The daily citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-1857, May 07, 1857, Image 4

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\ 1 ; >K‘ S ‘J f.vAt’ 5 - + ■w.swp^ ♦ < ‘i PKtNovelties far the Season ? If so o to tlio %To Y. STOI^E. -.’ ~; ne no* open every thing usually kept in a U GOODS STOREi 300 yds Irish Linen at 23 cts.—worth 40, and all the grades running up to very fine. 1500 yds. Dress Muslins at 12 1-2—worth 20 cts. ALSO a splendid assortment of Jaconets and Organdies, Muslin Robes, Barege Robes. Silk Robes, Silk in Dress Pat terns, Bareges, Oottonades for iVlen’s wear, &c. Also Linens, Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Embroid rd Handkerchiefs, Silk Mitts, Kid Gloves, Fine Fans, Palm do. Also, .P1.1..1W Into! MANTIIjI* as, wl,w. will be sold very low furT ASH. mwd.l4 Iy JWBfH WA riiKSAH. .JL A. A.MENARD, p pMitiiiiiniiHicmr Ik J Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. iR II.V? .TOST REORIVKD ft WILLKKHP CONSTANTLY ON’ HAND A FRESH SUPPLY o' 1 DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CONSISTING OF <l I MM'. MOUPIIIM’, 1 iaiim’. lODIlFi: FOTtSII, SiIACIVF, FIPEKIIVK, (IiI.OOFOU!Uf 161 Ji: 1I ASS, < 11.0. Tl i:i.. ACm A <’. 4I>(), A LVROE LOT OF AMEIMCAX, ENGLISH AXD GERMAN a- am w, C ATI Fill !•:, Hi II MING I', SF’'o'S. TI UIM'.WTm:, vi.rouoi., swEi.Dixsi i.i'i:t i*i:s, 4: % i< i>i:\ si: i;s>s, &r. HE will a!s-< keep a pure article of lIUI\D¥ & WIA T SS for Medicinal purposes, march 7—ly CARHART & CURD, DEA LEBS r N lIIIHIIKIIIMM STEEL WOULD call the attention of the IYiilic to their large Stock of lIARDXYAItE, AURIC*LTIR 11. IRPLEJII'ATS. & (AUKIAUE A\: WILO.V VlAHlill'S VI ITEIIItL, CONSISTING IN PART OP SWEDKN Imported by lliem expressly for thi.i market; IS !: il \I; e> A ('OH tiov l.lstl of every styl, ; 15 A \l', Round anil Sqilart ; EitlltM S||Oi; of cvery ilescrptiun ; PLOW Sl'ilHl., Superior quality AM', 1.10 It *1 V N .V Hl.lNl'llii ; NAII.N, ■ 100 a iioi.i.tiu vv is a; ovii.s. i im;s, ciik ii. att sans hii.i, mhs hi ao’it’s n mail ti.. I'lvuai’s -rooi.s, akpm ci:u rooi.v, k- SHI.VH’I. TOOLS, SPOKIA A 111 lIS, NIMt I N (IN A l\l,l S, Kills A Slid IN, E>.\ A.H11.1.111 I, I: \ril!,lt. III! 11.1.S A ill IK, and every description of Carriage Trimmings anil Plantation Tools. ALSO, Agents tor IVILDBR'S PAT*.VI', and RICH’S I.IIPROVKIt IKOX SAPKS. and Granger s Magic Corn & Meal Mill. march 7—ly HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN, IflUlllJ i 101 filllltt, CORNER CHERRY & THIRD STR’TS,, lur/j Con.s/anfli/ on Hand , SUGARS—oi* every SDc'scrijJiion. COFFER--Javai, Liitfiisi’a ;mI I?ie. FfjOl ll— Different iJSraiftds, including fili ram Smith, Cape Jessamine, (Su perior Quality) and Various Geor gia and Tennessee Brands. Mackerel, Bagging, Fainls, Rope, Oils, Molasses, Seed, Blitter. Snuff, Candles, Cheese, Nails & Salt, Staple Dry Goods, anc * o, * ior •■n’Ocios usuaiiv kept in a GrIIOCEnY STORE, Also Liquors of all kinds,—-Otard and Rochelle Brandies, Holland Gin, Ja maica Rum. Old Monongahela, Scotch and Bourbon Whiskcj WlNES—Champagne, Sherry, Port, Madeira and Domestic. ANERIMM 1.14(1 OKS, liicliKlln? ifrnnrty, ln. Hum, Itoclinert WliNliy, Wild Cherry llranrty, Kitleis. (Unger M ine. SEGARS &. TOBACCO of various brands, ALI. of which will be sold on reasoniblc terms for CASH, or approved CREDIT. march?—ly Trunks” Valises Bonnet Boxes. Baby Carriages. Avery nice article, with two and four wheels. We also receive regular supplies of the Genulne-Brat tlehoro Buggies, manufactured expressly for us ly Asa M Carriages of any desired pattern built to order, on short notice. , , „ Repairing of every description neatly and prtmptly executed. _ , . , . We respectfully solicit a rail from our fricndt, and : the pulilir generally, as we are determised to sell hw for Cash, and on the most reasonable terms to respijis'bie parties. ■ 4 R - • fe1.14 If New Establishment. Harris Sc Dsnse HAVE opened anew Store In Ralston’s new Brick Range, On Cherry Street, 4 doors above Hardem; i & Griffin, and will keep on hand an extensive supp y of GROCERIES, which will he sold on reasonable terms. They would solicit a share of public patronage,and will endeavor to deserve it in the quality and pricts of their articles. A. P. G. Harris, ) Late Ag’t. House of Ross k Jro. W.m. K. Dense. J snar7-tf ICE! IGE! iGE! EVERYBODY LIKES IT. -♦*>- IJ YKK greateful to our numerous friends and eus'o mers for tiieir liberal patronage for the last ti.f< <■ years, we would most respectfully solicit a contluuayx i of the same. i They know that we have always furnished them is i faithful, by night or day, and as low as any or lift mouse ever engaged in the business, and we now .fy that we are BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER, AND WILL DELIVER ICE IX KA VA XXAII, 1 : fin board of the Cars, packed in barrel, Hogshead V j bulk, directed to aijy point above or below Macon, or \ . Will sell in llacim, in any qiuinlily, or Ship t into the riinntr). ;,s Low ;is nny llonse in . S.ivaun.ih or Macon. i Ploaie call and see us, next door to State Bank, ts Rend your orders for any goods and they wiil he faith fully filled. 0. A. ELLS .V SON. * Maeon, March 21,1 ss7—tf. l For Sale. 71 riMIAT valuable Lot lately o . npied l.v the subscrJV I her and immediately opposite the Lanier It has a front of 86 feet on .Mulberry Street, ruuningJ, liack 210 feet on the alley. No better place in the clttjf for business. Also two lots near the Female College, known as the Todd lots, containing each, half acre, and two lots os Magnolia street adjoining Mrs. Tracy. For terms aj£ ;*ly at the “Brown Hotel,” to E. E. BROWN. ; Also two Negroes for sale, a valuable carpenter 2$ years old, and a boy 19 years old, a valuable field ham ’ E. E. II ‘ uv24Btj LivißYfiffl mm 15 USI JM ESS. -/j I GRIER 4 MASTERSON ’ HAVING PURCHASED TIIE EXTENT SIVE AND CENTRAL LIVERY STABLES, Long occupied by MASON & DIBBLE, C<>rJ 1 uer of Mulberry and Third sts. Macon, j J I * TITH all the stock and equipment of the conce :i v v are now prepared to accommodate the pubic j in the various branches of their business, 011 the mud reasonable terms, For Cash Only. and other Vehicles always on handTir hire, with good horses and careful drivers. Also Badw | Horses, for the use of Ladies and Gentlemen. •ep!B-tf CASH STORE. New Spring Goods ’ | IHC subscriber Is now receiving anew and handaote j i stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS,] I .suitable for Spring and Summer trade, among which mljr be found almost every article in that line, which he, ji tends to offer on the best terms. Also a good stock or Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Paper Hang ings, Window Shades, &c. His friends and the public are requested to give Mija call. GEO. W. PRICE, . ‘ rn.irl— tf Macon, G NOTICE. ;g£! ICE! IGli! 4 KTEIt Mi'inlay the Dih inst., the Sioi e will opei cv * % cry iluy from 5 o’clock a. m. to 10 p. m M for tlie j delivery of ICE, Sundays t x •epteu, when the Store will : lie open from ft o’cloek to S o’clock, a. in., and in*rises I of sickness calls will be attended to at any time, E. D. WILLIAMS, Aged. marl-fun CABIN PASSAGE -. v. bJil New York $25. WEKIIIjY UNITED STATES MAIL LIIE. riMIK NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE WHEEL BTJAM JL BIIIPS : AU USTA, 1,500 tons, Capt. M. 8. Woodall, FLORIDA, 1,800 tons, Capt. Isaac Crowm* . ALABAMA, 1,800 tons, Capt. O. It. Scqknß:, Will leave Savannah every Saturday. These ships are among the largest on the roast un siirpassed in speed, safety or comfort, making theiipas ; sagi's in fifty to sixty iiours, ami are commanded by ■ skillful, careful and polite officers. Having elegantitate ! room accommodations, they offer a most desirnbkeon veyance to New York. Cabin Passage, $25 Steerage do ’ g Agents: PADLEFOKD, FAY A CO., Savainah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL, 18 Broadway, jan24—tf New Vfrk. U\I&IV'.IC’K IIAG\/I\E AMI GO )i: V’S I,ADA’S HOOK for sale by J. M. BOARDMAN. Oct26—tf w |r . . Cases of every style always on hand. . .Instructions given in the art. . Rooms on corucr Triangular Block, Macon, Ga. jAli-H—tf SPRIN3 MATTRASSES. . 1 no YOU LIKE A COOL COMFORTABLE BED IN this hot, sultry weather? If so, obtain at once one sf PUTNAM S SPRING MATTRASSES. They combine cheapness, durability, and elegance, with a lux uriousnes of ease wholly unsurpassable. Call, see and test them, and you will not regret the purchase. For sale by T. k G. WifiOD. mays—ts Next to Lanier House. TEETH EXTRACTED WITH THE USE OF LOCAL A NAS TIIES IA . | DR- <J. M’DONALD k DR. VAN GEI SEN, (his assistant,) will use the above i ‘ r ° r relief °f pain in extracting teeth Tor those who desire it, and would rec ommend il where there are many to take out. Their present style of full sets of Teeth they will war rant as long as any one wants them. All Dental Operations done in the best manner. {sgr°Terms cash down, or when called for. nov!s—tf Feathers. ;v u V FINE lot of Tennes- ‘Nw ▼ see Feathers, a very % seasonable article, just re- y ‘ ceived and on sale at T. k Ti. WOOD’S Cabinet Ware-house. PATTEN, HUTTON & GO. Hjg KN SAVANNAH: g7| PATTEN, COLLINS GO. IN MACON. j Ei )k KNEW the tender of their services t<. J | utih :.'..saioi tl.e Pimitei s generally ol Georgia J and Alabama, as j Factors an* Commission Merchants, *i And pledge their undivided personal attention to the llbusiness entrusted to them. Bagging, Rope, and other Planters’Supplies will be carefully purchased and forwarded, aud liberal Cash Advances made, when desired. G. PATTEN, t J. COLLINS, J. S. HUTTON. August 23,155 C. (tf)* JOHN KNIGHT'S STEAM, SASH AND BLIND 3d Street, M:\con, Ga Il'AVlNGbeen burnt out, I have rebuilt my Estab -1 llshmcxt, with superior facilities for. he manu- I facture of every article in the business. ‘ aps-2C—tf CtAS fixtures. r *IIIK subscribers have now received, and will continue il to receive an assortment of GAS FIXTURES, (nf Mi-ssr*. Cornelius Baker k Co’s, make, Philadelphia,) such as Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets and every style of Fixtures used forburning Gas, and are prepared to furnish and fit them up in Stores, Dwellings, Hotel®, Churches, &e., at short notice. scp24—tf E. J. JOHNSON & CO. W. J. M’Elroy's, THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. jHAVE now on hand and am receiving a large as soi tment of STOVES, among them, the justly cele brated 111 WITCH HOB STOVE. This Stove has been in use for twelve years, and has given entire satisfaction. —Also A large variety of GRATED, n iiv.iCES, Box and Parlor STOVi’k, forWouuaml Coal. House S'uruiKliing hoods, Is l, ’.sale and Retail. Uoodwaie of all Descriptions itrooms anil Brushes of various kinds, Door and * Talilo mats, Coantcr aiul Feather Busters, A largv variety of ’ l.imterns and Lamps, Steak Dishes, Tea I ras, Chafing Dishes, if. if. ! P’anish'ed, Japanned and plain Tin Ware of every con ceivable description. COPPER STILLS Os all kinds manufactured ai short notice. Also, Force • a 111 I,if i*l tll-S, Darden Engines, Rubber Hose, Iron Piping, all sizes, Lead Pipes, sheet Lead, C ylinder and Gnage Cork Steam Whistles, ir. iiecao-tr _ _ _ FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. ] A SAULSBURY & CO., are prepared to exhibit t j A their customers a very choice variety of entirely! new and most desirable styiesoi Fashionable Clothing, j for Fall and Winter, among which maybe found any ar ticles suitable for a g- ntleman’s wardrobe—wkj.l made Goods kxc’lusivri.y. Tin y have also an assortment of Cloths, Cassimms ami \estings 9 of styles entirely new, which they can order, in the beat and the shortest notice. Iu boys’and childrens’ clothing, they can offer something very desirable, septdft—tf MOLASSES. 3 Choice St, Croix Molasses. ‘ilfSor sale hy GEO. T. ROGERS A SON. sept IS—ts. I H| jaMai WM #lm f*|§l WmmJ v?v ?” ti'll Hr fm | lf|| ffl I- Hpr K* I Hr JPr H m I f ‘Mim, Vh < sm <: fjp Bma ® i 111 fi i• M- LOH. Pws METAIIC BURIAL CASES, faßiammiaß# MAHOGANY AND VELVET COFFINS, furnihed in nn hour’s notice. tST - Orders by Telegraph or otherwise, will be re- SI ’ on<ltd TAG WOOD. NEW BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 2, COTTON AVENUE, I 7 (Opposite Washington HaM, Macon, Ga.,) AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. f pHE subscribers would return their thanks for the very L liberal patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We have now in store a large assortment of Hoof* and Shoes, mostly of our own manufacture, to which week ly additions will be made, of all tlie different styles and patterns usually called for in a Shoe Store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our Stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in thecity or State. MIX & KIRTLAND. jan4—tf Rifles, Shot Guns, &c. D. 0. HODGKINS & SON, Mulberry St. Macon, Ga. HA X i: now in Store, at their old Stand, one of the nic st complete assortments of Goods In their line, ever offered In this market, consisting In part of the fol lowing articles: DOUBLE BARRELED GUNS\ all sizes and pat terns, from fS to SBOO. RIFLES, very superior. PISTOLS , of every description. FISHING TACKLE—ti complete assortment. POCKET and SPORTING CUTLER Y. WALKING CANES , in great variety, With a hundred other articles too tedious to enumerate In an advertisement, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. ISST’Repairing carefully attended to. D. C. HODGKINS t SON beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and will aim, by fair dealing and furnishing good merchandize to merit a continuance of custom. oi-tlS— ly MRS. S. AUDOUIN 1 BEGS leave to Inform her fri&nds ifrfir*wsfr> and patrons th* ~aa tftken the \ recently occupied by Dr. I ‘.ttie, aAVTwCM&IraH immediately between Meis. Bostick ... ■‘‘'feC’- & Kein and the New York St-?re, on ‘ii\y*'TfrisSu ot,on Avenue, where she is now , ie ]>ared to show one of the handsomest JA ’ and most carefully selected stocks ever i*W offered in this market, comprising in A, m jart, the following articles: f\ f v \ F It F. \c II FA TIER N BOK \ every variety, VELVETS, SILKS, STRAWS, and Hair of all the newest and most desirable styles, Head Dresses, Caps I3ridal ‘Wrcatlis, French Flowers of every new style, Feathers, Ribbons, Laces ami Fan broideries, Hair Braids, Wigs and Plats, atj.l a full assortment of Fancy Articles, all of which she offers low for cash, Thankful for past favors, she solicits a continuance of the same. sep27—tf Hew Millinery For OCTOBEp 1006. Mits. HOH la AND would inform her friends and customers that al e has removed to the build ing known as the “Arcade,” two doors above Parker's Fancy Dry Goods Store, where she is now opening , Fall Fashions, dtSffiembracing every variety of Velvet, Chkn -1&T ille, Dark and Light Straw, English and A French Hats and Bonnets, to which she invites the attention of buyers, feeling confident that In price or quality they cannot be surpassed. Also, every variety of pattern In Cloaks, Shawls and Talmas, Chine, Plush and Brocaded Robes, Rich and Elegant Bridal Robes and Frils, Point, IToniton and Maltese Lack Setts, in black and white. French Embroidery In Setts, from $2,50 to $15,00. Crape Setts, Collars of every price, Hair In Braids, Curls urn! WamUmiT Corsets, Skirts, Ac. Ac. # **Milliners supplied with Pattern Hats and Head Dresses. . . .Mantillas made to order at the shortest notice. 00t25-tf FINE FURNITURE. If A 1 N E Parlor Setts, Rose I? Wood, Mahogany and 1 Georgia Walnut Furniture. Bonk Oases, i Arm, Rocking, Nurse, f. ew | ing, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Plush, Bro | catel,Cane, Split Bottom,and every kind of Chairknown j to the trade. BEDSTEADS. Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, Beaeh, Gum, j e., High, Low, French and Cottage. I Wadrobes of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut and I Pine. Safes of all Patterns. Tables. Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Pine, Extension Folding j Leaf, Square, Round, Ac. Mattresses of Hair, Cotton, Moss and Patent Bpring. Feather Beds, Pillars and Bolsters. Fine Mirrors, common Looking Glasses, Looking Glass ! Plates, Picture Glass. I Window Shades and Fine Cornices. Buckets,Tubs, Dippers, Brooms, Brush Brooms, Feath er Dusters, Foot Matts, Ac. for sale on the most reason able terms. Lumber taken in exchange, or Lumber made up in the most fashionable styles of Furniture to order. We have one of the largest Stocks of FINE FURNI TURE in the State, and we are constantly manufac turing, and wish to soli. Cali and see us. irU-ly T. AG. WO 3D. To Rent. SEVERAL rooms, also the Garden and Stables of the House owned by Mr. Philip Lamar, a few doors below the Store of Mr. Ayres. Enquire at the Btore of M. A. HOWLAND. I febT-tf ■PBN'S HOTEL. MACON, Ga. undersigned, grateful for the very liberal pat- Wu ronnge which he has enjoyed since the opening of his New Hotel, is happy to inform his friends and the travelling public generally, that he has recently made large improvements and attractions in his establishment, which he flatters himself will contribute greatly to the accommodation and satisfaction of his guests. He is gratified tn announce that he has secured the services of MR. JAMES GRIFFIN* long and favora bly known to the public as the Proprietor of the Dinner and Supper House at the Ninety Mile Station, on the Central Rail Road. Travellers will do well to Remember that this House is located immediately opposite the PASSENGER DEPOT, and sufficiently near the business part of the city, and by patronizing Brown’s Hotel, they save the unnecessary expense of Omnibus Fare, And Baggage Hire. To and from the Rail Roads. The proprietor has recently added a commodious and extensive Wing to the Main Building, Containing Thirty additional Bed Rooms and a DINING ROOM, 100 feet In length. The House ia now one of the largest and most completely equipped Hotels in the Southern Country, and the undersigned may safely promise ac commodations second to none in Georgia. E. E. BROWN. Proprietor. A. C iV n D. The undersigned takes this method pf informing his friends and acquaintances that he is now the General Superintendent at Brown’s Hotel, Macon, Ga. Thankful for the favors he has hitherto received from the travel ling public, he assures them that he will serve them with the same attention as of yore when they call to see him at BROWN'S. JAMES GRIFFIN. scp2o-tf MACON & WESTERN RAIL ROAD. New Arrangement. ON and after Monday, July 16th, the Passenger Trains of this Road, will be run as follows : Leave Macon 2 o’clock, A. M. and 8 P. M. “ Atlanta 5 “ 44 880 “ Arrive at Macon 10.50 44 4 4 9 44 44 Atlanta 7.80 44 4 4 8 8 0 44 Passengers wishing to go over the Western k Atlantic Road without detention, will take the 2 A. M. Train from Macon. Passengers by the 8 P. M. Train will lie over night In Atlanta. Passengers from the Central Road by either Train will have have no detention in Macon. EMERSON FOOTE, july 14 ts Superintendent. iimiliiiToli! fIIHE Subscriber respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen arriving in Macon, that he has made extensive improvements in DYEING AND SCOURING, In keeping pace with the increasing facilities of the bu siness, and would say to them, that he is prepared to RENOVATE CLOTHING of every description, in the most beuutifuland durable style; such as WOOLEN CLOTHS HiF AND OTHER DESCRIPTIONS OP GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL, 1 SILKS, COTTONS, SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS OK EVERY CLASS FOR TIIE LADIES. White Crape Shawls ARE BLEACHED AND DYED TO ORDER. Silk Dresses, Satins,- Mkrinoes, Alpacas, Hoisery, Hats, Bonnets, Cloaks, Over Coats, Carpets, Rcgs, etc. Dyed in a style unsurpassed in any respect by any slm liar establishment in the country. Gentlemen anil liadlco sending OooXaA o thlc F.atah. lishment will please have them labelled ) with their di rections accompanying, a good assortment of fine trimmings Tor coats, pants and vests, always on hand. House located West of the New York (Branch Store, known by the name of the “OLD VIRGINIA DYE-HOUSE.” All Goods must be paid for at the Shop before deliv ery. JOHN C. CURTIS. P. 9.—Ladies are reminded that it is not necessary to rip the skirts of Dresses intended to be dyed, or to take the braiding or fringe off of Capes and Mantillas. Goods sent by Hamden’s Express, from all parts of the country will meet with prompt attention, and be forwarded accordingly. J. 0. C. apr26—tf dNBW FURNITURE. rpilE subscriber has just received, I_ and will continue to receive from the the best New York manufacturers, a large and hand*- some assortment of the latest styles FIRMTIRE, CHAIRS, &C. He also manufactures Furniture of the very best workmanship, and at fwFWmrjlSw thelowes market prices. The fellow ing list comprises apart of the arti cles always on hand : Sofas, ix Tete-a-tete, Rocking chairs of every style, * Parlor chairs, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane seat chairs, Office and Window chairs, Cottage chairs, Bedsteads from $5 to SIOO. Side Boards, Wash stands, Corner stand®, Wardrobes, Safes, Bureaux—Mahogany, Walnut and Rose Wood. Dining Tables, Folding and Plain Tables, Centre and Side Tables, Couches, Trunnell Bedsteads^ Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Book cases, Hat stands, Looking Glasses, P Childrens’carriages and cabs, Window shades, Feather dusters, Curled hair and cotton Mattrasses. - B. F, ROSS, DR. G. M’DONALD, O F X T Is T. WOULD again thank the citisens ol Macon and vicinity for their kind pa- While he keeps fully posted on the iTa hmt'V.Vuh or th /iay, he cannot recommend “, i“, '* “5* is ““w- AstotheGutta Percha work which is atti acting some atiantion he will simnlv snv in those of his patrons who wish to fest n iuuubL it iu porary purposes, that they will be accommodated. But for durability and comfort he would recommend for per manent full sets, in preference to all others, his present style of single gum Teeth, on gold plate with gold lin ings and rims, so substantially put togeth<4 that he will warrant them, if required, for twenty-five years. He has recently adopted a plan (based upon his own expe riments) of saving Teeth with exposed nerves, without destroying the nerve, thereby preserving the vitality and eolor of the tooth, and which has proved astonishingly successful. r mayl7—ly T. C. NISBET, FOUNDER AND MACHINIST. MACON, GEORGIA. (SUCCESSOR TO NISBET AND LEVY.) THE undersigned continues to furnish, at the old stand, Steam Engines and Boilers, Upright and Circular, Saw Mills, Bark and Sugar Mills, Gin and Mill Gear, Water Wheels, Plates and Balls, and Castings, and Machinery In general. Particular attention Is call ed to a Wrought Iron Cotton Screw, for pressing Cot. ton, which Is believed to be a cheaper and better article than any In ute ; also to the Sugar Mills with Wrought Spindles, the only kind which can be Insured against breaking. The price of ordinary Castings will be 4 cts. per lb. when paid on the delivery of the Castings at the Shop. T. C. NIBBET. aug 2—ts . New Candy Factory,and BAKERY. ORNAMENTED Cake, and Plain, supplied to Families Weddings and Parties,according to order. ALSO,— Candyby the Box, (assorted foi Merchants,) of the best quality, warranted, and at the lowest prices. Orders for the above or for Drugs, Garden Seeds, Nuts Fruits, Ac. promptly attended toby J. H. A W. B. ELLIS, ttY—tf Cherry Itrtst, Masts, 4*.