The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, May 11, 1887, Image 4

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'TWITTING ON FACTS. ►WHAT 18 NEEDED TO MAKE THIS WORLD A PARADISE. Dc. Minife Flrn Hot kliwl Into th* tor*, CnumJn 1 urltlrM, kul Other IIum * Look and nee what a loathsome lot of •men fill positions in tho municipal gov ernment of some oitio3," said Dr. Tal- iaag$.in tho Brooklyn tabernacle. His test had been taken from Zacariah 8:15. “There are others waiting for some .crumbs of emolument to fall at their feet, ho continued. “What do they .do (W.itb tho gambler who took that young man's $500? Nothlngl What about his ruined home ? What is done .with tiie men who Induced this young man to steal from his employers for their benefit ? The man who steals 810 is sent to Jail, if he steals 810,000 they let him go -to Canada. The trouble is they dop'tsteal enough! What do they do with,the gatpblors? Where Is the court that cannot arrest and try such scound rels? The itrlal is over," soliloquised the preacher, “ and nobody is eonvieted. How is it? Is it because one of the jurors, who was presented with a pair of gold spectacles, saw the case differ* ■ently through them than the others? <Oh, what damnable schemes some men and even tho ministry, engage hi sometimes! Oh, my friends, those wrongs are going to be righted! I don't Jsnow how soon, but much will depend on tho Clirlatian people. Three hundred aud sixty bolts chimed in Moscow when a prince was married; 10,000 heavenly bells will ring when the church of God is triumpluiut. How are you engaged. my brother, my sister-disheartened ? Take good heart. There are 1,000 promises for good souls. Some one has said yo$r work h<l been of no avail. I suppose when Moses stretched forth his luuid over the lied sea the people said it was a foolish thing, but Moses kept right on till the wind blew from tho east, tho water rose in glittering paii* Hades on either sldo. Wheel into lino, U Israeli March I Murciil Tiioro is a shout of the troops on the loach when the jast lino crosses, tho cymbals clash, ,the swift, flying wind plays the grand march and murmurs an awful oath as the sea closes in on the enomy. Napo* Jeon's army got stuck In the Alps. They couldn't get tho ammunition wagons (Over tho roeks. Napoleon ordered the .hand .to play a grand march. Music inspired tho mon and over tho rocks went tho ammunition wagons.' Oh, that tho people of Qod would march on to tho glad iudleioujalis. Dexter In his book sob forth tho ldoa that tho buly forces uooded to create a paradise eu earth in ton years wore wutor, wind .ami sunshine. Hy taking stuck in a eompauy he proposed forming, a man might live, ho said, in a most magnifl* (cent palace, surrounded by beautiful gardeus, and accomplish more in ten years than before iu 1,001), Ho speaks of traveillug 1,000 miles in twenty-four hours by uanal. Prom tho galiorles, roofs and turrets of his palace, ponds, .aippblthentros, fountains, beautiful sculpture and gondolas might bo seen. ■While 1 take no stock in such a com pany, 1 know that much good can bo .done when Uie right forces are brought to bear in the church. Archimedes lifted a sun-glass and brought it to bear on astiip. Tho sails took lire, tho masts fell, she was a wreck. My friends, tho gospel ship can bo sayod by a sun-glass by shewing up tho sins and follies of jthe world. First ablate, then It expires. 1 think on that day you won't see any inebriates, any lager beer saloons, no bloodshot eyes. 1'hcre will beaolnp- piug of the heavenly oymbals, whllo those who derided will be Uke tho splin tered wheel of a brokon oharlot," Comparative Longevity of tho Sexes. 1 Tlio Hebrew women are tho longest lived, aud the colored men the short est, It appoars froni tho 'gathered statistics of the world, that women have a greater tonacity of lifo than men. Nature worships tho female in all its varieties. Among iugecta tho male )>erishes at a relatively enrlior period. In plants the scm(uate blossoms die earliest, nnd aro produced in the weaker limbs. Female quadrupeds have more endurance than males. In the human taoe, despite tho Intellectual aud physi cal strength of the man. the woman en dure* longest* and will bear paiu to which the strong man succumbs) Zymotic diseases nre more fatal to males, and more male children die than female. Deverga Austria that the pro- IKirtion dying suddenly is about 100 women to 700 men, 1090 men in the l’luted States, in 1870, committed sui cide, to 685 women. ln(em|H«rance, jipeplesy. gout, hydrocephalus, alteo- tioiui of the heart «r liver, scrofula, pHiulvNix. are for more fatal to males than Jamah'S. Pulmonary consumption, on the other hand. Is more deadly to the lullcr. Females in cities ore more prune to consumption than in the country. All old countries not dis turbed by emigration have a majority of females in the population. In royal families the statistics s'* ow mors daugh ters than sens Tire Hebrew woman is rxoepuousily long-lived; the oolored man exceptionally short-lived. The iuarn< ! state is favorable to prolong*** it.>ii of life among women. Mr. Hough reussiks that there are from two to six peroont more males l»ru than females, yet there to an t-sc-ss of more thau six per cvui of fcmulcM In the living popu lation* Popular science News. POISON IN THEASHES What the Ut. Lebanon Hhakers Found -Incident In the His tory of a Quiet Community. P. P. P. 1‘MCKI.Y Aftlf. J*OKK HOOT. FOTA-KUMl The Mount Lebanon (New York) Shakers are a quiet com munity, Recluded from the fret and worry of tho outside world- They are widely known, how ever, for their strict honor and probity in business. The Shakers believe that na ture has a remedy for every dis ease. A few have been found— the rest are as yet unknown. Many were discovered by acci dent. Others came to light as the result of patient experiment and research. Nervous Dyspepsia is a com paratively new disease, growing out of the conditions of modem life. It is a joint affection of the digestive organs and of the nervous system. These two were formerly treated as sepa rate ailments,* and it was left for the clear-sighted Shakers to prove that the basis of this terrible and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in the disord ered nnd depraved functions of digestion and nutrition. They reasoned thus;—“If we can in duce the stomach to do its wojk, and stimulate the excre tive organa to drive out of the body the poisonous waste mat- tern which remain after the life- giving elements of the food have been absorbed, wo shall hnye conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exhaust ion. And they were right. Knowing tho infallible power of Shaker Extract (SeigelV Syrup) in less complicated though similar diseases, they resolved to test it fully in this. To leave no ground for doubt they prescribed the remedy in hundreds of cases which had been prouounced in curable—with perfect success in every instance where their directions as to living and diet wore scrupulously followed. Nervous Dyspepsia and Ex haustion is a peculiarly Ameri can disease. To a, greater oi less extent half the people oi this 8 country suffer from it— both sexes and all ages. In no country in tho world are there so many insane asylums filled to overflowing, all resulting from this alalining disease. Ifc leading symptoms are these: Frequent or continual head ache ; a dull pain at tho base of the brain; bad breath; nau seous eructations ; • the rising of sour nnd pungent fluids to the throat; a sense of oppress ion and faintness at the pit of the stomach j flatulence; wake fulness aud loss of sleep; dis gust with food even when weak from tho need of it; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or in the mouth, especially on ris ing in tho morning; furred and coated tongue; dull eyes; cold hands and foot; constipation; dry or rough skin; inability to flx the mind on any labor call ing for continuous attention; and oppressive and sad fore bodings and fears. All this terrible group Shaker Extract (Seigers Syrup) removes by its pos itive, powerful, direct yet painless and gentle action upon the functions of digestion nnd assimilation. Those element 6 of tho food that build up and strengthen the system are sent upon their mistlion, while all waste matters (the ashes of life’s fire) which uuremoved, poison and kill, ni« expelled from the body through the bowels, kid neys and skin. The weak nnd prostrated nerves aro quieted, toned nnd fed by tho purified blood. As the result, health, with its enjoyments, blessings ami ]K>\ver, returns to the suf ferer who bnd, perhaps, aband oned nil hoi« of ever heeim Miothw well day. ° TREATMENT. THE GREATEST HOOD FDKIF1TB OF THE AGE. ‘ CERTIFICATES. ’ Albany, da., August 1, 1885. Dr. Whitehead- Ream Sib:—-I had n had ease of blood poison, which for Iwo years defied all treatment. One bottle of P. I*. P. made u pcmaneiit cure. Jobs Gaffney. Waycross. Ga., July 80,1885 I had the rheumatism for five mouths, and I took one bottle' of Dr. Whitehead's P P P and it cmcd uie. sound and well, and I hesitate not to recommend it to those who desire a blood purifier. Respectfully, J E f 1 Smith. Fifteen'Years a Sufferer from Rheumatism. What Hon. W. H. Wilder, Mayor of Albany, Gu., says. I suffered fifteen years withRlicumatism and during that lime tried ail l he so-called specifics that I could hear of. One of them I paid $8.00 per bottle for and took nine bottles and received no benefit from any of fhnm Mv ntmiiAnn ... .. HAENE7S SHOP b im^vyw *CyRFS v<l*vc.ev« tLcxexttid* OsvA' AW A* CHAVOUS* Agt Wholesale: Clothiers, (Opposite the Court House.' IDxlTdIxxi- <3-a. Munufiiclurcr aud Dealer in 161 Congress St. Savannah, Saddles, Bridles & Harness. —IIE WILL ALSO KEEP— Lap Robes, Horse Rl&ikels, Halters bridle Bits, Spurs, C'urriage, Bu gy, Ridiug and Team hips. Lashes, Combs Brushes, Collurs, Humes, Etc. M 'Wo make up the NEA.TES Line of CLOTHING—both Style—that comes South. We defy competition in the above; in prices. Merchants that handle our goods never have old stock to carry over. Cheap For Cash. Repairing Promptly Done. May 18-80-ly. Send us your orders be convinced. HAVE YOU TAKEN . Cancer of th# Tongus. THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION FOR 1886? Mr. B. F. Jacobson represents us this territory, and will be pleased to your order. s B. II. LEVY & BRO. !cb 2 ly BLACKSMITH SH0 them. JMy 'grandson, who runs on "'the Railroad, finally got n bottle of f wm ' SCWT fSiat Potassium) while in Waycross and induced to take il. 'The first bottle showed its won derful effects, nnd after continuing the use of it for a short time the Rheumatism i (disappeared, and I feel like a new man. .1 take great plea sine in recommending it to ►miltiers from Rheumatism • w ' W. H. WILDER. Albauy, Gn., June P*. 1880. » wi.v, nui. ,u. w or four ynuiwi.wiitioi. .»« wttfcaa sicsrontbs sids of MtoiMMr ISO throat. The wun wae tneeamnt, caasUwloss of Bleep and producing great nervoua proatnUton. Accompanying IMn.ttoabls was rhemnaUjm. lt bad poMCdlrom ttm shoulder* aoS centered lo th* wrist of one hand, ahe almoattosin* Uie nee of It. Between the Buffering of the two.Ttfehad i burdensome. Ur the nae of a half dozen l_—- •feed bottle*of Bwilt’a Specific, abe wa* entirely relieved and restored to health. Thla was three vaaia aco. and there has been no return of the dw- yarn ago, sou wen, H u MU)dl1mo0M . THE WEEKLY CON- •*W.2»d8t.,M.X. If not. Uy tills paper down and send for it right now. If you want it every day, send for the Daily, which costs $10.00 a year, or $5.00 for six months or $2.50 for three months. If you wnnt it every week, send for the Great Weekly, which costs $1,25 a year or $5,00 for Cluba of Five. Mme. DEMOREST’S RELIABLE PATTERNS Ar. the only one. that »lilgiT. a ptrftci MME DEMORESn sTiTUTiON I have opened a Blacksmith Business Dublin, at the Scarborough old stan where 1 am prepared to do all kinds of pair and Plow work promptly. -§)<>(§- 22F“Horse Shoeing a Spcclalt, —)°(~ . I respectfully solicit the patronage the citizens. f- R. A. (MOORE, mar 23 8m. Dublin, Georgia. ' „ Lakk City, Fla.-, June 24, '89. C. H. Newman, of Lake City,Fin., says his wile litis Mineral lor seven yours with a complication of diseases, of which - Astb- mu was the most prevalent. She 1ms not aid down in bed lor sevon years, He; has expended all the mpney bis business has made him in that time "for medicines, physicians, etc., to obtain relief lor her hut without auy success whatever. He was advised by physicians to try P. P. P. lie finally did so, expecting to derive no benefit, but after taking less than two bottles muptions appeared all over her mid shuimmedintely began to improve, and now her slim is perfectly clear. She sleeps soundly every night on an ordinary pillow, and her geueiul health has imt been better in yeuis. Mr. Newman, wLq, Systom of Dross Cutting. .fBartandJloUkrfMMl^^rtitae anrono to ^83.00. S«nt by mail, poet paid, oa receipt MME. DEMOREST’S PORTFOLIO OF FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAR Iialarffe Macttzlno of SO png«i of Fashion Note* *nd Bt;lcMlluatratcd with about 1,000 Outs, bout, post-paid, for ti3 ccuts. . the is theCheapest! Biggest and Best Paper Printed in Amerlcal It Las 12 pages chock full of news, gos 3ip and sketches every week. It prints mere romance than the story papers, more farm-news than the agricultural papers, more fun than the . humorous papers—be sides all the nows, and <$<9’*C'*r<r?2y cpiapsi L. Bill Arp’s and Betsy Hamilton's Letters Uncls Remus’s Sketch- FEEDERS AM esl is a merchant, of Lake City, is very e’uthu- 1 i lu t-ustic o\ er the cure, and thinks" it the nudefft blood purifier uud tonic of the Waaciiobs, Ga. , Js'ov. 5, '80. Greenville, Fla.. June , 880. Dr. it lutihmd: III the year 1878 1 wur nttackod with a severe ease of BloRd Poison that defied all treatment. I went to several physi cians but found uo relief. Finally 1 went before a board of physicians nt-Tallahassee nnd was examined, mid 1113- ease was de clared to be a virulent case ot Blood Poi son, the medicines they gave ine failed to eradieutc the dread!uf disease nnd rny life \vus in danger. 1 lost the use of my left arm, nnd u physician at ibis plnec said my arm would have to bo ampu tated. The corruption that came from I be various sores wut so offensive that 1 disliked to come in contact with my friends and neighbors. 1 took thirty-two bottles of tin Atlanta Blood Purifier, also a lot made in Baltimore, and in fuel everything that I could hear of, but receivco no bene fit. I liad entirely despaired when voiir General Agent. Mr. Clarkson, cnuiA here advertising P. P. P. (Prickly Ash Poke Root and Potassium) and induced me to give it a trial. 1 got one largu bottle, look it, and one and a half small oucs, and U10 various sores liuvs healed entirety and ihc new skin has a clear, healthy color, and my general health is belter than it lias beeu before in ten years. I consider it the grandest Wood medicine of the age, tis such a small amount shows Us wonderful effects, lam agent of the F. R. &N. It. it. at this place. Greenville. Fla., and take grent pleasure in recommending a medicine that has performed such wonders for me. Respectfully yours ' T. UAMMERLY. Waycross, Ga„ Nov. 15, ’85. Dr. W. II. Whitehead: Dkah But:—At your request I will state my cits. Some years ago 1 contracted mil- b-ria in its most violent form while living .t Newark, N. J. I consulted various physicians and took numberless prepara tions recommended ns sure cures,” hut it -luck to me like % brother— or more like a mother-in-law I finally cuuUe South, and while here tried new remedies said to "al- ways cure malaria, but it stuck to me, aud you know the old brokemdown condi tion 1 was in when (came to you. You put me to taking your P P P and 1 im proved rapidly* and am tc-day in ns good health as 1 ever was—in fact better. As a remedy for a broken-down constitution it hits no equal. Yours, etc. T P Cotti.e. The above medicine is for sale wholesale and retail,*nt a. HJSKS * 6©>S. . Dublin, Ga. $1 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mail- ed, mt urely wrapped, to any uddiv.>.- In the United States for three uuniihs lor ONE DOLLAR* Aduit i v* ill 1 hi* |up-*r. A rera ter ftorvouo Debility, Seminal Weak- i.tlx-ral discounts allowed to p *-tn astejs —AND— TALMAGE’S SERMONS. Css 2 Ccuts a Week! CONDENSERG. t comes onco week—takes a whole week o read ill You cau’t well farm or keep house with out it! Write your name on a postal car’d, ad- mess it to us, and we will send you Sped- driin Copy Frke! Address Til-53 CONSTITUTOlN. Itch of every kind’cnrcd in <10 minute, hy Woi.foho’s'Sniatauv Lotion. Use no (liher. This never fails. Sold H. Hicks & Co. THE I am agent for the Centennial Cotto Gin, made by O. H. Miller, of Fort Val ley, Ga. The feeders and condensers ca bu attached to any other make. • I also sell the Boo kwalter Engine, Le fel’s Water Wheels, Lane & Bodtey Go.*i muchinwy and Frick & Co.’s Engines am sawmills. My territory embraces Laurens, Jonsso and Emsmiioi counties, T have been sell -ing the above machinery for several years, and think I can make it to your interest to trade with nic for luiylhing'in my line W. G. WEAVER. Dublin, Ga- August-^-8m. ■ Nearly 50,000 sold nnd giving perfect satisfaction. G30”Don't pay othfr companies $40.00 refit on a machine not so good as thk ’, but buy direct of the man ufacturers. Sent C. O. D. Write for Oircvian. DEMOREST FASHION and SEWING MACHINE CO., IT Emit 14th Street, New York City Tilt ttSl PAPER IN THE SOUTH THE: SAVANNAH WEVKLY NEWS fE2‘C0 ft Year, in Advance. Not a local Paper, but One Suitable to any Locality. A MIMS ESS, FAMILY, LITERABI AND AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL. This mammoth newspaper contains all the news of tho week, Telegraphic Dis patches up to the hour of going to ptess, Agricultural Items, Original Serials, etc. Special departments devoted, to Georgia, Florida and .South Carolina news, that of other States. To tho farmer, mechanic or artisan, the business or professional man, who 1ms not ihc advantages of a daily mail, the Sa van nau WkkkLy Nkws is the medium by which lie can lie informed of events trans piring in the busy world, whether iu his own State or in the most distant parts of ike globe. Every yearly subscriber is entitled to one of the Morning News Lidkarv seri als as a premium. THE SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS Enlarged January 1, 1885, to an 8-Page, 56- Cohunn Paper. The Largest Paienn the South 1<«iii*iI Kvai-v llor in ln<> 1 <>nr l* copies mailed j ne» i.lM nnd clubs- t^ai * free. AddiW ail order* i<>, Hit’ll MU> K FOX. i-'lMNKI.IN ' .4a N ^ 1 ssued Every l)ny in the Year. $10.00a Year, ineluding tho riat Sunday Issue of the “News.” •The Daily Nkws gives prominence to all matters relative to tho AGRICULTU RAL. MECHANICAL and MANUFAC TURING interests of the country, as wel us the GENERAL, POLITICAL aud COMMERCIAL UOWR, its in.EGRAPHIC, STVATE. GEN KHAL. LOCAL aews and MARKET depiirtnu-uts are ai'knowWgud to Ik* th test and moot comprehensive of any pa poll iu the South. Snlaerlbu tl rough ' ■ ur News Dcale Po»t Mum ^ 01 Md dlnetht to J. H. l stlLL. Savannah G a, I SEWING MACHINE Autmitici SMmJins Cjliitn mmm No. 3. Mexican ■Ptanri Liniment The ELDREBGB “ B " is sold Trith the guarantee of being the BEST that con be MADE. Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Borns, AGENTS WANTED. ELDRED6E MANUFACTURING GO. Sting* Bits* Brake*'. -Bonin* Cora* ContosetsS Massls* ruas. 303 and 300 WABASH AVE. ( CHICACO; IUi an CatarrH creHbalmi Ovm* relief at one* and Quret COLO IN HEAD CATARRH HAYFEVER 2Tol a liquid, 8nuf or Powder. Free from Injuri ous Drugs and qf- fsnsios odors. OUXtB Seratehea Sprains, Strain* Stitches, Stiff Joint* Basksshs, Galls, BOTMj Spavin Ki* Cracks. 1 THIS OOOD OLD STAND-BY aocompItohM for •myhoSy «sscOx wfcsl * torts. Op<orU*r*—osstnrto*m».HitoaMs«MS tbs Ksstaos uawsrt is food la Ms ■■lossnal avsUemMUtr. tmrMriaiSiSMkawttha Th. LaaAsnoaaBeadsUtaeastoCaesMss* ft* HfiewMe ■—d« It for tmsrttfleSf sss. Th* CuBler BasdsM tor U*toaasaBSMsM. Th* M*chaalo a**ds » always os fe» vs* beach Th* H1b*v Btod* it m csm of aaMrawMT. The Pl*nBernso<Ult—can’t s**ak»Bswltho«tm The Farmer need. It ia his hoass, his MsU* sad his (took rord. Th* gtwh—t os. *r th* B**»ssaa assSs Uta ttbrnsl supply afloat and ashars. • Th* Hsnsdiueisr oasds U—It Is Ms M Msod sad satat (sUSBca. 1 Th* Btoefc-snwwwr a**ds tt-S MS saws M OMMMaods oC doUan sad a wartd st MOMMA 1 Th* *BlIr**4 bssb B*sds it and win assd MSB loag as his Uto Mb lend ot smUsbIs “A particle of ih« Balm Is applied Into sach nostril, Is scrasible to ih and is qnlckty absorbed, effasi •aUy cleansing the nasal paasages of caunhal vims, CMMag hsallhr accratiapa. Th* M**hw**d*n»B las Uke ft as aa anttdet* tW* It allar* pain and Inlbrnmatlon. protoets th* hcsBol Homes of tha head from additional soldo, oompluu-ljr\e* , .8 the sores and restores the sense el'taste and smell. Dcoefldal meal is are reahmod by s few applications. A OwrongK treatment will ears. Price SO cent* st druse lute ; by moll, registered, SO seats. Circular, sent free. , ELY BIIOTUBHS, Druggists, Owego, S. T PL KwsaB*lll*la iksVsMrr, ItsM ta oas* of oeoldSBt savw palB sb« Mss «C « Kms B Bettis Always to th* ScoMa I st** when wasted. BILLER BRbS. STEEL Sstairh U N«t a Bleed Dtoeeae. Me matter what pails It raity finally effect, ca tarrh ftlwa) • rUru la the head, and belong* to the hood. Tlu-re U n» mystery about ! be origin of thla dreadful dtseiwe. It begins la a neglected cold. (Me of tb«- kind that!« ”»ur* to l*« betler In a f.w «VyM/* TtiouAihuild of flctinu know b«*w it Ubjr •ad esprrlcncv. K’y’s t'reatn U*liB COM cold* In the Uuif) tod colorr i m all il* slopes. THU ltlyST IN UKE. When not for sole by local dealers, we wilt I 1, trailing ,!■ Its in I, huxea of I down each, rco.ipt ot Sl.Bd. 4 11vlcra School Pens, 4 l>o*««, t do*, each, 4 “ llu.lor»» •« 4 •* 1 “ ** 4 " Uu.inws k Stub., 4 born, 1 do*, a UlMS nil ULLO tROL (VTtfSI C9.K<t»fa*fM*