The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, June 15, 1887, Image 4

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4 : ' K'W^c,. ¥‘ Mfim —-v, : i - fKra.VkE,: apar?' mm K HKsgift:»,- fimrTfflif. ■■'' IM-i ^■■\y v---v MuiTlr t > . f.'htiM*** CmUimri. I'ha ] -'ll feature of a Chilli* irifutV c<Mt<Hfic iutli* (act that nothing <;»»:r fHeffut Mh Mffckilig*. Hi« clothing conHifit*, •. iy, of three or four uliirta, each opening tn front and having Cvo button*, a Hficred nnrnber. These but tons arc w#br in n straight row, nut in n sort of semi-circlo half around the l*o<:y. j .if outer pahnento have «lecv«l 0 foot tohf'or than the arm, a fact which affords abundant opportunities for tHeft. . A Chlnarnan'a jackets arc his ther mometer. Ifn will say. "To-day lsthrco jackets cold, and if it increases at this rate, to-morrow will bo four or five jackets cold." Their shoes are well known, And their caps are of three or four different forms, one they cal! tho" watermelon cap,” of the ahripe of half a watermelon, hav ing no front-piece, but, instead, ft knob on the top by whtcii It Is handled. The secoml is like a round top folt hat with tho sides turned up, and othern are of . various shapes. The color of the knob oh tho top of the hat is tho sign of rank among mandarins. The lowest wear a gilt kuob, then a white atone, a clear crystal, a pale blue stone, a deep bluo, a palo red and-o deep red in order of ' yank. Yellow may only bo worn by tlw emperor’s family, but as a mark of respect to ago, men over sixty years by special edicts arc allowed to wear y«b low, this always entitling them to'great consideration among all closson. The dude pantaloon probably origin ated among tho Chinese.. From the dawn of history, on stale occasions, nfflchtls and dreufiy persons will wear a ! port of pantaloon, iitting os tightly ns * possible to tho leg, and each leg being entirely separate from Its fellow. Thedo trousers arc of silk or satin, and tho legs are held in place by being fastened to n watst-band or belt around Mjp body. Oh tho approach of cold weather tho (Jhluese increase tho number of their garments, until sometimes they are like animated bales of cotton, tlmlr arms being forced into a nearly horizontal position; nor do they take off their masses of clothing uutlltho return of Spring. • FacoH That Draw Money. ’ Th this country, where money is king, It is a pouuliarly iitting distinction to put tho heads of our departed groat men on our currency. Every where tho most bigoted republicans will carry General Hancock’s picture in tlmlr pockets and prize it highly. Hut to bo on a &2 bill is not tho highest diatlno lion. One might bo on a 85 or oven 6100. Yet a still higher honor than tills is for a statesman or soldier to have his foamrus stamped In the corner of a ffreffc or check.’ So it happens that Stanton still draws from tho Treasury nil the money used, in tho War depart ment, and Amos Kendall draws that for tho Post Ollloo department. All tho money got out of tho Treasury depart ment must be drawn by draft or choolc. Each department lias an Individual chock, and ifpon this and no other can Ha money bo drawn. Stanton's head la 1 Btarttpad on tho War department oheck, hi id Kendall's on the Post Ofllce. Chief Justice Marshall alonocan draw money for tho department of J uatlce, aud Sew ard eerUOos to tho Stato department ciieek. Admiral Farragut draw's tho money for tho Navy, and Thomas E Ewing for the Interior department, , Phase is givon more ex tended authority. Ills litiiul is upon tho treasurer’s.dis bursing chock, which must bo used by ' all disbursing otlloers in drawing thoir money; lie gives orodlt to the 4 percent, interest oticCh, and controls tho chocks of the Paciilc railrohd bonds. Dexter Hgiirea on the assistant treasurer’s chucks, the interest and tho redemption chocks. Hamilton draws tho interest ou the 3 per cent bonds, and Soward on the 4!<s. m EM — HHi rmcKi.v a Rtf. mis wmi For Thoir Pnrsotiul Comfort. Fari* is trying an experiment which baa long ago been found to answer iu Italy. On ouo of tho boulevards a now establishment has boon openeil for tho personal comfort of Parisians. You can wash your hands, have your clothes brnahedj our hoots cleaned, You can writs your letters. Paper, pens, iuk, etc., are at your disposal Iu ouo room are all tho newspapers, not merely of Paris und tho Provinces, but of aU the great Continental eapi- tols. A third room is devoted to works of reference, encyclopedias, dictlouar- •h** aud directories. There is a tele phone and a post office, and - all this is upon to any passot-by who pays half-a franc admission. The Italian idea did liot go quire so fur, but in some respects it was more useful. It was not a pri vate speculation, but a Government concern. In foot, it was part of the working of the postal system of the ommtry. You paid a penny entrance fee and found ail themeans of writing 'and all tho information you might need to hand. Y ou buy paper at cost price, . .1 have tho use of writing materials gratuitously. The Freuoh institution is a sjuvnUtion, aud if the building opened ou the Boulevard MotUuiur- tin nucoteds, no doubt we sliall aee others established aU over the e-'piud. _ TidpGreyer: « Alas, we make resolu- . i« bidy to break themr Miss Quick : • \ >«, very true. Now I resolve to re- i re early nights, and hor s it is nearly eleven o'clock,* The Cleveland (Ohio) Press, of February 23d, 1833, pub. ished tnt account of a fatal Burgical operation which caused a great commotion among med ical men throughout the whole country, Dr. Thayer, the most emineut Burgeon in Cleveland, pronouncing it scandalous. It ippears that a Mrs. King had >een suffering for many years from some disease of the stom ach, which' had resisted the treatment of all the physicians attendance. The rtai&e commenced with a slight de rangement of the digestion, with a poor appetite, followed* by a peculiar indescribable dis tress in the stomach, a feeling that has been described as a ^Caint “all gono” sensation, a sticlcy slime collecting about the teeth', causing a disagree- able taste. This sensation was not removed by food, but, on the contrary, it was increased. After a >vhile the hands and feet became cold find sticky— cold perspiration. There* was ft constant tired and lan guid feeling.' Then followed a' dreadful nervousness, with gloomy foreboding's. Finely the patient was unable to re tain any food whatever, and there was constant pain in the abdomen. All prescribed rem edies failing to give relief, a consultation was hold, when it was decided that the patient had a cancer in the stomach, in order to save the patient’s life an operation was justifi able. Accordingly, on the 22d of February, 1883, the opera tion was performed by Dr. Vance in tho -presence of Dr. Tuckcrman, Dr. Perrier, Dr. Anns, Dr. Gordon, Xh\ Capner, and Dr. K alii well of the Police Board. The operation Consist ed in la;>riiig open the cavity of the abdomen and exposing the stomach and bow da. When this hud btjen done an examin ation of the organa was. made, but' to the hovi’or and. dismay of the doctors there was no cancer to be found. The pa tient did not have a cancer. When too late the 'medical men discovered that they had made a terrible mistake ; but they eewed tho parts together, arid dressed tho wound that they had made, but tho poor woman sank from exhaustion and died in a few hour?. How. sad it must be for the husband of this poor woman to know that his wife-died .from the effects of a surgical operation that ought never to have been performed. If this woman had taken the proper remedy for Dyspepsia ami Nervous Prostration (for this was what the diseas&yealiy was), she would have been liv ing to-day. Su.xKKli Extract of Roots, or Ssioki^’s Cukativjs Syrui», ft ivmedy made ex pressly for Dyspopspi or Inili- gestion, hasresioivd iulkuy such cases to perfect hcallh after <}U other kimls of tu oatuTeut have failed. The evidence of its efficacy in curing this class of eases is too voluminous to be published here; but those who read the published evidence in favor of tnis dyspaptih remedy do not question its ei>!ivincing nature, aud the article has an extousive ardo. THE OHEATE Dr. OF THE AGE. • - • CEKTJFICATgS.- K Ailmny, Oa., Aiiftfist U Wltilcliuul' ; ] Duaii 8,it:—lliivl ft IWfl cjif-c if Mood poison, vl tiicU for iv.i> yeftr* d|f)tsl all' irwiiiheiit. Out! Ijottiu of 1’,! p. K made ■i j/i'i niinu'nt cure. 'f jt John G/irWkv. ' Wflycronfi. Ga., .Tiily i*' 4 lf;85 Iliad tlio i'iifiiniatg|i for five tuiiii Its, and 1 look one bottle of Dr. Avhittlkeacl's r i' P ar.d it emed me sound iahtl well, ana I licuitate -hot lo recon'iTbeiul ii to lliose wl,o :< blood KfcBjjeCtftiiiv, -‘tJ ii dwith. V ftCcn Years a Su%ir from Hlicuniatisii^ * Wbet Hon. W. ITT WllM flavor of uibany, Git,, says. j i suffered lilieefi years •wireRiicuiniitisi*'' and cjunng that mue tried ffli iieso-eiilled ciJies Hint I coi'iid liear offf )ne of them paid Xdi.dO per hoi tie for sk look nme -otUc8 mid receiver) no bencCi, Yoin any of hcin. Hy jnr.Hdwm,. wiytbnns ou the b V.' Uiiiirocd. fiimUygk, Lottie of ! I. u rioklv Ash, P<§4 hoot and ■otRSsnim) AvniL' in VV uyerosri wid induced > lake i|. i lie first houle falwMiaJ us won- ■ytu] effects, and after cfot Inuiny the a t: ol it tor a .-lion time Hiefflieumatisin dirappettivd, and 1 iecl like sAinv fnan. .1 ffiue gi'eni ldeann e in motitholding it lo hiitierivs from glieuioutisui | ... „ , V. r . H, VILDEU. Ailmny, Go., JaiucP*. I a.w&r a'x Cancer of tho Tongue; • Accomnanymg tlilQ tronblo was rheomotiani. It had imb'l from tne SUonldera and centered in the wrist of ouo hand, she almost losing noo of It. Between me Buttering ot the ^rown tnrilensorao. By the n»e ot a half dozen smaU- SSi'SKBSUKSS ». Ml M Sparta, Qa., Jnno B, 1838. •Troatiso on Blood and Shln piseaBeBmalled fr^ Tn« Swift Spkoifio Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta, l»T W.23d St., N. V. ill ! A; eHA'TOVJS, Atst (Opposite the Court House.' i)*uL"bl.±xi.^ Ga„ Muuuiucturer aud Dealer m Saddles. Bridles <k Harness. —HE WILL ALSO KEEP— Lap Holies, Horse Blankets, Halters Bridle ’Bits, Spurs, Carriage, Bn fry. Hiding and . Team hi pa, Lashes, Combs Brushes, Collars, iiames, Etc. IB. f LKY'i V/holcsale Clothiers 161 Congress St. Savannah, Cheap For Cash. Repairing Promptly Done. May 10-86-ly. Lake City, Ft.a. } Ji Newninn, of J.nkc (tijy ip 24, ’89. rays cars with ieh Astli- lias noi ara, He iej business 0. II b|8 ay lie hiifi.ijuil'ciyij for sovt-rT a (xuripiicHi ion of diw.-asua, of vi mr. was the most, j.i'evalont. « i laid fjpAvii in lied tor soVoVi; has i .'lpciMtcd all die moncA'. ' Ima macic hid in that *lmc fo mpdidnes, lliA.iv iany, etc., to obtain rf <»| foi* lien* lait wiilumt any success avIi /.ever. 1U- WU8 advised by liliysichins lo i y P. ]». J J . lie finally did so, cxocctina v -dcrivo no IhaiclU, lait .after taking! Ie,b than two hollies eruption* appeared nil. over hei and she immediately began UV inj.provi aim Iter skin, i& jici'icciiy.luiaj'. fcili bleei.s soundly every r.ieltl oir-in oi-dimir ;'i!loAvrni’d her g v iicrai Miedib h us Mme.DEMOREST’S RELIABLE PATTERNS Are tho only oneu that will givo a perfect fitting garment MME. DEWUEST’S System of Dress ©utting. Chart and Booh of full direction*, enabling any ouo to Out and Fit perfectly. Psion, *3.00. Sent by malfi post paid, on rccolpt of price.' BBEHE. DSS^©KS8T 5 S PORTFOLIO OF FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAR la a largo llagavlno of 83 page* of Fashion Notet and Btyles, nluatratcd with about 1,1)00 Cut*. Bout, post-paid, for 20 cents, IKE THIS STYLE ONLY HAVE YOU TAKEN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION FOR 18861 If not. lay tlii3 paper doAvn and Send for it right now. x . If you want it every day. send fori the Dailv, which costs $10.00 ii year, or $5 nn for six mouths or $2.00 for three montf If you want it every week, scud for the -Great Weekly, which costs $1,25 a year or $5,00 for Clubs.of Five. We make up tlie NEATEST and B1 Dine of CLOTHING- -i>oth in Fit Style—that comes South. We defy competition in the above; .1 in price* 'Merchants that handle our goods never have old cam- aver. Send us your orders be convinced. Mr. 13. F. Jacobson represents ui | this territory, and will be pleased l(' your order. B. H. LEVY & B 1 !db 21y SII4 -t§)0(«- TIIB WEEKLY CQN- sTiTUTiOM is tJieCHoapostl Biggest and Best Paper Printed in America! It 12 pages chock full of news, gos sip ami sketches every week. It prints mere romance titan the story papers, more farm-news than the agricultural papers,, more fun than tlie humorous papers—be sides all (lie news, and a ,1 hnvc opened a Blacksmith Bush Dublin, at the Scarborough old where I am prepared Lo do all kind > pair and PIoav work promptly. —§)o(§— U^lloi’se Shoeing a Special 1 —)o(— I respectfully solicit tlie patronag', the citizens. f .'u mar 23 3m. R.:a!L KiOORE 1 y Goorj r m&h € Bill Arp’s and Betsy Kamllloi^l FEEDERS W&i Letters Uncle Remuss Sketch- f.ccii lu tier in ycai's, Mr., l\l: a nu'icliatit. of Luke.Oi|y, isM . ;~tiis SiC. .c'vfr i]jc cure, amt iliji giaiiiitm blood ptirilicr and toi f WaAYCHora. Ga., Nov, 5, 'SC f50 mail, Avlio ryentbu- is it tin c Of tlie Greenville, Dial. Ji'ice ; fee if J))'. it h'tttii&iili ' j, 1 1 in the jvar lHiS.l Avns attacked. Avitli.ii sevi-To i titv. of liiood i'oisou ilia? Udieri all tlL'idnieiit, ] Avcut to sevtfiu phvsb ciuim bnt found no relief. Final if 1 went before a liOai d of pliysiciaus at 'inlktihiis-ce and wits,examined,- and iny ciiS'l vas <le- cbm ti to be a virulent case ot llloiii Ppi n. and all the lucdieiucs thi.*J‘i faded to vniutoiitovtke dredtituT ve mis disease *uiu my life, v.!\S in dtmgtr. J Jostftie use of my led unn, arid h physiciiVn place raid my arm Would have to b rated. -Tim eOrrupfte.ii that cain sotea Avni so oliensivy es! —AND— TALMAGE’S SERMONS. C ss S Cents a Weelii v ’ ^ ’• _ ?' t comes onco week--takes a whole wee o read ill You can’t well farm or keep house -with out. it! Write your name on n postal card, ad less it. to us, and we will send you Speed iness droii Copy FftKat Address THE 00 NSTIT UTG IN. . i’rcii of every kind cured in 80 minutl bv \Y dt.i'OKD’s- Sniatahy Lotioni Use no other. ’Tills, never fails. Sold 11. Hicks & Co. J» rsTSsiD I am agent for the iCcntennird Co Gin, made by O. II. Miller, of Fort - ley, Gn. The feeders and condenser; • be attached to any other make.. I aisosell the Book waiter F.ngi fel’s Wider WiieelA, Liu,ie;& Rodioy machinery and Frick & Co.’s Engine: 1 sivav mills. - My territory crabraifcsTijitiyehp,; Jf l-U and Emanuel counties. 1 liave. Wt ing the above machinery for several • and think I cuia mukedt to your bite trade Avitb me for anything in mi li W. G.TYEA’ I . Dublin ’,i AugustM-lm. if t!|is «mpn limn (Wit 1 thpiVOlitrttJ* r .,_ disliked to come iu contact with niykTieiuls ituu jieigtvbijfs.. i tool; llduy tAio louiues . idst a ■ irit made in EaKiiuore. and iu fuci iv.e ytiling that i could hear of, but. rcceivec iiH liens-' fit. I laid entirely xiospiwtcd a' be - vour General Agent, Air. Clnijisoil, eiuriiero Hitveitbiiip P. l\ f. (Frn kfv As] ' Poke Root and I’otiASViuiuLtmd htdiiced me to give it n trial. I goi one large .«6lUe, idol, it, and onv'amt a half sn ail ou s', act] iho Viu ioua soivs Iriivs liealed emin y tmd the new ekiii has a clear, licuitliy color, ninthly general health is bettui’ Ihfiii it hits t een before iu ten years. I consider it the grandest Mofid hu tlieinCl Of. the lee, as sueli a small amount shows its AVi.U.eVfui effects.' I am ugeuioi tlie F; R. JiN.iu. R, at this ldaee, Greenville, Kla., mi<l| fake greacpknstiic if l'eeominendingiuneiiieine that inis ficifornictl bitch Avoildefes, i'tiy me. Respect fully yours,, • J. IF. li.vAtMliiiiy. Waycross, Cu„ Nov. lo, )b5. Jr. W. II. Wiiiiehtad:. ! DH’Att Sin:—At your request T V ill state dm cjis. Some years ago 1 coutfactod ma> lai'hi iu its most violent form while living .1 NcavmU, N. J. 1'.lted vuVious Nearly 50,000 sold mid giving porfees oatlafactiou. f Mg-Don’t wav other companies $40.00 profit on n machine not so good as the DEMOREST, but buy direct of the man ufacturers. Sent C. O.yD. TTrtfc for Circulars. BEMOREST PASHBON and SEWINC MACHINE CO., J7 Eao>t littt Street, Wevv York City UL LLH [ AEB if. Ilit SGliTI TilE’.'SAVAKf.'AH- i ilSM a 6S*CC n Yoar,rn Advance. Not a l.ffca? #iipcr, Imt One .■Suitable to tuiy Locality. A J USIXE&S~iuJtJT~y, LITERAKft •• AND GRICULTURAL JOURNAL. Thjs mammoth newspaper contains; nil the news of the week, Telegraphic DIs- I'Siysieiiius atul took numberless .pn^ffia- io i s recouuuendeil as sure cures, ” siuei. to imi likn ft- lirotlier—or laiueJiKa a : .... , rkvw. I nis^’iy catrro Moutni-utta tuna ness or professkaVaimaii, who e titl'd new ruuedies said tcfVfti- the atlvftiitngus of a ffaily mail, the ? lr.alarmAhut it sun k to me, .\au Wkkm.y Nka,vs is the medj mm TIMM WITH Automatic! Solf-tbieadiog Cylinder Mis. No. 3. :nullnr-iM-kt\-'. while here 1AKVSCUU' ,ud you know the old broken'down ecudi- Uon 1 aans ui when l clime to you. You put me to taking your E P P and 1 uu- piyved vypkily. red am tv-iiay in j.s good licnUh as I ever wa.^-iu tat i U-lirr.' As a iv'Diniy tor bioketi itcvvn emfututlco A U;w no equal. Yours, etc. T DGihTi B. Tit® al.ovo medic; u»- islorsak vholeatde . a ' 1 t’.u rediili at Fieri tin niid fetiuth t-arolimi news, and that of other Btates. To (he farmer, mechanic or artisan the J ' "' lias ubt Bavak medium by which lie can be infoirncd of events trans- pirinn- iu the busy Avorld, whether in his own State dr in tlie most^distant pai ts of tVc glolit*. Kvao v veariy sul«eri|;er is entitled to one of tlie McmxiNG NEwt? Lnut-utv Seri- ala ns a prcmhiuv. * , The ELDEEDGE “ B ” is sold with the guarantee of being the BEST that can he MADE. AGENTS WANTED. ELOREDBE MANUFACTURING CO, 363 and 365 WABASH AVE-, CHICAGO, H* Mexican Lin'iini 8el&tios, , lumbago, Eheumatism, Bunui 8ealds, 6 tings, Bites, Bruises, Bunions, Corns, THIS GOOD 'lintU'iiwa.'' in? y> ei 'yajM i-ota g«R jmjv* ent >> >>n* -,u<l *0An»iUunv» io -r-siu;;«-% iMaiiaUv*vap 'jn HI«UN;i »iili‘v’!S''iit ‘v* SLA’iwut^'i "ti |'.u> v*na»ji«t t ii Cl v;:;- U8iu»)H-.:a.».u»ff|'*i' i*a*uj*U w^ril l|jillUf; i A.I VI ■UH-Ptr'l {Il'.IUMC (ins ,i u i 3t.»D i*> .'vv-suK,; •|'W .Mil ‘lib'll VUvl U| 111*!ifc.W|UU| .'VI «i-.w UUAI XUtiiVJvW '1MW.JWOIJ pet M‘«x £3, Lnuiai, ii Ga. $i' i.3 WEEK'S. THE SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS Enlarged January 1, 1865, to an S-Paye, 56-Column Paper. Tiie laigest Pager in the South 5* 1 ssucU-Lvoi’j Day iu i he 1 ear. ?> «10.00n year, I»cUld|«g »l.t> l«. t SuAriay ls*ttt* of the ‘'Ne^s^' ’ The Daily New* give; vW* fl P“ b'.-J nS i .ii ' ICE A7.T.TTD a rjfel' W all nibttet UAL, M ft UR urn l V.4&«r. " a, ».i i . f.<»>.%lhlH, , it, ,»* 11* * ,*H'|!«*t,AS V HA |4iitt «4nl fa ■. >1 ; *' -* jX iwfu.'H niisUDi>«H.vt<Kt4siiy.iv, t* S.-'WA . . •“ V<it«d dtutc. tor ttm CHEEf^L . ! literal aUu vuiA idbiwvJ a»*« no*»-ml flu* Trev. Ad^ M.. wK’O* f *r ^ T URAL. m wt • NVFAO linfrv, as wet UTICAL and PlllC. BTATE. GUN 1 „| anvie ,md MAIiKBT . dt'i v rlpn i J.v mv nek nowbttgvii (u lw ih .iiea uud most ci'ttiprelicuslvc «»f ary pn fftm mm •' ’* ■ ’ ■ prr* in tfn- feredh. .% J, il. Kl ELY'S catarhH BREAM BALMl Qvvca relief at ones and (hires COLD S?d HEAD . mmm HAYFEVER Not a Liquid, Mor Pmcder. Free from Injuri ous Drugs and of. faisiee odors. < Into each nostril, tefSStS"fiSA.'*pZSa!S& c ffi; -fttBteg healthy weretiona. • It AlUtYBDftln Bind inflammation,protects the mem* branal lininas of the head from additional colds, completely heala the tow and rertoree theawwe of taste and melt. Beneficial iCMlta W rooXced by a few application a. ; A ttmomgh IrtaSmeni wfltewrc. ' Price CO centa atdiMctatat by mall,registered, COcecU. Ctreslars sent fiee. • KLY »B0THKR8,BnMatWs,O|rsB6,K.T Catnrrh tv Not n Flood Hi-eu.»<‘. mdrts£?tftsunr,MSsr4i FEVER 1 that ! ■ itecws la a »*•*• ■ • t sow. atie ",«»• to be hriterlpcfr'J of*' !• •r 11 ** ftVr,..ui I title CW1 « in iiciUWwii* — C3TJ3EIU» Scratohec, Cfliiitr Pprainr, 'H Strains, Erupt; Stitches, Hoof A Stiff Joints, Screw Backache, W GaUs, Swir Sorest Bada Spavin Biles. Cracks. OLD 8TAHD- cecompllahes for everybody exactly vfhat Uc' forjt. One of the reaaon# for the great popul tho MuetaagiUnlment Is found in 1A unf applicability. Kveiybody needs such a m The Lumberman needs It In case of aw Tko Hoacewife noods It for generalfn The Cannier needa it for his teams anf The Mechanic needa it always on bench. . The Miner needs It la oaae M emergtf Tho Pleneerneedstt—can't get along'. The Farmer noods U in bis hr j and hU stock yard. . ' 1 The Steamboat man or the Bo t It in liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horae-fancler needs it—It IC> friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It—U win f thousands of dollar* and a world of trouble Tho Hall road man needs It and will» long as his life M a round of accidents and a The Backwoodsman need* It. Then Ing like it as an antidote for the danger limb and comfort which surround the plonc i The Merchant needs U about his stor< his employee*, accidents will happen, ar - a*^/i come the Hostsng liniment 1* wanted Keep a Bottle lathe House. TUthr • ^ItreopaBoUle Is the Factory. «*lm use in case of accident saves pain and toss o' I Keep n Bottle Atwayeln the 8ti | MiLlER K M I When not for sals by Ineal do«U;u - « ! isleadin? styUi lu u boao* «t l du*:i > | Hfti it* i - * • ’ 4>l>tesHi).-^1 FcnilTit«W*», ' •* A, •• ! ii,lor *»“ A ! 1 •* .1. .• . &Ft«U,4> > ■ 1 •* ' r Ui/atCU ’■ CIHMlCITt ; .t_.J* mi