The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, March 30, 1887, Image 3

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DUBLIN POST. DUBLIN. GA., MARCH 30, 1887 Terms *t.50 n year iu advance. To Ministers $1.00 per year. TIf E DUBLIN POST AND 2 25 2 75 2 25 2 05 2 25 3 25 3 35 Svannnh Weeki.y News one ycat ■Southern Faum. Montki.y “ Telegraph & Messkngek “ " -Southern World, ' ^Atlanta Constitution, * Christian Advocate, “ ** •Christian Index, renewals ** The second quarterly mooting for the Dublin circuit will bo held on the 2nd Sunday iu next mouth., Remember tlmt Itov. T. C. Bey- kin, Sunday School Evangelist, will bo here Saturday and Sunday next. Mrs. J. A. Gresham and Miss Ma mie Gresham are visiting relativos in Dublin, Ga.- Waynesboro True Citizen. Miss Florrie Stanley, after a pleas ant visit to relatives in the upper 3 751 part of the county, returned to Dub The Proposed Extension. The extension of the Wrightsvillo and Tcnnille railroad from this plnco to Hawkinsvillo is now tho topic of conversation in railroad ciroles here abouts. Tho president of the above named road has shown us two lettors Killed Instantly. Sam Ivysor. bettor known ns “Toad,’’ was caught in tho balamo wheel nt the mill at this plnou, now opoiated by “Tobo” llobbs, and killed instantly, at 12 o’clock to-day. No one knows exactly how ho was —ono from General Aloxander, prosi- caught, or how long ho was in tho dont of tho Central road, and ; tho wheel boing cis'ovcrcd, but other from a business man of Hawk- >t is supposod that hq was caught by insvillc; both encouraging. The tho bolt about three or four mi antes former stated that he did uot know | boforo he was scon by a young exactly to what oxlcut tho Central Registered nt the Post Office in Dublin as I lin last Saturday. Second-Clast Matter. Local Affairs. It is reported that hail foil not far from this place last Monday, which doubtless accounts for the sudden change of temperature. 5 For lame back, side or cheat, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents 1 Sold by Hicks & Co., DublinGa. No eggs in town. ' All Fools’ Day next Friday. ■Ordinary’s court next Monday. Next Tuesday is sheriff’s sale day.' 1 A good many of our county’s citi- ■Z. H. Roughton keeps nothing | zens were in the city last Saturday; Lut the very best groceries. It seems that winter is loth to leave ns. Call at M. L. Jones’s for the well known Fredarica tabacco. fob 236t' Col. H. W. Carswell, of Mount Vernon, was in thecity yesterday. A fine lot of canned goods at Z. H. Houghton’s. Quinine at One Dollar pel ounce at Maddox's. A Frost this morning. It is feared that the remaining fruit has been it. Kerosene Oil 18 cents per gallon at Maddox’s. Mr. R. L. Hicks, of Doctowtown, is in the city on business. would help, but that she would do her part. The latter Raid that the citizeia of his town had subscribed liberally to the projected S. I). & W. road and were waiting to see if it would be built, that so soon us they found it was a failure they would tako stock in the extension of this road to that place. Now that a blind muu can see the folly of pos sessing faith in the “Wind Lino,” it may be expected that an onergotio move will soon bo taken toward ex tending the road from this-place to’* Hawkinsvillo. One Negro Killed and Three Wounded. A crowd of negroes raised a gen eral jow over a game yt cards, at Meadow’s crossing, Johnson county, last Sunday, during which ono was man, on the insido'of tho mill house. The negro’s brains were scattered all around uud in the top of the roofs. Hardly a whole bono was lqft iu his body, and his head was perfectly ompty. When the wheel was atopp od lie was entangled around the shaft. Ilo was the fireman. A young man by -tho nnmo of {Strange, from Bnllook county, who flight school near Loyott for four or fivo weeKS, was recently disohargod by the trustees for divers reasons, so wo have boon informod, and a young man by the name of Bruziel, from Washington county, engaged to tako his place. A cab has been added to tbo freight tr^in on the* road to this Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is n peculiar mcdlolnc, nml Is carefully pro* pared by competent phnmiacbtn. Tho com bination and proportion of Bamaparllln, Dan* dullon, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other romedtat agents Is cxelnslvely peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving It strength and curative power superior to other prepa rations. A trial wilt convince you of Its great medicinal vahto. Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies the Blood eroatos and sharpens tho appetite, stimulates tho digestion, and gives strength to ovory organ of tho body. It euros tho most sovoro cases of Scrofula, Salt llhoum, ltotls, Dimples, and all other allcetlons caused by Impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kldnoy nud I.ivor Complaints, Catarrh, Itliou- niatlsm, and that extromo tired fooling. “ Hood's Sarsaparilla lias helped mo more tor catarrh and impuro blood than anything olso I over used.” A. Bald, Syracuse, N. Y. Creates an Appetite "Iused Hood's Sarsaparilla to clonnso my TIOVCE! ABLE —- Ok TlfB DUBLIN AND WRIGHTSVILLE R. B. To take effect November 14 (880. GOING-SOUTH. No. 1 Lv Tcnnllla Ar Htit rlnon Ar Donovan Ar Wrightsville' LV Wrlghtsvlllo Ar Lovett Ar Bruton Ar Condor Ar Dublin A xf 7 00 7 45 810 8 40 8 45 0 15 0 85 1) 55 10 15 No U t xf 2 20 2 50 3 10 it 30 3 31 8 5.7 4 13 4 30' 4 43 GOING NOltTII. Lv Dublin Ar Condor Ar Bruton Ar Lovett Ar Wvlglitsvillo Lv Wrlghtsvlllo Ar Donovan At Harmon* 10 80 10 55 11 15 11 85 13 05 12 10 12 80 12 50 4 58 515 5 30 5 50 Of 5 0 10 085 0 50. blood and touo up my system. It gayo mo a Ar Teunlllo 1 80 7 20 good appetlto and seemed to Ijulld mo'over.” I W B THOMAS, Pres and Gou’l Bupt 1C. M. nALE, Lima, Ohio, «<I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla tor onneorous humor, and It began, to not unlike anything else. It cured tho humor, nud soomed to touo up tho wholo body and glvo mo now life.” J, P. Nixon, Cambrldgoport, Mass. ; Bond tor book giving statement s of cures. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Bold by all tlruggltti. pljsIxforfS. Troparodoh 1>y 0.1. IIOOD * CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mat 106 Doses One Dollar Nov. 14, 1880 tf. place, thus affording a great ooiiven- Ml leace to the traveling public, espoci- and the streets w§re thronged with voiiioles of all sizes and descrip tions. v f\$’u.Bit'*. ■ Mr. J. S. Horn, of Macon, who has been in Alabama for several weeks getting out crossties for tho Geenwater and Birmingham railroad was in the city one day last woek. It is said that the flat at the Dnb lin and be supplied with a new <mo. The one now in os& was build in 1882 five years ago. I ihocrowd, when liqnry Jonos, whoso I t'bnsc^me^to^upi, 2 WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspep- left hand was badlywonndod, pulled OnFriday noxt, April 1st, you Sundays sla and Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s vital!- „ n { s h 0 l rested it on his lume hand can supply yourselves at the Dublin 1 ufisongor train number 1 .loaves zer is guaranteed to euro you. By Hicks * P 8 , ’' • e ■ . 9 ‘It „ " i » “ “ Hl Y 3 .. . . .. dorsvUle 5 51 a. m, \ number 8 leaves Ban- & Co., Dublin Ga. I took deliberate aim and fired at Au-J postofiice with postage stamps dccid- dersvillo 2 5i p. m. Returning number 2 An b«« boon at fi. J try, whohadturned to run, the ball edly low down. On that day you lcilve(j Augusta 8 14 a. m., and.number 4 An sagine nas oeen piacou rl me . . _ ^ otnmwn »♦. a nt« ,« SALES in ferry is in .dilapidated condition I ln ,tautly killed and 11.roe otkore tho drummors, who cm now , t Rihonn Jt Vanrlnrkvillp tnd that tho ferry will soon h«v,to L Usb ,i/ BTO „a 8 a. Tom Awtry, for * ork '■? 8 » S| ™ 8 .. “'.“"f, lho »" W"' WBM * - - - —• * 1 a great deal less timo than hereto- ,u > some trifling provocation, booame an- * 1 Graduallv these abdommodar 1 1,1 « ffoct Wednesday, March Oth, 1887, at gry»ud, borrowing, gun, Qrod.inlbJXjmLS | ; . 4M %OltyTloik , ' on the opposite bank of M • to pomp inter for the tiso 0 f 8 “tet. hi. nlootll, kll mg h, r. * . _ I nl.titl Itr A AAHmvnw’a inmr t sing,l oan get thirteen two cent stamps I loaves Augusta at 8 15 p. m. in-l for ono cent and a quarter; or twou- A full lino of. Children Shoes made we jj a specialty of by G. W. Maddox. r | yor to pump water for the pse 0 f mouth, killing .?!« 2JiPASSENGER ANpFREIGHT^BXcflBt Mr Wiley Lock left for Darien OBrJrHi^trmiw* which vvijlsairb'' the hard |atatttly. A coroner’s jury, on 8 the| ty-six of the stamps for ■ two cobta| Sunday,, ... ^ \ Thursday last on business. Rough- j two hands to perform Mr. W. F. Higgins brought to An eigHteoh-pbnnd-boy was born J t |jj g 0 g; ce a day or two ago a few full The Boss well-bucket at ton’s for 40 : cents. wSkthrt it Um‘ iiorotnfore "riqo"ired I foUpwinfmorntog, ronddrod nror-1 nod n hnlf. Bo onro and toko od- •t"' . , . . I diet in offoot that deceased oame to | vantage of diet in offoot that deceased his death by a pistol in the hands ol Henry Jonos, and . that Same was, iu tho April fool iu it. opportunity. No to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Weaver one] day last week. For a fine and lasting bat call on J. T. Smith, who keeps the best iu the market. . Pure Applo Vinegar, 25 cents per gallc There are quiet a good many rosi enccs under course of orootion in our town, and sovoral. of them aro of a desperato ucar , n g completion. Should tho '' jj ClI present building boom; ; continue wo Sn»K 41®. 1 have * eity of ponsiderable size, J ^ jfsnStwn their opinioft^ iavbliin%ri>Hnft»- c slaughter.- ; Tom Autry bold the re-1 c putation of peing of a deliberate | a I character. W. O. Gibsou. Lv Sandorsvillo Lv Young Lv Warthea Lv Chalkor Lv. lilacs » Lv Mltohel ! Lv Bollo Springs lv Gibson Lv Avcm Lv Wrous oiii at Maddox’s. hold and advocate the establishment these three needed enterprises ? Did you ever before see Sugar so •cheap? At Houghton’s. ' Col. B. B. Cheney, of Lumber ■City, was in the city Satuiday last, Mr, J, W. Fulford, of Lovett, has this year’s garden peas ready for ta-1 Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Inj J * free. For sale by H. Hicks .& Co. I>le use. C>11 on M. L Jones and get the | Charley Jackson, who was atth •wtli known Fredarica tobacco, grown English peas of this yoar's growth. Ho says that he has cab bages fully one foot iu diametor. He is hard to excel as a gaid nor. ■ D ~ A bank, a fire‘department and an On our first page wo publish tho I and, when the buildings aro occupied ] Lv,NoflhJ"’ artesian well are among the greatest professional card of the above pbysi- a population outnumbering Ihe pres- j needs oi Dublin. Who will be the■ oian of^Macon, and to which we di- ont by many.. hundreds. Lot the * ** " active worker to ,takq hold- of | root, thb attention of our readers. I boom continue to inorcaael. Dr. Gibson having had superior ad-j ]) r> Rnnisay, of LnWtonvillo of 4 CATAURII CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh ‘ " ■ Otor I Lv Buth l,v Heplizlbali Lv Rielnnoiid Lv Grufluwood Lv Adveuturo Lv Gary Ar Augusta . , ur. xuuiisuy, oi jjuwtonvmu, vantages is prosecuting-lm profes- Son th Carolina, spent a few days of Sion to tho utmost, IS last week with his ; brothor, Rev. W. i success. He attended the s thifl pIa60t It wa8 th ’ best medical colleges in Philadelphia, LuoctQr’s tliirdrvisit here. In I8601 ^ Apguste oing from there to Luropo, w leie b r0U gjjt tho Colonel down horo Lv Advonturo. t Rough- com .t commuted and sentenced to one 1 , 1 . this place, and during tho war ho i jV lleph/dbali n. mA-wiid til* bis return from Europe, lie locat- ... un ho „,. ov twn h „. i, v Bath Georgia syrupal i ueuri/uuiuui.iwvuii DcuTOuyuu .u,u.,» ■ w ,, ton’s for 50 cents per gallon. in th0 . penitentiary/ and who ter his return from .Europe, uu 1 , cft Milledgovillo an hour or two bo-1 v.r" Mr. J. J. Summer, of Johnson waa g,. an ted a new trial, has given 0 m aeon w iere 10 enjoys a arge L S | icrmtt|l nn d' hia men got Uv Keysvllle ;wo' of last bond and is now enjoynig his free aod P raot » ce ’ hav,0 « for there and inquired for him, and LvnJui ^ JsV wu«ttM« J J fa 1 gpeoialties diseases of thb 1 ' throat, etc, -county, spent a day or two week in Dublin. The writer is informed that children died at Lovett, this co during last week. A full supply of Drugs and ent medicines, low do^B, at dox’s. v... . ' ■ i lquired I came down here and days to evade them. spent a fov Hbond out. ; ; fonrl ,y OU 'og folks had a “hauds-ali, v . .. around” part, at the residence of On. who has not been an, ay» mt-. OtrfBnat Obffllh.1 .Mr. M. L. Jones last Tharsdaj | "“> " wh “ ' las ‘ T g rff”“° b . Mj stook of OolBns and Oalkols Pat-1 night which is said to have been I 8 °. U !, ,,’ n . n, frie.l.t Hi.t i. ia Ta; ‘ y i8rfie and P 1 '- 00 - 1 t,J H,l,t Lll ° nd-1 of ranch pleasure. There’s, nothin J j“‘ w '. i „, 1 ra vi |, 8 and hard times. Call;onm. ita in bashful brought over the Wrightsville and Tcnnille raflfml for this place and Messrs. Hightower &’Howard have j ,au8 * nu ,,iaB,WB * I f or | lim ji n jr 8 along down the banks of bought B. Nance’s stock of whisky Mr. B. F. Jacobson, representing t |ie Oconee river. Seven loaded cars and will consolidate the two bars. the firm of B. H. Levy & Bro., Sa-1 were brought down by tho freight When you want*tho best flour on vannah, tho best clothing house in tra j„ Saturday morning. It is earth cull at Roughtou’sand buy the | that city, was in the city and took h | t rue that this is the largosfc freight ^kdb."|iiamptoo.''' trouble. W. P. Lassixkb. Call at M. L. Jones’ for the cele brated Grand Republic cigarros. 6t. r A full line of Misses and Ladies’ Shoes just opened by G-. W. Maddox, and will be sold 50 per cent, cheaper than any other store. •like’em to; the young and lads and lassioB. 1 Vm &1 _j ^ u _i a il , , . - . . ±< A ' Johnson superior court convened on Monday morning lust, Judge Janies K. Hines presiding, and So licitor General Rogers in charge .... .._i v r , .!. r n vr o f? - of the state’s interest. The Judge good many orders on lost Friday, t h^ has boon brought to this place being disqualified in a groat many evincing tho fact that our people h,y any one train sinoe the road leas ca8e8> but fovy of interest will come know a good thing when they seo} been in operation, but tlvo amount | U p for trial. Judge Hines is fast Lv Matthews Lv Wren Lv Rtapletou Lv Avcra Lv Gibsou Lv Bello Springs Lv Mltclicfl Lv Hliles Lv Oliulkor Lv Warthon Lv Young Ar Sandcrsvlllo No. 1. A. M. 4 58 5 08' 518 5 40 5 60 6 58 ; 011 0 20 0 88 0 45 8 58 710* 715 7 27 7 40 7 50 8 00 8 16 8 22 8 31) ’ 8 85 1)00 Ne.3.- A. M. 718 7^40, 7 55 8 00 810 8 80 8 54 1) 11 0 20 0 40 0 64 10 12 10 82 10 52 11 12 11 20 1140 12 04 11 55 .12 44 1 00 1 18 No. 8, V.'m, 8 80 842 4 04 4 80 4 80 4 54 ,5 14 5 81 5 40 0 00 0 80 0 50 0 58 710 7 84 7 40 8 87 8 4# ’ 8 51) l) 25 No. 4. r. m, 8 00 0 28 5 81 5 88 8 45 0 00 010 0 20 0 88 0 45 0 51 7 02 715 7 27 7 40 7 50 808 8 12 0 53 8 47 .8 67 0 07 SMALL. PROFITS HAS EVEB BEEN rMTT MOTTOI ——■(»>’ Remember that I give you.tlio BEST, FRESHEST AND OJIEAPES1 CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Etc. * That wove over brought to this market I A LARGE AND.WELL BELECJTED STOOK OF SPUING CLOTHING, (For Mon and Boys) Are being sold at astonishingly lqw pvk.o.H! —o A full line of Groceries Always On flftnd. If you wnut satisfaction in Goods and Pricos cull on hie. - J. T. fcfilO-tf SMITH, DUiftin. (iA. mis IS FOR- .it.-*va ■ 1 THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured, by Shiloh’s Cure. Wo uantee it. Sola by H. Hicks Co. Dub that is daily brought here is large j and increasing. 8 SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, mode mls- winning the good opinion of thoso in attendance by his strict dypoipliuo, his courteous and dignified bearing, Close connections North, East and West at Augusta. Connection via 8. & T. rail- road with Central railroad branches at Sauderbvlllc. R. M. MITOHBLL, President and, G. M. Central Railroad. | Savannah, Ga., Doc. 6,1880. 1 after tills date passenger trah will run us Dally unless marked f, IN ORDER TO MEET THE GROW ING DEMANDS OF OUIt TRADE WE HAVE BOUGHT DIRECT FROM THE MANUFAC TURERS, FOR CASH. A LARGE SVOGK OF TWO OF - TIIEMOST Popular Brands - ' . —OF— A™“raoSSo““,.u" e Bild“y'’h" “" ,l 11,8 ,Wi(t mmUeI t*A?. SSIt® f, Hicks & Co , Dublin Georgia. y the business of the court, winch Will Ar Augusta... .4:45 pm 0 15 um ■■■ —- —— I unnlvoklir orlfAitFii ahmif TPrSduv m»vf. I JVIlK.Oll. • • # *4*60 pin 8*20 ADI O N and after thin date pnssengcr trains | will; run as Dally unless which arc Dnlly except Sunday. The Standard time by which theso trains run is 80 minutes slower than Bavanuuh city timo. Lv Savannah. .10:00 am 8:20 pm. 8j40 pm I " J '':48pm Mil and i^Moore spent Ja -.^ Morgan M. Hobbs; DfV. this mKk Sand., h> Johnwn count, with l*. ^ , e(lsevoral d8yg . g0 l0 to k.| O no of our vounu mo, ip ,Tll.d from I ***'} u-ljuum about Fridu, mil.|JJ ;;;fg gg« DArents of the former. ^ • nAoifinn am iIia at-namor William I -j i •_ u. Tiifl noniiiftpliiood nurifler. Hood’s Sfir- ^ ColuDibufl, .4*10 ^ parents of the former. Tobaccos from 26 'cents per pound up. A full stock of Gaddy werk at low figurei at Maddox’s. Several memben of tho Dublin bar are in attendance upon Johnson •pperior court this week. The highest market price paid, in cash or trade, for eggs and chickens by Maddox. a position on the steamer William one 0 f i,j 8 coa t pockets, a fow days .11. Wadloy, whi'ch is plying tho river ag0> two or three letters that were between Nails ferry rikI Doctortown, given him two years and eight on the Altamaha river. Hu friends J months ago to be mailed. A person hereabouts regretted to see him j t0 whom on® of the letters was ad- leavo. dressed was present when they were It is a violation of law in West brought to light and received bis Virginia to give a voter ^ticket with I with the stamp not cancelled. The in sixty feet of the polls. A law of above is citsd to show how that kind might work well in thi«| fnl some people are about such mat~ Tlie popular blood purifier, Hood’s Sar saparilla, is having a tremendous sale this season. Nearly everybody takes it. Try it yourself.. „ pm _ um pm Ar Montgomery 7 55 pm Ar Eufiuda 4-82 pin Ar Albany,.. 10-08 pm 10 50 am Passengers for Bylvariu, Sandersvillc, , . Wrightsville, MiHcdgOyllle and Eulouton A large lot of B’ine Trimmed La- ^liould take H-4J)» m. train. .iina of nricAH 1 Passeugors for TbonlaSton, Carrollton, dies llats just received ana a pri e I Perry, Fort Gaines, Tnlbutton, Buena to snit tho hafd times, at Maddox. Vista, Blakely aud Clayton should take Ono dollar will liuv mors eood« at f*»liitoi l ™.1’.WJB pm 1113 pm men*.i “ ou 8 htoa ’ 8 u “ n “i otli - 8r p luo ° in S Site tho towttyinitiyiiiiiiMiir’ ' smIih B ' Messrs. D. U McRae, B. F. Teague itnd Geo. I*. Dure. Quite a change has been experi enced in the -weainer since Monday morning. ^ People need not go barefooted and wear old clothes and hats when Mad dox has all you want at such low prices. The fact is, Maddox has a stock of goods aud is going to a| inhem at some price, and will al most give them away. Go try him ! A few tons of Kaiuit for sale by Maddox A Walker. Mim Jennie Griffin, of Jefferson ville, is visiting the family of Clias. w. Whitehurst, Esq. Lv Atlanta ....6-40 am 0-50pm , S . , ,, . Lv Oolnmtrac7T : .<M0 pm 11-30 am Tho big stock of goods carried by Lv Montgomery 7-50 am IjSIf 1 1 Lv Eiifnula ll-0» am Lv Albany... .. .0-00 am- 3-57 pin * * ”"" — ‘'am 8-05 am] quinine: \McK. & 11. and it W.) Now Before the Public. And in consequence of the low prices obtained by buying in largo quantities from first hands, for tiiu cash, we will on and after THURSDAY, JULY 80th, sell this very important and much ased drug In ONE OUNCE VIALS at the unparallcd low prlco of 1 DOLLAR lE^ex* Ounoe Among the traveling’men in town^j sute, and preventrin * -M* many casOtj nil- „- w — this woek we notice tho following : oorant white men and negroes from j just oriticism and abuse to be heaped I (j- w. Maddox wo roll ought in Ph if-1 Lv Eufaula ••••• being swindled oat of voting a tick- upon the head of the party who is adelphiu, New York uud Baltimore, Ub et *f their choice. . ‘ ; supposed to have received the letter direct from the manufactnrers, and Bleeping cars -on all night passenger I urui yvlm fjijla f/-| rpnlff j flltlt tg tllG fOUHOIl llC It IllilO tO HO 1 i I tniillM IjptViCCU BliVIlUllttll Will AUgUHtU. Old Nab, Captain Rowe’s faithful aTld wh# IallB t0 replT ’ ' t,Ut 18 , * and Macon, Havmmuh and » •-i t. m • Li a u 4-1 I w v pu-nni Kan r#»fnunAr11 clicsiwr tuftn otuur WOlchunts in I Atlanta. Macon and ColuinbuH. fe vj family horas, was frightened by the Mr. W. L. Games has returned I tow ^ Train leaving at 8-20 p m and arriving capers cf acowlast Saturday and be-1 from a visit of several days to his' |U|i|j|tt|||M| - gau to run, and but fur the grasp of family at Jonesboro, and has erigag 1 ed Mr. Zach Kennedy to repair the draw in tho bridge across the Oconee. Kennody says that he can complete tho draw in two or three weeks, and that when completed it will perform its duty without uny trouble. a negro mao'who was standing near he would donbtless have demolished things. Capt. R. was in the buggy but had dropped the .lines os ho had brought the horse to a standstill. 0 SHILOH'S COUGH and Consump tion Cue i* sold by u* on it guarantee, it cures Consumption. Sold by Hicks At.'o. * Kainit will prevent rust in cotton. For sale by Maddox A Walker. 7 SHILOH'S VITALIZED N what you iii cil for Constipation, Lo-m of Appe tite, Diz/iru irtt uud all xymptous of fly* pcpnhk. Price 10 and 75 r ente, ix-r nil ,1. eSobl by If. hot* Hu un A Co., Dublin Gu. 14 SIIltrOlI'SCURE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping-Cough, and Broucldtis. By Hicks & Co , Dublin Ga. 0 TIIE REV. GEO. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both of myself and wife owe our life to SI H LOH’8 < -ON- SUMPTION OUti;." Sold by If. Ifn kh A Co., Druggists, Dublin, Gu. 8 CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold hy Hicks A Co, 12 HIOLOH'S CATARKII REMEDY —a positivo (Hire for Cnfatrli, Diptln-riu Cuukcr Moidh. By Hicks A Co,, Gubliti, MS _ . . PBPI ■ ut 0-58 a m will not stop to put off or tukc on passengers between Suvunnah und Milieu. . • Connections at Savannah wHii Suvunnah, Florida uud Western Railway for all points in Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping ear berths on sale at oily office, No. 20 Bull street, anil depot office 30 minuto* before departure of ouch train. G. A. WlllTKHKAO, General I'asueuger Agent J. C. Biiaw. Ticket Agent. •"*15 A N ASAl. IN 16?''IVift free with (•Hell ladtle of Shiloh'* Catarrh Hemedy l'rite 50 cents, fly fl llu an A Co. TOLTIJ Bpsps, HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS. logant Colognes, Extracts, Soap*, Fancy Goods, Etc.,an entirely new stock from New York. 4 —A COMFUKTE l.INK OF— PURE ,M Drugs and Chemicals ALWAYS ON HAND. H. Hicks & Co’s,