The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, April 27, 1887, Image 4

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f XICKlD BOOT IIEE 13. . Hoar KIre pin* Car W«ltrn> l|t>k«l the Inspectors or, Mpou«rt. A Treasury official, wfio do*f. consld- , crable railroad traveling, says, be has njnjlc an, ainiisiiig discovery which, if pfpjMny carried' > out, lnfuffs l unusual ' care and nti i-ntlon from employees on parlor nml„ sleep!jig„cara. The tourist who has been initiated Is provided with , the most e«n»fprtab|« seat in the dining car, receives spjeeja),care.and attention from tiie waiters, and is always sure to have .a lower i berth In the sleeper. Shpuld apy of Ills follow passengers be come jealous at the marked courtesy [ shown their comrade and inspired with , curiosity, to jinow why the distinction is made, they have only to look at the heels on the shoes of the favored one and they"will observe that there is a small " nick " or notch there. Inspectors or “ spotters ” of the pal ace-car service are constantly traveling , over the railroads to see that the pass engers received proper attention. They ( do not intend to have their connection ! witli the company known to the rail road ofllrluls, but frequently the latter , “ drop M . to their little game and stamp , them so that they will be known all , along the road. The porter in gather- . ing up the boots and shoes in his car , cut* * “ nick ” In the hind part of the shoe belonging to the inspector, so that the other porters will reeogniso him as they look at his shoes. The Treasury official In a mysterious . way, became .aware that a nick in’ the t heelbf , h|s shoe would greatly facili tate his comfort and pleasure in travel ing. Tie tried the experiment and it .worked to his entire satisfaction. He .found that lie was served with the beet . provisions the buffet car afforded, his shoes received the brightest shine, and nit hough lie had been obliged to pur- , chase an upper berth the conductor on the sleeper kindly placed a M lower ” at ; his disposal It is probable that a new .system for tagging the “ spotters " will lie adopted in the railway service, now {that thoir trademark becomes known. ;Workers in Aniline I)ycs, .‘Makers of aniline dyes nrc subject to poisoning by the vapors given oil by . tills substance in the process of mnnu- [fucttup. It is nn artificial product, (liutilling together nttro-ben- [xiric,.acetic acid and iron-filings. The jbnso, nnilln.o, [ tints obtained, is acted upon by arsenic, blcloilde of tin, potaa- ( siunv ,blbl|XjjnMt.e and oilier deadly [polspna, producing the brilliant dyes ,itow,/u> \yell-kjmwn,under the names of ;mng<fhta,HQlfgjfjjio,fucliHlne, oto. Many [of thusymiiblip*, complained of by em- t plojf/es t Jii;ftiilU!jo .works are due to tho 'arsciifp Employed. Otliors are occa- ^slQi)ed<by the vn|Kirn of aniline itself. Tho latter aro violent headaches, nausea , and vomiting. Dizziness Is often pres ent, but relieved by going into tho .fresh ale. Sorao become partially unr .consclou*, like a person halt drunk from alcohol, and mutter incoherently. They .generally recover in nn hour or }two, but must sleep. Occasionally con- ,vnlsions, like those of epilepsy, are ob served. These severe symptoms aro usually experienced but once and dis appear after a week or two; but others have ty'ip over again, whenever they :ue overworked nr in hot weather. All the hands suffer in health if they con- ttnup many months at this work. Chronic dyspepsia and general lack r ot strength are induced. Those who suffer frequently or severely ought to [ab*Wityt the employment. The rooms should be large and ventilated as freely as possible, and every workman should .wear# “ respirator," in the shape of a eloth wet in an alkaline solution, over The mouth and nostrils. / New Caledonia. VVW • New Caledonia is neither more nor •toss than a penal settlement of Franco, and it hgs absorbed as .many .criminals as tho French Government dare send. But away some two huudred mites to the northeast there lies a fair range of islands, which are nut only beautiful and fertile in themselves but which seem to present quite a succession of comfortably Isolated residences for those who leave France at the expense of their country aud for their country's good. The new Hebrides Archipelago com prise some twenty Islands, large and small, the largest being Kspiritu Santo, Which measures about seventy miles in length by about thirty In breadth. The aborigines of the group have all come from the same Papuan stock; yet not only do they differ very much in physical aspect, but tribes are abso lutely foreigners to other tribes. Not only bas eadiU island its own language, but so also has each tribe; at any rate, it is recorded that on one of the islands alone there are six native towns in which six distinct languages are spoken. Three languages, no doubt, have all a certain nfliuity, yet they aro marked by differences somewhat broader than what we are accustomed to regard as dialects. This confusion of tongues is one of the most remarkable character- totica of tiie New Hebrides, as well as one of tiie greatest dittlcultire with which Christianising and civiUuug in fluence* hav» to contend. Fame Is an undertaker that pays little Attention to lire living, but furnishes out then funerals aud carries them to the grayi tf is Ad so l i*e in tlus|ut|s!i'. WHAT AILS THE NATION r t The Average Length of Life De- creasing—Not Pestilence— ' t Rot Famine—All our _ own Fanlt. Modern Cooking and Mod ern Living haVe broughf it oil It <x>mes upon us una wares. . The patients have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach; sometimes a faint, all-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the bands and feet become cold and feel clammy. After a while a cough seta in, at first dry, but after a few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest After a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebod ings. •• There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up sud denly. ' The bowels become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the kidney secretions becomes scanty and high col ored, depositing n sediment after standing. There is fre quently ^ spitting up of the fooc}, sometimes with a sour taste /and -sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is fre quently attended with palpi tation *of tho heart and Asth matic symptoms; the vision be comes impaired, with spots be fore the eyes; there is a feel ing of great prostration and weakness. All of these symp toms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-half of our population has this dis ease .in some^f its varied forms. Shaker Extract .of Roots (Sei- gel’s Syrup) changes the fer ments of the Digestive organs so as to convert jt.he food we eat into a form-that will give nourish ment to the feeble body, and good health is the consequence. The effect of this remedy is simply marvelous. Millions upon’ millions of bottles have been sold in this country, and the testimonials in favor of its curative powers are over whelming, Hundreds of so- called diseases under various names are the result of indi gestion, and when this one trouble is removed the other diseases vanish, for they are but symptoms of the real malady. Testimonials from thousands pf people speaking highly of its curative properties prove this beyond a doubt Sold by druggist* Maria P. P. P. PRICKLY ABU. POKE ROOT. POTA.KL'FBI THE GREATEST BLOOD PUKIFITR OF THE ACE. CERTIFICATES. . Albany, Go., August 1,188^ Dr. Whitehead- Dear Sir:—-I had a bad case of blood poison, which for two years defied al! treatment. One bottle of 1\ P. P. made a peimuuent cure. John Gaffney. Waycross, Ga., July 80, 1885 I bad the rheumatism for live months, and I took one bottle of Dr. Whitehead's P P P aud it cuied ms nouiid and well, and I hesitate ‘not to recommend it to those who desire a blood purifier. Respectfully, J E Smith. and consequently Incnrablo. It Islmpoealble to de- -ecribe her sufferings. Her body from the crown of her head to the sold of her feet was a miss of decay. —"* “e*h rotting off end leaving great cavities! fettered and three or four nailt dropped . off at one time. Her limbs contracted by the fearful nlceration,_and for several years abe did not leava her bed. Her weight waa reduced from Its to SO lba. Perhaps aome faint Ido* of her condition can be Fifteen Years a Sufferer from Rheumatism. What Hon. W. H. Wilder, Mayor of Albany, Ga., says. I suffered fifteen ycaw withRheumatism and during that time tried alltlie so-called specifics that I could hear of. One of them 1 paid #3.00.per bottle for and took nine bottles and received no.beneflt.from any of them. My grandson, who runs on the ‘My'jwimoi ■■■■I B. & W. Railroad, finally got a bottle of P. P. P. (Prickiy’ fi!' y i?ke Root anti t) while t Potassium) while in Waycross and induced to take it. The first bo'ttle showed its won derful effects, and after continuing the use of it for a short' time the Rheumatism disappeared, and I feel like a new man. .1 take great pleasure, in recommending it to sufferers from Rheumatism W „ „ W. II. WILDER. Albany. Ga., June!?, 1880. „ Lake City. Fi,a., June 24, ‘89 t- II. Newmun, of Lake City, Fla., say iis wife has 'suffered for seven years witl t complication of diseases, of which Astli mu was tiie most prevalent. She lias no aid down in bed tor sevan venrs, Hi inis expended all the money his husines.- hub made' him in that time "for medicines physicians, etfc.. to obtain relief for hei but without any success whatever. H. was advised by physicians to try P. P. P. He finally did so, expecting ‘o derive n< benefit, but after taking less than tw< loltles eruptions appeared all over hi iitul she immediately began to improve-'. ind now her skin is perfectly clear. Sh. leeps soundly ever)- night on an ordinal pillow, and her general health has no been bettor in years. Air. Newman, win is a merchant of Lake Cityis.very cnthii siastic over the cure, aud tfnuk/ lt thi ginndcst blood purifier and tonic of tin ago Waycross. Ga., Nov. 5, ’86. fitACEW OLF! Or Black Leprosy, It a disease which is considered Incurable, bat it has-yielded to the curative proper ties of Swift's Sractnc— now known all over the world as S. S. S. Mrs. Bailey, of West Somerville, Mass., near Boston, waa attacked several years ago with this hideous blaek eruption, and waa treated by the beat medical talent, who could only say that tbs disease was a species of LEPROSY- gleaned from the fact that three pounds of Cosmo- line or ointment were used per week in dressing her acknowledged their j per' -defeat tryufisVadc^Volf'andcommeadecTtbe’aai- dterer toner ell-wise Creator. ~ Her hnsband bearing wonderful report* of the nen *of Bwin's Brnciuc (8.8.8.), prevailed on her to . try it as a last resort. She began its use under pro- itest, bat soon found that her system was being rs> slaved of the potoon, ss the sores assumed a redand henlthy eolor,. as though, the blood wu bKo^ i pore and active. Mrs. Bailey con tinned the S. c o. i until iaet-Febrnary; every core was healed; ahedls- • aided chair and crutches, and waa for the grit titan Greenville, Fla.. Juno , 880. Dr. Whitehead: In the year 1878 l was attacked with i severo eate of .Blood Poison that defii all treatment. 1 went to several pliyi I wei dans hut found no relief. Finally i wei helore a hoard of physicians at Tallnhnssi and was examined, and my ease was dt elured to ho a virulent euse ot Blood Poi sou, and all tho medicines they gave nn failed to eradicato the dreadful discnsi and my life wob in danger. I lost the use of my left arm, and a physician at this plnco said my arm would have to beompu tuled. 1 he corruption thnt came fron the various sores wnt so offensive that 1 disliked to come in contact with my friend- and neighbors. I took thirty-two bottle; of nn Atlanta Blood Purifier, also a h> made in Baltimore, and iu fact tverythiu- Ihat I could hear of, hut rcceivcc no hem fit. Iliad entirely despaired when you- General Ageut. Mr. Clarkson, came her. advertising P. P. p. (Prickly Ash Pok Root and Potassium) and induced me ti give it a trial. 1 got ono lurgo bottle t(K>k it. tuul oiu* ami a half Muallonrs, am tho various sores havs Rented entirely an< the new sklu lias a dear, healthy coloi aud my genera i health is better than it hn been before in ten years. I consider i. the grandest blood medicine of the ago, a. such a small amount shows its wonderfu effects. I am agent of tho F. R. &N. R. R at. this place. Greenville, Fla , and lak. rn-nt pleasure iu recommending a mcdlcin that has performed such wonders for nn Respectfully yours J. TV. HAMMERLY. r. „ W/IJcross. Ga.. Nov. 15,'85. Dr. W. H. Whitehead: DkaIi Sm:—At your request! will stab my ens. borne years ago 1 contracted tnn laria in its most violent form while livim ’ ^ consulted variou- physicians and took numberless prcparn lions recommended as sure cures,” hut ii stuck to mo like » brother—or more like i molher-in-lttv. I finally came South, an. , while here tried new remedies said to “al . wavs cure malaria, but it stuck to me and you know the old broken-down condi 1 tion I was in when I came to you, Yoi | put me to taklug your P P P and 1 ini • proved rapidly, and am tc-dny in as goo. | health as 1 ever was—iu fact better. \ j a remedy for a broken-down constitutioi it bus no equal. Yours, etc. T P Cottle. The above medicine is for sale wholcsah and retail *at H. Hltlt A M'S. Dublin, Ga $1 13 -WEEKS. The POMCE GAZETTE will mnll cil, s.Tiiil) \v r «1 Id any .'tddiv.-s r the Uuitcd btute-s for three months foi ONE DOLLAR. , Libera) .Um-ouiii-- ailowcri i.i imsuumsicjs ...tuIo nii.l eluha b.tuiple cojms muilitl fixe, Addi.e-,' nil ur.lcri. io. HJ< 11 v tjt» K FOX. i'UASM.IN S»^l AKK, S Y In twelve year* a well woman. Iler husband, Mr. oil ’ - < sf this wonderful care. Send to ns for Treatise oa •Blood and Skin Dlaeaaca, mailed free. Sin Swot Smcifio Co„. Drawer-S. Atlanta. Q* Mme.DEMOREST’S RELIABLE PATTERNS Are tbs Miyoaea^hat 1 will gits a yertwt MME. DEMORESrs System of Dress Cutting. Chert and Booker fan directions, enabling anyone to CutandFItperfecUy. • ^•qq.tK). Btnt ■bytaaD, pest-pald, on .raeeijt MME.DEMOREST’S PORTFOLIO OF FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAR - THE Nearly 80,000 sold and giving f«rfM .aattefttctlan. ty Don’t pay other companies $40.00 profit on a machine not so good as thb DEMOREST, hut bny direct of the man ufacturers. Sent C. O. D. Write for Oiroutar*. DEMOREST FASHION and SEWING MACHINE CO. v IT Bast 14th Street, New York City li t lUI wi th iHE SG01H THE: SAVANNAH VETELT NEWS $2*00 a Year, in Advance# <ot a Local Paper, but One Suitable to any Locality. I BUSINESS, FAM1TA, LITEJiAIlF AND AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL. This mammoth newspaper contains all lie news of the week, Telegraphic l)is- >ditches up to the hour of going to pros, Agricultural Items, Original Serials, etc. Special departments devoted to Georgia. Florida and South Carolina news, and tliot of other States, To the farmer, mechanic or artisan, the business or professional man, who has not the advantages of a daily mail, the Savan naii Wkkki.y Nkwb is the medium l>j which he can be informed of events trans piring in the busy world, whether in his own State or In the most distant parts of •he globe. Every yearly subscriber is entitled to ono of the Mornino Nkwb Library seri als as a premium. THE SAVANNAH . MORNING NEWS Enlarged January 1, 1885, to an 8-Page, 56‘Column Paper. rhe Largest Paier in the South Issued Every Day ill the Year. $10.00 a Year, including tbc rtnt Sunday Issue of the “News.” The Daily News gives prominence to all matters relavive to the AGRICULTU RAL, MECHANICAL and MANUFAC TURING int. r.-.'t> of the country. as we! hr the GENERAL, POLITICAL and COMMERCIAL news. Its TELEGRAPHIC, STATE. GEN KRATi. LOCAL lews and MARKET deportments are acknowledged to i»e tii best and m<»t comprehensive of any pc pelt in the Souih, 8ulscribe through your Ne ws I’u!t Post ilit.'i i or t< mi din. i!>- t.J J. II. F8TII.L, S* VANNAfl G A, HAENE7S SHOP A. CHAVOTJS. Agt (Opposite the Court House.' IDixTd1.±T3.. Grar- Manufucturer and Dealer in 8addles f Bridles A Harness. —HE WILL ALSO KEEP— " Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, Halters Bridle Bits, Spurs, Carriage, Bu gy, Riding and Team hips, Lashes, Combs Brushes, Collars, . Hames, Etc. Cheap For Cash.' Repairing Promptly Done. May 19-86-ly. ; ,• •; 3 ; >. ; HAVE YOU TAKEN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION ' FOR 1886? If not. lay this paper down and send for it right now. If you want it every day, send for the Daily, which coats $10.00 a year, or $5.00 for six months or $2.50 for three months. ! If you want -it every week, send for tho Great Weekly, which costs $1,25 a year j or $5,00 for Clubs of Five THE WEEKLY CON STITUTION r.yJv • •V-’i:'*-’ • \ 7 V ; v :v,. is theCheapest! Biggest and Best Paper Printed in Americal It Los 12 pages chock full of news; gos sip and sketches every week. It prints mere romance'than the story papers, more farm-news than the. agricultural papers, more fun tlirth the humorous papers—be sides all the-news* and Bill Arp’s and Betsy Hamilton’s Letters Uncle Remus's Sketch .es! —AND— TALMAGE’S SERMONS. C ss 3 Cento a Week! t comes once week—takes a whole week o read it! . , „ You can’t well farm or keep house with- out itl . Write your name on a postal- card, ad- mess it to us, and we will Bend you Sped- dren Copy Free i ’ . Address THE CONSTITUTOJ^. - MACHINERY, FEEDERS AND - CONDENSERS. I nm agent for the Centennial Cotton Gm.^nade by O. H. Miller, of Fort Val- ley, Ga. The feeders aud condensers can be attached to any other make. I also sell the Bookwalter Engine, Lef fel s. Water Wheels, Lane & Bodloy Co.’s machinery and Frick & Co.’s Engines and Mytemtory embraces Laurens, .Tohasoa and Emanuel counties. I have been sell mg the above machinery for several years, and think I caa make it to your interest to trade with me for anything in my iine W. G- WEAVER. a * . „ Dublin, Ga. August-4 3m. 1885. Established 1857. CLOTHING HATS. ip & Callaway, 126 Second Street, MACON, - . . GA ., Return thanks-to.their numerous cus tomers in Dublin and surrounding coun try. They are opening daily an Elegant Stbck of Choice G LOTHIKG 1 s AND HATS For MEN and BOYS, for the FALL and Itcii of every kind cured in 30 minute, by Wolford’s Sniataby Lotion.- Use iio other. Tlyp never fails. Sold H. Hicb^^ THE m ,v. r vlf made to measure. us /hear from you by letter. Ruefor self m aas uremon t sent on ^ppliction. : Ai : The ELDKEDQE "B” i* rold with the goarmntee of being tee BEST that can he HADE. otmua AGENTS WANTED. ELDRED6E MANUFACTURING CO. Bciattee, > Lumbago, Bheumattem, Barn*, Scolds, Sting* / Bitot, Bruisaa Bunion* • Coma Contracted Kuwk* Eruption* Hoof All, Screw Worm* Swionej, Saddle Qolk. Filet. S$3 and 890 WABASH AVB^ CHICAGO, U& Ely’s Catarrh CREAliBALMl (EmkroEef atone* . ' and Caret COLD IN HEAD CATARRH HAYFEVER JTof a liquid, Snuff «r Poioder. Fret from Jnjuri- eut Drugt and ftnthot odort. Seratehea Sprains, Strain^ Stitches, Stiff loin to, Backache, Gall*, Sores, Spavin. Cracks.-g. THIS GOOD OLD STAND'BY acoompliahtt for sTerrbodv exactly what iselateeff for It. Ooeof thereaaonaforUusreatpoimlarttirof the Moataiac Liniment ie fooadtatte mItsmI ■VSlIeaMHtr. Kre«yt>edy needs east * meaietoa. Tho Lnstheroioo needs It In ease of tertiWefc Tho Hooaewtfe need* rt for laaeralftaHyeo. The Coaolor needs It for hi* tosoMand his toeo. Tho Meehoalo meeds U always on hit w«tk wm r’Apsstide of the Balm la applied loto each nostril, is afteeahle to bm and la qalckty absorbed, effect nelly elaanelog the nasal psesegesof catarrhal rline, nanring haalthy aacretlona. ItaaayapalnandlnflammaMna.protocta the mem. braaal llnlaga of the bead from additional sold., completely heals the tores and restore, the aenae •f toeto and ernsO. Beaeflebd reaolu are reakasd by a few application*. 4k - A thorough treatment w01 ear*. I Price SO cento at dnw-lata; by mail, registered, *0 cents. Circulars .cut free. - . , KLY BROTHERS, Druggists, Ow.-go, X. T Tho Mast Mode It fat com <* emettMty. Tho FloMornosdelt-eaa*tc*talooKwMhoatlh The Farmer needs It In his he^ his s*oM% and hie stock yard. Tho Bteamheot Simo or tho Boo mom Mods It In liberal supply afloat sod askora. Tho Horoe»fluaelor needs tt-lt la bis btrt friend and safest reUanoe., Tho Stsek-crower needs It—It win taro htot thousands of dollars and a world of troeadfc The Rallrsaf mn Beads It and win netd H so Ion* as his life U a rotmd of aeoklents ami Iwaot The Back woo dsasua nsedslt. nerotoaoth-' Ing like It at aa antidote for the dangers to Ufa, limb and comfort which sarmood tho yhantfc Tho It ere hoot needs Mahout kls store aweof hit omptoyeoa. Aoehtoats wm happea, and whew ttussowne the Mastaag liniment MwMtodot soots Keep a Bottle la the House. Tlsthe bested Sslarrh is Net a Blood Disease. No mattor what paits k may fluidly effect, ca tarrh always Starti In the he ill, aud hcloi:--s to the haul. Thcrr I, ne tuyrlery about the origin of this Oreaitfal dls«es.>. It beous In a neiri*. led cold. Oae of the kind that Is “.tire to bo U-tt. r in a f.w dare." Tbocisanda at victims k»»w bur- it is by ted experience. Ely's Cream Balia outs ctdds in Ike head end caiarrv 13 a; lit* status. _ Keep a Bottle la the Factory. Its fm ms Mate uee In ease of aoetdeat esvaa pala oad Iosb of wagMt Hoop a Bottle Alwoya la tha Itsbls for aeo whoa waited. MILLER BR08. STEEL FENS TUB BEST IN USE. When not far stile by local d.-alcra, we will maul) lilrnriinty »(■> !■.a in t'a boxes if i doceti each, oa, rix'ci|it ot 01.XJ. 4 i ty'.c. Srh-ol Pena, 4 hox.-s, 1 do*, each, 00.4« 4 " 4 “ I “ “ ,4« 4 “ Il.ti.ic.s fc Stub., } l-.vr-, l d»s. aach, .48 AJhm THE IILUil KOI (TTIUV CO, Kanin. Cm j