The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, June 08, 1887, Image 7

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T ", i DUBLIN POST. DUBLIN. GA. JUNE8, 1887 IS Term a 81.60 a year in advance. To Ministers $1.00 per year. THE DUBLIN POST AND Svannah Weekly News one yeai. 2 25 Southern Farm. Monthly '• " 2 75 Telegraph & Messenger “ “ 2 25 Bouthekn World, * * ® 05 Atlanta Constitution, “ ' 2 25 Cuuistlvn Advocate, “ “ 6 25 Christian Index, “ '* 3 85 “ “ renewals “ “ 8 7o Registered at the Post Office in Dublin as Second-Glass Matter. C. W- MADDOX, Announces to his friends and the pnblic generally that for the n$xt thirty days, he will sell his summer stock at cost to make room for fall goods. He has a large and well as sorted stock of Lawns Cashmers /Seersuckers, N unavailing. Calicoes and Trimmings te suit, bought in New Pork low down, and he will offer speciel inducements FOK THE NEXT 20 DAYS. Local Affairs. Ruiu passing every day. Sheriff sale day yesterday. Head notice of Urs. 0. E Guyton ia this issuo. Mrs. R. W. Blackshenr visited Macon last Saturday. 14 SHILOH’S CURE will immediately ...Hove Croup, Whooping-Cough, .and Bronchitis. By Hicks & Co., Dublin Ga. Mr. Sam Yopn, of Allentown was in the city yesterday. Willcox’8 llambletonian has left the city. for Laurens Hill. Mrs. Boyd, of Palatka Fla., is stopping at Judge Wolfe’s. Mr. H. H. Smith is in the Gate City this week, on business. 8 CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. Sold by Hicks & Co. i Good Cigars at J. T. Smith. French Candies at Houghton’s. Maddox keeps a full house of Family Groceries, and offer them at prices to suit the times. Ladies, don’t forget to call and examine the nice Seersucker Lady Dress Goods, which are Superb in ’ Color and Quality—at Y. H. Wynn’s. Cheap! Cbeapll Stnltz’s 4 A Tobacco at Smith’s, A large lot of Can Goods at Itougtou’s. Best lino of fishing tackle of kinds at Y. H. Wynn’s. Maddox offers for the next 3o davs a big bargains in Shoes, Straw Hats, - and Men’s Clothings. That 30 cent. Tobacco at J. T. Smith’s—try it. • Cedar Buckets at 30 cents apiece' at Houghton’s. Timber men will find it to thoir advantage to buy their Supplies and Raft Hopes from Y. II. Wynne's, as his store is headquarters for those goods. 0. W. Maddox is spiling his.stock <>f Straw Hats ai cost for the. next 30 days. Try J. T. Smith’s 25 cents;|||j|| • bacco. , 1 , / \ Maddox says his stock is large and must bo sold, and great bargains will be offered for the next 30 for Cash. A full line of fresh Groceries at Y. H. Wynn’s. Bargains can bo liad by trading with him. Bacall on D. A. Smith' for your Ice (’old Soda water and Lemonade ndv. If. Sickness has somewhat abated in these parts, we are glad to stats. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Felder Jr., are visiting Greenwood, Indiana, Mrs. G. R. Ballard had rather severe attack of illness last week. Judge Wolfe is again at home and reports a successful business trip. 12 SHILOH’S OATARRAH REMEDY —a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria Coker Mouth. By Hicks & Co., Dublin Mrs. ITilliam Perry, of this coun ty, diud lost Tuesday, of consump tion. '• * - ' r . 1 Miss Williams, of IlawkwBville, is visiting her sister,^ Mrs. W. D. allfMartin, of this place. The crops in Buckeye district are unusually fine, and give promise of an abundant yield this year. The festival at the court house on lust Friday afternoon was a financial Success, in spite of threatening weather. gallon Kerosene Oil 15 cents per at Hough ton’s. Good syrup at Houghtons 30 cents a gallon. G. W- Maddox say's that now the time to buy Dry Goods, for bo is selling them at coat for the next 30 days. . - J. T. Smith sells so many goods, because he sells so cheap, and does fairly. A question is asked “how is it that Houghton sells so much cheap *r than the other merchants ?” Why, it is because he knows how and when to buy. Why is it that Madox sells so many goods it is because he sells them so much cheaper than the oth er merchants. He will sell them at cost for the next 30 days. Seed Peas at J. T, Smith. I bought tobacco from Houghton fpr 30 cents a pound—just the same that the other merchants sell for 50 cents. If yon are in need of Shoes go to Maddox’s and buy them at cost for he ia wiling them at cost, tor the next thirty days. Don’t forget that you can get the finest and best Italian Strings for Violins, Guitars, and Banjos; also Bridges, Foil Braids,. Tail boards Keys and Bows, always on haud at Wynne’s Sugar sixteen pounds for one dol lar. Whereabouts ? At Hough ton’s of course. Carry your wool to J. T. Smith. G. W. Maddox is selling Shoes Lawns and Seersucker and Nans veiling goods at cost, and now is the time to go and buy, he is doing this to make room for his fall stock. Always on baud, all kinds of Am munition for brench and muzzle- loading Guns, and Uiflo Cartridges at Y. H. Wynne’*. Superior Apple Vinegar for sale by Y. II, Wynne at 35 cents, yer gallon. Two groat cnetni*-*— Hoe l’« Sarsaparilla «*kI impure blood. Tl»c latter i» ultcriy de feated by Uic peculiar lucdvclnu 13 “HACKMETACK.’’ a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents For sale at H. Hicks & Co. Mr, G. W. Wright has returned to the city, after spending a very pleas ant vacation visiting his daughter, at Bartow Ga. Mr. and. Mrs. Gallagher, and Mrs. ;Roughton Sr., all of Sanders- yille, arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Houghton. Mr. E, R. Lassiter (more frequen- ly called “Undo Spy”) has returned, and was warmly welcomed by hiis numerous friends. We regret, to learn that Mr, S. M. Jones, of this county lost his wife on last Monday morning, from an at tack of dysentery. 7 SHILOH’S VITALIZER is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appe tite, Dizziness and all symptons of Dys pepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents, per hot- il. eSold by H. Hiohs & Co.. Dublin Ga- Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Tmjth and cliildren.left this morning for Savan nah. Mr. Smith will return in a few days, while Mrs. Smith-will ex tend her visit to Jessup, Bartow and elsewhere. The surveying corps of the pro jected Savannah, Dublin and Wes tern railroad havfjpitched their tents in the rear of this office. Another break at the “Wind Line.” Misses Claude and Madge Huff and Miss. Bivins, ofj Wrighttville, came down to the river on Saturday morning last but retuned on the same train. Come again ladies, and give our town a longer visit. Stopping at or passing Lovett, be Bure and try a glass of Mr. E. H. Linder’* ice cold lemonade. He served as an apprentice at the busi ness years aro and he thoroughly understand* making it to suit the taateof all—even the moat fastidious. Besides be has a store of wit which bo deals out free to his customers. Try him and be convinced. 4 CATARRH CURED, health and meet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector fee. For sale by H. Hicks &,Co. Mr. Howell, a tenant on Mrs. 0. E. Guyton’s place, recently cap tured ayouug wild cat, and has it se ouroly caged. Dog* chased the cat into a hollow log, and when Mr. Howell pnshed a stick into the cavity to drive the animal ont, it siezed tho stick between its jaws and held on so tenaciously that it was drawn forth in that manner. Helliucwnt Darkles On last Sunday afternoon, about mile and a half from town, a so* ious dispntc botwoen two negro men, Dave Charters and Bragg Moore, terminated in a still more serious cutting affray. It seems that Bragg’s wife took the liberty of in flicting corporeal punishment upon Davis spouso, and Dave resented this and endeavored to punish Bragg for his wife’s misdeeds, when the latter drew a knife and used it with considerable effect, since the wounds inflicted may possibly send Dave to the celestial regions. Tho conflict would have probably terminated fatally at the time had not a watch dog belonging to a neighbor, inter fered and soizing Bragg by the calf of the leg and Uiub stopped the af fair suddenly. Suaday Trains. V > i - Connecticut having stopped the running of Sunday trains by special enactment, the prohibitionists of other States may be expected to make an effort in the same direction. If they do so they will be met by the inter-State commerce clause of the constitution. “The United „ States Supreme Court has repeatedly denied to a State the power to oontrol or regu late inter-State oommorce. During the session just oloied, it went fur ther than ever before in restricting the power of a. State to legislate on matters involving or touohmg such commerce. It held that no State could impose any restrictions upon the transportation of freight or pas sengers across Stute lines without usurping a power exclusively vested in Congress by the constitution of the United'States. No State has authority to stop the runuing of trains coming from or going to other- States. Such train* are the means of inter-State travel.. They are under the protection of the general govern mont, Only Oongfess has the con stitutional authority to say when they shall or shall not be run, or how they shall/ be operated. This is a fundamental principle of the constitutional law of the nation.” Death of Vice-President Wheeler Wiliiam A. Wheeler, vico-pl’cai- dent under the Hayes’ administra tion, died on June 4th ia the town of Malone, New York, aftei a brief illness. He had sunk into almost total oblivion since his retirement from public life, at the expiration of his term of office as vice-president —an office to which he was not eleot ed bnt gained by participation in the Hayes fraud. Mr. Wheeler is said to have been in almost au imbecile Btate. for some years past; this state being superin duced by excessive uso of opiates, He ha* been suffering intensely from neuralgia for noine months but the immediate cause of his death is snpposBed to have been softening of the brain. Ex-President Hayes has signified his intention of attend ing the funeral. Tax Notice Lnal ltouml. I will bo at tho following places nt tho times specified for tho purpose of recclv- 1 the Stato nud County Taxes for tho cur ISST : Pinctucky,.... Monday June Oth Lowery’s... .Tuesday 64 7th Burch’s .. Wednesday f« 81 h Reedy Springs. .Thursday 4ft 9th Nameless.... “ 14 <«. Bryant Shop... .Friday 44 10th Harvard’s... .Saturday 44 11th Burgamy’s.... NVodnesday it 15th Bailey’s.... Thursday 44 16th Buokoye... .Friday ft! 17th Condor.. ..Saturday 44 18th Branchville.. Monday 44 20th Oconee... .Tuesday 44 21st Jackson ...Wednesday ft4 22nd Carters Mill....Friday 44 24th Dublin.,..27 28 26 30th 44 v: ,R,‘.. After whioh my book* will posi tively bo closed. F. D. Beall, R. T. R. Had Tried Four or Five Doctous, and Had Given Up to Die. Valdosta, Ga„ Jan. 15,1887, Mr. M. A. Brings : I have been sick for three years, hardly- being able to walk. I had tried four or fivo different doctors without any benofit at all. All the dootors told me I was suffering with an affection of the heart. I was unable to walk ortsleep, and had no appetite. My liver was also affected and gavo me lots of trouble. My face and atom ache ware badly swolen also. I had 15 FOR DYSPEPSIA urn! I.ivn Com paint, von huve u printed guarumi*: on) t-vrey hottlu of Shiloh -, Vilnli/cr fUt'Vt lull, to ( lire II IlKUitU five bottles 1 was so much better 1 got more, and am now entirely well. 1 can truly say they saved my life, and 1 want the public to know it. For sale by H. Hicks & Co. Good Flour at Roughtou’s for five dollars a barrel. Cofflus! OofUina! Call on W. P. Lassiter. What merchant soils tho ohegbest! l am surprised at suoh a question Of course it is Rough tou. Thcjprettie8t, finest and oheapest Muslims in tho town at Wynno’s. Don’t fail to seo them. Wade Hampton Flour is tho boat on earth. Houghton keeps it, Hardware at cost, 1 have tho best stove that ever was seen in Dublin. Go to Maddox’s and buy ono of his new patent oil cans, the host over rifado. oold at cost. Old chairs robottomed in tho la test styles with Boats that will out last the cano bottoms at Y. H s. Gov. Ames has purdonod Franklin J. Mo8es, ex-Goreruor of South Car din a, and ho has been released from the Mnssachusetts State prison. The strange career of Moses onlminated in the forgery of the name of Col Thomas Wentworth Higginson, the author, early in 1885. In October of that year he was sentenced to serve a term of three year* in the State prison. He was pardoned be cause it was represented that he was in bad health and could not live long. The fat* of Moses, and of some others of tbo carpet-baggers proves that retributive justice is bo always long ddayod. Gov. IIill, the Democratic execn live of New York recently appointed Capt. Fred Grunt commissioner of quarantine Mid a Kopuplican stute senate rofused to confirm the ap pointment. Candidates for the vacancy on the Supreme b«nch are still coming for ward. Some of them appear to be be of the calibre of the averag/jus tice of the Peace. Should Senator Hiddleberger vote with the democrats the senate will bo u tie until March 4th, 1889. Af- lor that date it will probably be democratic, TfiK l.ii'UMS 1' and tho Suv- annuii News, or Mucon Telegraph* or Atlanta Constitution, ter ilu, "fiiu!I sum of *2.25 a year. Now ;« the time to get your 'eonnty paper and a largo city paper for a small amounts of money. Call on H. Ilioks & Co. ,for a free sample of Briggs Nunn hotter Liver Pills and a descriptive almanac. Ready made clothing for the nex 80 days at cost. G. W. Maddox. Cull on Y. II. Wynn’a for. any thing that you nood, and if nob in stock tho,goods will be ordorod and that on short notico. If you don’t think Houghton soils call and seo him. The beat Golden Drip Syrup at Y H., Wynnes’ forCOconls. per gallon Groceries can bo bought at Mud dox’s cheaper than anywhere town. Call and see, we mean busi ness. Come and see and if we cun sell, we will eivo them away, they have got to go. This is good for thirty days, B3?~The largest and moBt complete stock of mijlinory goods that were ever brought to this manket can be soleotcd from at Y. H. Wynn’s The latest styles of Hats, Bonnets. Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Fans’ etc., etc., are always instock. This department is superintended by Mrs, 8. E. Tillery. Cull and examine his large assortment of goods. Jump dp, roll up, tumble up— don’t care how you get up, so you go to George Maddox’s and buy his cheap goods, which you can buy at cost tor the next 30 days. The Oft Told Story Ot tho peculiar medicinal merits or Hood's 1 Rnmpnrllln Is fully couflrmod by Urn volun tary testimony of thousands who have tried It. Peculiar In tbo combination, proportion, and preparation ot Its Ingredients, peculiar in tho extreme caro with which it Is put up, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures whom other preparations entirely fall. Pecu liar iu tho unequalled good name it has made at homo, which is a "tower of strength abroad," peculiar in tho phenomenal sale* It hai attained, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is tbo most popular and successful medicine botoro tho public today for purifying the blood, giving strength, creating an appetite. "I sintered from wakefulness and low spirits, mid also had cczcnin on tho back ot my head and neck, which was very annoying. 1 took ono bottlo ot nood'a Sarsaparilla, and I have roeolved so much-bonofit that I am vory grateful, nud 1 am always glad to spook a good word for this modiolue,” Mrs. J. S. Snyder, Pottsvlllo, Penn. Purifies the Blood Henry Biggs, Campbell street, Kansas City, had scrofulous sores nil over his body for flftoen yoars. Hood’s Sarsaparilla completely cured him. Wallace Buck, ot North Bloomfield, N. Y., suffered olovon years with a torrible varicose utoer on his leg, so bad that he had to give up business. Ho was oured of tho ulcer,. and also of catarrh, by Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by nil drugRlatt. fl|«lx for 05. Prepared only by 0.1. HOOD A 00„ApotheoMloi, Lowell, Mut. 100 Dodos One Dollar Central Railro: Savannah, ca,, Dee, 5, O N and after this (jute pii'sengci will riin as Daily unless inarl which are Daily except. Sunday. Tho Stnudun’l time by which lhet( run is <30 minutes slower than Sin city time. Lv Savannah. .10:00 nm 8:20 pm. 5 Ar Milieu .... 12:35 pin 11 0:1 pm 3 Ar Augusta... .4:16 pm U 15 urn Ar Macon 4-50 pm 3-20 am Ar Atlanta... .9 00 pm 7-27 am Ar Columbus. .4-10 nm 8 05 pm Ar Montgomery 7 55 pm Ar Eul'aula 4:2pm Ar Albuuy... .10-08 pm 10 50 am Passengers for Bylvurlu, Sanrlorsville, Wrightsvillc, Mllleifgevillu and Eutontou .dimihl take 8-40 a m. train. Passengers for Thomaslon, Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbottou, Blltmiv Vista, Blakely and Clayton should luku 8 20 p m train. Lv Milieu 12-55 pm 11-15 pm 5-10 am Lv Augusta... 10-20 am 0-30 pni LvMncon 10-35 am 10 50 pin Lv Atlanta ....0-40 am 0-50pm Lv Columbus.. .010 pm 11-30 am Lv Montgomery 7-50 am Lv Eufnuhi 11-02 am Lv Albany.' 5-00 am 8-57 pin Ar Suvnnnuh... .5-00 pm 5-55 am 8-05 am Sleeping cars on all night passenger rains between Snvannah nud Augusta, SnAuvnnnnh and Macon, Huvuunnli and Atlanta. Macon and Columbus. Train leaving lit 8-20 p m und at 5-55 a m will not stop to put o stop i between arriving i off or take Savannah und SALES on passengers Millen. Counoctions at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points in Florida. Tickets for nil points nud sleeping cur berths on sulo at city office. No. 20 Bull street, aud depot office 80 minutes before departure of onoh trnin. G. A. WllHKHKAI), General Passenger Agent. J. O. SnAW. Ticket Agent. SMALL PROFITS HAS EVER BEEN- MOTTOI Koraombor that I give you tho BEST. FRESHEST AND OHEAPE82 CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Etc. That were over brought to thiB market I A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SPUING CLOTHING, (For Mon and Boys) Are being sold at aotonishingiy low prices 1 o A full line of Groceries Always On Hand. If you wnnt satisfaction in Goods und Prices cull on mo. febltl-tf J. T. SMITH, DUBLIN, UA. Augusta, In effect Wednesday, Murch 9th, 1587, at ; 4 58 a. m./City Time,* ■ Sunday’s Passenger train number 1 leaves San dersville 5 51 n, m.; number 8 leaves Sun dersvillc 2 51 p. in. Returning number 2 leaves Augusta 8 14 a. in., und number 4 leaves Augusta ut 3 15 p. m. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT—Except Hniuiuv Notice. The public is hereby notified that I, the undersigned, am not responsible for any order, note, or account given or made by any person, in my nume since th& 1st of April lost, or that may hereafter lie made by any one, as I have no agent, and have had none since that time, I also forewarn any person from trading tor, or accepting any note give to me. Any party, or parties, having any bus Iness with the estate will communicate with. Mits, CaiirieE. Guyton Ex’trix. Estate C. W. Uuyton, May 28, *87. Dublin, Ga, Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing described bill will be introduced in the July session of the legislature; Au act to provide for the registration of the legal voters of Laurens county, and to provide a penally for lliegul voting upd attempting to vote Illegally. June 1st, 1887. Lv Sandorsvlllo Lv Young Lv Warthen Lv Clialkor Lv Hines Lv Mitchol Lv Belle Spring# i,v Gibson Lv Avera Lv Stapleton Lv Wrens Lv Matthews Lv Noah Lv Keysvillo Lv Blythe Lv Bath Lv Hephzibah Lv Richmond. Lv Grace wood Lv Adventure Lv Gary Ar Augusta Job work of svory done on short notice, giunnitid. description Satisfaction Lv Augusta Lv Gary Lv Adventure Lv Graccwood Lv Richmond Lv Hephzibah Lv Bath Lv Blythe Lv Keysville Lv Noah Lv Matthews Lv Wren Lv Stapleton IiV Avera Lv Gibson Lv Belle Springs Lv Mitchell Lv Hines Lv C'holkor Lv Warthen Lv Young Ar Bandersvllle Clow:connections North, East at Aninieta. Connection via road with Central railroad Kuudursville. H M. I No. 1. A. M. 4 68 5 08 518 5 40 6 50 6 58 611 0 20 6 88 6 45 658 710 715 7 27 7 40 750 800 8 16 822 8 20 8 85 000 No. 2. A. K. 718 7 48 7 55 808 8 16 8 86 8 64 911 9 20 9 46 9 54 10 12 10 32 10 52 11 12 1120 11 121 11 65 No. 8, V. M. 8 80 342 4 04 4 80 480 454 514 5 81 5 40 0 09 6 30 660 6 58 710 7 84 7 49 8 07 8 27 8 87 8 48 8 50 0 25 No. 4, I*. M. 600 025 681 5 88 545 6 00 « 10 020 6 6 45 6 51 7 02 715 7 27 7 40 7 50 TABLE OR THIS DUBLIN and WRIGHTBVILLE R. R. To take effect Novomber 14 1880. GOING SOUTH. No. l No 8 Lv Tohnllle Ar Hai risen Ai'JJobovan Ar Wrightsvllle Lv Wrightsvillo Ar Lovett Ar Bruton Ar Condor Ar Dublin AM 1* M 7 00 2 20 7 45 8 50 8 10 8 10 8 40 8-80 8.15 8 31 9 15 8 56 0 35 4 15 0 55 4 30 10 15 4 45. Lv Dublin Ar Condor Ar Bruton Ar Lovett Ar WrightBville Lv Wrightsvillo Ar Donovan Ar Harrison Ar Tonnillo GOING NORTH. 10 80 1185 12 05 12 10 13 80 12 50 Va 180 W B Thomas, Presand Gen'! Supt Nov. 14,1880 tf. • .'ymmil 10 A NASAL INJECTOR free with ottlo of Sliilo'*' 0 n»(»™u nntMmiif. Price 50 cents. By each bottlo of filliloh’s Catarrh Remedy ** ■ •“ -jmA-1 g RiokH & mWP-'h IN ORDER TO MEET THE GROW ING DEMANDS OF OUR TRADE WE HAVE BOUGHT DIRECT FROM THE MA.NUFAC TURER8, FOIt CASH, A LARGE STOCK . OF TWO OF TIIE MOST Popular Brands >f-’i- ,'Y • J; : [yh —oi/— QUININE: (Mc.K. ,f It. and P. £ (f.) Now More the Public. And in consequence of the low prices obtained by buying in large quantities from first bands, for the cash, we *j it on and after THURSDAY, JULY 30. n. sell this very important and much used drug in ONE OUNCE VIALS xt the unparalled low price of 1 DOLLAR Ounoe TGl/PI) Bipgpg;, HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, legimt Colognoa, Extracts, Soaps, Fancy Goods, Etc.,mi entirety new stock from New Yorh. fm