The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, May 25, 1887, Image 4

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— IN SCHOOL.. Tl.c-Mt« Sflhnnl with * tmchrr stern, T I With wmwm loaf »tld hard 11Icl.rD— A hM ihwt Is Imnd in every dime. Aud uiftt keep* tn Session all tbs time. , lis ojw'n doors srs Iron to all, Tbs block Mid whits, tbs grout and small. And alt must go. tho bad sod good. For noun non Id shirk It, If they would. And nil must study with weary pain Old, old lessons over again— j.< I/hi on* of sorrow, of loss and care, TJ Of bo polsss waiting and despslt. * t And forever we can not ohooae hot took, ^ Till uosUi shall close life's losson book. And we seo at last, with all made plain, fr That our weary task* were not In vain. - - Doubtless we giro some pitying thought •*, To those who stand with the strife on- fought; To those who lift with present pain i Our old, old crosses over again— *• Who strive as we strove, for gold and pelf, I; Who loam as wo loomed, each for himself. ); For the school shall be taught la tbo long r years henoo I By the sama old dame. Baporience. i, —C A. JtwtH, in Good Chur. what’s WT~name? Somo Wonderful Spoolmons Prov- ing Its Slgnlfloanoo. Rurnawtes Descriptive of Mental diameter- .Isttus, Oonupntlnns, Personal Appear* auoe, Kto.—Tlie Advantage of «. . Having n (loud Name. . If Instead of a nnmo ovory child on onUtring tho world, woro a/isigmitl n ’ number tho plan would have many fimturoH to rooommond It, Plrocto- 'rios would bn simplified; them would • b« no chance of confusion with twenty- four Mrs. Joneses in one place, and to ‘address a letter to you would have ‘ nothing to do but write on tho envelope, ■say: "No. U,2W,7«1), Esr|." Hut with those manifest advantages there would bu considerable loss. When Juliet said: "What’s In a natnoP” she talked, 'as lovers often do, nt raiidom. Her speech 1 to Rn.nxyo Moulnguo Is beautiful, but it Is not logic. Blm was, indeed, ns any one with a critical eye can boc, in the strangest confusion about tho diffuronee between a Christian and a surname. ,'Tlmt Romeo did not correct her on the Instant can only lie accounted for by Mho fact that lie himself was not in e lit state of mind for playing the in structor. There iff a great deal In snr- ' names, Wlml glimpses of old life limy sometimes give us; they ate little bits of history; revelations of human In* 'Aurost; scrapa of poetry and humor; '.notes of atVoctlon, ridicule, sarcasm and iinportiuenao; often stories condensed Jlito a tOiglc word. A largo number of surnames consist, of tho father’s nnnu; ; vrltft the addit ion of "son,’*’ or an equiv alent for sou, like Man or Fit*. "Names of this sort often fluctuate from genera tion ty>generation.*AlanWatorson, for example, had a son Walter who cnllod ldmsulf Walter Allnnson." Other names arc purely local In origin, names such as Dale, Brook, Marsh, Land, Wood ami Heath. Among local, names we may nlso Include Kent, Cornish, Wilt shire, Duvoniflh, Ireland, Wolnh and siioli llKr. ttranytlio may be classed among local names. It is told that Lord Lyltleton onee disputed with the head of tho It*#, which was of -dim older family, assert Ins his own to boot the mom ancient,, inasmuch as the little td.wn uniat necessarily luivt existed before the giinidb vlllo. Ollietw, oeoupatiou and condition gave rise to other munfun Time we have Smith, t took* Shepherd, Plowman, Ivnlgiit, Cob- wir (Coroner), Archer, Slingor, Justice. Provost, Dresser, Chapman, llmhoui and a host of more. Tire surnames oi occupation form a wonderful guide to the indust vies of our fomfather». Titos- who kept simps or inns got surname from their signs, a practice which accounts for many surnames of » liuu-ifid order. John at die Hell became John Hell; Thomas at the Koso became Thomas Rose; Oliver M tlie Tlmrtie became Oliver Thorne: and Nicholas at the Sparrow tweame Nicholas Sparrow. A largo class of names is devoted to tho description of persomil ’ appearance, manner and charnotcr. We flfta outward peeulliu> itiea indicated In an immense number, •noli ns Longman, Short man, Small- man, Rig, Little, Thick, Thin, Shorter, Siroupep, Black. While and Brown Mental ohumcloristies have given rise to such suvnames ns Oood, Patient, Wise, Guv, Sage, Blythe, Merry, Muke- ' r*'au,>, Grave, Sw eet, ‘ Fwmd, Meek, \ U1 '» V i l l u ' j'd'v* People >vho ro- , Vended I Cl, -.mvrhboiv of bird*. bCjlRtS. ! "!' 1 »»*«» "«>• trfmstnittW t, tnC !r . ‘ ,, s '^htimits many BttWuunes, of win. * cvjtuples may 1h*seen hi our col- hief 1 ""' $>*»* » few* names illustrating ..sunal appt.trance mitt dnum iv<jievi.!stith been origimiUy niek- »mes^ GvniNsh.'tnk, Glutton. Penny- User), fdv example. Oc- ,, ”s« In. the ease of Swindler, the name hat- air id "givlug a piece of one’s aftM.*' '£lm frequency with which particular n»mes am met, wifi: Varies with the loeullty. In Gotland the locality of some names is pavtiuu- Urly well doituM. Wo have Muc- Homdd, KlncKctoxte, Robertson and Mew mi in tho mirth; Scott, Ren*. Klliot. Johnston and Maxwell in the 'With; Gordon, Forbes Grant and Ogilvie in tho east and Campbell, Cnuivron, Mae Loan and Kennedy In tho wreqt. “Tlih m ises tint the ehtuamtm having mad, : pn» (loo of taking tint name of thoii eh > fs :i i.d t'ousidorlug themselves mem bers ,.f iholr latuiiy by adoption, if n> i Otherwise." There are tome »> ',111. ' in. t with in Kuglnnd which appear never U> liava creased the "bi*. Aiming those of which En gland way thus claim to have a m*no|v * we ilad Churchyard, Dcadiuau, I’.ty y i. •uu#oi»*Kt*ia. VfHfiTftILS THE KATION'/ The Average TiCnglh of Life De creasing—Not Pestilence— Not Famino—All our ... own Fault. Modern Cookino and Mod ern Living have broughf it on. It 'comes upon us una wares. *» The patients have pains about the chest aud sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach; sometimes a faint, all-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. < The eyes are sunken, the hands and feet become' cold and feel clammy. ’. After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. . The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest. . After a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and had evil forebod ings. v There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up sud denly. Tho bowels become costive;' the skin is dry and hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the kidney secretions becomes scanty and high col ored, depositing a sediment after standing. There is fre quently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste and sometimes with- a sweetish taste; this is fre quently attended with palpi tation of the heart and Asth matic symptoms; the vision be comes impaired, until spots be fore the eyes; there is a feei ng °f great prostration and weakness. All- of these symp toms nre in turn present, it is thought, flint. Dimply onc-lnilf of our population has this dis ease in some of its varied forms. Shaker Extract of Roots (Sei- gel’s Syrup) changes the fer ments of the Digestive organs so 03to convert the food we eat into a form that will give nourish ment to. the feeble body, and rpod health is the consequence. The effect of this remedy is simply marvelous. Millions upon millions of bottles have been sold in t his country, and tho testimonials in favor of its curative j towers are over whelming. Hundreds of so- called diseases under various names are the result of indi gestion, aud when tliis one trouble is removed the other diseases vanish, for they are but symptoms of • the real malady. • Testimonials from thousands of people speaking highly of its^ curativo properties prove this beyond a doubt. Sold by . druggists. > **A Gunmakcra XUcitod, Something of a tlutter of excitement pervades the leading machinists of New-England because it is known that agents of the French Government are hereabout buying up nmohtuery with a nviuiot, u nut lkvlah, baud. Arid this machinery is to he used in the manu facture ot arms arid ammunition. Thus far four of the New-England states have been Invaded, and the most famous producers of iron-working machinery in the Eastern Suites se renely contemplate the prospect of Belling out, in short order, everything which can bo made subservient to the manufacture of a weapon of war. The French Government proposes to establish another armory, capable of turning out, at Urst, at least 5v.k> perfect rifles a day. To accomplish this, It is i stated that these envoys arc ordering ! nil of the available machinery now ou hand in the shops above mmi.-d. It is understood that the negotiations ape for immediate purchases, and not for machinery to be tnxdo. To make 5svi rifles a day will require pMc.tKM worth of machinery, aud it w ill cost more * than $i,G.ti,non in .*ut to *d tlds motion foe the pioduction of the ,ir<»i Vw guus. P. P. P. pnicTT.v APir.* roKr. boot. THE GREAT ROOD PDRIFIVE OF THE ACE. CERTIFICATES. n . W1 ^Albany, Ga.. August 1, 1885. Dr. Whitehead- Drab 6nt:—I had a bad case of blood poison, which for two years dclk-d all treatment. One bottle of P. P. p. made a pcimnncnt cure, John Gafknky. t , , , Wa y cr °s s . «»-, July 80, 1885 I bad the rheumatism for five months, and I took one bottle of J)r. Whitehead’s l I P aud it exiled me sound and well, and I hesitate not to recommend it to those who desire a blood purifier. Respectfully, J E Smith. Fifteen Years a Sufferer from Rheumatism. • j What lion. W. II. Wilder, Mayor of Albany, Ga., says. iHuuoici tut ten years with Rheumatism and during that time tried nlltlie so-called . specifics that I could hear of. One of tliem>| t paid $8.00 per bottle for und took nine, bottles and received no benefit from any of who runs on the °* * W- wihwd, fiually got a bottle of ^'* J?okc J<O0 « end Potassium) while in Wayeross and induced to time iu i tie first bottle snowed its won derful effects, and after continuing the use of it. i<,r a short time the Rheumatism disappeared, and i feel like a new man. .1 take groat pleasure iu recommending it to jiLff^rers from TU)<nuiiati*im • _ W.H. WILDER. Albany, Ga., Junert, 1880. ,, TT Lakh City, Fi.a., June 24,'89. C . II. Newman, of Lake Oily,Fin., says hi8 wife huft suffered for seven years with a complication of diseases, of which Asth ma was the most prevalent. She lias not aid down in bed lor sevon years, lie has expended all the money his business mis made him m tliTtt time for medicines, •iliysiemns, etc., to obtain relief' for her •nit wiihont any success whatever. He WHskdvjscd by physicians to try P. P. P. He linally did so, expecting *o derive no benefit, but after taking less than two bottles eruptions appeared nil over her unci she immediately began to improve, .ind pow her skin is perfectly clear, tfhe •■Iceps soundly every night ou au ordinary pdlow, and her general health has not been better m years. Mr. Newman, who s a merchant or Lake City, is very enthu- Niastic over the cine, ami thinks it tlie gremlest blood purifier and tonic of the Wavcuobs, Ga., Nov. 5, ’80. * Grncuyillc, Fla.. Juno , 880. Dr. fi takhmiT: - In the year 1878 J was attacked Avlili' n. se.vein wife of Wood Poison that defied •ill treatment. 1 went to several plivsi- ( inns luit found no relief, Finally 1 went before a board of physicians at Tallahassee ami was examined, and my ease was de clared to b« u virulent cose ot lilood Poi .-•on, and all the mcdieiucs tlu*y gave • me tailed to mulknto the dreudluT disease and my life was in danger. I lost tlie use of my left arm, and a physician at this place said my arm woxild have to bc uinpu- iated. The comiptiun that came from the various sorus wut so offensive Unit 1 disliked to conic in contact with mv fricucls' ■imi ueiglitiprsa i look thirty-two bottlA ot an Atlanta Blood Purifier, also a Jot imidtfin Baltimore, and iu fact everything that I could hear of, but receivec no bene fit. I lmd entirely despaired v lien vour General Agent, Mr- Clarkson, came here m.v rtisiugp. P. p. (Prickly Asli Poke Keetnnd Potassium) and Induced me to give it a triul. 1 got one large bottle, took it, and one and a half small ones, mid il o various sores liavs healed entirely and the new Mue lias a chav, beuhhy color, amt my general health is belter than it lias ‘■•cCn before in ten years. 1 consider it the grandest blood medicine Of the age. as such u small amount shows its wonderful effects. 1 am agent «r the F. R. & N. It. R. at this place, Greenville, Pin , and take grew pleasure in recommending a medicine ■hht lias perioiuud stick wonders forme. Respectfully yours, ■ J. IF. IIAMMERLY. Waycrosa, Ga„ Nov. 10, ’85. Dr, JW, II. inU’lK’ad: Dkai. But:—At your request I will state my cas. Borne years ago 1 contracted nm- Ivria in iu, moat violent form while living >t Newark, ,N. .1. I emisulted various 1 nyslri .m and took numberless prepara- oi-ns reconnueudeu as sure cures,” liut it stuck to uic like a brother—or more like a nibtntT-iu-h.v. 1 finally came South, and while here tried uew reiuedks said to "al ii ays cure tnulariu, hut it stuck to me, Mid you know the old broken down condi- uou i was i M when l canto to vou. You put me to taking your P P P and 1 im proved rapidly, jtnd am tc-day iu ns goon htalth as 1 ever was— iu tael better. As a Ituuetiy tor a brokcu-dowu constitution n lias no tquul. i ours, etc, T P C’otti,e. The aln-vo medicine is for side wholesale aud re al', at Su Dublin, Ga. m *iiKi ju\ Ot'sW » W\ee^5’, ftxvA. d\\ av»4«5 .^.vsgA ^tova Mme.DEMOREST’S RELBABLE2 PATTERNS Aro tho only^nca^lmt wlllglpa u porftot MUE.' DMEST’S System of Dress Cutting.* Chart and Book at full directions, enabling any one to Cut and Fit perfectly. ofprfoe’ e ‘ mt b r n»!t» post paid, on receipt MIME. DEMOREST’S PORTFOLIO OF FAS&IONS AND WHAT TO WEAR la a large Jlaculne of £1 yagos of Fnsldon Notes and Stylcs, illustrated with about 1,000 Cuts. Bout, post-paid, for 23 cents. TIKE Qemorest Sewing Machine, THIS STYLE ONLY Nearly 50,000 sold anil giving perfect satisftietlou. BSPDon’fcpay othor companies $40.00 profit on a machine not so good as the DEMOREST, but buy direct tho man ufacturers. Sent C. O. D. ! Wrilc for Circulars. DEFOREST FASHION and SEWING MACHINE CO., 17 Coat 14tli Street, New- York City Aim iliii paper. si 1 3 WEEKS. 1 he POLK E GAZETTE will be mat) ui, >m r« h wrappu , i«> any addi' ss tr j tb* oiled c tales for three months lor CNE COLLAR I.iU*: ul dlM omfts aM. wcd to fwtnmstws agruta and rluW > ample copies mailed rite. Adthrves all onitre to. KU HARD K. FOX. 1 Kk*kt4K FQIAHK, N. Y Int itt>l i/Pti: iHe SOUTH TKSSSAVARtiAH WILY SEWS £B£"CO a Year, 5n Advance. Not a Focal Paper, hut One Suilnliie to any Locality. A Dffijxms, DAM III, LITER ADS * AND AGmClTLTTTEAL JOURNAL. This mammoth newspaper corilams all ’ho news of tlie week. Telegraphic. Dis- pntches up'to the hour of going to press, Agricultural Items, Original BiTi/ils, ole. Special di paiimcnls devoted to Georgia, Florida' aud Boufli Carolina news, anil Ihnt of other States. To the funner, mechanic or artisan the husiuess' oV professional man, who hat uot •he lulvantacvs of it daily/mail, tlih Sayan naii WekklV Ki;w8„ is the medium by which lie can bo infoimcd of events tmns pirmc in the busy world, whether in his own Suite or in the most distant parts of ke globe. Fverv yearly subscriber is entitled to out* of the Mxir.NtNQ News Lhuiaky scr'r als.oi a premium. TIIF SAVANNAH MOANING NEWS Ktilargod Jiiiiiutry 1, 1885, to an IG.Cuhmni Paper. The lamest Paser i.n the South lsstipii F.very j>ay nt the 1 car. \'10.()0 a Y'var. Iriciridii g tho nut Sunday Issm* of tlio ’’Nowa.” Tlie Daily News gives i rommence to ;11 mattera relative to the AGRICULTU RAL. MKClIANJCAL and MANUFAC TUBING inten sts of the cc untrv, os wcl s the GENERAL, PuJ ITlOAL and COMMERCIAL news. I’s TFl.Vt RAPItlC, -STATE. GBN ERAL. LOCAL u ws and MARKET diqxutim-ntsnn’Mikuowh-t ged to be tb best and most coinprvher.. Ivc nt any pr pert in the Bouth. Bubcoribe th rengb vc, r News Btalt Post Mast m* oi seud (lira t|y to, J, II i s TILL, !AVANNAB 0 A, A. CHAVCUS.-Agt (Opposite tlie C>xurt ITouse:' XL G-Eb- Munufacturcr and Dealer iu Saddles, Bridles & Harness. —HE WILL ALSO KEEP— Lap Robes, Horae Blankets, Ilalters Bridle Bits, Spurs, Carriage, Bu gy, Riding and Team hips, Lashes, Ooinbs Brushes, Collars, Hames, Etc. B. I}.I;EVY^ Wholesale Clothiers, 1 16 j Congress St. Savannah, Ga. Cheap For Cash, Repairing Promptly Done. May 19-8C-ly. , Cancer of the Tongue. /Mv wife, somo threo or tour years ago, was tron- Wed with an ulcer on the side of her tongue near the throat. Tho para waa incesBant, causing loss of sleep and productng great nervous prootratlon. Accompanying thtB trouble was rheumatism. It had passed from ttw pUoulders and centered in the wrist of one hand, efio almost losing the use of it. Between the BUfToring of the two, life had grqwn burdencome. By tho nso of a bait dozen smail- elsed bottles of Swift’s Spectnc, ehe waa entirely relieved and restored to neaUh. This was threo years ago, and there has Sparta, Ga., June'8,188S. HAVE YOU TAKEN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION FOR 1886? If not. lay this paper down and send for It right now. If you want it every day, send for the. Daily,, which costs $10.00 a year, or $5.00 for six months or $2.50 for three months. If you want it.every week, send for the Great Weekly, "which costs $1,25 a year or $5,00 for Clubs of Five. THE WEEKLY CON- sTiTUTiON is theCheapestl Biggestand Best Paper Printed in America! It has 12 pages chock full of news, gos dp and sketches every week. It prints mere romanco than the story papers, more farm-news than the agricultural papers, more fun than the humorous papers—be sides all the uews, and Bill Arp’s and Betsy Hamilton’s Letters llnsle Remus’s Sketch es! —AND— TALMAGE’B SERMONS. C ss 2 Cents a Week! t comes once week--takes a whole week o read' it! You can’t well farm or keep hbusc with out. it! Write your name on a postal card, ad- leps ‘ dren Copy Fkkk We make up the NEATEST and BEST Line of CLOTHING—both iu Fit Style—that comes South. We defy competition in the above; a^so in prices. Merchants that handle our goods will never have old stock to carry over. i Send us your orders to be convinced. ■ Mr. B. F. Jaqpbson represents us on this territory, and will be pleased to take your order. - - • D. H. LEVY & BROb ieb 2 ly . BLACKSMITH SHOP. —t8)o(§t— I have opened a Blacksmith Business in .Dublin, nt the Scarborough old stand, where 1 am prepared to do all kinds of Re- pairnnd ? Plow work promptly. -§)«(§- 3^”Iforse Shoeing a Specialty.. -M- I respectfiilly solicit' the patronage ot the citizens. * R. A. MOORE, mar 23 8m.. Dubliu, Georgia. MACHINERY. FEEDERS AND it to us, and wc will send you Sped- Copy FliEBp Address TIIE CONSTITUT'D IN. Itch of every kind cured in 80 minute, by vVolfoud’s Sniatahy Lotion, other. This never fails. Sold 11.. Ilicks & Cm , THE I am agent for tlie Centennial Cotton- Gin, made by O. IT. Miller, of Fort Val ley, Ga. The feeders’ and condensers can- lie attached to any other make. T also sell the Bookwiilter Engine, Led Tel’s Wa«ei* Wheels, Lane & Bodley Co.’s machinery ami Frick & Co.’s Engines and saw mills. My territory embraces^Liiurens, JoIjhsou and Einiuiuci couniies. ‘.I have been sell ing the above machinory for several years ( and think 1 can iniike it to j-our interest trade with me for anything in iny line W, G. WEAVER. Dublin. Ga August-4 8m. sewi m MACHINE Self-threading Cylinder Shuttle, BEAST! Mexican No. 3. Liniment The ELDREDGE “ B ” is sold with the guarantee of being the BEST that can be MADE. CURBS AGENTS WANTED. v 1 ' ■' ‘ " ELDREDGE MAHUFACTURIKG CO. 363 and 365 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL „„rfh Y ’^.. .©atarhH CREAM Gives relief at once ] 3 and Cures COLD IN HEADfUi^oJ ■ QATARRS! ®^ fEVBii HAY FEVER JS r ot a Liquid) Snuff or Powder. Free from Injuri- fensioeodors. ^ AYW ER oanBlsgUealthjr secretions. It allays pain and inflammation, protects tho mem- bnraal linings ot th* head from additional colds, completely ucats the sort* and re-tores the sense ofu-teta.l smell. IVaeficial reeslui see realized by a few appUcatlons. br*i, A thon*t.jh treat swot ttillcur*. f Pitco SO cents atdrnggists; by mail, registered, 00 cento.. Circular* sent free. . W. ELY BHOTUEHS, DrnggteU, Oxx-ego, N. Y Sciatioa, Scratches, Contracted Lumbago, Sprains, Hnseles, Rheumatism, Strains, Eruptions, Burns, Stitches, Hoof Ail, Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw Stings, Backache, Worms, Bites, Galls, Swinney, Bruises, Sores, Spavin Cracks, Saddle Galls,. Bunions, Corns, Piles. > THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what U claimed ’ forlt. One of tho reasons for the great popularity ot tho Mustang Liniment is found in Its anlvereal applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine. Tho Lumberman needs It In case of accident, Tho Ilouitcwlfe needs It for general family use. Tho Cannier needs it for his teams and bis men. The ftlocbanic needs It always on his week benclx. Tho Mine* heeds It In ease of emergsney. Tho Weneerneedslt—can't get along wlthoat ft The Farmer needs it In his house, his stsbls, and his stock yard. The Steamboat man ortho Boatman needs It In liberal supply afloat and ashore. Tho Horsc-fancler needs it—it to bit best friend and safest reliance. Tho Stock-grower needs It—It wlU save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble- The Railroad man needs It and will need it so long as his llfo Is a round of accidents and dangsts. Tho Backwoodsman needs It. There to noth ing like It as an antidote for the danger* to Hie, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The merchant needs It about bto store amend Ills employees. Accidents will happen, and whan these come tho U us tang Liniment is wasted atonee. Hoop a Bottle In tho lionise. Tit th* best of economy. Keep a Bottle In the Factory, luimmodtoto use In case of accident saves pain and loss of wags*. lies, a Uottlo Always la the Stshls for nso when wanted. P Catarrh I* Net a DM Disease. No matter tvhst pstts It may finally eOdet. ca> tarn always start* in the heoil, and befonts to the head. There Is no mystery about the origin of this Tut tUsetM, H twain* in a negtr i cold. ■ !% Kg ■ e of th# kind that Is “sure to be better In n few s.” Tlmussnds of \1 ttims know bor it Is by ^_*-'i -wkocs. Fly's flats, It-Jm «arw, «-o.d* la .ItMtuMdSudCOUniUsUlUSUKeC. miim nnoa sjel “'"’"tiie best in tsi-:. Whf u not fursslo by 1- - .! de rs, we will mai! tgleading styles in is bosex- o*. , dozen eu.h, uu receipt i : 81.'-1J. ; 4 it- :*#Sch- - t r> ns, t box, -, 1 dc». each. ttO.45 4 •' Itusintc •• « « 1 •• •* .v « " Duslowsftf! 1 , i I- ,es, 1 each, .40 11 kt ,.U:. 1...IV - ;