always On Hand, It ysn want satisfaction in Goods and Price* call on ms. J. T. SMITH, feMUf DUBLIN. GA READ. THIS IS FOR- Job Printing don# at tho Post. IN ORDER TO MEET THE 4BOW ING DEMANDS OF OUR TRAM WE HAVE BOUGHT DIRECT FROM THE MANUFAC TURERS, FOR CASH, A LARGE STOCK * OF TWO OF TUB MOST Popular Brands —Of— QUININE: {McK. S R. and r. 4 V.) Now Before the Public. And ia consequence ot the low prices obtained by buying in Urge quantities from first hands, for the cash, we will on and after THURSDAY, JULY tom, soil thia very Important and much wed drug In ONE OUNCE VIALS at the unparalled low price at 1 DOLLAR 3P©3? Ounoe HAIR BRUSHES, OOMBS, | loganfc Colognes, Extract*, Snaps, Fancy Goods, Etc.,an entirely new slock from New York. —A COMPI.KTB UKK «P— PTJRBI Drugs and Chemicals ALWAYS ONliAND. H. Hicks A Co’*.