The daily citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-1857, July 07, 1857, Image 3

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■RIVALS AT BROWN'S HOTEL. v MACON, July 0, 17. endrick. Anguflto, W ft Wallace, Butlt r, WJ T Lumnden, Moron, (.’ P Craw font, Amc-rlotM, K .1 Harris, Thoinuswlil®, M L Pjitterwon, Columbus, jT H Baxter, Gu. B R Smith, Indy drsvt. Dough- J H Gatewood, KutoutFm, orty, W ft Jones, Fl.i J f Holmes, Ainericus, A 11 Sheppard, Columbus, S F Stout 6c ladv, Eufunln, Ala f, Hoes#, Butler, ft £ Bothweli A I'aiully, Gn T il Haines, lady A svt. Tul-A I’ooser, Houston, notion, W R Rockmore, Buena Vista, Mrs Kina and svt. Atlanta, R J Tvner. Paw-on, Master King, do M Tiller, Lee, B F Origin, (ia W W Mays. Pulaski, C Lining, .Jackson, C Babbett, Baltimore, M l. S Plnitin-, Houston, K Loftln, N O W D Graham, (,ru K Bothweli, Pooly, J !• yeoman, Butts, W C Harris Philad. W M Petty, Lee, E I) Newton, Athens, y< H Tanner, Butts, 1* R Hambrick, N 1 R C Hardle, Motv.u, ,1 A .Tones, Columbus. AG Green, do W H Lawson, do J Beasley, do SO Ripley, Ga K Tarver, do J A ftalby A *vt., ft C H J Dnnfnrth, GrUwoldvllle, AII Salbv, do 1* N Austin, Ft Valiev, C T Ilurvcy, do T J Barkwell Pulaski . Miss Loudfold, do W B R#evts,do MARR I E D , On tbft flth Inst, bv Rev. Lewis Solomon, Mr. Romaldo R. Whitehead, to Mnt.Suwut Ballard, all of Twlgggs co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Election for Alderman. AN election will be held at Council Olmptha-, or. MONDAY. JULY lfirr, betwgeen thehouraof# a. m. snd4p m. fur Alderman, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Aid. Strohecker. Per order. RICHARD CURD, C. C. july6d-td WE are authorised to announce the name of HENRY L. JEWETT, as a candidate for AhWnuan, to fill the vacancy nccßsiom-d by the resig nation of Aid. Strohecker. MANY VOTERS, july6 d-td are authoriaedto announce HENRY M. *rCX NORTH, a candidate for Alderman, favorable o the const ruction of Water Work*, and op. posed to the erection of new City Hall and Market Hou r hh contemplated by a small majority of the pro nt City Council. VOX POPULI. rm G-raefenberg Medicines ARE well known and eagerly lought for throughout j the whole Continent of America. NEVER BEFORE their introduction could any aeries i of popular remedies be found that were equal to’ any c- i mergoncy.that were always to be relied on, and were j within the reach of the poorest person! NEVER BEFORE the GraMenberg Pills, could you ob. 1 tain for 45c. a certain remedy for BiUious DLeaies, Li ter Complaints, Dyspepsia, Cosiivencss and Asthma. NEVER BE ORE this Fever and Ague rem dy, cculd • anything be found that cured all cases of Chills and Pe- ! Ter for 50c. NEVER BEFORE the Green Mountain Ointment was i th-re to be found for 25c. any Immediate cure for Berne, Bruges, Cuts, old Sores, Erysipelas and Inflammations, either external or internal. NEVER BEFORE Marshall's Uterine Op tholkon. was | Falling of the Womb and other Uterine Diseases found { to he curable. Now, ten ca o ?* out of twelve are cured i by this medicine. I r any physician supposes that this is merely a I qinck remedy, we would reply, “that it i6 prepared by ( Dr. Pomery, of Utica, a wealthy and old physician of the 1 Aloputhlc school...that we will furnish any reputable ! physician any q lantlty of it gratuitously to :*-st its j ift on htpatients; and furthermore, by writing to Dr. Pomery, he can be furnished with its component parts. ; It is the greatest blessing to the female sex that the ct- \ euce of medicine has discovered In a century. NEVER BEFORE the Grsafenberg Dysentery Syrup was there a certain remedy for Bloody Flux, Dysentery. Diarrhoea or Cholera—now, all can be cured In a few , hours. NEVER BEFORE the introduction of the Children’s Panacea, could the mother feel the life of her b .be ‘ for a day, while under 5 years of age. Youthful diseases ‘ and strong medicines carried them off— now, this medi- j clue cures them, even after the doctor and nurses hate : pronounced their cases hopeless Price only 50c. NEVER BEFORE was any Tonic Bitters so popular ! 9the Health Bitters that eost 26c. Why should the , world suffer from Dyspepsia or Billions Diseawes, while • this simple m-dicinecan, at all times prevent It? NEVER BEFORE was a preparation of Sarsaparilla, 1 so powerful as that compounded by tho Grtefonburg * Company. NEVER BEFORE has the Consumptive’s Balm found ! Unequal. How many are there new in this life and health, who would ere this, have entered death’s dark ; par al, ifthey had not been recommended to use this in i prefceoce to ma>..y that are loudly vaunted? i NEVRII BEFORE were P. °s and kindred diseas'B , certain of cure. W- have certids-ms of persons entire ly relieved, after Dr. Mott an<l other great physicians h id asserted that nothing but the knife could afford re lief. NEVER BEFORE could inflamed eyes and weakness of the sight be cured for 25.;. The eye Lotion ri-es it. NEVER BEFORE was any book published that con tains as much medical knowledge as the Guefenberg M inual of Health, foa 25c. It ought to be in every fam ily in he land. NEVER BEFORE hRs any Almanac been published J lo valuable as the Health Almanac. It is furnished grataitouGy by ail Druggists, and the above medicines I are for -ale by E. I Sthojteckbr A Cos , Macon, C H. Ifmrwood, Perry, I). N. Austin, Fort Valley, Martin & Walker, Forsyth, W. W. Wilson, Talbotton. McKENZTB A BECKWITH, General Agents, Nashville, Tcnn. apr23 w—6m Commencement! Pictures only Fifty Cents. IpHS PUPILS of the various schools who want a largo JL number of Likenesses to exchange with their friend.-, cam obtain Photograph# of the bent Style at Pugh’s Gallery, At (he rate of .SIX DOLLARS Per Dozen. Colored iLife S’iuO Ambrotypes, filer reiHe MeN, Vlehi i uyne-, and In short, every style of Pin* tures cJhi bo obtained at this GALLERY, in as good style and v a- LOW A PRICE as can he had In the State. WrC’ALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. S3r Rooms Corner Triangular Block. Junejo—wff J. A. PruH KEROSENE OILS, IUSTILLED PROM COAL, (SOT EXPLOSIVE.) SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT, i FIIHE DIFFERENT GRADES OF THESE CELF.BRA- I L btrited Oils, nailable for Machinery of alt kinds, ‘ Bmacie and F irally me, can be had of the node r.-igned. aUo of the Wuolesale Od Dealers and Druggists in the City of New York, and ofthe authorised Local Agent ol the Company in this place. AUSTENS, Gksbral Xoekts, Kkrosenl Oil Cos., 2fo. 5o Beaver Street , A’ Y. XW~ Local Agencies granted on application at above, Orders should specify the description of lamp or ma chinery for which the oil lfl wanted. y June 5- ts . K O’TICE. I WISH to hire. Unuied lately, a good COOK, WAMItiK and iRONER, until Ist Oct. W. A.COLLINS. at G T Roger* & Son, cortordd and Cherry St; July2—6t llSTililijMETi!: Joseph Tooke, Son and so., Having formed a erv-partnership with Iv'lr. Isaac Winter, ho has been a Practical Conch Mrdcerfor in yran*. ? nthc auuf:\cturlng of all kinds of ariiar.t‘9, Superior loachee, f hai Rucks way*, Bugsiw, Ate. Having employed skillful and reliable workm.-n, r.U wotV put up under Mr. Winter’s personal “.tte-itlon. f - ur s n<- ->■ tion to build work In Style, \eatmas and DurabiUty. And fully guarantee to give satisfaction; all we ask is a ra’ and an examination of our work, which wo will sell lowo reasonable term*. A^LSID 1 WAQONsVr 0 ’ fOUr * ,!z horw IRON or WOOD *ytteilriug—ln the be-t and thorough etvle. JOSEPH TOOKE, W.M. TOOKE, 3.—Carriage Shop four and nhalf milt* from Pr ry. direct road to Macon, twenty-five miles. pof"Work ahippedtoany i-art ofthe United State-. Agent* for Sa'e of Perry. J Cook—Hawklnsvii;- S M Manuiug—-also, they have a Pepositery In Columbus. , Houston county, Maylß dAv.’—tf CUV PROPERTY FOR SALE I OFFER FOR SALE, my house and lot, on Cherry at., between 8d and 4thstreets, Macou. The lot contai?.;- three quarters of an acre of land, and the house is a large two story frame building, with nil necessary out buildings attached. I will sell at a bargain. If not Bold Rt private Bale,be'ore the Ist Tuesday of August, it will be offered at public sole, at ;be Court House on that ij^ fc TjjuUbna. i. r. Lamar. ATTENTION LACIES. S-imnxcr DRESS GOODS! MANTILLAS AND j EMBROIDERED BASQUES AT NEW YORK COST. ! WISHING • -l. .v 111 (till Stock of hHIMER i ti (JOUUH. will .-’l iom this date, amt until the Ist i August, rv•■!■/ tiling in that lm<- at stri tlv NEW YORK COST tor< ASH. Our obV'rt G to , out f“i ; .to make ! room f..r an entire NKW STOCK of Fail and Winter G><mK I which will be opened cariy in fteptemher. Call aor.n, v.-ui i cun now find Gr. iv Bargain^at 11. e VY. STOR f 1.. \.!W A WITrU'iU. NEW STYLES. f|IHK vmerrslgged will continue business at Ms old Siam’ j oil Second Stnv. until the Ist October, and will . ..min’ iue to receive hy wo, ki>* shipments Iran New York, ail the j now and most durable style, of j9HK in SUMMER UIKHL I ami Furnishing Goods. j He .. i t-0.-i .• oi th.*i • Octo’, or to his NewSo rc c< \f 4 j. J hern* Street, ow-s i-- j,ar ; .?r House. ’ _ E. SAULSBI RY. SUMMER ‘ ORESS GOODS. ®ow PriooH. 1 I-* cl ve out our Stork of Smnm. r Dr.- Good.-. JLc-mi-ra i:>g every variety, w- propose selling tin m at cost ; tor CASH, until •inih dav July ne\t. i . Persons i?i search of handsome r*rc.- (hinds v, ill find the bo-d assortim-ut in the city by fulling on n>. and at Strictly N. ‘ST. Cost, Om ..I.ject is to ‘Oil (‘titfrcir out in that Hue, ■ u< tr V > pared Vor an Entire New Supply, which v, ill be r- r-dv for inspection o:> - ftf.-.w-r >. Junellf d—i i ‘ GOS'fB’K A•- |v, .1 1ST RECEIVED,’ V LARGE Lot ofOli'-ic. ri -; f-.> .. , . NWO Concha-.. 5000 Curono 1) “il. o|v.. T4 , K. HAAt's. I ,iuru-2i;—d ts Ornamental Iron Work.! ;yj’ ‘ I r ' :: 3 : t i v ri'IIH Ml BS4-HIBKRM invtu atuMim 1” llu-lilai ... I .ft, ■■ortmeut of useful and uih! Irosi Goods. r, i-.pricir.r-.:- v -ai k-sos IRON FURNITURE for the Hour and G.r.den, sm h ns ReiUUads. Hat Stands. Tables. Rustic Chair.- Settee.-, Fountain.- - , Urns. Wire Trellis:-es. f'lowvr Rank', is. Ac., and the most complete variety of IRON RAILING to be found In the United State* fir enclosing * - metery Lots, Dwelling Houses, Ac. rartlcu!;;-. aitentlon being devoted to this branch ofourbu sines* parti*.r who mav favor us with their ordeis may do pen; on receiving Railings of tasteful designs a id made in a thor mgh • ‘itit or. CHASE, BROTHERS ,v UO., 883 Washington Street, Boston. J. L. JONES, Resident A pent Junal d-wly—dra Coffee \ i is % Si. Domingo COFFEE, for oak verv cheap LvMP by 1. B. & V. . A. ROSS.. jnneS d—ts GHGGKERY! OHOOKERY !! t“? CRATES aworteu of common and Gruuite, worth itifi. | vj ~ r > “ ** Granite sf>9 ftp bo “ ** Common ‘.j 10 “ ** OO .luted. WG Shape, tJU-1 00 3u “ “ Granite and Con. - ;-,on. The above assojtmeut of goods will leave Liverpool in June for Savannah, and to be delivered thirc in July crAagu.-t.— They are vt II aborted fov M-.-r.-bn: *.. The quality -a good and prices .us cheap min N w V ---k. J wto ci.k -tiiem oat be fore theya. v . i ~ < •rocke ry, t hi an. (ilsw, SilvcrPiatrd W nre, Table Cutlery, and 1 l;e best -dock nt'Witfter* • • *’ which will be sold low for cash o: >■ - Macon, my 21-dtf h. s’ t j.yr- -j- I.graph and Me -f. THOMIB HAJIDKMAN. \ ’ “HARDEMAN & SPARKS. IIWABE HOflSESai AND— GOMBUSSION 1 MERCHANTS i WILL continue to give prompt attention at their FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, on the corner of Rd and Poplar Streets, to all bvifllnet* committed to their charge. With their thank3 for past fa vor 8, and h renewed pledge of faithfulness to all the interest* of their friend* and customers, they hope to receive their full share o he public patronage. Liberal advances made on Ootton and otherproda** when required. Planter’s Family Store", also Bagging,Rope, kr. furnished at the lowest market rates. Macon, Angl— ts fileo* A. Smith, WHOLESALE Manufacturer of Fancy and Plain Candies. Shop on 2d Lot above the New Pas senger Depot. Merchantacan get on as favorahieterinsas can be had foilth. In the bus-nens assures him that he can give entire satisfaction. Tie can refer to the for Tier customers of Smith A Rogers. C. IT. Freeman, Free man A M*Carthy, and \T Freeman A Benaop, where he has worked for the last eight years. ! augll—lv EMIT! COMET! EDIT! BET! JUST r ‘.I. . a fir-1. ‘ t of I. IN EM RAGLANS. <5 A ROTE VESTS, Ac. <*. IT. BAIIID. r jv.i; 2—St and MANUFACTURERS BANK. MACON, July 1. IS’. A dividend of 3 percent has thL da v h . declared on the ! Stock of th’s Bank, from the operators of the last 6 months, parable to the Stockholders on demand. , E. BOND, President. Inlv3—lt j napevscopvit 50BTH WESTERN R. HOAD. OM and utter Monday, J - nc SO, f.rr.: vv-;) i a ! vv-ntmV {.Vn, i:> Station, v/ll v i ! ?,-TIT-: : .flea'of Al>* .ny. OEO. tv . ADAMS, j SPECIAL TRAIN j ‘TO THE MIIiITARI’ ENCAMP- | MENT AT Jyl illsdge vi 11© . VTRAI’ v-ill leave tiiePaseonger Depot in tills Cftv nr. ll . f ... < i t:.e sth pi ox. at ij o'clock A. M.. for Mil. LEDGK\ ILL E, and r* turn the same da", leaving M'*:U-!*r<- vlDo at V P. M. HJC’FARE 09 i go and return. VM- M. WAI *1.2, - WHKKLHH Al W ILSOYri <Vlt*bm?ed SJvWIM. MACHIAKN r -V- by J. B. w. A. ROS-. j jur.efi cl—ts I 3W"Clty papers copy T. B Clarke, OKXER.iI PRODUCE, GROGERY AND !Commission Merchant, KVOXVIMJJ, TIiVV. J u<i W—IJU SOOTH WESTERN . RBAI3. ON and after Sunday, July 6th, the 2 a. in. Train from Macon, and the i p. in. TmUi iroui Columbus, will be jjuspeurted on Sunday*. All other Trains will run dally a* hUmmi. oso -Si^eL, Western Land.. 1 M ILL .svli.a-half, or all of mv Interest In Texas tand, t (Ten thotmnU Acres). ’ Tlu-si- Lauds 110 on tin- Rio Frio, and the VVrdinuli-.-. Rivers, they are UMuted in tlu-be-t part of the state for Stock r.d.s lug. and the larger pa- r t .f tfieui are said to be as rich a- any Lands In I exas. I lie tit]. - ; -r.- j... J , „ , . . A. H. BHiPHERD, ,luueJ4-dA\v Its (hdumbu.. : ARTHUR'S AIR TIGHT SELF SEALING CANS Hi JARS, TIIFA an Ju* l the art i. 1 ? that every family vnnt.s. They J. have been i ‘od lortwn on- wih the rn.-Ht perfe --t a?, t complete sacr>. W. .1. McKrjlOY. may 14 n.v*v -’ Boltina: Cloths. . DfTv'H AWHOU nODTIMI CT.f/i iI.-= dlT.r-r., T .'m- I*crs, |vi,-i TCC \ .'ftanu; g,t. ‘ 1.,- ,p by _ J. !<■■’ u,A Kr.s.e Preserving Kettles. it. . t’ornt. ..-itlon Kuu- > fin- ma i juncia—tf NATHAN WEED. 33. WISE JIST ItKCEIVED BY STEAMER.! MASSES’S O’ JVX inutes’ Pate xit | Ice Cream Freezer, J Wlß'j? MBIT COVERS, SILVER PLATED Xoo Piteliei’e, tfco. r* - %'eiK eri>.- i"2,(H)O - .inncb.H’ I;’ UMinmau Rivs si.n.K. Os Meal Estate. BY viilu- of a*; or.i ■iV r,\ ,;.r- H • . ic the Ominary of HIM* coun'v : will o ..old het-'-rc tt.r Couii lie-use door In Bfhbcounty, the rhTu* v• • . ->i t!,r f.Mow ■ • 1 . .1- i, • 1 . ... • • (*• -nl.fining one acre, more or ies-, tin- n • h:ut'l “Tciv-t li t N’ . t I’c.ur hloek <1 o> eight; n, eontaluiDg•. ■ • utre, r-uo*-'.’ or Tlif half interest it. S<‘. No. mj v k'■ r.- entef-n, containing one aero, ni.r.o or h The one half interest it 1> t N o. ‘ o four bio -’; *ont?cn, containing acre, mor. orlc: •. Tin • . a!fl: u-.eot in nt No. i-’it’ . t), block (13) thlr* •• ;ne *v .;i ore cr I*’'.-. All of sild i ‘t.> situated In the city .m*Maocn, and sold aslh - pmperiv of Alexander McGregor, l.i'tc of li.Uricout. y, ai vi sold for the pro p of d!-trilmtlon an. th< heirs t f tgi.d •tPOHinc,:. MARI A. MctiKBUOB, I ; ’ Admlnlrtratrfx. j Boy Wanted Vi- .MALI GOLOREP BOV, r.l. ’I to ,*d a V':r.lierr.nd Errtnd tio\ i> . ■ i.r ,of ... (} r --g!; t'i;O'i,. v.vll acqviinied war. c - .- o : ‘v rr •'. junclfi—tf L. F. vV. .'NDRK’A ft. Dr. A. L. Pettee, ‘K' *l3 rwnr 1 m \\T ILL attend to all operations up<.,’ TICK'* t*. •. the it best stylo known to the -*K in Children’s Teeth can be correct'd, ana i*. < . • > tt.-'ir proper places without pain, : ; .. i . BL3&M& Artifleia 1 Tcot h ‘1 IRoAf GNK io an AJ -L ‘• -L ENTirt h . ett, -A hi ;i -n. . v ,gvl uM y cannot lie surpassed. Ji'* Caliutnl so-*. iY” All work done in a workmanlike mann- . w'.D i *-•..( tnat-TlaN and as cheap n- the same stvio • ik • • - ,h ---talnedin New York. J WAli NVarrar.tcd. i f;’ v . sii’viico on 2d Street d< -j >- ■ ■ r. H. Plant’s Carriage Repository. Thankful for past ravel's would rcsp-. ’.f >l!v j -licit r. •• min• ;>cc of iu- tsai.-i. ‘ ‘ >'P -ts Fur’ture Repairing A1 arnishing, riniK l \PKRXhi\KI> w. vb! -• I-” • • ■ Clli-.n, 8. ol Macon ml vi- : u!tv i !iat la ha opcrnal a -i-np, n-:>i i he old Macon i> Western R. K. iby-ct, for the purp<w.- of Rciiiiirini; and Vainisliius; Vareitni'e. Ai! oi>!,-rs. will be promptly .u.-i f.iHl'fuily fiiled. Mso Vavrusbing ot'evprv “dp-criptiou t*e*ided to r* -hort j n.-iicv. ‘ j { fi sbu.rc-of natr<'nagul- rr^iv'• Vliy -.Helled. . , JAft. A. SIMPSON. .Or L OlirLksoales ; / i*> 11 :fv s-rvi- < ins r. Reform Phyniclan 1 tlin ‘ 1 :f of Macon and suirounding j ••ouu.n . i-■ Office :■> i-U residence on cm nor of public Sot. : tfi tl:n< -: found . t legs i Liimker, Ijiimlier/ lii-oi: o.\ nun lnn.onn f.. „f i.cmb-'ii ronS-tlMor I'tnk. SfmiMJr.f. I'lofrli.;-, ,v„ *w-h I Mil (ifliior In Mnoßi, at S W K R D-not. for $lO Wl not thousand fi ft.fcr Having fi ftrrr .r’ Mills on the s'W R K below Americas. I can furnish ’40.000 P. . -y. f;- ders solicited and tided with dispatcli. Address SAMUEL lIEYft. Arnerinn, G” to the care Mr. Thomas Flint, R R Ag’t. ftMithvilh . jun-10 d-2w Ltind foi* Sstifs T OFFER for calc, my land, lying In the flazrard District, B’>hb county, near the upper fork ofthr Thonmsfon Rovd, on tho south side, and t-n tn.les fr.m- Macon,containing 160 acres. Any quanty of land car be bought adjoining, at a low price. On the Farm B •* good dwelling house, all nueecaarv ont.bniMingM, or- M FA’ Ry JOHNSON _ j li\n>\ T . I,\!tl>. Fl.on;. !.Ooooo..JiSfJKi^;>r’’ n? ’’ 500 sinks S'. ... Fl-otr. .MSIV-r;tit Itmr.ns 1 Itondvlngdaliv, and for-aluhv VV. il. WOOTTO‘<. ’ - -jw BOTANIC PRACTICE. ffltiliC l , \nKßiiUr\K! rcvpcr*r.iry annenno."? hiirsi If 1. to the dtizeii.; ‘‘l e u and -rrv,m-l s n;' > coov.lrC as a Practiliosier. Hu Ms had and evp •rlencc of Twcntv veurs In thre* profession, in his own f-milvi. an;oi;gft his neighbors, ar. l Ivc-ing open culled on by those who }-a\v vltnussed bis sum ss In tin; treat ment of disease, he flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satlstactUm to the afflicted. In M.-ands, ftcarletltia arid | kindred maladies, he lu’ rrct . ith Invar:: I .’ • mcc*- —. n- nay alv.ays be found ut FARRINGTON’S STORK, ('otton Av enue, or at his Shop, cn Houston Street, near Findlay’s Foun dry. jy"Chargc3‘v<’ry moderate. A. \TD. COWT.EY. maylfi dAav—ly Macon anil Western Rail Road, G\ ‘4\l> AFrp MOVB \Y. ,ir\E irnh. the Ppg ! aer.,--*:. Trains of t;.> ‘Road will he run .as follows : j Leave Mc.m-.. t sj. re. arrive at Atlanta at 8 o’clock, p. I Leave Atlanta, at 6.16 a. m. arrive at Maron a* lu..V> n. ; m. Ptsscrjjers leaving Chattanooga and points on theWe-terd i 1 A AtianLe Road ay the night Train, will a-rive in Macon, 10 ‘ | .'.6 a. n?.,ard ‘r. Savannah same evening. Passetigcre from h . r.rnah and points on Central Rond by t j morning Train, ‘■. ivc* In Atlanta same evening and con* j n.'ct immcdl- tely with Train ofthe Wastons A Atlantic Road for Ghattar Oku and Nashville. I’assongcrs for Columbus, Aruilm-.d. and points on th'* I South-Western Road 11 in Mncou at 10.80a. m.,and I leave by South-Wet.*, rn Tn .ia :,t -i m, Va>’ rg-.-ra from, the ft.-.rth W. Via. Hr-A vl’l arrive In Ml CCR V • ■ ■ ■ :•'!>, ;,l 3 ‘ p. tn. EMERSON IGOTE, Superintendent. junclL ts The Dog Days, WITH theextraordln-.n-incj.i-v u the Thermometer, during 1 A'. . -. ~ • -vi.. -H I l .-c ,s::ry policy, to proitlo'ur.cit.. ..1 the r i ce.—fully reslsrtng such‘wriouslmcr.o.*-jv c .- •.. ..... \, •,*• Hm most etb ctual plan for ac compllsldni: th? j l ratvstn, .. j ” W. W. POKES & CO., , as they ofKt.VPlfiH >H4hl\<, very cheap, ana .ju-: the thins 1 every ladv needs. Me would also mention to those who in- \ tend visiting llu- M'atcrh.gphicen this summer, than they have • a flnMt.l Os THAYKLLIM: coop-, and a ! •■ • arth..,, .ibsol-pcly Indlstiomubje to the l smlro*.” it: scuh occasion-. Cull ut tnelr large . ‘o*- ma. , yuNIO HALL BUILDING, tunelft—<l ts Wesleyan F, Colleger fh’lHE Examination of (’lar.- ert In the L’l.'.-vav IX'parMran; bchlns on Monday the (?*.h, and endj . u T’. -’ • • 9th of July. Commencement Sermon, by Rtv. Dr. J.. > Bering, on Sup day the 10th. Examination of Pupil •i; (. . Gniainental P, Boniuent, on Monday the 13th. Conrio., •> L.iercixes on Tuesday and IVednesday the lftli :i *.n, cloFiug MU) the Auuual bv Hon. John E Ward. Parent- 6c Guardians are Invited to attend the Examination. VLithigConnnliteo —Kev. Wia G. CfrWer, R*v. M’m. A. SlmmfJtiL P-cv. Juu. a. i. It. ViltMUOt. Me. IB ‘ Y'’ *■’ “■ • :i ii n iff*, V ■.f'.V’ v ‘ WMjwfe’V- i -->’ n Mk.■ ‘'-ft / r , r ‘ Jt.’f 1 -’ V’v;; 1 ‘ py. Kl §M, 4 ark S *ytf •f : 1 -• ■ HBnoyaHNU ■ > m ” V ‘ .-'l.Eft. WB n I r r ‘ “ ■ ■ O am age • ••:<• i Wt if ii WMm ft 1? sf .-3. yyfifigcMyc Hfflr r ! .'- yr.W| , “V I yon y H"’ F-’ WKuwlmß \ “ y"T ‘''TO'Tloiuil f;-i J,t ’.\lit.>!■'.- i-.FMIKI! |tW| . tm.i! llu • wt-.tHl . I). >...t. ill iMB tuty I'.u. w -t .. ’. inpttrt .'.'st.raii^ • IT t.s * nN.U Zernova 0 9 -Sill* !.*YI t sen HI t;’N lit S f, n, has been removed to t’:, . ■- huihling of IK- C-tnip.itjy, coif, rof itl tint! Clt-.-rr --at., be:: us Lagan’s corn**). mar 7—ts TO THE LAMES ARE GENTLEMEN PATENT Os Macon, Sumiundlng Towns r. m chimin & m ! Ekvy. .r>'v r*rNKT>, nuror rnny kfitt yorKj A .S TOCK OF Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods, i Although V: y v ’-a pcrtcctiy now ar;.l of ‘■ the totwt <?w>rp, yp: the Stock falls far I short of e'ftier Htrwart sor Lambert's of New York. a”o mm aoTixnxa ark Flounced Roltcs—v irviu* from $25,- 50 to SBO,OO. rIW suits—at III! prior*. Flounced Muslins. Hlislms—Piain, of id! kinds. Va'eaoiffiuscs, Hallwo & IBoni- ! tM* at nil price*. Enttirohlprins of every conceivable kind, a-d m fiicl a general Stock ol DRY 6000$, To whiol’ v -• invite your attention. t’ i’atUi’S w■* Si ll on rime, h ii January r; :ci. To Cash ri:.-turners a I ledwtion will ho in:uh. early,—no charges for exhibiting the thou sand ami on- Rich and Elegant novelties Gist a dor: *di>dyes ami Counters. In addition to the above Stock, wc Imv*. jurt open’ and ‘ ! a magnificent lot of Tapestx’-y, Velvet,, Brussels, Three-ply aud Ingrain Car- ’ pets, Bruggets, i Rugs & Win slow Shades. H*>S£. COLE 11 W & ROSS. ap;t—t.f Bare Chance for Imreslmenf. IVEooaLi.Ysiis.ioss : FO 11 S A LE. THE \\ ELI. KNOWN K.YiLIITV KTKVMf S\SII At KLIM) IUTOBY. Ti i- IPi'ildlugb-. •-'i-iirciv new, andthe Yiuc.hiricrvnpw awl . • u. hesr qualtt v. Jt I . Litntiv •i- >- ■ and has a \\vil ! Ml'H-hfdtrade. The BvLrflii;: and Mao 1- •.• -a"! on liberal terms, with a lot of lumber, if ue.-iivrt. John ryioiiT. may 1 <l—tr \ Moticci rgiJih of H. .L FEOK u tin- da.- A ioiredtv ’ 1 nnitn .l consent. All persons indebted to them wiUfind ; their notes and account” in ilie hands “f Measrs F. f. wJI Croelc.-r. H. K. PECK. .Marlon. June 12, ’ST. J, H. PECK. Umottt- 7<n ‘v* Look HEREi .n r $T DECEIVED AT W. if. McElroy’s, ICE PHTfI’RS, i g'eraxors. ACSTIVS I'ITF.N r ICK < KKiM PiSSIKIMIH * frccEP.Cream in lEN mlnnler. rrcN-rr.itvsn. mi*.- i, ,>m rath was, • A 11.7,1 nv ‘I .', !. v.ix.i: war::. i-lr unis .v s.i'.i siL , EB. T!\. -it. r,- hi.;, r irii> wark-i. > TSAVRKr. ni.fl.M! In-sUf*. STAKE DISHES ro • FKF EK ON- I ANTEKX*. LAMPS. HAS C’OOi ! -* i i m i S, .. Tie,, .itici-'. also, nn Inn.uncahl * va*k-lv ofN')- i *1 iON-o useful t, -o Keehers. IRON FI KNACK.'* , r’O K STOVES, FARMER IP ‘II.MU.-, u.-yr -.r vh'. COE ! i I EF. _l :'t ; • iv. Anw lot of the thi t'.iv- -::i , lI?o., ;'tCl(r ■K . POVKS, tramnt?d t-> pcrfomi v.jl ! | in'*v erv r'.’.-ij’oot.l y. lurye variety of other PnCorm whleh j j 1 will )*o pleased frlsi >v e\isitotner>r. Give inoo rv'l C:i . A • F.r: ;ii *,r tVcll, and Forrc I’tt It:, Yluhr.-?? • Hose of all sizes. 1 I.i'jrt.Cnnper, Tin, Outts Pmln, Bnu* *t>4 Iron i Tulits (if fll S-,,'s.Ri ; i:’ V'n'vfs, s , :ir V.'hii - Arfl I i OTltoHw | nnyl l d.v.v- t ‘ } Maekerol. o onwrh ?:<■. * mapkerw. mwM*. ’ l) “ f Hall ml Ou.irtor bbla. lust received and for sale !• i ~ , I oi£o. t. aooEusdtyoN. ’ ] aprMflr—tf 1 MonAelier Springs Sale. ‘ ! • VT very v | ; , n ,\ Arable ir kr„.v/ti J.s S i ®- MON 1 PELiLjft .fbl amt ocouiiltxl for . wun.l-ir j ‘ . vt * nr ;',; l ? *‘h< ■ChA. a t/yK a?l in?tif’in oTcrdfrr ‘ | 0 1,, -V I fie n!".! i,M„ vo tv. 17 mil.,- . ! W v Si, ’• a’ut 1,11 , i ,i„ . I‘tat tv fill the ‘ ; ■•'T , ‘j J!, *' rTI • il*. ’ r.-i'A Thet!:. ■ 0* id :(.-* i’. vr ‘-OO la. ■:>ot iro'it.i Mill, puti.a j.uui.j*eiline Mi:i’ ml F e-lue ; ly 4 urulsMtu, tiigi-ther with ju-vcml . bulldjim-.’ lu and all ny-*M*ry u-rm„ u ,..U* | tluu.A.or a..i-.igc t'Clif-.d, -.r at Watering pF;*. The Orchards j are weh i.oc oi< 1 \vii* ,\ a;! and variety if Applw, i < r.-nftiv, pgb, >i.ct:irire!*, Aniicoty. /.•*.. dv., wl. : e the evouno.M im oAftinentid with a huge collectilu I Cos ii re h lowers ec Hh.r.ibh-.r\. | £*'->Vr fuKli*ir p&rU.‘u.aJv i*,4ly to . s co. w ‘‘‘vwm W y.:* lo.DOtr ifi lW • > i. ’. i. p UmCCTm > ’*i .iii.; i-’ -its IBBgn •j•< ./•u!fn#law>!H . r .VH . ty > MANL'FACTURiS eten sml !>..:■• :-:•■ tr* TOMB-fTONK.', Ml r 1 *i SbAliP. Etc., int rem| from Cotton Avenue, to the coil direct, a short distnree South oi \V;!'*ho use. janl—ljr RA H K i) H£ VW ; a . f A'gif-s *f in/ !Lt.” ::d 1 > Mi:.l tor s ANDREWS* JOB (HIMU ‘ j iiVirT-t? Cur. Sil uml i: IMFIY lit sfiiß : r VilHl. sul.soriber 1 r’> ve to inform the public U his ST A I.LE, on Po: 1 ib Street, direc fly opposite iwß ! Coiaraoii Passenger Depot, ™ | \nd rithin ■ short ili.ntnnrc of rpOWN' MOTr |. , j s ndvr well supplied wit'i HOHSES and VEHICLE! I.uf every dt-serintion, for the ncceromo<'.Jitiot of the pub [ ■ lie. reful drivers will b sent with Carringe* wh*i j reuuireil. lloixes taken t I'sery on rwiHonahic term* i I uprll—tf U. \ LIN PSA V. Agenf. i IMi lIRIMICE RMtllD. . A >lliFTl\(j of the f>rpontors ofth* Macon o. 1 xA.v. ick Rail Road Conipany will be held In this city on t> •• •jnth InM. fr th*’ purpiwe of organizing th-* Oorupry e . X mil itV’id.i.uc- of the Corjwinu is n-q; -ete<i. f’HALLKS WLLINS,’ .LAMPS DEAL, y r .'. iv. ili.tX'M. , v-t ! J AMFf HOI *'\ ny. t: •; x'-.i ii. drin ‘if ■ • • IG —tl k’t r-e ? i I i ; SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. C • . •• I ; ‘oU.. ■ / ‘ / N ! i• / y i Si f y A *+’ j Kitnuirdlnar) ldiiusßi- tu sash FanhMwn j <a !Vtrl:s, .'ouiry, 4c. iIVTSO I r jp;f3: ir-sei iberfcc. sigtiiog to make important altera- ! tinussnd improvetoents in tlielr Store next fall,l wish to reduce their hM vk ha much as possible to uxakt i room, will offer the whole at very i ducei price* for ‘ cash. Ail orders promptly Hilled and forwarded pv? iQttll, Railroi 1, or othi-i wiee. Givens a rail. K. J. JOHNSON A 00. April M—ts j r Ba'<Sl® C-K. BFi2 !WTBL' , 71()U RENT OR LF.A Sl:’, the An* k ii > e row occvpied j S ’ by iho undersigned, ou Poplar street, on the c* *r- . ■ r lyij.-ivit” th,- iv-Mencn nf .loh’. l KYtiierfon’.. Kh;. Jhire.Kt.' ‘ iWasl.c*and Irr.:i*r. P>- w. J i* dven itnmet'i.’U'iv.or'-v rh ‘ at I •’* ‘•.t. Apply to J. A. ; Virgin, or f i HIRAM S*E(JER. * ni*r?-d-tf j PHOTOGRAPHS Price Reduced One-Halt, j ft. L WOOD, W lI.L. •’ :Tin. r M.-.-yi f-, truce tho-c RE.\fT ! v▼ Ti.'in. t’OTiOREI) FISOTOaHAPHS At Oik-Half llio price which has : ly hccn charged, i WhhJi Ulo ,v.a-t!i:m fbi".-on be t'Me'ired in MIW Yoltif. r any utlu-r sh- - NORTH < r StfC'iH. i Th-v noW C")i.v within thv rwtoh ■'? ALi and EVERY -1 HOL>Y euuhave :• P-rtndtat th ! &JBL JS \ Z T**Plot it re *of iie?*ndfd per ; . . } -pir-*l aiid enlarged to any ; 1 *!?.••, r.t the above rat'-s. j ;?/ Call and examine apeeiiuens. Now is vo-.:? time, don’t- , fill ;o improve it if you wi.-h PINK and BEAU : Tii-TL. tdr.iww-tf | i Corn. i aix mrvrnv.n i-u.-hwi vn -ie wTduTinne.-.*-fxuj> ; ” i’.v. received ahd mr :mie i-j’- by Jn*iv2ft and if T. V.OdEHS A- Kt).N*. Yarns, . ii io\vir^ i • IwtXtE&Mok&j ‘'HRnaHHGnrnßn lo flic Tiav< niiig sWj Ms ; * ‘S > •■gsltr.vct-i b.fwm p d* l *• tnut he is liil! poj* f.u• ,r, -' : • a Iff.’ -M., tt .. I. toKSSOKK mat’htiry str*-, ‘ I'XP*2G d—ts Watches* Diamond', Pfarl.Gaiwo, Mosaic. Swiss J'-ilwinjts AND OTHPR KINDS OF •® ■ Et3 ’*•'*’ *d m. ■ 4*. , OF Tifß LATEST fITyLXg AXn BHST OPilill and Silver Plated Ware, OP Palin wTI iuF. Fnncy Good. f..r h ,„ other piu-po.e., Q. Fl,tute., Ollni„|„| ,sjjSs-.. menu., Colt, and other Pl*lnl Kim Cm!,n Fin D.-iF-jerreotyp.. Sto,-!.. Work 80x,,. Wr1.1,;, IL Ai Deskß, TANARUS Tr}, Mllifirj Oo„d., 0,........ iWWft Of’* Oom|ls, Laud CJiMlr.s, Mtlir,nntl,-.l mwil, Hater Ooolvrr, WalkiJtjt Cat,-,. Colias rod, We wil ,eU ou he best terms. “ PIANO FORTEB, Jfijr-a ® f Chlckering k Z„u>, Nunne A rnr*i| ClarK. and A. 11. Onlc k Cos% Manufacture, nllof which will 1-v W W .11 —Tj 1,1 factory prices, and fully * f JkMtSeS&'Jf f - wnrranted ; Piano St, „U. n w * T—J3®* 1 ‘■* SbGi. Fnplisb.Krcticli.and ludl% Rubber Covers; tiitftnr*. Violin#, HuUf*. Accmdeors. Ac. hi i)>.- fin<*Kt nr.i! bcsi uuiitk>i Our customers and i1..-jiuhlic gemrnU.v. H r< ref).ecu hr Invited so cull and look through oin stuck, rr*c |f they du r-.: and *'gn pnrchiisii g Wntrli work find Jewelry promptly attended to aid warranted. E. J. JOHNSTON, A 00., . Mulberry Street, Ru door above the Lanier House, Mxcnn n nnvß ts * Look out for the Comet, IT WILL nirNDte DfrtFCTI.Y I€EI Z XCJ3SS* V. .IV'-" 1 .. ■ • n..i:i- In VMM or A e wltllirtu-taiJs*., \u j>urckue * Z3 arc A! TWO (.‘KNTi-.j. -1-n d.-ltd r-rtiHi.r leK. If y. jU •11 au. W',r.-rn.'...| l i F r; :,!.)■ f-UMI'ANY *h..t • -t.” Ar.-C'-n. Lilt *... .iij.'r Me.] M’>. wo'ildt'ot .tulnrour ‘Sir"L*V < liCIIE* 1 i CI IE* f “’ B *r ‘'"'iter ir: I Moiled ute.n'byT i'-AN? ‘ J S;lv '”""" 11 - l ' ,p -4 the MACON ICV. riti. i ‘imiXtd-iw 1 ■ A - RIJ ;! * MililiFlf HAS iMF NNW ATS-J.ES OF lo© xlofi-igerators, Ala*# lb.* K'U lo mu iu th-ui. I i>V t ‘•*!] *bU mtS Usto. *• A***