The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, March 16, 1887, Image 8

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f— ■ - ~'-* r — / SucntiCs., f It Tim twin fonrnt tlmt 1oik m iy l»u inmin to g»>rvn i ot die ]>atpo«4-N for wliiult IxmvooJ, wliioli Jo rapidly bodomiug Mtuoo, is uotf boiug tiwtL A poiutrfttl hydraulic press com* prewiinir tonk for lo >m shuttle* Inn just Uou luudo iu Mftiiolicster. England. * To make n fireproof composition fnr* .nits**, slag is Iron to l with boiling noid whioli proihicos A jully-liko ruImUuioo. Of tliis, nix toon parts arc mixed with • oijrlit pnrt« of nilica. twunty-llirno of oxt lo-of aino, twmit.v-throaof silicnto of sods and thirty of iimo water. This is lnixe 1 with colors and varnishes, to rutrl't them ino unbustiblo tuid impac- uuutUo to moisture. ‘ " / //Trnf. Tanlio prodiats that thn amnxfng rexliiliition of natural oil And gas wliioh Tins clmracturizud the past twenty years, nud will probably contiune for ton or twonty years more, is, nevcrtliolowt, not .■only goolnsrioally bnt historically a tom* poniry ami vanishing phenomenon—oue which young men will live to see oome •to its natural omL This opinion, he says, is the result of Imth an active and .a thmight/ul noqusiuUuoo with the iSubjiiuL A oempesIUon formed of very fine iron filing* ntnl linuml oil vaniinii is ranch used in (lurmany for painting surfaines exposed to dampness. If tho ■object to ho puinto.1 is to undergo fro* .tpient changes of temperature, "both iliiisocd oil and »nd>or varnish are used 4u the first two ooats. The paint may. bo applied'to woo.l, stone or iron, and if liscf itftoii iron it is claimed that it is jiot iHMMkmry to first free it from rust, Meteeraleglsls have found that thore .can tie nn thunder and lightning without lain. When thunder in heard beneath n „c oar sky, the reports must either oomo from distuut clouds or bo the result of • bine other ounso than a disoharga of •a iootrioity. ■ Harvest or iusat lightning i* priMluoed byadis'ant stoim Thun* * r seldom ncaompnuiuH heat lightuing, ) sound roitahing only about twolvo -.dins, tthilo lightning ts often noun, by fib'etion upon nearer uiuuds, at u uiuoh greater distance. '.nr A method of preventing tho inornate* 4*011 of iNiilnrs quite ooinmon iu Gor* i any is as follows: The food wator is I road through one of tho UBual food . v'lriv.mces .lulo the steam domo, in » kWh It is mixed by a jot of steam enter* urnwutrioally, in order that it may, f'l i' ug the mixing, bo east violoutly imt the onvor of tho domo. Tho ■ efc of the movement is that all tho w liter roooivos the full temperature of the tturroundlug steam. By this suddou healing, air and ouvbonio aoid are with* sdriiwu from tho water, and not only tho oiu'lionuUi of lime, but tho snlphato of lime and ningueHinm, are extracted nud .4ho precipitate occasioned is poriodioully acmovod, | Tho nv'ohanical protection of plants ajr 'snit insects is secured oithor by hairs o* uy homt'Uilng obnoxious to them as a bitter principle. When Imbboolc was etndying ants ho found the only barrier which would eon duo thorn was a liuo of fnr, They couldn't get through that. Nature uses tho snmo dovioo, and you may notioo it especially at this season on tin) young seed leaves of plantn. Tho tide ness of the epidermis proteuta tho plant when necessary nguiust injury by loss of water. In older growths, as trees, wo tied oovky layers, uiado up of dead i-.Ols, containing only air and the vos- tiges of whut was onoo living math?. But these colls are waterproof and muko life pri'Hinvei's fur tlio plant ou tho name pauu.plo ou which wo oouatruet ours. An EncrHsh flm has introduced a now ahiamoy tup which is said to olfootnully piVifi'ot down-draughts iu ohiinnoys. They are mado from a number of ; -on rod rings placed nuo ou the otlior, ■>!•-♦ hiving iuti-rveuing spaces between ^■c‘v I'iuiiVhe ring* wlieu mado of metal are Wed tugetUev by rods, but when uvide li«m oitvy they can bo buruod sogotbi't ) When tho wind strikes tho g> lives it will rot urn, nml in doing so w II draw air up the ohimuoy, and up thitninh the spaees at tho top, thus pro* renting a down-drought and compelling nn tip draught. No cowl of cap is n^lod; every notion of tho wind is pro* ■tided fur; the appliauon is stationary an l easily fixed by suy briaklsyer. When fixinl Iu clay it is oertaiuly less .ugly tlum most similar ooutrivauoos. In ilia now pouKion building at Wash* ingViU. J). 0., reoontly eivated, are two ►avam endues of peouliar design. Thoy are plao d in the westevn and eastern ends of the building, extending through "louvre** in tins roof, and liaviug their fi'iindaWous upon Invwy *'I H beams built into the will*. Thoy drivo oaoh a ) ur.K>t ventilating fan, k«yM to a fi-iuoh shaft, which ** oouuro'od witli tho crauk arm of the ouginok W.itlo of the ordi nary *Hd«*hr*lvo trjwv t ho striking feature is inti ix>:iipiupi revnliitiun of the qyliu* d.-r. Th • cylinder; t-t inch ilhungeroud inch »uyk*, is bolted to a hollow trim* ui m, with Htnrtiug \> >x at the top for *:.«ain \w****>je, oud is provided on the Uutom with a find niiiv’h is oomicotod by*,! ink at the npiH*r epd of th° fan Mndt. 'l ias fan shafl is twelve itiosu * out id the inmtr* nf ihf trunnion, or oue- L.df l!t« kUr»k»- and by the roKlprooitioti of |||» gllrs liiv LDHSatKa^ U» lliO cj .«au«tr and •<i *ult. , Adtciti v iii llii‘ pap.-r, Gcnator Heck*s Vrog. "Senator Beck trout flshtna the otlnr day, ’’ said o.teof Ins cpllo.igi. v-a. Mud ;>,c did tin must stupid thing 1 ever heard of. lie start *1 out early in the morn ing for the Upper I'utonmc. The f.tvor- Ito bait of thea;: high-bred fltdiermen is a frog. Frogs are proeunfcil a day jn advance by boys In the vicinity where the bulling iii to be done, lh'ck docs not seern to caro very much when ho goes lishlug whether he catches any thing or not if lie has a number of Jolly companions with him. Soon after he arrived at his destination for fishing he set his pole, run out his liuo and threw his hook with a small live frog upon it. Tim vigorous statesman then took a posit* %a on the bank of the river and talked to his companions, smoked, and discussed future legislation. A number of times he observed his lino to pull Unit and his pole to sway a little, but never was there that hnm and that swish of the line, which indicate the presence of a bass. Beck’s companions told him that it was tho frog pulling at the lino, but he never pulled it up until the time had arrived for lilm to return to Washington. “ it will be a cold day when I go fish ing again,” said tho Senator, as he began to reel in his line, "I have not had a bito to-day, and it is tho best -point on tho ri ver for bass. The morn ing, too, is very favorable. Do ydu know why I haven't caught a fishy” inquired Senator Beck, “it la.because that confounded Jittlo green frog has. been sitting on that stone out there looking at mo all tlio time. I haven't said a word, but I have aeon that frog’s oyo on me constantly, and it is at that frog that I have thrown so many stones and made so many gestures and bel lowed so loudly at. Tho Senator con tinued to pull in his line. Ills compan ions', watched him intently. Finally lie wav heard to oxclnlm, “ Well, FIT bo —1” The line whipped up to the stone and tho frog was pulled off it. It was then discovered that tho frog had climbed out on the stone Immediately after it was thrown into the river, and had sat there with tho hook In Its mouth. —■— j Smuggling Swiss Watches. • A great increase of smuggling, to tho profit of tho Swiss watch manufac turers, lias resulted from Prince Bis marck’s increase of the duty on foreign watches, Tho stringent examination of travelers has not yet availed to check the smuggling. A watch is so small an article tlmt it is tasily con cealed, especially by woman. Their voluminous draperies, under the pres ent fashion, lend themselves readily to conti ubaiul enterprises, nud the «er- muiiB have not yet adopted tlio French custom of employing female custom olhcers, who are Teas gallant and more severe tlinn male ofllccrs in the exam ination of a traveling sister. The o'd proverb, "Opportunity makes the thief," ,1s richly Illustrated In the daily annals of protect)73 duties. Becen ly a £en- tlemnii named Blum, an lnliaU'ant of Colthar, In Klsiwn, wns st ixed by the Herman police of St. Ludwig, on tlio Swiss-Alsatian frontier, on the sus picion of being a smuggler of Swiss watches into the Herman'empire, Tho suspicion wua Justified In a delightful manner, for when Herr Bjum wns stripped, In spite of his protests bf his Immaculate character, lie war, round to have no fewer than 1100 watches con cealed about Ids artfully contrly.-d garments and iu one small hand bag. When tho search was over, H'.rr Blum was not morely convert e 1 out of a very fat Into a lean man—with a rapidity which Banting or Dr. 8ueoi never dreamed of—but he was compelled to pay a customs lino of 2,700 marks (flliS) for Ids extensive collection of foreign watches. _ A Jlit of Artvfop. Tho “ Woman’s Journal” gives this bit of information to its renders: There are many women who suppose that on the death of the husband they will bo legally entitled to oiie-tldrd of the property, and rest content. Or, If not content, they accept what they suppose will be their rights, only to find that when there is no will their “third" means only the uso of one-third of tho real estate. That is, if the real estuto is worth three hundred dollars, tlio widow will have tho uso of oue hun dred dollars, which, at flvo per cent., would glvo her five dollars a year, In stead of the oue hundred dollars to use as she pleases. Witldu a short time we have hoard of thu surprise nml dis appointment of several widows who bad not asked their husbands to pro tect them by a will, because of this mistaken idea about their thirds. J ust hum should seo to this matter, and by a will should save a wife from tho double grief for tlio loss of a husband and of property, independence and comfort. Somn curious features of New Eng land life came to tno during my tr n. A woman where 1 stopped over night lamented her inability to procure female holn. She told me that although there are iVl,t>X) more women titan men in Massachusetts yon can srareoly get one to do housework. They have been fpoilad by factory work and dabbling iu literature, as they call it If they can't get factory work, as a great many of them can't gist just uow, they won't do any work, in many towns you can’t got a woman to do a day's washing at any price, . l \ n U* IS H| Hicks's. POISOHENTKEASHES WJurt tho 311. Lebanon Shakers Found—Incident In tho His tory of a Qulot Community. Tho Mount Lebanon (Now York) Shakers are a quiet com munity, secluded from the fret and worry of the outside world. They are widely known, how ever, for their strict honor and probity in business, i The Shakers believe that na ture has a remedy for every dis ease. A few have been found— the rest are . as yet unknown. Many were discovered by acci dent. Others came to light as the result of patient experiment and research. • Nervous Dyspepsia is a com paratively neio disease, growing out of the conditions of modem •life. . It is a joint affection of the digestive organs and of the nervous system. These two were formerly treated as sepa rate ailments, and it was left for tho clear-sighted Shakers to prove that the basis of this terrible and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in the disord ered and depraved functions of digestion and nutrition. They reasoned thus:—“If we can in duce tho stomach to do its work, and stimulate the excre tive organs to drive out of the body the poisonous waste mat- fceiB which remain after thelife- g iving elements of the food ave been absorbed, we shall have, conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exhaust ion. And they were right Knowing the infallible power of Shaker Extract (Seigel’s Syrup) in less complicated though similar diseases, they resolved to test it full} in this. To leave no grouno for doubt they prescribed tin remedy iu hundreds of cases which had been pronounced in curable—with perfect success in every instance where tbeii directions as to living and die’, were scrupulously followed. Nervous Dyspeps.a and Ex haustion is a peculiarly Amefi- cap disease. To a greater, oi less extent .half the people o: this country suffer from it— both sexes and all a^es. In nc country in tho world are then so many insane asylums filler to overflowing, all resulting from this alarming disease. It; leading sjnnptoms are these: Frequent or continual head ache ; a dull pain at the base of tho bruin; Dad breath; nau seous. eructations; the rising of sour and pungent fluids to the throat; a sense of oppress ion and faintness at the pit of the stomach; flatulence; wake fulness and loss of sleep; dis- gust with food even when weak from the need of it; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or in the, mouth, especially on ris ing in tho morning; furred and coated tonguoj diill eyes; cold hands and feet; constipation; dry or rough skin; inability to fix tho mind on any labor call ing for continuous attention; aud oppressive and sad fore bodings and fears. All this terrible * group Slmkor Extract {Seigers Syrup) removes by its pos itive, powerful, direct yet painless and gentle action upon the functious of digestion and assimilation. Those elements of the food that build up and strengthen the system are sent upon their mission, while all waste matters (the ashes of life’s fire) which uuremoved, poison and kill, ave expelled from the body through the lx>wels, kid neys and skiu. The weak and prostrated nerves 10*8 quieted, toned and fed by the jmrified blood. As the result, health, with its enjoyments, blessings and power, iwuins to the suf ferer who had, perhaps, aband oned all ho|*o of ever seeing another well day. Mrs. Joint*UN. wife nf i):r piifi Confederate commander, Genera! Josi-nh K, Johnston diet! at Iu r home >n Washington of punbw on tin d of Kthiunry. M «yRFS Scvo^Clft » ELexewd, 4. ; - (mse& %fovtv Cancsr of the Tongue. < Mr wife, nome three or four year* ago. was trm- - Hea with aa nicer on the aide of her tongue near the throat. The pain was incesmttt, canning iosa of aleep and producing great nervoua proatratton Accompanying this trouble was rheumatism. It ha<I paHftcd from tiao shoulders sod centered in too imiutuouwwi df Vaao uow va «• mwm alxed bottles of 8wlft’s Spcclpc, she was entire^ relJevert and restored to health. This was ttaeo year, ago, and there Uaa Spirta, Ga., Jane 6,1886.. Treatise on Blood and 8kiu Diseases mailed free. I*MV -£TT-I W C °'' Draner *’ AtUnta * a *'' MmeTDEMORESFS RELIABLE PATTERN8 Aro the only ones that will give a perfect fitting giruMDL MME. DEMOREST’S System of Dress Cutting. “r*"* Any ohO tO * 1 cfte* 5 .OO. Sent by msil, po* paid, on receipt MME. DEMOREST’S PORTFOLIO OF FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAR EAME7S SHOP A. chavous; Agt (Opposite ilic Court House.' X>tx1d1±xl G-a. 3Ianufucturcr aud Dealer iu Saddles, Bridles & Harness. —IIE WILL ALSO KEEP— Lap Pobes, Dorse lBankefs, Halters Bridle Bits, Spurs, Carriage, Bu Ry, Hiding and Team hips. Lashes, Combs Brushes, Collars, linmes, Etc. twxc’wn? mi V ACH! N ?■ i» Y. ;-s FEEDERS AMD CONDEKIIO. Cheap For Cash. Repairing Promptly Done. May 19-80-ly. Is a large Mwstlm Styles, lllnstr . Scut, J 10 of 80 Instratcd w..„ „„ puat-pald, for of Fashion Dates and about 1,000 Cute. !45 cents. Txara HAVE YOU TAKEN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION FOR 18867 ■ !If not. lay this paper down and send for it right how. If you want it every day, send for the Daily, which costs $10 00 a year, or $5.00 for six mouths or $3.50 for three months. Tf you Want it every week, scud for the Great Weekly, which costs $1,25 a year or $5,00 for Clubs of Five. THE WEEKLY CON STITUTION is theCheapa stf Biggest and Best Paper Printed in America! It has 12 pages chock full of news, gos sip and sketches every week. > It prints mere romance than the story papers, more farm-news than the agricultural papers, more fun than the humorous papers—be sides all the news, and Bill Arp’s and Betsy Hamilton’s letters Uncle Remus’s Sketch es! —AND— TALMAQB’S , SERMONS. C ss 2 Cents a Week! t comes once week—takes a whole week o read it! You can’t well furm or keep house with out it! Write your name ou a postal card, ad- mess it to hs, and we will send you Speci- dren Copy Fjieei Address THE CONSTITUTOIN. T •» of every -kind cured iu 30 minute, !> W i.koud’s Sniatary Loxioit. Use 110- o Qt This never fails. Sold It. Hicks & Co. I am agent for the Centennial Cotton Gin, made by 0. HE. Miller, of Fort Val ley, Ga. The feeders and condensers can be attached to any other make. 1 also sell the Bookwaltcr Engine, Lef fel’s Water Wheels, Lane & Bodley Co.'s macliinery and Frick & Co.’s Engines and saw mills. My territory embraces Laurens, Johnson and Emanuel counties- I have been sell ing-the above machinery for several years, aud think I can make it to your interest to trade with me for anything in my line W. G. WEAVER, Dublin, Ga- August-4 3m. 1883, Established 1857. THE CLOTHING 'AND-— 11ATS.' Winship & Callaway, 126 Second Street, MACON, - - GA., Return tlianks to their numerous cus tomers in Dublin and surrounding, coun try! They are opening daily an Elegant Stock of.CholceQj GLOTHUsTG AND HATS, For MEN and BOYS, for the FALL and WINTER Trade. Suits and SHIlitS made to measure. , Give jis a ca., or let -us hear. Yroin you by letter! fJti eforsalf measurem^ n t sent on qppliction. Nearly 50,000 noid and giving perfeot satisfaction. 5®"Don’t pay other companies $40.00 profit on a machiuo NOT SO GOOD AS THB DEMOEEST, but buy direct of tho man ufacturers. Sent C. 0. D. Write for Chradan. DEMOREST FASHION and SEWING MACHINE CO., Vt Ea»t 14th. Street, New VorkCIty IhttESl PAPER IN THESOOTH the;savaknah WITHY NEWS"* -1 $2*00 a Year, In Advance. ii MACHINE with Automatic! Not 11 Local Paper, but One Suitable to any Locality. A BVGIKli&sTtAMlLl, LITERARY AND AG lUCULTUBAL JOURNAL. This mammoth newspaper contains all •Tie news of tlio week, Telegraphic Dis patches up to the hour of going to press, Agricultural Items, Original Serials, etc. Special departments devoted to Georgia, Florida and South Carolina news, and that of other States. To the farmer, mechanic or artisan the business or professional man, who has not the advantages of a daily mail, the Savan nah Weekly News is the medium by which lie can lie informed of events trans piring in the busy world, whether in his own State or in the most distant parts of the globe. Every yearly subscriber is entitled to one of the Morning News Library seri als as a premium. THE SAVANNAH' MORNING NEWS Enlarged January J, 18S5, to an S-Tage, 56- Column Paper. The largest Paner in the South Issued Ever} Day in the 1 ear. JIO.IO 11 Year, Itrelvdinc the teat Sunday Issue of the "'•News.” The Daily News given prominence to all matters relative to the AGRICCLTC* ’ RAL, MECHANICAL and MANUFAC TURING interests of the country, as vcl as tho GENERAL, POLITICAL and COMMERCIAL news. Its TELEGRAPHIC, STATE. GEN ERAL. LOCAL aews ami MARKET deportments art* acknowledged to bo tl^ l<est and most comprehensive nf any pc pen in the South. Subscribe through vmir News Deale* Port MusUr ot tend dinctly to J !! iMIU., Sa va> u; G ; No. 8. The ELDREDGE “B” is sold with the guarantee of being the BEST that can be MADE. AGENTS WANTED. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. 303 and 300 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, IUb ely’s CatarrH creaIbalmi™ ” Gin* relief atone* te - and Our * COLD IN HEAD > CATARRH HAYFEVER Hot a Liquid, Snuff or Poieder. Free from Injuri ous I>rugs and of fensive odors. TA particle of the Balm is applied Into each nostril, <■ agreeable to use aud is qnickty absorbed, effect- sally cleansing the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, csoaiog healthy secretions. r • ef taste and smell. Beneficial reader are rcalUed by a few applications, p 4 t\orvnyh tr*itmcf4 trill turc. Price 80 cents at dn^lets; by mall, reastcred. 80 earns. Circulars scut free. , . ELY I1HOTUEK3, Druggists, Otvego, XI. Y ■ 1 Gatiirrh I- Not n Blood Vlmasc. No matter wtint pnitr x nsy (tna’ily effect, ea- tarrli always starts in tbahc-Dl, aud the head. There :» no mystery »1ki .t Ilic o of this dreadful dwer.».\ it i,. .:ins in a ttsewnsfi cold. One of the kind Ibat in " t.» bn i- it. r in a few days.” of vie: tn, kn..w b-.t^ It Uby »ad oxper:. t ee. K y'S Cr.«.m U.vit.’. ocres colds Iu Uc bead and tatarrn l. a! 1 It. .. —. Beiattea, 8oratohes, Contracted lumbago, Sprains, Muscles, Kheumatistn. Strains, Eruption^ Burns, Stitches, Hoof All, Scalds, Btiff Joints, Screw Stingo, Backache, Worm*, Bites, Galls, Swinney, Braises, Sores, Saddle Galls, Bunions, .Spavin Hies, , Corns, Cracks, . THIS GOOD OLD 8TAND-BY accompUsbee for everybody exactly what is claimed forlfc One of the reaaooa for the great popularity c« the Mustang liniment is found In Its uirernl appllcabllitr. Everybody needs sooh a medlchse. The Lambermaanasdsltlncaseof aocldeat. The Hea.ewlfe needs It forgwwralfamny uaa. The Caaaler needs It for his teamsand Ms man. The Mechulo need* tt always on his wot* v The Miner needs It In ease of emergency. lv The Flenoer nood3lt~can'tgotalong without th The Farmer needs It In his house, his stab!* and his stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman needs It In liberal supply afloat oud ashore. Tho norae-fnncler needs It—It Is bis best Mend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs it—It win aave him thousands ot dollars and a world of trouble. .The Railroad man needs it and will need It so long as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers. The Backwoodsman needs It. There 1» noth ing uko it as an antidote for the dangers to Ilfs, limb and comfort which surround tho pioneer. The Merchant needs Kabout Ms storeamoe* his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these eoma the Mustang liniment Is wanted at onetw Keep n Bottle la the Heoae. Tlithebertof economy. Keep a Bottle In the Factory. Its lamed las* ose la case of accident saves pain and toss of wagea. Keep a Battle Always In the Stable far nee when wanted. glllEfi Bltr-a STEEL PENS' Lffli. ■ ,:l . YTi’.rn net fnr sale by local .i' drr: isleadlug ►(••!«* In is boxes tf i uojwu c.s nwi/'.otSl.lL ,, 4 .(viesl-rlivi! Teas, i t-oxe*, 1 tins, ?acl:, .'i.1" & Iluslncss" i " 1 •* " •' '• 4 “ Basine-S It Stub',4 1 ■'. r.. . j i«*i i HE 21ILU3 s::\ fUII^ ( j