The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, March 30, 1887, Image 4

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f PRESS AND PULPIT. A Oht RmiImI Jniirmllit lta*l**i Ui« Mluitllon, i Joe Howard wrlN: “ Ho who toots for capital Inv/ulably, cannot hope to .succeed, tit neons to me that journal* ,lspi never occupiitl so proud a plane as (It 4pe* to-day. On tlie ono hand Is tho moMqt&iu capital; lip matter how it , got f the re, there it stapds supercilious, avaricious, oppressive, grinding tho face of tjio poor; hut nevertheless an entity! On tho .oilier, an equally rugged mass; multitudinous in its composition, fanatical, ignorant, brutal at times, with all the potty caprices of spoiled children, mentally clouded, .physically dirty, overworked, over- ,taxed, exacting in its demands: the (two, standing hostile, sneer and (threaten. Tho press has n great oppor* tunlly, a wide, ltorizoned field for influ* ,enoe, hut liere it is all one-sided. Tho pulpit. The pulpit is all right so far as ,ifc goes, but it doesn’t go in tho light direction. It goes up. Wo arc down. -It deals, with angels and whito-robed seraphs. Wo deal witli hard-handed , men and double-barred vaults. Fanat ics on the stump do no good. The press is mighty, and will prevail, if it goes on tho basis of a compromise ^between these tyvo antagonisms. Is a judge corrupt? Whp can drive him from -tjie pencil.? Tho pulpit doesn’t dare touch him. I’opnlar sentiment . can .find but ono way of outworking. Do jyo pejjcye tjmt men are convicted :n»bnrry,aiKl railroaded to Sing Sing to gratify.public prejudice and popular uMtUment? Who should stand between .that underxlog.and these dirty dogs whpjifftlniveiigo through a fixed and orravt Jury box ? A journal that dare not face prejudice, that fears clamor, ‘hat cares the* turn ,pf |ts finger for an miuvdtjiy fii!iitimont,;ip no honest expo nent of true ,jpiwi«{iliaip. Tho " wo ” of inedltpr.ipoana juotiilog if it follows in the trail of man or measure. It should lead to vlctp.iy, It should tako rime and corruption by the throat, it should laud innifoasanco in ofllco In stripes in Sing Sing, it sliould care for ha nuaaWc and Hie lowly, it should rotcct our homes and our sisters, our nughters ami our wives in public lapqs. Jt sboyJtd make tho world too iot for rascality. It Hhnuld give to loreign-born ideas receptions of ex* •romo frigidity; it sliould make tho Chi- iese from other lauds understand lie difference between fruedora mid ic.epsc; ,it sliould tench thorn to recog- ite nuirkisi distinction made hero .»ctweeii the ml dug of tho Anarchists iiqd.the stars iiud stripes of America." Gelling Uieh la a llurr-. Edwin ilootli’s sharing terms with local theatres are calculated to make cold ,shivers run up and down tho q>lna of most managers. • The Chicago Ouera House got but 10 per cent, of the gross of receipts of a late engagement, Booth and llarrett'gettlng the Other 90. There can bo but vory little, if any, profit to tho liouso from suc)i terms, though in tho case of a now theatre liko tho Opera House tho liphor of having such an attraction as Booth is considered vory groat, for it brings the theatre at once to the front rank and enables it to socuro bettor attractions and bettor terms. Tho btoiy is told tlmt at Grand Kupids tho rivalry^o get the Booth attraction was ho great that the manager of a new house .offered to give him all the re ceipts if ho would como thoro mul play. The rivai .futuragor, not to lie outdone, offered a premium of 10 por ceut of the gross receipts to gettlio company. Mr- Booth laughed, hut ho ami llarrctt refused oven to consider such terras. They made their o\vp choice of a house an(l closed with tho manager on tho usual terms—UO per cent At St. Paul and Minneapolis tho receipts, at ad vanced price?, )veto uearly 880,000 for the week. At St. Louis, where the prices were to be 82 and $2.50, they have had an advanced sale already of 830,000. hlf.jjuedtd’s individmil profits up to the' timo the company reached Chicago had been nearly SltO.OOO. A JSuhwkc Eathunliist. ’ •There is tlie well known Italian saying, “See Naples and die;" hut it is likely to boqlmnged Into “See lJrara* bllla and die," if the story just reported from Mi hip. be tine. A representation of thy ojicrtt “ Lticl di Latnmeriuoor” was being given at the theatre, and Madame Klvirp 'Bramiiilla—at pres ent, ,\>ei hai>€, Aim most popular soprano in luiy—took the .part v»r Scott’s hero ine. In fi box tliyro was observed an elegant young gentleman named Gio vanni Flows who applauded witli much enthusiasm Madame llrambillu's sing ing. and threw at tlie mid of each act bouquets of flowers with costly jewels appended to them. Alt the dose of tho IwiformaiuHi he contrived to procure hu introduction to his favorite prims donna. After a few minutes’ eonver sution, to the aniaseineut of all p*esen t, lie exclaimed, suddenly: “ 1 have seen, j have heard Brambilla, The aim of ray life is achieved!" jSo saying he took a revolver from his pocket, and U’fore anybody could prevent him, shot himself m the head, amt fell down at the fair singer's foot. ;—,v ****»<> There arc seventy-Uireo »Indents now in Uarvard annex for women, with more to come. A Iu’iUm' ui iin> |i. WHAT&iLS THE RATION’ Tho Arcrn^o Length of LIfb Do- creoslng—Not Pe.siilcnco— Hot Fntnlno—All onr •t < Jrjk oirn Fault. Modern Cooking and Mod ern Living linvo brought? it on. It comes upon us turn- wares. The patients have pnins about the chest mid sides, and sometimes in tho back. They feel dull'and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects aboui the teeth. Tlie appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a herivy load on the stomach; sometimes a faint, all-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and feel clammy. After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest After a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and hits evil forebod ings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the head when vising up sud denly. . The bowels become costive; the skin is djy and hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the kidney secretions becomes scanty and high col ored, . depositing a sediment after standing. There,, is fre quently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this ia * fre quently intended with palpi tation of the heart and Asth matic symptoms; the vision be comes unpaired, with spots be fore tho eyes; there is a feel ing of great prostration and weakness. All of these symp toms are in turn present It is thought tlmt nearly one-half of our population has this dis ease in some of its varied forms. Shaker Extruct of Roots (Set- gel’s Syrup) changes the fer- - mentsof the Digestive organs so asto convert the food wo cat into a form that will give nourish ment to the feeble body, and rood health is the consequence. The effect of this remedy is simply marvelous. Millions upon millions of bottles have been sold in this country, and tho testimonials in favor of its curative powers are oyer- whelmiivr. Hundreds of so- called diseases under various names are the- result of indi gestion, and when this one trouble is removed the other diseases Vanish, for they are but symptoms of the real malady. • Testimonials from thousands of people speaking highly of its curative properties prove this beyond, a doubt. Sold by druggists. p. P. p. rniCKI.V AH If. rORR HOOT, pota.hoish MALARIA fiawi—„ mt atMMMk th»Hcw the Karra*, ha pun UiyveUoa, ui Kufrebltu the Haaoiw. TI1E GREATEST BLOOD FURIFIVR OF THE ACE. CERTIFICATES. n , * n ’“ n V- Ga.. August 1,1885. Dr. Whitehead* Deah Sra:—Iliad a bad case of blood poison, which for two yeura defied ull treatment, One bottle of P. P. P. mode a peimaneut cure. Jons Gaffney. .■*. '%■‘-i• ■: '''' ■‘ Ht WaycroM, Ga., July 80, 1885 I had the riicumatism for five months, and I look one bottle of Dr. Whitehead’s P P P and it cuicd me sound and well, and I hesitate not to recommend it to those who desire n blood purifier. » Respectfully, J E Smith. Fifteen Tears a Sufferer from Rheumatism. What Hon. W. ft. 1 Wilder, Mayor of Albany, (in., says. - I suffered flftecu years with Rheumatism and during that time (rfed alltlie so-called specifics that I could hear of. Oni of them I paid 88-00 per bottle for, and took nine, bottles and received po benefit from uny of them. My grandson, who runs on the B. & W. Railroad, finally cola bottle of P. P. P. (Prickly A Mi, Poke Root and Potassium) while in Wayeross andWuced to take it. The first bottle showed its won derful effects, and after continuing the use of it for a short timo tho Rheumatism disappeared, and I feel like a new ninn. .1 take great pleasure in reec mmeuding it to sufferers from Rheumatism W. II. WILDER. Albany. Ga., Juncl 1 *, 1880. ^ „Lakr Citv, Fla., June 24, ’89. C. H. Newman, of Lake City,Fla., says his wile lias suffered for seven yours with a complication of diseases, of.whicli Asth ma was the most prevalent. She lias not laid down in bed lor Sevan years. He has expended all the money his business has made him In that time for medicines, physicians, etc., to obtain relief for her but without any success whatever. He „.Jng‘ bottles eruptions appeared ail over her aud she immediately began to improve, and now her skin is perfectly clear! She sleeps soundly every night on an oritim ry pillow, and her general health has not been latter in yctre. Mr. Newmuu, who is a merchant of Luke Clity, is very etithu- .-iastie over the cure, ami thiuks R the gliintlesl blood purifier and tonic of the ago _ Waycko8s. Ga., Nov- 5. ’80! Greenville, Fla.. June , 88P. Dr. Whitehead: In the year 1878 I was attacked with i- severe east of Blood Poison that < o ir<i all treatment. 1 went to several ph si dans but found no relief. Filially 1 w -m before a liourd of nhyHieians at Tallohussce was de clared to be a virulent case iff Blood Pol son, and b11 the medicines they gave, me failed to eradicate the dreuiUui disease and my life was in danger. I lost the use of my left arm, and a physician at this place said my arm tvoulil have tojiemnpn- tilled. Tile corruption tlmt cumc from tho various sores vvat so offensive that I disliked to cmne in contact with my f riends and neighbors. I took thirty-two bottles of au Atlanta Blood Purifier, also a lot made in Baltimore, and iu fact everything tlmt i could hear of, but rcceivec no lione- IU. Iliad entirely despaired when vour General Agent, Mr. Clarkson, omne liere advertising P. P! I». (Prickly .Lsli Poke Root and Potassium) and induced me to give it a trail. 1 got one Inrger bottle, took it, nud oue anil a half snnill ones, ami ilia various sores havs liealed entirely and the new skin hns a clear, healthy color, ami my general health is better tlniu it has lieou ltofore in ten years. I consider it tin- grandest blood medicine of the age, as such a small amount shows its wonderful effects. 1 am agent of the F. R. & N. U. It. at tills place. Greenville, Fla , and take S reat pleasure in recommending a medicine mt bus performed such wouders, for me. Respectfully yours,, J. W. HAAIMERLY. Waycr^js, Gn„ Nov. 15, ’85. Dr. W. IT. Whiteluad: Dkah 8m:—At your request I will st.’tte my cub. Some years ago I contracted ma laria iu its most violent form while living at Newark, N. J. 1 consulted various physicians and took numberless prepara tions recommended as sure cures,a but it stuck to mo like a hmlhcis-or more like a umther-iu-Iav. I Dually came South, ami while here tried new remedies said to -al ways cure malaria, hut it stuck to mo, and veu know the old hmkeu-down condi tion 1 was in when l came to you. You pul me to taking your P P P aud 1 im proved rapidly, auil urn to-day iu ns good health as 1 ever was—in fi-cl better. : As a remedy tor n brokcu-down constitution it 1ms no equal. \ ours. etc. T F Cottle. Tlie above tucdiciuc is for sale wholesale ami retail, at h. Hiisiaa t, Dublin, Ga. $1 BLACK WOLF! Or niactc Leprosy, la a direwe wl>i< h is considered IncnraljJe, bin it Inis yielded 10 lSo rnrative proper ties ol Swict’s Smtcinc-nott knfmr nit over the world as S. S. S. Mrs. llnih y. of West Somerville, l» species ( -LEPROSY- try It ns a last test, but soon and consequently incurable. It Is Impossible to de scribe Iter suttcrlng*. Her body from tlie crown of her liciid to the soles of her feet was a mass of decay, masses of flesh rotting oil nnd leaving great cavities. Her fingers festered mid three or four anils dropped oil at ono time. Her limbs contracted by tho fearful nice ration, nnd for several years she did not leavo her bed. Her weight was reduced from 1S5 to 00 lbs. Perhaps some faint idea of her condition can bo elesned from the fact that three pounds of Cosmo- Mbe or ointment were used per week In dressing her S i. Finally the physicians acknowledged their it by this F.lnck Wolf, aud commended th to her all-wise Creator. resort.- bhcibegan Us uso under pro found that her system was bo ng re- ipisbn. as the sores assumed n red nnd the blood was becoming __ _. leycomlnnedffheff. S. S. until last February; every sore was healed} she dis carded chair and emtehea, and was for the first timo in twelve years a well woman. Her husband, Mr. C. A.Bailey,is In business at 17# lllnckstoneStreet, Wood and Skin Diseases, mailed free. The Swirr Sprung Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga RELIABLE PATTERNS Aroths only^ones that wtUglvs a perfect MME. DEMOREST’S System of Dress Cutting, n “ l » Beni by mall, postpaid, on rteelpt MME. DEMOREST’S PORTFOLIO OF FASHIONS HARNE7S SHOP A. CHAVOUS, Agt , (Opposite the Court House.' X)~UL~t>l±XL Gra;- Manufncturer and Dealer in Saddles, Bridles A Harness. —IIE WILL ALSO KEEP— Lap Robes, Uorse Blankets, Uniters Bridle Bits, Spurs, Carriage, Bu gy. Riding and Team hip's. Lushes, Combs Brushes, Collars, lianies, Etc. Cheap For Cash. Repairing Promptly Bone. May 19-80-ly. HAVE YOU TAKEN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION FOR 1886? If not. lay tliis paper down and send for It .right now. if you want it evi Daily, which costs' ;ry day, send , 10.00 a year, 1 ,for th f‘>r six months or f>2.50 for tlihie inohtJiB. If you wunt it every week, send for the Great Weekly, which costs $1,25 a year or $5.00 for Clubs oif Five. THE WEEKLY C0N- CW'TITWIV' l^lipst MACHINERY. FEEDERS AND CONDENSERS. I am agent for the Centennial Cotton Gin, made hy O. H. Miller, of Fort Vnl - ley, Ga. The feeders and condensers can be attached to any other raalfe. I also soli the Bookwaltcr Eugin e, Lef fel’s Water Wheels, Lane & Bodlcy Co. 's machinery and Frick & Co.’s Engiucs and sawmills. My territory embraces Laurens, Johnson and Emanuel counties. I have been sell ing the above machinery for several years, and think I can make it to your interest to trade M’ith me for anything in my .line j W. G. WEAVER. Dublin, Ga. ! August48m, . ■ 1885. Established 1857. CLOTHING istheChaapastl . Biggest and Best Paper Printed in America! It Las 12 pages chock full of nows, gos *ip and skctclies every week. It prints il'ore fuff than the humorous papers—be- sides ull thenoM'S, and \ Hiii Arp’s and Betsy Hamilton’s U'. n*Q, II 1 " • jiteis. Unelt? 1 'Siwilf- es! —AN®—' i i ■ 1 TALM AGE’S SERMONS. C as 2 Cents a Week! t comes once week—takes a whble week o read It I . You can't well farm or keep house with-' Write your name on a postal card, ad- mess it to us, and we Will send you Speci- dreu Copy Fiusbj , Address THE CON8TITUTQIN, , It< h of every Kihd cured in 80' minute, by \V OLFonu’s Sniatauy Lotion. Uso tlo other. This nevcr fails. Bold U. Ilieks & •Up, iHa -AND- 4» HATS. Winsliip & Callaway, .126 Second Street, >• : : GA., leturn' tliarikk to their numerous cus- tomers in Dublin and surrqmidlng^coun- try. They, pro opening daily an . Eiegaht Stock of Choice c-XiOT.sziisra- AND HATS. For MEN and ROYS, for the FALL aud WINTER Trade. and SIIIKIS made to measure. Give us a ca.. or lot us hear from you by letter. ’ .' i ‘ > “ '' y -, M efau'siifirisaiiiiraitiint sen'ron np >liction. Heartr 50,000 eeld and itvian nrAct ' ; I : snllsfacttaa. VPnr,ii ..n USTDon’tpay other companies $40.00 profit off a machine NOT SO GOOD AS TH® DEMORKST, but buy direct of the mam ufacturexs. Sent C. O. D. <\ Write for Offeatariya^b, k DEMO REST FASHION and 8EWINC MACHINE CO., 17 Kaat 1«U Street, New York City IHt LEiT ItFER iN 1 HE SOUTH THE' SAVANNAH MACHINE vrrta $2X0 u Year, in Advance. Not a Local Paper, but One Suitable to any Locality. a nuwZ's, FAmii, literary AND AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL. This mammoth newspaper contains all ’lie news of the week, Telegraphic Dis patches up to the hour of going to press, Agricultural Items, Original Serials, etc. Special departments devoted to Georgia. Florida and South Carolina news, and tl'iff of other States. To the farmer, mechanic fir artisan tlie business or professional man, who lms not •lie advantages ofb dailvtiiail, the Savan naIi WkkrI.y Nxws is the medium by which he can 1 o infonned of events traiiR- pirinrr in the bvsy world, whether in his own Stnte or .in the most distant parts of the globe. Every yearly subscriber is entitled to ic of tlie Moumno News Lujkahy seri Automatic* Silf-thmding < Cjlindir Mlfc The ELDREDGE “B” ia sold with the . guarantee of being the BEST that cat) be MADE. AGENTS WANTED. ELDRED6E MANUFACTURING CO. S63 and 300 WABASH AYS*, CHICAGO, XU* mam, Mexican Liniment OntruM KusiIm, HoofAJ^ Berow Worm, Swinnay, Saddle CNdk. Pita, als os a premium. XS WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTF. will Ik* mail, wl. scwHy wtrappml, to any •address iu the United Slates for three mouths for ONE DOLLAR- Lllternl discounts allowed to jvistnvisters asvuts and elulvs. Sample copies mailed flx-e. .Vildn sB all onlers to. RICH MU) K. FOX. Fu\KKi.ix.Sqt'.\.ttt, X- Y, TI E SAVANNAH. MORNING NEWS Kulttrgcd Jamtnry 1, 1885, to au 8- Page, 5(5- Column Paper. The largest Pater In the Scuth Issued ,!.very Day iu tlie 1 oar. ^JB.UUn \tur, JtulMlmp the lull Sunday Issue of tho ‘’News.” The Daii.y Nkws gives promuience to all nmUera relrtiivc to tho AGRICULTU- RA L. M1CHAN1CAL and MANUFAC TURIlsG interests of the country! as wel as tho GENERAL, POLITICAL and COMMERCIAL news. ^ 1 Its TET.EGR.VPHIO, STATE. GEN KRAL. LOCAL news and MARKET deparlnui.taan* neknowlcdacd to U» th Ik'M and ir.«ist comprehensive of any pc ; ert iu tlie South. fiitkacribo through your News Dealt Po*t Mart t oi tend dinctlv to J it. I STILL, Savannah C *, ely’s catarrh CREAM BALM) Ok*t reRe/ai once | and.Ouret COLD ill HEAD | CATARRH HAYFEVER Ifot a liquid, Snuff or Poieder. Free from Injuri ous Drugs and qf- fsnake odors "A p»rtlcl« cf tha Batm U applied into aaeh nostril, !• afjroeabla to «« and is quic kly absorbed, effoct- aally clt ausin- the nasal psasagea ot catarrhal virus, eausiBR heaiUiy secretions. ' V . It allays psinaudlnfleniTnatinn. protects tho rnem- 1 branal linlncs ot Uia liead troin additional eolds, completely lisals the sores and restores the n-hm at taste and smell. Eenellcial reuslts ars rewlisod hy a lew applications. Or! .< thorob troaimfut trill sues. ’ Prieo 30 cents stdn^ists; by taall, rc-Sstared, 60 cents. Circulars s»t trse. lUT, 'IV '. ELY r.UOTIlERS, Owe-o, N. Y -FEVEiR ^ I Sciatica, • Scratch**, Lumbago, Spraisa, s Hh Strain*, Burn*! Stitchci, . Scald*, StiffJoint*, Sting*, Backache, Bitov ClaUisr . Brniies, Sorea, Bunion*, j Spavin litif Corn*, Crack*. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what lsclalmsd fortt Ono of U>s reaaons for m*«r*a* popularitye< th* Kwtsm liniment la found iatta ulvsnal avellcaMIlty. Everybody nseds suck a nsdielao. The IiUniborassta naad* it in eaaa of ascidsnt The Housewife nerds l« fordsnsratfswlty asa The Cannier need* It for hlatcaiaiaiidUsaofe The Meehanle aeada U alwaya on hie week MDCIL The Miner need* it la eeee of eaasigenef. The PMmeer need»lt-eantn*teha» Hheet to. The Fanner need# U in hi* boom, hk *UhK and hU stock yard. Th« Stenihen* ■*■ nr the Bsstnsa needs St In liberal (apply afloat and aahona The Heree-fhncler need* (M t* hi* bsto friend and aafast reUaaon Lki ; - The buokwrswsr needs It—t* wm save him thousand* cC doUars and a worid of troitbl*. The Rmllread uusa used* It and will used W to tone a* hi* Ilf # I* n round of eoddsnt* end danceea The Bsohweedenmn need*la Thmuhnoth- ta« like It a* an antidote for the danger* to Elk limb and comfort which mwwf the pienesr. The Merchant need* M about hia moreamoan his employees. dncMwUa wW happen, and whan torn tuxuiUx MncianaTHtment t»w*n**6 asonca. Keep n Bottle tn the Hense. *Tts she bee* of economy. »»;(! V* J Keep a Bottle la (he Faetery. ItabnaaedlaM nselnoaceof accident mvse pain and torn of wagon Keep n Beetle Alwaya fn the Stahl# fer see when.wanted. Catarrh is Not it Bleed Disease. No matter vrhst patN it rosy flna' y effect, e»- tnnh al»sy( rlurts in th. bead, tiud b,...>nca lotlu head. There U no iiy«re-y alfc«it the on jin ef this dreadful (Unease. It bcuins lu s tu .i.. i.^i • old. One Of Uu U **f .(« to l»s l.lurinshw dars." Thmi.snds of vlr::ni» ku.'tv h, r it is by e«4 experience. F'y'a t (i«ru ll.Vin ObruS ewids in Um head i.:.d rstaitu .a a..: iu »t^t»s. fiOJJER BROS. STEEL PENS TUB TEST IN USE. ^ i When not for suie by local dealer., wo wlli mad n !. .in i, L.jzct of i dosen ssch, oa ti .... 1 til. 4 l. , 4 ity'c. «rlioel I»cn«, i boxes, I dot. each, 60.0 « •• Itu.uir ,s *• 4 •• 1 « •• ,43 A M Ita.iuns h Stubs, 4 txisrs, 1 dm. each, .43 1: V: THE inifl K(ff iTTUtf «, InMs*. (m.