The daily citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-1857, May 07, 1857, Image 3

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Consignees—(Vutnil Kail Koao^H MAOON, Mat^B K >- - ; -,t Son A A vri s, R Findlay, Ar MeaUM^ Sir.h,, ko r u.) M Kln.v, ( arliait A Curd, Mason A N I, P I. Woodruff. Daily A Fitzgerald, T (‘ Nisi* Hardeman A Griffin, J II Dnmour. G .1 1 fluke, G * R .vmitfil ■Macon Manufacturing Company, .1 H Cherry A <’ €onsi*s—Snnth-Wisicni Hall Road. ... „ MAfOX, Mavi, IWT 1 A Harrl-, Aud-non* Sen. I. V W Amlivvv. Ilanl. id .ii A Sparks. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, SODA WATER! SODA WATER ! In G-lass Bottles, PREPARED WITH Choice Sarsaparilla ami Lemon S YHTTP. Mottling Establishment at Ross* old Hand, Colton \\. TIMIET SI IWRUIKR would inform Iho Citizen# of Ma Xi on and surrounding countrv, that he has just eonmiomvd tju Manufacture atid ll<ftlinix of Soda Water, inili. edv of Macon, and respectfully solicits their patronage. .No labor or expense will l.c spared to furnish a superior ar tale. No better in the world ! Trv It! Z3F“Ordors from City and Country sent to the subserlk-r. or through C A ELLS& SON, will Ik- promptly attended to , . . „ o.'chappkl; _ - <l-!t A-. 1.1 for Smith s N V Bottling Works. IST otioe. r\\t\l\ NtXLIY.W ipplies 1o me bv Charles M M. J’ ‘"V Guardian, to be registered as a free person of color She is about 27 years old, r. feet high, ami weighs about ten pounds.—was born in Columbia eountv.Ga.. lives in the Fifth lust net of Houston countv. Charles M M Coy is | A tnu* extract from the mimites of the said Court. K. M. HULSEY, c. 1. C. may. d—lt To Rent. ONE OF THE BEST’ ventilate., and m..,i .V irahle ito .nisin tb city. Apply to T. J. I,AXE. may” d—tlw Just. B-eoeived., l) X box. 1 CRACKXELL BISCUIT. 2 do WINE do t do CREAM do ‘<o lbs. BOLOGNA SAUSAGES. •! bids, fresh ALMONDS, 2 do English WALNUTS, do FILBERTS. 20 boxes Laver RAIS!XS, ~t H. HORNE’S __ may d—ts White Lead, Zinc and Oil. SDAA LBS. Pure WHITE LEAD. s” M f lbs. French and American ZINC. 2,0001b5. Blake's Fire Proof ]*aint. -100 galls. LINSEED OH.. Also, an assortment of Paint lii usn.s, inst rec. ivt**t um| tor ‘■ale by DEO. T. ROGERS A SOX. may.} d—ts ii mum. scs, .mil v.vioii pix IMIOTOGBAPHS, and VMBROTVPKsi, IIAUL'RHRRUTVPKS a. WOOD’S PALACE OF ART. tijliK H VLLOTV PK i-s son., thing new, Ttlch aml*Beau- JL'tinil, and can he had only at WOOD'S. For beaut vof col of, softness of tone and distinct ness of’oatlinc they far ’sun kiss any other Style of Picture. They represent one iii the XATU RAL COLORS OF LIFE, and a’re’fne inoat desirable Pi.-hires ptailc. poi>TfuU to call and see !lu;n’.. jf' Taken all sues and colored in Oil by Mr. REBUFF, tlie <*ele liratcd Artist. Portraits painted from Life if preferred. The Photograph gives a much better likeness and docs away with the long tedious sitting which is required for a Portrait. Da guerreotypes of deceased persons copied and painted true to 1 • •* usual, m tpe last fStyfe anti at mdiicrat.-Prices. ■i he Public aiv invited’to call and exaiiiihe the above new .•Giles of Pictures, amongst which lai-gc collection may he seen many a familiar face. R. L. WOOD, may# d—tfi Rare Chance for investment, ” Attention Mechanics I FOR SALE, .{ j'K WEU; I^XfAVN KAKiIIT S HTE V'.M SAMI A HLIM) FAtTORY. The Building is entirely new, .ul the .c W and of the best quality, pis a lucrative business and has awu ’establishedtrade. Tso Building and Machinery will lie sold on liberal terms, withlt lot of lumber, if desired. JOHN’ KXIGTIT. mn y 4 d—l f __ ~ MACON ICE OCJVEB^ISrY * HAS A FULL SCPPIA OF •‘ICE ,*”, ~i.q car, “supply all their friends and customers either in the pit y or oountly at all hours of tin* (lay oi night. f: D WILLIAMS, Agent, may Id—‘nil O. .A. . Ells &c. Son ARE RECEIVING DAILY, VEGETABLES, SHRIMPS, Crabs, Frcli Fili cfco in store a lot oj’i\E\\ BiV LK for ICE!. Por Sale at low Price. may 2 d—2m NOTICE. 13 VMILIBN living near the PASSENGER DEPOT can : get their Jr Q 3 JE2 : •rr Office, jutt t the lower enn <.f *.!,>. llspqt. atsu.v HOUR 1 IV- Vh'i DAY NV'.'are at the arrivals and Departures of all the I ■f>.‘!ir ( s. _ c. A. ELLS & SOX. j IST ot,ioe. f |IHE undersigned begs leave In inform the public that he X has declined the business ..f purchase and sale of Xe grocs in this market. aprSOd—4t JAMES DEAN. To the^Ladies. Jills. MARY T. lId.UKCOR'S FEMALE NNWHK miflS valuable Medicine has proved itself to be one X of the greatest discoveries or tlie age. Its virtues has been tested, and in no single instance lias ii been known to fall. Without injury to the most delicate con gtltutlon it acts with imperceptible certainty, reinovin all obstructions of the Womb whether produced by co p or otherwise. This medicine is particularly vuiuabk pi a change of life from girlhood to womanhood. A trial of the medicine satisfy the most skeptical. ! For lurther uurtioulars add. 03s nr pppiyto” R*. MARY 1 T. McGItKQOn, Cor Walnut and j Mrs. Mary T. McGregor's 33 i-east Xj inn m out. THIS Linament has been used by myse|f for over 2n years for the purpose of removing all swelling, \ 17] alio ii and in the Rreast without a drop of milk drawu. Price $1 per bottle. Per further particu lars address or apply to MRS. MARY T. McGRKGOR, Cor. Walnut and Fifth-st. aprlS-ly Macon, Ga. MRS. S. AUDOUIN BEGS leave to in farm her friends j e feJhfflyHand patrons that she lias taken the ■ ’t Store recently occupied by Dr. Little, i t immediately between Messrs. Bostick Keiu and the New York Sttre, on j fflyAtrfftßmf Cotton Avenue, where she is now pre pared to show one of the handsomest and most carefully selected stocks ever y offered iu this market, comprising in u jfi part, the following articles : rn\ FRENCH PATTERN BOK NETS every variety, VELVETS. SILKS. STRAWS, nct -Ilnir of all the newest and most desirable styles, Head Dresses, Caps Bridal Wreaths, French Flowers of every new style. Feathers, Klbhnns, Lares and Embroideries, Ilalr Braids, Wigs and Plats, and a full assortment of Fancy Articles, all of which she offers low for cash, Thankful for past favors, she solicits a continuance cf same. i j TIG OoliH C3JT. ‘T.XJJ. SAFE PERM AN?® i>r.\sr/s e ‘% X s£& r I Mil’s ID Gl D\ •; * ‘"is.*sofKArE XKI UAI.GIA. It is imt J fil t.n-miy i.thvMii-rvi'.i-;iffi-ctio:i. but wh.-n usvd in cruclatiug cases of NEURALGIA OF THE FACE, it lias been Invariably and entirely successful. The Proprie tor is satisfied that a trial will prove the truth of the reeoni- The following testimonials of the virtues iof DK.NSE S Pol LTl<’E is respectfully submitted to the no licc of the nffiietcd. Certificate. I do hereby certify that some seventeen venrsngo, I hadsuf lere.l for two years with the Neuralgia of the face, ami was | cured with Dense s ('elehnited POULTICE, and have not had a return Os it up to this time. MARY PoWELL. * Hsmngtoii, >\ likes county, Ga. BIT* Applicants will please add re-s A. A. MENARD, Druggist, Or B. F. DENSE, Mao ill, Ga. This Medicine can he sent by mail to every nail -.f the country. Price idO. aphis d—2m w ts IIO\DS of the City of Savannah for sale by the subscriber. upria il—tf K. lIOND. mm ICE COMPANY HAS SOME NEW STYLES OF loe Also tin* ICE to put in them. ITgrOall and see them. , . , K. D. WILLIAMS, Agent, d—2m IP'agh.’s O-allery, COR, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, COTTON AV. Pliotograplis, Ambrotypss, Stereoscopes, MELAINOTYPES AND J— 9 ix s n e r r opt jp jp* ot* . HAVINq rented the of the splendidlv furnished Parlor, of Ur. §egeY k Pettee (adjoining) as a re c lion room to my Gallery, I can noty accommodate c - tom?rs with as pice a set of Raoms as well as the best Pictures, in any of the above styiea, and at low est Pkick.s. Photograph* taKeu uro sio. Mr. Boaidley, the well known Portrait Painter, du ring the time he remains in in Macon, has agreed to col or any of my work desired, .which is enougtj to say to guarantee their being done in the best styles, niayl w—ts CARTER ft SBAV, J. \L .. : ‘..A. O. GRAY Forwarding and Commission 3VE ERC II A. 3KT rp £} , SAVAUKAH ga., IN .TONUS’ JiW BLOCK, BAY STRKET, I (Lately occupied by Jno. P S*ww*ldlivi‘at atiYiiitCf s made on ionslgiimpiih. i REFERENCES. Patten, liulton & Cos. I N. J. Bayard, Esq , Agent John Ingersoll, Esq. piant’rs Il’k. Rome, (Sa. Robt. I. Young, Esn. | R. li. QUyer, ISsck, iiech. S. Jbk. Amgricws, Ga. aprlj( d—ts GEORGIA HAMS. I Wkii LBS. >'p. rlo: i.KuKi.l A HAMS for sale by UOWDKK A ANDERSON.’ • api Jt .1- ts SYRUP. O BBLS. and Halfhhi- r.f .--upoiorqr.aiity, msf rereivMl and t'nr sab liy BOW DRE & A MI) RRS< >N. apr24 d—ts FlGHl’y *>l \/\SCItS. Superfine and Family Flour for sale by 01/1/ BOWDRB ft ANDERSON. nprlC d—6m Rope. 4 and \d V COILS Richardson’s Hemp leaf Rope, part ivv half coils, of superior quality, for ssle by BOWDBP. & ANDLRSON. apr!6d— 2m it ft On Consignment. X MX BBLS. Western Rectified Whisky, i (tV/ 20 do. Superior old Bourbon do. for sale low by BOWDRE & ANDERSON. a prlC d—Cm Cracknel Biscuit. A /\ BOXE3 just received and for sale by ~±\J . BOWDRE & ANDERSON. apr2o d—ts * | CARRIAGE MAKERS’ MATERIAL. FI X AMELLKD anil Patent Leather, Enamelled Clotl, A Spokes, Hubs, Rims, Axles, Springs, Bows, Bolts, Malleable Castings, Bands, Lining Nails, Laces, Da masks, Fringes, Ac. Ac. together with every other arti cle, used In manufacturing Carriages. Also Yarn! h, Tnrpentine, Japan, Moss, for sale by LITTLE A BMITH. mar2S—tf MACHINE BELTING & GIN BANDS. T EATIIER and Rubber Pelting of all kinds from one inch to any desired width, for sale at Manufactu i rers prices for CASH, by LITTLE A SMITH, j mar23—tf SADDLERY HARDWARE. A General assortment cf Saddlery and Harness SeT’ “ fl W YMR.Wfirte? ta mar23—tf Anderson & Sou, Lottery and Exchange Office, Macon, G-.i. H AMM I )iurclluse<ltli L . Interest of J. F, WINTER, In tlie above business, we ask a continuance of patronage so lit) orally extended to him. Exchange for sale on all the prlncipa i I Cities of tlie Union. ! . ttr 'Uncurrent money bought and sold. ! %Htr Gold for sale. -. ’ - JE3L‘omo JProteoticn IT RE ISO W ATER PROOF ROOFS, fiimlTc mTiilniE, Is equally adapted to New or Old Buddings , iu moee durable than Tin, and much cV.eapar, and may be ap . plied to Qld Tin or Shingle Roofc, rendering them, both FIRE AND WATER PROOF, 1. I*. CHERRY, Agent fur State of Georgia. Office with Freeman A Roberts Macon. npril2—daily 12t—weekly Bm. r r FOR RENT- QR LEASE, vim Brick House now occupied by fno untlorsigned, situated on Poplar street, on the cor* uor opposltedhe residence of John Rutherford. Esq. U® Also to hire, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer. Posses sion given Immediately, or by the Ist October. Apply to J. A. Virgin, or to HIRAM SEOER. npr24 d—ts Georgia—Houston County. April 10th, 1857. fcAiSfUKJL HOLDS applies to me, by William Tharp,his Guardian, to be Registered as a free person of color. He is a; about 26 years old, 6 feet high, and weighs, about 156 pounds ; is a laborer ; and was born in Columbia county and now resides In the 019th District of Houston county. William Tharp is his Guardian. Given under my hand thin 10th day of April. 1357. E. M. HULSEY, Clerk Inferior Oourt. mayl-w ts 2 ‘ ‘ r ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 : a s*■ v ? f■ r 1 1 . ■— hi ; \■ -;,.t■ in ;■• ‘ y *<T -y “M'Y'y :**■ .. Dnm-iii^| “. , i-vimi ng. Moi,(hv, He has a peculiar system of imparting pupils and guarantees asatisfactory improvement in ev ery instance. Kvery young gentlemen should now im prove the opportunity. tinn' St "” !i °” S ' VC ” *’ riTalt, y’ lo upon applies-’ _ aprlßd—tf PARKER'S II Hill S! For tiro SPRING TRADE. ” 1!. are now receiving a splendid assort ment of most desirable French, English, Ger man, Swiss and American GrOOUS oflhe very LATEST IMPORTATION. sn.K itoiir.s. (irenadlneliolies. ORGANDY MUSLIN ROMS, ■IAUONEr MUSLIN ROBES, EUGENIE SII.K ROBES, Morning Drcsscß, TOILE d'ASIE ROBES, entirely new. A full assortment of Bishorf’j Bout Black Silk ittantiilns, tItANTII.LY ‘LACE POINTS AVI) MANTILLAS. The Ladies will, we think, derive great pleasure from an examination of our fftiwU N'b'v stutk. of French Embroideries, | which Urbpusually’ attractive. We have a groat many NOVELTIICS both Brilliant anil Beautiful, unnecessary to mention. Cull and we will repay you for the time spent, by showing you the Largest and most Beautiful stuck ■'’ TR-ir^T!^ Ami FANCY - DRY-GOODS!! Which Lava had the pleasure of exhibiting to Ladies of Macon and surrounding country ’l—aprUf W. W. PARKER & CO. JOHN CIEGHORN, llSi dealer in J ||i SADDLES, HARNESS, LEATHER. HIGHER BELTING, u Saddlery Hardware, Etc. Etc. At the stand of the late Wm. T. MIX k CO. Cotton Aver.uc, Macon, Ga. aprll—tf A Hacking and Wood folio Trunks, Cann-t nags; Whips pf every description, fop sate oy _ LITTLE A SMITH. 185 V 1857 SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. 1 f/\ * Extraordinary Inducements to Cash Purchasers of Watches, Jewelry, &c. riIHE subscribersdeQlguipg to make important altera -1 tiops and Improvements in their Btore next fall, wish to reduce their stock as much as possible to make room, will offer the whole at very reduced prices for cash. jay All orders promptly Allied and forwarded per mall, Railroad, or otherwise. Give us a call. E. J. JOHNSON k CO. April 13—ts _ SELECT GROCERIES VOR SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. TXIOM A.sTjr LANS, Has on hand and is notv receiving a good supply of Family stores. My Stock consists in part of SUGAR, MEAL, MOLASSES, , COFFEE, FLOUR, SYRUP, “ | Green & Bit TEA, BACON, BRANDIES, j RAISINS, LARD, NUNES, I CURRENTS, SAN. GRITS, CIGARS, TOBACCO,it. _ Burning Flrrirl, PICKLES. SAUCE? CATSUPS, SAR DINES, ETC. i Ami every other article usually kept in his line, all sold | cheap for CASH. | AH persona wishing to avail themselves of the bene fit of having their llacon, Flour, Meal, and other heavy articles delivered, will do well to give him a call ns he delivers them to any part of the citv free of charge. TIIOS. J. LANE. aprlß d—ts FOR SALE. \ DESIRABLE Residence on Pine Street, next to above Danforth'g School Room. Apply to Allen Dunlap, at their old stand. ALLEN A DUNLAP. jan-Sl—flm A C3-REAT BARGAIN. For Sale. 1 “1 A A ACRES of Land for sale in Worth -- i.^ 1 1 Wlf county, Ga. lying on Flint River, ISmß’ gQu* 10 miles above Albany. Os this there are VW ?00 acres improved land, the balance in Woods. This Plantation is equal to the'**"* best in Worth county, and has all the necessary build ings anil negro houses attached. For terms apply to B. F. Taylor, on the place, or to J. A. M’KAV, Fort Valley. aprl Vienna Matches. ANOTHER Case of those Fancy Match** received and for sale at $8,60 per Gross. ! 4t~ JOHN A. NELSON, East Macon. j#m*m**& >mmw%****- -jaw to &125 each. We have a superb assortment of KMRROIDFUIF.H LACE SKTi'S ’ Xj*oo Mimtillns, WHITE GOODS, &C., “Inch ev.-t? one will Appreciate and admire when they see them, j Our Stotk nf LINENS. SHEETINGS, PIMITYB, B eached And Brown HOMESPUN, and all other arti cles for FAiily purposes, will be sold Astonishingly Cheap. ALSO, EVERY VARIETY OK Carpeting, Rugs, MATTING, CURTAIN GOODS, &c„ if THE VERY LOWEST MARKET TRICK. Oif us ft call. We Will reciprocate the favor by selling ysl GREAT BARGAINS. ItOKTICK & HEIN. apt ■ Dr*. G. McDonald, • IEITET, <m NO It Dr. NAN GIESEN, Ills Assistant, Still eoßfinues the practice in all its branches. Office jstlß at his residence, on Second Street. Hi- dj! ind popular article ol TOOTH PASTE, neatly done uji in Glast Boxes with Metal eovers, for sale at his omr JilWlft —ts JNa B. ROSS. WM. A. ROSS. J. 3. & W. A. ROSS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL m-ans ituuTinaiiß Macon. Ga., H4’F on baud, and are vow receiving, In their I targe nr# sieve, jON f ! i. OQR. OF SECOND k OHERtIV STREETS, One of the most ‘EXTENSIVE STOCKS Os new and seasonable goods ever offered in the State. , Our Stock, besides a large and tyneral Assortment 01 tutoiii. Li i. IHC.C6 <1 exlciuite variety or SHOES, HATS, 1 HAI/y* W OODEN WARE, CARPETINGS, and ! Fmcy and Staple Dry-Goods. Ow extended acquaintance, and long experience in trail, afford us the most ample fiicilities for procu ring hur goods on the most favorable term*, and adapt ing Stock to the wants of the puhlie, and puroh.-po ■ .'3 we do, In large quantities, ndwually for tho CJ.A.S33H:, we can afford j ‘ ‘ “1° °WT at correspondingly LOW PRI OIS Wifie vfc cordially Invite the public generally, to a vU toemselYvi (,r our AMPLE STOCK, from which to purchases for their personal wants, we woul also especially invite WHOLESALE PURCHASERS toinpectour goods, and hear our prices, before pur chakup, nr pending their ordv'i's elsewhere, for we feel conP.ient wq ~ap otfer a., great inducements as any Hcua m CABO 11$A, or GEOHGIA, and we are •leie turned U> do it. Try us and sec. [J. B. & NV. A. BOSS. ipr4—Bin TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Os Mneon, SurrouatHng Towns an m coi ffiM & wm BAVE JUST OPENED, FRESH FROM NEW YORK, A STOCK OF Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods. Athough they are perfectly new and of the atest design, yet the Stock falls far sharijof either Stewart's or Lambert’s of New York. AMOSfI OUR NOVRI.riKS ARK Flounced Kobcs—varying fVom $25,- 50 to SBO,OO. Drens Situs- -at all prices. Flounced Organdie Muslins. Muslins--Plain, of all kinds. Valenciennes, Ulultese & Iloni- j „ A*°? EaCCK—S6tts at all prices. Embroideries of every conceivable kind, and- tn fact a general Stock of . DRY GOODS, To wadi we respectfully iuvite your attention. 33?rfo good Parties we sell on time, till Jnnu.iK- next. To Cash customers a liberal dediu'jon will be made. curly,—no charges for exhibiting the thou sand il|7i one Rich and Elegant 1 noveltls Hmt adorn our Shelves and Counters. | In allitlnn to the above Stock, we have just opened | n magilfiecnt lot of Tapestry, Velvet, Brussels, Three-ply and Ingrain (car pets, Bruggets, Rugs & wm dotv Shades. UOSS, COLEMAN & KOSS. HT-SriL— -■ National Police Gazette. Journal of Crime and UHniinals U In its 12th I. Yeai and is widoly eirculiitcd throughout the cnuntiy.— Ji contail- all tlu’ Great Trials, Criminal < ‘uses, and apprnprl ate Editjiiala on the, together with information on Crl initial Mitten, not to hr* found In any other newspaper. 8 2T Sifinwriptiona. *•_’ per Annum,; for Six Months, to he ; Kvmfr Sutiseriiiers, (who stionld write their names and, eounty and State where thev reside plainly,) To R. A. SEYMOT'R, Jiklitor k irot)rietor of the National Police Gazette, Nuw York Cltr. RptM J—ts y j’Ui ‘ i’. ™ S-'tilh who intend visiting the Pll’ - tliat tti. \ u 11 find the amplest and choicest datlonsattliis fine Hotel, and a table at all times fn™ ished with an abundance of viands, conked and served in the most unexceptionable manner. The location of this Hotel is superior, being in the vicinity oflhe various approaches to tlie city and to its grmit.’thoroughfares, and yet suffi dently private to make the stabi;shm**nt a Home ami Family Circle where a genial hospitality my he enjoyed without many of the annoyances and inconveniencies of most public Hotels. The patronage of the Southern people is respectfully solicited. JOHN BATTEN,jr HKNJ. LYNDE. New York, March 21,—6m* mi SMSHIiU I AT Ainmem>, Goo., can bo fomnl in flip HARDWARE STORE OF w . n . tttn r i n\r, A large stock of all kinds of Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. \lso,S|rnw- Mtfers Stoves, Nail*, Ac. Tin Ware of every description man- j ufactureu by himself. He is also Agent for tVio Troy Factory, Ooiumhns, and keeps on hand i good assortment of. BrcKKTS. Tubs. Ac., All of which will be sold ms tow as they can he pnrclrased anywhere in Georgia an.l laid down in Amcriens. W. H. TURPIN. marl 4—6 m BOOTS & SHOES fcw nf KIBBEE & BALL DESIRE to inform their friends and customers in Georgia, that they have associated with them Messrs. C. W. & S. L. Keith, and will continue tlie Wholesale BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS, At 33 Murray a *t, corner of C'lk tire It 9 under the style and firm of KEITHS, KIBEEE & BALL, M,u - |f 3XTo-ff- Yorlt. Swan & Co’s. Lotteries ! CAPITAL PTIIZE 550,0 o o r r The following Scheme will be drawn by S. Swan It Cos. Manapera of the Port Hainea Academy Lottery, of fleor- Gia.for April, 1557. Class 34r. To be drawn in tlie city of Atlanta, Geo. in public, on Sitiurday, May 2d, 1857. Class 35, To he drawn in the City of Atlanta, Geo.,in public, on . Saturday, May OIU, 1857. Class 36, To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Geo. in public, on Saturday May IG, 1857. Class 37, To be drawn in the Oily of Atlanta, Oeo. In public on Saturday, .In, 2lld, IS.M, Class 38, To be drawn In the City of Atlanta, Goo. in public, on Saturday, May 30. 1857. 1 Prize of $50,000 ia $50,000 1 “ of 20,000 is 20,00n l “ or 10,000 i 10,000 1 “ Os 10,000 is 10,000 | 1 “ of 5,000 is 5,000 1 “ of 5,000 is 5,000 | 1 “ of 5,000 is 5,00 1 “ of 2.500 is 2,500 1 “ of 2,50 ft is 2,500 1 “ of 2,500 is .. 2,500 1 “ of 2.500 is 2,500 1 “ of • 2,5(10 is 2,500 1 “ of 2,500 is 2,500 1 “ of 1,000 is 1,000 1 “ of 1,000 is 1.000 1 “ of 1,000 is 1,000 1 “ of 1,000 is 1,000 1 “ of 1,000 is 1,000 100 Prizes of 100 is 10,000 100 “ of 50 Is 5,000 Approximation Prizes. 4 prizes of $225 approx, to $50,000 prize are S9OO 4 “ 10 “ 20,000 “ are 640 3 “ 60 “ 10,000 “ are 640 12 “ 50 “ 6.000 are 600 24 BO “ 2.600 “ are T2O 20 “ 25 “ 1,000 “ are snu •3,000 “ 20 are 60,000 3,25)0 Prizes amounting to t>204.00() Tickets #lo—Halves *s—Quarter* $2 50. The first 807 Prizes are decided in the usual manner | T e 8,000 Prizes of s4b will be determined hv the last figure of the Number that draws the $26.*'00 Prize. For j example. i r the Number drawing the $25,000 Prize end* f with Number 1, then alt the Tickets where the Number | ends in 1 will be entitled to S4O. If the Number ends witli Number 2, then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to S4O, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following, rates which is the risk : Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, S6O “ “ 10 Half BO “ “ 10 Quarter “ 16 Orders for Tickets can be addressed either to S. SWAN k CO. Atlanta. may 1-1 m THE LONE STAR INFIRMARY. One, .! file Souin-wesi of Ciistetu, On. riIUE subscriber has opened an Infirmary for the ■_ treatment of Chronic diseases of every fovm.— From eleven years ex erience In the Reform Practice, he hopes to give satisfaction in every curable case that may be put under his care. Rheumatism and Dropsi cal affections treated with unparalelled success. Fe males nursed by Mrs. Frazier, who is a Lady of moral worth and efficient character. 8. J. AUSTIN, M. D. References.—Hon. Joseph Shaw, Stewart county, Ga. S. W. Parker, Colquit, Ga. White k Helms, Cusßetn, Gn. Jno. C. White. Mt. Andrew, Ala. Maj. E. Dean, Itockyhe&d, Ala. Knß—tf | SADDLES BRIDLES & HARNESS. A FULL assortment of every style, quality, and price, fir sale at low prices by LITTLE & SMITH. mar2B—tf Land for Stile. * T OFFER for Bale, my land, lying In the Hazznrd I District, Bibb county, near the upper fork of the Thomaston Rod, on the south side, and ten m les from Macon, containing 160 acres. Any quality of land can be bought adjoining, at a low price. On the Farm is a good dwelling house, aU necessary out-bulidiogz, or* chard, Ac. HENRY JOHNSON. UnlO-tf , ’f'.r ■ 1 * ! ‘‘ t •'* ,h,la > OJglit <•! each in- !.’. Roman Catholic Ch -7^***®^ PASTOR. Rev. Jnincs Yfassan. n^77"rtort. bb “ lh Mon, "* n ’ 7 : '" d I)f. aho in the The Baptist Church. PASTOR. Rev. Sylvanus Landrum. . DEACONS. Titos. A. EIIK^Geo; ■ ro,m ’" :in Col,i "- : • .•••-gVrtV TRt'STFFS Sot? SsagT: . c t n f,;o,xm:::: ’ TBEASFRER.'SSaBt, DetoMho. r ’A . r ■ ‘J . Gooree P. Obeilr’ ‘*’ m . ml ni j, o ' *"('■ and praver Meeting even’ Wodncsiiii* hif*hr net? .■•tnmtuilim-.iM .aU<tUt in carh lucuith, in tin- after .tt?!n StSmi,'’" 0 ’ W’ ‘Tw the Wto. -i wy , ->**■ -•) f. OFFICERS OF CITY COURT. HO>'. ff.IFFORp AXHERSOV i . ■V. W.M. I. X. F.1.1.15. KK ) - vf.|tev, :.- kwh .vim itkii kso *i2l!£‘ ‘ J "JE '!•'■■’ ’ PKOTECTION FIRE 00MPAN Y. SO. 1. > Frank* P. Bloom, Foreman. R Boogs, Assistant Foreman. ■> T ~ E. J. Stow, Treasurer. ’ ’* : — Grorgr A. Durr, Secretary. A. MCQURRN. Engineer. A. Patterson, Foreman If ose. Gro. Smith, A.alatand Foreman Hose. ... Regular Monthly Mcetlnsr on the lat THniagot each Month, at S o’clock, P. M. * Ocmulg-ce Fire Company. No. 2. ITrnrv N. Fi.i.m, Foreman. R. S. Freeman, Assistant Foreman F. D. Williams, Secretary. - E. Isaacs, Treasurer. J. 11. WLI.ON, Engineer. Regular Monthly meeting on the Ist Monday In every month, at 8 o’clock, P. M. Young” America Fire Company, No. 3. J. D. Yanvalkenbttro, Foreman. Ohas. W. Elis, Assistant Foreman. R. W. Evans, Secretary k Treasurer, r: J as. P. Slater, Recorder. .... Regular Monthly Meeting on the Ist Tuesday in every Month at 8 o'clock, P. M. Hook & Ladder Cos. No. 1. Albert G. Butts, Foreman, Jas. V. fl kerb, Ist Assistant Foreman. Jas. Campbell, 2d “ “ G. Wood, Secretary k Treniujer., Regular Quarterly meetings last Saturday!ln Jan- • uary, April, July an.l October, at 8 o’clock, P. ‘]\J. i j Oranges and Lemons. 1 l a) l kBOXES Oranges and Lemons received every week and for sale liy GEO. T. ROGERS A SON. aprll d—ts . ET'AGENTS l AGENTS! .^: EXTRA INDUCEMENTS OFFERED. PERSONS sending me their address will receive, pre paid, our New Catalogue of Publications, Tor 1867, • . ’ containing over 100 new and popular Works. Particu lar attention is requested to the liberal offers way make - on tlie following Books. Powers of Europe, and Fall of Sebastopol. Chain of Sacred, Illustrated Biography, Lifk and Writings of the Rev. Lorenzo Dow and Peggy Dow.— Howard’s Domestic Medicine, containing 1000 Pages and 114 Illustrations. Brother Mason, or Ten Years a Methodist Preacher. Garden of the World. My Instructions to Agents will enable them to make from SSO to SIOO per month. Full Information in re gard to the business will be sent by addressing —’ D. RULISON, No. 28 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. mar! 4—Bm V SECOND HAND CLOSE CARRIAGE almost as good as new. Apply to 1.. J. GKQCE. • apr24 w—flt • __d _ ‘ | DR. A. PIERCE, T. XI o xxx ob opathlst, HAVING clidset) M ‘Con H 8 his permanpnt residence, offers his professional services to ihe inhabitants of the city and Its ••nvirons. FOII B.4JLK.—Medicine Cases for family ue, and Pocket Cases of various sizes and prices. Woks on Homcupathfo practice, adapted to the use of families and private individuals, y Also, Dilutions, Triturations, Distilled Water, Distilled Alcohol, Pure Sugar of Milk, and unmedicated Pellets for Physicians’ use. r Office in LANE’S building, Third St. t v aprlß d—ts Land Agency. /■HIE suliscrlbers are prepared to make locations of I Land in all of tlie North-western States—lowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas, and solicit consignments of funds or war rants. For terms apply to JNO. H. LONGLEY, Macon, Ga. JNO. B. DWINNELL, Lodi, Wisconsin. aprlT and-ts , & ne mi in uuiMY. Mrs. S. Audouin IS now receiving her new Spring and Summer Stock of goods, embra cing all the newest styles in her line l&mmiiMl ‘flK' U” * h;:?'nes, uch as Crape Hats, Fan llffi Hair anu Straw Bonnets abd Jes-. HjJ y si‘s. Leghorn Pint*, Head Dresses. ■ m Caps. Hair Braids, Side Plaits, Curls v\ Vl rtn ‘l Wigs, Embroidery and Lac# | £jl jj Goods, Fans, and a general assort- Jf raent of Fancy articles. -■* ” Thankful for past favors she soli cits a continuance of the same. Ladles will please call and examine for themselves. ... ..... aprlC d—ts Pif. flias. Iket.ralliV ELECTRIC OIL FOR SALE BY J. 11. &W. S. ELLIS, . CORNER OF 8s A CHF.RRY STRKTB, MACON. OA. It;; U d—lm