The daily citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-1857, May 07, 1857, Image 1

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FIBIIAUIi BIDS CARDS L. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE next to Concert Ilall, over Payne’s Drug Store. JanlO— ly A. J. MACARTHY, Attorney ut Law, MACON, GEORGIA. Office over Cater & Bowdre’s. Jan8 —8m Andrew Wind., American, Guardian k European Advertising and Subscription office. No. IS* NASSAU STREET, (Next door totiie Nassau Bonk,) (OT STAIRS,) NEIVIORK. novl-tf _ . J. R. DAVIS, Land Broker, Collector & General Ag’t. Business attended to in any county in this State. Qffiee corner Jackson and Ellis Street, Augusta, Ga. novl—tf _ DR. A. PYE, Office over Ellis’s Drug Store, OPPOSITE “GEORGIA CITIZEN:’ octll —ts _ i ■ BHOWI’sJgjHOTK L, Opposite the Passenger Depot, iwaA-onaarwr, o-a. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor, pjr Meals ready on the arrival of every Train. apr!9—tf JOHN LYON WILLIAM T. BLACK LYON & BLACK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Newton, Baker County, Ga. WILL give prompt attention to all business entrust ed to their care, in the following counties: Sumter, Clay, Randolph, Early, Decatur, Baker, Ca.- houn, Dougherty and Lee. raayßl—-ly * HENRY Q. LAMAR. j O. A. LOCHKANE. UMAR A LOCHRANE, ATTORNEYS AT L AW, MACON, G A. OFFICE ON MULBERRY STREET. Havixo associated themselves in the practice of Law, they will diligently attend to all busluess entrusted to their Telegraph and Mess. copy. LANIEK ga HOUSE, MACON, JiSiill-GEO. THE undersigned having Leased the above establish ment, begs to assure the travelling public, that no exer- Uon wHI be spared to sustain the established reputation Hk- M6ABt A; TO DAGUERREOTYPISTS. R. L. WOOD, HAVING perfected his beautiful style of taking AMBROTYPES, is prepared to give instructions In this new Art, on reasonable terms. AMBROTYPES, DAGUERREOTYPES and PHOTO GRAPHS taken in the finest style. main Call and see him and look at his pictures. Rooms in Tianglar. iray3—tf _ DU. C. J- ROOSEVELT, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN cic,t am? ntoiotNCE torucr of Wstout atul Third Streets, Macon, Ga. octfi —ly i-• * David Ross, book-bindeh AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, Over Geo. T. Rogers & Son, Cor. T bird and Cherry Streets, Macon, Ga. jgnSl—ly. BROWN’S SNEW SALOON, g ST. MIDWAY BETWEEN Hardeman & Sparks’ Ware-House, ANI) HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN’S GROCERY, Maooii, G-n. THIS Establishment is now open for the reception of visitors, under the superintendence of W. W. WAGNON. The Saloon is well supplied with the best of Liquors, and my old customers may rely upon being served with the best, and in the best style. E. E. BROWN. ootll—tf 0. BJtICE, TUNER AND REPAIRER Os FIAKTO FORTES, IS Permanently located tn Macon. jafNames may be left at Messrs. Virgin’s and at E. J. Johnston k Cos. no vß—tf IjAW gaud. T. P. STUBBS, B. HILL, P- TRACT. STUBBS, HIU fc TRACY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Will practice In the Superior Courts of Bibb, Craw ford, Twiggs, Marlon, Monroe, Dooly, Houston, Jones, Muscogee, Talbot, Macon, Taylor, Upson, Sumter, Lee, and Dougherty ; and also In the Circuit Courts of the United States, at Marietta and Savannah. mar22—tf HUNTER & ELLIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Opvtce on Cherry St. opposite the Georgia Telegraph Office. Will practice In Bibb, Monroe, Crawford, Twiggs, Hous ton, Macon, Dooly and Worth counties. ptST To be found in their Office at all hours. janfi—ly. LANIER & ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND ROUNTY LAND AND PENSION AGENTS ! MACON, GA. Besides the regular business of their Profession they have for years past been engaged in prosecuting claims for Bounty Land and Pension, in favor of soldiers, their widows and minor children. They have also obtained the correct forms and the rules for obtaining Bounties under the Act of Congress just passed. feb24—tf _ _ ELIJAH H. OARHART. AARON A. BOFF lIARHART & ROFeT WHOLESALE GROCERS. DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, AND GROCERIES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Macon, Ga. aug4—tf Dr. J. S. Baxter, CITY PHYSICIAN. OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Macon and vicinity. Office over B. A. WISE’S STORE. jAnlt—tf VOL. 1. REDOING J§; HOU §E. MACON, GEORGIA, H P. REDDING, Proprietor. augßß—tf DR. K. A. lETTAUER, HAVING spent a portion of three .successive years in this city, during which time he has limited ids practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now respectfully offers his services to the citizens of Macon and surround ing country, in all the brandies of his profession. Office on the South Hast Corner ofSd and Cherry streets, over Mr. Asher Ayres’ new Grocery Store. sep‘27—tf ___ O. CAMPBELL. J. W. GAUT “ CAMPBELL & GATJT\ ” GENERAL PRODUCE AGENTS, FOR THE PURCHASE, SALE, AND SHIPMENT OF ALL KINDS OF EAST TENNESSEE PRODUCE, Such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, Flour, Wheat, Corn, Oats, Fruit, etc. etc. KNOXVILLE, TENN. (Warehouse —At the River.) jan!9—ly Watches, Diamonds, Pearl, Gameo, Mosaic, Swiss Paiiitings AND OTHER KINDS OF jr e: jks jc-j r w * OF THg LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. SILEVR and Silver Plated Ware, Oil Paint ings, Fancy Goods for presents and many other purposes, Gas Fixtures, Guns and Equip raents, Colts and other Pistols, Fine Cutlery, F £3l Daguerreotype Stock, Work Boxes, Writing ; V'r-fi Desks, Tea Trays, Military Goods, Survey - or’s Compasses, Land Chains, Mathematical Instru ments, Water Coolers, Walking Canes, Cabas assorted, Toys, Games, Dolls, Ac. Ac. all of which we will sell on he best terms. PIANO FORTES, Os Chickering & Sons, Nunns k -.,*£’•1 Y.. Clark, and A. H. Gale & Co’s. wj?”Manufacture, allof which will be ‘'MkjlmW at Factory prices, ami fully W 7 T* warranted ; Piano Stools, Bay f *'Tr* vv^ y f JJF State,English,French,and India Rubber Covers; Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Accordeons, Ac. of the finest and best qualities. Our customers and the public generally, are respect fully invited to call and look through our stock, even If they do not -design purchasing. Watch work and Jewelry promptly attended to and warranted. E. J. JOHNSTON, & CO., Mulberry Street, 3d door above House, Macon, Ga. nov3— ts JFMi A VARIETY ■VWVkCINCSijW> / \F PAPER HANGINGS, Pa- LLoyj per Shades or window Cur rVftdnwt - Fireboard Papers, Ac. T. k G. WOOD. jl—t* FISK'S METALIC BURIAL CASES. JL\ Coffins. Builders are invited to call and ex anting my stock of Marbleized Iron Chimney Pieces, Window Sasli and Blinds, Panel Doors, Window Glass, Mahogany Balus ters and Newell. B. F. ROSS, marl7 —ts Cotton Av. Macon, Ga. SASH AND BLlT*DFACTOßV.—Theun dersigned is still prepared to manufacture all kinds of Window Sasli? Blinds, I'annel Doors and Carpentry Work to order. Having always on hand, the best seasoned and well assorted lumber, he will warrant his work te be of the most substantial and durable description. lie will also contract for any size or style of buildings and execute the same with all needful dispatch. Order respectfully solioited. JOHN KNIGIIT. apr29—tf WORKS. fPI J. 3. ARTOPE, JdJOK MANUFACTURER of and Dealer In For eign and Domestic Marble, MONUMENTS fl_Z£ TOMB-STONES, MANTLES, FURNITURE SLABS, Etc., has removed his Marble Works from Cotton Avenue, to the corner of 8d and Pluraq Street, a short distance South of Hardeman & Sparks Warehouse. anl —if WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE. AGEXr.IIAL ASSORTMENT, embracing Baskets, Cradles, Childrens Carriages, Buckets. Churns, Ac. Also, Tables, Brooms, Ac. Ac., now In Store und for sale by T. A G. WOOD. f Vinewill® JProDerty for Sale. MA very desirable residence for a gomeei nmuy. on the main street In VinevlHe, with 3 acres of , well improved land is offered for sale, or will be • exchanged for a smaller residence In the city. The ! house contains eleven rooms and every convenience, ( with considerable choice fruit, shrubbery, Ac. Ac. Apply on the prgjg-j* C/Ms . THOMPSON. \ febl4-3in PHOTOGRAPHS AND AMBROTYPES. AT WOOD'S Gallery of Pine Arts. IT A VINO associated with him one of the Finest Aut rL ists In the South, Mr. Wood is now prepared to j execute those beautiful colored Photographs of any size ; from Miniature to life size. Daguerreotypes of deceased persons copied and paint ed as natural as life. AMBROTYPES. In this line his reputation is well known, and his pa trons may rest assured that no effort will be spared to keep it up, but will, as heretofore, take those beautiful Pictures which can't be beat. Ills Melalnotypes Are beautiful, and can be inserted in Rings, Breast Pins, Lockets, 4c. and are the only true Picture for that purpose. „ , , Citizens will do well to give him a call and examine specimens of his splendid works of Art, at his old stand in the Triangular Block. R WOQD febT-tf FOR SALE. That desirable Plantation on Flint River, four miles from Montezuma, one nile from Barron's Lane on S. W. Rail Road, adjoining the well known Clopton or Wiley place, better known as the Brooks place, contain ing nine hundred and fifty acres, five hundred River Bottom, two hundred anil seventy-five Upland, and one hudnred and twenty acres of River Bottom cleared and in a big state of cultivation. The subscriber being desi rous of returning to mercantile life will sell a bargain and no mistake. I can be found on the premise” at all times, and will take great pleasure In showing the place to any one desirous of purchasing. Full description giv en to those addressing me by mail at Montezuma, or to J, K. Harman, Macon N. B. OUSLEY. I Macon county, July IQ— MACON, GA. 31 AY 7, 1557. LANiELi HOUSE. Macon Ga. LOL tX & iHL iiti, Proprietors. milK Proprietors of this well known establish- JL merit, respectfully give notice that they 7 arc still candidates for the patronage of the u**-^l ■*i Travelling public, and determined to omit noth ihg to deserve well of their guests and maintain the repu tation of tite House. FREE TRANSPORTATION Os Passengers and Baggage, to and from the House, by a fine new Omnibus and Baggage Wagon, which they have provided for that purpose. Passengers wil.ttere after be at no expense whatever for transportation o themselves and their baggage either way between the Lanier House ami the Railway Stations iii ask a continuance of public patronage and promise at tention and comfort to our guests. LOGAN A MKARA. octlS—3m NEW RESTAURANT, AMD Oyster Saloon. IT* ISA AOS has the pleasure to inform his friends li# and the public at large that he has opened anew Saloon under Ralston’s new Concert Hall, Cherry JBSt, Macon Ga. Where he iWprepared to furnish his guests, at short no tice, and at all hours, the choicest refreshments of the season, such as Fresh Nsw York Oysters, Fresh FISH of every variety. Wild Game of al kinds, also a supply of FKlTlT—Foreign anl Domestic, such as Apples, Orangeß, Lemons, Ac., Ac. Also, choice Wines, Brandies and other refreshments. Families will besupplied with Oyster and Fruit Dips, and other Dishes, at any hour. Parties, Balls, Ac., will be promptly furnished with Suppers, in elegant style, and at the shortest notice, novl-ly CROCKERY !--CROGKERY!! IMPOKTKD DIRECT FROM LIVERPOOL. ( All \OW receiving n.y _ fall stock of Crockery, China YjjjYl and Glass Ware, consisting of & Gold Band Dining Setts, price from ?r>o to $15(1. jr M,NA (33 White Dinning Setts, price S4O t $75. White Tea Setts, price $G to sl2.ljgL Gold Band Tea Setts, price $S White Granite Tea Setts, price White Granite Dinning Setts, price S2O to S4O. A fine assortment of Waiters, Castors, Table Cutlery, j Looking -Glasses, Ac. I would particulaily call the at- I tention of Merchants through the country to my assort- j ment and prices, as I am satisfied I can sell them as \ cheap as they can buy in any market in the United States, with frieghts difference. It. P. McEVOY. ! octlS—ly THOMAS HARDEMAN. OVID 0. SPARK*- HARDEMAN & SPARKS? a WARE HOUSED CoMMl33lc£% 9BBiGßjt?w WILL continue to give promjtt atteimon nr J ** FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSfc. ‘ ♦ j on the corner of 3d and Poplar Streets, to all buslnWl commit ted to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renew? l pledge of faithfulness to all the interests of their frienil and customers, they hope to receive their full sha y he public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otherprodo-r when required. Family Stores, also Bagging, Rope, furnished at the lowest market rates. Macon, Aug I— ts Geo. A. Smith, WHOLESALE Manufacturer of Fancy and?. 1 - j Candies. Shop on 2d Lot above the Nev ‘Pas senger Depot. Merchantscan get on as favorable terms as can be liaT 1 South. _ y His long experience in the business assures hi iv^ - ’ ‘a he can give entire satisfaction. He oan refer to the ‘'or \ raer customers of Smith A Rogers, C. H. Freeman, b ij man A M’Carthy, and Messrs Freeman A Benson, wli ’r*. he has worked for the last eight years. augl!—ly J Improve your Stock^; THE THOROUGH BRED MORGAN HORSE “Morgan I’iguro,” WILL stand at Macon. His services can be had a’ S3O the season, in advance. PEDIGREE: “Morgan Figure,” bred by Solomon Steel, Esq one 1 mile from Derby Lane, Vermont, was foaled June l7tV, j ISSO. Hißsire, Royal Morgan, dam by Goss Morgan, or j Piedmont Morgan, (the horse was known by both | names,) grand-darn by Hawkins Morgan, and he ov ti ■ original, Justin Morgan. Lemuel Richmosl- ij t Secretary of the New England Morgan Horse As der ation, Derby Lane, Vt.. Aug. 1, 1656. Macon, Dec 6—6 m MASON A DIRBI ’.. STSONSG A WOOD,- DEALRRS IN Tli IRJ BOOTS AND SHOES.! Leather, II si In smd Caps, AT Tll Kilt OLD STAND ON SITOND STRK (opposite t. n. n. JOHNS.j HAVE now a full supply Os Goods in their line, t. to which they are making constant additions,cfllil i the differcntstyles of workmanship and wear, and which ’ will be sold on as good terms, for cash or approved short ; credit, as any shoe establishment in Georgia. - i licit a continuance of the liberal patronage toAmgenjtyl ed by the firm. V BACON! BACON! m fWWk LBS, Clear sides, and 10,000 lbs. Shoulders, 8)DOO lbs. Hams, 100 BblH. Stuarts A A B Sugar 10 Ilhd. St. Croix do 2 Cases Loaf do 200 Sacks superior Rio Coffee,’ 10 do “Old Government” Java Coffee, 10 do Laguyra Coffee, i 200 do Superfine Flour, 120 do Extra Family Flour, 200 Boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candlei 1 00 Bids Tennessee and Ohio Whiskey, Fine Brandy, Wines and Cigars, for sale by , HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. I septl3—tf. Lumber, Lumber. 300,000 “vS, Ptenk “ ~Sc" “! ” - i ASHER AYRESI ?nar29- ts LEATHER IJ.EATHEE! HARNESS and Sole Leather,Jlame BtringLfilhli, Black and Rusaett Bridle Leather, Calf, 81 ■ ’*p. 1 Deer and Morocco Skins, for sale by LITTLE * SMITH, i I mar2B—tf **--J v CZtOTHINCr. JhnL. Jones & Cos. ’ ARE now receiving their Stock of SPUING & LUMMER CLOTHING, Cos npnjing the new styles Introduced, and material Inv- the Spring trade, all of which is of their own Manufscture, and will be offered at the lowest prices the same foods can he purchased. Dennsy’s Block, adjoining Hamden’s Express office. n,.r2S ts t Fanny Fern Again. “Th-i Play Day Book,” anew Juvenile by the author of “Ti e Little Ferns.” * Ah” any quality of new and pretty Books, Toys, Ac. fcr thiholidays, suitable for old and vounc. Como see. ) J. J. &S. P. RICHARDS. 1 dfec2s-t/ For Sale or Kent, mii-’. two large Brick Stores, on Colton Avenue, Lite J?V occupied by J. 15. ,fc W. A. Ross. -HP"*Possession can be given immediately. JNO. B. ROSS. s __ h]>r4—2ni i / Just Received. i ) r \ Pnprs<ardon .Nm*€ln. 3 bush. Bicnt’j Bilu<* (.rass, I By A. A. MENARD, Druggist, ffeb7-tf Cherry Street. ( i BOOTS & SHOES. ‘ rtflHE undersigned takes this method of returning his Ji thanks to his friends and customers for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, and b£gs the continuance of that patronage, and he hopes, by keepings a regular supply of Boots and Shoes of a GOOD QUALITY, And attending strictly to his business, to merit a liberal •share of trade from his friends and fellow citizens and tie country generally. J. C. C. BURNETT, Agt. j Sole Leather, Calf Skin Lining, Binding, and Findings always on hand, for sale cheap. * auv’9—tf DR, A, PIERCE. .Tlo]Vi:a3oPii.T3£lieT, making this city his place of permanent residence. Those who desire his services may find 1 ’ lira, when not professionally engaged, at his | unite over T.j). sir’s More, ! Ready at all times to answer their calls. jan24—tf DISOLUTION. ‘itllEFirni of I'a ii H.tit %*, i;.;... t’.i.v j a solved on the Ist January 1557, by mutual consent. 1 hither of the Partners are authorial to f, old business of the concern. AH indebted, will plea* call and settle at an early date, as it is desirable to close I it up Immediately. W. H. BRAY janSl—tf W. D. CARHAHT. al! the xoveluls i\ the GENTLEMAN’S FURNISHING , O iAIIT IVi 33 JXT rr, IS now opening by . C. 11. BAIRD. inar2l—Biu Bb'iiitmil. FI’UIE ;w lAI’H fti Fit’s ll.WIt .Mu- { S conc has Iveen renmved to the new building of 1.11 BANK CHECKS. (NHFFKM of all the Banks and Agencies of the j J city, constantly on hand, and for sale, at ANDREWS’ JOB OFFICE, mar7-tf Cor. 8d and Cherry St’s. Copartnership. S3. DUNLAP, late of the firm of Allen k Dunlap, ha:- associated himself with Dunlap A Walker. The firm hereafter will be DUNLAP, WALKER A CO. Macon, March 14th, 1656. mnr2S—2m Real Estate Agency fWMIE undersigned Agent fur for Sale and Renting of m Real Estate, is now offering for sale several de sirable Residences, in and near the C ; ty, together with some choice Farms situated in different counties of South Western Georgia. J. It. lIARMAN. an •'23— M LEWIS H. ANDREWS, Rook & Job Ps inlcr. Comer Third amt Cherry Streets, Macon, G-a. mar7-6m lOQV. 1037. SPRING FASHIONS! [a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSfMERES, MARSEILLES, & LINENS OF EVERY VARIETY, WHICH wifi he made up by CoHITDC” tent “XTVorIILIXXOXL, in the most ap proved style. SST-Opposlte Bank of Middle Georgia. mar2l 3m 0. H. BAIRD. FINE READY HADE CLOTHING ! the House of/>. DEVLIN & CO, New York, IT now receiving. C. 11. BAIRD. niar21 —8m LIVERY NOTICE. 1 TO the citizens f Macon, and public gyneritlly. Darin,; purchased arid laig-- lot, attacliejl, known ns the Wash ington H ill Stable lot, we are now furnishing the same with new Carriages and Buggies, and will keep on hand , to lkv, good, stife Horses and careful and attentive drivers. Horses boarded by the day, week or month, at usual I rates. A share of your patronage is respectfully solici ted. As our entire personal attention will be given to the business, we hope to give general satisfaction. Call and give us a trial. Drove Stock also accommodated. HA YDKN <e WOOD WA RD. nov29—ly Tennessee Produce. THE undersigned is prepared toexecute with prompt ness orders for Bacon, Lard, Wheat, Rye, Oats, I Corn, Flour, or any other Products of Middle Tennessee. D. D. DICKEY, No. 5 College st., Nashville, Tenn. i aug-fIS-ly Negroes Wanted. fIIHE highest cash price will be paid for likely ■ w’ nyQ NEGROES. Also for a gang of Planta tion hsnii-. IL R- PHILLIPS, East Macon. * feb2B-tf. For Sale. JENUII*German and Siooks 1 and Tracis, at J. C. C. BURNETT’B. mar7-tf For Dent. / \ N or about the middle of May next, the hou-e now V * occupied by the subscriber will be for rent till the Ut of October. For terms apply to t. F. W. ANDREWS. apr4: tf| . j BBM 1857 SPRING MILLINERY. 1857 Ifc flWwi form her friends and the public gen* AiyE9Vffi& crully, that she h tveeiviL” l.y < very St--fi*u-ra splendid n.-<nrlment of Sirring Good* for liiulii wear, con.-ifiin;.’ of Jn Crap*', Jft Bonnets, Misses and Children's ffy®’ llats. Ribbons of our it m .s />"/ terns, and a splendid assortment ot fine French Mow ers. Ann a variety of ‘#rt*HS f.oodw uml klress<>M. Thankful for past favors, she respectfully solicits a continuance. marU-dm Kirin of IHTNI.AP, WALK Kit .4 CO., is this S (lav di olved hv mutual consent. The Firm hereafter will he DUNLAP & HUOTUKK, who intends to keep a well selected Stock of tii'occrios k staple IH.a (nooln. Tt <y Persons wishing to purchase floods for CASH. Jfii do w.-ll to give u ; a call 1 •:*. : purchasing elsc wncre. ▼ DUNLAP & into., Successors to & Dunlap. i S. S. Dunlap, JL J. 11. Dunlap. p apr4 lm kt .*r- t. s rp &, THANKFUL for past whfob-fcavf satisfaction (as their .testimonials will show) respectfully' solicit from their friends and the public, a continuance tiie same. Nothing snail be left undone, on their part, to arrive at the highest state of perfection , m all their operations on the TEETH. Incorruptible Artificial Teeth Inserted in any style known to the Profession, which we warrant to be done in a work manlike manner, and inferior to none. JrfT’ N. B All work warranted. marchl.4 — ly • ,va Ai Itt Ofc li A I OX. M Manufactory. BY SUM k M UT E are prepared to manufacture plain and orna ■ nt:i! (’n't and Wrought Iron Railing, suita ble f..r Cemeteries, House Fronts, Verandahs, Balco nies. Farm Fences anti enclosures of every do . ription. In connection wth our IRON RAILING we manu facture a’l kinds of Builder’s Materials, such as Col umns, Window Guards, Window Weights, Brackets, Wrought A Cast Iron Gratings, and Anchors, Wrmrght Iron Doors and Shutters, and Bolts of every descrip tion. Ml onr work will be warranted * good, andas rea -onahle as that of any other Establishment. We also manufacture i'ircular Saw Mills,Sugar Mills. Mill and Gin Gearing, Pipes and Brass and IRON CASTINGS of every .b scription. Particular attention will be • .hi to repairing SIEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS and all other kinds ..r MA CHINERY. •sl*B ly BACON, Willi AND MACKEREL! £*ggf,lss ititfht, Choice Tennes’e. Bacon, jQMSIik 20 ml*. do. do. Leaf Lard- Go Csnar. Half and Whole bbls. No. 1 HACKEREL, 120 “ “ “ “ 2 90 “ “ “ Boxes CODFISH.. 50 Boxes SCALED 11ERKINGS, 480 Sacks I’A Nil SLY’ AVl> si PERFIMi I'LOI R, 25 Sacks IT. VTHUItS, 20 bbls. “NOV V SCOTIA - ’ JIERC ER’’ and “CA KTER” POTATOES, Now receiving and for sale hv GEO. T. ROGERS & SON. march T-ts ‘ j TROUP HILL I*nurserylE JOHN M. FIELD, Successor to Robt. Nelson, JN the management of this colebrafed Floral and Ilor ticultural Establlalnncnt, Is now ready lo receive orders for I'j-uit Trees, Slimbbery, &c., and to supply purchasers, as far as practicable, from what now remains In the Nursery, eensistteg oT Ever greens, Hoses, Tulips, Carnations, Peach Trees, etc. During the present season I will endeavor to restore the place to its former flourishing condition, so as to be able to All all orders that may be made, for the nex* year. 335“ The Oaou required in all cases JNO. M. FIELD. feb2l-— 1 GEORGE PAYKE, WHOLESALE Sc REI \IL Druggist &.state Licensed Apothecary tor. Mulberry St. and Cotton A teuue, JVlacou, Oa M I 8 happy lo inform his frlMids, patroiu, and the public generally, that his Stock is now full and complete, ‘’ bioh comprise- , very article that should be found in a I'irst Class DRtIG AND CHEMICAL STI F, \V,-. kly arrivals of (he 3avHimah Men. .I|*s bbn t<* replenish hk Stock Wrrrli , w ith Fresh and Choice 000. Sh'.-l. arr hnualu will, jrcat. Attention (n. i „iif i’ l at any Drug KstahllMiment in . corr iailN’ IVONC-I j|>iultN o<W|lM,n. , ~lat all I,our, will, rare anr HI. tn.-k 0..1...Z1. ID cart of tke Mirlnt< ar i.-|... : ‘ Dviuys, Chemicals & Medicines Dye*. Paiittß, Oils and Colors oin c . 9 M 2'7” t-rriit v,.r1.-.t.v \vo “n.W 0 ‘'nll.v. Ai-h,. ,■ T0..',. M,., Artin. !al un.l Natural Leeches. Fresh ITniis an,l ad other Herbs, HurgloD Instru •nents and Medb-ine Chesis, Family 3oaps,Flnc Starch A Gelatines. Fine Ca - ter Oil for Family use. Wines & ‘ ‘"o'"!;,*■> ArWclalTeeth. IT*fr, Tooth !■,!i'i'’’ wn'o! “il" 1 ’ ,Cloth ami Itr, ’ “ ‘ TRII OLT, a prent article for clean;, p Mdalifllazs, Grass and Garden Seed, ami ail the patent Nostrums of the flay. Ileal Estate in Mneon, —and fc>1 ’ r “•Ow'K". •!. .Iczinws of cooecntraUnp 1.1, t. ofa), of “ ’’hoSrr Tv a "" n "’ ’T"I Mt any -11 L rnrtn. aiiil ‘ W ‘” ’ f " f • A 'aprß— lm M s - Br. I. B. Coming’s, OjTrr.s his Professional Srr\ I< ;i REFORM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, gV)lie Citizens of Macon. Office in the Medicate, i fl lege,on Mulberry Street ‘ ‘’ Macon, March 28—6 m li. A. W I S 13, IS NOW RECEIVING refrigeeatoes, SILVER I*LATGD& HR ITTA VI fc ICE PITCHERS, Patented Ice Cream Churns, Feathered and Pea-Fowl _ FLY-BriTTSKCES. Bi nslies and Dusters of even desniption. j SILVER PLATED WAITERS, CASTORS, f* TABLE & TEA SI’OOY.N. i TablfiForks, Tea and Table Knives. UAUjANCHII IVORY HANDLED KNIVES & FORKS. f STO\ KS AMI l i UN,HUS. j TINNED AND ENAMELLED SAIICKPANS ‘-f-’T “"”, yTt V’ C6oking Stdvfs‘^ fcT^i TEIOXjtX.OW WAnE, BidUins Tubs, Shower Halils and Bath Tubs, Tinned and Japanned Ware, Alul’a general assortment of HOI SEKEEI* r\ Cl ti OOES S Which will In- nil! on tint most KiASORAJII.K TKII.MS. sit.'ttjk. CORN SHELIERS! I CAB HART k CURD. Ifepers ■ WK Agents for this valuable paper, nn<? wilt T forward subscriptions as soon as hand*d in to U3 ‘ . J- J- k S. I*. RICHARDS. jji m3l—tf LIVERY STAKE. f WHIR subscriber begs leave to Inform the public (hat R. his STABLE, on Plumb Street, directly opposite the Common Passenger Depot. And within a short distance of rrOWN ’ MOTE t is now well supplied with HORSES and VEHICLES of every description, for the accommodation of the pub lic. Careful drivers will be sent with Carriages when required. Horses taken at livery on reasonable terms, aprll—tf 11. M. LINDSAY, Agent. ( OPAUTYERSIIIP IVOTM fl> Ci L. Denman Joseph Waterman have tin- day Es formed a Copartnership under the firm and mime of Denman & Waterman, who will canyon the Fumy .4 Dry Goods business it the old stand of Denman k Strip ling, known ns the New York Store. G. L. DENMAN. JOSEPH WATERMAN. March 16 57*— 2St4 TO HOUSEKEEPERS, AA Rolls of Wall Paper, of new and elegant Styles, just received and for sole low. Also Fire Board Prints and cheap Window Blinds, plain and fig ured Side Light Papers of varlons patterns Onll and examine. J. J. & 8. P. RICHARDS. raar29—tf CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &C. THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RECEIVING AT HIS MIME BEPJSITDRY. ON CONSf&N MKNT, AN extensive Stock of CARRIAGES of the various styles In use. They have been •elected with great care, by 11. C. McKKK, who is acknowledged one of the best judges and buyers ofwofk In the Northern market. THE Stock will le con Mamly replenished, consist of the latest and • lA- fl iii'S(. fashionable styles of VRHICLRS, cjnubining fr/rUaNTB will. LKiHTM’SS nm^TUI'VLTH. Built by J. M. Quinhy k Cos., Mott hr ■ . lir- w.-.t- r A Soil, W. Dunlap, Hcdcnburg k Little,Mi. k D. C< ■!; .4 Cos.. L 11. ti* odwin and other rellajjf uianufaetui m .* Persona wishing the wy hep worl, <ui the i,n. t. favorable terms, will do well to examine this Stork be fore purchasing. T. 11. PLANT. feb I 4 tf New TIN AND JOBBING SHOP IN MACON. lii Mr. T. J. LANE’S on 3d Street. grateful for the vei*y liberal patronage al ready received, I will now announce through the medium of the Press, that I am prepared to fill orders in the TIN, COl'PEh, Sheet-Iron, Plumbing & Pump Line. Personal attention paid to TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON ROOFING. (Satisfactory reference given as to an expe rience of fifteen years.) AI.SO, the putting np of Liirli tning [toils In the most approved and reliable manner. IN Store, and for sale, Till, Japanned ml lli-iiiuinia. Warm/. ORDERS from the adjoining counties promptly an swered. Wanted. 1} AGS, Cotton Waste. Bagging Rope, Paper Shu ‘iC vings, aud all other kinds of Paper Strck, in oi sMiitll quantities. The highest Cash prices paid, r u higher in trude. 11. N. BATCIiELLKR, Age it. mar7-3ra NO. 2'.'.